Lagonaki Plateau: what you can do in a weekend. Great Azish Cave

The Lago-Naki plateau is one of the most beautiful and unique places Western Caucasus. This corner of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve has been attracting tourism, mountaineering, photographers and fans for many years. active rest.

Toponym Lago-Na ki

Tlago, Adyg. - path; naki, adyg. - naked, naked.
Those. Lago-Naki - “paths (pastures) of the Nagai people”

According to another source, Lago-Naki is written as Lagunaco.
Legun, Adyg - a special position of the bride before the wedding ceremony. Ko, Adyg - son.
Those. Lago-Naki - “the area in which the bride gave birth to a son.”

During the Jurassic period, the vast territory of the LagoNaki plateau represented the bottom of the ancient Tethys Ocean and is currently lined with a thick layer of limestone - deposits of small skeletons of sea creatures that once inhabited the ocean waters. Traveling along the plateau, you can find the imprint of an ancient fish or fern leaf on the stones; artifact lovers often discover fossilized ammonite shells near the trail. Atmospheric waters destroy the calcareous layer of the massif, washing caves, underground passages and powerful canyons in the monolith of the Lago-Naki plateau. Due to this feature of the soils that make up the Lago-Naki plateau, the area is considered heavily karst.

The territory of the Lago-Naki plateau is really huge - 650 (six hundred fifty) square kilometers. Geographically, the plateau belongs to the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory (Apsheron region), but it is difficult to draw a clear boundary, since the plateau is a single ecological complex.

Lago-Naki plateau. Azishsky Pass

The Lago-Naki plateau is located at 2000 meters above sea level. The territory of the plateau is limited by the beds of the Pshekha and Belaya rivers. The southern end of the plateau is the famous trident - the three peaks Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su. Greatest height has a gray head. Its height is 2868 meters. It is on the slopes of Fisht that the first glaciation in the Caucasus appears - the lowest glaciers of the Caucasus are located here. Oshten has an altitude of 2804 meters above sea level. Pshekha-Su is the lowest of her “brothers”. Its height is 2744 meters.

Directly on the Lago-Naki plateau is the Abadzesh peak, 2369 m, which has gentle slopes. In winter, the slopes of Mount Abadzesh provide an excellent platform for skiing and snowshoeing. The route to the top of Mount Abadzesh is called “Winter Abadzesh”.

From the north, the plateau is bounded by the Nagoy-Chuk ridge, and in the east by the Abadzesh-Murzekau massif.

The western slopes of the Lago-Naki plateau are gentle. In the east, the plateau ends with steep stone walls of the Stone Sea and Azish-Tau ridges. The Stone Sea is separated from LagoNaki by a local depression called the Trench. The Azish-Tau ridge has a depression in front of the plateau called the Dry Saddle.

The nature of the Lago-Naki plateau is unique. As elsewhere in the Caucasus, the plateau is characterized by... From the zone of broad-leaved forest you find yourself in coniferous thickets. Here your olfactory system is awakened by the delicate aroma of pine needles. And having risen even higher, you find yourself in the zone of subalpine and alpine herbs. Here, throughout the warm season, hazel grouse, mountain peonies, kandyk, elecampane, buttercups and dream grass bloom. A light breeze sways the grass, making you believe that this is a real sea.

117 (one hundred and seventeen) endemic plants grow here, the habitat of 20 (twenty) of them belongs exclusively to the Lagonaki plateau, and Otran and Voronov bells, skullcap and Oshten euphorbia grow only on the slopes of Mount Oshten. The northern foot of Mount Oshten is heavily watered. Here, several hundred large and small streams flow into the beds of the Tsitsa and Armyanka rivers, and a huge area of ​​meadows is watered. There is also a sphagnum bog, which is not typical for limestone soils, one of those rare places in the Western Caucasus where the three-leaf watch is found.

The main tree species growing on the plateau are beech, hornbeam, ash and fir. Pines wrap their roots around the rocky cliffs of the plateau, and they seem to grow on bare stones.

