What is the name of the oldest part of Barcelona? Story. Clubs and venues with live music

Barcelona is one of the most beautiful spanish cities, which is the capital of Catalonia. It is also known as a major Mediterranean port.

The French border is located 120 kilometers from it. Barcelona is the largest Spanish center of trade and industry. Tourists from all over the world come to see local historical sights.

Ancient times

There are still attempts to explain the founding of the city by two different legends. The first says that an ancient settlement was created in this place by the Greek mythological hero Hercules. According to legend, Rome was founded only four centuries later. In the 3rd century BC. e. Hamilcar Barca of Carthage, whose son is Hannibal, gave the city the name Barcino in honor of his family.
According to the second legend, the first settlement in this territory was founded by Hamilcar (Amelkart) Barca himself.

The chronicle history of the city began to be recorded on parchment in 237 BC by the famous ancient commander Hamilcar Barca. It was this year that he began setting up his military camp on a narrow coast near Mount Montjuïc. At the suggestion of Barka's associates, the name of the camp was determined as Barcino ("Lightning"). Hamilcar received this nickname in ancient times because his army moved with great speed. Barka agreed to this option. This moment is considered the founding of the city, which later became an important Mediterranean locality.

In 133 BC. e. The Roman army, led by Lucius Scipio, conquered Laie in Iberia. In 15 BC. e. In these places, the construction of a Roman fortification was completed, the central part of which was located on Mount Taber. This hill is now located next to the city hall on the square. St. James. The Romans named the city Colonia Faventia Giulia Augusta Pia Barcino. It was a small settlement in contrast to neighboring Tarraco, which is now called Tarragona. Time passed and the city became richer and more significant. Its convenient location and excellent harbor played a role in this. Here they started minting their own coins. Some of them have survived to this day. Ancient fortifications in the form of ruins in this moment located in the city. The Roman layout can be seen on the map of the city center in the Gothic Quarter. St. Paradis is the site of ancient Roman columns.

The expansion of Barcelona took place inside a walled fortress. In the fifth century, Barsino was conquered by the Visigoths. Later the city became a more significant settlement than Tarraco.

Middle Ages

In the fifth century, Barsino was under the rule of the Visigoths. By order of King Ataulf, the capital of his state was located here.

In 511, a battle took place near the city, in which the Ostrogoths and Visigoths took part. The first ones won. The Ostrogothic army was commanded by Duke Ibba.

In the first half of the eighth century, Barcelona was conquered by the Moors. Before this, a battle between the Visigoths and the Arabs took place near the small town of Medina Sidonia. Historians have never established where it was exactly. It is believed that the battle took place near the Guadelete River. There are no further details about her.

The Latin chronicle of 754 records Roderic's march towards the Transductine Mountains for battle. His army was prepared for battle. But since soldiers were taken into the army by force, when the battle began, many of them fled, and Roderich was killed. At the same time, many of his opponents were also killed.

According to Arab sources, the battle took place on July 19, 711. It, like the previous chronicle, talks about discord in the Visigoth camp. It was for this reason that the Muslims won, and their opponents fled from the battlefield. The Arab chroniclers wrote nothing about other details of the battle. But historians claim that Tariq’s army defeated the Visigoth army, Roderic was killed, and the soldiers taken into his ranks by force fled. When Cordoba and Toledo fell, the Muslims took possession of vast Catalan and Portuguese lands, but there is little information about the occupation of these territories by the Moors. The Muslims successfully advanced deep into Spanish lands. Within five years, they managed to capture almost the entire territory of the Iberian Peninsula, which became subordinate to the province of al-Andalus.

The Moors also influenced the activities of local authorities. Under them, new coins began to be minted. When Musa ibn Nosseira arrived, a gold coin was introduced into circulation, based not on the Visigothic model, but on the North African one. The first coins were issued with a Latin inscription stamped on them. It was a translated Islamic saying, “There is no God but Allah.”

The Moors, who ruled the Spanish lands, did not occupy military towns. They settled in the southern regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Perhaps for this reason, Muslims did not choose Barcelona and the city did not develop as rapidly as it did with the settlements of al-Andalus.

