Sights of the Vyatka region, presentation for elementary schools. Presentation on the topic "the city of Kirov on the Vyatka River." Monument to the Vyatka Seal

Coat of arms of the city of Kirov For the first time, a bow and arrow appeared on the Vyatka seal, which was included on the State Seal of Ivan the Terrible in 1557. Ivan the Terrible There are several hypotheses for the appearance of the Vyatka symbol. In one of the most probable hypotheses, it is believed that the bow symbolizes the main occupation of the local population - hunting. On the basis of the Vyatka Seal, it was highly approved on May 28 (June 8), 1781 by Empress Catherine II

Kirov (former names - Khlynov, Vyatka) is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kirov region. Forms the municipal entity "city of Kirov". Located on the Vyatka River, 896 km from Moscow. The city has been known since 1374 under the name Khlynov. Historical, cultural, industrial and science Center Kirov region. The birthplace of the Dymkovo toy. “Fur” and “peat” capital of Russia

History of Kirov The first settlements on the territory of present Kirov were formed presumably 2.5 thousand years ago. By the 7th century, the first nationalities of the Udmurt, Mari and Komi tribes were formed here. The main settlements are located along the banks of the Cheptsa, Moloma and Vyatka rivers.

Sights of the city of Kirov is one of the oldest historical cities in Russia with a rich heritage in the form of historical, cultural and architectural monuments. The city, located on seven hills and having an amazing silhouette of buildings and iconic architectural ensembles, has retained its historical layout and connection with the surrounding natural landscape.

One of the oldest cultural monuments is the majestic architectural ensemble of Uspensky Trifonov monastery, picturesquely located on the embankment of the Vyatka River. The monastery was founded by Saint Tryphon of Vyatka in 1580. Architectural ensemble The monastery has the status of a federal architectural monument.

The building of the FSB Directorate for the Kirov Region, formerly the mansion of the merchant T.F. Bulychev (architect I.A. Charushin) Tikhon Filippovich Bulychev was a famous Vyatka merchant, entrepreneur, owner of a local shipping company, owner of many houses and philanthropist. His cash treasury was demonstrated by the wealth and luxury of decoration of residential mansions erected on the streets of the city. The beautiful castle with griffins at the main entrance and an openwork cast-iron fence was built in 1911. In the mix gothic style with the exoticism of the east, the building became a unique structure that became the decoration of Vyatka

Vyatka Kunstkamera Museum The Vyatka Kunstkamera Museum is located in a typical city mansion of the 19th century, built in 1860. The exhibition is built on a collection principle - it presents collections of objects that existed in the urban environment of the late 19th - early 20th centuries: watches, dishes made of porcelain and earthenware, household appliances, furniture, etc.

Monument to the Vyatka Seal The monument is a stone copy of the Vyatka Seal of the 16th century. The drawing on the front side of the monument shows a fragment of the state seal of Ivan the Terrible - an emblem in the form of a drawn bow with a feathered arrow superimposed on it and the inscription around it “THE SEAL OF VYATTSKAYA”. The first monument to the press in Russia was opened in 2007. The monument “Vyatka Seal”, which is based on the historical coat of arms of the region, is a unique landmark of Kirov in terms of meaning, which has no analogues in the world.

The Diorama Museum and Exhibition Center is located in the park named after S. Kirov.

Botanical Garden in the center of the city The founder of this garden was Alexey Andreevich Istomin, a retired colonel, a participant in the Russian-Japanese War, and a great admirer of nature. In 1912, Alexey Andreevich bought land on the Zasora ravine and founded a private Botanical Garden in Kirov 22

Kirov is one of those priceless Russian cities that cannot be called a tourist city, although there is a lot to see. It is rich in cathedrals, temples, museums and many others cultural heritage. This presentation has given you the opportunity to walk through some of them. Love your city! Thank you for your attention!

