Elbrus is the highest in the world. Elbrus is a mountain in the Greater Caucasus. Climbing Elbrus

Address: Russia, Caucasus
Height: 5642 m (western peak), 5621 m (eastern peak)
First ascent: July 22, 1829
Coordinates: 43°20"57.4"N 42°26"51.6"E

The stunning Mount Elbrus, beckoning climbers, ski lovers and fans active type rest, is actually a volcano.

Surprisingly, not everyone knows about this: for most, Elbrus is one of seven wonders of Russia(according to the 2008 vote), picturesque slopes along which you can ski down with a breeze, and the virgin, even somewhat “unearthly” beauty of the Elbrus region.

Scientists call Elbrus a stratovolcano, which means that from time to time thick streams of lava erupt from a conical vent, which, due to their viscosity, do not spread over long distances, but solidify not far from the point of their emission. That is why Elbrus “grows” with each eruption and is currently considered the highest mountain peak in Europe. By the way, the volcano has two peaks: one of them (western) has a height of 5642 meters, and the second (eastern) - 5621 meters. The two peaks are separated by a saddle with a height of 5200 meters and a length of 3 kilometers.

First summit ascent

According to documents that have survived to this day, the first conquest of the eastern peak of Elbrus took place in 1829. The expedition was led by Georgy Arsenievich Emmanuel, who, despite his Hungarian origin, led the Caucasian fortified line. In addition to numerous scientists included in the expedition by the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1000 military personnel and guides who knew secret paths and the least dangerous slopes took part in the ascent to the peak.

Most likely, according to modern historians, people visited the peaks and gorges of Elbrus long before 1829. However, according to documentation, it is generally accepted that the first conquest of Elbrus was the ascent of a scientific expedition led by Emmanuel.

Volcano name: history of origin

Alas, it is currently unknown where the name Elbrus came from. Most scientists are inclined to believe that the name of the mountain comes from the Iranian word “Elborz”, which is literally translated into Russian as “brilliant or sparkling.” In Iran there is a mountain called Elborz, probably for this reason, many associate the origin of the name of the highest point in Europe with the Iranian language. In fairness, it is worth noting that the rest of the scientists, who, although in the minority, argue that the name Elbrus may come from the Armenian or Georgian language. The answer to the question of where the name of this mesmerizing volcano came from will most likely never be found: you need to delve too deeply into the history of mankind to solve this problem.

Battle for Elbrus

During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles were fought for the peaks of Elbrus, in which the famous German division, named after the most beautiful mountain flower, “Edelweiss,” took part.

The division was staffed exclusively by physically hardy people who lived in mountainous areas, able to hit the target with the first shot. Mature age of some of them best soldiers The Wehrmacht allowed them to fight in the mountains and survive in deserted areas where it was almost impossible to get food, endure severe frosts and strong gusts of wind.

As is known from the history of the Second World War, the battle for the Caucasus began on July 25, 1942. Less than a month later, soldiers from the Edelweiss division occupied the Shelter of Eleven and Krugozor bases, and after some time conquered the peaks of Elbrus, on which they hoisted flags with swastikas. It would seem that a feat has been accomplished, but the ascent German soldiers infuriated Hitler. “Crazy, deranged people, stupid climbers! While Wehrmacht soldiers are waging a fierce struggle for every square kilometer of the Caucasus, they decided to “play.” These climbers, who climbed Elbrus for the sake of their own pride, must be put on trial!” Hitler shouted in rage. “Why do we need this bare peak that no one needs? They are not aware of what they are doing. Our flags should hang on the buildings of Sukhumi, and not fly where even birds cannot see them,” A. Speer recorded these words of Adolf Hitler in his diary.

Stalin, apparently, thought quite differently. After the last German units were expelled from the Caucasus at the end of winter, Soviet soldiers re-conquered the peaks of Elbrus. Flags with swastikas were destroyed, and on the western and eastern peaks the banners of the USSR proudly glowed.

The volcano is only dormant

Elbrus, as mentioned above, is a Mecca for climbers, mountaineers and skiers. Tourism brings Kabardino-Balkaria the lion's share of income to the local budget. Therefore, the authorities, according to some scientists, are silent about the danger that awaits not only tourists, but also local residents, whose houses are located near the volcano. “Elbrus could wake up at any moment, the eruption will be very powerful!” say experts, based on a number of studies they have conducted.

