Dead Sea Jordan or Israel where it is cheaper. Egypt, Israel and Jordan: Comparing the beaches on the Red Sea. Healing salts and mud of the Dead Sea

The majority opinion is that Israel, Jordan and the UAE are the best places for family holidays and for singles who like to visit places with rich history. There is no other country about which so many stories have been written. They are associated with many historical events that took place thousands of years ago and could influence not only the course of history, but also the spiritual development of mankind.

  1. Israel and Jordan share the same climate. These two countries have approximately the same climate; it is very hot in the summer, just like in the Emirates, so preference for relaxation is given at other times.
  2. Both countries offer holidays on the Red Sea and treatment on the Dead Sea. Many people come here to improve their health.
  3. Until recently, only wealthy people could afford a trip to the UAE. Now, due to simplification visa regime, Russians can visit the Emirates to relax on the shores of the Persian Gulf, and special shopping trips are organized.
  4. Israel and Jordan - these countries will give you an unforgettable experience of ancient religious shrines and monuments of world significance.

In order to choose a country for your holiday, you need to learn more about the pros and cons of each of them.

Jordan, Israel - what are the similarities

So, both countries are in the same climatic zone, have the same geographical position, access to the Red and Dead Seas.

The main Israeli resort of Eilat and Jordan's Aqaba are located a few kilometers apart, and coral reefs can delight divers in both countries.

Many people go to the shore Dead Sea to both countries for treatment. The two states have a rich history and culture. Here, in addition to relaxation, tourists will be able to visit attractions of world significance. While vacationing in one country, you can go to another.

And yet, these are different countries

The first difference begins when crossing the border. At Israeli customs you can find a thorough search, longer than in other places. European countries. They may ask the most unusual questions, it is recommended to answer them calmly and not be nervous, otherwise they may delay you for a long time.

If the passport has a stamp of an Arab country, then such a guest may receive more attention. Imported equipment and video cameras may be subject to a duty, which is returned upon departure.

Ben Gurion Airport operates a red and green corridor system. They go through red if there are items that must be declared. Rules and lists of things to be carried along different corridors hang on a stand in the arrivals hall. If, when passing through the green lane, undeclared items are discovered, you will have to pay double the fee.

On October 25, 2018, a new rule was introduced: tourists must present the B2 control insert received at the airport at the hotel. Without it, 17% VAT will be included in the invoice. The insert must be kept until the end of the trip; it confirms your tourist status.

There is no such thorough check upon entry into Jordan; among the import restrictions, there is a ban on Israeli currency.

One of the main differences and the main factor in various contradictions is different religion: in Israel it is Judaism, in Jordan it is Islam. This has an impact on culture, lifestyle and traditions. In Jordan, it is not recommended for a woman to go out alone in the evening wearing a short or tight skirt or shorts. These requirements should be observed, especially on excursions away from the resort.

You cannot sunbathe topless on the beach; there are prohibitions regarding alcohol: it can only be consumed in specially designated areas. In Israel, alcohol can be purchased freely in stores, and there are no prohibitions on clothing.

About beach holidays

When comparing holidays on the sea coast, Israel looks preferable in terms of choice: resorts of the Mediterranean, Red and Dead Seas. Jordan has only two sea coasts.

In Israel, beaches are municipal and free. There are several expensive hotels that have their own beach area. On city beaches, sunbeds and umbrellas are paid (≈2.5 euros). In the Red Sea, tourists have the opportunity to swim with dolphins. This is provided by Dolphin Reef. There are special bridges in the pool for observing the animals, you can even pet them.

Fans of night parties will find something for themselves decent places, in this regard, holidays in Jordan are more relaxing. You can vacation in both countries with children. Children will find entertainment for themselves in mall Ice Mall, there is even an ice skating rink.

There are few municipal beaches in Jordan; they are preferred local residents. There are usually not enough umbrellas and sunbeds for everyone. On private beach outsiders can enter for a small fee, which includes a sunbed and umbrella.

Jordan's main resort is located in Aqaba. Sandy beaches located in the northern part of the city, on south coast The surface is mostly rocky and pebble; there are coral reefs close to the shore. The beaches are mostly private; the southern one is the most well-equipped from the municipal ones. It is not crowded here on weekdays (Sunday-Wednesday).

For those staying in a hotel without a beach, there is the opportunity to use the services of a beach club to relax during the day. The price includes transfer from the hotel and back, sun lounger, towel, shower, changing room, you can use the swimming pool and other services. One of these is Berenice club.

Just a few kilometers from Aqaba is the Israeli resort of Eilat. The position of the beaches is the same as on the Jordanian coast, but the length coastline less than in Jordan. IN the only resort Jordan Aqaba has 6 dive clubs. About 30 dive sites are located near the shore.

