Salt lakes in Crimea. Salt lakes of Crimea, short list and photo review. Red Lake in Krasnoperekopsk

​Koyashskoye Lake is located on Eastern Shore Crimean peninsula, between the cities of Kerch and Feodosia. The lake is part of the Opuk Nature Reserve and is located on the western edge of the reserve.

Geographic coordinates of Lake Koyash on the map of Crimea GPS N 45.046474, E 36.186374.

​​The area of ​​Koyashskoye Lake is 5 km2. The lake practically borders the sea; the width of the isthmus between the lake and the sea in its narrowest part is about 10 meters. The length of the lake is about 4 km, the maximum width is 1.8 km, the depth of Lake Kiyash is about 1.2 meters and about 20-40 cm near the shores.

​Koyashskoye Lake It is rightfully considered the saltiest lake on the Crimean peninsula. The maximum salinity of the lake occurs at the end of July and lasts until mid-August, reaching 390 grams per liter. The average mineralization for the year is 360 grams per liter.

Koyash Lake is relatively small, but very popular among tourists. The lake gained its popularity due to its color from red to light pink. The lake changes color as it dries: the drier the weather, the more saturated the color becomes.

The reason for this change in color was a microscopic algae that lives in the pond. During photosynthesis, the algae releases red pigments, which color the water, and when water evaporates, minerals remain on the surface. In addition to the beautiful pink appearance of the minerals, there is another feature of this algae: it is the products of its vital activity that enrich the minerals with beta-carotene and iodine, which makes the salt from Lake Koyash extremely useful and valuable.

But that's not all! Besides the beauty of the lake and medicinal salt, in the lake at the very bottom there is healing mud - brine. This mud began its formation several million years ago and is now in a peat-like state with a specific odor. Rapa is rich in minerals and active microorganisms, which, when applied to the skin, can improve the general condition of the body: heal joints and help in the fight against many skin diseases. The composition of brine from Lake Koyash is very similar to Saki mud, which is considered one of the most famous and medicinal in the world.

Because the Koyashskoye Lake is located on the territory of the reserve, entry to it is periodically limited. It is very difficult to get to it by car. But it’s quite possible to walk along the coast, take photos or shoot videos.
The easiest way to get to Lake Koyash is from Kerch: drive to the village of Maryevka, and from there walk through the reserve to the lake - it will take about 30 minutes. If you get there by car, then go towards the village of Priozernoye, then Ogonki Maryevka, Borisovka, and from Borisovka along a dirt road to the Opuksky Nature Reserve. You leave your car near the reserve and move towards the sea. Having reached the coastline, if you face the sea, turn right and walk along the entire reserve, after about 20 minutes you come out almost at the very shore of Lake Koyashskoe.

​When you get to the lake, you should remember that this place is part of nature reserve, so making fires, collecting healing mud or salts are punishable by law. Therefore, when you come to Lake Koyash, remember that it is unique place The Crimean peninsula is home to about 10 species of birds listed in the Red Book and the ecosystem of the lake is very fragile and sensitive to human influence.

When you come on vacation in or on, be sure to visit Koyash Lake. Its beauty and unusual color will create an unusual impression, bordering on fantastic scenes from films about Mars or other worlds.

Koyash lake on the map of Crimea

Reading time: 5 minutes

Koyash salt lake - Opuk nature reserve

Among the various attractions of Crimea in great demand enjoy natural places. Among such objects is the pink lake, which has another name - Koyashskoye. This place is considered beautiful at the time of sunset or dawn, when couples in love try to visit this place and make a wish. There is one that says: once having been here, couples in love will live together forever, without knowing any problems or hassles.

The lake is not too deep. Its maximum depth is one meter. Its length is 4 kilometers and its width is 2 kilometers. small lake pink color attracts many tourists who rejoice at the sight of such a unique area.

Where is the pink (Koyashskoye) lake located?

The location of the lake is convenient for visiting. It is located in the eastern part of the peninsula between Feodosia and Kerch, in the Opuksky Nature Reserve. This is where another name comes from – Opukskoe. In terms of its beauty, this is the most unique place in Crimea.

Reasons for the formation of the lake

There are several reasons for the formation of this natural reservoir. One of them may be a mud volcano, which consisted of algae. Denaliella Salina algae causes the water to turn pink. The lake has a pleasant aroma due to the violet scent emitted by the algae. If you look at the reservoir from afar, you might think that it is part of the sea. In fact, this was the case before. However, in last years Due to the surf, a separate lake was formed, which acquires a pink color.

