The most unusual hotels around the world. The most unusual hotels in the world. Hotel Karostas Cietums, Liepaja, Latvia

Many of us associate the word “hotel” only with a place where a certain fee provide overnight accommodation and meals. However, today a new conceptual direction has emerged - hotels that are also attractions. These are completely unique “places to stay” underwater, in a mountain gorge, on a tree or on a vintage train.

Today we will visit ten of the strangest and most unusual hotels in the world.

Japanese people are known to be minimalists. And this characteristic feature of their character manifested itself in the creation of Capsule Inn Akihabara - a capsule hotel where guests spend the night in special cells, which are located in two rows above each other.

Each 2.11 m cell is equipped with a bed, hanging TV and radio. This capsule is very similar to sleeping area on the top bunk on the train. There is a separate place in the locker for shoes and things; shared bathroom.

Such hotels have existed in the Land of the Rising Sun for quite a long time - since the late 70s of the last century and, as you might guess, not because of a good life. However, capsule hotels are still popular among the Japanese.

A couple of hundred kilometers from the Arctic Circle, in Sweden, there is a small settlement called Jukkasjärvi, which is famous for its Hotel The Ice Hotel, built from ice and snow. Artists have to work on it every year, each time re-erecting this unique building.

Everything here is reminiscent of the Snow Queen’s palace: people sit in this hotel in ice chairs, sleep on ice beds covered with real reindeer skins, protecting themselves from the cold with sleeping bags, thermal underwear and warm hats.

But it never gets too cold here: they say that the temperature does not drop below -7 °C. This project is already 20 years old, and every spring, when the ice house melts, tourists live in comfortable wooden chalets and spend most of their time fishing in the local river.

For lovers of heat and those who dreamed of becoming Tarzan or his beloved Jane as a child, there is a corner on earth where they can plunge into the world of romance. This place is located in the jungle of Brazil, on the Rio Negro River.

Here is the eco-hotel Ariau Amazon Towers Hotel, where guests live in the trees in specially built wooden towers and move along hanging bridges, estranged from the man-made world and striving in their souls to unite with nature. The windows of the rooms overlook the forest, and you can spend hours watching its life.

However, you can’t relax too much here, as the jungle is full of predators. In addition, when planning to stay in this hotel, you need to remember the rainy season, which lasts for six months. About a very hot and humid climate that not everyone can withstand. But, paradoxically, the hotel is quite popular among participants in international conferences and even among the heads of some states.

Arriving on Poseidon Island (Fiji), you can stay at the underwater hotel Poseidon Undersea Resort. The unique building is located at a depth of 12 meters and consists of sealed glass capsule rooms connected by a waterproof corridor.

Such a dwelling would be very to the taste of Captain Nemo: he could admire the inhabitants of the ocean right from the window of his own bedroom. Hotel visitors can turn on special lighting that attracts fish and feed them remotely using a remote control.

For travelers who have a passion for retro trains, in the British city of Petworth there is a hotel in a vintage train, which is located on the territory of the old railway station.

The carriages serve hotel rooms with all amenities, furnishings are in the best English traditions. Former hall the station waiting area now serves as the hotel lobby, in the former ticket offices there is a kitchen, and on the platform you can have breakfast in the fresh air.

IN Italian province Matera is located at the Hotel Sant'Angelo Luxury Resort, which is a cave carved into the rock. Initially it was old part city, so the site is under the protection of UNESCO.

In the rooms, guests are greeted with cave-like interiors, which, at the same time, have everything for a comfortable life: comfortable beds, bathrooms, gourmet cuisine and even art Gallery.

This hotel is located on a former oil rig that has been converted into a hotel with double rooms, larger family rooms, and economy rooms with shared bathroom facilities.

All rooms are located in former oil workers' cabins. However, the hotel is interesting not for its rooms, but for its underwater treasures: just jump into the water, and a amazing beauty undersea world with the inhabitants of the local waters - barracudas, moray eels, cuttlefish, sea bass.

It's worth a visit for this spectacle. distant corner sea, especially since the island of Sipadan is 9 kilometers from the hotel - popular place for divers who come there from all over the world.

Fans of flying on airplanes will find an unusual hotel in Costa Rica, located in an old Boeing 727. He was "moored" near national park Manuel Antonio.

Residents of the smallest Central American state are far from the first to figure out how to profitably “attach” an out-of-service aircraft.

However, unlike the Swedish Jumbo Stay, which is located near Stockholm, here you can live next to monkeys, toucans and other exotic animals, as well as admire natural forest landscapes.

There is a hostel in Bonn that looks more like a vintage campsite, set up in a former warehouse. The trailer park houses 16 campervans optimized for numbers, each with its own unique design and atmosphere.

Among them there is an English house, a capsule like a starship, a fishing hut, and a van from the glorious 60s.

In total, the indoor camp has 150 sleeping places. Its territory is furnished with outlandish sculptures, rare furniture and even props from filming.

For tourists who don't mind having breakfast in the company of a giraffe, there is a one-of-a-kind hotel, Giraffe Manor, located in the suburbs of Nairobi. This six-room hotel can be found in the middle of a giraffe nursery.

