Presentation on the topic of southern Crimea. Presentation "travel through Crimea". Dzhankoy Machine-Building Plant

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“There are corners of our earth so beautiful that every visit to them evokes a feeling of happiness, fullness of life, and tunes our entire being to an unusually simple and fruitful lyrical sound. This is Crimea... Everyone who has visited Crimea takes with them regret and slight sadness, which is caused by memories of childhood, and the hope of seeing this midday land again.”


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Geographical information

Crimea has a unique combination of reliefs - there are steppe plains and Mountain peaks, cooled volcanoes and mud hills, cozy bays and steep rocks.

The most picturesque part of Crimea is the Southern Coast of Crimea (SC). The nature here itself is rich, unique and romantic. It’s not for nothing that the southern coast is called the Crimean paradise.

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The southern coast of Crimea became known as resort area from the middle of the 19th century. Due to its popularity among the aristocracy of the Russian Empire in late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century, intensive construction of light palaces and villas was carried out here, of which the most famous are the Livadia, Massandra, Vorontsov, Yusupov and Dulber palaces.

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The Crimean rivers are small, but truly: the spool is small, but expensive. There are more than 150 rivers and streams in Crimea. Most of them are no more than 10 km long. Almost everything starts in the mountains. There, in damp and gloomy gorges, bright springs emerge into the wild. Their waters merge with each other and run merrily down the rocky steep riverbeds.

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On the southeastern coast of Crimea, between Sudak and Feodosia, is located one of the rarest and most amazingly beautiful corners - mountain range Kara-Dag. The name “Kara-Dag” came to us from the Middle Ages and in Turkic languages ​​means “black mountain”. This mountain range first attracted the attention of scientists in the 18th century. In terms of the expressiveness of the landscapes, the outstanding geologist, academician A.P. Pavlov compared Kara-Dag with the world-famous Yellowstone National Park.

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Baydar Valley

In the suburbs of Sevastopol there is a well-known Baydar Valley.

The valley looks like a volcano crater or a UFO landing site. It is located in a natural amphitheater, surrounded on all sides by mountains. The height of the valley is about 260 meters above sea level, length 16 km, width 8 km. The Chernaya River flowing through the valley is blocked by a dam before entering the Chernorechenskoye Gorge. The result was the Chernorechenskoe reservoir, which supplies Sevastopol and Foros with fresh water.

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Mount Ayu-Dag

Mount Ayu-Dag is located on South Coast Crimea, east of Gurzuf. The height of the mountain is 565 meters, length 2.5 km, age 161 million years. By origin, Ayu-Dag is a “failed volcano” - laccolith. Once upon a time, magma rose from the depths of the earth, but did not find a way out and froze in the form of a huge dome. The sediments eroded over time and the dome was exposed. The mountain is made of diorite. Its resemblance to a bear, which, as if overcome by thirst, fell to the sea to drink, has long been surprising and has given rise to many legends about this natural monument.

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National composition

According to estimates for 2014, in terms of population, the Republic of Crimea ranks 26th among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Russians are the predominant nationality in both cities and villages. However, in rural areas their predominance is relative, since among the villagers there is a higher proportion of Ukrainians and especially Crimean Tatars.

By the way, today out of 2 million 200 thousand inhabitants Crimean peninsula- almost one and a half million Russians, 350 thousand Ukrainians, and about 290-300 thousand Crimean Tatars, who predominantly consider Russian their native language. And this once again proves the inextricable connection between Crimea and Russia.

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Dzhankoy district (Ukrainian: Dzhankoy district, Crimean Catholicate. Canköy rayonı, Dzhankoy districts) is one of 14 districts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Located in the steppe Crimea, in the Sivash region in the north of the republic. The relief is flat, most of the area is occupied by plowed steppe. The city of Dzhankoy, which is the center of the district, is not itself part of it. The North Crimean Canal, the main water artery of northern Crimea, supplies the republic with water from the Dnieper, runs through the territory of the Dzhankoy district. Dzhankoy

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Sevastopol is a resort city on Black Sea coast Crimea, in Ukraine, a hero city. Population - 379,200 people, area - 1079 sq. km. Founded in 1783 after the conquest of Crimea by the Russian Empire as a fortress and, subsequently, a port. Sevastopol today is the largest ice-free sea trade and fishing port, industrial, scientific, technical, recreational and cultural-historical center of Crimea and the South of Ukraine. The bases of the Russian and Ukrainian navies are located in Sevastopol. COUNTY pier

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Several settlements have long existed on the territory of present-day Bakhchisarai. By the time the city was formed in the first half of the 16th century. among them there were three main ones: the fortress city of Kyrk-Era on a mountain cape (now known as Chufut-Kale), the village of Salachik in the gorge at the foot of Kyrk-Era and the village of Eski-Yurt at the exit from the valley. Since the time of the Golden Horde, administrative centers have existed in Salachik and Kirk-Era. At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, Khan Mengli I Giray launched urban construction in Salachik, planning to turn it into a large metropolitan center.