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Old Vyatka

History of Vyatka The first settlements on the territory of present-day Kirov were formed supposedly 2.5 thousand years ago. By the 7th century, the first nationalities of the Udmurt, Mari and Komi tribes were formed here. The main settlements were located along the banks of the Cheptsa, Moloma and Vyatka rivers. The first confirmed mention of the city of Vyatka dates back to 1374 in connection with the campaign of the Novgorod ushkuiniks to main city Volga Bulgaria - Bulgar. In 1378, an alliance agreement was concluded between the Vyatchans and the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principality, and from 1391 the city became the main residence of the Suzdal princes Vasily Dmitrievich and Semyon Kirdyapa, expelled from the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principality after its conquest by Moscow.

After the death of the princes in 1401, power passed to the Galician prince Yuri Dmitrievich. Detachments of Vyatchan people participate in campaigns against the Golden Horde (1392, 1409) and in the war of Moscow Prince Vasily I with Novgorod (1417–1418). Due to its remoteness from the main Russian lands, the Vyatka land did not need an alliance with strong principalities and recognized only the patronage of the princes, remaining a self-governing territory. The people's council acted as the main governing body. The most influential group of the feudal class were the boyars, followed by the merchants and the clergy. The rest of the Vyatchans represented a free communal population and consisted of peasants and artisans.

Many famous names are associated with the name of Vyatka - the city was an exiled region, Saltykov-Shchedrin and Herzen lived here, the architect Vitberg and the “iron Felix” Dzerzhinsky (nephew of Alexander III Sergei Mikhailovich Romanov and many others. The famous writer Albert Likhanov and cosmonauts Viktor were born here Savinykh and Alexander Serebrov. The famous Fyodor Chaliapin also has Vyatka roots. Natalya Goncharova and Isadora Duncan visited here.

Vyatka after 1917 After the October Revolution, the Council of Supreme Administration of the province announced non-recognition of the power of the Bolsheviks and the separation of the Vyatka province into an independent republic. In January 1919, Stalin and Dzerzhinsky visited Vyatka to check, finding out that Vyatka had no connection with the government in Moscow, most of the officials were former tsarist officials. As a result of the work of the commission, on January 19, 1919, a provincial Military Revolutionary Committee was created in Vyatka.

As of July 1938, there were 28 enterprises in the city, of which 13 were of union and republican significance, 7 of regional and 8 local significance. Handicraft production was developed. During the Great Patriotic War due to evacuation from Moscow and Leningrad machine-building plants Kirov's industry was basically formed (modern plants named after Lepse, Mayak, Avitek, Selmash, etc.). The city received the name Kirov after the murder in 1934 of a native of the city of Urzhum, Vyatka Territory, Sergei Mironovich Kostikov (Kirov). An active participant in the October Revolution, however, was never in Vyatka itself. There are still debates in the city about what name the city should bear - Kirov or Vyatka.

In 1929, an administrative-territorial reform took place, the division of the country into provinces, districts and volosts was eliminated. Instead, regional, regional and district branches were introduced. The Vyatka province was liquidated, and its territory became part of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The city of Vyatka became first a district and then a regional center. In 1929, complete collectivization began in the Nizhny Novgorod region and in the districts of the former Vyatka province that were part of it. On December 7, 1934, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution to rename the city of Vyatka to the city of Kirov and the formation of the Kirov Territory. It included the Udmurt Autonomous Region, 37 districts of the Gorky Region (formerly part of the Vyatka province), as well as Sarapul and Votkinsk districts Sverdlovsk region. In 1936, in connection with the adoption of the new Constitution, the Kirov region was transformed into Kirov region, and the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic separated from it.

Kirov before the war In the troubled pre-war years, many Kirov residents took part in the defeat of the Japanese invaders at Lake Khasan and the Khalkhin Gol River and the White Finns. Participants in the battles in the Khalkhin-Gol area, pilot N.V. Grinev and Major N.F. Grukhin, became the first Kirov residents awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During these years, the activity of defensive forces intensified public organizations. In 1940, over 5 thousand primary organizations of the Aviation and Chemical Assistance Societies and the Red Cross united about 200 thousand members. They trained hundreds of shooting sports instructors, thousands of Voroshilov shooters and sanitary guards. The Kirov Aero Club trained parachutists, glider pilots and accountants. Sports societies were active: Dynamo (established in the 1920s), Spartak and Lokomotiv (established in the mid-1930s).

