Research work “Dependence of the height of the fountain jet on physical parameters. Presentation on the topic "Water extravaganza: fountains" Fountains presentation on physics

The amazing creation of the ancient inventor Heron of Alexandria - eternal fountain

Ancient Arabic manuscripts brought to us the story of amazing creations ancient inventor Heron of Alexandria. One of them is a beautiful miracle bowl in the temple, from which a fountain flowed. There were no supply pipes visible anywhere, and no mechanisms inside

The claimed invention differs significantly from the toys of Viktor Zhigunov (Russia) and John Folkis (USA), patented in the years cold war. Who knows, since such great powers were interested in this invention, whether it is a perpetual motion machine or simply one of the universal engines of the ancient Greek scientist Heron of Alexandria lost by humanity for 2000 years.

The purpose of the invention is to prove to the whole world that the Fountain of Heron is not a myth or a primitive design, but a real, practically possible design that they have been trying to unravel for 2000 years.

The claimed invention is intended to disclose the true design Fountain of Heron, at the level of knowledge of ancient Greek scientists, which many scientists have tried to reveal for 2000 years, to this day, without visible mechanisms and supply pipes, which could create the effect of a perpetual motion machine.

Fountain of Heron consists of three glass vessels - outer 1, middle 2 and inner 3, but unlike the prototype by Viktor Zhigunov, placed one inside the other. Outer vessel 1 has the shape of an open bowl into which water is poured, so that the water hides two vessels 2 and 3 - glued together, so as to form a vacuum 6 and thermal insulation between the water from vessel 1 and the air in vessel 3. Also vessel 3 is the working capacity. There are two holes in vessel 3 - from the top, where the tube is tightly inserted, to the bottom of the vessel, and from the bottom, where the valve 5 is located. Water from the outer vessel 1, under atmospheric pressure, through the valve 5 enters the inner vessel 3 and compresses the one located between the tube 4 and the outer walls of vessel 3 air until the atmospheric pressure in vessel 1 and the air pressure in vessel 3 are leveled. The sun's rays pass through vessels 1 and 2, forming a water magnifying glass (two glass lenses filled with water), and are amplified through vacuum 6 between vessels 2 and 3, the walls of vessel 3 and the air in vessel 3 are heated. The air in vessel 3 expands and pushes water out of vessel 3 through tube 4, forming a fountain. The water level in vessel 1 rises and, accordingly,
the atmospheric pressure of water in vessel 1 increases, thus, as soon as the equality is violated atmospheric pressure in vessel 1 and air pressure in vessel 3, water enters bowl 3 through valve 5, cools and compresses the air in vessel 3, and the process is repeated. Thus, in this invention, the energy of the sun's rays is converted into the movement of water. The fountain works every day, without visible mechanisms and
supply pipes.

The advantage is that the vessels do not need to be rearranged or turned over. The fountain works every day without visible mechanisms or supply pipes, and in any place where the sun's rays fall.

Through glass vessel 1 filled with water, it is difficult to see the internal glass vessels and creates the effect of a perpetual motion machine, which no scientist could repeat for 2000 years.

“Aquatic environment” - Look for water where cattails grow. Inhabitants of the aquatic environment. Lesson topic: Aquatic environment. Questions for review: Lake reed. Comparison of living conditions in different environments. Cattail angustifolia. Today we will learn:

“Biogeocenosis of the pond” - Burbot. Biocenosis of a fresh water body. Birds living on the surface. Pond biogeocenosis. Heterotrophic organisms. Species living on the surface. Population of the reservoir. Sunlight. Biotic factors. Autotrophic organisms.

“Plant communities” - Clements dreamed of turning ecology into a real science. Alexander Nikolaevich Formozov (1899 – 1973). In principle, the ecological geography of plants could fit well with the “new botany”... In 1933, Braun-Blanquet published the “Prodrome des Groupements Vegetaux” (Prodromus). The entire emphasis is on a floristic approach to essentially environmental tasks.