In 801, Louis the Pious managed to recapture the city from the Moors. The capital of Spain was founded here. Barcelona became a buffer zone, ruled by a local count. The founder of Catalonia as an independent state was Margrave Wilfred the Hairy.

Barcelona existed as a Christian outpost. In 985 it was sacked by al-Mansur, after which Count Borrell II freed himself from Carolingian rule.

Local counts in the 10th-11th centuries declared independence and expansion of their territory to other Catalan lands. The union of dynasties, which included Aragon and Catalonia, brought Alfonso II to the throne in 1162, the first monarch of the united country. Jaime I was engaged in expanding the borders of his kingdom, to which he annexed southern lands along with Valencia. Aragon in the 13th century began to subjugate the maritime territories, Western Mediterranean and remote outposts. During the existence of the confederation of Aragon and Catalonia, active construction of buildings in the Gothic style was carried out. It was also the time of the adoption of new legislation with the Code of Customs. In 1410, the Castilian dynasty of Trastámara began to rule these territories. When the dynastic Castilian-Aragonese branches united, the city's development ceased.

The year 1450 marks the creation of the legendary University of Barcelona.

The influence of Jews on the development of the city

The Jewish population appeared here in the first century, when the Temple was destroyed. Until the beginning of the 13th century, Jews were rich and influential people cities. In addition, numerous scientists - representatives of this people - lived here. In 1263, the monk Pablo Cristiane initiated a debate in which he was opposed by a representative of the Jewish population, Nachmanides.

In 1367 Christian church declared that the “holy bread” had been desecrated by local Jews. Representatives of this nationality were herded into the synagogue, where they were locked up and not given water or food. They also had nowhere to relieve themselves. Thus, the local authorities wanted to force them to obey the orders that the Infante don Juan disseminated. He was the viceroy of the monarch, Don Pedro. The Jews gave up their property and handed over to the authorities three representatives of the community, whom the Christian inquisitors burned at the stake. From that time on, Jews were not supposed to leave home without special signs on their clothes.

In 1391, Christians ravaged the Jewish district of Barcelona. More than four hundred people were killed. The synagogue was destroyed, and in its place a temple was built, where Jews were forcibly baptized. In 1397, by order of the king, the Jewish ghetto ceased to exist.

In 1492, Jews who did not want to be baptized were expelled from the country. Before this, all their property was taken away from them. The Spanish nobility and the wealthy Jews were so intertwined in family ties that among the representatives of this people who were expelled from the kingdom was one of the relatives of the monarch. Some Jews became Christians, but they were watched all the time local residents other nationalities. Only in the 20th century was the opening of synagogues allowed in the country.

XVIII century – our time

When the War of the Heirs to the Throne was raging in Spain, in September 1705, a British squadron commanded by the Earl of Peterborough attacked the city. A month later he fell.

Many people in Catalonia hated Madrid. With their approval, Charles III began to rule these lands, and his residence was located in Barcelona until 1711. At the end of the winter of 1706, Valencia surrendered to Peterborough, and Philip V approached Barcelona and besieged it, but was later defeated.

In 1714 he made a second attempt. This time the long siege yielded results. In September, the army of Philip V entered the city. Half was destroyed shopping district. In its place, the construction of the Ciudadelo fortress began, which made it possible to control the rebellious city and punish its population. Local separatists were subjected to repression, and the Catalan language was banned. In addition, the university was closed.

At the beginning of 1809 the city was taken by General Suchet. Then the entire territory of the country was captured. Napoleon annexed Catalonia and was overthrown only four years later. Barcelona came under the Spanish crown again.

The 19th century saw the Industrial Revolution. Numerous enterprises began to open in the city. When the government of the country weakened control over the provinces, in 1860 the medieval walls were destroyed, and the city was built on the territory of the La Ribera fortress. park area, which is now called de la Ciutadella. In 1888, the World Exhibition was held here. Barcelona began to expand due to areas where previously there were vegetable gardens and fields.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the revival of the city. At this time, Catalan nationalists voiced demands to grant the province autonomy and freedom of cultural expression. In 1929, Barcelona again became the site of the World Exhibition. When the civil war was going on in Spain, the Republicans settled in the city. At the beginning of 1939, it was captured by supporters of the dictator Franco. In the 40s repressions took place here. Once again the Catalan language was banned.