Particular concern is expressed by Lev Denisov, who calls on the authorities to reconsider their policies and think about what they are investing huge amounts of money into. “A restless volcano can destroy the entire infrastructure of the area in a few hours and take the lives of thousands of people,” Denisov said in his address. In addition to a possible eruption, the so-called “pulsating glaciers” pose a particular danger. It was they who led to the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge.

Monument to the “Heroes of the Elbrus Defense”

However, neither the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria nor high-ranking officials from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations want to listen to the scientist’s arguments. Denisov’s opponents say: “Several centuries may pass before the eruption, but we don’t see any cause for concern yet.” Naturally, in this context, the word “may” is scary. After all, this does not exclude the possibility that Elbrus may “wake up” in the very near future. Who will be right, Lev Denisov and his group of researchers, or his opponents, only time will tell. While in the Elbrus area, you should never forget about your own safety and strictly follow the instructions of the instructor. It is worth remembering that people constantly die and go missing in the gorges and on the slopes of the mountain: everyone knows that in 2002, during the collapse of a glacier in the Karmadon Gorge called “Kolka”, the most popular actor and director Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov disappeared.

“I’m standing at the top, I’m happy and speechless...”

Thanks to government decree Russian Federation, with the active support of the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria, tourism infrastructure is developing in the Elbrus region by leaps and bounds. The most convenient tourist bases, hotels with “luxury” rooms, ultra-modern ski lifts, rentals of modern mountain and ski equipment are just a small part of what a tourist who comes to high peak Europe.

You can conquer one of the mountain peaks, from which a truly stunning view opens, on one of the expeditions. They are constantly organized here by companies that have received a special license for this type of activity. Climbing Elbrus always takes place under the guidance of a professional climber who knows all the subtleties and nuances of conquering the mountain peak. It was thanks to the training of these people that climbing Elbrus became practically safe. However, before you decide to climb the highest mountain in Europe, you should soberly assess your strength. For a person in poor health, such a journey can end tragically. Although, almost all expeditions are equipped with radio communications with special stations. In the event of any dangerous situation, a helicopter with experienced rescuers on board rises from a special platform. Before the ascent, the group leaders once again try to determine the physical condition of each participant and, in case of any doubt about his endurance, recommend postponing the conquest of the peak, but rather enjoy the beauty of the Elbrus region on this trip, which is quite difficult to describe in words.

Who among us has not heard about the greatness and beauty of Elbrus? Does everyone know where Mount Elbrus is? What is the height of Mount Elbrus? Rising in the ridge Caucasus mountains, it is the highest and most famous point in Russia.

In the last century, Elbrus inspired travelers and climbers to climb. Overcoming dangerous areas, people strengthened their will and strength. Enjoying the beauty of the snowy mountains and contemplating the amazing local landscape from above, poets and bards composed their songs and poems.

It is on Elbrus that you get a feeling of complete freedom from the surrounding bustle, and you have the opportunity to enjoy the deafening silence. The region where Mount Elbrus is located has long been considered a place that can be described as “paradise on Earth.”

The snowy peaks of this giant are a favorite place for tourists

Pioneers famous mountain there were Russian scientists. In 1913, academician and astronomer V.K. Vishnevsky calculated the height and exact location of Elbrus. In 1829, the first Russian expedition was equipped to Elbrus. The researchers included distinguished scientists: academician Lenz, botanist Meyer, architect of Pyatigorsk and others.

The expedition was accompanied by Cossacks, a detachment of a thousand people, under the leadership of General Emmanuel. A detachment of Cossacks stopped at the northern foot of Elbrus at an altitude of 2400 meters. The general and his detachment did not go further, but watched the pioneers through a telescope, ready, in case of unforeseen circumstances, to come to the rescue.

A commemorative inscription was carved on a large stone, which has survived to this day: “1829, from July 8 to 11, the camp led by General Cavalier Emmanuel.”

And the expedition continued its ascent. After spending the night at an altitude of 3000 meters, the travelers moved on. Part of the expedition stopped at an altitude of 4800 meters and did not go further. A memorial sign was carved at this point - the St. George Cross and the date: 1829. In 1949, a group of climbers from the Science society discovered this monument. Only Lenz, two Cossacks and two Kabardian guides continued to go higher.

