Why is the White Sea called white, the Black Sea black, the Red Sea red, and the Yellow Sea yellow? Which sea is the bluest? Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean

To all lovers beach holiday It is known that there are not many paradise and amazing places in the world that are ideal for complete passive relaxation. The main requirements of such tourists are the cleanest warm sea, soft sun and white beaches. Just a couple of years ago, tourists went to Turkey and Thailand for a beach holiday. Today, the boundaries and opportunities for true beach lovers have expanded. Tours to countries are popular in autumn and winter Caribbean, because natural conditions in these places are unique. One of the most visited countries has become Dominican Republic .

Why the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a dream country. Tall palm trees, turquoise Caribbean sea, white sandy beaches, mild tropical climate - all this creates amazing conditions for complete relaxation.

There are no suitable words to describe the beauty and grandeur Caribbean Sea. Most tourists visit this country just to see this divine sea with their own eyes. Its bright turquoise color is simply stunning. Soft waves and very warm water - the sea envelops you with its warmth. This sea will forever remain in your memory. Since the Dominican Republic is not yet the most popular tourist destination, the sea here remains very clean, and the landscapes amaze with their pristine nature. Along the coast you can still find quiet places, where you can retire and be alone with nature. Many beaches are equipped with sun loungers.

Service in the Dominican Republic is at a high level. There are many hotels to choose from. From food you can choose dishes national cuisine, which includes various meat dishes, or order those delicacies that you are used to at home. Dominicans are very friendly, always ready to solve any problem.

As for entertainment, you can try any kind sea ​​trips, fishing, or play beach volleyball. Among the attractions, you can choose excursions to museums or a fort named after Columbus. A lot is connected with the name of this traveler, since it was on these lands that he once landed.

(Spanish: Mar Caribe; English: Caribbean Sea) is one of the most beautiful tropical seas, part of the Atlantic Ocean. An marginal semi-enclosed sea, bounded from the south and west by the Central and South America, from the east and north - the Antilles (thanks to which the sea has a second name - Antilles).

In the northwest, the sea communicates with the Gulf of Mexico through the Yucatan Strait (Spanish: Yucatán Channel); through many interisland straits - with the Atlantic Ocean; and in the southwest, through an artificially constructed 80-kilometer waterway (Panama Canal) - with the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The region where the Caribbean Sea lies is known as the Caribbean. The shores of the following countries are washed by sea waters: in the south - and Panama; in the west - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize and (Mexican Peninsula); in the north - Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Jamaica; in the east are the countries of the Lesser Antilles. The surface area of ​​the sea is about 2,753 thousand km², the average volume of water is approximately 6,860 thousand km³.

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The sea is considered very deep: its average depth is 2.5 thousand m, the maximum is 7.7 thousand m (“Cayman Trench”). The color of sea water: from turquoise (bluish-green) to rich green.

The Caribbean Sea is of enormous economic and strategic importance, primarily as the shortest sea route connecting American ports with the ports of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through one of the largest construction projects undertaken by mankind (Spanish: del Canal de Panama). The most important ports located in the Caribbean Sea: and (Venezuela); (Colombia); Lemon (Costa Rica); Santo Domingo ( Dominican Republic); Colon (Panama); Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), etc.


The climate in the Caribbean is influenced by warm ocean currents and solar activity. tropical zone. Average annual temperature surface layers of sea water is +26°C. The Caribbean Sea receives the waters of many rivers, among which it should be noted (Spanish: Madalena), Atrato (Spanish: Atrato), Belém (Spanish: Belém), Dique (Spanish: Dique), Cricamola (Spanish: Kramola), etc.

The main trouble that often disrupts the idyll of these fabulous places, are destructive storms. The Caribbean Sea is considered to have the most hurricane storms in the Western Hemisphere.

Hurricanes are a serious problem for island and coastal communities. Hurricanes also cause great damage to numerous coral formations - atolls, reefs, and coastal fringes of islands. The northern Caribbean experiences an average of 8-9 tropical hurricanes per year from June to November.

Cradle of Pirates (Caribbean)

The sea received its name from a tribe of Carib Indians who lived on its warm coast in the pre-Columbian era. The sea has become famous for its amazingly beautiful coral reefs, frequent tropical cyclones, which are accompanied by devastating hurricanes, and pirates, who have chosen it as a field of their “fishing activities” for a long time.

The coastline of the sea along its entire length is extremely indented: there are numerous lagoons, bays, bays, and capes. The coastal soil is sandy, sandy-silty or rocky in places.

The coast in many places is covered with coral, amazing white sand.

Among the large bays we should note the Honduras (Spanish: Golfo de Honduras), (Spanish: Golfo de Venezuela), Mosquitos (Spanish: Golfo de los Mosquitos), Ana Maria (Spanish: Golfo Anna Maria), Batabano (Spanish: Golfo de Batabano ), Gonave (Spanish: Golfo de Gonave).

The Caribbean Sea is very rich in islands. General group Caribbean Islands united under the name “Antilles Archipelago” (Spanish: Antillas archipiēlago) or “West Indies” (Spanish: West India archipiēlago). The archipelago is divided into island groups: Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles (Netherlands), and Bahamas(Spanish: Bahamas).