Warm air from the Sochi subtropics enters the Lago-Naki plateau through the Belorechensky, Guzeriplsky and Armenian mountain passes, bringing subtropical vegetation to the area. Here, on the Lago-Naki plateau, ancient boxwoods grow, but due to significant snow and wind loads, the height of these Caucasian endemics on the plateau reaches no more than 40-50 centimeters.

The fauna of Lago-Naki is represented by the steppe wolf, small rodents, sometimes the Caucasian bear and forest cat come onto the plateau, but in most cases, human encounters with wild animals on the Lago-Naki plateau are excluded. The endless expanses of the plateau with its lush grasses serve as a grazing area for horses.

The world of birds is represented by about 200 species, including 150 of them nesting species. Here you can meet Caucasian black grouse, Caucasian snowcock, Alpine jackdaw, wall climber and large lentil. The range of these birds is limited to the plateau. Birds of prey are also found here: griffon vulture, bearded vulture, black vulture and golden eagle. The number of predators decreased significantly after mass grazing of livestock was banned on the plateau.

It’s no less exciting to travel along the plateau around the Mount Oshten massif - this is “ Golden ring» mountainous Adygea. For self-confident mountain climbers, a good route is to climb to the top of Mount Fisht. The beginning of this route passes through the high mountain plateau Lago-Naki.

Tourist routes of the Lago-Naki plateau

The beautiful girl's name was Naki.

But they were not destined to be together. Lago was a simple shepherd, and Naki belonged to a princely family. Their secret meetings were not long, and their separations became more and more significant. And then one day Naki did not come to the appointed place. The shepherd Lago waited for her for three days, and on the third day he went to the village and learned that his Naki, by the will of her father, was married to a rich and noble prince.

But Naki did not accept the decree of the formidable prince and, together with her beloved, fled from her father’s house. All night the lovers ran away from the village, and in the morning they fell asleep like doves on the green grass of the high mountain plateau. But their father sent them a detachment of horsemen to Dagonka. Wars overtook the lovers and Lagi and Naki were forced to jump into the abyss from a formidable cliff. When the wars approached the edge of the abyss, they did not see the bodies of the young couple below. Since then, the high mountain plateau where the girl and the boy disappeared without a trace has been named after a loving couple: Lago-Naki.

The Lago-Naki plateau is represented by a chain of mountain ranges and ranges of the Western Caucasus: Lagonaksky, Abadzesh, Montenegro, Azish-Tau, Guama, Messo, Nagoy-Chuk. The highest peak is Fisht (2853.9 m), followed by Oshten (2804 m) and Pshekha-Su (2743.8 m), forming southern point Lagonaki Highlands. These mountains can be seen from Sochi, Krasnodar and from individual peaks in the western Caucasus.

While traveling along Lago-Naki, you will see the picturesque rocks “Devil's Finger”, “Trident”, large and small “Thach”. If desired, you can use special vehicles to reach the magnificent Alpine meadows.

Almost the entire Lago-Naki plateau consists of limestone. This explains the fact that in these places, especially above the forest line, manifestations of karst processes - sinkholes, caves - are everywhere visible. At the very bottom of the valley, groups of karst sinkholes are visible, some of which are filled with water. From the reverse slope of the valley, a powerful spring located on the border of limestone rocks and insoluble clays is clearly visible. A silvery strip of stream extends down from the source, disappearing before reaching the bottom of the valley.

At dawn, the rocky peaks take on a soft pink, slightly reddish color. In rocks, as well as breakaways boulders corals, algae imprinted in them are visible in large quantities, sea ​​urchins, bivalves, which in general represents a natural and greatest collection of fossilized plants and animals, which has no analogues either in the Caucasus or throughout Russia.

The high mountain plateau of Lago-Naki is the “pearl” of Mountain Adygea and all Krasnodar region. There are deciduous forests, protected meadows, mountain forests, royal mountain peaks covered with glaciers, high-mountain plains, as well as many streams, blue lakes, interesting caves and thundering waterfalls.

The area surrounding the Lagonaki Highlands has long been known to everyone as a botanical phenomenon, because this unique place stands out among all the highlands of the North-West Caucasus largest cluster relict plants.