War On June 23, 1941, a citywide rally took place on Revolution Square in Kirov, in which 40 thousand people took part. Mobilization into the ranks of the Red Army took place in the region. At the beginning of the war, the 311th and 355th rifle divisions, the 109th rifle brigade and other formations were formed in the region. The Vyatka region produced many talented military leaders. Among them are Marshals K.A. Vershinin, L.A. Govorov, I.S. Konev; generals I.P. Alferov, N.D. Zakhvataev, P.T. Mikhalitsyn, A.I. Ratov, V.S. Glebov, D.K. Malkov, N.A. Naumov. All of them were awarded the title "Hero of the Soviet Union". In total, over 200 Kirov residents were awarded this title during the war, about 30 people became holders of the Order of Glory of all three degrees.

War The population of the Kirov region not only worked heroically in industry and agriculture, doing everything for a speedy victory, but also provided all possible assistance to the front. The population sent gifts and warm clothes to the front-line soldiers. At their own expense, the working people of the region purchased and sent tens of thousands of sheepskin coats, pairs of felt boots, and fur mittens to the front. With the money collected by Kirov residents, several tank columns and squadrons of combat aircraft were built. During the war years, the defense fund received more than 150 million rubles. Kirov residents passionately cared for the wounded, as well as for the children and families of front-line soldiers evacuated to the region from Leningrad and other regions of the country. During the war, Kirov residents provided great assistance to areas liberated from enemy occupation. The help of Kirov residents was especially significant in the restoration of Stalingrad, Donbass, Gomel, in providing assistance to the rural areas of Kyiv, Smolensk, Leningrad regions, Byelorussian SSR. . During the war years, over 600 thousand Kirov residents served in the Armed Forces of the USSR, 257.9 thousand gave their lives in the fight against enemies.

On December 25, 1959, for success in the development of public livestock farming, fulfillment of socialist obligations for the production and sale of meat to the state in 1959, the Kirov region was awarded the Order of Lenin. For the successes achieved by Kirov residents in economic and cultural construction, and in connection with the 600th anniversary of its founding, the city of Kirov was awarded on June 25, 1974 the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. At the same time, growing negative trends in socio-economic development in the country also affected life in the region. This was especially noticeable in the increased outflow of people from the village. For 1970-1985 the rural population decreased from 784 to 524 thousand people. Negative phenomena also increased in cities. The food supply to the population was unsatisfactory. It was impossible to overcome these difficulties while maintaining the existing command-administrative management system. In April 1985, perestroika began. But the ongoing reforms led to an even greater deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the region. Simultaneously with economic reforms, political transformations were taking place in the country and region. After the events of October 1993, the socialist system of power was finally eliminated. Governors, mayors, and Dumas began to be elected. Elections to the first regional Duma took place on March 20, 1994. In 1996, the first elections for regional governor were held. He was elected V.N. Sergeenkov

The next governor was N. Shaklein. In 2009, the Kirov region was headed by N. Yu. Belykh

In pre-revolutionary times the city had great amount temples of beautiful architecture. Many of them were destroyed in Soviet time. One of the oldest cultural monuments of Kirov is the ensemble of the Assumption Trifonov Monastery, located on the embankment of the Vyatka River.

Trifonovsky Monastery (Gorbachev St., 4)

This place is also famous for its holy spring - it is located behind the cathedral, in a wooden chapel.

Other attractions of the city include the Church of Seraphim of Sarov, Alexander Park, Kirov Regional Art Museum. V.M. I am. Vasnetsov and others. Today, more than 490 thousand people live in Kirov. In addition to industrial enterprises, various folk crafts are developed here - the famous Dymkovo toy, products made from capocorn, Kukar lace, wickerwork, and ancient traditional embroidery. One of the brightest events that takes place every year at the beginning of June is the famous Velikoretsk religious procession, which has more than 600 years of continuous tradition. Today the Velikoretsky passage has national significance.

In the unusually picturesque Alexander Garden (the park - the same one that looks at the river from the high bank) the rotundas designed by the architect Vitberg have been preserved. One of them is most often found on photo postcards with views of Vyatka. Located in one of the most high points in the park, it has become one of the symbols of the city.