Fans of a fun holiday and noisy discos will find suitable holiday at Israeli resorts Mediterranean Sea. This is the coast near Tel Aviv and Jaffa. Sandy beaches invite you to discos and there are many nightclubs.

Israel has luxury resort on the Mediterranean Sea - Herzliya is one of the most expensive cities in the country. There is a prestigious yacht club and well-groomed comfortable beaches. The resort is famous for its medical center. Herzliya is a resort for rich, sophisticated gourmets.

Choice for children

There is a cult of children in Israel, so you can even go to the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea with a baby. Better to stay in family hotel, although in a small 3-star hotel all conditions will be created for a child.

A special menu has been developed for children, and an individual cleaner is assigned to the child. Even if the child is naughty and cannot eat due to many people and other reasons, he can be fed while the restaurant is open. The administration always meets such guests halfway.

For example, in Haifa, the LEONARDO hotel has rooms for parents with 4 children. At the Magic Palace hotel, vacations are organized according to a 5-star system for children and adults. Already at the entrance, surprises await the little visitor, which continue throughout the entire stay.

Not in Jordan special conditions for a holiday with children, if you only need sea and sun, then you can stay in Aqaba in a 5-star hotel on the 1st line, you should check if there is a children's menu in the restaurant.

Where are the more attractive attractions?

Both countries are rich in history and ancient monuments. In Israel, monuments are mainly religious. Among them: with the Western Wall and the Temple of the Lord, as well as the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed, Mount Zion. Holy cities Bethlehem and Nazareth.

Acre has preserved medieval architectural monuments, buildings, temples. The ancient town of Caesarea, part of national park with the same name.

You can read more about holidays in Israel and attractions, among other things.

The sights of Jordan are rich cultural heritage, left in the form of architectural masterpieces, which include ancient city Petra, carved into the rock 2000 BC. The city is surrounded by rose-colored rocks and visiting it is like taking a trip back in time. This opportunity is only available in Jordan.

Video about the city of Petra:

And the ancient city of Jerash, where people have lived for 6,500 years? Until the 20th century, it was hidden by sands; the city united two cultures: eastern and western. It is also necessary to look at the Martian landscapes of the Wadi Rum desert. Lovers ancient history of the East, architecture will find in Jordan something that will draw you in for a long time and invite you to see these unique places again.

More about holidays in Jordan -.

About prices

There may be no point in comparing prices in two countries, since there is not much difference. Israel has a higher standard of living than Jordan. Hotels are more comfortable in Israel. Lunch in both countries is approximately 1000-1500 rubles. for two. In Jordan, some goods and services are cheaper, but the quality is lower.

Prices in hotels in Jordan, for example in Aqaba, are two times lower than in, in Tel Aviv and Haf, prices are 20-25% higher than in other cities. In Tel Aviv, guests also require a deposit. Prices for excursions are approximately the same in both countries.

About holidays in the UAE

If you dream of luxury, chic, snow-white beaches, mind-blowing stores, then you need to go to the Emirates. In summer the heat there is unbearable, perhaps in Israel and Jordan it is less and milder. There is an opportunity to swim in Persian Gulf and compare the sensations of the waters of the Red and Mediterranean Seas.

A visa to the Emirates is not required since February 2019 (from February 17, 2019, the agreement between the two countries on the abolition of visas comes into force), before that it was issued free of charge at the airport upon arrival.

The UAE is made up of several emirates, each of which has its own characteristics. When choosing, you should take this into account. For example, in Sharjah, alcohol is prohibited, you can’t buy it anywhere, and it won’t be served anywhere: neither in a hotel, nor in a restaurant. You can go here on vacation with children.

Beaches with imported white and local sand are safe and clean. It is unlikely that you will find a children's menu in hotels. To prepare a familiar dish for your child, you can buy food in a supermarket or market.

In Sharjah there are several hotels with access to the sea coast, in Dubai this is not the case (a shuttle to the beach is organized) and Dubai hotels are more expensive.

What can the Emirates attract? This is extraordinary modern architecture with skyscrapers, the tallest Burj Khalifa in the world, roads, a well-functioning hotel structure, and a show of singing fountains amazes everyone without exception, despite the fact that it is not considered outlandish.

About communications, Internet in different countries

In Israel, tourists have no problems with communication throughout the entire territory. Mobile 3G Internet also covers the entire area. Free Wi-Fi is available in every hotel, cafe, restaurant, etc. In cities there are pay phones with international connections; you can call using a magnetic card or coin.