In the 70s last century, Franco's dictatorship fell as a result of strong protest movements throughout the country. Barcelona became a great cultural center and a prosperous city. On the Iberian Peninsula it was the second most important settlement with its own unique atmosphere. Barcelona attracted tourists. Local authorities again began to revive the Catalan language. Although there was a massive immigration of Castilians from the province, the Catalan language gradually returned to everyday life in the region.

In 1992, the Summer Olympics took place here. At that time, the IOC was headed by Juan Samaranch, born in Barcelona. In 2004, participants came to the city

World Cultural Forum, which lasted almost five months.

Like true patriots, Barcelona residents tend to slightly embellish history hometown. For example, here they quite seriously believe that the Catalan capital was founded by Hercules himself. On the other hand, it is very difficult to blame local residents for excessive exaggeration, since the first written mentions of a settlement in this part of the Iberian Peninsula appeared only in 236 BC. e.

Initially, Barcelona was called Barcino: in honor of the Carthaginian military leader Hamilcar Barca, who settled in these places. In 133 BC. e. The Romans visited the city, leaving in it as a reminder of their presence the characteristic layout of city streets (Gothic Quarter), and the remains of military fortifications.

In the Middle Ages, Catalonia became a tasty morsel for warring tribes. As a result, Barcelona was first occupied by the Visigoths, later losing it to the Arabs. True, in 801, Louis the Pious managed to recapture the city and establish the capital of the Spanish Mark in it, but he was never able to achieve complete independence.

A serious test for Barcelona was its participation in the War of the Spanish Succession, as a result of which it was under siege for a long time, after which it was taken by storm and partially destroyed (by that time the city had been part of the Catalan-Aragonese Confederation, as well as the Catalan Republic).

TO XIX century the capital of Catalonia has grown significantly, going beyond the fortress wall, but in the literal sense the city began to flourish and develop only at the beginning of the twentieth century.

City districts

Administratively, Barcelona is divided into 10 districts, but from a tourist point of view, only three remain the most outstanding.

Old city- This historical heart Catalan capital, which contains the most ancient and, accordingly, the most valuable architectural monuments. It is the Old Town that has a colorful heritage dark Middle Ages– Gothic Quarter, stretching from Plaza Catalunya to Via Laetana. For your information, 99% of all introductory tourist excursions begin precisely from Plaza Catalunya, which serves as a connecting link between old part Barcelona and new.

Barcelona hosted the 1992 Summer Olympics, as well as several matches of the 1982 FIFA World Cup. Barcelona has two 5-star stadiums: Camp Nou and the Olympic Stadium (Estadi Olimpíc Lluís Companys), which hosted the 1992 Olympics. year, and now Espanyol plays until the new club stadium is completed.

Montmelo, near Barcelona, ​​hosts the traditional Spanish Grand Prix in Formula 1 racing, as well as motorcycle racing. Previously, the Formula 1 circuit took place in the Pedralbes area.

5 things you should definitely do in Barcelona

  • Enjoy the amazing water extravaganza, complemented by a spectacular light show that plays out every evening for all visitors to the singing fountains at the foot of the Montjuic hill.
  • Take a walk through the quiet streets of the elite Pedralbes quarter and see that the passion for demonstrating their financial superiority is not limited to Russian oligarchs.
  • Take a photo with a real Barcelona mime, and don’t forget to give the street performer a couple of banknotes.
  • Try all the varieties of sangria and take home at least one recipe for this amazing cocktail.
  • Climb Mount Tibidabo and see a different Barcelona from a height of 512 m.

How to get there

, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Cologne. In addition, you can sail to Barcelona on one of the many cruise ships that periodically call at the local port. In particular, it can be reached by sea from Algiers, Rome, Livorno and Genoa. Here's a trip option own car It is worth considering only if you are not afraid of the prospect of additional costs: most of the highways leading to Barcelona are toll roads.
Barcelona is the center of the Spanish administrative province of Catalonia, which is distinguished by great originality, to the point that the Catalans consider themselves a separate ethnic group and have their own dialect, different from classical Spanish. Barcelona's population is more than 1.5 million people, making it the second largest city in the country after the capital of Spain, Madrid. The city is divided into 10 administrative districts, each of which is governed by its own council.

