Proposal for renting space. Rules for drawing up a commercial proposal for renting non-residential premises and a sample document are freely available for download. So, here are the main activities that we implement to rent out your premises

Welcome to the magazine about business and finance “Rabota-Tam”.

To ensure that the premises do not stand idle in vain, it is very important for landlords to short time find a tenant who will provide a stable income. But how to do this if the real estate market, as very often happens, is experiencing a period of stagnation due to currency fluctuations or unhealthy competition? Here, as they say, everything ingenious is simple!

All you need to do is write an effective commercial rental proposal, then distribute it. And, in the end, potential clients will not keep you waiting.

How to write an effective rental proposal

Step #1: title.

In the case of real estate rental, you don’t have to be sophisticated and come up with document titles veiled under advertising slogans. It is enough to write a specific title that can easily be
find by request in search engine. Since, in addition to targeted mailing, rental offers, in contrast to the sale of goods and the provision of all kinds of services, are posted on bulletin boards.

Step #2: State the essence of your document.

Please indicate what organization you represent (for individuals and individual entrepreneurs, this condition is optional), and what type of property you rent out. This could be: a retail space, office or warehouse space, a private house, apartment, etc.

Step #3: Location.

Tell us about the location of the real estate. It is also advisable to write the exact address.

Step No. 4: characteristics of your premises.

Indicate the main parameters:

  • total area (m2);
  • condition of the property: repairs, cosmetic repairs or its complete absence;
  • availability of furniture, household appliances, air conditioning, parking space;
  • telecommunication services: Internet, telephone, cable TV.

Step #5: terms of the deal.

Here you will have to clarify:

  • the amount of rent;
  • cost of auxiliary services: parking, security, cleaning;
  • procedure for paying utility bills;
  • additional conditions: discounts, promotions, etc.

Step #6: Emphasize the benefit to the client.

The benefit for the client in this case can be:

  • low cost of rent compared to competitors' offers;
  • convenient location;
  • availability additional services etc.

Step #7: leave your contact information.

Sample rental proposal

In total, your commercial proposal must correspond to the given template:

Download a sample commercial contract for renting premises

Here are some examples of successful CPs:

  1. The text version of your document should not exceed 1 A4 page, including graphic materials - 2 A4 pages. The problem is that few people read cumbersome commercial proposals to the end.
  2. Better to see once than hear a hundred times! It is recommended to use photographs or videos as attachments to the document. If you don’t want to burden your letter with unnecessary megabytes, then simply attach links to multimedia content by placing it in advance on specialized hosting, cloud storage or the organization’s official website.
  3. Interest your target group of customers by providing Additional information. For example: business will be interested in statistical data on the purchasing power of the region’s population, the presence of competing companies; for the average tenant - developed infrastructure, low level crime, proximity to places intended for recreation; potential residents of luxury apartments will benefit from the presence of restaurants, boutiques, etc.
  4. Do not write lengthy texts about the rental company. Because the reader may miss the very essence of your proposal.
  5. Provide a list of additional services that you can provide outside of the rental agreement.
  6. Whenever possible, focus on the multifunctionality of your property. For example, large residential areas in the central part of the city can be used as offices, and private houses and apartments on the ground floor can be converted into shops or salons.
  7. Commercial offers sent after a request must be personalized with a greeting responsible person by name and patronymic.
  8. In the final part of the document, invite the potential client to contact you, thereby motivating him to take the first step towards joint cooperation.
  9. A commercial offer is a document that is drawn up solely at your discretion. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment, be creative in terms of its content and visual design: from substantive and concise to bright and informative.

Examples of real estate rental offers

We offer to your attention premises for rent for office placement, located in the Class A Business Center " Northern lights» We present to your attention premises for rent for office placement, located in the Class A Business Center “Northern Lights” Building with total area, 70 sq.m., built and put into operation in 2006, currently leased to large Russian and foreign companies.