Lenz and the Cossack Lysenkov reached the saddle of Elbrus. They could no longer go further, since the loose, softened snow prevented the ascent. Only one Kabardian, Killar, went higher. He was able to reach the very top of Mount Elbrus because his body was accustomed to mountain climate and mountain paths.

General Emmanuel saw through a telescope on the eastern peak of Elbrus the brave mountaineer Killar. When Killar returned to the travelers' camp in the evening, the scientists greeted him with the honors that Killar deserved as a brave pioneer.

In honor of the discovery of the summit of Elbrus and the first ascent of it, two cast iron boards were cast, with an inscription describing this event. Later, these memorial signs were installed in Pyatigorsk. Currently they are kept in the museum.

First steps to the top

Where to start your first ascent of Mount Elbrus? The first step is to find the mountain on the map of Russia in order to have an idea of ​​the scale and size of the object. After you have found out where Mount Elbrus is located, you will need to tone all your muscles by performing active physical exercises.

Push-ups, squats, exercises on the horizontal bar. All these exercises must be done two months before the expected date of travel. Be sure to jog for several kilometers: to increase the body's endurance. Pistol squats on one leg improve the tone of the leg muscles.

Before the trip, you need to take a break from physical activity so that the body recovers and there is no overexertion. They say that Elbrus carries a special energy charge. Elbrus makes strong-willed people stronger, but it drains weak-spirited people. So it is useful to do yoga, breathing exercises, to put in order not only the body, but also the spirit. It is necessary to feel the harmony of strength and spirit.

Beginners are usually accompanied by instructors. There is no need to be ashamed of this and thoughtlessly risk your life by starting the ascent without an experienced accompanying person. Moreover, it is unknown how a beginner’s body will react to altitude. The height of Elbrus in meters is 5642. Five kilometers, six hundred and forty-two meters! On a horizontal surface, the journey would take just over an hour on foot.

But you will have to go up the frozen slope, overcoming obstacles and suffering hardships along the way. Ascent to altitude is accompanied by pressure changes, so there are several guides for a group of several people. As a rule, this is one guide for three people. If someone becomes ill, the group will have to return to the camp and accompany the sick traveler.

On the second day after arrival, experienced guides first lead travelers to Mount Maly Cheget. The height of this mountain is 3360 m. The walking route lasts 2-3 hours. According to the results of this path, beginners who are already accustomed to the environment are led to the southern slope of Elbrus the next day. The southern slope is the classic climbing route.

In modern perception, with the use of the latest climbing equipment and with the help of experienced mentors, the path will not seem very difficult and dangerous. But this is in the case of unquestioning obedience to the guides.

The main difficulties in overcoming snowy peaks can arise when passing through cracks in glaciers hidden by snow, in strong winds, at very low temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to visit Elbrus for the first time in the second half of summer, in July-August.

Coordinates and history of the famous mountain

Of course, having arrived in Nalchik, the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, any local resident will be able to show where Mount Elbrus is located. Yes, it’s hard not to notice - it towers over the city like a snowy hat and is even marked on the flag of the republic. The height of Mount Elbrus fascinates and delights with its cold beauty.

Elbrus is a volcano that lost its strength many millennia ago. More than 218 thousand years ago, erupting more than 15 times, Elbrus emerged from the bowels of the earth as a huge giant. And in modern times, people feel tremors, but they are no longer as dangerous as active volcanoes.

Elbrus is known for its harsh climate. Snowy hills do not melt even in the hottest days summer days. On Elbrus average temperature in the warmest month - 1.4 degrees. There is more precipitation on Elbrus than on the plains of the Stavropol Territory, but it falls mainly in snow flakes. At the Elbrus meteorological station, rain has never been observed for three years.

Some people even joke that Elbrus is a piece of ice abandoned from the Arctic. Warm air currents coming from the Atlantic, meeting this cold barrier on their way, pour out rain on the foothills of Elbrus. And Elbrus changes the weather in nearby regions. Local residents even noticed: if Elbrus is covered with clouds on a clear day, expect the weather to worsen.

Legends and songs have long been written about Elbrus. Herodotus wrote about him even before our era. The peoples of the Middle East and the Caucasus have written folk epics about him.

