Pushkin Mountains information. Walk through the Pushkin Mountains: excursion route. Maps of Pushkin Mountains

Although Pushkin was born in Moscow, his poetic homeland is traditionally considered to be the Pskov region - the family estate of the poet’s mother, where many famous works were created and with which much is connected in the poet’s biography. Now the surrounding area of ​​the village of Pushkinskie Gory is a huge museum complex. It will take several days to explore all the local museums and monuments, as well as take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful surroundings, but if you don’t have that much time, try to get out here from Pskov for at least a day: you’ll be able to see the most interesting places Pushkinsky reserve.

How to get there without a car

When staying in Pskov, you can get to the Pushkin Mountains by bus from the bus station. You need buses in the direction of Pushkinskie Gory, Velikiye Luki, Novorzhev, Krasny Luch, Novosokolniki, Lokni. The journey takes 2.5 hours, so it’s better to leave early.

Pushkinskie Gory

The bus arrives at the bus station in Pushkinskiye Gory, and having arrived here, it is better to immediately go to Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Monastery. In organized bus tours it is usually left for the finale of the trip, but since you have a long and rather tiring independent walk, at the end of her strength she may not remain for the visit to the monastery. So move along Novorzhevskaya Street to the left from the bus station, past the Mirror Pond and the Pushkin monument. Novorzhevskaya will turn into Pushkin Street, from which you will enter the territory of the monastery.

At the entrance to the monastery you can buy flowers to put on Pushkin’s grave. The grave itself is easy to find: go through the Anastasyevsky Gate and climb the steps of the stairs to the mountain, to the walls of the Holy Assumption Cathedral. The poet's grave is located near the wall of the temple.

Dress code

The Svyatogorsk Monastery is not a museum, but a functioning monastery, therefore, on its territory, minimum rules must be observed: men should remove their hats, women should cover their heads. Women may also want to wear a skirt (there are usually skirts available to wear over trousers when entering).

After a visit to the monastery or before it, you can have a snack if you left Pskov early. At the very beginning of Lenin Street (you will pass the turn on it on the way to the monastery and along it you will go to Mikhailovskoye), in house number 2, there is a restaurant “ Svyatogor" Tourists evaluate this establishment without much enthusiasm, but its advantage is that it opens quite early and those who arrive in the morning can have breakfast here. A little further down Lenin Street, at number 8, there is a restaurant “ Lukomorye”, which is mentioned in the “Reserve” by Sergei Dovlatov. It’s also quite possible to eat here; in terms of the level of service and quality of food, this is an average provincial cafe. Unfortunately, there are no colorful establishments with traditional Russian cuisine in the village.

Road to Mikhailovskoye

After visiting Pushkin’s grave, return along Novorzhevskaya to Lenin Street and turn onto it. You have to walk several kilometers to the museum-reserve " Mikhailovskoe" If hiking If they are tiring for you, you can take a taxi from the bus station and drive up to the reserve. During the off-season, it makes sense to find out the taxi number in Pushkinskie Gory in advance and try to negotiate with the taxi driver, although this is not always possible. Regular bus It doesn’t even go from the bus station to the estates every day. Sometimes tourists with cars or local private owners who get in the way save the situation - you can negotiate with them to give you a ride to the estate. But even a car will not help to completely eliminate walking: the parking lots are quite far from the entrance to the museum territory and one way or another you will have to walk a lot.

There are two options for the route to Mikhailovskoye for a hiker. Lenina Street turns into the road to Petrovskoye, along the side of which you can move until the turn to Mikhailovskoye. This path is a little shorter, but not the most scenic. A bus will take you along it if you are lucky enough to get on it.

The longer and more interesting option also coincides with the signs recommending getting to Mikhailovskoye via Bugrovo. In this case, you still need to turn left from Lenin Street in Pushkinskie Gory near the local Administration and move along the road to Trigorskoye until the intersection with a signpost, at which turn right - to Bugrovo. Here you will pass by the Museum of Wooden Architecture " Pushkin village"and a pond with ducks. Here, in Bugrovo, near the hotel " Arina R."there is a cafe" Basket"with a good menu (although the prices there are high by local standards).

Along the way: how to plan your trip route

Decide in advance what you definitely want to see in the Pushkinsky Reserve, besides Mikhailovsky itself. Classic bus route excursion groups: Mikhailovskoye and Trigorskoye with a visit to the settlements of Savkina Gorka and Voronich along the way. But you won’t be traveling by bus with a guide, so the journey will take much more effort and time.

If you are ready for a long walk between estates, do not waste time on the way to them, in Bugrovo. And vice versa: you can refuse to go to Trigorskoye, limiting yourself to Mikhailovsky.

If you have children with you, it makes sense to stay in the “Pushkin Village”, look at the exhibitions in wooden huts and in the ancient mill, feed the ducks in the pond.

