Which Panama hat is better to take to the UAE? What can't you take to the UAE? National characteristics and traditions

Resort selection

If you come to the UAE for a beach holiday, then first of all you should pay attention to the resorts of Ajman, Fujairah and Sharjah. The latter, by the way, is also famous for its attractions, as well as ample shopping opportunities. Tourists also love to visit Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which, in addition to beach holidays, offer a wide excursion program.

Brief information about the country

UAE, or United United Arab Emirates, are located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula. The state is washed by the Ottoman and Persian Gulfs.

The capital of the UAE is the city of Abu Dhabi, located in the emirate of the same name. Other major cities are Dubai, Sharjah, Al Ain, Ajman and Ras Al Khaimah.

Time in the UAE coincides with Moscow.

The climate in the UAE is very hot and there is little rainfall. There is no snow even in winter, so the seasons are divided only by air temperature. From December to February there is a relatively cool winter with temperatures up to +20 °C. It can also be windy and rainy in winter. The remaining months are much hotter; in July the temperature sometimes reaches +50 °C.

Official language in the country - Arabic. Many speak English, in tourist areas You can meet Russian-speaking staff and see signs and menus in Russian.

The official religion in the UAE is Islam, the majority of the population there is Muslim. Among the immigrants there is a small proportion of Hindus and Christians.

Holiday seasons

· High season - from October to April. In winter, between holidays, prices for tickets drop slightly, and the best months October, November, March and April are considered for beach holidays;

· Low season - from June to August. Summer in the UAE is too hot for... comfortable rest, but the prices are much lower;

· Beach season- you can swim all year round, even in winter time, although in winter the water is a little cool;

· Sales season - January-February and July-August is best time for shopping in the Emirates.

What you need to know and do before your trip

There is no need to get vaccinated before traveling to the UAE. Remember that the UAE is a Muslim country, so don't bring a lot of revealing clothing. Be sure to pay attention if you are traveling to the country during the month of Ramadan, which falls in mid-to-late summer, in which case you will have to be especially discreet. Be sure to bring sunglasses and cosmetics to protect your skin from the sun's rays.


You can get to the Emirates by plane. Direct regular flights to Dubai are flown from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk almost daily. From Moscow you can also fly directly to Abu Dhabi. The flight from Moscow will take five hours, and from St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk - approximately six hours.

Charter flights to Dubai, Abu Dhabi and some other resort cities depart from most major airports Russia.

Airlines transporting passengers to the UAE include Aeroflot, AeroSvit, Somon Air, IFly, Emirates Airlines and some others.


During the flight, be sure to figure out something to do with yourself - you can read a book or watch a movie on your laptop. If you plan to sleep, then take a sleep bandage with you - they may run out on the plane, and you most likely won’t be able to sleep without a bandage. If you are flying during the day, you can also take earplugs.

Visa, Customs

A tourist visa to visit the UAE can be obtained either through a travel agency or tour operator, or at the UAE consulate if you have an inviter from the Emirates. Sometimes a visa is issued through a hotel or airline - in this case, the same documents are required as when applying for a visa through a travel agency. A visa can also be issued at the Dubai Visa Application Centre, but this is a rather complicated procedure.

To apply for a visa through an intermediary, you must provide documents in electronic form:

· A scanned passport valid for at least three months after the end of the trip;

· Application form in English or Arabic;

· Scanned color photograph 3x4;

· Married women under 30 years of age who are traveling to the country without a husband or have different surnames from their spouse are required to have a copy of their marriage certificate;

· A copy of the child’s birth certificate if he or she is entering the country.

An unmarried woman under 30 may be denied a visa. To avoid this, it is better to go on a trip with your mother or father. If a married tourist under 30 books a room alone in a two- or three-star hotel, she will have to pay a deposit of $1.5 thousand to the travel agency.

The consular fee for a visa to the UAE is 70-75 dollars. A visa is usually issued within 4 working days. It is not possible to extend a tourist visa; it is valid for 30 days.