Mount Elbrus has more than two dozen names in different languages ​​and dialects. Moreover, the Kabardian language does not translate the word “Elbrus” in any way. There is an opinion that the word “Elbrus” is of Iranian origin. But, in Kabardian and other local languages, there are 40 different names great mountain. It is difficult to write about such a great grief. And it is impossible to describe in words all the beauty of Elbrus. This beauty must be seen with your own eyes.

Only mountains can be better than mountains - Vysotsky sang and he was right. Mountains have always attracted people. Brave people, despite the cold, lack of oxygen, dangers and difficulties, stubbornly “climbed” to the top. What attracted them there? Curiosity? Want to test yourself? Thirst for fame? The desire to prove to yourself and others your superiority? Thirst for knowledge? It is difficult to find any logic in the inexplicable attraction of people to the mountains.
Let us remember the events of past years, when during the Great Patriotic War the German mountain rifle division "Edelweiss" with fierce battles broke through to the very high mountain Europe - Elbrus to install Nazi flags on its top. Why did the pragmatic Germans need to waste energy conquering this peak? Did Hitler really need even such proof of his own greatness?
Mountains are the greatest creation of mother nature. They are great, powerful and eternal. Representatives of the species Homo sapiens lack these qualities. Rising to the sky they try to join great secret the universe, and having reached the top they begin to see clearly. Against the backdrop of the cold, gigantic peaks, everything they lived with before seems petty and insignificant.
Let's commit virtual trip and we will climb to the tops of the highest mountains of all continents of the Earth and enjoy the fantastic landscapes that open before the eyes of brave climbers. Maybe we will be able to comprehend the secret of these natural monuments.

The Main Caucasian Ridge, “under the command” of the mighty Elbrus, “cuts through” the dense veil of clouds (Photo source:).

Everest (Asia) - Height: 8848 meters Chomolungma) is the highest peak of our planet, part mountain system Himalayas. For many climbers, this mountain is the most coveted trophy. But not everyone can climb this mountain. Therefore, climbers “climbing” a mountain are sometimes forced to make cynical decisions about whether to rescue those in distress or continue on their way. Often the rescue of climbers in distress on high altitude It’s simply not possible, since every step here is given with incredible difficulty. Therefore, on the slopes of the mountains you can find the bodies of dead climbers. You can familiarize yourself with very “unsightly” stories and photographs.

Photo on the left: the road to Everest, photo on the right: base camp at an altitude of 8300 meters (Photo source:).

Aconcagua (South America) - Height: 6962 meters
- the most high peak mountain range Andes in South America. Aconcagua is also the tallest extinct volcano in the world.

In the photo, climbers the size of ants are moving forward towards the top. A giant whirlwind of snow is circling above them (Photo source:).

Dawn over Aconcagua. The majestic panorama of the Andes appears in all its guise before brave climbers (Photo source:).

McKinley (North America) - Altitude: 6194 meters
The peak of Alaska takes an honorable third place among the highest peaks of the continents in our ranking.

Giant McKinley in the background coniferous forests Alaska (Photo source:).

View from McKinley Heights. A dense blanket of clouds “crawls” onto the peaks (Photo source:).

Kilimanjaro (Africa) - Height: 5895 meters
The highest point in Africa, the mountain is located in the northeastern part of Tanzania. It is a very unusual sight to see a snowy peak in the sultry African savannah. Recently, scientists have been sounding the alarm that the Kilimanjaro ice cap is rapidly decreasing in volume. Over the past decades, 80% of the ice on this mountain has already melted. Climate scientists name the main culprit in this process.

African elephants against the backdrop of the snowy peaks of Kilimanjaro are a very unusual sight (Photo source:).

On the way to Kilimanjaro. The landscape is fantastic (Photo source:).

View of the shroud of clouds from the highest point of the African continent (Photo source:).

Elbrus (Europe) - Height: 5642 meters
Russia also has a record-breaking mountain - this is the highest peak in Europe - . Elbrus is part of the Main Caucasus Range and is located on the border of the two Russian republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. In the past (around 50 AD) Elbrus was active volcano.

Handsome Elbrus (Photo source:).

Camp on the spurs of Elbrus (Photo source:).