Properties of Koyashskoye Lake in Crimea

Pink Lake considered a source of brine and mud, which has healing properties. At the bottom of the reservoir there is mud, which is taken for treatment in sanatoriums. It contains highly sulfide deposits, which have a positive effect on the body during the treatment of various diseases. Medical professionals claim that lake mud is useful for joint diseases, skin diseases or during heart treatment. Large reserves of lake mud make it possible to treat thousands of vacationers every year.

When is the best time to visit Koyash Lake

Koyashkoe Lake changes its color all year round. Because of this, tourists who want to see it may not adjust to the time of year or certain days of the month. However, you should know that the flowering of the reservoir and its pink coloring occurs in the summer, specifically in early June. It can be almost reddish in color. During this time period the lake really lives up to its name due to the maximum algae bloom.

Due to its shallow depth in the summer, the lake can dry out, forming small islands. If tourists want to enjoy the beauty of this object, then it is best to order a helicopter service and look at it from above. Sometimes couples in love order balloon and soar over the lake, enjoying its beauty.

In summer, when the water dries out, salt is formed. The lake area is covered with white fine salt, which is unsuitable for cooking, but is used to treat various diseases.

How to get to Koyash Lake

It is most convenient to go to Lake Koyashskoe from Kerch. In this case, you need to get to settlement, which is called Maryevka. It’s not difficult to get through Simferopol to the village of Lenino, and then focus on the village of Maryevka. From this village you need to walk about 6 km towards Mount Opuk. Next to this mountain there is a pink lake.

Cost of visiting the reservoir

You can visit the pink lake completely free of charge. To enter the territory of the Opuk Nature Reserve, you will need to pay a fee:

Adult ticket: 200 rub.
Child: 100 rub.

Walking through the protected area, you can enjoy clean fresh air and beautiful views. Also, the cost of such a trip will depend on the chosen route. When planning your route, you can additionally consider a hike to the Elken-Kaya rocks, which are located in the vicinity of Mount Opuk.

By visiting such an object, you can not only enjoy the beauty, but also take gorgeous photographs as a keepsake.

Address: Crimea, Leninsky district, Opuksky reserve

In Crimea, in the Cimmerian steppe, in Opuksky national reserve There is a stunningly beautiful Pink Lake. However, its color may change. Sometimes to reddish, rich or soft pink. The color range depends on sunrise and sunset. This lake is also called Koyashsky.

Koyashskoe in Crimea: how to get there

It's easy to get to. Many tourists ask the question: “Where is the Pink Lake in Crimea and how to get to it?” You can get to it by buses from Kerch, which go to the villages of Maryevka and Yakovenko. You can also get there along the road leading to Kerch from Feodosia. At first the road surface is asphalted - approximately 100 km, then the journey continues along old roads for almost 30 km. There are small villages along the way. After the last 20 minutes of driving there is a magnificent view of the salt Lake Pink colour. In Crimea it is considered one of the main attractions. It is located surrounded by slopes

How was this lake formed?

Salty Pink Lake in Crimea was previously part of the Black Sea. Gradually, under the influence of the surf, a small separate lake appeared, fenced off from the sea by a strip of land. Its depth is less than a meter, length - about 4 km, width - 2 km. The lake is separated from the Black Sea by the Koyashskaya bay-bar, 3 km long and 100 meters wide.

Description of the lake

In addition to the unusual shades of water - from pink to reddish, the lake is distinguished by its mirror-like surface. But it can be observed mainly before dawn, since with the appearance of the sun a breeze usually begins, due to which ripples and small waves appear.

The pink lake in Crimea attracts not only its color. Thanks to the huge concentration of salt in the water, you can see stunningly beautiful landscapes. When the water recedes from the banks during the hot summer months, small rocks are exposed. As a result, on open places These stones form white growths of crystals, which makes the landscape of the lake even more picturesque. In addition, there are small salt “icebergs” in the water.

In April there is still quite a lot of water in the lake, but with the onset of summer the shores are exposed and a small salt desert forms near the water. You can walk along it all the way to the water, but you need to do this very carefully, since the bottom of the lake is an extinct mud volcano. Under a thick layer of salt there may be quicksand mud that is easy to fall into. The latter is famous for its healing properties. Therefore, you can take a mud bath. Only after this is it necessary to rinse off, since the salt content in the dirt is very high. You can plunge directly into the Black Sea, which is literally nearby.