You can enter and exit the UAE with a tourist visa through the same airport. In addition, visas are not issued to those who have an Israeli passport.

You can import 2 thousand cigarettes, two kilograms of tobacco or 400 cigars, as well as two liters of wine and two liters of strong alcohol into the country duty-free. It is also allowed to import personal items in reasonable quantities. It is prohibited to import goods made in Israel and South Africa, weapons, pornography and propaganda literature. The importation of narcotic and psychotropic items is strictly punished by the local court. Be careful when importing medicines - many medicines that are sold in Russia even without a prescription are prohibited in the UAE.

Staying in a foreign country


The UAE is a country very popular among tourists, so all the resorts here have many hotels of different categories.

The cost of staying at a hotel is affected by both the season and certain amenities in the hotel itself: the presence of a nearby beach, etc.

Checkout time in UAE hotels is 12 am, at which time tourists check out of their rooms.

Usually only in hotels you can buy alcohol, especially during the month of Ramadan. Also on the territory of the hotel there are more free morals than even in resort towns. This does not apply to the Emirate of Sharjah - you cannot buy alcohol anywhere here, and the rules of behavior are especially strict.

In the UAE you can rent a room or a villa, which will be slightly cheaper than a hotel room.


Groceries in the UAE are quite expensive, so eating in cafes and restaurants is quite expensive. For example, lunch at inexpensive cafe will cost 200-500 rubles per person. Eating in hotels, if meals are not included in the price of the tour, is quite expensive. Also, even if you take an all-inclusive tour, the food will most likely be very limited.

Please note that high price does not guarantee good quality of food and service - be sure to read tourist reviews.

Muslims do not drink alcohol, so you can usually buy it only in hotel restaurants - in regular establishments Catering they don't sell it. To save on alcohol, take it with you or buy it in duty-free.

Buffet at the hotel


Mostly people go to the UAE for a beach holiday. Majority major cities And tourist centers is located on the shore, and almost the entire coastline is a well-maintained civilized beach. There are both city beaches and those owned by hotels. The latter are usually cleaner and less noisy.

Thanks to the sea in the UAE, tourists have access to almost all types of active water recreation. This is especially true for the emirate of Dubai with its yachting, opportunities for fishing and surfing, etc. Diving is also widespread in the UAE, although it is quite expensive here. Standard also available aquatic species sports like water skiing.

Except active rest on the water, the UAE offers tourists horse riding, active species sports and much more.

The Emirates are good for families with children. There are several water parks here that will be equally fun for both kids and their parents. In general, UAE water parks are definitely worth a visit, even if you are traveling without children - this type of recreation is very popular here.


In general, the UAE is a fairly young country, so there are not many attractions here. However, lovers of excursions will definitely find something to see. In addition, most large cities are located on the coast, which means excursion holiday Can be combined with a beach one. Tour prices start at $35 and sometimes reach $100.


The leaders in shopping in the UAE are the emirates of Sharjah and Dubai. You can also buy well in Abu Dhabi. In other emirates, if you wish, you can also buy a lot of interesting things, but you shouldn’t go there specifically for shopping.

In the Emirates, you can bargain in markets and small shops, or you can make purchases in a civilized manner in huge shopping malls - whichever you prefer.

Market in the UAE

At Dubai Airport there is the world's largest duty-free shopping center, where you can buy everything at ridiculous prices. In Dubai, prices for goods are generally very low, since the import duty there is, in principle, very small. And in the port of Abu Dhabi there is a free economic zone, where goods are also sold at very low prices. In general, it is better to come to the markets in the UAE for impressions, rather than for purchases - you can easily be deceived there, and the prices will not be much lower than store prices.

Mostly branded items are brought from the UAE: clothes, shoes, watches, jewelry, and interior items. Here you can find goods of any brand, and at a very low price.

If you want to purchase a typically “Emirati” product, you can buy a gold bar (they can be small) or gold jewelry. They also sell aromatic essences and spices, which will be an excellent souvenir. You can bring copper products, silk fabrics, a hookah, an Arabic coffee pot or a product made of camel hair from the UAE.