Parking The building provides two-level underground parking, designed for 161 cars: The building provides two-level underground parking, designed for 161 cars: on the “-1” floor - 65 cars; on the “-1” floor – 65 m/m; on the “-2” floor – 96 m/m. on the “-2” floor – 96 m/m. The ground guarded parking lot is designed for 80 cars. The ground guarded parking lot is designed for 80 cars.

Nutrition Center On the second floor of the building there is a spacious nutrition center with an area of ​​900 sq. m. m, which includes a corporate restaurant for tenant employees and a cafeteria. On the second floor of the building there is a spacious nutrition center with an area of ​​900 sq. m. m, which includes a corporate restaurant for tenant employees and a cafeteria. A varied and well-balanced menu is offered, including wide choose salads, cold and hot appetizers, first courses, meat and fish dishes, various desserts and a large assortment of baked goods. A varied and well-balanced menu is offered, including a wide selection of salads, cold and hot appetizers, first courses, meat and fish dishes, various desserts and a large assortment of baked goods. The nutrition center is managed by a professional company, Mega Foods LLC. The nutrition center is managed by a professional company, Mega Foods LLC.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the commercial rental conditions. Available area: 867.73 sq.m. Available area: 867.73 sq.m. Provided that potential tenants have a desire to rent additional space in the business center, there is the possibility of releasing additional blocks with a total area of ​​3319.80 sq.m. Provided that potential tenants have a desire to rent additional space in the business center, there is the possibility of releasing additional blocks with a total area of ​​3319.80 sq.m. The usable area of ​​the Rental Property is calculated in accordance with BOMA standards. The usable area of ​​the Rental Property is calculated in accordance with BOMA standards. The rentable area of ​​the Leased Object is determined as follows: The rented area of ​​the Leased Object is determined as follows: The usable area is increased by an increasing factor of 1.05 (one point and five hundredths). The specified coefficient takes into account the Tenant's use of common areas in the Building. The usable area increases by an increasing factor of 1.05 (one point and five hundredths). The specified coefficient takes into account the Tenant's use of common areas in the Building. The rentable area of ​​the Lease Object is used to calculate the amount of rent under the Lease Agreement. The rentable area of ​​the Lease Object is used to calculate the amount of rent under the Lease Agreement.

Office block with a separate entrance (-1, 1 and 2 floors), rentable area, 73 sq.m. -1st floor Rentable area: Rentable area: 168.08 sq.m. 168.08 sq.m. Purpose: Purpose: - depository - depository - storage room - storage room Planned for release 1st floor Rented area: Rented area: 625.29 sq.m. 625.29 sq.m. Purpose: Purpose: office space office space Planned to be vacated 2nd floor Rentable area: Rentable area: 791.36 sq.m. 791.36 sq.m. Purpose: Purpose: office space office space Planned to be vacated

Office block with a separate entrance (-1, 1 and 2 floors), rentable area - 1584.73 sq.m. * Rental period: 11 months - 5 years * Rental rate: $750 per 1 sq.m. per year, including VAT - 18% and operating expenses, excluding electricity charges * Lease payments are paid quarterly in advance. * Guarantee amount: 3 months rent. * Operation of engineering systems located on the Useful Area of ​​the Lease Object is regulated by a separate Agreement. The cost of services is $36, including VAT, per 1 sq.m. Usable area per year. * 1 parking space per 122 sq.m. is provided. Usable area. The cost of parking spaces in the underground parking lot is USD 300, including VAT, per parking space per month, for surface parking, USD 300, including VAT, per parking space per month. Rental conditions: Description: * Separate entrance from the front of the building * The premises are transferred with completed finishing and layout * Availability of premises for a depository/warehouse.

Office blocks on the 3rd floor: 519.54 sq.m. and 348.19 sq.m. Block 1 Rentable area: 519.54 sq.m. 519.54 sq.m. Office layout, separate exit from the elevator, bathroom, finished. The block is free. Block 2 Rentable area: 348.19 sq.m. 348.19 sq.m. Office layout, separate exit from the elevator, bathroom, finished. The block is free.