Panorama of the mountains that opens to climbers from the top of Elbrus (Photo source:).

The silent and mysterious land of snow and clouds of Elbrus (Photo source:).

An unusual atmospheric phenomenon. The shadow of the peak of Elbrus in the morning haze (Photo source:).

The beauty of the Elbrus region. The edge of all seasons. Green alpine meadows and spurs of Elbrus, covered with snow (Photo source:).

On the top of Elbrus - a fantastic world of white snow and clouds (Photo source:).

Vinson Massif (Antarctica) - Altitude: 4892 meters
The coldest continent on the planet, Antarctica, also has its own mountains. The highest of them were discovered relatively recently, at the end of the 50s of the last century. The Vinson Massif is part of the Ellsworth Mountains and is located 1,200 kilometers from the southern point planets.

This is what the Vinson Massif looks like from space (Photo source:

Once upon a time, Elbrus was an active volcano, and now it is among the largest extinct volcanoes planets. The height of Elbrus is 5642 meters

The scientific study of Elbrus by Russian researchers began in the 19th century. In 1913, astronomer Academician V.K. Vishnevsky was the first to accurately determine the location and height of Elbrus. In 1829, Elbrus was visited by the first Russian scientific expedition. It included the famous Russian academician Lenz, the botanist Meyer, the architect of Pyatigorsk Bernardazzi and others. The expedition was accompanied by the head of the Caucasian line, General Emmanuel, with a detachment of 1000 Cossacks. The detachment stopped at the northern foot of Elbrus at an altitude of 2400 meters. The general did not go further, preferring to observe the actions of the scientists through a telescope. The inscription was carved on the stones at the site of the camp: “1829, from July 8 to July 11, camp under the command of General Cavalier Emmanuel.”

Having begun the ascent, the expedition, after spending the night at an altitude of 3000 meters, continued its ascent. Part of the expedition reached only a height of 4800 meters. Here the St. George's cross and the number 1829 were carved on the stones. This inscription was discovered in 1949 by a group of Soviet climbers from the Nauka society. Only Lenz, two Cossacks and two Kabardian guides continued their journey. Lentz and the Cossack Lysenkov managed to reach the saddle; it was impossible to go further, since the snow had softened greatly. Only one Kabardian, Killar, went higher. He managed to reach the top because his body was better adapted to mountain conditions and he went out earlier on hard snow. Emmanuel saw Killar through his telescope near the eastern peak. The scientists greeted the guide who returned in the evening as the first climber to Elbrus. To commemorate the work of the expedition and the achievement of the summit, two cast-iron boards were cast with an inscription detailing this event, which were later installed in Pyatigorsk near the Grotto of Diana and are currently stored in the museum. The photo shows the entrance to Diana's grotto

According to one version, the name Elbrus comes from the Iranian Aitibares - “high Mountain”, more likely - the Iranian “sparkling, brilliant” (like Elborz in Iran). The Georgian name Yalbuz is from the Turkic yal - “storm” and buz - “ice”. The Armenian Alberis is probably a phonetic version of the Georgian name, but the possibility of a connection with the pan-Indo-European basis to which the toponym “Alps” goes back is not excluded. According to another version, Elbrus is translated from the Karachay-Balkarian language as follows: El is a village, people, state; Bur is a twist, a gate, and is the same root as the word Buran; Us means character, behavior, disposition. Having the temperament to create a snowstorm or a volcano that twisted, turned over villages and people. Now Elbrus is an extinct volcano, but local residents of Karachay-Balkarians have preserved in their folk memory the times when Elbrus was still an active volcano.

Elbrus height– 5642 meters. Few volcanic mountains globe exceed Elbrus in height. Only the extinct volcano Aconcagua (6960 m) and the active fire-breathing Mount Llullaillaco (6723 m), located in South America, exceed Elbrus by a little more than one kilometer. The greatest volcano in Africa, Kilimanjaro, is almost equal to Elbrus, surpassing it only by 253 meters, the same can be said about largest volcano North America Orizaba (5700 m), superior to Elbrus by 58 meters. Among the mountains of Asia, Elbrus is the highest volcanic peak, next to it, Mount Damavand is inferior to Elbrus in height by 38 meters