What to do in the UAE

· Take a helicopter tour over Dubai - this is the only way you can appreciate the scale of this city;

· Visit Ferrari World - huge theme park with rides and all kinds of entertainment;

· Visit the Yas Waterworld water park, which has several unique water attractions;

· Visit the Dubai World Cup races;

· Look at the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, which looks amazing both during the day and in the evening, in the light of artificial lights;

· Organize a luxurious shopping experience in Dubai shopping centers;

· Ride a jeep through the desert.


Medicine is very well developed in the UAE, so tourists can count on qualified medical care, of course, for money or insurance. Pharmacies in the UAE are very good and it is easy to buy the necessary medications.

The main problem of tourists in the UAE is sunburn and sunstroke. Do not stay under the scorching sun for a long time, always wear long sleeves and hats, and be sure to use sunscreen on the beach. Also be careful with overly spicy foods. local cuisine- you can get an upset stomach. You can only drink bottled water; vegetables and fruits should be washed before consumption.


The UAE is the safest Arab country. For comparison, it ranks 33rd in terms of security out of 153 countries, while France ranks 36th and Russia 147th. Recently, cases of pickpocketing have become more frequent in major cities, but following basic safety rules will be enough - just don’t carry original documents or large sums of money with you.

The main danger facing tourists is non-compliance with local moral standards and laws.

It is forbidden to swear or show rude gestures on the streets - you can end up in jail. The same awaits you for kissing in a public place and walking around the city in revealing clothes or a swimsuit. Be sure to carry a photocopy of your passport with you, as documents are often checked. Drinking alcohol and being intoxicated on the street is also prohibited. Girls are not recommended to be alone on the streets - there is no need to fear harassment from locals, but certain problems and misunderstandings still sometimes arise.

Actions in case of emergency

In the event of an emergency, you should immediately contact a police officer - the problem will be resolved immediately. If you have lost your documents, contact the embassy by phone or in person.


To call from the Emirates to Russia you need to dial 9-007 area code-phone number. To call the Emirates from Russia, you need to dial the 8-971 area code-phone number.

Major city codes:

· Abu Dhabi - 02;

· Al Ain - 03;

· Dubai - 04;

· Ras Al Khaimah - 07;

· Korfakan - 070;

· Sharjah - 06.

Official contacts

· Ambulance and police - 999;

· Fire service - 997;

· Russian Embassy in Abu Dhabi - 02-6723516.


The currency of the UAE is dirhams equal to one hundred fils. One dollar is equal to approximately 3.6 dirhams, this rate has been maintained for many years. Currency can be exchanged at a hotel or exchange office. It is not very profitable to exchange in hotels. Exchange offices In the UAE they usually work from 8 am to 8 pm.

If you do not plan to do shopping, but will only eat outside the hotel and attend several excursions, then 700-800 dollars will be enough for seven days, including taxi trips. If you want to have a more luxurious holiday and do more shopping, then take more money with you.


Public transport in the UAE it is very poorly developed - the local population usually travels by car. There are buses in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but their routes are very confusing. It will be more convenient for tourists to travel by taxi.

It is easy to rent a car in the UAE - all you need is an international license. Local drivers often do not follow the rules traffic, so be careful.


Tipping in the UAE is not necessary; moreover, it is often included in the price of the bill in a cafe and amounts to 15% of the order value. You can leave a couple of dollars for the hotel maids. But you don’t need to give money at the reception.


The climate in the UAE is very warm, so don't take a lot of clothes with you. At the same time, keep in mind that you won’t be able to walk around the city in shorts and a T-shirt - the UAE has strict clothing standards. Everyone, especially girls, should dress very modestly, not expose the body and not wear translucent T-shirts or other similar clothing. At resorts, girls can wear fairly long shorts and skirts, provincial cities On the contrary, you should dress as closed as possible. A swimsuit is only acceptable on the beach.