“Abiotic factors” - Plants: drought-resistant - moisture-loving and aquatic Animals: aquatic - there is enough water in food. Adaptations are available. Temperature. Abiotic environmental factors. Humidity. Warm-blooded organisms (birds and mammals). Cold-blooded organisms (invertebrates and many vertebrates). The optimal temperature regime for organisms is from 15 to 30 degrees. However,...

“Communities of Water” - How to stay on the surface of the water? Elongated, streamlined body. Community of the water column. Flying fish. Flat body like a raft. They have outgrowths and bristles. "Sailors". The entire world ocean is a single ecological system. In the ocean: Surface water community. Muscles. Portuguese man of war and sailing ship. Deep sea community.

"Environmental biology" - Aerobionts. Amount of O2 Amount of H2O Oscillations t Illumination Density. Place the animals or plants from the list provided in the appropriate habitat. Study of different habitats of organisms. Ernst Haeckel. Stenobionts. Organismic environment. Ground-air environment. environmental condition that affects an organism.

Heron of Alexandria Author of works in which he systematically outlined the foundations of the achievements of the ancient world in the field of applied mechanics. In Pneumatics, Heron described various mechanisms driven by heated or compressed air or steam: the so-called. aeolipile, i.e. a ball rotating under the influence of steam, an automatic door opener, a fire pump, various siphons, a water organ, a mechanical puppet theater, etc. In “Mechanics” Heron described 5 simple machines: lever, gate, wedge , screw and block. Heron also knew the parallelogram of forces.

He created a vending machine for selling “sacred” water, which was the prototype of our vending machines for dispensing liquids.

Heron's Fountain consists of three vessels, placed one above the other and communicating with each other. The two lower vessels are closed, and the upper one has the shape of an open bowl into which water is poured. Water is also poured into the middle vessel, which is later closed. Through a tube running from the bottom of the bowl almost to the bottom of the lower vessel, water flows down from the bowl and, compressing the air there, increases its elasticity. The lower vessel is connected to the middle one through a tube through which air pressure is transmitted to the middle vessel. By exerting pressure on the water, the air forces it to rise from the middle vessel through the tube into the upper bowl, where a fountain emerges from the end of this tube, rising above the surface of the water. The fountain water falling into the bowl flows from it through a tube into the lower vessel, where the water level gradually rises, and the water level in the middle vessel decreases. Soon the fountain stops working. To start it again, you just need to swap the lower and middle vessels. The wonderful inventions of Heron. Fountain of Heron.

The most common method of lighting in ancient times was using oil lamps, in which a wick soaked in oil burned. The wick was a piece of rag and burned out quite quickly, and so did the oil. One of the main disadvantages of such lamps was the need to ensure that there was always enough wick above the surface of the oil, the level of which was constantly decreasing. If with one lamp it was easy to keep track of it, then with several lamps there was already a need for a servant who would regularly walk around the room and adjust the wicks in the lamps. Heron invented an automatic oil lamp. Heron's oil lamp.

Self-propelled cabinet. For the first time in history, Heron developed a self-propelled mechanism. The mechanism was a wooden cabinet mounted on four wheels. The interior of the cabinet was hidden behind the doors. The secret of movement was simple: a suspended plate was slowly lowered inside the cabinet, setting the entire structure in motion with the help of ropes and shafts. A supply of sand was used as a speed regulator, which was gradually poured from the top of the cabinet to the bottom. The speed of lowering the slab was regulated by the speed of sand pouring, which depended on how wide the doors were opened, separating the upper part of the cabinet from the lower.