Huge long-necked and long-legged neighbors calmly walk around the hotel grounds and sometimes even wake up sleepy guests by sticking their heads right into the room window.

They approach people, most often before breakfast, expecting a portion of treats. Hotel guests are allowed to feed the giraffes with special food stored for such occasions in each room.

When deciding where to go on vacation, people often spend a lot of time looking for a hotel. It should be at the same time comfortable, convenient, with prices affordable, with good plumbing, clean sheets, and different from the previous Hiltons and Hyatts in which everyone has already stayed. Sometimes some places are worth visiting just because of the hotel.

If you love pets, especially dogs, then this hotel in Idaho, USA is definitely for you. The building of this funny hotel is built in the shape of a dog, and the entire interior is also dedicated to the “dog” theme. A group of creative wood carvers worked to create this curious atmosphere. The food here, however, is much better than dog food, and the windows offer picturesque views of the mountains and surrounding area.

At an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level, in the village of Les Cerniers, in Swiss Alps, there is a high-tech ecological campsite - the Whitepod Hotel. On the territory of this paradise, you will be offered to relax not only your soul, but also your body, by taking part in ski expeditions. Length mountain slopes that hotel is about 7 km (fortunately, each slope has its own lift). Only here, far from civilization, can you count on blissful silence, because to get to this magical place You can only walk or ski, no transfers will be offered to you. Yes, they simply don’t exist. But you can enjoy the best dishes from the chef and local national cuisine.

A considerable amount of effort, money and imagination had to be spent on the reconstruction of an old tower crane from 1996, adapted to work on port docks, into the luxurious Harlingen Harbor Crane Hotel. Dutch designers paid a tidy sum of 200,000 euros. But the costs paid off with interest. Two designer elevators deliver guests to their rooms in this unusual hotel. And inside they are no different from ordinary presidential suites, except that they are located above the level of the Wadden Sea at an altitude of 60 feet. Well, if you are quite tired of the boring seascape, you can turn your room in the opposite direction by pressing a few buttons on your personal control panel.

In the suburbs of Nairobi, Kenya, in the middle of a family giraffe nursery, stands the extraordinary six-room Giraffe Manor Hotel, built by David Duncan in the 19th century. Currently, the Giraffe Center operates on the basis of the nursery, where you can go on excursions. The luxurious decoration of the hotel, from the colonial times of Sir Stanley Henry Morton and Livingston, is precisely its most uninteresting feature. Naturally, the proximity to graceful giraffes makes staying at this hotel a most unforgettable experience. They come to hotel guests, usually during breakfast. And guests are allowed to feed them by hand; for this purpose, each room must have a bag of food.

Exploranter Hotel is an extreme hotel on wheels in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was invented by 33-year-old extreme sports enthusiast Flavio Merlo. His idea of ​​traveling around Chile and Argentina in luxury rooms appealed to consumers spoiled by luxury. The Exploranter Hotel is equipped with everything necessary for tourists to stay - a kitchen, a lounge and 28 beds. The chef who prepares bold ludas from red ants is also surprising. The mobile hotel is designed for adventure-seeking tourists: rafting, horse riding, boat trips hot-air balloon and hiking are the main activities of local guests.

Another unusual hotel, last seen in Paris, is the brainchild of two Swiss artists Sabina Lang & Daniel Baumann “L/B”. It was originally purely an art project designed for the 2002 Swiss Expo. But soon the work found Commercial offer, becoming one of the most popular single-occupancy hotels in the world. The traveling capsule hotel first opened on the shores of Lake Neuchatel in France (2002), then moved to the roof of the Gallery of Modern Art in Leipzig, Germany (2006-07). And finally, from 2007 to 2009, I changed my registration back, ending up in Paris on the roof of the Palais de Tokyo, the only museum in Paris open until midnight. The hotel windows now faced the Eiffel Tower. The room itself is equipped with a luxurious bathroom, a living room with a minibar and a bedroom.

The Propeller Island City Lodge is a fantasy hotel located in the heart of Prague. Of course, hotels in the Czech Republic are very diverse, but this hotel can surprise any traveler. The name of this hotel in Russian will be something like “City Island House with a Propeller.” The hotel is named after the novel by Jules Verne, which was translated into Russian as “The Floating Island”. Each room is a crazy flight of imagination of the artist. The rooms are filled with visual effects and unexpected details. There is, for example, the “upside down” number. You sleep on the ceiling, on a bed that is disguised by a hatch in the floor. There are other rooms ready to delight you with their unusual “bedroom ideas”, you can sleep in a mirror kaleidoscope, in a death row, in a coffin, on a guillotine-shaped bed or in a lion cage.

In New Zealand, there is an amazing Woodlyn Park hotel, where, instead of the cozy cottages familiar to the eye, you will be offered to stay in a Hobbit Motel (houses stylized as hobbit dwellings from Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy). But this abode resembles a hobbit hole only in appearance, thanks to the famous round doors. Inside, the room is equipped with modern furniture and appliances. You can choose a room with a double bed or a single room. On the territory of Woodlyn Park, it is proposed to stay in the Train Motel - a reconstructed train from the 50s, the Plane Motel - a Bristol Freighter aircraft from the 50s, reconstructed into 2 rooms, and The Waitanic - a patrol boat from the Second World War.