The city is located on the coast Mediterranean Sea, making it not only an attractive place for tourists, but also a major seaport. In addition, the city is a developed industrial centre, where, for example, the production of the national automobile company Seat is located, as well as foreign manufacturers, including Renault, Peugeot, Ford and others.

Barcelona as a tourist center

Barcelona gained worldwide fame, however, not as an industrial or commercial city, but as a tourist and Cultural Center. A significant role in this was played by the numerous heritage of the famous Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi, who built such famous objects like the Palace and Park of Güell, Casa Batlló, Casa Mila, also known as the "Quarry", and its the most famous project, which is still under construction, is the Temple of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia).

In addition, tourists are attracted to Barcelona by the Olympic sites that remained on the city's territory after the Summer Olympic Games in 1992. In addition to their impressive size and unusual architecture, these objects are notable for the fact that they are located at the very top of Montjuic mountain, offering unforgettable views of the city, port and sea.

Finally, an important part of the majority tourist trips - beach holiday, and in this regard Barcelona also has something to offer to numerous tourists. So, right in the central part of the city is located famous beach Barceloneta, however, those who prefer to be away from the main mass of tourists can choose more northern beaches. Moreover, despite the fact that these beaches are located right within the city, they are distinguished by the purity of sand and water, which is annually confirmed by the award of a world symbol clean beach- Blue flag.

and 630 km of travel, and up to Andorra(Andorra) is a road about 240 km long. Barcelona can be called one of the most important and interesting tourist places throughout Europe.

The population here is about two million inhabitants. The suburbs that surround the metropolis are home to 3 million people. Barcelona is the most populated city Mediterranean, second in Spain in terms of population, and in the EU - 10th. But in terms of tourist influx, it can rightfully claim leadership.

Official language The Catalan language is recognized here. This language belongs to the Romance group, and is also similar to Provençal and Castilian languages. The latter is official for Spain. The majority of Barcelona residents speak Catalan. However, the signs are written in two languages: Catalan and Castilian.

Barcelona people are friendly, like all Spaniards. Tourists often characterize them as carefree, but practical people and at the same time with an irresistible craving for various festivals.

From Costa Dorada. Barcelona is located to the north. From Salou to Barcelona and to reverse direction Electric trains leave every hour and there is a bus service.

Geographical position

Where the Mediterranean Sea washes the Iberian Peninsula, Barcelona lies on a plateau with an area of ​​170 km. The Collserola mountain range borders on the southern side, the Llobregat River flows there, and the northern side is limited by the Besos River. To the north of it, the Pyrenees rise 120 km.

It is thanks to the mountain range that the contours of the city are somewhat rounded. The most high point Collserola is Mount Tibidabo, which is 512 meters high. Tibidabo is home to one of Barcelona's landmarks, the famous Collserola antenna tower, 268 meters high. It was designed by Norman Foster 1992. This tower is visible from almost anywhere in the city. Also here is (Sagrat Cor), built by Enrico Sagniera. This is the tallest building in the city. The temple is classified in the pseudo-Gothic style. At the top there is an observation deck, from which you can see the entire Catalan coast.

Another famous building is located on a hill called Mont Taber. However, Mont Taber is not the only hill in the city, it is all located on hills. Each of them gave the name to one of the city quarters, such as Carmel, Rovira, Monterols, Peira, Putxet and others.

One of the mountains in the city is called (Montjuïc), it is famous for the fact that there is an observation deck from which the southwestern part of the city and an excellent view of the port are revealed in full view. There is also a fortress built in the 12th century. The fortress itself now houses a Military Museum. And around it there is a wonderful park, in which Olympic venues are located and gardens are in bloom. Many tourists come here every day.

Barcelona is bordered by Sant Andria de Besos and Santa Coloma de Gramanet in the north, Esplugues de Llobregat and Hospitalet de Llobregat (Hospitalet de Llobregat) in the south. The east, or rather the southeast, is the exit to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the west it is adjacent to Cerdanyola del Valles and San Cugat Del Valles.