The second one was hidden among the trees, not far from the local “landmark” of modern times - the bridge over the road to the pier (by the way, local residents they call it nothing other than “Suicide Bridge”)... An innocent bridge over a deep ravine (along the bottom of which the road runs) earned such an unkind nickname because of its height

Walking through the park, you can see the monument “ Eternal flame“There is a fire burning at the foot of the stone stele. It is here that all Vyatka weddings come - and this is understandable: here the view of the same Vyatka is excellent in photographs. If you go a little down the wooden stairs (steep and long: there are even benches in the middle for resting!), then your eyes will see the beautiful ensemble of the Trifonovsky Monastery (1580) with the main building: the five-domed Holy Assumption Cathedral.

New building of the regional art museum named after V.M. and A.M. Vasnetsov (the famous Russian artists Vasnetsov were from Vyatka!).

The Drama Theater and the main square of the city, with a square and a musical fountain, which have recently been restored.

Park named after Kirov and the circus

Park named after Kirov

Sources: "Encyclopedia of the Vyatka Land", volume 1 "Cities". Kirov, GIPP "Vyatka", 1994. "Encyclopedia of the Vyatka Land", volume 4 "History". Kirov, GIPP "Vyatka", 1995. V.A. Berdinsky "History of the city of Vyatka". Kirov, "Vyatka Book Publishing House", 2002. historical section of the Vyatka-On-Network website, prepared on the basis of exclusive materials from the department of local history literature of the Kirov Regional Scientific Library named after. A.I. Herzen.

  • At that time, different tribes and peoples lived on the Vyatka River. Our native country Vyatka was rich. There are many gifts of nature in Vyatka, the abundance of animals was simply surprising. And the Novgorodians settled on this land. And they gave the town the name Nikulitsyn. In honor of the memory of Saints Boris and Gleb, the first temple was built on Vyatka land.

  • A lot of people poured into our region. Built new fortress with towers near the Khlynovitsa River. The city was named the city of Khlynov. This is the first Khlynovo Kremlin.

  • Our pagan neighbors wouldn’t let up; they were going to attack Khlynov. The Vyatichi Ustyuzhans called to help, and they came into the night. Dark. The guards are in the dark and angry! Our guys fought with ours all night. In the morning we realized the mistake and shed tears. In memory of those who fell, a chapel stands above the ravine. And the ravine is called Razderikhinsky.

  • Popular wisdom says: “The earth does not stand without a righteous person.” Venerable Tryphon, the Vyatka miracle worker, saves the earth. Father Tryfon became the first monk in Vyatka and built the first monastery here. This temple is called Assumption, because. it was built by the monk brothers in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God.. St. Tryphon is in heaven responsible for the Vyatka land and helps in all matters.

  • Later the city became like this: a Kremlin, a moat around it, a suburb behind it. In the Kremlin - main temple Vyatka Land - Holy Trinity and St. Nicholas Cathedral. The Vyatka shrine was preserved in it - the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. To the left of the cathedral is the bell tower. The bishop lived nearby. Here is his courtyard in front of the cathedral.

  • And behind the walls of the Kremlin lived ordinary people. The kids loved to ride down the slide and throw snowballs in the winter.

  • On the high steep bank of Vyatka: churches, houses, gardens. More recently, the city was decorated with 3 monasteries, 5 cathedrals and 39 churches.

  • Pushkin’s wife, the scientist Tsiolkovsky, and the architect Vitberg came to this church to pray.

  • What didn’t they sell there! Berries, mushrooms, felt boots, little shoes, whistle toys... That’s how the fair was noisy on retail space at the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

  • In ancient times, churches were built from wood. In the old days they began to build from stone. Stone is stronger. The temple will stand longer and will not burn down.

  • In front of us is the Alexander Garden. On the right is the rotunda, on the left is the Church of the Transfiguration.

  • Tsar Alexander 1 came to Vyatka. In memory of this event, the Alexandrovsky Garden was built in the city and the Alexander Nevsky Church was built.