Automatic theater. Most of the drawings of Heron's mechanical dolls have not survived, but various sources contain descriptions of them. It is known that Heron created a kind of puppet theater, which moved on wheels hidden from the audience and was a small architectural structure– four columns with a common base and architrave. The puppets on his stage, driven by a complex system of cords and gears, also hidden from public view, reenacted the ceremony of the festival in honor of Dionysus. As soon as such a theater entered the city square, a fire flared up on its stage above the figure of Dionysus, wine poured from a bowl onto the panther lying at the feet of the deity, and the retinue began to dance to the music. Then the music and dancing stopped, Dionysus turned in the other direction, a flame flared up in the second altar - and the whole action was repeated all over again. After such a performance, the dolls stopped and the performance ended. This action invariably aroused interest among all residents, regardless of age. But the street performances of another puppet theater, Heron, were no less successful. This theater (pinaka) was very small in size, it was easily moved from place to place. It was a small column, at the top of which there was a model of a theater stage hidden behind the doors. They opened and closed five times, dividing into acts the drama of the sad return of the victors of Troy. The tiny stage showed with exceptional skill how the warriors built and launched sailing ships, sailed on them across the stormy sea and died in the abyss under the flash of lightning and thunder. To simulate thunder, Heron created a special device in which balls spilled out of a box and hit a board.

Heron pump Heron pump. The pump consisted of two communicating piston cylinders equipped with valves from which water was alternately displaced. The pump was driven by the muscular power of two people, who took turns pressing the arms of the lever. It is known that pumps of this type were subsequently used by the Romans to extinguish fires and were distinguished by high quality manufacturing and amazingly precise fitting of all parts. Until the discovery of electricity, pumps similar to them were often used both for extinguishing fires and in the navy for pumping water from holds in the event of an accident. As we can see, Heron developed three very interesting inventions: the aeolipile, the piston pump and the boiler. By combining them it was possible to get a steam engine. Such a task was probably within the power, if not of Heron himself, then of his followers. People already knew how to create sealed containers, and, as can be seen from the example with the piston pump, they achieved significant success in the manufacture of mechanisms that required high precision manufacturing. A steam engine, of course, is not a jet engine, for the creation of which the knowledge of ancient scientists was clearly lacking, but it would also significantly accelerate the development of mankind.

“Dependence of the fountain jet height on physical parameters”

Chernogorsk - 2014

MBOU "Lyceum"


    Purpose of the study


    Research objectives

    Research methods

I. Theoretical part

1. History of the creation of fountains

2. Fountains in Khakassia

3. The history of the appearance of the fountain in St. Petersburg

4. Pressure as the driving force behind the operation of fountains:

4.1 Fluid pressure forces

4.2 Pressure

4.3 Operating principle of communicating vessels

4.4 Technical design of fountains

II. Practical part

1.Effect of various fountain models.

1.1 Fountain in the void.

1.2 Fountain of Heron.

2. Fountain model

III. Conclusion

IV. Bibliography

V. Application


Fountains are an indispensable decoration of a classic regular park. A.S. Pushkin said well about their beauty:

Diamond fountains are flying

With a cheerful noise to the clouds,

The idols shine under them...

Crushing against marble barriers,

A pearl, a fiery arc

Waterfalls are falling and splashing.

We often admire the beauty of the fountains in our capital, Abakan.. Each new fountain. This is a new fairy tale, a new fairy-tale corner where city residents strive. My grandfather and I watched for a long time as the fountain was being built in our park. I asked my grandfather if it was possible to make a fountain at home. There is a problem. Together we began to think about how to solve this problem. When we were initiated into lyceum students, I saw a fountain for the first time in laboratory conditions.

I really thought about how and why the fountain works. I asked my physics teacher to help me figure this out. We decided to answer this question and conduct a study.

The topic I have chosen is interesting and relevant at present..Since fountains are one of the main subjects of landscape design park area, the source of water in the roast summer time, and every corner of the city becomes more beautiful and cozy with the help of a fountain.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Find out how and why the fountain works, and on what physical parameters the height of the jet in the fountain depends.

HYPOTHYSIS: I assume that a fountain can be created based on the properties of communicating vessels and the height of the jet in the fountain depends on the relative position of these communicating vessels.