Barcelona districts description

Current Administrative division Barcelona received it in 1984. There are 10 districts, each of which, in turn, is divided into barrios, and those into neighborhoods.
  • 1. is the central and oldest district of the city. Here are the popular tourist quarters, the Raval quarter, the beachside Barceloneta and the shopping paradise El Born (Ribera).
  • 2. located next to the Old Town. This area is important for both Barcelona residents and tourists. Here is located (Sagrada Família) and Gaudí's architectural monuments.
  • 3. Sants-Montjuïc is also very attractive for tourists. This includes Mount Montjuic, which was already mentioned above, and the adjacent residential areas of Poble Sec and Sants. Nightclubs and bars are of interest to tourists here.
  • 4. is located 15 minutes drive from the Old Town. This is a business district and there are few attractions here. But those that exist are worthy of close attention, for example, the home arena of the Barcelona club.
  • 5. is one of the most expensive and luxurious areas, in which prestigious modernity harmoniously coexists with a rustic atmosphere and the Pedralbes monastery.
  • 6.—area north of Eixample, formerly an independent city. Today, creative people flock here, as it is a famous place for bohemian parties. In addition, there are excellent prospects for shopping here. The main pearl of the area -
  • 7. The area is located in the upper zone and is not particularly popular with tourists, as it is not rich in attractions. This is mainly a residential area.
  • 8. This is the northwestern outskirts of Barcelona and many immigrants live here.
  • 9. A small area near the Besos River.
  • 10. The area most densely populated. It is located right on the coast. It includes 10 neighborhoods, most of which provide excellent family-friendly opportunities. have a relaxing holiday, and for an active beach pastime.

Accommodation in Barcelona: expensive and affordable options

Barcelona is a real tourist mecca. Naturally, there are hotels (and other accommodation options such as hostels, campsites, etc.) to suit every taste and budget. There are hotels known all over the world for their luxury and affordable hotels that allow you to travel quite economically.

There are also accommodation options in the city such as apartments. Every year it becomes more popular among visitors. You can rent a studio and an apartment with 5 bedrooms, it all depends on your desires and capabilities. For many, an accommodation option such as camping is also suitable. This option is attractive because the campsites are located in the suburbs, away from crowds.

Attractions: what you shouldn't miss

Of course, one of the main activities of everyone who comes to the city is visiting numerous attractions, the description of which is worthy of a separate book. However, in addition to visiting historical and architectural monuments, there is great amount leisure options. These include numerous exhibitions, festivals, theaters and cinemas, sporting events, unique shopping, relaxing on wonderful beaches, visiting parks, zoos, water parks, an aquarium, tasting Spanish cuisine in restaurants, nightclubs and so on and so forth. In this review article, you can only go through all these possibilities in dotted lines.

There are many beaches for sea and sun lovers. They here have a length of more than 4 kilometers. The beaches are sandy and have a smooth slope. One of the beaches is located right in the city center and is called Barceloneta. The phenomenon of a beach club is also common. There are many of them on the coast, and many can be reached from the city center in 10-15 minutes.

The sights of Barcelona include almost all of Barcelona. Therefore, there is always something to see.

How to get to Barcelona

Typically, most tourists arrive in Barcelona by plane. Barcelona airport is called, and is the largest in the Mediterranean and the second in passenger traffic in all of Spain.

Flight connections in Barcelona are good with many big cities Europe and the world. From Russia to summer period(from the end of April until the beginning of October) there are many charter flights heading to Barcelona. You can fly from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Barcelona using Vueling airlines, a subsidiary of the Spanish carrier Iberia, as well as Transaero and Aeroflot lines. There are more than 10 such shipments per week. The flight will take no more than 4 hours. Flights from Yekaterinburg operate year-round Ural Airlines. In addition to direct flights, there are also many options related to connecting flights(connection in Moscow).

Land routes to Barcelona are no less comfortable and even more interesting. So, you can get into the city by bus, your own car or rented one. The driver will need a green card, medical insurance, and international license.