There are many forests here. Spruce, fir, pine grow, and not far from the foot there are linden, hornbeam, beech, maple, as well as boxwood and yew. A little higher, alpine meadows begin, stretching in a wide strip to the pointed rocky peaks, blooming alternately all summer. Just being at an altitude of over 2 thousand meters in combination with the amazing beauty of nature gives a powerful boost of energy for a long time, has a calming and strengthening effect on the nervous system, and the purest mountain water and mountain air heal the human body.

Throughout the Lagonaki Highlands, “soft” forms of tourism such as horseback riding, cycling and walking are actively developing. Routes have been thought out for weekends and various kinds of excursions (waterfalls, dolmens, panoramas, caves). Few places offer tourists such a large number of types of active and healthy recreation and positive emotions.

What to see?

These regions attract people amazing beauty their places where people go not only to see sights and natural monuments, but also for relaxation and recreation. In addition, people rush to Lago-Naki from year to year great amount rock climbers and mountaineers, as there are all opportunities for training.

So, what awaits you in Lago-Naki:

Excursions to natural and historical monuments. The land of Lago-Naki is full of mysteries - karst caves, gorges, dolmens, incredible miraculous waterfalls and much more.

Hiking. Conquering the peaks will be incredibly interesting. For this purpose, routes of varying difficulty are provided, which are accessible to beginners and tourists with extensive experience. Tried this one active view vacation once in a lifetime will forever be a fan.

Rafting . A raft ride down the unruly river awaits you. Thanks to routes of varying difficulty levels, if desired, everyone can try their hand at this breathtaking form of recreation. Do this kind of thing extreme sports possible from May to October. The largest center rafting is located near the Nezhnaya cave.

The most extreme route is the route starting from the village of Guzeripl, where a number of rapids of a high category of difficulty are concentrated on a fairly small section of the river. For beginners, there is a 10-kilometer section of the Bashtannikov Glade and a 15-kilometer part of the route from the Granite Canyon, which is suitable even for those who have no river rafting experience at all.

Jeeping. It will be most interesting journey to the mountains in a jeep, where on the way you will encounter difficult off-road sections and water obstacles. Many tourists from all over the country specially go to the Lagonaki Highlands just to ride off-road.

Horseback riding tours. This type of recreation will be appreciated by connoisseurs wildlife. You will ride on horseback along the chosen route. This can be a simple horseback ride lasting several hours, or a difficult multi-day mountain trek. The routes are designed for both adults and children over 12 years old.

Active leisure. Lago-Naki is amazing place with amazing mountain scenery and clean air. There is a famous ski resort here, the slopes of which are similar to popular resorts Swiss Lausanne. Fans of an active lifestyle will be offered almost all possible types of active recreation: jeeping, rafting, caving, hang gliding, alpine skiing, sledding, snowboarding.

Skiers and snowboarders will appreciate the specially equipped slope located high in the mountains. You can go sledding a little further down the road, where there is a sledding hill and there are two types of slopes. This is a steep and gentle slope with a lift, designed for children and adults who do not like extreme sports.

Excursions along gorges and mountain rivers will be no less interesting. Fans of mountaineering will be interested in snow-covered mountain areas. As a rule, for their training, mountaineers and rock climbers chose the Utyug plateau in the northeastern part of the highlands. They climb Mount Fisht, study routes on the slopes of Mount Obadzesh and Oshten. Speleologists will be delighted by the underground caves of the Lagonaki Highlands and karst mines. More than 100 caves await them, some of which, such as the Azish Cave, are equipped for visiting excursions. But most of them are unchanged. Only athletes dare to conquer them. And the Sheep Cave is accessible even to the most unprepared people, since it can be explored without special equipment.

Get vivid and unforgettable impressions and a chance to test your strength in extreme rides You can engage in the following types of entertainment:

  • Paintball is a fun team game with 4 sites to choose from.
  • Canyoning - rappelling, crossing the Mishoko Canyon using rock climbing techniques.
  • Via ferrata - movement along vertical plane rocks specially equipped with steel brackets.
  • Rope jumping - jumping from the edge of a steep cliff with further free fall.
  • Rappelling is a descent at high speed using a rope.
  • Trolley - descent over the abyss on an inclined cable.