For adults, “Pushkin Village” is not so interesting (at least, it’s enough to look at it from the outside), but you can visit house-museum of Sergei Dovlatov in the neighboring village of Berezino. Finding it is quite simple: you need to be on the approach to Bugrov, opposite the Arina R. hotel. turn right onto the dirt road and walk about 500 meters to Berezina. But it is better to contact the museum staff in advance by phone and arrange an excursion.


After passing between the museum village and the pond, you will follow a path deeper into the forest. The sign informs that it is 1.3 kilometers to Mikhailovskoye, but in reality there are three kilometers to the road, and even those who drove to Bugrov will have to walk further. But the road is quite interesting. Among the protected forest you will come across a monument to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and then - Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel on Poklonnaya Hill. The chapel is new, but built in memory of the temple in honor of Michael the Archangel that has long existed on the Pushkin estate. You are already almost on the territory of the estate park - a little further, behind the chapel, an ancient spruce alley begins, planted at the end of the 18th century by Joseph Abramovich Hannibal, Pushkin’s grandfather. Along this alley you will get to the estate, directly to the main house. You can go to the estate (by purchasing a ticket at the ticket office next to the house) to go on an excursion, or you can first walk around the park. From the spruce alley you can turn right onto Anna Kern Alley and walk to the pond with the Island of Solitude. Behind the ponds you will see a large clearing where Pushkin’s holidays are held, behind which is the Beryozka cafe. If you walk between the Flax Storage and the pond, poetically named “Under the Canopy of the Thick Willows,” and then turn left again, towards the manor house, you will pass by the toilet.

From the house be sure to go to viewing platform above the Sorotya River and Lake Kuchane - it’s very beautiful here, and if you look closely (or take a camera with a good zoom), you can see buildings on the other side of the lake Petrovsky.

If you wish, you can continue your walk and go to Petrovskoye. But if you still have the strength to continue the journey, it is better to visit Trigorskoye, following the road that Pushkin loved to walk to visit his friends the Wulfs.

Best time to travel to Pushkin Mountains

It’s good to travel to Pushkin’s places in the summer and early autumn - museums are open almost seven days a week and close later, cafes are also open, and most importantly - in good weather It's good to take long walks around the area. But you shouldn’t go here in April and November: during these months, museums and parks are closed for sanitary maintenance. It is best to check the current schedule on the website of the museum-reserve.

The way to Trigorskoye

To get into Trigorskoye, which is about 4 kilometers away, you need to move from the manor house in Mikhailovskoye to the left, past the Soroti River, the windmill and Lake Malenets. When you reach the lake, turn left and walk along the shore until the road splits. If you turn right at this fork, you will come to the fortification Savkina Gorka with a restored wooden chapel. And if you choose the left branch, you will be taken to old road to Trigorskoe, about which Pushkin wrote in the poem “Again I Visited...”:

“Where the road goes up the mountain,
Rugged by rain, three pines
They stand - one at a distance, the other two
Close to each other..."

On the maps of the reserve, where all suitable objects are given names from Pushkin’s poetry, this path is called “The Road Plowed by Rains,” which is not very suitable for it in dry weather. There are also three pines on the road, although these, of course, are no longer Pushkin pines.

The hiking trail will lead you to the parking area excursion buses, and then you will need to walk a little along the asphalt highway to the village of Voronich. Walk past the village and turn right onto another walking path that will lead you to Voronich settlement And Church of St. George. Near the temple there is an old cemetery, where representatives of the Osipov-Wulf family and people who invested a lot of effort in preserving the Pushkin reserve are buried - in particular, its famous custodian Semyon Geichenko.

Having passed the settlement, you will find yourself on the territory of Trigorskoye and find yourself near an estate that looks a lot like a long barn (after all, this is a one-story building of a former factory, where the family moved in seemingly temporarily, and settled forever). You can go on an excursion to the estate (as in Mikhailovsky, it is better to pay for a guided tour, because an independent inspection of the exhibition is not very impressive, because the main thing here is not memorial items and interiors, but stories about the owners of the estate and their relationship with their famous neighbor).

Then take a circle around the park: going to the right, you will reach Onegin’s bench, the bathhouse, which served as a guest outbuilding, and the “Green Hall” - a clearing where dances were held. From the bathhouse you can see a cascade of three ponds. From the “Green Hall” you can cross the bridge to the linden alley, from there turn onto the walking path and past the “Spruce Tent” (in Pushkin’s time a spreading powerful tree actually grew here, now an “analogue” has been planted in its place) to the clearing With sundial, the divisions for which used to be oak trees planted in a circle. From here you can go to the “Secluded Oak” and get to Tatiana’s Linden Alley. And the path from the alley leads to a parking lot, where you can call a taxi or negotiate with one of the motorists to get back to Pushkin Mountains.