    Expand your knowledge on the topic “Communicating vessels.”

    Use the acquired knowledge to complete creative tasks.


    Theoretical – study of primary sources.

    Laboratory – conducting an experiment.

    Analytical – analysis of the results obtained.

    Synthesis is a generalization of theoretical materials and obtained results. Creating a model.


They say there are three things you can look at endlessly - fire, water and stars. Contemplation of water - be it the mysterious depth of a smooth surface, or transparent streams rushing and rushing somewhere, as if alive - is not only pleasant for the soul and beneficial for health. There is something primal in this, which is why people always strive for water. It’s not for nothing that children can play for hours even in an ordinary rain puddle. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. And it’s not for nothing that they say that water “cleanses”, “washes” not only the body, but also the soul.

Probably everyone has noticed how much easier it is to breathe near water, how fatigue and irritation disappear, how invigorating and at the same time peaceful it is to be near the sea, river, lake or pond. Already in ancient times, people thought about how to create artificial reservoirs, and they were especially interested in the mystery of running water.

The word fountain is of Latin-Italian origin, it comes from the Latin “fontis”, which translates as “source”. In meaning, this means a stream of water shooting upward or flowing out of a pipe under pressure. There are water fountains of natural origin - springs gushing out in small streams. It is precisely such natural sources that have attracted the attention of people since ancient times and made them think about how to use this phenomenon where people need it. Even at the dawn of centuries, architects tried to frame the flow of water from a fountain with decorative stone and create a unique pattern of water jets. Small fountains became especially widespread when people learned to hide water jets in pipes made of baked clay or concrete (an invention of the ancient Romans). Already in Ancient Greece any fountains have become an attribute of almost every city. Lined with marble, with a mosaic bottom, they were combined either with a water clock, or with a water organ, or with a puppet theater, where the figures moved under the influence of jets. Historians describe fountains with mechanical birds that sang merrily and

fell silent when an owl suddenly appeared. Further development

the construction of fountains received Ancient Rome. The first cheap pipes appeared here - they were made from lead, of which there was a lot left after processing silver ore. In the first century AD, in Rome, thanks to the population's addiction to fountains, 1,300 liters of water per day were consumed per inhabitant. From that time on, every wealthy Roman had a small courtyard and a swimming pool in his house, and there was always a small fountain in the center of the landscape. This fountain played the role of a source of drinking water and a source of coolness on hot days. The development of fountains was facilitated by the invention of the law of communicating vessels by ancient Greek mechanics, using which patricians arranged fountains in the courtyards of their houses. The decorative fountains of the ancients can easily be called the prototype of modern fountains. Subsequently, fountains evolved from a source of drinking water and coolness to a decorative adornment of majestic architectural ensembles. If in the Middle Ages fountains served only as a source of water supply, then with the beginning of the Renaissance, fountains became part of architectural ensemble, or even its key element.(See appendix 1)

2. Fountains in Khakassia

In the Khakassian capital, in the city of Abakan, a unique fountain was built on a small reservoir in the park. The fact is that the fountain is floating. It consists of a pump, float, light and fountain nozzle. The new fountain is interesting because it is easy to install and dismantle; it can be installed in absolutely any place in the reservoir. The height of the jet is three and a half meters. Interesting feature fountain designs is the presence of different water patterns. This fountain operates around the clock in the summer. (See Appendix 2)

The construction of the fountain has been completed near the administration of the city of Abakan.

The water doesn't rise up here, but

descends along cubic structures down into flowerpots with water

plants. The bowl of the fountain is lined with natural flagstone. The project was developed by Abakan architects. Cubic structures are stylized to resemble the architecture of the building of the urban planning department. (See appendix 3)

3. The history of the appearance of the fountain in St. Petersburg.

The location of cities along river banks, the abundance of natural water basins, high level groundwater and flat terrain - all this did not contribute to the construction of fountains in Russia in the Middle Ages. There was plenty of water and it was easy to get. The first fountains are associated with the name of Peter I.