National characteristics and traditions

The UAE is a religious country, so you should behave especially carefully here. If you follow traditions, then there should be no problems - otherwise you may stumble not only on misunderstanding of the local population, but also on a fine or imprisonment.

All basic actions must be performed with the right hand - the left is considered “unclean”. When entering a house or mosque, you must take off your shoes. Men should be greeted with a bow; a handshake is not accepted here. You cannot run along the streets. Also, you should not walk in front of Muslims performing prayer. Photographing local residents is prohibited. Women should not let their hair down in public places.

All these rules should be observed especially strictly during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins in mid-to-late summer. At this time, you shouldn’t even talk loudly or chew gum on the streets.

The local religion must be treated with special respect, not disturb those praying and not insult their shrines. It is better not to start conversations about religion with locals at all.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque



To export carpets and jewelry, you need to have a receipt from the store where they were purchased. You cannot export items of the country's historical heritage, palm fruits and seeds, and wild animals. Anything prohibited for import cannot be exported from the country either.

There are a number of myths and misconceptions among tourists regarding the acceptable dress code in the Emirates. And often people traveling to Dubai for the first time are afraid of attracting unnecessary attention due to incorrectly chosen clothes. Let's figure out how to dress in Dubai, and in what clothes you can easily get into an awkward position.

Although Dubai does not have a strict set of rules governing the dress code, it is worth remembering that the UAE is conservative country with a typical desert climate. So, when packing your bags for your trip to Dubai, consider two aspects that influence tourist dress code: weather and culture.

Examples of normal outfits for walking around Dubai.

Works in Dubai great amount prostitutes/escorts from Russian-speaking countries, but even they don’t go out on the streets during the day with provocative makeup, full-length breasts and a miniskirt up to the socket! Well, maybe the most budget ones So, when dressing this way, expect the appropriate attitude of others.

Deira is full of cheap bars and clubs where visiting laborers come to catch girls for the night, just as cheap as the club. If you are going to such a place, it will be difficult not to pass for a prostitute even in a burqa.

Nobody forbids you to wear it, but the consequences are yours alone!

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When planning a trip to the United Arab Emirates, you need to remember that the best time to travel is from October to April, but the heat, when the air warms up to 50-55oC, is from June to August. When packing your suitcase, put sandals, a tunic, a couple of long dresses, a couple of swimsuits (preferably more modest). Don't forget your hat. But you don’t need to take household appliances and accessories; even modest hotels have a hairdryer and iron.

March is the best month for a holiday in the UAE

March is considered the best month for relaxation; during the day the air can warm up to 27°C, but at night it does not drop below 20, so the water is Persian Gulf, warmed up during the day, does not have time to cool down. In March, the air is drier, and therefore swimming, walking and excursions are more comfortable. Precipitation this month also does not overshadow the holiday.

When planning a vacation with children, it is best to go on vacation in March, so that the kids do not suffer from acclimatization. For children, it is advisable to take with you cotton Panama hats and several replacement T-shirts, preferably flared ones. Also choose wide shorts and trousers - they will make it easier to bear the heat. Don’t forget your swimwear and take care of buying beach slippers; at this time, even on the cleanest coast, the water brings shell rock and broken corals.

Beach holidays and city trips

The Emirates offers tourists beaches for every taste. More secluded in Sharjah, massive in Dubai. It is here that you can take advantage of numerous attractions, motorized and non-motorized boats, master some water sports, and conquer the sky or the depths of the sea. Dubai has water parks and amusement parks, dolphinariums, and excursions. There is no need to take a wardrobe with you for all occasions, just pack a couple of universal things, be sure to take long clothes and those that hide your hands, you will need them for going out into the city. But it’s not worth planning your trip so that you can buy the necessary little things in the city; the price tag for some goods is very immodest.

A sightseeing trip around Dubai will allow you to see the famous skyscrapers of Sheikh Zeid Road, Madinat Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab, visit the spice market, gold market, and don’t forget to check out the museum wax figures. If there is little time, it will be possible to implement sightseeing tours around Sharjah and Abu Dhabi - the capital of the UAE, or combine everything into one Tour of 5 emirates.