By bike through Pushkin's places

For sports people, perhaps the ideal way to explore the Pushkin Nature Reserve is to ride a bicycle. Road trip will not allow you to appreciate the picturesque paths leading to estates through forests and meadows, and walking route quite tedious. True, many are scared off by the information that it is prohibited to ride bicycles on the territory of estates, but in fact the ban applies to small zone near manor houses - you can only walk along the famous alleys, and you will be asked to leave your bicycle near the security houses. But on the road between Mikhailovsky and Trigorsky and other surrounding areas you can ride a bicycle calmly. You can rent bicycles at local tourist centers, for example, at the Arina R. Hotel. in Bugrovo, but the downside is that after a circle around the estates you will have to return to Bugrovo again.

The sights of the village of Pushkinskie Gory are visited by over three hundred thousand tourists every year. It was here that A.S. Pushkin was exiled, here he lived Last year, was buried here.

To the Pushkin Mountains - on your own or with a tour?

During the excursion, the Pushkin expert guide will tell you what to see first and take you through the main memorable places, will tell interesting and unusual episodes from the life and work of the famous poet.

The list of main route points is as follows:

    visit to the Mikhailovskoye estate, where Alexander Sergeevich lived;

    visit to “Trigorskoye”, the estate of the landowner Praskovya Andreevna Osipova-Wulf;

    inspection of the Svyatogorsk Monastery, where the remains of the poet are buried.

The village of Mikhailovskoye is the best place to get to know each other better controversial personality the poet, to be more fully imbued with his genius. Near the house-museum there is a modest outbuilding where his nanny Arina Rodionovna lived. If you walk along Mikhailovsky Park, you can see the Hannibal family crypt, next to which is the picturesque linden “Alley Kern”. The Trigorskoye estate will give you the atmosphere of noble life, and the English park located nearby will remind you of lines from Eugene Onegin.

Must visit

The nearby village of Bugrovo is very popular, where there are the museums “Melnitsa” and “Pushkin Village”. It’s definitely worth going to the village of Petrovskoye to see the Hannibals’ estate, which, alas, is only a reconstruction; only one park has survived to this day.

Among the attractions, it is also worth noting the eco-park “Zoograd” - children are delighted with the local inhabitants, and the emu willingly poses for photos.

The blog "Get to know your native land" is virtual trip for children in the Pskov region and is the embodiment in the Internet space of the main materials of the project of the Centralized Library System of Pskov “Know your native land!”

This project was developed and implemented in the libraries of the Centralized Library System of Pskov in 2012-2013. - Library - Center for Communication and Information, Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow", Library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolottsev and in the innovation and methodological department of the Central City Library.

The main goal of the project is to give a basic idea of ​​the historical past of the Pskov region, its present, about the people (personalities) who glorified the Pskov region, about the richness and originality of the nature of the Pskov region.

The project united library workers, participants in the educational process and parents with a common goal.

"Cultivating love for native land, to the native culture, to the native village or city, to the native speech - a task of paramount importance and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home, for your school. Gradually expanding, this love for one’s native land turns into love for one’s country - its history, its past and present” (D. S. Likhachev).

Pskov. Phot. Petra Kosykh.
Our region has made a significant contribution to the formation, development and defense of Russian statehood, to the spiritual life of society. The Pskov region, both in the past and in the present, has more than once set an example of understanding all-Russian interests, generated local experience that became the property of society, and put forward bright heroic personalities, prominent scientists, writers, and artists.

Project implementation partners:

City schools:
· Average comprehensive school No. 24 named after. L.I. Malyakova (primary school teacher Valentina Ivanovna Grigorieva)
· Secondary school No. 12 named after. Hero of Russia A. Shiryaeva (primary school teacher Tatyana Pavlovna Ovchinnikova)
· Border - customs - legal lyceum (primary school teacher Ivanova Zinaida Mikhailovna)

Pskov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers:
Pasman Tatyana Borisovna – methodologist in history, social studies and law POIPKRO

Pskov State University
Bredikhina Valentina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Humanitarian Education of Pskov State University.

Blog Editor:
Burova N.G. - manager Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Central City Hospital of Pskov

Currently, despite the fact that the project that originally formed the basis for the creation of this resource has been completed, our local history blog continues to successfully exist and develop. Being at its core an information and educational resource and a good help for those who want to get to know Pskov and the amazing Pskov region (especially for children), - be it the opening of a monument in Pskov or on the territory of the Pskov region, impressions of trips to one of the corners of the Pskov region, the creation of a new local history toy library or photo gallery and, of course, we always inform our readers about the publication of new books about Pskov, designed for young local historians.

The materials on this blog can be used in school classes and at library events, or they can be read just like that - for self-education!