Buses arrive at two bus stations: Sants and Barcelona Nord. WITH European cities There is a busy bus service.

There are also many railway tracks leading here. The main railway operator in Spain is RENFE. Although the railway in Spain itself is very developed, connections with the rest of Europe are not so developed due to the Pyrenees Mountains. However, from any European capital You can easily get to the capital of Catalonia by train. For example, from Paris in France - on Elipsos flights. There are two in the city railway stations: old, Estació de França, which takes international flights, and the new one, Estacio de Sants (Sants Estació), which is the main station of the city. The European route from Moscow is served by Belorussky Station.

Since Barcelona is largest port, many come here for cruise ships. Almost every one of those plying the Mediterranean has a stop here. All 7 passenger terminals of the port are open to receive cruises. All capitals of Europe (and not only) have sea connections with Barcelona.

Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, one of the best and most popular tourist resorts in the whole of Italy. Moreover, this is significant sea ​​port Mediterranean, large commercial and industrial center of the EU.

Barcelona is the capital of the Mediterranean Union, which includes more than four dozen states. This city hosted the 1992 Summer Olympics and hosted various European and world-class sporting events.


Barcelona is located in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The Pyrenees Mountains are located more than 100 km north of the capital of Catalonia. Nearby are the Colseropa mountains, which are the boundaries of the city.

Barcelona lies on a hilly area, each hill gives its names to its neighborhoods: Carmel, Monterolles, Puchet, Rovira, Peira, etc. They all have their own cultural, historical and architectural attractions.


Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate. There is a dry winter, similar to our Indian summer, and a mild, warm summer with warm rains. The coldest time here is in January and February – about +10C. The warmest time of the year is the second half of summer – about +25C.

The city receives the most rain in October, and the least in July. This climate is ideal for tourist recreation, there is never sweltering heat or frost here.


There are two main legends regarding the origin of Barcelona. The first says that the city was founded by the famous hero of ancient Greek myths Hercules in the 11th century BC, and then rebuilt in the 3rd century BC. Carthaginian Barca, father of Hannibal.

The second legend excludes Hercules from the founders of Barcelona and says that it was the Carthaginian Barca who was the first founder of this city and named it Barcino in honor of his own family.

By the beginning of our era, Barcelona had become a Roman colony, gradually becoming richer due to its harbor, minting its own coins and settling down. Beautiful Roman buildings have been preserved here today.

In the 5th century the city was conquered by the Visigoths and became the capital of their kingdom. Through a short time Barcelona was conquered by other barbarians - the Ostrogoths. And two centuries later, in the 7th century, the Moors came here.

And in the 9th century, Barcelona was conquered by the son of the Frankish king Charlemagne and appointed his own count here, who proclaimed the independence of Catalonia. Then the confederation of Catalonia and Aragon was formed, and in the 17th century - the Catalan Republic.

In the 18th century, Spain's battle for Catalonia began. Philip V captured Barcelona, ​​destroyed most of the city and banned the Catalan language. Then Catalonia was annexed to France, and after the fall of Napoleon it returned to Spain.

In the 20th century during civil war In Spain, the Catalan language was again banned in Catalonia. The protests in the seventies of the 20th century led to the revival of the language and permission to use it in everyday life. Today there are 7 universities in Barcelona.


A few kilometers from Barcelona is international Airport, it is the second largest in Spain and the largest in the Mediterranean. The airport is connected to Barcelona via metro, rail and highway.

Barcelona's seaport has a history of 2,000 years. It is engaged in the maritime transport of passengers and cargo, is growing rapidly, and in the near future its area should double.

Barcelona is the most important railway center in Spain. There are several large railway stations here. There are expressways in the country railways, incl. passing through Barcelona.

Public transport in Barcelona is represented by the metro with 11 lines (city and private). Metro lines connect the city with its suburbs; they are located underground and on its surface.

The networks of city buses and trams belong to private companies. All city transport is adapted for disabled people. Barcelona taxi drivers mostly operate under private licenses. There is a practice of renting a car.


Sant Sebastia beach

This is the most popular beach in Barcelona, ​​where tourists and locals love to relax, although it is quite far from the city center. The beach is located in a cozy and clean bay and has all the necessary beach equipment, incl. for invalids.