In 1713, the architect Lebdon proposed building fountains in Peterhof and supplying them with “playing waters, because the parks are extremely boring

seem." The ensemble of parks, palaces and fountains of Peterhof appeared in the first quarter of the 18th century. as a kind of triumphal monument in honor of the successful completion of Russia’s struggle for access to the Baltic Sea (144 fountains, 3 cascades). The beginning of construction dates back to 171.

The French master proposed “building water intake structures, like in Versailles, raising water from Gulf of Finland. This, on the one hand, would require the construction of pumping structures, and on the other, more expensive ones than those intended for the use of fresh water. That is why in 1720 Peter I himself went on an expedition to the surrounding area, and 20 km from Peterhof, on the so-called Ropshinsky heights, he discovered large reserves of spring and groundwater. The construction of the water pipeline was entrusted to the first Russian hydraulic engineer Vasily Tuvolkov.

The principle of operation of Peterhof fountains is simple: water flows by gravity to the nozzles of the reservoirs. The law of communicating vessels is used here: ponds (reservoirs) are located significantly higher than the park territory. For example, the Rozovopavilionny pond, where the Samsonovsky water conduit originates, is located at an altitude of 22 m above the bay level. The 5 fountains of the Upper Garden serve as a water reservoir for the Grand Cascade.

Now a few words about the Samson fountain - the main one among all Peterhof fountains in terms of height and power of the jet. The monument was erected in 173 in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava, which decided the outcome of the Northern War in favor of Russia. It depicts the biblical hero Samson (the battle took place on June 28, 1709, on the day of St. Samson, who was considered the heavenly patron of the Russian army), tearing the jaws of a lion ( National emblem Sweden includes an image of a lion). The creator of the fountain is K. Rastrelli. The work of the fountain is emphasized by an interesting effect; when the fountains of Peterhof turn on, water appears in the lion’s gaping mouth, and the stream gradually becomes higher and higher, and when it reaches the limit, symbolically demonstrating the outcome of the fight, the fountains begin to flow

"Tritons" on the Upper Terrace of the Cascade ("Sirens and Naiads"). From the shells, into

which are trumpeted by sea deities, fountain jets burst out in wide arcs: the lords of water trumpet the glory of the hero.

In 1739 for Empress Anna Ioannovna, according to the drawings of Chancellor A.D. Tatishchev, a kind of fountain was made near the Ice House: a life-size figure of an elephant, from whose trunk a stream of water 17 meters high came out (the water was supplied by a pump), while burning oil was thrown out at night. Before entering the ice house, two dolphins also threw out jets of oil.

In most cases, pumps were used to create fountains in Peterhof. Thus, a steam atmospheric pump was first used for this purpose in Russia. It was built by order of Peter I in 1717-1718. and installed in one of the rooms of the grotto Summer Garden for lifting water to fountains.

St. Petersburg fountains operate daily for five months (from May 9 to the end of October) (water consumption per 10 hours is 100,000 m3).

The day of Saint Samson, who defeated the lion, coincided with the defeat of the Swedes near Poltava on June 27, 1709. “The Russian Samson gloriously tore the roaring lion of Austria to pieces,” his contemporaries said about him. Samson meant Peter I, and the lion meant Sweden, whose coat of arms depicts this beast.

The Grand Cascade consists of 64 fountains, 255 sculptures, bas-reliefs, mascarons and other decorative architectural details in Peterhof, which makes this fountain structure one of the largest in the world.

The Upper Garden spreads out in front of the palace like a luxurious carpet. Its initial planning was carried out in 1714-1724. architects Braunstein and Leblon. IN Upper Garden five fountains: 2 fountains of Square Ponds, Oak, Mezheumny and Neptune. (See appendix 4)

    Pressure as the driving force behind fountains

4.1 Fluid pressure forces.

Everyday experience teaches us that liquids act with known forces on the surface of solid bodies in contact with them. We call these forces fluid pressure forces.