In Sweden, in the town of Jukkasjärvi, 17 km from the city of Kiruna, The Ice Hotel is located. Every year since 1991, in collaboration with the architect Aimo Reisenen, this building has been renovated. The building, made of ice and snow, also houses a bar, restaurant, cinema, church and even an art gallery. Here, not only the walls are made of ice - absolutely everything. And you have to sleep on skillfully carved ice beds among reindeer skins. The hotel supports average temperature-8, so you will probably be a frequent visitor to Absolut Voldka ICE Bar.

Gamirasu Cave Hotel is located in Ayvali in Urgup, in the heart of Cappadocia, Türkiye. This exclusive hotel was built in 1991. It is located in caves that are more than a thousand years old. They say that monks from a Byzantine monastery used to live here. The hotel rooms are carved from volcanic stone, no matter how strange it may sound. This stone is called “Tuff”, it is the best insulating material, capable of maintaining temperatures all year round from 17 to -20 degrees.

As a law-abiding citizen, you can stay at The Old Jail hotel in the south of Australia, receiving the keys to your own cell for several days. Between 1886 and 1995, these were active prison grounds, which were later turned over by the Mount Gambier government to a hotel that has become one of the most popular hotels in the world today. The guest will have to eat next to the toilet, live in a mess, well, even though partitions have been built in the shower, dropping soap is now not so scary.

On desert island Poseidon, which can only be reached by plane (Fiji Island), is the stunning Poseidon Undersea Resort. This hotel consists of 73 rooms located on the beach and underwater on stilts. And at a depth of 12 feet (15 m), among the coral lagoon, there is a real underwater hotel. There are 25 capsule rooms and a luxurious Nautilus suite (300 sq.m.). 70% of each room is transparent, so you can contemplate the view of the beautiful underwater life of the Fijian lagoon. The numbers in the form of removable blocks are attached to the corridor pipe. For the tidy sum of $30,000 this sea ​​paradise you can spend 5 nights in rooms on the beach and 2 nights underwater.

One of the most unusual hotels in the world, Capsule Inn Akihabara, has been thriving in Tokyo for more than three years. This hotel consists of two parts: a common living room and a personal space for each guest, where the famous capsule rooms are located. The capsule room is made of reinforced plastic, including all the necessary amenities: TV, radio, alarm clock, lighting, Internet, a fairly comfortable bed and... no space. And there seem to be no downsides to it, unless, of course, you suffer from claustrophobia. Oh, yes, there is also a bathroom, which is also shared and is located in the hall. A capsule room will cost you around $24-$49 per night. In fact, this is not so much, judging by the fact that in 2010, during the crisis, the Japanese removed similar capsules for a month.

Nowadays, people travel more and more actively and tourism is developing at a rapid pace. More and more hotels are appearing: expensive and cheaper, better and worse, the most ordinary and... Now we will talk about the most extraordinary, amazing and unusual hotels and hostels in the world. I hope that this will be at least interesting, and at most, in the near future, one of you will stay at one of the listed hotels and tell us about your impressions! So, we present to your attention the top ten most unusual hotels in the world according to Friends!

Hostel on the plane.

So, the first on our list is the Swedish Jumbo Hostel. It is located near Stockholm's Arlanda Airport and is a Boeing 747-200 converted into a hostel. It is considered a special luxury to spend the night in a luxury room with panoramic view, located in the cockpit area. So, if you have dreamed all your life of having a good night's sleep on a plane, then this is your chance - come to Jumbo Hostel.

Underwater hotel

After spending the night in a Boeing 747, we will sink to the bottom of the sea! On this moment There are several underwater hotels in the world, but the very first of them was opened in 1986 in Florida and is called Jules Undersea Lodge.

Jules differs from its competitors in its miniature size and fairly affordable accommodation (a night will cost about $40 per person). Even celebrities have stayed at the hotel, such as Aerosmith's Steven Tyler. But if you decide to spend the night here, remember - check-in is carried out in scuba gear!

Hotel made from garbage

The original hotel was built by German eco-artist Hans Schulte as part of the Save the Beach project! So the hotel Coronita Save the Beach was erected in a matter of hours in the center of Madrid.To do this, it was necessary to collect 12 tons of garbage on the beaches of Italy, Spain and France, which served as the main component of the hotel’s decor.True, this waste disposal facility did not last long - only 4 days, but there was a lot of noise and thus the project justified its goal - it attracted people's attention to the problem of environmental pollution.Later, similar hotels received guests in other European cities, for example in Rome. By the way, you could stay in hotels made from garbage for free by winning accommodation through a lottery organized by the organizers of the project via Twitter and Facebook.