Office blocks on the 3rd floor: 519.54 sq.m. and 348.19 sq.m. * Rental period: 11 months - 5 years * Rental rate: $750 per 1 sq.m. per year, including VAT - 18% and operating expenses, with the exception of electricity charges * Lease payments are paid quarterly in advance. * Guarantee amount: 3 months rent. * Operation of engineering systems located on the Useful Area of ​​the Lease Object is regulated by a separate Agreement. The cost of services is $36, including VAT, per 1 sq.m. Usable area per year. * 1 parking space per 122 sq.m. is provided. Usable area. The cost of parking spaces in the underground parking lot is USD 300, including VAT, per parking space per month, for surface parking, USD 300, including VAT, per parking space per month. Rent terms:

Office space on the 4th floor with an area of ​​1163.19 sq.m. Area – 1163.19 sq.m. Area – 1163.19 sq.m. Purpose: office space Purpose: office space Mixed layout Mixed layout Finished, no furniture Finished, no furniture Planned to be vacated Planned to be vacated Possible division into two blocks Possible division into two blocks

Office space on the 4th floor with an area of ​​1163.19 sq.m. Rental conditions: * Lease term: 11 months - 5 years * Rental rate: $750 per 1 sq.m. per year, including VAT - 18% and operating expenses, with the exception of electricity charges * Lease payments are paid quarterly in advance. * Guarantee amount: 3 months rent. * Operation of engineering systems located on the Useful Area of ​​the Lease Object is regulated by a separate Agreement. The cost of services is $36, including VAT, per 1 sq.m. Usable area per year. * 1 parking space per 122 sq.m. is provided. Usable area. The cost of parking spaces in the underground parking lot is USD 300, including VAT, per parking space per month, for surface parking, USD 300, including VAT, per parking space per month.

Office space on the 7th floor with an area of ​​571.88 sq.m. Rentable area: Rentable area: 571.88 sq.m. 571.88 sq.m. Purpose: Purpose: - office space - office space Mixed layout Mixed layout Finished, no furniture Finished, no furniture Planned for vacancy Planned for vacancy

Lease term: 11 months - 5 years Lease term: 11 months - 5 years * Rental rate: $750 per 1 sq.m. per year, including VAT - 18% and operating expenses, with the exception of electricity charges * Lease payments are paid quarterly in advance. * Guarantee amount: 3 months rent. * Operation of engineering systems located on the Useful Area of ​​the Lease Object is regulated by a separate Agreement. The cost of services is $36, including VAT, per 1 sq.m. Usable area per year. * 1 parking space per 122 sq.m. is provided. Usable area. The cost of parking spaces in the underground parking lot is USD 300, including VAT, per parking space per month, for surface parking, USD 300, including VAT, per parking space per month. Office space on the 7th floor with an area of ​​571.88 sq.m.

A commercial offer is information about the availability of a certain product, service or the possibility of any cooperation or interaction under certain conditions. In essence, this is an advertisement of an existing asset that is subject to sale.

Commercial offers are divided into two types:

  • personalized. Proposals whose information is targeted;
  • n personified(cold). Such proposals are addressed to all interested parties, without specifying a specific addressee.

Meaning commercial offer is to encourage the reader to engage in dialogue, discussion, and ideally, to make a transaction. To do this, sufficiently complete information is presented, all details related to the subject are covered.

The information presented makes it possible to familiarize yourself with all the necessary characteristics, volumes and prices applicable to the described product, service or other object that has a certain value and is intended for sale.

Everything that is of interest to the potential client should be clear from the text, so that he can decide on his intentions with a full understanding of all the nuances and aspects of the agreement.

It is best if there is an opportunity to personally address the reader in an informal form (but in no case familiar).

A confidential but respectful tone is much better perceived by people and sets a positive mood in the emerging dialogue.

All must be indicated possible ways feedback. The interest of a potential client should be supported by simplicity of dialogue, ease of communication by any in a convenient way.


A commercial proposal for renting premises can be drawn up more simply, without an excessive advertising component.