When we cover the opening of an open water tap with our finger, we feel the force of the liquid pressing on our finger. Pain in the ears, which is experienced by a swimmer who dives into greater depth, caused by water pressure forces on the eardrum. Thermometers for measuring temperature in the deep sea must be very durable so that water pressure does not crush them.

Due to the enormous pressure forces at great depths, the hull of a submarine must have much greater strength than the hull of a surface ship. The water pressure forces on the bottom of the ship support the ship on the surface, balancing the force of gravity acting on it. Pressure forces act on the bottom and walls of vessels filled with liquid: pouring mercury into a rubber balloon, we see that its bottom and walls bend outward. (See appendix 5.6)

Finally, pressure forces act from some parts of the liquid onto others. This means that if we removed any part of the liquid, then in order to maintain the balance of the remaining part it would be necessary to apply certain forces to the resulting surface. The forces necessary to maintain equilibrium are equal to the pressure forces with which the removed part of the liquid acts on the remaining part.

    1. 4.2 Pressure

Pressure forces on the walls of a container containing a liquid, or on the surface of a solid body immersed in a liquid, are not applied at any specific point on the surface. They are distributed over the entire surface of contact between a solid and a liquid. Therefore, the force of pressure on a given surface depends not only on the degree of compression of the liquid in contact with it, but also on the size of this surface.

In order to characterize the distribution of pressure forces, regardless of the size of the surface on which they act, the concept is introduced pressure.

The pressure on a surface area is the ratio of the pressure force acting on this area to the area of ​​the area. Obviously, the pressure is numerically equal to the pressure force exerted on a surface area whose area is equal to one.

We will denote pressure by the letter p. If the pressure force on a given area is equal to F, and the area of ​​the area is equal to S, then the pressure will be expressed by the formula

p = F/S.

If pressure forces are distributed evenly over a certain surface, then the pressure is the same at each point. This is, for example, the pressure on the surface of a piston compressing liquid.

Often, however, there are cases when pressure forces are distributed unevenly over the surface. This means that different forces act on the same areas in different places on the surface. (See appendix 7)

Let's pour water into a vessel with identical holes in the side wall. We will see that the lower stream flows out over a greater distance, and the upper stream over a shorter distance.

This means that there is more pressure at the bottom of the vessel than at the top.

4.3 The principle of operation of communicating vessels.

Vessels that have a connection or a common bottom with each other are usually called communicating.

Let us take a series of vessels of various shapes, connected at the bottom by a tube.

Fig.5. In all communicating vessels, water is at the same level

If you pour liquid into one of them, the liquid will flow through the tubes into the remaining vessels and settle in all vessels at the same level (Fig. 5).

The explanation is as follows. The pressure on the free surfaces of the liquid in the vessels is the same; it is equal to atmospheric pressure.

Thus, all free surfaces belong to the same level surface and therefore must be in the same horizontal plane. (See appendix 8, 9)

The kettle and its spout are communicating vessels: the water in them is at the same level. This means that the spout of the teapot must reach the same height as the top edge of the vessel, otherwise the teapot cannot be filled to the top. When we tilt the kettle, the water level remains the same, but the spout goes down; when it reaches the water level, the water will start pouring out.

If the liquid in the communicating vessels is at different levels (this can be achieved by placing a partition or clamp between the communicating vessels and adding liquid into one of the vessels), then a so-called liquid pressure is created.

Pressure is the pressure produced by the weight of a column of liquid with a height equal to the difference in level. Under the influence of this pressure, the liquid, if the clamp or partition is removed, will flow into the vessel where its level is lower until the levels are equal.

A completely different result is obtained if heterogeneous liquids are poured into different legs of communicating vessels, that is, their densities are different, for example, water and mercury. The lower column of mercury balances the higher column of water. Considering that the condition for equilibrium is the equality of pressures on the left and right, we find that the height of the liquid columns in communicating vessels is inversely proportional to their densities.