The Greater Antilles, which are mainly of continental origin and located in the northern part of the sea, include the following: large islands like Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Small Antilles(divided depending on their location to the northeast trade wind into Windward and Leeward) are mainly of volcanic or coral origin.

Among the many small islands of this group, the following can be distinguished: the famous Bahamas; distinctive Turks and Caicos; Virgin Islands, divided between the US and UK; exotic Antigua and Barbuda; open to the omnipresent Guadeloupe; the island of Martinique (French Martinique), known as the birthplace of Josephine de Beauharnais (French Joséphine de Beauharnais), the first wife of Napoleon I; as well as Grenada, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago; and finally Dominica, the largest of the Windward Islands. Perhaps it is necessary to mention the island of Curacao, which “gave” its name to the popular liqueur.

Tourist paradise

The extraordinary popularity of the Caribbean among tourists is easily explained: warm sea all year round, fabulously beautiful nature, a decent level of service, a wide selection of hotels (for every taste and budget) and a huge “menu” of all kinds of entertainment: interesting excursions, an abundance of historical and natural attractions, water and land sports, restaurants, discos, nightclubs.

A distinctive feature of the Caribbean region is a large selection of various holiday options: each state here has its own “specialization”.

For example, in Barbados English has become firmly entrenched in life. national traditions, the holiday here is mostly measured and calm.

Known as the "spice island", Grenada is home to many museums, botanical gardens, historical sites and stunning white beaches.

Magnificent hotels the highest level, excellent diving conditions and the famous SPA centers of Turks and Caicos attract the attention of respectable visitors.

Saint Lucia bears the proud title of “Garden Island”, being one of the most beautiful islands Caribbean Sea. As if in contrast to this, in the Caribbean Sea there is also the desert island of Aruba, with luxurious hotels and enchanting nightlife.

The Bahamas offers tourists all kinds of accommodation options, from secluded small hotels to noisy, bustling hotel complexes.

And in Curacao it’s simply impossible not to stop by one of the many bars to order a glass of the delicious blue drink!

Bottom relief

The bottom relief of the sea is characterized by unevenness - numerous rises and depressions, underwater ridges, the bottom is conventionally divided into 5 main basins: Grenada (4120 m), Colombian (4532 m), Venezuelan (5420 m), Yucatan (5055 m) and Bartlett, with the deep-sea Cayman trench (7090 m, this is the deepest underwater volcanic fault in the world). The Caribbean is considered seismically active; underwater earthquakes are common here, often causing tsunamis.

The deep seabed is covered with calcareous foraminiferal silts and clays.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable and animal world The Caribbean is extraordinarily rich and diverse. Extensive coral structures are typical tropical coral communities of living organisms. Huge variety and Amazing beauty forms water world attract connoisseurs of underwater landscapes and the most sophisticated divers from all over the world and amaze with their splendor. Although the local flora is not distinguished in quantitative terms, it is characterized by a rich species composition. In the Caribbean Sea you can find entire underwater fields of macroalgae. In shallow waters, vegetation is mainly concentrated in coral reef areas. Here you can find algae such as tortoiseshell thalassia (Latin: Thalassia lestudinum), Cymodoceaceae (Latin: Cymodoceaceae), and sea rumpia (Latin: Ruppia maritima). Chlorophyll algae grow in deep sea areas. Macroalgae of the Caribbean Sea are represented by dozens of different species.

Phytoalgae are very poorly represented here, as in all tropical seas.

The fauna of the sea is richer and more diverse than the plant life. Various fish, marine mammals and all kinds of bottom-dwelling animals live here.

The bottom Caribbean fauna is represented by numerous sea snakes, worms, mollusks (gastropods, cephalopods, bivalves, etc.), various crustaceans (crustaceans, crabs, lobsters, etc.) and echinoderms (urchins, starfish). Coelenterates consist of a rich spectrum of coral polyps (including reef-forming ones) and all kinds of jellyfish.

The Caribbean Sea is home to sea turtles, including the green turtle, the loggerhead turtle, the hawksbill turtle, and the Atlantic ridley, the smallest and fastest-growing sea turtle. When famous at the beginning of the 16th century. crossed the Caribbean Sea in the area of ​​​​the present-day Cayman Islands, the path of his ships was literally blocked by an immense herd of green turtles. Amazed by the abundance of these sea animals, Columbus named the group of islands he discovered “Las Tortugas” (Spanish: Las Tortugas - “turtles”).

For centuries, turtles served as a source of food for travelers, sailors, pirates and whalers off Las Tortugas. But this beautiful name, unfortunately, did not take root, just as the once countless turtle herds did not survive. As a result of thoughtless human activity (uncontrolled fishing for many years, destruction of turtle egg-laying grounds, ruthless sea pollution), where in the old days sailboats had difficulty making their way through a dense barrier of teeming turtle shells, it is now not easy to meet even one individual.