  • There have been bad times in history. To stop the time of troubles, the Russian people chose Tsar Michael from the Romanov family. The Feodorovskaya church in Vyatka rose in praise of the royal family.

  • In order for Vyatka to stand and look prettier, you need to do more than just look at pictures! You need to take care of and love every blade of grass, hut, and toy, so that future children will want to live in our city!

Thank you for your attention!



Drawings by T.P. Dedova

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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A journey through Vyatka antiquity with Tamara Kopaneva’s book VYATSK IS FAR AWAY Teacher of Russian language and literature KOGOBU Central Children’s Education Center Lyanguzova Oksana Mikhailovna Kirov, 2017

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Conversations go on and on: - Vyatka? What is this city? - Wow! You saw the joker! It's not a city. It's a river. - Fill it up, brother, fill it up. Not a river. Taiga region. - It’s not a region, it’s a place in the sun. They fight there, as foreigners call all Ivans Vanchi, and in their Kotelnich they started three mills: Vodyanicha on Vodich, Vetrenichu, Parovicha. - This is it! They put the locks on the boots, but no one understands how to attach the forearm to the forearm. - And also.. Rumor is spreading, but Vancho will smile slyly at the former Vancho: - And they’ll come up with something! Welcome to old Vyatka!

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Children's writer, author of 6 books for children; - by profession - teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature; - member of the Union of Journalists of Russia; - worked for 30 years as an editor of children's programs at a television studio; - winner of many regional and all-Russian literary competitions; - Diploma winner of the “Feather of the Firebird” award Fairytale games on Vyatka (2013) - winner of the 2017 Alexander Green Literary Prize “Her soul is young. There is a bright spark in this person, an unquenchable light that has lived in her since childhood. She managed to preserve this special state of mind, and now fills her works with it.” Tamara Aleksandrovna Kopaneva (born 1933)

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“My father was an employee, my mother was the head of the district library. There were five of us: dad, mom, elder sister Rita, me and my younger brother Sasha. The main value in our home has always been a book. I read a lot, we had an old library. Childhood Dad often took me with him on trips around the area. We rode on Vanka. That was the name of our fleet-footed horse, in a light wicker tarantass.”

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“I started composing early - from the age of 7. I made up fairy tales. The war was rocking. Hunger. I had an “island of loneliness” in the forest, I went there and wrote poems and fairy tales. I wrote my first poem at the age of 9.” On the island of loneliness, Tamara Alexandrovna put her diary and her favorite bell in a wrought-iron chest and buried it all under an old fir tree and vowed to herself to get her precious treasure in 2000.”

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In 2016, the book “Vyatka is far away” was awarded the “Golden Knight” prize in the category “Literature for children and youth” at the VII International Slavic Literary Forum “Golden Knight”, and in the same year it became the winner of the XIII International Competition of the CIS Member States “ The Art of the Book” in the “Book for Children and Youth” category. In 2017 - laureate of the Alexander Green Literary Prize... “Vyatskoe is far away”: seven awards in six competitions

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Where it was, in what part of our Vyatka region is still a mystery, covered in gray mists, blown by northern winds, washed by autumn rains, enchanted by frosty nights, warmed by the gentle summer sun. Let's hit the road...

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“...And the villages there were different, they had unusual names; It’s a well-known fact that Vyatka people are mischievous, they live and seem to laugh at themselves: it’s only in appearance that we are from Verkhoglyadov and Boltunov, from Opyonkovo ​​and Obegorino, from Dryakhlovshchina and from Zavidenki, well, also from Lepyokhin and from Svistunov, and If you dig deeper, then like water in a well, our soul shines like pure silver.”

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“Every man always had nicknames. They will notice a weakness or a sin in someone and stick on a naughty word, so that you will not be able to wash it off for the rest of your life: Sanka Rybnik - (?), Andrey Volk - (?); Thomas the Klutz - (?); Semyon Zherdilo -(?). And if they respected someone, they called them by their patronymic: Ivanych, Erofeich, Danilych, Kuzmich. The women did not have nicknames, they were called by their husbands: Vanikha, Kostikha, Stepikha, Mishikha.