The need for space for commerce, production or services is itself clear to all stakeholders.

These points are the most important; they can be supplemented by others if there is important atypical information that must be conveyed to the client.

Potential clients can be divided into target groups based on status and formality of communication, which can bring greater effect than using the same text.

Important! It makes sense to draw up several versions of a commercial proposal in different styles - from a cold, impersonal proposal in an official form, to a more friendly, informal option.

It is believed that a long sentence is a risky undertaking; no one wants to waste time on a large text. However, if the client is interested, he wants to receive as much information as possible.

You can cheat a little - provide the main information block at the beginning, followed by continuation in a more in-depth form.

The style of writing the text should be as simple as possible, without formal or overtly professional expressions. The simpler the presentation, the easier the understanding and the greater the interest.

Ideally, the language of communication should be as close and understandable to the recipient as possible, and correspond to the client’s level of preparation and thinking, if such information is available.

All information must be completely reliable; in no case should anything be exaggerated or concepts replaced.

Everything must be described exactly as it is - no more, no less.

The most important details and characteristics of the proposed product or service must be reflected in full so that a sufficient understanding of the subject can be formed.

Knowing the characteristics in an exact numerical value involuntarily pushes a person to evaluate the cost of the proposal, which often leads to making a decision on the transaction.

Instructions for drawing up and a sample document for non-residential premises

Let's consider a possible option for drawing up a commercial proposal.

We also bring to your attention a sample commercial proposal in the photo below:

What should you not do when renting commercial real estate?

When drawing up commercial proposals, errors are possible that reduce the value of the text and distract the reader’s attention from the essence.

There can be quite a few such miscalculations; let’s look at the most typical ones.

  • Don't be familiar! No “buddy”, “old man”, etc.
  • Avoid misrepresentation of facts. Inaccuracies found in the text should be corrected immediately, since the reader is likely to interpret them as an attempt to mislead him.
  • All statements must be proven. Unsubstantiated statements have no persuasive power; they irritate the reader.
  • It should be borne in mind that the addressee is an experienced adult who is capable of treating such proposals analytically. Therefore, when describing the merits of a room or area, you should not go too far, fall into enthusiasm or pathos. Simpler and to the point.

Consider a video on this topic:

A successful commercial proposal for renting premises is drawn up by understanding the interests and needs of a potential client. For a proper dialogue, you must choose the right tone and show your readiness for discussion.

Then a quick response from the client and mutually beneficial cooperation are required.

When developing a commercial proposal, you need to pay attention to both its design and structure, as well as content. A high-quality commercial proposal should not contain too much text. Ideally, it will take no more than 2-3 pages (in some cases, depending on the specifics of the industry, the document can reach 10-15 pages). And if we are talking about a “cold” commercial offer, then its size should not exceed one page of text, otherwise it will simply not be read.

For the provision of services

Example of a commercial contract for the provision of transport services

Have you had an unplanned move or urgently need to transport things to a completely different part of the city? You don't know what to do in this situation? There is no opportunity in the form of your own large-sized car?

It doesn’t matter, the transport organization “WHITE WIND”, which specializes in cargo transportation, will help you for a small fee. You will receive high-quality “teleportation” of items to another location, as well as a pleasant conversation with our guys, as well as a full refund of the price of any item if it breaks or fails.

Number: _________

Call us, everyone is welcome.

Example of a commercial proposal for the provision of construction services

The construction company “Build with Mind” offers you this list of its services:

Drawing up a complete architectural plan for the future building.
Delivery of high-quality construction products from time-tested suppliers.
And finally, the careful construction of a particular building.

During this time period there is a discount of 5 percent of the total price, hurry up!

Telephone: ___________

Example of a commercial contract for the provision of legal services

Do you have any legislative problems? We will help you solve them, however, now you have a question, why should you choose us? Everything is quite simple; a full answer is based on three arguments:

Low price tag compared to many other companies.
High-quality services, which you can verify by looking at the reviews.
Full return Money, if our work does not suit you.