Jordan also has pay phones, but calls are expensive. Most hotels provide access to the Internet; the cost of access per day is about 900 rubles; there is an Internet cafe, where the price is per hour. Wi-Fi is available for a fee in cafes and restaurants, but the data transfer speed is low and the price is high.

In the Emirates, everything is fine with communications, free Internet access is available everywhere, you can buy a local SIM card, a minute of conversation with Russia costs 22-23 rubles. Communication problems can only occur in the desert or on the open sea.

In order to choose which country to go to, you need to determine what is important to you: relaxing holiday by the sea, good hotel, comfortable conditions for the child or you are interested in the other side, attractions, activities active species sports.

Israel and Jordan can be visited in one trip. It’s worth going to the Emirates on a separate tour. Israel and the UAE provide more suitable conditions for a child. Jordan is capable of giving a lot of impressions from its ancient history and monuments. The choice is yours!

Holidays in Israel are better than in Jordan

Firstly, Israel has beautiful beaches. As I have seen, even from the Red Sea the sea access is much better than in Jordan, where the shores are rocky and coral, and holidays with children will be problematic. Secondly, Israel's excursion potential is far ahead of Jordan's. I went on many excursions here and there, some excursions several times. Third, in Israel there are practically no restrictions on appearance, with the exception of Jerusalem and religious quarters. Girls can easily walk in shorts almost anywhere. Fourthly, in Many of our former compatriots live in Israel, so you can easily ask in Russian where and how to get there, so we got lost in the evening in Ashdod, and they helped us without any problems. Fifthly, You don't need a visa to visit Israel, while A visa is required for Jordan.(except Aqaba). By the way, you can easily visit Jordan while relaxing in Israel by purchasing a tour. We did just that once. Personally, I like to visit Petre. A nice place. Ancient Nabataean city, carved into the rocks. Now Bedouins live and work there, mainly working in the tourism sector. I even visited the house of one of them... well, like a house - a niche in the rock, with carpets and a couple of chairs.

What about the prices?

From my experience, I realized that everything is relative. Some are more expensive, some are cheaper. In Israel, the standard of living is higher than in Jordan; accordingly, some goods and services are much more expensive and of better quality.

There is more entertainment in Israel. Still, the country is closer to Europe in mentality and openness. I was able to visit nightclubs and do diving in Eilat.

I visited various shopping, entertainment and entertainment centers, visited great amount museums. Israel also constantly hosts various music festivals, etc. In Eilat, I recommend visiting "City of Kings"- cool Entertainment Center for adults and children, where you are not only entertained, but also educated, albeit in English language and Hebrew.

I hope to visit again in a couple of years, and also Palestinian Authority and Jordan.

Dead Sea- an endorheic lake in Jordan and Israel, the most salty pond in the world.

Description of the Dead Sea

Dead Sea - salt Lake, located between Jordan and Israel.

It is the saltiest lake in the world, its salinity is 300-310 ‰, and in some years up to 350 ‰. The Dead Sea coast is the most low area land on Earth: it is 430 meters below sea level and is falling at a rate of approximately 1 meter per year.

The length of this lake is 67 km, width 18 km at its widest point, depth up to 306 meters.

In 1977, due to a drop in water level, the lake was divided into 2 parts - northern and southern, connected by a channel. Northern part The Dead Sea is used for recreational purposes, and in the southern part there are several enterprises engaged in the extraction of bromine, potassium chloride and other minerals through evaporation.

Several dry streams and the Jordan River flow into the Dead Sea.

The sea is called dead because, due to its high salt content, no living organism can live in it. And according to the Bible, it was on the shores of the Dead Sea that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were located.

Holidays at the Dead Sea

Currently time is dead The sea is a famous world resort.

From time immemorial, the Dead Sea has been a hospital for those who suffer from diseases of the respiratory, musculoskeletal, skin, endocrine and nervous systems. And the healing effect is achieved thanks to the composition. The Dead Sea is not just salty - it is very salty - 33% (for comparison: the Mediterranean Sea has 3% salt). It contains all the minerals vital for humans, including: chlorine, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, bromine.

Dead Sea climate

You can relax on the Dead Sea all year round. average temperature air near the reservoir is 24 degrees Celsius in December and 36.6 degrees in August. Air humidity - in December - 45%, in August 32.2%. Annual precipitation is 100 mm. The average sea water temperature is from 26.7 degrees Celsius in December and 37.7 degrees in August.

Dead Sea mud

Minerals and healing mud of the Dead Sea can restore youth and health to a person and have the highest rejuvenating effect. Therapeutic mud is a product of the vital activity of the only and unique representative of living beings living in a concentrated salt solution - archaeobacteria. The shores of the strange reservoir can also be considered dead: for a considerable extent they are covered only with a crust of dried salt, which does not allow grass and trees to grow.