In life they are found quite often: various coffee pots, watering cans, water measuring glasses on steam boilers, sluices, water pipes, a pipe bent with an elbow - all these are examples of communicating vessels.

The principle of operation of communicating vessels underlies the operation of fountains.

    1. Technical structure of fountains

Today, few people think about how fountains function. We are so used to them that when we pass by, we just glance at them casually.

And really, what's special here? Silvery streams of water, under pressure, soar high and scatter into thousands of crystal splashes. But in reality, everything is not so simple. Fountains can be water-jet, cascade, or mechanical. Fountains - firecrackers (for example, in Peterhof), different heights, shapes and each has its own name.

Previously, all fountains were direct-flow, that is, they worked directly from the water supply, but now “recirculating” water supply is used, using powerful pumps. Fountains also flow in different ways: dynamic jets (can change height) and static jets (jet at the same level).

Basically, the fountains retain their historical

appearance, only their “filling” is modern. Although, of course, they were built before, too, to great effect; one such example is the fountain in the Alexander Garden.

It is already 120 years old, but some of the pipes remain in good condition. (See appendix 10)

II . The action of various fountain models.

    1. Fountain in the void.

I conducted research on the topic “Fountain in the Void.” For this I took two flasks. On the first one I put a rubber stopper and a thin glass tube passed through it. Place a rubber tube on its opposite end. I poured colored water into the second flask.

Using a pump, I pumped out the air from the first flask and turned the flask over. I lowered the rubber tube into the second flask with water. Due to the pressure difference, water from the second flask flowed into the first.

I found out that the less air in the first flask, the stronger the jet from the second will be.

    1. Fountain of Heron.

I did research on the topic "Heron's Fountain". To do this, I needed to make a simplified model of Heron's fountain. I took a small flask and inserted a dropper into it. In my experiment using this model, I placed the flask upside down. When I opened the dropper, water flowed out of the flask in a stream.

Afterwards, I lowered the flask a little lower, the water flowed much more slowly, and the stream became much smaller. Having made the appropriate changes, I found out that the height of the jet in the fountain depends on the relative position of the communicating vessels.

Dependence of the height of the jet in a fountain on the relative position of communicating vessels. (See appendix 11)

Dependence of the height of the jet in the fountain on the diameter of the hole.

(See appendix 12)

Conclusion: the height of the fountain jet depends on:

    Depending on the relative position of the communicating vessels, the higher one of the communicating vessels, the greater the height of the jet.

    The smaller the hole diameter, the greater the jet height.

    Fountain model

In order to build a fountain on a personal plot, you need to make a model of the fountain, figure out how to build a fountain and where to install the reservoir for water supply. The design for the fountain was made at home. Having decorated the fountain model itself,

Using a dropper, a flask was attached to it. (See Appendix 13) If you lower the flask down,

then the water will flow very slowly, and if you lift the flask to the second shelf, the water will flow upward in a large stream.

III. Conclusion.

The goal of my work was to expand the area of ​​personal knowledge on the topic “Communicating Vessels” and to use the acquired knowledge to complete a creative task. In the course of my work, I answered the question: what is the driving force behind the operation of fountains and was able to create various operating models of fountains.

I built a model of a fountain and studied the technical structure of fountains. Conducted experiments on the topic “Communicating vessels”.

In the future, my grandfather and I are planning to build a fountain on our personal plot, using the knowledge and data that we received while researching the technical structure of fountains.

Conclusion: The water in the fountain in the fountain works according to the principle of Heron's Fountain.

IV. Bibliography.

    "Physical Encyclopedia" CEO A. M. Prokhov.

Moscow city. Ed. " Soviet encyclopedia» 1988, 705 pp.

    “Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Physicist” Comp. V. A. Chuyanov - 2nd M.: Pedagogy, 1991 - 336 pages.

  1. D. A. Kucharians and A. G. Raskin “Gardens and Parks” palace ensembles St. Petersburg and suburbs."

    Appendix 9.