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“Proverbs and sayings poured out after every word...” They didn’t say about the unfortunate Gavrilo: “What a difficult fate he suffered.” Instead of these words, the residents of Vyatcha will say, “Every kind of chip hits poor Zakhar.” If someone recommends something not too smart, they will say to him: “With your intelligence, it’s a waste of time.” Or: “No way, your head is cut off at the wrong end.” Try to explain the Vyatka proverbs: “You can’t weave bast shoes with your tongue” “You can’t keep up with your tongue barefoot” “Mix business with idleness - you will live a century with fun”

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And our Vyatka dialect is special: cheerful, mischievous. The words in it are unexpected, unlike others - capacious, accurate in essence and meaning. They will suddenly sparkle, like a sunbeam reflected from a small mirror, your soul will immediately warm up - and you will involuntarily smile: “Liko, the girl is such a spinner; the damned leshak dragged her into a forest swamp, so she was swept away with a fiery bullet; Looks like there's something hidden in there. The sneaky Water One snatched her by the bare heel.”

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“The guy was an orphan; his mother died when he was only three years old. At first he lived with his father, who went with the artel workers to the villages: they dug wells... “He’s a guy with ingenuity,” the men said to him, “just look and there’s water!” At first his name was Ivashka, but after one incident... an opportunity happened to him, and it was then that in the village they called him Vanchy. It is known that in Vyatka they called all simpletons and fools that way... Who is Vancho?

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And Vancho’s neighbor, stove maker Erofeyich, decided to marry best friend. He dreamed that he was walking freely and widely at his wedding; he remembered that for nine years Vancho had been living alone “without clinging to anyone. How did you live? Yes, whatever it takes. He felt sorry for Vancho: “We need to marry him, otherwise he lives, chews bread and salt, he has nothing good, he doesn’t see any joys.”

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Erofeyich approached Vanchin’s fence, quietly, without unnecessary creaking or knocking, opened the door... on a wooden plank... it was written in large letters with a chemical pencil: “Do not slam the doors: Napoleon is scared.” “Everyone has a rooster - but there are few antires in these roosters! They walk around the yard, pecking at grains, trampling chickens and crowing.” Odvoritsa, fence - ‘a manor or estate, the entire place under a yard or building’ (Vyatka). Backyard - ?

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Under is a horizontal surface in a stove, in a stove firebox, on which fuel is placed. Bake the pie directly on the hearth. Six, six, husband. The area in front of the mouth of the Russian stove. “Every cricket knows its nest.” (last) Samanna - a Russian adobe stove, not made of brick, but of adobe (a mixture of sand and clay). Yes, Vancho is not very accommodating, and then Erofeyich came up with the idea to go with him to the villages, take orders - “who should knock down a new stove or fix the old one. This is how we all look like girls. Take it - I don’t want it!” And Vancho agreed.

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An hour later, our stove-makers, dressed and shod, with knapsacks on their shoulders, walked quickly along the side of the road, knocking light dewdrops from the green grass with their new bast shoes. Erofeich pulled the pester out from under his head and, smiling slyly, took out a slice of black bread, thickly salted it with a pinch of coarse salt and handed half of it to Vancho. Knapsack, knapsacks, women's - travel bag; a bag worn over the shoulders. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. Pester-ya, m. region. - a bast (birch bark) basket, which is usually worn on the back.

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They saw the grandfather on the rubble, decrepit as a hundred-year-old stump, asked him who lived where, and knocked on the outskirts of the last hut, about which the grandfather said that the bride lived here. Zavalinka is an embankment structure along the outer walls at the base along the perimeter of a wooden house (bathhouse), used to protect the building from freezing in winter. A wooden flooring over the heap protects the heap from moisture penetration and turns the heap into a long and wide bench. Okolnitsa - window, window frame

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The bride from Emelino is called Malanya. “Okay... thick-footed, vocal, chattering... knows how to carry on conversations... painfully smart.” Malanya told everything about herself, about her parents, about all the village brides. “She laid out everything in a painfully smooth way, well, straight, as if it were written!” “ mother told her. It is necessary, they say, to knead the dough and go underground, but Malanya didn’t give a damn, no matter how much she was told. So I think: if she doesn’t listen to her mother’s words today, you won’t even be able to reason with her later.” “Not the mistress who says...”