1. Hotel Coronita Save the Beach in Madrid.

2. Colorful decor made from garbage.

3. Hotel room.

5. Save the Beach Hotel in Rome.


There are several in Stockholm unusual hostels. One of them is the prison hostel Långholmen Hostel! Moreover, it is located in the building of a real former prison, closed in 1975. The only difference is that the key to your cell is with you, and not with the evil overseer, and the room smells of freshness and cleanliness. The hostel has been awarded several times for its excellent service.

Hotel in concrete pipes

This spartan hotel, which goes by the name Das Park Hotel, located within the park Austrian city Ottensheim. The idea to install rooms in water pipes came to the mind of the architect Andreas Schraus. Of course, there is no heating in such concrete “bungalows” and therefore the hotel accepts its guests only in the warm season - from May to October. But the “rooms” have a large bed, linens, electricity and a safe for valuables.

In addition, not only the hotel itself is unusual, but also its financial policy - here each guest decides for himself how much to pay for his stay!

Ice Hotel

If you really wanted real winter, then there is nothing better than staying at a hotel whose name speaks for itself - ICEHOTEL. It is located in Sweden, in the town of Jukkasjärvi, just 200 km away. from the Arctic Circle and is almost entirely made of ice, which is “mined” from the Tournai River.

What can you do while staying at the ICEHOTEL? Well, of course, look at northern lights, learn to sculpt ice sculptures, drink cocktails from ice glasses in an ice bar, and also, there is a chance of catching pneumonia (God forbid, of course)! Due to the latter circumstance, it is not recommended to stay here more than 1-2 nights...

The most interesting thing is that after working through the “hot” winter season, the hotel melts away, only to be reborn the next year.So hurry up: the 24th season at the ICEHOTEL is already open!

Capsule hotel

Capsule hotels now surprise almost no one. They are starting to appear everywhere, including in Russia! But the concept of capsule hotels got its start in Japan, of course! As you know, the Japanese have land that is worth its weight in gold, so hotel accommodation is by no means cheap. But in 1979, a man named Kisho Kurakawa figured out how to make the cost of accommodation cheaper in the city of Osaka and the first capsule hotel was opened.

Now the largest such hotel in the world is the Green Plaza Hotel Shinjuku. It is located in Tokyo, of course. There are as many as 660 1x2x1 capsules equipped here. However, Plaza Shinjuku is not the only capsule hotel in the Japanese capital. So, if you're in Tokyo, stay at one of the capsule hotels, if only for fun!

Crazy Hotel

Agree that a hotel called Crazy House simply by definition cannot be ordinary! This is true. The Vietnamese Madhouse looks more like some bizarre work of Mother Nature than a man-made object.

It is located in the Vietnamese resort town of Dalat and was designed by female architect Hang Viet Nga. We must pay tribute to her imagination and determination to implement such an extraordinary project in socialist Vietnam. Gaudi’s creativity probably helped her with her ideas, and her close relationship with the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam helped her with her implementation. Regardless, Crazy House is one of the most impressive and unusual hotels in the world.

Hotel in the trees

Truly Sweden is a champion in the number of unusual hotels! So the hotel in the trees is also located in Sweden, in the very north, in the thicket pine forest on the banks of the Lul River. The hotel consists of several separate bungalow rooms located at a height of 4-6 meters above the ground. Each home has an individual design created by the best designers in Scandinavia.

Only here you can stay in a mirror cube, a UFO or a bird's nest... There are several more original buildings in the pipeline. In general, the Tree Hotel is an ideal place to meditate in the lap of unspoiled Swedish nature and watch the northern lights from “your” UFO or nest (a matter of taste).

Hotels in huge barrels and potatoes, in former prisons and on offshore platforms. A selection of unusual business ideas for hotels and holiday homes that have appeared in Russia and around the world recently.

The tourism business, especially in Russia, can be developed in almost any territory. Indeed, in most regions of our country this niche is not occupied. In the hotel business, it has become important to be able to surprise guests. And it’s possible to surprise with something original and memorable. Thanks to a unique idea, the hotel can attract not only great amount tourists, but also media attention.

How to surprise tourists today? According to the Airbnb service, a new trend in 2019 will be holidays in small houses in nature, as the trend for holidays in the glamping style, that is, “all-inclusive” in nature, is rapidly growing. An increase in demand for renting farms and shepherd's wagons and barns is predicted - away from the city and in picturesque place. Today tourists appreciate the atmosphere, unusual design, and clear concept. Modern hotels are not only a place to stay, but also entertainment. Because spending a vacation in a wine barrel or a flying saucer is a real adventure.

To stay on trend hotel business, you can read a selection of 13 unusual ideas hotels 2019.

Inspired by the popularity of nomadic travel, Spanish architecture studio In Tenta has designed a prefab cabin. You can take it with you on a trailer - and quickly assemble it wherever you want. Advanced version tourist tent, which is suitable for those who want to spend time outdoors.

The modular house takes up only 18.5 sq.m., and the kit includes everything you need for quick assembly. According to the developers, the project is aimed at clients who love to travel, but do not want to stay in simple hotels. Mobility and environmental friendliness are the two main criteria of these modular houses.