We are waiting on the pages of our blog for all the guys who are not indifferent to the history of Pskov and the Pskov region, and, in turn, we promise to delight our visitors with new materials. By the way, blog updates can be tracked in the section

Pushkinskie Gory is an urban-type settlement (since 1960) in the west of the Pskov region of Russia. The administrative center of the Pushkinogorsky district, as well as the municipal formation “Pushkinogorye” (with the status of “urban settlement”). Located 112 km southeast of Pskov, 57 km southeast of the Ostrov railway station (on the Pskov - Rezekne line). The history of the village dates back to 1569, when, on the instructions of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible, the Pskov governor Yuri Tokmakov founded the Svyatogorsk Monastery on the Sinichie Mountains (not far from the Pskov suburb of Voronich), which later played the role of a military outpost of the Russian state. The monastery was surrounded by a powerful wooden wall, which was replaced by a stone wall at the end of the 18th century.

Soon after the founding of the monastery, the Sinichya Mountains were renamed the Holy Mountains, and the settlement of Tobolenets (named after the name of the lake) arose at the monastery.

Beginning at least in the 1690s, fairs were held at the Svyatogorsk Monastery, bringing together merchants not only from all over the area, but also from distant cities. Svyatogorsk fairs were famous for their crowds and fun, surpassing all other fairs held in Opochetsky district in terms of turnover and the abundance of goods presented.
Peter I, by his decree of December 18 (29), 1708, introduced a new Administrative division to provinces and districts. At the same time, Voronich, which had decayed in the 17th century, received the status of a suburb of Opochka, but lost its significance so much that the center of the Voronichskaya (Voronetskaya) volost of the Opochetsky district of the Ingermanland province (in 1710 renamed St. Petersburg) became the settlement of Tobolenets. The tsar's new decree of May 29 (June 9), 1719 introduced the division of provinces into provinces, and the settlement, together with the entire Opochetsky district, became part of the Pskov province of the St. Petersburg province.


  • In the Pushkinogorsky district there is the state memorial historical-literary and natural-landscape museum-reserve of A. S. Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye”, which includes the estates Mikhailovskoye (the poet’s place of exile in 1824-1826), Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye, and the museums “Pushkin Village” " And " Water Mill"in the village of Bugrovo, the settlements of Voronich, Vrev, Velye and Savkina Gorka, as well as the Svyatogorsk Holy Dormition Monastery - the burial place of the poet. The reserve annually hosts the Pushkin Poetry Festival.
  • Temple of the Kazan Mother of God (1765). Konovnitsyn is considered its temple builder.
  • 12 km from the Pushkin Mountains is the former Lvov estate Altun. A. I. Lvov, who was in 1823-1826. leader of the Pskov provincial nobility, exercised general supervision over the exiled A.S. Pushkin. The layout of the park and several manor buildings have been preserved. In 2008, reconstruction of the estate began, the park was put in order, the pond and the remaining buildings were cleaned and beautified. On the site of the former estate, the Altun Estate hotel is located, and in the premises of the restored barn there is the restaurant “Barn under the Oaks”.

Every year, the sights of the Pushkin Mountains and the surrounding area are visited by more than 300 thousand tourists and excursionists. To accommodate guests of the Pushkin Mountains, there is the Druzhba Hotel, the Pushkinogorye tourist base and the Altun Estate Hotel, which opened in October 2011 (12 km from the Pushkin Mountains).


  • A country: Russia
  • Subject of the federation: Pskov region
  • Municipal district: Pushkinogorsky district
  • urban settlement: Pushkinogorye

Sights of the Pushkin Mountains

Any trip to the Pushkin Mountains is always accompanied by two integral and most important tasks. The main thing, of course, is to choose a hotel in the Pushkin Mountains, and what would a vacation be without an eventful excursion program, and where else if not in Pushkinogorye there will be a lot historical places that you will definitely want to see.

Although the village of Pushkinskiye Gory was founded in the 16th century, it has everything for a comfortable stay and the organization of a rich excursion program.

Currently, the Pushkin Mountains are a nature reserve with an area of ​​more than 700 hectares, with two beautiful lakes Kuchane and Malenets. The picturesque Sorot River flows among the hills, forests and meadows.

Pushkinogorye gained worldwide fame and popularity after the appearance of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve in the village of Mikhailovskoye, where the world-famous work “Eugene Onegin” was written. The village regularly hosts music and literary festivals, many of which are dedicated to the works of A.S. Pushkin.

We invite you to take an amazing journey in the footsteps of Onegin, visiting the main attractions of the Pushkin Mountains. We are always happy to offer assistance to all guests in organizing excursions to the city of Pskov.

Pushkinskie Gory

Pechery, in the Pushkin Mountains and the surrounding area, our guest house in the Pushkin Mountains is always at your service.

While staying at the “Estate in the Footsteps of Onegin” you can also visit: the museum-reserve A.S. Pushkin Mikhailovskoe, Svyatogorsk Monastery, Savkin Gorka, the ancient Russian city of Izborsk, Pskov-Pechersk Lavra, S. Dovlatov’s house-museum and many other monuments cultural heritage Russia.