The color scheme of Lake Koyash

The pink lake in Crimea has a unique color scheme. From delicate to rich shades. constantly changing. It depends on the time of day. You can see everything if you arrive at the lake before dawn. As soon as the sun begins to rise from behind the mountains, the water slowly changes its color from rich pink to orange-red. It is at dawn or sunset that almost all shades can be seen. The pink color peaks in the summer months when it is hot.

Why is the lake pink

The pink lake in Crimea formed on the site of an extinct mud volcano, which became its bottom. And it got such a rich color thanks to microscopic Dunaliella Salina, which are found in abundance at the bottom. Their development peaks during the hot summer months, when the water becomes much smaller and the salinity of the lake increases to 35%. Algae produce beta-carotene, which turns water and salt crystals pink. The higher the air temperature, the more intense the color of the water. Surprisingly, the algae imparts native violets. In addition, the color of the water is strongly influenced by entire colonies of the crustacean Artemia, which lives in huge quantities in the lake.

Is there life in Pink Lake

Despite the excess salt content in the water, Pink Lake in Crimea in the spring is framed by lush greenery on the banks. Here you can find many wildflowers and even wild tulips. They grow until summer, until they burn out under the hot sun.

At the same time - in April-May - you can see many on the lake who are not afraid of the salinity of the water, since at this period it is not yet very strong. And the water at this time does not have a rich pink tint. After May it becomes increasingly salty, so in summer the lake becomes a little empty. But not really. For example, various species of shorebirds are not deterred at all and can be seen on the lake even during the hot summer months. Just like the avocet.

In spring, nests of laughing gulls are found on the shores of Pink Lake. During this period, a salt crust has not yet formed on the banks, and birds willingly build their nests there. The fact that quite a lot of birds live on the lake is explained by the fact that huge colonies of the crustacean Artemia live in the water. And it is the favorite food of birds.

Most places near the lake are considered semi-desert. In summer, salt is carried by the wind over long distances. For this reason, the vast area around this reservoir is completely unsuitable for cultivation. This lake is considered the saltiest on the entire peninsula. The salt concentration in the hot months reaches 0.35 kg per liter of water. For comparison: the concentration in the Black Sea is 0.018 kg per liter. In the Middle Ages, there was even a salt industry on Pink Lake.

This place is located in the dry and inconspicuous steppes of Cimmeria and every year attracts those who know about it and its features.
Behind are one hundred kilometers of asphalt road leading from Feodosia to Kerch, thirty kilometers of broken old roads, several dying and half-destroyed villages, 20 minutes along a dusty dirt road, and...
... and in front of you is a fantasy. In the literal sense of the word. The bright pink lake looks so incredible among the dry, salt-soaked steppe.

I really love watching the reaction of people who came here for the first time - it’s difficult for people to contain their emotions and delight)

2. B different time day the lake has a different color of water. To see the whole gamut, you need to be here shortly before dawn.
As the sun is about to emerge from the low slopes of Mount Opuk, the water begins to slowly change color from deep pink to orange-red.

3. Shades of pink. Or shades of red. Nature is an incredible artist.

4. Floating stones. Mars on Earth.

5. The second reason why I highly recommend visiting here before dawn is the ideal surface of the water.
When the sun rises, there is a 99% chance that there will be at least a little breeze.
And even a slight wind is enough to cause ripples to appear on the water. But with ripples the effect is completely different.

6. Seagull's nest on Mars.

7. Dawn. The sun rises over the hills of Cimmeria.
That's it, the water won't be so pink until the next dawn. Now it will become more and more orange in color.

8. Colors of dawn in Eastern Crimea.

9. Perfect silence.

10. No matter where you look, there is a beautiful shot. A photographer's paradise.

11. Stone icebergs.

12. The sun has risen... Remember the rich pink color from this angle in photo No. 2? Now much more delicate tones prevail here.

True, to see this lake in all its fantastic beauty, you need to choose the right time...
But more on that another time) As well as all the details about the lake itself.

The saltiest lake in Crimea

This is the bottom of the most beautiful and fantastic places in Crimea.
Near the lake, the shores of which consist of crystallized salt with the smell of violets, the water has a color from soft pink in the spring to deep red at the peak of the summer heat, and on the mirror-like surface you can see incredible landscapes of frozen stone and salt icebergs...