Those who want to become even more beautiful and slimmer should pay special attention to the Dead Sea: all kinds of SPA procedures will come to the aid of ladies. First, body exfoliation with Dead Sea salts, then a jacuzzi with milk and finally a full body massage with oils.

Dead Sea Salt

Since the water is below sea level, Atmosphere pressure it is higher here than at any other point on Earth, which creates the effect of a natural pressure chamber. In addition, air enriched with mineral salts and all kinds of microelements (especially bromine) has a calming and calming effect on a person. The absence of harmful ultraviolet radiation eliminates the possibility sunburn, while the tan literally sticks to the body: just lie in the sun for a couple of hours to become the owner of a luxurious, even chocolate tan the next day.

But the main highlight of this resort is, of course, the sea itself. Having entered it, you understand what weightlessness is - the body is pushed to the surface, forcing it to take a horizontal position. And... the mysticism begins. No wonder the Israelis joke that the Dead Sea is a place where God is with people in direct telephone communication.

Dead Sea beaches

The beaches of the Dead Sea are rocky or rocky-sand, covered with salt or salt stones. To prevent injury, it is recommended to wear special slippers when entering the water.

Dead Sea Resorts

There are several seaside resorts and towns in both Israel and Jordan.

Dead Sea Resorts in Israel

The main resorts of the Israeli part of the Dead Sea:

  • Potassium
  • Mitzpe
  • Shalem
  • Ein Gedi
  • Ein Bokek
  • Neve Zohar

The main and largest Israeli resort of the Dead Sea is Ein Bokek. The remaining resorts are small villages or oases in the desert with a few buildings.

Dead Sea Resorts in Jordan

There are no resorts in Jordan on the Dead Sea as such, there are only a few hotels on the shore and beaches near them.

How to get to the Dead Sea?

The Dead Sea resorts can be reached from Israel or Jordan by road or by bus.

Distance to the Dead Sea from cities in Jordan:

  • Amman - 65 km,
  • Madaba - 58 km,
  • Jerash - 113 km,
  • Petra - 280 km,
  • Aqaba - 385 km.

Distance from Israeli cities:

  • Jerusalem - 40 km,
  • Tel Aviv - 110 km,
  • Haifa - 190 km,
  • Be'er Sheva - 140 km,
  • Eilat - 300 km.

There are February colds ahead and a sluggish winter until mid-April, when you want to get away from cold and snowy Russia, somewhere by the sea, where it’s sunny and warm. When planning a trip in advance, many Russians weigh the pros and cons: where will it be warmer, more interesting, cheaper? Which country is more suitable for a winter holiday - Israel or Jordan? Let's try to answer all these questions.


It will be an excellent choice for those tourists who, in addition to beach holiday and swimming in the sea, they want to devote several days to religious pilgrimages. IN excursion program You should definitely include a visit to Jerusalem, where the main shrines associated with the name of Jesus Christ are located: the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Garden of Gethsemane.

Beach holiday. Red sea

Main winter resort Israel - Eilat, located on the Red Sea, where you can swim all year round. The northern part of the coast is sandy, the southern part is rocky, with a difficult entry into the sea, but with rich underwater flora and fauna. This place is especially loved by divers, and there are several reasons for this: the purity and transparency of the water, ideal visibility at depth, the presence of coral reefs with caves and a variety of inhabitants underwater world, which can only be found in the waters of the Red Sea. These are barracudas, bigeyes, glassfish, tauvin groupers, spotted-tail gobies, coral garrupas, rainbow variolas and others.

In the remaining resorts of Israel, Tel Aviv, Herzliya and Netanya, located on the Mediterranean Sea, swimming is cool in winter. Almost all beaches in this country are public, municipal. Therefore, for those who love a separate and respectable holiday on private beaches luxury hotels, you will have to make a lot of effort to find them. In this country there is no concept of star rating of a hotel; there is a certain list of services that are provided to tourists. Therefore, travel agencies often set the star level themselves to make it easier to understand what level of service their clients should expect. When choosing a hotel or hotel, consider this fact.

Wellness holiday. Dead Sea

Another advantage of Israel is the Dead Sea, famous all over the world
their unique waters, as well as hot thermal mineral springs, helping with diseases of the joints and respiratory system. You can swim in the salt water of the Dead Sea for no more than 15 minutes. In order not to forget, there are clocks installed on the beaches everywhere, allowing you to control the time.