Take a look at Khata - a village where you can see Portuguese port, built in the 16th century, as well as a fortress, a mosque and two watchtowers, which are more than 400 years old. When walking, you'll want to wear flat shoes, but not flip-flops.

Fans of active recreation will be offered desert safari, mountain safari, crab hunting, fishing, seaplane and helicopter flights. You don’t need to take anything with you; equipment is usually provided.

Romance and shopping

If you plan to spend your vacation romantic, then in this case there is something to keep yourself and your other half busy: organize a trip to the coast Indian Ocean with a romantic dinner at sunset, an Arabian boat ride, take sea ​​cruise and a visit to the Moroccan bath.

Well, the most important thing for which Dubai is famous throughout the world is, of course, shopping. Silk, gold, leather, watches, spices, branded boutiques - this is just short list what can and should be brought from the Emirates. Therefore, take with you both cash, which you can use to pay at the market, and credit cards, which are accepted even in small shops. By the way, even when paying for an item with a card, you can and should bargain! In March, the famous Dubai Shopping Festival is held, during which you can buy things with a 90% discount and giveaways for cars and gold, so carry your passport with you, in case you have to register your winnings.

As for prices, in March their spread is quite wide: some raise prices during the high season, while others retain customers. In addition, “last minute tours” are often still being formed, so the choice depends only on the needs and capabilities of vacationers. The price for a tour can range from $300 per person with accommodation in a 2* hotel in Sharjah or the center of Dubai, to several hundred thousand dollars with accommodation in the Burj Al Arab (the world famous "Sail") or in hotels in made islands Palm Dubai.

Residents of the UAE are quite restrained in their clothing, this is due to their Muslim faith and long-standing traditions. Tourists and just visitors must respect the culture of this country, otherwise they (particularly women) may have problems with local womanizers and even the police.

Clothes of tourists in the UAE

Tourists, like local residents, you should behave modestly and not wear provocative outfits. Residents of the Emirate of Sharjah are especially conservative in this regard, so when going there on vacation or for work, there is no need to take see-through dresses with a deep neckline, short shorts and miniskirts.

Hotel clothes

The clothing of tourists in the UAE who are planning not only a hotel stay, but also trips to the city, must meet certain criteria. You should make sure that your wardrobe includes blouses and long-sleeve T-shirts that cover your arms, chest, stomach, and shoulders. Women do not have to wear long skirts; trousers or long (knee-length) loose-fitting shorts are suitable for walking. Naturally, the fabric of the clothing should be opaque. You can also wear modest dresses and sundresses.

For beach

Tourists who are puzzled about what clothes to take to the UAE should not forget about hats. A hat or panama hat is needed to prevent sunstroke on a hot day. Women are allowed to bring swimsuits. Only locals swim there in “dresses” - remember this.

Dinner and going to a restaurant

If you plan to go to a respectable restaurant for dinner, you need to take an evening dress (for a woman) and a business suit (for a man).

If you plan to constantly be on the territory of the hotel and the beach, it is not necessary to take a lot of things with you. In this case, you can get by with your favorite light sundress, swimsuit and pareo.

National clothing in the UAE

Arab residents wear clothes that correspond to their religious traditions and reliably protect them from heat and sunlight. That is why women and men cover their bodies as much as possible, with preference given to products made from natural fabrics that allow moisture and air to pass through. In everyday life, Arabs wear dresses, shirts and pants made of cotton; festive national clothing in the UAE is made of more expensive silk.

Very often on the streets of small villages and even large cities you can meet girls with their faces completely covered. This is due to the fact that in religious families, women are only allowed to open their eyes. In most of the Emirates, it is customary to wear black, so women wear loose capes of this particular color.

Women's clothing in the UAE

Local women usually wear kandura, a dress with long sleeves. Kandura is sometimes embroidered with gold, silver or colored threads to create a pattern. Also, representatives of the fair sex wear shirts made of thin linen (sarub), they are put on over wide pants (sirwal).