And this is not the final list of entertainment that the Lagonaki Highlands offers to everyone. That is why people of any age and any physical fitness can experience a lot of positive impressions, a fountain of new emotions.

Sights of Lago-Naki

The popularity of the area is explained by the presence of an asphalt road that rises to a height of almost 1800 meters above sea level. Although the movement of large-capacity buses is prohibited and absolutely absent public transport, from day to day tourist sites hundreds of tourists visit. Right next to the road there are equipped Nezhnaya and Bolshaya Azishskaya caves, as well as a number of observation platforms. For winter sports lovers there is a small ski lift near the Azish-Tau hotel. Fans comfortable rest can stay in one of dozens of tourist centers, where in winter you can take a shower and warm up, and in summer you can hide from the heat. There are good routes for active tourists: wild caves of the Azish-Tau ridge, Kurdzhip Canyon, Lake Psenodakh, climbing Oshten and Fisht, Universitetsky waterfall and much more.

Lago-Naki Caves

Most of the “star” caves in Russia are located on the territory of the Lagonaki Highlands. Thus, the “Absolute” cave has a length of 2057 meters, the length of the “Anglo-Russian” cave, located in the Fisht mountain massif, is about 3,000 meters, and the depth is over 400 meters. The Russian record holder for depth is the “Cross-Friends” cave system (the cross is a tourist), the depth of which is 650 meters. Quite a deep karst mine “Soaring Bird”. Its depth is 517 meters. On the northern part of the plateau there is the Sheep Cave, which can be viewed without special equipment.

Once on the Lago-Naki plateau, do not forget to visit the Great Azish Cave, which reaches a length of more than 1000 meters and consists of huge halls, labyrinths and winding passages. The Great Azish Cave is one of the most beautiful and interesting caves in the Western Caucasus. This underground kingdom contains amazing creations nature: stalagmites and stalactites reminiscent of fairy-tale characters, trees, flowers, animals. The entrance to the cave is a vertical well. It consists of several voluminous multi-tiered halls and galleries. There are several lakes, a 7-meter waterfall, and a river flowing through. The cave itself is equipped for visits and is guarded.

You will get a special impression when you get acquainted with the rock “God Bless!”, from which a panorama of wonderful green valleys and beautiful mountain landscapes, Lake Psenodah, Rufabgo waterfalls (“Heart of Rufabgo”, “Three Brothers”, “Cup of Love”, “Noise”, “Cascade”, “Maiden Spit”), Khadzhok Gorge. No one will be left indifferent and panoramic views majestic nature of the Caucasus, opening from observation platforms.

Summer holidays

From May to September, the air temperature in Lago-Naki stays at + 23 degrees. The hottest month is July. At this time, you can usefully relax by going for easy short walks around the surrounding area. You will be offered a choice of walking, horseback riding or cycling routes with visits to equipped caves, waterfalls, mountain lakes, dolmens. These places have long attracted mountaineers, speleologists and rock climbers for professional training.

Holidays in winter

Thanks to the presence of several climatic zones, from October to May you can ski on the ski slopes in Lago-Naki. Children and beginners can take advantage of the easier slopes. In winter, the temperature remains at 0-5 degrees, occasionally dropping below 10 degrees below zero. The coldest month is January. The height of the snow cover in these places reaches 4 meters and can last for six months, from November to May.

The beginning of spring in Lago-Naki occurs at the end of February. From mid-spring the snow begins to melt, resulting in heavy, wet avalanches. The monthly rainfall at this time of year is 120-130 mm.

To truly experience indelible impressions, to feel everything and understand what Lago-Naki (Lagonaki) is like, you definitely need to visit here. The Azish pass with equipped observation platforms is the extreme point for a large number of road travelers in this direction. However, some take risks by deciding to move further towards Stone Sea.