In Tenta offers 2 versions of mini-houses, designed for a couple or a family of four. All prefabricated houses are equipped with a wall-mounted kitchen, a sofa bed for the living room, a double bed, a bathroom and a shower.

The idea behind this architectural solution- unity with nature. The authors of the project believe that the future of tourism and the hotel business will be built on the relationship between man and nature. That's why Studio Peter Pichler designed houses with pointed roofs that follow the shape of the surrounding coniferous trees and look like part of the forest landscape.

The project was called “Tree House” and was built in a mountain forest in northern Italy. Such houses range from 35 to 45 sq.m. There are two levels: on the lower level there is a relaxation area and a bathroom, and on the second floor there is a sleeping area with beds, which offers views of the mountains.

The project also supports the idea of ​​environmental friendliness: each house is equipped with a reservoir for collecting and reusing rainwater, as well as geothermal heat pumps for heating.

Hotel for sausage lovers

Wallpaper “in a sausage”, a sausage instead of a chandelier, pillows and soap. This is what a hotel looks like in the Bavarian town of Rittersbach. An unusual hotel was opened by a butcher who makes the famous Bratwurst sausages. The room rate includes breakfast - and there is no need to explain what the menu is.

The hotel is small - only seven rooms. Each is decorated in the signature sausage style. Moreover, each room has its own design. In one of the rooms the walls are decorated with photographs of canned sausages from different countries. The hotel owner expands his photo collection with the help of his guests. Other rooms have detailed description sausage production or recipes for various types of sausages.

Guests are not only entertained by the creative design, but also interesting events. For example, you can personally cook the famous sausages, taste deli meats, and even attend seminars where they talk about the art of preparing a traditional dish. And when the time comes to leave, buy sausages for the trip in a company store.

The interactive complex “Guardian of the Empire” has opened in Alushta, which is a high-tech art object, museum and hotel. The atmosphere of the hotel completely transports visitors to cosmic reality. Instead of rooms there are themed cabins. Instead of a regular bar - a space one. The interior design uses fantastic pieces. Precise detailing imitates a spaceship, and passing planets can be seen through the windows.

Also on the hotel territory there are various training equipment and simulators, its own space garden, as well as a museum where the exhibits include meteorites and planetary soil samples, spacesuits, fantastic weapons, etc. Visitors have access to 3D virtual tours, where they can control a spaceship or take part in space battles.

The idea for this hotel came about by accident. At first, Raymond Yazbek, a native of Lebanon, simply wanted to update his home. But the renovation was so exciting that it turned into a hotel. This transformation took 14 years.

The house is located in the village of Remala. Here the owner welcomes guests from all over the world and gives tours of rooms filled with vintage items, quirky items and crafts. The hotel has about 3,000 interesting exhibits that were collected over 30 years. Among them are wall clocks, deer antlers, shells, antiques and handmade items. The owner spent about two million dollars on all this.

To visit an unusual hotel, tourists sign up for a waiting list many months in advance. Many come simply to see the rooms with their own eyes. In general, this small hotel is popular, and one night in such a room costs 75-300 dollars.

The Purcari Winery in Moldova offers visitors to spend the night in a barrel. Room area – 30 sq.m. There are all amenities inside: bathroom, shower, air conditioning, TV. The round windows offer a picturesque view.

Another barrel-shaped hotel called De Vrouwe van Stavoren operates in Holland. This is an excellent holiday option for connoisseurs of French wine. After all, the barrels from which the rooms are made were previously used to store French Beaujolais wine. The volume of one barrel is 14,500 liters. The room contains all the necessary furniture, TV, bathroom and shower. Hotel guests are invited to ride a bike around the province, enjoy the surrounding scenery and, of course, drink wine. Wine apartments start at $150 per night.

In honor of the Barbie doll's anniversary (and she just turned 60!), a hotel in Mexico is preparing themed rooms. Every element here is made in Barbie style: the lobby, stairs, room and even the bathroom. All in pink, of course. But the concept is not limited to just the design. Guests will be able to try a special puppet menu. A daily trip to the world of Barbie will cost visitors $189.

Hotel made from used cars

One Mexican man named Ramon Franco collected old cars and airplanes as a hobby. And then he built an unusual hotel in them. Now anyone can spend the night inside the body or side of an aircraft.

Those who like to tickle their nerves can spend the night in rooms that used to be prison cells. Both authentic mini-hotels and luxurious five-star hotels are opening on the site of abandoned prisons. Most of them have managed to maintain a prison feel with narrow corridors and small cells. This practice of using abandoned and disbanded prisons is popular all over the world. You can spend the night in a prison hotel in the USA, Germany, Turkey, Finland, Canada and other countries.

Now Japan will follow a similar practice, where the oldest correctional facility, Nara, is going to be converted into a five-star hotel. One of the main reasons for this decision is the beauty of the building itself. Nara Prison resembles a real palace and embodies the style of Meiji era architecture.

But in Montenegro they are going to turn the Mamula prison fortress into a hotel. More than 2,000 people were once imprisoned within the walls of the fortress on the island of Lastavica, and during the Second World War hundreds of prisoners were tortured and killed here.