Elbrus, like many other volcanoes, is divided into two parts: a pedestal of rocks, and a mound cone formed as a result of eruptions. The pedestal of Elbrus reaches approximately 3700 meters. This means that the “growth” of Elbrus due to its eruptions is approximately 2000 meters.
Klyuchevskaya Sopka has the largest cone in height among all volcanoes. The bulk cone of this volcano reaches 4572 meters and exceeds the cone of Elbrus by almost three kilometers

The outlines of the double-headed, sometimes blue, sometimes pink - depending on the lighting - cone of Elbrus are well known to Stavropol residents. Elbrus is visible from all, even the most northern points of the region, where the horizon is not blocked by other, closer hills. The interest in Elbrus among Stavropol residents is also explained by the fact that the waters of its glaciers feed the most big rivers our region - the beautiful Kuban and the stormy Terek

Elbrus is a classic volcanic mountain. In its vast cone, formed during numerous eruptions, the history of the volcano is written; it is successfully read by Soviet geologists on layers of lava, ash and volcanic tuff

Elbrus arose at the end of the Neogene during the rise Caucasian ridge. The eruptions of Elbrus were probably similar to the eruptions of modern Vesuvius, but were more violent. From the craters of the volcano at the beginning of the eruption, powerful clouds of vapors and gases, saturated with black ash, rose many kilometers upward, covering the entire sky, turning day into night. The earth shook from powerful underground explosions. The air was torn by incessant lightning and streaks of fire from thousands of volcanic bombs flying out of the crater. Streams of ash mud rushed along the slopes of the mountain, sweeping away vegetation and stones in their path. Each eruption ended with the release of hot lava, which quickly solidified on the surface. Layers of ash, lava, and stones, layered on top of each other, expanded the slopes of the volcano and increased its height. The volcano had colossal power; its ashes are found in the area of ​​Nalchik, on the slopes of Mount Mashuk, located 90 kilometers from Elbrus. Elbrus probably belongs to the ash deposits discovered in the north of our region near the city of Novoaleksandrovsk. But eras of eruptions were followed by periods of calm, during which rivers and glaciers energetically destroyed the previously filled volcanic cone almost to the ground. The volcanic rocks were overlain by thick moraines and river deposits. From the birth of Elbrus to the present, periods of erosion and revival of the cone have been repeated up to ten times

The activity of Elbrus continued during the Ice Age of the Quaternary period, when people already lived in the Caucasus, and ceased about 2500 years ago. When ice advanced, its slopes were repeatedly covered with a powerful ice shell; during subsequent eruptions, they were washed away by stormy streams of water. The Elbrus eruption site has been moved several times. Both domes currently crowning Elbrus are the youngest. In the southwestern part of the mountain, the remains of the most ancient crater are preserved in the form of the Khotyu-Tau-Azau rocks. This is where glaciers originate, feeding the Baksan River and tributaries of the Kuban. The eastern and western peaks of Elbrus seem to be embedded in the upper part of the ancient crater. The work of Elbrus had to be completed by the youngest crater - the eastern peak of the mountain. It is possible that both cones sometimes worked simultaneously

Geographers of the 16th century considered Elbrus an active volcano. In books and on maps it was depicted as a fire-breathing mountain, and is described as such in many folk legends. Rumors sometimes spread among the inhabitants of the mountains and foothills that Elbrus had begun to operate again or that Elbrus was expected to be revived in the near future. These stories are not justified in any way. Elbrus, perhaps, can be called not an extinct, but a fading volcano. It is sometimes the center of small earthquakes that spread throughout the Ciscaucasia. In the depths of the batholith, which previously fed Elbrus, magma cools, it supplies mineral springs carbon dioxide, turning them into narzans, of which there are a lot at the foot of Elbrus. In some places on the slopes of Elbrus, sulfur dioxide gases emerge from cracks, which gives rise to other scientists to claim that:

“The results of many years of research... clearly indicate the activity of volcanic processes proper on Elbrus in the Holocene, including historical time. Elbrus modern volcano, which is in a stage of relative dormancy. The absence of eruptions during the last millennium cannot be a sign of the end volcanic activity. The roof of the magma chamber is apparently located at a depth of 6 - 7 kilometers from the surface. Based on geological data, we come to the conclusion that Elbrus volcano is on an ascending branch of development."