Important information!

The estate museums Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye and Petrovskoye are closed to visitors on Mondays and the last Tuesdays of each month (sanitary day). Walking in local parks is not prohibited at this time.
From April 1 to April 28 and from November 10 to November 30, museums and parks are closed for sanitary maintenance

Pushkin Mountains are located 120 km southeast of Pskov in the very center of the Pskov region near the St. Petersburg-Kyiv highway. Once upon a time this place was called the Holy Mountains. The name is associated with the Svyatogorsk Monastery located here, founded in 1569 by the Pskov governor, Prince Yuri Tokmakov, by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible with funds from the royal treasury. The monastery on Sinichya Mountain was supposed to strengthen the approaches to the city of Voronich, one of the strongholds on the western border of the Pskov land.

Ancient chroniclers connect the founding of the monastery with the legend of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God to the local shepherd Timofey Terentyev.

At the site of the apparition, the Svyatogorsk Monastery was built, and nearby the Kazan Church and the Intercession Chapel. The church and chapel are located on this hill. The Intercession Chapel was built on the site of the forty-day prayer of St. Blessed Timothy. Every year on the ninth Friday after Easter, July 30**, and on the day of the Intercession of the Mother of God, a prayer service for water is held on Timothy Hill. In the chapel there is a tombstone from the grave of Maria Ivanovna Osipova, a resident of Trigorskoye. It is known that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin visited the Kazan Church.

Pushkinskie Gory

The Temple of the Kazan Mother of God in the Holy Mountains * (Pushkin Mountains) has existed for more than two hundred and forty years. This church has been active throughout its history and has never closed. The temple is located in the old part of the village, not far from the Svyatogorsk Holy Dormition Monastery. The temple is wooden, has a two-tier bell tower with a view of the surrounding area. At the top of the hill, next to the temple, is the Intercession Chapel. In 1569 There was an appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Svyatogorsk to the blessed shepherd Timothy. (The story of the appearance of the icon...) Svyatogorsk Icon Holy Mother of God appeared on Sinichya Mountain, now called Holy. Before this event, Saint Timothy prayed on a nearby hill, which was named Timofeeva.

Together with the monastery, the Tobolonets settlement arose. The lake located here also bears the same name. By the beginning of the 18th century, the settlement grew into the village of the Holy Mountains, which were renamed Pushkinsky on May 25, 1925.

This region is inextricably linked with the name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. By the resolution of the Small Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of March 17, 1922, these places were declared protected areas and taken under state protection. The villages of Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye are deeply and organically connected with the life and work of Pushkin. His ashes rest in the ancient Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The main part of the Pushkin Nature Reserve is the village of Mikhailovskoye; it was once part of the Mikhailovskaya Bay. By personal decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, these lands were granted eternal possession to Pushkin’s great-grandfather Abram Petrovich Hannibal. From that time on, Pushkin’s ancestors settled on the banks of Soroti. The poet called Mikhailovskoye “a haven of peace, work and inspiration.” He came here in 1817 and 1819 as a young man, full of hope; here, at the height of his fame, he “spent two unnoticed years as an exile” (1824-1826). The Mikhailovsky Park created by my grandfather has been preserved.

Next to Mikhailovsky is the Osipov-Wulf estate - Trigorskoye.

A.S. Pushkin was sincerely attached to his Trigorsk friends and spent a lot of time in their hospitable home. The park, founded in the 18th century, has been preserved.

Petrovskoye is the family estate of the Hannibals. During Pushkin’s time, Petrovsky was owned by Pyotr Abramovich Hannibal, the great-uncle of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The poet often visited him. Here he found material for the creation of "Dubrovsky" and "Arap Peter the Great".

Pushkin was buried in the Svyatogorsk Monastery near the walls of the ancient Assumption Church. Four years after his death, a monument was erected on his grave, commissioned by the poet’s widow and made by the St. Petersburg master A.M. Permogorov.Type text here…

Pushkinskoe Mountains, village (center) of Pushkinogorsky district, Pskov region

The main attraction of the village of Pushkinskiye Gory is the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Monastery with the grave of the poet A.S. Pushkin.

The Holy Mountains (spurs of the Valdai Hills) became widely known after the Pskov governor, Prince Yuri Tokmakov, founded the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Monastery on one of the hills by order of Grand Duke Ivan IV. In this place in 1566, the shepherdess Timothy, according to meager chronicle data, saw the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Hodegetria Mother of God: “...appearing in the Voronach region, on the Sinichya Mountains, on the Settlement, forgiveness, in the name of the Most Pure Mother of God, and many, many forgiveness of people began with every illness.” (before the miracles appeared, the Holy Mountains were called Sinichii).