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“If she keeps moving like that all her life, my tongue will dry out unnecessarily. After all, in a conversation it’s not just a word, there’s nowhere to stick a needle! You can go crazy on the second day... There is nothing worse in life than a lively cow and a talkative woman! No wonder they say: “The crow is small, but its mouth is wide!” ... and the one who cooks the shti” Kvashn - 1. Wooden tub for dough. 2. Fermented dough.

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The village of Three Huts Pelageyushka is a bride from this village. She is “skillful and modest.” “She doesn’t want to walk around the village, catch suitors, or while away the time at get-togethers with girls. Suddenly someone’s dog squeals at her or someone else’s cow snarls, then she might be scared to death... She is humble with us, not proud.” "For every misfortune..."

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“... Pelagia is mute, like a voiceless fish. Her word is a crutch. This means that I, too, will have to shut my mouth. This is how we will play the silent game with her all our lives...” “... there will be no anti-resistance to live with her. Do you go for mushrooms or berries with her? She will crouch at every rustle. What if, God forbid, something happens? She could die right away.” ... you can’t get enough of fear”

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“...the village is all in lights. In the conversation, in the noise, in the songs, in the play of the accordion.” And the daring girl Nastya lives here, cheerful, lively, mischievous. “Her voice is vibrant, her cheeks are rosy, her curls curl around her forehead, her legs shake and dance.” About Nastya Vancho thought: “She’s a good girl, but I feel sorry for myself.” Why did he feel sorry for himself? Shumilovka “A man should smell like the wind, but a woman...”

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“Marrying her means not settling down yourself! Every day during the holidays you will write out pretzels for your feet, and you will completely lose your way. What a life I can’t afford!” “...I won’t live with horns! Take this one, she will cheat on you, run to the forest where two paths converge. He’ll cheat once, twice, and the third time he cheats, you’ll put your head in a noose. After all, if a woman goes off to the side at least once, you won’t be able to keep her on the reins... She has at least seven shops, but she still finds time for partying.” “A man should smell like wind, and a woman should smell like smoke”

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Is anyone at home? - Yes, yes! - someone responded cheerfully, and a man of about fifty deftly jumped out of the hayloft. - Why don’t you prop the door at the hut with a bar? - inquired Erofeich - Who would covet our goods? A hayloft is a place intended for storing hay and protecting it from precipitation during storage. Badog - stick, club, cane. Region: 1. Kirov region; Status: regional-colloquial. “Happiness is not a chicken..”

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Agrafena scurried back and forth: now she was in a hurry to milk a cow with a milk pan, now she was pounding potatoes for a pig in a cast iron pot, now she was pushing the escaped dough back into the sauerkraut. The Vyatka woman has her mouth full of troubles in the morning. They say that when she flies from her flight, she changes her mind seventy-seven times - and everything about the housekeeping and the housekeeping. A milk pan is a vessel, a bucket into which milk is milked. Polati - units. No. Wide bunks for sleeping, arranged in huts under the ceiling between the stove and the wall opposite it. Kvashn - 1. Wooden tub for dough. 2. Fermented dough.

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And Katerina lives here, a hard-working girl, she has a kind heart, she does everything for others: she washes the floor, bakes pancakes, rinses clothes on the river. To Vancho’s question: “Apparently you have no business at all in your house?” Katerina’s mother replied: “We have a lot of work to do in the house. Liko, unwashed for half a week, the hut has not been cleaned, the garden has not been weeded. Is it really possible to get to your home?” Why is such a hard-working bride not to Vancho’s liking either?

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“What if she’s used to running around the village, weeding other people’s gardens, helping neighbors, but not looking into her own barn? They say about such people that she has a hole in her fist.” “Her mother, bent over in three arcs, runs around the hut and around the yard, all gone, but she doesn’t notice it. That's where the evil lies. It’s good to help others, but you also need to take care of those who are struggling nearby.”

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