Women's clothing in the UAE

On the street, women's clothing in the UAE is always as closed and modest as possible. The female figure should be completely covered from head to toe with an abaya - a black veil. In some rural and Bedouin villages, women wear long colored robes instead of abayas. The head outside the house is necessarily covered with a black scarf or handkerchief, sometimes the face is additionally hidden behind a veil (gishua). Gishua reliably covers his face from prying eyes. In some rural villages, women also wear special masks to cover their face (or part of their face).

How to dress for female tourists in the UAE

Let us remember that the UAE is a Muslim country, which is reflected in the wishes of local authorities regarding clothing in the UAE for female tourists. Although there is a paradox here - it is also prohibited for a female tourist to wear a burqa (abaya) - only Muslim women have the right to wear them. So you need to look for the ideal middle option, which we will discuss below.

Which emirates have stricter rules for female tourists?

Please note that dress code may be the most scrutinized in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.

When you go to Dubai, how to dress as a female tourist - read!

But in Dubai everything is much simpler, but you may also be perceived differently if you walk around in very revealing attire. By the way, it won’t always be possible to undress too much - high temperatures during the day and the scorching sun will not allow you to take off all your clothes - the risk of getting sunburned is too great, even when using protective creams. And in the evening it can be “slightly cool” - the temperature can drop to +20, and with a difference from +35+37 during the day this is very noticeable.

But topless sunbathing is prohibited!

Options for how to dress in Dubai for girls

We recommend leaving shorts and T-shirts for your hotel, and long-sleeve blouses, jeans, trousers, short skirts and shoes for going out. Naturally, everything should be made from natural fabrics - they can withstand the heat much easier. All these recommendations are relevant not only for Dubai - this form of clothing would be quite appropriate for women in any of the emirates.

If you want to visit a mosque, then know that in this case the laws apply to everyone equally: both locals and tourists. Women with uncovered heads, bare shoulders, arms and legs are prohibited from visiting the mosque. And not every mosque can be visited by representatives of other faiths (this does not apply to the Sheikh Zayed Mosque and the mosque in Jumeirah).

Clothing for men in the Emirates

Men at home wear dishdashahi - white cotton shirts of sufficient length and special coarse knitted headdresses (keffiyeh, gafiya, taqiyya). A white scarf is put on top of the ghutra, which is secured with an iqal (black double whip).

Traditional men's clothing in the UAE

Festive clothing for men in the UAE is represented by bisht. Bisht is a wide dishdaka cape painted with silver or gold braid, which looks like a cloak.

Note to tourists

Even if a man is a visitor, he should not walk around a Muslim city in rubber slippers, short shorts, swimming trunks, or an open T-shirt. This is a sign of disrespect for local residents.

Buying clothes in the UAE

Many people go to the United Arab Emirates not only to relax on the beach and taste the dishes national cuisine, but also for shopping. To buy clothes in the UAE, you can stroll through countless shopping centers or go to one of the markets. You should definitely pay attention to the national costumes; women may be interested in an abaya or shayla; men can choose a kandura or khutra.

Prices for clothing in the UAE cannot be called low, but hand-embroidered Arabic robes made from natural fabrics can delight everyone. Both casual and formal wardrobe items are available for free sale; if desired, you can also order a custom-made suit.


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Import and export of foreign and national currency is not limited, all amounts over 100 thousand dirhams (about $27,200) must be included in the declaration.

Allowed duty free import up to 400 cigarettes (for a total amount of no more than 3,000 dirhams) or up to 2 kg of smoking tobacco, perfumes - for an amount not exceeding 3,000 dirhams, as well as hygiene items and personal items - within the limits of needs. The import of alcohol in each of the emirates is regulated in its own way: in Fujairah you can import up to 4 of any alcoholic beverages per non-Muslim, in - 24 cans of beer or up to 4 liters of any other alcoholic beverages, in Sharjah - up to 2 liters of alcoholic beverages and 1 package beer.