“The Tale of the Appearance of Miracle-Working Icons and Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary in the area of ​​the city of Pskov on Sinichya Gora, which is now the head of the Holy Mountain,” kept in the monastery and known in several lists of the 17th century, tells about miraculous apparitions in more detail. In the mid-18th century, when almost the entire monastery archive was destroyed in a fire, the Svyatogorsk Tale was miraculously preserved. It was discovered in Pushkin’s times by Bishop of Pskov Evgeny Bolkhovitinov, a famous historian, author of many works on the history of Russian literature.

For Grand Duke Ivan IV "the Terrible" the construction of the "stone monastery" was seen as necessary to strengthen the border with Lithuania (or rather, the approaches to to a neighboring city Voronich). In gratitude for the quick work on building the monastery, the Grand Duke presented it with books, vestments, and the belfry with a bell. The donation of bells by the ruling house also happened later: the list of donors also included Boris Godunov, Grand Dukes Mikhail Fedorovich, Alexei Mikhailovich, Emperor Peter I. The monastery was included in the first-class, it was 27th in the list of the largest monasteries in Rus'.

The great political role played by the monastery is evidenced by the fact that its abbot Zosima Zavalishin was authorized by the Pskov clergy to participate in the Zemsky Sobor of 1598 in Moscow. Among others, the letter of election of Boris Godunov as Tsar of Rus' bore his signature. In the 17th-18th centuries he was one of the richest in Rus'.

In the 18th century, the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Monastery lost its defensive significance. The "Ecclesiastical States" of 1764 deprived the monastery of many economic privileges, and it became a third-class, forty-fifth in degree, but still had its lands, remaining rich and influential. Large incomes came from renting land and donations. Fairs were held annually at the monastery, attracting a large number of merchants and people. They were also visited during his exile to the Mikhailovskoye estate by the poet A.S. Pushkin.

The monastery was famous for its bells. There were 14 of them in total. The largest, cast in Moscow, weighed 151 pounds. This bell was ordered from the Moscow factory of D. Tyulenev in 1753. According to legend, during its casting there was an unexpected test for the craftsmen. Craftsmen, who often hid silver, were forced to throw all the hidden ingots into the alloy for the bell. According to another legend, many silver coins donated by pilgrims were put into the alloy. One way or another, the Svyatogorsk monastery received one of the rarest bells in Rus'. Today you can see fragments of this bell. There was also a 15-pound bell in the monastery, popularly called Goryun (a gift from Grand Duke Ivan IV).

The center of the monastery was the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God, built by Pskov craftsmen in accordance with the traditions of local temple architecture. The cathedral consists of a central quadrangle (its walls are one and a half meters thick, made of flagstone) and two aisles - northern and southern, added in 1770-1776. financed by local landowners.

Near the walls of the Assumption Cathedral there is the grave of the poet A.S. Pushkin (died in 1837) and his ancestors: grandfather Osip Abramovich Hannibal (died 1806), grandmother Maria Alekseevna (died 1818), mother Nadezhda Osipovna (died 1836) and father Sergei Lvovich ( died 1848). Also, the poet’s younger brother, Plato (died on the Mikhailovskoye estate in 1819), is buried in the altar part of the Assumption Cathedral.

Sloboda Tobolenets

The settlement of Tobolenets was founded together with the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Monastery and received its name from the nearby lake. The first chronicle mention of this settlement dates back to 1569.

Sloboda Tobolenets is a modest volost center with its own government, fire brigade, small hospital, almshouse and reading room. The volost administration was located on Mount Volostnoy (today known as Mount Sunset). The fire station stood in the center of the settlement, opposite it on the hill there was a hospital. Below there were shops and a tavern, closer to the monastery - the houses of merchants and priests. In addition to the Svyatogorsk Monastery, there were three churches and two chapels. In the early 1830s.. A.I. Raevsky opened the first free school in the settlement, where 30 children studied. In the 40s. Ministry state property founded her own school here, and in 1884. A school arose at the monastery, in which 40 boys studied. At the beginning of the 20th century, twenty primary schools in the village and one five-grade school.

In 1877, a post office was opened in the settlement, and in 1886 a telephone line ran from Novgorodka to Bezhanitsy. Telephone communication first appeared in 1910. In 1912, the first telephone exchange with 10 numbers was installed, which made it possible to have constant communication with Opochka and five villages. During the First World War, all communication lines were destroyed. In 1912, kerosene lamps were used for street lighting for the first time in the Holy Mountains. Lanterns hung near the house of the volost government, near the tavern and shops. Electricity appeared during the years of Soviet power.

On May 25, 1925, a special resolution was adopted by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee: “To rename the village of Tobolenets, the center of the Pushkin volost of the Pskov province, into the village of Pushkinskiye Gory.” The new regional center began to develop in a new way. In 1927, a secondary school named after. A.S. Pushkin, the building had 13 rooms and was designed to educate 480 children. A new hospital was built near the school, soon the House of Soviets, a pharmacy, and a restaurant. There were seven streets in the village, three of which were paved and illuminated by electric lamps. The district was formed as part of the Pskov Okrug Leningrad region by a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of August 1, 1927, under the name Pushkinsky from Pushkinsky and part of the Veleisky volost of Opochetsky district.