When it comes to the North Caucasus, it is difficult to imagine that the conversation will pass without stories about the Lago-Naki plateau. As it is also called, the Lagonaki Highlands is located north of the mountains Shepsi, Fisht, Oshten and Pseshkho. Their highest point is 3255 meters. The central part of this plateau is covered by mountains. There are sloping plateaus to the west and east. Their height gradually decreases to 1000 meters. The Utyug plateau is located somewhat apart, resembling a ship in appearance. In its southeast is the hanging valley Zhelob.

The Lago-Naki plateau is located on the territory of Adygea, only partially located on the lands of the Krasnodar Territory. But these boundaries are very conditional, since it is a single whole. Most often, tourists move here along highways, fortunately, there are enough of them in the North Caucasus. They are surprised that on the Lagonaki Highlands you can learn almost everything about the nature of the entire Caucasus. The reason for this is known - the connection of several climatic zones. In one day you can walk through deciduous forests, climb into an area of ​​high-mountain open forest, admire alpine meadows and, finally, reach glaciers. An exciting journey...

Beech, ash, maple, and fir grow on the Lagonaki Highlands. It is unusual to observe cypress trees, which, although they are considered the most even and straight trees, in these places tend to intricately intertwine with each other. And the high-mountain pines here grow as if from bare stones. The Lago-Naki plateau has no analogues. There are such berries and mushrooms here that hunters simply gasp at them. And the wild grapes that grow here, according to some sweet tooths, are much tastier and more aromatic than garden grapes. The Lago-Naki plateau is part of the Great Caucasus Nature Reserve. It is a favorite place for skiers, as there is snow here from October to April. The All-Russian Union route “Through the Mountains to the Sea” passes through the Lago-Naki plateau.

One of the favorite excursions of guests of the Lagonaki Highlands is a visit to the Lower and Bolshaya Azish caves. Some tourists come here for the beauty of the landscapes: the views of ridges, passes, clear and fast mountain rivers and waterfalls are amazing. Some people can’t wait to wait for the snow and ski off the slopes of the ski resort. And some are interested in the karst processes that took place here many years ago. Scientists believe that in ancient times there was the Tethys Ocean on the site of the Lago-Naki plateau. And the plateau itself was a coral reef, as evidenced by the traces of fossilized fish on the stones and rocks. But in any case, walking at an altitude of two kilometers above sea level greatly strengthens the nervous system in any condition.

It is no coincidence that such a flow of tourists flocks to this mountainous country. The Lago-Naki plateau is also called Lost world Greater Caucasus. Probably, such sensations are given by examinations of the deepest karst caves. One of them, “Soaring Bird” (517 meters deep), has a lake. And the “Cross of Friends” is considered the deepest in Russia - 650 meters. But this is not the only thing you can see on the Lago-Naki plateau. There is even a parking lot here for excursions. ancient man. There are also sacred megalithic structures. Traces of numerous military actions remained. The Circassians on the Lagonaki Highlands fought with the Tatars, the Cossacks with Shamil himself. And it was here that the German mountain rifle detachments were stopped.

It remains to ask why the plateau is called by a double name? The legend of the plateau will tell about this... Lago is a shepherd whom the princely daughter Naki fell in love with. Unequal social conditions were able to unite them only by escaping from their home. And one day, while walking around the outskirts of the place where they settled, Naki came across the bodies of demigods, half-humans who died in a battle with a dragon. The compassionate girl was able to get out of the seemingly dead fighters. And they gave this couple happiness. Lago and Naki lived happily ever after. And, it seems, they wish the same for all those who come to relax in those places that bear their name.

Lago-Naki plateau in the photo

Address: Republic of Adygea, Maikop district, Lago-Naki plateau

GPS coordinates: 44.037369, 39.933499

Lago-Naki plateau on the map

Lago-Naki plateau on video

Holidays in Lagonaki.
The Lago-Naki plateau (Lagonaki Highlands, Lagonaki) is located in the Western Caucasus between the Stone Sea ridge in the east and Mount Messo in the west. In the southwest, Fisht-Oshtensky adjoins the plateau mountain range. The area of ​​the Lago-Naki plateau is about 800 square kilometers, the height above sea level is about two thousand meters. Geographically, part of the Lagonaki plateau is located in the Maykop region of Adygea, and the other part is in the Apsheron region of the Krasnodar Territory. It is very difficult to make an exact distinction due to the fact that the plateau and the surrounding landscape are a single natural complex. The territory of the plateau, with the exception of areas located in the Absheronsky region, is part of the Caucasus Nature Reserve.