Marine mammals also make their home in the warm, gentle waters of the Caribbean. Large cetaceans (sperm whales, humpback whales) and several dozen species of smaller dolphins are found here. Pinnipeds are also found here, which are mainly represented by gaptooths (lat. Solenodontidae) - small mammals that live on some islands. In ancient times, many monk seals lived in the Caribbean Sea; today this species is extinct.

The Caribbean fauna is infinitely diverse! Once did not exist, just a few thousand years ago the water connection of the world's great oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic - was disrupted, so the diversity of the Caribbean fauna is explained by the presence of many Pacific species of animals here.

Almost 500 different species of fish live here, ranging from small schooling and bottom-dwelling representatives of the fish community (moray eels, barracudas, flounder, gobies, rays, flying fish) to large species of fish (sharks, marlin, swordfish, tuna, etc.).

Fishing objects in the sea are mainly sardines, tuna, lobsters; The objects of sport fishing are sharks, marlins, large barracudas and swordfish.

Numerous sharks of the Caribbean Sea are represented by gray sharks (including reef, bull, silky) and various benthic species(nannies, sixgills, squatinids, etc.). Tiger and even white sharks, which are very rare, are also found in coastal waters. IN open waters In the sea you can find hammerhead, blue, whale and long-fin sharks. By the way, the largest of the sharks, the whale shark, never attacks humans; it feeds on plankton and small fish, filtering water through thousands of sharp, small teeth. It is considered the most dangerous for humans White shark

As soon as you step onto Cancun Beach, the bright turquoise ocean opens up to your eyes. Therefore, I would like to separately describe how beautiful the Caribbean Sea is in Cancun. It seems to me that only Nana Maldives sea ​​water can be such a bright color. You stand on the shore and cannot believe that this is possible in nature!

Cancun beach. Photo from our hotel balcony

Another view from the balcony

Beach in Cancun

Beach Cancun Beach

The color of the water of the Caribbean Sea captivates everyone! And after that, I think people become more picky about water if they fly to, for example, Bali on their next trip. The sand, the entry into the sea, the depth, purity and color of the water are all at the highest level.


The waves in Cancun on the Caribbean coast are not small, but the beauty that a person sees in front of him outshines these waves and you jump joyfully with happiness. You won't be able to swim, but jumping in the waves near the shore is also fun. Perhaps this is a seasonal phenomenon.

Photo: Cancun Beach

A glass to those traveling to Mexico to Cancun

Algae on Cancun Beach


There is algae almost all over the beach, which they do not have time to quickly remove. At first it was embarrassing and not very pleasant, but on the second day you accept it and don’t pay attention anymore. In our Hotel Oasis Cancun beach perimeter is perfectly clean, the cleaners work tirelessly. In the mornings, algae is collected on a tractor.


Or maybe the contingent of people coming to Mexico is slightly different, so in Cancun you won’t see bags, bottles, chips packages floating and rotting in the water, or other dirt; this is not the case here. Our impressions of this resort are described in detail in the article

Agree, choosing the most beautiful sea on the planet is quite difficult. Each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics, and people, as a rule, give preference to one or another sea, based on their tastes and interests. However, some seas deserve special attention, since their beauty and uniqueness simply cannot fail to impress tourists.

Red sea

Many travelers and beach lovers claim that, despite the fact that there are many seas in the world, none of them compares to the Red Sea. It is truly unique, because it is so bright and diverse underwater world, like here, you simply won’t find it. It was in these places that the famous Jacques-Yves Cousteau shot a film called “The World of Silence”

The Red Sea is located in Egypt. It is interesting that the water in this sea really has a reddish tint. Why? This question still remains unanswered. Some researchers say that algae gives the water this color, while others suggest that the red color of the water is the result of reflections from nearby rocks in the water.

The Red Sea ecosystem has the ability to fully recover in record time. short time. This is despite the fact that the Suez Canal, where oil tankers are located, is located in close proximity to it. That is why the Red Sea is not only the most beautiful and warmest in the world, but also the cleanest.

Caribbean Sea

The Caribbean Sea is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, or more precisely, between the South and Central America. In the south, the Caribbean Sea is bordered by Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and in the west by Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. total area sea ​​is 2754 square kilometers, thanks to which it is in 6th place in the ranking of the most big seas peace.

The Caribbean Sea is very warm. Even in February average temperature water is 25 degrees. What can we say about August, when the water temperature usually exceeds 29 degrees. This sea delights not only with its landscapes, but also with the indescribable beauty of the underwater world. sea ​​turtles, sharks, humpback whales, manatees, seals, flying fish are just some of the tropical fauna that live here. It’s not for nothing that tourists love to explore the depths of this beautiful sea.

Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is located between Asia and South Africa in the east, as well as Europe in the north. Its area is 2500 square kilometers. This sea is famous, first of all, for its special beauty and tranquility. It attracts millions of tourists due to its comfortable climate. In summer it is dry, hot and clear, and in winter it is humid and not very cool. However, they bring particular attraction Mediterranean Sea its fantastic landscapes and landscapes. The Italian and French Riviera, the coast of Naples, the shores of Lebanon and Greece, as well as the Adriatic coast of distant Croatia are incredibly popular.


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