Sincerely, Alfred Yakov Yakovich, CEO LLC "Lawyer and Co."

For the supply of goods

When drafting a document, it is necessary to take into account the audience who will read the text. Each field of activity has its own terms and vocabulary, which must be adhered to. Additionally, it is necessary to obtain information about the company's priorities.

For cargo transportation

Transport company “Without Borders” offers you to familiarize yourself with the list of our services:

door-to-door delivery of cargo and parcels;

sending containers weighing from 3 to 40 tons to all regions of Russia;
cargo tracking along the entire route;
forwarding at the point of departure and at the point of arrival;
cargo insurance;
possibility of deferred payment;
professional approach to work.

Working with us, you will save not only time, but also money!


Petr Ivanov.

By renting premises

A typical example of a commercial proposal for renting office space:

Offer from the Alpha office complex.

We rent out office space ranging from 20 to 51 sq.m., 5th floor of the Alpha office complex: Moscow, Lenina Ave., 1.
There are the following offices: 17.8 sq.m. (No. 12 on the plan), 41.6 sq.m. (No. 21), 58.5 sq.m. (No. 22). Cabinets No. 12 and 12 with stained glass windows.
Security. CCTV. Parking. The building is telephoned, the Internet is fiber-optic communication lines. The price includes electricity, utility bills, cleaning, security, solid waste removal, VAT.
Price 650 RUR/sq.m..

Tel.: 8-912-47-46-609, Alexey.

Attached are photos of the premises and floor plan.

Legal services

Delo LLC offers the following legal services:

1) Consulting and assistance on issues of creation, reorganization and termination of activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

2) Representation of the interests of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

3) Consulting on legal issues arising in the course of business activities.

4) Consulting and assistance in obtaining licenses.

5) Drawing up and legal examination of contracts.

6) Assistance in certification of products and services of own production.

Our advantages are the quality of legal services provided; a team of highly professional lawyers works for you. Solving legal issues in all regions of Russia. Affordable prices.

Petr Petrov

For construction work

The commercial offer has been developed in three versions.

We choose the tenant who will receive the highest possible income in order to pay the highest rent.

If you are thinking about “renting a room”, then we will promptly come, advise and do everything necessary to realize your plans. For this, some research work is being carried out. We create summary tables, look at competitive advantages, and take into account the experience of tenants in this and similar areas. Also, in addition to everything that has been said, we look at work statistics and determine the directions for further movement. The general concept is built from the point of view of obtaining the greatest efficiency of the project, its greatest profitability.
Our company can also provide Brokerage services for a retail facility.

What we can do for you:

If you have a premises that you want to rent out, we will help you and quickly rent out any commercial premises.
  • Rent out commercial premises;
  • Rent out commercial premises in Moscow;
  • Rent out non-residential premises;
  • Property for rent;
  • Sell ​​real estate;
  • Co-negotiate the deal;

We deal with premises from 5 sq.m. and more.

If you need to rent out premises through an agency, we will be able to thoroughly research all possible potential tenants for you. We do not limit ourselves, like other realtors, to posting information on bulletin boards. We are not lazy. We make an average of 2,000 calls a day and all of them are aimed at communicating with tenants to move them into your premises.

Depending on the amount of space to be rented, there are various options for finding tenants, namely, renting out the premises to one person, but cheaper, or creating boundaries for several tenants, which will be more profitable. And also choose the right product and thematic direction. Our company is engaged in delivery commercial premises for rent, helping owners receive a stable and high income. The main activities that we carry out in order to rent out premises in Moscow are divided into three main stages - analysis of the premises and environment in order to select the right tenants, then negotiations with potential tenants and signing a lease agreement.