It is located where, it would seem, there could be nothing beautiful at all - among the windswept, literally sprinkled with salt and scorched by the sun Cimmerian steppe.
A kind of bright pink spot that from above looks like it was stolen from the sea and repainted a different color.
In fact, this lake is something of a giant natural chemical laboratory for studying the survival of living beings and microorganisms in an aggressive environment. It’s hard to imagine, but the bottom of the lake is an extinct mud volcano, and this pink water is a direct consequence of the vigorous activity of... microscopic green algae.
Yes, and this is the saltiest lake in Crimea.

2. It’s a rare time when around the lake there is not sun-bleached steppe, but lush, although not tender, greenery.
It is mid-April, a short period when the grasses have not yet died under the hot sun, various wildflowers and wild tulips are blooming.

Lake Koyashskoye is separated from the waters of the Black Sea by a narrow strip of land and really looks like it was stolen from the sea.
It was once part of the sea, but under the influence of the surf over the past two thousand years, a separate body of water less than a meter deep appeared, stretching 3.7 km in length and almost 2 km in width.

3. Three months have passed since the date of the previous photo, the steppe has acquired a completely different look, just as the color of the water in the lake has changed. it became much more intense. Below you can see how much.

4. A strip of land separating the lake from the sea. It is called the Koyash bay-bar, its length is about 3 km, and its maximum width is 100 meters.

5. In spring, the water in the lake is still quite far from pink, and the salinity has not yet gone off scale.
In April-May there are quite a lot of waterfowl here. Later, for many of them, the water will be too aggressive.

6. True, this does not apply to various waders. Avocet can be found on the lake in spring, summer, and early autumn.

7. In spring, the shores of Lake Koyashskoe are not yet covered with a salt crust, and laughing gulls make their nests here.

8. Sunset over the pink lake...

9. ... and moonrise

10. But summer comes, and the drying heat comes (some scientists equate small areas in this part of the Kerch Peninsula not even with the steppe zone, but with semi-deserts).
The water in the lake becomes significantly less, it retreats from its usual shores, leaving salt in its place. Lots of salt.
It is the wind that gradually carries it across the surrounding steppes, making them practically dead and unsuitable for life or cultivation.

11. There was water here in the spring. It is in this place that photo No. 5 was taken. Now there is a salt desert, through which we carefully wander towards the water.
Why neat? The fact is that the bottom of the lake is an extinct mud volcano. In fact, under the salt there is a very thick layer of dirt. Viscous and sometimes unsteady.

12. Salt of Lake Koyash.

13. The peak color of the lake occurs during the hottest months of summer.
It is during this period that there is the least water, the salinity of the lake increases significantly - up to 35% (for comparison, the salinity of the Black Sea is 1.8%), which leads to a peak in the development of green algae. which gives such an incredible color to the water.
Her name is Dunaliella Salina.

It produces beta-carotene, which colors the waters of the lake, as well as its salt crystals, in a soft pink, and in some places almost red, hue. Interestingly, in addition to color, the algae also gives the local salt a characteristic smell of violets.

14. The water receding in the heat gives the shores an absolutely fantastic look.

15. There is so much salt here and it crystallizes so quickly that many stones simply turn into salt icebergs.

16. If water could completely cover these boulders, they would be completely covered in salt.

17. You can even see how the water receded, slowly revealing the stone.

18. Iceberg.

19. Some salt crystals are simply huge. I found it the size of a fist. One crystal.

20. This was once a living plant.

21. Another large crystal.

22. Salt landscapes of Lake Koyash.

23. There is hardly any need to caption this photo, do you agree?)))


How to get there?

From the Kerch bus station by bus or by own vehicle along the territorial road "Kerch - Maryevka" 35 km to the village of Maryevka, then walk about 7 km..

But this is the territory of the reserve, organized excursion groups are allowed through

There are many attractions in Crimea. The most famous of them are: the Grand Canyon, Mount Ai-Petri and bird home. However, there are other very interesting, but, unfortunately, little-known places on this peninsula. The Pink Lake also falls into the category of such attractions. In Crimea it is the saltiest.

Where is it located?

This interesting tourist attraction is located on the territory of Cape Opuk, approximately 30 km from Kerch. Once upon a time there was a military training ground in this place. But not so long ago the Opuk Nature Reserve was created here. The area of ​​this reserve is not too large. But at the same time, simply living on its territory great amount various kinds of rare birds. Opuk was removed from the command of the military training ground in 1998. At the moment, it includes not only this cape itself, but also part of the coastal territory, as well as outcrops standing in the sea, called “Ship Rocks” for their unusual shape.