The import of weapons, drugs and drug-containing drugs (including some drugs containing codeine), pornographic products, as well as videos and books that contradict Islamic norms is prohibited. Customs may seize materials that they consider suspicious for censorship review for up to several days. Violation of this prohibition is prosecuted and severely punished, including long-term imprisonment. If you have problems with customs, you should under no circumstances try to bribe a customs officer - the punishment will be, at the very least, deportation from the country.

The import of any fruits and vegetables is prohibited to Fujairah, and to Sharjah - seafood, fruits and vegetables from areas where cholera is spread. The importation of any live birds or their carcasses from all Asian countries.

Pets (at least 4 months old) must be accompanied by a permit issued by the Ministry Agriculture and fisheries (UAE MAF, registration cost is 100 dirhams), as well as an international veterinary certificate with mandatory indication of all vaccinations and their dates. The import of some dog breeds is prohibited.

The export of objects of the country's cultural and historical heritage, wild animals, seeds and palm fruits is prohibited. The export of gold and silver jewelry purchased at local markets must be accompanied by a sales receipt (however, local customs officers only pay attention to really large quantities jewelry).

Separately for medications: Before traveling to the UAE, you should carefully check your first aid kit, and if there are prescription medications in it, then it is better to have a translated prescription from a doctor with you to enter the Emirates with them. The import of narcotic drugs prescribed by a doctor is possible only with a special permit, which must be obtained in advance. The import of unregistered medicines into the UAE is prohibited.

Currently, the UAE Ministry of Health directive (see attached files) imposes the following restrictions:
- Any medicines issued according to a doctor's prescription can be imported in quantities required for a maximum of 3 months of consumption by one person.
- Medicines containing psychotropic substances can be imported with a prescription and in the amount required for 3-month consumption for non-residents and 1-month consumption for residents (of course, per person). In case of unavailability of any medicine in the UAE, the amount for residents is increased to 3 months' consumption.
- Medicines containing narcotic substances can only be imported with the prior permission of the UAE Medicines Control Department. Each request is considered individually.

There is a complete ban on drugs in the UAE, and to this end airports undergo thorough searches using highly sensitive equipment. Finding even small quantities of prohibited substances in the possession of passengers entering or transiting through is punishable by a prison sentence of four years. Checks at the border are random; tourists are rarely checked, but it’s still not worth the risk.

Many tourists are unaware that codeine is prohibited throughout the UAE. Accordingly, importing medicines containing codeine may result in serious fines or even imprisonment. Codeine is found in many cough suppressants, antipyretics and pain relievers. Yes, he is integral part tablets “Pentalgin”, “Sedalgin”, “Nurofen +”, “Solpadein”, “Caffetin”, “Terpinkod”, “Tetralgin”, etc. The list of prohibited drugs includes not only codeine-containing drugs, but also a number of narcotic and sedatives . For example, the widely used Valocordin and Corvalol contain phenobarbital, which is prohibited in the UAE. And the popular anti-diarrhea drug Imodium contains loperamide, banned in the UAE, which is similar in action to an opiate. A special permit may be required to import medications for epileptics - antiepileptic drugs usually belong to the psychotropic category.

Also in the UAE, the import and use of the following drugs is prohibited: Oripavin, Tramadol (hydrochloride) and all other salts of this substance in raw, prepared or mixed forms; Artane / Apo-Tryhex (trihexyphenidyl benzhexol) and all other salts of this substance in raw, prepared or mixed forms; Kemadrin (procyclidine hydrochloride) and all other salts of this substance in raw, prepared or mixed forms.

It is imperative to know the proprietary name of the medicine, so before traveling to the UAE, be sure to check with your doctor to see if your medicines correspond to those listed on the list of prohibited brands in the UAE. Or contact a pharmacist and let the pharmacist check the presence/absence of prohibited drugs in your travel first aid kit with the specified list.

Below in the attached files you will find a list of drugs prohibited in the UAE (in an Excel document), as well as 2 directives from the UAE Ministry of Health on the import of medical drugs into the country for personal use.


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