Tour Features

  • In Israel, one third of the population speaks Russian, and another half understands it, so you will not have any difficulty communicating with the locals.
  • Since 2008, our countries have had visa-free regime. If your stay in the country does not exceed 90 days, you will not need to apply for a visa. However, at an Israeli airport you will encounter more rigorous screening and screening. This is common practice, react calmly, answer all questions and no problems will arise.
  • If you are planning family vacation With infant, think about the issue of his nutrition in advance. In Israel, we do not have the jarred ready-made puree we are used to.
  • During development excursion route take into account national peculiarity of this country. On Saturday, Shabbat, practically nothing works here, including public transport. It will be possible to go anywhere only by taxi.


Israel's neighbor, Jordan, began developing tourism relatively recently. There are not many hotels here, so the number of places and tours is usually limited. If you want to spend a winter holiday in this country, book and purchase in advance.

Beach holiday

The only resort located on the Red Sea is Aqaba. Tourist season here lasts all year round, the water in the sea is always warm, and the heat is tolerable and not debilitating. Holidays in Jordan are somewhat more expensive, hotels in Aqaba are different high level service. Health tours to the Dead Sea are also popular. Here, holidays in both countries are, in principle, equivalent.

Excursion holidays

Jordan has a rich history and has unique attractions, for the sake of which most people choose this country.

  • Firstly, this is the oldest stone city Petra.
  • Secondly, a trip to the real desert, Wadi Rum, which for our compatriots is an exotic sight.
  • And thirdly, a trip to the Jordan River, in which Jesus Christ was baptized.

The tour bus is usually escorted by police to prevent those wishing to swim across the river and cross the border into Israel. Apparently there were precedents for taking such precautions. But don't let them bother you, just ignore them.

The country's capital, Amman, also has to offer interesting places for visiting:
Roman theatre, Umayyad Palace, Citadel and Byzantine fortress.

Features of the holiday

And lastly, take with you strong shoes, long skirts and closed sweaters and swimsuits. Jordan is a Muslim country; it is not customary to wear short skirts, shorts and T-shirts here. You will be able to communicate with locals in English; it is taught here without fail.

Each person is individual, as are his requirements for relaxation. In any case, no matter what country you choose, the change from the snowy winter Russian reality to the warm and sunny one will leave only positive emotions and memories from your vacation.

I want to go to the Dead Sea with my daughter in the second half of September. The purpose of the trip is recreational. Tell me, who knows which way to spend time at the Dead Sea is healthier? From Jordan or Israel?

We were in Jordan, at Kempinski Ishtar. On the Jordanian side, on the Dead Sea (the sea, as is clear, is the same in Israel and in Jordan ;-)) there is a Marriott, Movenpick, Kempinski and a four-star Dead Sea Spa with treatment center. There is also a treatment center in Movenpick, but not as big as I understand. From any hotel you can walk in and get advice and appointments at Dead Sea. Jordan is very calm... the place is fantastic, words cannot describe it.

You can have a good rest at the Dead Sea and in Israel! The hotel base is much wider, so you can choose the most suitable one for your holiday. In fact, this will most likely not be a vacation, but rather a treatment. Moreover, for a child it can be extreme. More than 15 minutes at sea. You can’t be there, how will delicate baby skin react to concentrated salt? Personally, I can only withstand 5 days, then skin irritation begins (especially in interesting places). Although many families with very tiny children vacationed with me, they stayed for 2-3 days. The food in Israel is excellent everywhere, I can’t say enough about this worry. You need to fly through Ben Gurion Airport - the 1st place in the Middle East. So take your pick!

The Israeli resort on M.M. is located in the southern part of the sea, the water there is more concentrated, so it is not recommended to stay in the water for more than 15 minutes - then you must definitely take breaks.....And in Jordan the resort is in the northern part of the sea, the water is less concentrated and you can spend a lot more time in it......
Again: you still need to get a visa to Israel (and this is not always without problems), we are, of course, talking about the abolition of visas, but the deadlines have already been postponed three times, now it’s as if from September, but even that is still in question.. ...In Jordan, a visa is issued upon arrival.
As for finances: yes, there are more hotels in Israel and you can choose according to the price, which is more suitable.... There are only 4 hotels in Jordan, which must be booked in advance, since the season begins in September...... About the flight : if you are planning to fly from Moscow, then it doesn’t make much difference... but if from some other city (for example, from St. Petersburg), then a direct flight is only to Israel....Only Royal Jordan flies to Jordan from Moscow and there is also a charter flying to Aqaba, but also from Moscow.
In general, it’s up to you to choose.... a lot depends on finances... As for me personally (I’ve been to both Israel and Jordan), I would choose Jordan without hesitation.


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