Photos Pushkin Mountains

The district was called Pushkinsky until 1936. On May 11, 1937, the district was transferred from Velikoluksky to Opochetsky and began to be called Pushkinogorsky. In the pre-war years, Pushkin Mountains began at the monastery wall and ended at the secondary school. On February 5, 1941, the district left the Opochetsky Okrug due to the liquidation of the latter.

On August 23, 1944, during the formation of the Pskov region, the region was included in its composition under the name of Pushkinogorsk.

Since 1960, Pushkinskiye Gory became an urban-type settlement.

From February 1, 1963, for four years, the district did not exist as an administrative unit and was part of the Novorzhevsky district. Pushkinogorsky district was restored on December 30, 1966.

Pushkin Mountains: sights, photos

A country Russia
Subject of the federation Pskov region
Municipal district Pushkinogorsky district
urban settlement Pushkinogorye
Ethnobury Pushkinogorsk people
OKATO code 58 251 551
Postcode 181370
Telephone code +7 81146
PGT with 1960
First mention 16th century
Timezone UTC+4
Population ▼ 5652 people (2010)
Vehicle code 60
Former names Tobolenets, Holy Mountains
Coordinates Coordinates: 57°01′00″ N. w. 28°55′00″ E. d. / 57.016667° n. w. 28.916667° E. d. (G) (O) (I)57°01′00″ n. w. 28°55′00″ E. d. / 57.016667° n. w. 28.916667° E. d. (G) (O) (I)

Pushkinskie Gory is an urban-type settlement, the administrative center of the municipalities of the urban settlement of Pushkinogorye and the Pushkinogorsky district of the Pskov region of Russia.

Located 112 km southeast of Pskov, 57 km southeast of the Ostrov railway station (on the Pskov - Rezekne line).

The village is included in the List of Historical Cities of Russia.



1939 1959 1970 1979 1989 2002 2010
1672 2412 4037 5845 7067 6089 5652


  • Temple of the Kazan Mother of God (1765).
  • In 2000, on the western outskirts of the Pushkin Mountains, the Argus bird nursery was created (in Latin this is the name of one of the most beautiful views pheasants, and in ancient Greek mythology - the thousand-eyed and vigilant guard). In 2010, the name was changed to the Zoograd ecopark.
  • In the Pushkinogorsky district there is the state memorial historical-literary and natural-landscape museum-reserve of A. S. Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye”, which includes the villages of Mikhailovskoye (the poet’s place of exile in 1824-1826), Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye, the settlements of Voronich, Vrev , Velye and Savkina Gorka, as well as the Svyatogorsk Holy Dormition Monastery - the burial place of the poet. The reserve annually hosts the Pushkin Poetry Festival.

Every year, the sights of the Pushkin Mountains and the surrounding area are visited by more than 300 thousand tourists and excursionists. To accommodate guests of the Pushkin Mountains, the Druzhba Hotel and the Pushkinogorye tourist base operate.

Lake Kamenets at the entrance to the Pushkin Mountains


Founded in the 16th century as the Tobolenets settlement (named after the name of the lake) at the Svyatogorsk monastery.

In the 19th century, the settlement of Tobolenets was a modest volost center with its own government, fire brigade, small hospital, almshouse and reading room. The volost administration was located on Mount Volostnoy (today known as Mount Sunset). The fire station stood in the center of the settlement, opposite it on the hill there was a hospital. Below there were shops and a tavern, closer to the monastery - the houses of merchants and priests. In addition to the Svyatogorsk Monastery, there were three churches and two chapels. In the early 1830s, A.I. Raevsky opened the first free school in the settlement, where 30 children studied. In the 1840s, the Ministry of State Property founded its own school here, and in 1884 a school was opened at the monastery, in which 40 boys studied. At the beginning of the 20th century, twenty primary schools and one five-grade school appeared in the village.

In 1877, a post office was opened in the settlement, and in 1886 a telegraph line ran from Novgorodka to Bezhanitsy. Telephone communication first appeared in 1910. In 1912, the first telephone exchange with 10 numbers was installed, which made it possible to have constant communication with Opochka and five villages. During the First World War, all communication lines were destroyed. In 1912, kerosene lamps were used for street lighting for the first time in the Holy Mountains. Lanterns hung near the house of the volost government, near the tavern and shops. Electricity appeared during the years of Soviet power.

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Museum-reserve dedicated to A.S. Pushkin, under the name "Mikhailovskoye" was created in 1922 by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, and is maintained by the state. This most interesting monument culture and art on a national scale. It presents famous places associated with the work and life of the poet, such as Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye, Saints, which were glorified and described in his works.