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This city is located 17 km west of Yalta. It stretches 4 km along the sea. Its palaces, villas, and healing places face the gentle sea. And from northern winds they are reliably closed by the gigantic wall of the Ai-Petri plateau. Air humidity does not exceed 70%, the number of sunny days per year reaches 246. There are 14 sanatoriums. For 200 years, the most severe ailments - bone tuberculosis and lung diseases - have been cured here

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Traveling around Crimea

Teacher: Volobueva N.Yu.

Nature of Crimea

  • - Crimea is a peninsula. In its outline it resembles a flying bird.
  • - Crimea is washed by the waters of the Black and Azov seas and could be an island, but the Perekop Isthmus connects it to the mainland.
  • - Crimea is one of best places for relax. Thousands of people come to Crimea to relax and admire its nature and its beautiful sights. The nature of Crimea is very beautiful and unique. There is:

Roman-Kosh– the most high mountain in Crimea, 1545 meters

Legend says that the keeper of all Crimean springs and springs lives here - a deer with silver antlers. He makes sure that they do not dry out, so that birds and animals can always drink the purest mountain water, and if the springs suddenly dry up, he climbs to the peak of the mountain and with a blow of his hoof brings beneficial rain to the ground. If you meet this deer, your life will be long and happy, but for this you need to drink water from all the springs and springs of Crimea.

Demir-Kapu– second highest point Crimean mountains, 1540 meters.

Zeytin-Kosh– the third highest point in the Crimean Mountains, 1537 meters

Mountains-Cat and Bear

Located in the village of Simeiz

Red Cave



Karasnaya Cave (Kizil-Koba) is the most big cave in Crimea. Literally translated from Turkic, Kizil-Koba means “Red Cave”. The name of the cave comes from the fact that it is made of limestones, which have a characteristic reddish tint. Since 1963, Kizil-Koba has been a natural monument of republican significance.

Waterfall of dead and living water

  • The waterfall of dead and living water is located near the Red Cave. The red rock wall is to the right of famous waterfall. If you climb 150 meters up the rock, you can see a natural arch and a “shelf”. There is a stone on it, from under which two keys are struck in different directions, 70 cm apart.
  • The waterfall is alive and dead water
  • On the one hand, alive, and on the other, dead. Grass grows on the stone, and it is completely covered with moss on the side where it flows living water. There is not a single blade of grass on the side of the dead water; it is white and completely naked. Dead water with a temperature of plus 6 degrees, and living water - plus 8 degrees.
  • When studying the water, we found that the composition of the water is different: living water contains more salts and differs in hardness
  • From a medical point of view, it can be explained why algae do not live in dead water - the temperature and chemical composition are not suitable for them. But why do two completely different sources flow from under one stone?..
  • They say that they treated wounds and radiculitis with the help of this water. As they say in fairy tales, dead water heals wounds and stops bleeding. There is such an unusual and mysterious “Waterfall of Living and Dead Water” in Crimea.

Cities of Crimea

Sevastopol is a hero city.


Resort town

Sights of Crimea

bird home

Tower of the Winds

Bringing Down the House

View from outside

View inside

Monument to the Scuttled Ships

In September 1854, a huge army landed near Yevpatoria - the British, French, Turks, Italians. In the unequal battle on the Alma River, the Russians lost, and a real threat of the enemy fleet breaking through to the internal roadstead loomed over Sevastopol. The forces were again unequal: the enemy had steamships, while we had mostly old wooden sailing ships.

At the military council on September 9, 1854, the chief of staff Black Sea Fleet Vice Admiral V.A. Kornilov called for going out to sea and attacking enemy ships with all his might, and, if necessary, going on board and dying with glory, blowing himself up along with the enemy armada. “We will always have time to die,” objected other members of the council. Is it possible to use Suvorov's trick?