    Appendix 10.

    Appendix 11.

    Hole diameter

    Tank height

    Jet height

    0.1 cm

    50 cm

    2.5 cm

    0.1 cm


    3.5 cm

    0.1 cm

    130 cm


    Appendix 12.

    Hole diameter

    Tank height

    Jet height

    0.1 cm

    50 cm

    2.5 cm

    0.3 cm

    50 cm

    2 cm

    0.5 cm

    50 cm

    1.5 cm

    Appendix 13.

    Appendix 14.

Completed by 7th grade students

Mokaev Alim, Tumenov Amiran, Boziev Islam, Orakova Margarita

Target: consider the operation of the law of communicating vessels using the example of the operation of circulation fountains.


1. Study material about fountains: their types and principles of operation.

2. Design a layout of a circulation fountain

3. Create a collection of fountains in the city of Nalchik.

4. Analyze the information received and draw conclusions about the structure and operating principle of fountains.


Studying literary and other information sources, conducting experiments, analyzing information and results.

Relevance of the problem

The effect of water on a person can be called truly magical. The sound of the fountain relieves stress, calms you down and makes you forget about worries.

Now the ideas of art have received a new embodiment - combining the ideas of architects, artists and specialists in highly technical fields .

The design of the fountain is based on the principle of communicating vessels known to us from physics: In communicating vessels of any shape and cross-section, the surfaces of a homogeneous liquid are set at the same level .

Water is collected in a container located above the fountain basin. In this case, the water pressure at the outlet of the fountain will be equal to the difference in water heights H1. Accordingly, the greater the difference between these heights, the stronger the pressure and the higher the fountain jet hits. The diameter of the fountain outlet also affects the height of the fountain jet. The smaller it is, the higher the fountain shoots.

Circulation fountain

In circulation fountains, water flows in a closed circle. Their main reservoir is located at the bottom. Water from the tank rises higher through the hose using a pump. The hose runs inside and is not visible from the outside. Fountains based on the circulation principle do not require water supply to them. It is enough to pour water once, and then top it up as it evaporates.

Natural fountains

geysers, springs and

artesian waters

Artificial fountains:

street, landscape, interior

Fountain in a spa hotel


Fountain in front of the State Cinema and Concert Hall

Fountain near the cinema


Fountain on the Avenue Shogentsukova

Fountain on the square of the 400th anniversary of reunification with Russia

10 the most amazing fountains in the world

Moonlight Rainbow Fountain (Seoul) - the longest fountain on the bridge

2. King Fahd Fountain (Jeddah) -


3. Dubai Fountain complex (Dubai) - the largest and most expensive

4. Crown Fountain (Chicago) -

the most international

5. Fountains of Peterhof (St. Petersburg) - the most luxurious

6. Fountain of Wealth (Singapore) - a fountain built according to Feng Shui

7. Bellagio Fountain (Las Vegas) - the most famous dancing fountain America

8. Floating fountains (Osaka)

- the airiest

9. Mercury Fountain (Barcelona)

- the most poisonous

Experimental part of the work

Making a fountain is a problem, or a task that needs to be solved. Naturally, development problems arose immediately.


  • Try to use the fact that in communicating vessels the homogeneous liquid is at the same level to make a fountain
  • If the fountain will work, find out whether the height of the fountain depends on the diameter of the tube

Work results:

We would like to present to your attention circulation fountains.

Conducted research: “Checking the dependence of the height of the fountain column on the diameter of the tube”


The height of the fountain depends on the diameter of the tube. The smaller the diameter of the tube, the higher the fountain column.


1.All fountains use communicating vessels

2. In communicating vessels, a homogeneous liquid tends be on the same level

3. The fountain flows due to the difference in height of water in communicating vessels

4. The difference between fountains is in the method of supplying water to the main reservoir


  • Collection of fountains in the city of Nalchik

2. DIY circulation fountains


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