  • 1. Analytics of the premises and environment;
  • 2. Negotiations with potential tenants;
  • 3. Renting out premises;
So, here are the main activities that we implement to rent out your premises:

Stage 1 - Room and environment analytics

Competition Analysis

This point, of course, is one of the fundamental ones when choosing tenants. The premises need to be rented out to a strong tenant who will have good demand for the products in the area. We will analyze all tenants within a 10-minute walking distance and determine the revenue of each of them. Based on this information, we create a product matrix presented in the area and determine unmet demand. Of course, the tenants themselves do the analytics, but in order to protect the landlord from the sudden departure of the tenant due to poor performance, we still deal with this process ourselves and confidently sign an agreement with the tenant who will really work excellently in the given area.
This item also allows you to:

Determine an objective rental rate

Choose the optimal size of area for each tenant

Identify the most successful formats in the area and the network companies that represent them

The image of an object is its most valuable asset!
Also, situations are possible when several nearby competitors no longer act as rivals, but begin to generate traffic. Those. people already specifically go to this place to get a wider choice from a large assortment. Such situations occur very often and have a beneficial effect on rent and tenant revenue. Test runs are also possible; there are many companies in Moscow that can visit the location for a short period to assess revenue. If the result is good, a long-term contract is signed. These are mainly tenants of small formats up to 150 sq. m.

How is market and competition analytics built?
  • Traffic analysis of the main competing retail outlets located nearby;
  • Assortment of selected retail outlets;
  • Analysis of tenants, rental costs, as well as the cost of goods at the given points;
  • The main differences between retail outlets with maximum and minimum traffic in the selected area;
  • Conclusions and calculations for the above retail outlets, the reasons for success and failure;
  • Construction of a table of the presence of network tenants and competition by area in the given retail outlets;

As mentioned above, due to this point, we can learn a lot about the parameters of renting the premises:

Rental rate - based on rates in the environment and the results of competitors;

Select the appropriate size of area for each product line and tenant;

Identify the most successful federal networks and formats in the given area and strive to lease premises to them first;

Identify the pros and cons of other outlets and use this to your advantage.

This will allow us to use specific statistics and take into account other people’s mistakes. Also, knowing the cost of the average bill in a given area and the maximum traffic shopping centers, we can make assumptions about the income received by tenants in the shopping centers under study (there are other, more accurate ways to obtain information about company revenue). What can be used in defining or adjusting the concept of our object.

Request a free call back, we will call you back within a minute and advise you on any issue you may have

Stage 2 - Negotiations with potential tenants

Stage 3 - Signing a lease agreement - I will rent out the premises

The most desirable stage for all parties involved in the transaction. You need to rent out office, retail, or warehouse space in such a way that you don’t regret anything in the future. Signing a legally competent and preferably mutual lease agreement for both parties is the key to mutually beneficial cooperation. There are as many damaged relationships and terminated contracts as possible simply because many aspects of the relationship between the tenant and the landlord were not thoroughly worked out. We will specially develop an agreement format in which we will take into account absolutely all the details, as well as the following parties to the agreement:

    Payment terms, incl. fines and penalties;

    Responsibility for failure to comply with the terms of the contract - electricity, water, free entry

    Mutual amount of fines

    The procedure for interaction with regulatory authorities (firefighters, sanitary inspectors, etc.);

    Indexation and conditions for changing indexation and rent (tenants often make ultimatum requests to reduce rent and indexation, threatening to terminate the contract);

    The procedure for terminating the contract is unilateral or mutual, for what reasons it can be terminated. Advance warning to the other party about termination of the contract.

    As well as further support of rental relations.

Our services are relatively inexpensive but very professional. We can fully support your transaction, from preparing the presentation to concluding a lease agreement and further management of the property.

Our company offers the following services:

What do we get for our work? not only customer gratitude, but also friendship. We made many of our friends through word of mouth. How do we do this? - Be deeply imbued with the idea and pay attention to every detail, even the most insignificant. This is the only way to create work that you will be proud of. It is necessary to rent out the property so that the tenant is satisfied and the owner benefits. A thorough choice of the tenant, attention to every point in the lease agreement and legally competent support of the transaction. Personally, I love communicating with people and always try to find common ground, so I enjoy what I do.

Anton Borovitsky
Head of the company


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