On one of the American farms in Boise, Idaho, a huge potato “grew”. It weighs about 6 tons and is made of wood. It was made about 7 years ago for a farmer's festival, and only now they were able to find a worthy use for it. Now it's a hotel.

The huge potato, 8.5 meters long, fits a bed, a couple of chairs, a table, a bathroom, and also has air conditioning and a fireplace. The hotel is open all year round and is popular among tourists. To stay in a potato room you will have to stand in line and pay $200 per night.

An unusual forest hotel for Tolkien fans has opened in Mozhaisk near Moscow. The rooms look like hobbit houses. Each home has its own hero. For example, there is the house of Tsvetunya or the carpenter Bob Wetkins.

They also plan to open a hobbit tavern, where they will prepare dishes based on recipes from Middle-earth cuisine. Festivals based on Tolkien's works will be held on site. You can live in a hobbit house for 4,000 rubles per day.

Hotel on a sea platform

Architect Margo Krasoevich proposed a project for a lighthouse hotel, which will be located near the coast South Korea near Jeju Island. The hotel with a futuristic look, as conceived by the author, has turbine units that generate electricity from sea waves.

Today we would like to present you with an overview of the 10 most unusual hotels in the world.

1. Giraffe Manor Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

This amazing guesthouse is probably the most wonderful place on our planet, where you can not only relax from worries, but also communicate with the animal world of Africa. The mansion is a haven for the endangered species of Rothschild giraffes, which are listed in the Red Book and are on the verge of complete extinction.

Every morning you can see a funny picture here: giraffes are let out for a walk, and the windows in the guesthouse are specially open for this time, and everyone can treat the graceful animals with some fruit from their table, as well as take an exclusive photo as a souvenir. Little travelers are especially happy about this start to the day.

The unique estate was built by David Duncan in 1932, choosing a place for it near the capital of the state of Kenya, Nairobi. In the 60s of the last century, the estate changed several owners, until in 1974 it was bought by a hereditary nobleman from an ancient Scottish family, Jock Leslie-Melville, who settled here with his wife, an American citizen, Betty.

This philanthropist is famous for founding the African Foundation for Endangered Wildlife (AFEW). At first, Jock and Betty gave birth to two cubs of Rothschild giraffes, and during the entire existence of the estate, several generations of these beautiful and noble animals grew up on its territory.

The idea of ​​​​accommodating tourists who wanted to live there for a while on the territory of the estate was brought to life by Betty after the death of her husband, and now the Giraffe Manor Hotel is a constant success among all travelers to Africa.

There are six rooms in total, so it is not crowded, and the interior of the house is designed after Scottish hunting lodges.

Many tourists come here not for the first time with children of different ages and stay for a week. Therefore, in the morning, while feeding the animals by hand through the open windows, the entire ancient estate is filled with enthusiastic cries and iridescent children’s laughter.

Kenya is famous for its diversity of protected flora and fauna, and here you can enjoy not only communication with the endangered giraffe species. You should visit the picturesque lakes Nakuru and Bogoria, the surrounding area of ​​which is home to a large population of pink flamingos.

2. The Library Hotel, Manhattan, New York

This quaint Manhattan hotel is located just a block from Central Station New York, largest city USA. In the immediate vicinity there are prestigious shops and fashionable restaurants.

Just three blocks and a fifteen-minute leisurely walk away you will find the famous Times Square, Broadway theaters and the Radio City Music Hall.

Guests can enjoy a luxurious library, an excellent restaurant and a free buffet area with wines and cheese every night. All rooms are equipped with minibars and DVD players.

Personalized books are available, as well as free Wi-Fi, a large flat-screen cable TV and an iPod docking station. Bathrooms include slippers and bathrobes.

Guests can visit the poetry garden or rooftop terrace overlooking the majestic Empire State Building, enjoy a free collection of DVDs and visit the New York Athletic Club.

Madison & Vine Restaurant invites guests to continental breakfast and lunch, and any cocktails can be ordered in the Bookmarks Lounge or right in the library reading room.

As a guest of the Library Hotel, you can read local newspapers, use a computer and printer, have 24-hour access to the reading room, the poetry garden and the Famous Writers Night.

3. Karostas Cietums Hotel Liepaja, Latvia

The building was built at the beginning of the last century, and during tsarist times political prisoners were kept in it. During the Soviet Union, Karosta Cietums was a real prison for war criminals. It was finally liquidated in 1997.

The castle, unfortunately, is in a very poor condition, but tourists from all over the world come here every year - from May 1 to October 1 - to inspect the cells where political prisoners and war criminals were imprisoned.

The service here is quite original: guests are dressed in prison clothes, all personal belongings are confiscated and, wearing the obligatory handcuffs, they are escorted through dimly lit corridors to their cell.

The interior furnishings in these casemates have not changed for many years: the same shabby bunks, tiny windows with indestructible bars, a prison menu of bread and water, and staff dressed in guard uniforms.

One cannot dream of any kind of friendly attitude. But still, guests gain valuable experience here - thanks to the fact that an invisible time machine takes them from the present day to the distant past, which has long become history.