The plateau is composed of a thick, gently sloping sequence of reef limestones of Jurassic age. Headwaters of rivers and small streams cut through limestones to form narrow deep canyons With steep cliffs up to 10 m or more in height. The central side of the Lago-Naki plateau is closed by mountains; there are sloping plateaus to the east and west of the Lagonaki Highlands. In the west there is Montenegro, the height of which gradually decreases from 1756 to 1000 meters, and in the east there is a plateau stretching from Abadzesh to the north-eastern limit of the Lagonaki Highlands. The Utyug plateau stands out separately, surrounded by a 30-meter wall of rocks, and its outline reminiscent of a ship. In the southeast of Utyug there is a hanging valley called the Trench. The Lagonaki plateau in the east of the highlands ends with steep slopes, and only in the north-west do they gently descend.

Diverse vegetation and unusual topography make the Lago-Naki plateau unique, because the territory of the plateau is located in several climatic zones: you can go from broad-leaved forests to glaciers in a short period of time. In winter there is snow here, but the climate remains mild and comfortable, in the spring waterfalls and mountain rivers gain power, in the summer the plateau is covered with a dense wonderful carpet of plants, and in the short autumn the highlands turn into a bright multi-colored beauty. The relief of the plateau is equally heterogeneous. Here you can see spacious meadows and steep rock walls, abysses and cliffs. Mountains with their snow-white peaks rising up. On the Lagonaki plateau there is the lowest glacier in the Caucasus and Europe - the Small Fishtinsky glacier. Next to the non-melting glaciers, incredibly beautiful flowers and trees grow that cover alpine meadows in spring. Here you can also find unique plants that do not grow anywhere else. Scientists who have studied the Lago-Naki plateau believe that there are no more places like the Lagonaki Plateau.

Relax, travel, go hiking around tourist routes You can visit the Lago-Naki plateau area all year round. People come here for health and impressions. A wide variety of recreation and tourism activities are well developed on the territory of the Lagonaki Plateau. Here you can not only enjoy walking, but by bicycle and even on horseback. Extreme lovers will enjoy hang gliding, and climbers can conquer snow-capped peaks.

Lagonaki is a favorite place for speleologists, because there are a huge number of karst caves of varying depths. By the way, it is on this plateau that the deepest cave in Russia is located - the Cross of Friends, the depth of which is 650 m. You can visit the parking lot on Lagonaki primitive man or ancient megalithic buildings. The plateau will also be interesting for history buffs, because many significant battles took place here: from ancient battles with the Tatars to the defeat of German mountain troops.

Winter holidays in Lago-Naki concentrated on specially equipped slopes. Lago-Naki is a fairly famous ski resort; by the end of December, when a thick layer of snow falls on the plateau, a huge number of ski lovers begin to come here every weekend. Lago-Naki has several trails for skiing and snowboarding, but there is only one long rope tow. There are also several short lifts, but the slopes on which they are located may only be of interest to beginners. If you do not have your own equipment for skiing, you can rent it here at the rental points. The same applies to sleds - you can bring your own or rent them on the spot. There is a slide specially designed for sledding for both adults and children. It has two slopes: a gentle one for relaxed skiing and a steeper one with lifts for extreme sports enthusiasts. There is a lot of rental here: snowmobiles, sleighs, winter equipment and even winter tires for cars.

The geological history of the Lago-Naki plateau began 70 million years ago, when the Tethys Ocean covered the plateau with its salty waters, and the most high peaks were small coral islands. Mountain peaks rose from the bottom of the ocean and when the period of intense melting of glaciers passed, the water left, and this plateau was formed. As the ocean retreated, it left behind a land generously endowed with salts and minerals, suitable for the development of a variety of plants. Many amonites are still found here - stones with imprints of shells.