And then the commander battleship“Selafail” captain 1st rank Zorin dared to voice it before the command original idea, which has already been discussed on the sidelines: what if some of the old ships are sunk across the entrance to the bay? And the sailors will go ashore to defend Sevastopol on the bastions!

Thank you for your attention!

From March 21, 2014 The Republic of Crimea became part of our country, and I hope that someday you will definitely visit this wonderful peninsula.

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CITIES In most countries, assigning urban status to a settlement is enshrined in law, but in some countries this concept is not legal, but only historical, everyday, statistical, etc. In Russia, a settlement can acquire the status of a city if it has at least 12 thousand inhabitants. Cities with a population of 100-250 thousand inhabitants are considered “large”. Cities with a population of 250-500 thousand are considered “large”, cities with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million are considered “largest”. Cities with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants are called “millionaire cities” (less commonly “millionaire cities” and “millionaire cities”). Multimillion-dollar cities (sometimes “millionaire cities”) are called “megacities” or (no less often) simply “megacities.”

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Population of Crimean cities Currently on the Crimean peninsula 18 settlements have city status. According to the results of the 2014 census, the ranking of Crimean cities is the most big city, is Sevastopol, in second place is the capital of the republic - Simferopol, and the hero city of Kerch closes the top three. City of Sevastopol - 395 thousand people City of Simferopol - 350 thousand people City of Kerch - 147 thousand people City of Yalta - 133 thousand people City of Evpatoria - 119 thousand people City of Feodosia - 101 thousand people CRIMEA CITIES

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Cities, they are like people... They are born, experience their heyday, grow old, get sick, die... or are reborn from the ashes again and again, like the Phoenix bird... Then they are called “eternal cities.” Most of the Crimean cities have changed several names during their history: new times have come - new peoples came, new names appeared. So, for example, Sudak was once called Sugdeya, Soldaya, Surozh; Evpatoria - Kerkinitida, Gezlev, Kozlov; Kerch - Panticapaeum, Bosporus, Korchev, Cherchio, Gerch; Balaclava - Cembalo and so on. The names of many cities are of ancient Greek origin. For example: Theodosius - “given by God”; Yalta - from the word “Yalos”, which means “shore”, etc. Simferopol is a city of benefit, a city of collectors. Sevastopol is imperial city, city of glory CRIMEA CITIES

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Over its thousand-year history, Crimea has always (!) found itself at the intersection of different cultures, civilizations, religions, and often the peninsula itself became a border, a kind of watershed between opposing entities. It was here that the civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East came into contact in the Middle Ages. It was in Crimea that Hellenic, Iranian, Jewish, Byzantine, Muslim, Genoese, Armenian, Old Slavic, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, German cultures were closely intertwined! Times changed, peoples changed, capitals on the Crimean Peninsula changed. Once upon a time the capital of Scythia was Scythian Naples (Simferopol). CRIMEAN CAPITALS - FROM ANCIENTITY TO THE PRESENT

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The capital of the powerful Bosporan kingdom was the city - Panticapaeum (Kerch) CRIMEAN CAPITALS - FROM ANCIENTITY TO THE PRESENT DAY

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Kerch is one of the oldest cities in the world, “ the eternal City", which is only one year (!) younger than the great Rome! It was founded at the end of the 7th century BC. Greek colonists who came from Miletus. The city was named Panticapaeum, the acropolis was located on a mountain in the center of the city. For 900 years, Panticapaeum was the capital of the powerful Bosporan kingdom, located on both sides of the Kerch Strait. The satellite cities, the ancient settlements of which are located today within the city of Kerch, were Nymphaeum, Teritaka, Myrmekiy, Cimmeric, Porthmiy, Heraclius and others, whose ancient names have not been preserved. In its heyday, the city occupied an area of ​​about 100 hectares, had a convenient harbor and was surrounded by a defensive wall. CRIMEAN CAPITALS - FROM ANCIENTITY TO THE PRESENT

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The capital of the Crimean ulus of the Golden Horde was Solkhat (Old Crimea), the Genoese colonies were ruled by Kafa (Feodosia), and the Crimean Khanate was ruled by Bakhchisarai. CRIMEAN CAPITALS - FROM ANCIENTITY TO THE PRESENT

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Republic of Crimea In a scarlet Varangian shield there is a silver griffin facing to the right, trembling in its right paw an open silver shell with a blue pearl. The shield is topped by a rising sun and surrounded by two white columns connected by a blue, white and red ribbon with the motto: “Prosperity in Unity.” The griffin, as one of the symbols of ancient Chersonesus, on the site of which Sevastopol was built, has been considered a symbol of amulet since ancient times and in this capacity symbolizes the city, one of the main tasks of which is to protect the borders of the country.