The two-headed giant Elbrus stores inexhaustible riches in its depths. At its foot there are healing springs: the famous “Valley of Narzans” near the source of the Malka River - the brainchild of Elbrus. This is a future resort, not inferior to Kislovodsk in terms of the number of springs and the quality of the Narzans. Internal heat and various mineral resources of Elbrus are waiting to be used.

Elbrus has a harsh climate, making it similar to the Arctic region. The average temperature of the warmest month is -1.4°. There is a lot of precipitation on Elbrus, two to three times more than on the Stavropol plains, but it only falls in the form of snow. At the Elbrus meteorological station at an altitude of 4250 meters, during three years of observations no rain was ever recorded. Elbrus is sometimes compared to a piece of ice 6 kilometers in size, thrown far south from the Arctic regions. Naturally, warm air masses coming from Atlantic Ocean meeting this obstacle, rising and cooling, they are forced to give up part of their moisture to the slopes on the approaches to this mountain. As a result, Elbrus changes the weather in vast areas of neighboring areas, which is noted by the sign of local residents: “When Elbrus puts on a cloudy cap on a clear day, there will be bad weather.” The coldest month on Elbrus is February. The average air temperature in February is 15° lower than in Stavropol. In the warmest month, July, the average air temperature is approximately equal to December temperatures in the Stavropol region, and the highest daytime temperature in this month reaches only eight degrees Celsius. August is the most best month for climbing Elbrus, at this time the snow melts, all the cracks in the ice open, even where they are usually not visible.

The glory of Elbrus as the highest and most beautiful mountain of the Caucasus has been going on since time immemorial. Even before our era, Herodotus wrote about him. The peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East have songs and legends about Elbrus. A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, and many Caucasian poets dedicated inspired lines to him.

Conquered Giant
...In the depths of your gorges
The ax will rattle.
And an iron shovel
Into the stone chest,
Mining copper and gold
It will hit you in a terrible way.
The caravans are already passing by
Through those rocks
Where only fogs rushed
Yes, the kings are eagles.

M.Yu. Lermontov.

Due to its symbolic meaning as highest point In Europe, Elbrus became the scene of a fierce confrontation during the Great Patriotic War, in which units of the German mountain rifle division “Edelweiss” also participated. During the Battle of the Caucasus on August 21, 1942, after occupying the Krugozor and Shelter of the Eleven mountain bases, Hitler’s Alpine riflemen managed to install Nazi banners on the western peak of Elbrus. By the middle of the winter of 1942-1943, fascist troops were driven out from the slopes of Elbrus, and on February 13 and 17, 1943, Soviet climbers climbed the western and eastern peaks of Elbrus, respectively, where red flags were hoisted.

The entire infrastructure is mainly focused on southern slopes Elbrus, where there is a pendulum and chairlift leading to a height of 3750 meters to the “Bochki” shelter, which consists of twelve six-seater insulated residential trailers and a kitchen. Currently, this is the main starting point for those climbing Elbrus. Below is a map of the cable car

At an altitude of 4200 m the most high mountain hotel"Shelter of Eleven", which burned down at the end of the 20th century, on the basis of which the boiler room in given time A new building was rebuilt, also actively used by climbers. At an altitude of 4700 m the Pastukhov rocks are located. Above them there is an ice field (in winter) and an oblique shelf. Further, the route to the Western summit passes through the saddle. From the saddle the peaks rise to a height of about 500 m.

More detailed map-scheme of Elbrus and the Elbrus region (click on the map to enlarge)

This photo shows Elbrus from a bird's eye view

Since 2007, work has been underway to build a rescue shelter (“Station EG 5300”) on the saddle of the mountain (height 5300 m). The shelter will be a geodesic dome hemisphere with a diameter of 6.7 m, installed on a gabion foundation. In 2008, a reconnaissance of the area was carried out, a base camp was prepared, and the design of the shelter began. In 2009, the dome structures were made, construction work began: gabions were erected by the expedition members, and the dome elements were transported to the construction site (including using a helicopter). Completion of construction is planned for 2010

On the northern side, the infrastructure is poorly developed and is represented by several huts on one of the moraines (at an altitude of about 3800 m), which are used by tourists and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a rule, this point is used on ascents to Eastern peak, the path to which passes through the Lenz rocks (from 4600 to 5200 m), which serve as a good guide for all climbers

Snow giant's cap
And in their circle there is a two-headed colossus.
Shining in an icy crown,
Elbrus is huge, majestic
White in the blue sky.