Guests have the opportunity to fully experience the atmosphere of that time, which is facilitated not only by the gloomy walls of the underground chambers, but also by the carefully restored surroundings - Chekist leather jackets, captured cut glasses and portraits of the classics of Marxism-Leninism on the walls.

If you wish, you can stay overnight and listen to the heartbreaking screams of the “interrogated”, and if you are very lucky, you can even meet the ghosts of former prisoners.

4. Underwater hotel Utter Inn, Lake Mälaren, Sweden

In Sweden, near the small town of Västerås, on the picturesque Lake Mälaren, there is a unique hotel, Utter Inn.

This unusual design was invented and brought to life by Mikael Genberg, a Swedish artist and sculptor. He decided to create an unusual hotel and built several exotic modules for extreme recreation.

For the first time, such a hotel was launched and explored by the first guests in the early summer of 2000. The weather was windy and cloudy, but the guests were satisfied with their vacation, although it would be a stretch to call the floating house a three-star establishment.

The Utter Inn is designed after a traditional Swedish cottage called a stuga, which is painted primarily bright red. Mikael managed to realize the Swedish dream - to build a stuga far from civilization.

The bedroom is located at a depth of three meters. The underwater part is equipped with huge windows, but don’t expect to see anything original, since behind them is a cold lake, and not the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean teeming with inhabitants.

Those wishing to retire in extreme conditions register in the town of Västerås, and then go by boat to their place of residence. The private hotel is located a kilometer from the coast.

In the upper part, protruding above the water, there is a small kitchen, dining room and toilet, and along the perimeter there is a terrace. Downstairs is a bedroom with two beds and a table.

If you're lucky with the weather, exciting fishing awaits you. You can take a boat ride on the lake or just admire the scenery. Dinner can be delivered to guests upon request.

5. Propeller Island City Lodge Berlin, Germany

This extravagant hotel simply blew up the whole world of non-standard tourism. The hotel's creator, Lars Stroschen, demonstrated true design talent and made his dreams come true, spending one and a half million dollars.

It has only 45 rooms, but not one is similar to the other. You can order rooms with a bed floating in the air or a mirrored room in the middle of which stands a luxurious huge black and white sofa.

Fans of bright interiors will appreciate the “orange” room, where all objects are painted in the appropriate color.

Those who like close attention can stay in a room called “Museum”. An abundance of pictures, frames and a backlit bed are attributes sufficient to make you feel like an outlandish exhibit.

There are apartments where lovers of gothic, medieval and horror films about vampires can happily sleep in a comfortable double coffin.

The “Upside Down” number is also impressive. The ceiling is occupied by tastefully “arranged” furniture, but below there is a complete absence of it. However, you just have to pull a special cord - and a bed or table will immediately appear from the floor.

Those who dream of sleeping in heaven will definitely love the Clouds room. It is distinguished by the clear lines of a comfortable bed, light parquet flooring and huge paintings depicting clouds floating across the blue sky.

Those who want to feel the spirit of freedom are provided with a room in the form of a prison solitary confinement room, with a small hole in the wall through which the “breeze of freedom” filters through.

Such a riot of creative thought awakens erotic fantasies in some guests. The owner himself has nothing against this development of events, but reminds that his brainchild is not only a hotel, but also a work of art. Therefore, guests are warned about the obligation not to break or spoil anything in a fit of passion.

6. Hotel de Glace, Quebec, Canada

The Ice Hotel is a Canadian landmark and is considered one of the best five-star hotels in the world built entirely from ice. The furniture, which is very comfortable, according to tourists, is also made of ice.

It has its own bar, cinema, two art galleries and, of course, comfortable rooms with all amenities, as well as a heated toilet and an outdoor jacuzzi. You just have to sleep in fur-lined sleeping bags.

The hotel first opened its doors in January 2001, and it is located near Quebec City, next to the Montmorency Falls. More than 500 thousand tourists visit it annually.

The area of ​​the complex is small - only three thousand square meters. m, and every year houses with new interiors are rebuilt on it. The construction of this original hotel takes about 4.5 thousand tons of snow and 250 tons of ice.

It is clear that the equipment in it is real, and not icy, and the doors are made of wood, and the fireplace burns with a scorching flame, but in the bar there are glasses made of resistant ice, which do not melt even from the heat of the grill. However, guests prefer paper cups with wine and coffee.

Every year in mid-January, a grand opening of the newly built hotel is held with magnificent fireworks, fakirs and orchestral music. The boarding house is open only during three months and disappears naturally, warmed by the rays of the warm spring sun in April.

Canadians borrowed the idea of ​​an unusual building called Hotel de Glace from the Swedes, where a similar Ice Palace, only four times larger, has been welcoming visitors and residents of the country for a long time.

7. Das Park Hotel, Ottensheim, Austria

This unusual hotel is located in Austria, on the outskirts of the town of Ottensheim in the federal state of Upper Austria, 11 km from Linz. All Das Park rooms are located inside decorated fragments of concrete sewer pipes, and the weight of one such section is 9.5 tons.