The reserve consists of: the Mikhailovskoye museum-estate, a property that belonged to A.S.’s mother. Pushkin Museum-Estate "Trigorskoye" - estates that belonged to the poet's friends; Museum-Estate "Petrovskoye" - once belonged to the writer's great-grandfather. It also includes "Mill in the village of Bugrovo" - a museum with a water mill and " Pushkin Village" - a museum in the village of Bugrovo, in which a sample of a village from Pushkin's times is located. Attention should be paid to the tomb of A.S. Pushkin located in the Svyatogorsk Monastery and the depository located in the scientific and cultural center, ongoing exhibitions in halls with 500 and 100 seats. More than seventy monuments are located on the territory of the Pushkin Nature Reserve; they are of great importance for history and culture.

Sorot River

The Sorot River flows through the territory of the Pskov region. Starting from Lake Mikhalkinskoye, Sorot slowly carries its calm, quiet waters along a bizarrely winding bed for eighty kilometers until it flows into the Velikaya River.

The name of the river comes from the ancient Slavic word “sor” - spring, and today its banks abound with the purest springs with excellent drinking water. The width of the river in the middle reaches is slightly less than thirty meters. Sorot was once navigable, but those days are long gone. Along the river there are many small ancient villages with funny names - Zimari, Slepni, Zhabkino, Sobolitsy.

But the Sorot River is known primarily for the fact that on its banks there are estates closely associated with the name of Alexander Pushkin - Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye. At Mikhailovskoye the river overflows, forming two lakes. The estate building is visible from the river. When it was restored in 1946 after being devastated by the Nazis, centuries-old pine trees were floated here along the Soroti for construction.

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Spruce Alley

Spruce Alley is located in the Pushkin Mountains in Mikhailovsky Park, which was laid out by the poet’s grandfather at the end of the 18th century.

A wide spruce alley, which once served as the entrance to the estate, runs through the entire park. In the alley you can see several preserved two-hundred-year-old Hannibal trees.

In 1947, in place of the lost trees, the reserve staff planted new ones, which had already grown noticeably. At the end of the alley you can see the restored Hannibal-Pushkin family chapel.

Walking through the Mikhailovskoye Museum-Reserve in the Pushkin Mountains, you can’t help but come across a small island that local residents is referred to as “Island of Solitude”.

There is a bench on the island, sitting on which you can reflect on life or fantasize about those distant times when one of the best poets of Russia, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, walked through this park.

The Mikhailovskoye Museum-Reserve was founded on March 17, 1922. Besides excellent park, in Mikhailovskoye you can visit the museum “Mill in the village of Bugrovo” and the Holy Dormition Monastery.

Sculpture of Pushkin

Not far from the pond in Mikhailovsky there is a sculpture of the young Pushkin, a modern work. The author depicted the young Pushkin reclining in the grass, and made the sculpture in bronze.

Lake Kuchane

Externally, Lake Kuchane does not stand out in any way among the many reservoirs of the Sorota Lowland; there are more beautiful, majestic and picturesque ones here. But the word “Kuchane” evokes sacred awe in people when the conversation turns to Pushkin’s places. On its banks are Mikhailovskoye, Petrovskoye, Trigorskoye. It was this that the great poet admired from the windows of his house. Its area is 1.7 square kilometers, the average depth is 2.4 meters, and the greatest is 3.5 meters.

The lake has low banks, very silted and swampy. In the 1970s, cleanup work was carried out on it. It is part of the protected zone of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve.

Common species of fish that can be found here: pike, bream, roach, ruffe, perch and crucian carp.

The grave of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Once in the village of Pushkin Mountains, you cannot ignore the Svyatogorsk Holy Dormition Monastery, near the walls of which is the grave of the famous Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Alexander Pushkin died tragically on January 29, 1837. After the funeral service in St. Petersburg St. Isaac's Cathedral, the coffin with Pushkin's body was sent to the Pskov region, where it was buried next to his mother. Four years later, by order of the widow Natalya Pushkina, a tombstone by sculptor Alexander Permagorov was installed on the grave.

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Alley Kern

On both sides of the central spruce alley stretches Mikhailovsky Park, grown by grandfather A.S. Pushkin, Osip Ganibal. It is there that there is an alley of old linden trees, known as “Kern Alley,” where, according to legend, the famous lines of the great work “I remember a wonderful moment...” were born.

If you decide to walk along Spruce Alley, you will see a path leading to the right, which will lead you to the Black Hannibal Pond. It is surrounded on all sides by a wall of trees in which herons nest. And the path leading to the left will lead you straight to one of the main wonders - the linden alley - Kern Alley.

Anna Petrovna Kern visited relatives in Trigorskoye in 1825. The very next day, Pushkin read Kern a copy of the second chapter from Onegin, and in the uncut sheets, Anna found a folded sheet of paper with verses: “I remember a wonderful moment...”

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