A.S. Pushkin.

In 2008, Elbrus was recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia, according to voting results

Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain peak in the Russian Federation. Its height is 5642m. It is located on the territories of two republics: Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Elbrus is a layered volcano, dormant, has a conical shape and is composed of a large number of layers, hardened lava and ash. Last eruption on Elbrus more than 1500 years ago. Modern scientists debate whether the mountain is an active volcano or an extinct one.

At the top and near the mountain there are glaciers, 23 of them. The most famous: Irik, Bolshoi Azau. There are also glaciers on the mountain that form avalanches of ice, Terskol, for example. When melting, the purest glacial water flows from Elbrus and feeds rivers such as the Kuban, Baksan, etc. Due to climate change, glaciers are gradually disappearing.

The weather near the mountain is very changeable and unstable. During the day it can change several times, from sunny to rainy, a stormy wind suddenly appears, and suddenly subsides to complete calm. Winter is harsh and frosty, with heavy snow and blizzards. At the foot of the mountain, the average winter temperature is -10 0 C÷-25 0 C. At the top it is below -35 0 C. In summer, the air heats up slightly above +15 0 C. Climbers and tourists should not forget about this variability when climbing.

Elbrus has attracted amateurs and athletes since ancient times. The first ascent of the mountain was at the beginning of the 19th century. Climbers compete in skill and professionalism, conquering Elbrus, receiving a master of sports and a world-class specialist. Numerous timed climbing competitions are held, so numerous devices have been built on its slopes, cable cars etc.

The area around Elbrus is very diverse. Here you can see: gorges, accumulations of large stones, glaciers, streams with melt water, waterfalls formed by these streams. At an altitude of more than 3000 m, glacial deposits and lakes of ice open up to the eye.

The flora of Elbrus is very diverse and has more than 3,000 species. Mint, sea buckthorn, coltsfoot, etc. grow here. Among the animals you can find mountain goat, raccoon dog, wild boar, jackal, roe deer, lynx, fox, wolf, squirrel and bear. The sky has been mastered by birds such as the eagle, vulture, kite, golden eagle, balaban, etc.

Option 2

Mount Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, in the past it was an active volcano, now it is listed as one of the largest extinct volcanoes. The last volcanic eruption was recorded about 2000 years ago.

Elbrus is also called “double-headed”, because it has two peaks that are completely covered with centuries-old glaciers. The area of ​​the glacial part is 139 square kilometers. Eastern part the mountain has a height of 5,621 meters, the western one is 5,642 meters. When glaciers melt, very powerful streams are formed, which flow down with rapid force, filling with their waters the most important rivers that are located in that region: Kuban, Baksan and Malku. Thanks to the melting of glaciers, the mountain supplies water to almost the entire part of the North Caucasus.

The study of Elbrus began in the 19th century by Russian researchers. The first expedition set out to study it in 1829. The slopes of the mountain are considered the highest in all of Russia; they are the favorite places for athletes. Many athletes dream of conquering the top of Elbrus. The middle of the mountain can be reached by cable car.

At an altitude of about 3,600 meters there is a very unusual hotel, which is called Barrels." The houses of this hotel are completely reminiscent of barrels, only larger in size. The hotel was specially built at this altitude so that tourists could bide their time, because the human body necessarily needs a little adaptation to the high-mountain climate, because at high altitudes in the mountains the percentage of oxygen in the air is very small than below.

At high altitudes, a person needs to breathe more often, taking in deeper air. Further, when climbing up after 510 meters, there is the next hotel, called “Shelter of the Eleven”. It is called so because many years ago eleven conquerors of the mountain made a halt there, they really liked this place that they soon built a small hut there, and over time they built a wonderful hotel on this place, for the same conquerors of this wonderful mountains. In the “Shelter of Eleven” climbers gain strength for further conquest of heights. After all, you can’t be unprepared; in order to get to the very top, you need to train long and very hard before the very first climb, and always remember the technique of bladeless behavior on the mountain. All the difficulties that a traveler experiences when climbing Elbrus are completely justified.

2, 4, 8 grade

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