The area of ​​each room does not exceed two square meters, on which there is a comfortable double bed, bedside table and table lamp. It has electricity and a vent like a roof window.

Excellent insulation is provided by concrete walls, which keep the inside of the pipe cool in hot weather, and retain heat in the fall and spring. The hotel is only open from May to October, so make reservations in advance.

The back walls of the houses are decorated with drawings by the Austrian artist Thomas Latzel Ochoa, which add some variety to the monochrome interior of pipes repurposed as living spaces.

Das Park Hotel was “built” in 2004 in the city of Linz by the architect Andreas Strauss, but a few years later the houses were moved to the town of Ottensheim, and currently its permanent location is Rodlpark on the picturesque banks of the Danube.

The creators of this unique hotel emphasize that the Das Park Hotel project is non-profit, and tourists pay for the time they stay in it at the end of their vacation, leaving as much as they consider sufficient for such living conditions.

According to statistics, tourists pay 50 euros per day, and the maximum period for which they stay is three days.

There are no amenities or running water in the rooms, but toilets and showers are located in a building next to the hotel, which also has a small swimming pool - for a fee.

Guests can enjoy cafes and bars located on the territory of the local castle. Build fires in park area is strictly prohibited, but picnic lovers can lay out a tablecloth and have a feast in absolutely any place they like.

8. V8 Hotel, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

This quaint hotel in Stuttgart is a car fan's paradise. Its design uses car parts and parts from the most prestigious and famous models. There are various modifications of the 70s Cadillac, Mercedes-Benz car washes, a Morris Minor garage and much more.

The modern 4-star boarding house is located on the territory of the garage and exhibition complex in the town of Böblingen (6 kilometers from Stuttgart), an exclusive automobile museum organized on the site of the first airport of Baden-Württemberg. The hotel, impressive with its original design, offers 24-hour free internet access.

V8 Hotel is one of best places Germany for car enthusiasts. All rooms of this unusual hotel are decorated in a colorful manner, and vintage cars and new models are displayed on an area of ​​20,000 square meters. m.

The interiors of the rooms demonstrate a Bauhaus design typical of the middle of the last century, diluted with original automotive motifs. The rooms have satellite TV, a kettle, coffee maker and a work desk. The former airport building houses shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants.

9. Capsule Hotel Den Haag, Holland

The apartments moored off the coast of Vlissengen are none other than the orange escape capsules that are used on oil platforms in the seas and oceans around the globe.

They were first put into production in the early 70s of the last century. The houses, which do not exceed 4.25 meters in diameter and are equipped with dry closets, guarantee their guests complete isolation from the outside world. Not all tourists will agree to live in such conditions, but those who wish can be accommodated in round capsules of three people.

For the first time, such capsules began to be used for other purposes in 2004, as part of an art project. Their owner Denis Oudendijk intends to place eight more ready-to-use orange mini-hotels in the center of Amsterdam and in the city of Nantes in France.

The basic option is available to guests. It includes an overnight stay in a sleeping bag and NZ food (emergency supply). There is also a luxury version in the style of James Bond. If anyone remembers, a similar capsule was used during the filming of the “From Russia with Love” series.

The deluxe package includes fur sleeping bags with silk lining, a DVD player and James Bond films, a small bar with sparkling wines and a collection of vodkas that can be mixed into a shaken-not-stirred martini cocktail.

Unique mini-hotels are already open from May to October, until the first cold weather. So thrill-seekers can prepare to leave. And those suffering from seasickness should not worry: the capsule hotel Den Haag behaves on the water surface like a float and sways at the slightest gust of wind.

10. Hang Nga Hotel, Da Lat, Vietnam

Local residents call this hotel the “Madhouse”. This is a boarding house, a cafe, and an art gallery - as they say in the West, “three in one.”

The architecture of this unique man-made structure is impressive: the building is designed in the shape of a giant banyan tree and has five levels, and each room is decorated in its own style, different from all the others.

During its construction, unique works of local artisans and ancient manuscripts were used. Mrs. Dang Viet Nga always dreamed of designing something special, unlike anything else, and she achieved her goal.

The hotel was built in memory of her father, Truong Tinh, President of Vietnam from 1981 to 1988. It amazes with the abundance of skillful carved elements, fantastic images of animals with glowing eyes, and chairs in the shape of magic toadstools. There are even talking trees.

Majority local residents They are afraid of this building, but enthusiasts and fans of avant-garde art come here from all over the world and continue to pay money, albeit meager by European standards, to spend the night inside the fabulous tree. The proceeds go towards additional projects.

The founder of the gallery, Dang Viet, lived and studied at one of the Moscow universities for 14 years, where she defended her PhD thesis in architecture. In addition to this unique hotel, she has designed many buildings that adorn the surrounding area of ​​Da Lat, including the Children's Palace of Culture and the Lien Phuong Catholic Church.

The number of original ideas born in the minds of people around the world cannot be counted. There are hotels in huge wine barrels, on giant trees, and ones that are hard to even imagine. We are sure that this topic is of interest, and you will share your impressions of what you read in the comments.



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