The name Simferopol means “city of benefit” (lit. Polzograd) in Greek. The Crimean Tatar name Aqmescit is translated into Russian as “white mosque” (aq - white, mescit - mosque). The coat of arms tells about the strength and fearlessness of the Russian people in Sevastopol, who built a formidable fortress in the Crimea, twice famous for its valiant defense.

Brief historical sketch of the 15th – 8th centuries. BC. – on the shores of the Cimmerian Bosporus (Kerch Strait) Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, was born. 9th – 8th centuries BC e. – Crimea is inhabited by tribes under the general name “Taurs” of the 6th – 5th centuries. BC e. – the first ancient Greek colonies 6th – 12th centuries. AD – ancient cave cities; the most famous is Mangup 988 - the capture of Chersonesus by Prince Vladimir, his adoption of Christianity and the baptism of Rus' 1475 - the seizure of the coast by Ottoman Turkey and raids on Moscow and the Zaporozhye Sich 1768 - 1774. – Russian-Turkish War, proclamation of the Crimean Khanate, independent from Turkey 1783 – annexation of the Khanate to Russia 1787 – 1791. Russian-Turkish War, recognition by Turkey of the annexation of Crimea to Russia 1853-1856. Crimean War. Russia fights against England, France and the Sardinian Kingdom, saving Turkey's influence on the Black Sea 1941 - 1944. – battles of the Great Patriotic War of 1944 – mass deportation of Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Greeks. 1954 - Crimea becomes a region of Ukraine Since 1989 - return of deported peoples 2014 - reunification of Crimea with Russia

Yeni-Kale fortress in Kerch Chufut-Kale Genoese fortress in Sudak

Chersonesus is the place where Prince Vladimir of Kiev made his decision

Inkerman Cave Monastery Assumption Cave Monastery near Bakhchisarai

Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai and the Fountain of Tears “Fountain of Love, a living fountain! I brought you two roses as a gift. I love your non-silent conversation and poetic tears.” A.S. Pushkin

By decree of Catherine II of February 10, 1784 new town received the name Sevastopol. By the same Decree, Prince G.A. Potemkin was ordered to build a large fortress in Akhtiarskaya harbor with an admiralty for ships of the first rank, as well as a port and a military settlement. At this time, there were already 26 ships in the bay with 4 thousand sailors and officers

Crimean War. First defense of Sevastopol. Monument to the Scuttled Ships

Vorontsov Palace in Alupka Palace in Livadia - the possession of the Romanov imperial family 3. The courtyard in the Livadia Palace Crimea became a favorite vacation spot for the imperial family

Palace of Alexander III in Massandra 2. Kichkin Palace of Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich 3. Swallow's Nest on Cape Ai-Todor

Sapun Mountain, Sevastopol Adzhimushkai quarries Monument in Feodosia Great Patriotic War Second defense of Sevastopol

Forest midlands Forest-Shibliak Mediterranean Forest-steppe foothills Kerch steppe hills Plain-steppe Crimea Nature of Crimea

Ai-Petrinskaya yayla 2. Ai-Petri, 1234 m 3. Roman-Kosh, 1545 m

Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) Kara-Dag – dormant volcano Demerdzhi (Valley of Ghosts)

Chatyr-Dag massif B Marble Cave Entrance to the Red Cave

Great Crimean Canyon Dolgorukovskaya Yayla in spring Uchan-su Waterfall

Economy of Crimea Growing essential oil crops 2. Production of grapes 3. Growing peaches

Energy Wind, solar and thermal power plants Mining industry Oil, gas Chemical industry (Krasnoperekopsk, Armyansk, Saki) Based on salt reserves in large salt lakes Ferrous metallurgy (Kamysh-Burun, Kerch) Shipbuilding (Kerch, Feodosia, Sevastopol) Instrument making (Simferopol, Sevastopol) Winemaking (Massandra, Koktebel, New World, Yalta, Balaklava, Inkerman, Sun Valley)

Recreational economy

Museum of I. Aivazovsky in Feodosia Museum of A. Green in Feodosia Knight's tournament in the Sudak fortress

For little tourists Glade of Fairy Tales

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