The Pink Lake itself in Crimea is located on Opuk in close proximity to the Black Sea. This body of water is separated from it only by a not too wide sandy embankment.

A little history

Story ( bcnjhbz) near the Pink Lake in Crimea is quite interesting. It belongs to the group of volcanic ones. That is, it was formed a very, very long time ago. In fact, even today its bottom is a dormant volcano. Not so long ago, Pink Lake was part of the Black Sea. However, later the surf brought a lot of sand here. Because of this, an embankment-lintel was formed.

Short description

So, we found out where Pink Lake is located in Crimea. It is located near Kerch. Its official name is Koyashskoe. This unusual body of water is quite large in size. total area it is about 5 hectares. The lake reaches 4 km in length and 2 km in width. You will not be able to swim in this reservoir. Its depth in spring reaches only 1 meter. By autumn, the lake dries up completely. This reservoir is actually very salty. Therefore, practically no living creatures are found in it. The salt concentration in it reaches 350 grams per liter. This is definitely a lot. Koyashskoye is the saltiest body of water on the Crimean peninsula.

The mud in this lake is healing. They are mined and supplied for the treatment of vacationers to local sanatoriums. You won't be able to swim in this lake. However, you can smear yourself with mud on the shore. There is enough water to wash them off.

Why pink?

The main feature of this reservoir that attracts tourists to it is, of course, not its shallow depth or high salt content. Of course, it was not for nothing that the lake was called pink. The water in it really has this color. This body of water looks especially beautiful at sunset. In fact, the name Koyashskoye itself translates as “the lake in which the sun hides.”

In spring, the water in this reservoir has an ugly brown-brown dirty color. However, already in June, as the air temperature rises, its shade begins to change rapidly. This is primarily due to the vital activity of algae breeding in the lake Dunaliella Salina.The beta-carotene it produces gives the water a delicate, juicy pink hue.

When is the best time to go?

In spring, the water in Lake Koyashsky is not very beautiful. But you can admire the surroundings of this reservoir in April-May. At this time, a huge number of tulips bloom along the shores of the lake. They almost cover the local hills with a carpet.

In order toappreciate beautyhimselfPink lake in Crimea, it’s worth coming here in mid-late summer. It is during this period that algae develop most actively, and the water acquires a truly beautiful shade.

Closer to autumn, the lake, as already mentioned, dries up. But even at this time it looks quite impressive. The fact is that the beta-carotene contained in its water turns salt pink.

Later, in the fall, due to rains, the lake begins to fill with water again. At this time of year, the layer in its bowl is not too large - about 2 cm. But because of it, the lake looks like a huge clear mirror. Tourists walking along the pond at this time of year feel like they are floating in the air due to the reflecting clouds.

How to get to Pink Lake in Crimea?

Get to this unusual natural object on the peninsula you can follow the Feodosia - Kerch highway. At the sign "Marfovo-Marevka",not reaching about 20 km to the city,you need to turn towards the Black Sea. The road ahead will not be very good. You should be prepared for this. Having reached the village of Maryevka, you need to turn straight towards the coast onto a country road. It may not be possible to drive through it in a regular car, as it is heavily rutted. Some part of the journey will most likely have to be covered on foot. But get to the cape by jeepThe dough will turn out without any problems.

Opuk Nature Reserve

Where is the Pink Lake in Crimea located specifically -It's clear. But it’s still not worth going on an excursion to see him spontaneously.Illegal entry into the reserve territoryat Cape Opukprohibited. In order to get into the reserve, you needat firstobtain a pass by first submitting an application to its administration. Hereshouldindicate the purpose of the visit, the number of people wishing to see the cape and their age.You don't need to travel anywhere to apply. Do itYou can, for example, via the Internet. The reserve has its own VKontakte group.

Other Pink Lakes of Crimea

Koyashskoye actually looks very beautiful. However, in Crimea there are other salt lakes of the same pleasant color. In this case, the effect is caused by the same algae. Lakes such as Krasnoi and Staroye, for example, have a pink tint on the peninsula.

Both bodies of water are located on the territoryKrasnoperekopsk City Councilin the west of the peninsula. These lakes also look very impressive.


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