Sights of Lago-Naki. In the mountainous region of Lagonaki there are ancient megalithic structures and human sites discovered by archaeologists. Once upon a time, mountain tribes fought here with the Tatars, Cossacks attacked the fortifications of Shamil, and the last horsemen of the “Wild Division” hid in the vastness of the Lago-Naki plateau. The main “star” caves of Russia are located on the Lagonaki plateau and its surroundings. The Soaring Bird Cave is a deep karst mine, the depth of which is 517 meters. “Anglo-Russian” cave, more than 400 meters deep and 3 thousand meters long. The “cross-tourist” cave system, the deepest cave in Russia – 650 meters. Perhaps the Olga cave will be no less deep, going to a depth of 277 meters, but definitely having a continuation. In the north of the plateau there is the Sheep Cave, accessible for inspection without special equipment.

Guam Gorge
Mount Fisht
The panoramic point “Geimanova Polyana” is located at 20.4 km. highways Dakhovskaya - Lagonaki. The height above sea level is 1332.2 meters. “Alpika Park” located its houses here.
Panoramic point “Dakhovskaya” is located at 4.6 km. highways Dakhovskaya - Lagonaki.
In a small roadside clearing, where the road going uphill flattens out, a picturesque view of the village of Dakhovskaya opens up. Valleys of the Dakh, Sakhray and Belaya rivers.
The panoramic point “Polyana Kruglaya” is located at 16 km. highways Dakhovskaya - Lagonaki. From the sign turn left, and after a kilometer and a half you find yourself in a wide alpine clearing. A recreation center “Mountain Mood” was built in the clearing.
The panoramic point “Sosnovaya Polyana” is located at 19 km. highways Dakhovskaya - Lagonaki. Panoramic point with steep cliffs Azish-Tau ridge. A wonderful place for recreation for motor tourists and sightseers coming to excursion buses. There are picturesque pine trees around. Altitude above sea level - 1335.0 m.
The Azishsky pass is located at 31 km. highways Dakhovskaya - Lagonaki. In the western part of the Zhelob tract.
The Tender Cave is located at 22 km. highways Dakhovskaya - Lagonaki. Height above sea level - 1601.3 m.
The Sheep Cave is located in the alpine meadows area of ​​the Lagonaki plateau, on the left bank of the Kurdzhips River, opposite the Azishsky pass. Altitude above sea level - 1472 m.
The arboretum of the village of Goncharka is located on the shore of a picturesque pond on the outskirts of the village of Goncharka, Giaginsky district. You can approach the arboretum from the Maikop - Belorechensk highway.
The deer nursery is located 10.9 km. highways Dakhovskaya - Lagonaki. Height above sea level - 858.9 m.

Translated, Alpine Meadows means “crooked pasture,” but there is also a legend that this area is named after a loving couple: Lago was the daughter of a prince, and Nak was a simple shepherd. Having run away from home, they found their happiness in these mountains:

“In ancient times they lived in sunny valleys cheerful and fair sledges. Half-humans, half-gods. They cultivated the land, planted gardens, grazed sheep with long wavy wool and bulls with large curved horns. All neighbors respected the Narts, in days of peace they used their advice, in days of war = protection. And in all countries the Nart lumberjacks were famous, who cut down a mighty oak with one blow, the Nart shepherds, who could ride for 3 years without getting off a horse, and the Nart trappers, who hit a tossed coin with a spear.
But one day a ferocious three-headed dragon flew in from the north - damn. The valleys began to smoke. The dragon burned crops, scattered herds, plundered villages, people were afraid to leave their homes for fields and pastures. High in the mountains in deep cave The dragon made a lair for himself, from where he flew out every day for prey. There were too few mountaineers, and the monster easily defeated them. The inhabitants of the foothills gathered an army and went to look for the dragon. The horsemen, rattling their armor, rode into a deep gorge, and only the horses ran back. Horror and grief gripped the people; only the sledges could help them.
The best Nart heroes gathered to fight the dragon. Giant Fisht, a mighty old lumberjack, wise and calm as mountain lakes. The leader of the shepherds Pshekho-Su, a tireless traveler and fearless warrior, and the young hunter Oshten, who knows all the paths in the mountains. The sleds quickly found the dragon's lair in the mountains. Old Fisht was the first to go out into battle, swung his silver ax and with the first blow cut off the largest head, but he himself fell, scorched by the fiery breath of the monster. The rider Pshekho-Su pulled out his sword, stroked his horse, and galloped towards the cave. The experienced sledge dealt many blows to the dragon, cut off the second head, but he himself fell, bleeding. Oshten had never seen such large animals in the mountains; it was scary for the young hunter, but the sledges did not retreat in battle. Oshten raised a spear made of solid ash and pierced the last head. The dying dragon shuddered and knocked over Oshten with its huge jagged tail.
The Nart sisters came to the battlefield to find the brothers and bandage their wounds, but all the heroes were dead. They covered the bodies of the Nart sisters with a carpet of flowers and began to cry. They cried until their tears turned into rivers. The gray-haired and stately sister Fishta became the Belaya River, now powerful and calm, now, remembering her brother, all-crushing and angry. Sister Pshekha cries in eternal grief. And Oshten’s young sister, the playful Kurdzhips, cannot come to terms with the loss and furiously rumbles on the rocks and waterfalls.
Years passed. Decades gave way to centuries. People were afraid to enter the dragon's former lair, despite the fact that the treasures he looted were kept there. The dragon killed by the Narts turned into stone mountains. The heads became peaks, the clawed, scarred wings became slopes, the traces of the Pshekho-Su sword became canyons, and the jagged ridge with a tail became a ridge of rocks. The blood from the dragon's wounds collected in streams and fell from the heights like a waterfall into the valley. High, high in the mountains, near the heads they had cut off, the dead sledges lay on flowers. And from three sides three rivers ran down from the plateau: Belaya, Pshekha and Kurdzhips, without ceasing to mourn the brothers.
People forgot the Narts, they came to admire the bizarre piles of rocks, but they always avoided the place where two waterfalls came out of the cut red rock. Even the old people didn't know why they were called "Dragon's Blood". One day a young man and a girl appeared in the mountains: the prince's daughter Naki and the shepherd Lago. They fled to the mountains from Naka's father, he did not want to give her in marriage to a poor man. The lovers found the Narts' bodies, and the girl remembered the legend that was told at the prince's court. They often came to bow to the heroes, Naki decorated the majestic heads with wreaths of meadow flowers, and Lago collected the weapons and armor of the dead. They settled near a stream between three peaks, Lago hunted, and Naki collected herbs and berries in the groves.
One day, Lago climbed particularly far while chasing a deer and stopped to rest under a rock between two waterfalls: a light one and a dark one. A dead deer lay at the hunter’s feet, the fickle wind twisted the streams of water and splashed everything around. Suddenly, the wet deer jumped up and rushed down the slope. Lago took the shot quail out of his bag and brought it to the first waterfall - the wounds closed. I wet it in the second - the bird shook itself off and flew away. The young man slashed his hand with a knife and washed away the blood; a thin silver strip stretched across the cut site. The delighted Lago hurried to his beloved.
For many days Lago carried water from two waterfalls along the steeps and rocks, and Naki washed the wounds of the killed Narts with bunches of herbs. And all three heroes came to life. The sledges looked at the new world around and listened to stories about how much time had passed since the battle with the dragon. Gray-haired Fisht asked more than anyone about the customs of the new people, reflected, and then announced that he would remain on the mountain where he had spent so many years, where he had become accustomed, where he could breathe so freely and his thoughts were so lofty. Pshekho-Su grieved that the former free nomadic life did not exist on earth. He said that he would return to his comrades with whom he had been in many battles, drank water from a dark waterfall and fell asleep forever. And young Oshten wanted to see the new world and went down to the valleys. He probably told this story to people.
The heads of the stone dragon, named after the great Narts, Fisht, Pshekho-Su and Oshten, still guard the Lago-Naki plateau, hidden in the mountains. More time has passed. Lago and Naki lived their lives happily - their children grew up, their children grew up grandchildren. Generations followed generations. This is how a mountain village was formed among a wild apple orchard. And he was named -


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