Sant Miguel Beach

Once upon a time there was a church with the same name, and today there is a small but very comfortable beach. It is located almost in the center of Barcelona, ​​so it continues to gain popularity.

Bogatell Beach

And this beach is located further from the center, so it is not so noisy. But here there is a very clean and well-groomed area, free showers and access to the beach, cafes and restaurants with excellent Catalan cuisine, etc.

Levant Beach

This is the farthest beach from the city center. It opened just a few years ago, but already has all the necessary infrastructure for comfortable rest. There is excellent service and relatively few visitors.

Mar Bella Beach

This beach was opened for the 1992 Olympics and tourists and residents of Barcelona almost immediately liked it. Sports fans will find entertainment here. The city's famous yacht club is located nearby. Nudists relax nearby.

Barceloneta beach

This is the most old beach in the city. However, age has not affected its quality in any way, so the beach is extremely popular. It was recently completely renovated, so it is now considered the cleanest and safest in the city.


Gothic Quarter

This part of Barcelona has preserved the most historical and architectural monuments built here during the Ancient Rome, as well as Gothic buildings erected in the Middle Ages and Modern times. A great place for excursions.

Olimpic village

A modern landmark of the city, built for the 1992 Olympics. Here you can visit the Olympic port, sail a yacht around the harbor, visit two skyscrapers where athletes lived, etc.

Plaza Catalunya

This is the beginning of the New City of Barcelona, ​​built during the time of Queen Isabella II. The area is located on the border with Gothic Quarter, and further from it there are blocks built along straight and perpendicular lines, with branching highways.

The aquarium is the world's longest glass tunnel, through which you can observe the life of fish, animals and other sea inhabitants. It is also the largest European aquarium.

Sagrada Familia

This Catholic cathedral was built according to the design of the great Antonio Gaudi. The temple is maintained only by donations from private individuals. One of the most popular architectural monuments in the world.

Rambla street

The famous boulevard of Barcelona, ​​where tourists and residents of Barcelona stroll in the evenings. There are many street cafes, souvenir shops, you can watch performances by street performers, etc.

House Mila

Another magnificent landmark of the city created by Gaudi. This house is considered a symbol of Barcelona, ​​its business card. They live on the lower floors of the house ordinary people, and at the top there is a museum.

Casa Batllo

Gaudi's houses in Barcelona

Another work by Antoni Gaudi, a true masterpiece of a brilliant architect. In fact, this is the beginning of it independent path, the first unique creation, the ideas of which Gaudi later applied in other projects.

Spanish village

This is a big museum open air, which contains reconstructions of dwellings from Catalonia, Andalusia, Galicia, Aragon and other Spanish regions where Spaniards lived during the Middle Ages.

This famous monument observation deck at the top is installed on the Rambla. It was in the old port of Barcelona that Columbus arrived after his famous campaign, which ended with the discovery of America.


Barcelona is very stormy night life, which is definitely worth getting to know, first with a guide, and then on your own. It's best to avoid the tourist routes and wander into the back streets of the Old Town and the Gothic Quarter.

Here you can find old pubs with their own unique history, bohemian bars where Picasso and Dali visited, drinking establishments that serve excellent craft beer, and other “eating” places.


There are hundreds of famous excursions in Barcelona from professional guides who will help you:

  • get a general idea of ​​the city;
  • learn more about its history and architecture;
  • enjoy Catalan museums and art;
  • taste the dishes local cuisine etc.

Who is this resort for?

Of course, Barcelona, ​​as a resort, is intended for people of the European middle class and wealthier segments of the population. The prices here are quite high, because... this is one of best resorts Europe.

Video about Barcelona

Helpful information

The Russian Embassy in Spain is located at:

Madrid, st. Velasquez, 155.

Tel.: +34 915622264 or +34 914110807,

24/7 tel.: +34 670848773.

Consulate General of Russia in Barcelona:

Tel.: +34 932805432 or +34 932800220,

24/7 tel.: +34 609306346.

Emergency numbers:

091 – national police,

092 – local police,

061 – emergency medical care,

080 – emergency assistance in case of fires.

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