Naroch park. Treatment in Belarus. Natural complex "Blue Lakes"

Prospects for the development of ecotourism in the Narochansky National Park

Located in the north-west of the Republic of Belarus, the Naroch region (mainly the territory of the Myadel district of the Minsk region) is a unique natural-territorial formation.

The variety of landscapes, vegetation, and wetland complexes characteristic of the Belarusian Lake District have their own unique characteristics here. The most expressive natural component is the numerous lakes, more than 40 of them, including the largest body of water in our country - Naroch (80 km 2). In order to preserve unique natural complexes, including the Naroch group of lakes, in 1999, in the region on the territory of 94 thousand hectares, a national park"Narochansky". A certain contradiction during its formation was the location within the national park of the largest resort area in Belarus, the functioning of which, in principle, contradicts traditional ideas about environmental protection. Thus, the uniqueness of the territorial organization of the Naroch region is the proximity of protected and protected natural areas with places of concentration of recreationists. For this reason, the development strategy for the region is based on the development, on a scientific basis, of such solutions that would allow the development of recreational, health and tourism activities with minimal intervention in natural components or without damage to them. In other words, recreational potential The territories and activities of the structural units of the national park should be directed towards eco-tourism.

The main recognized principles of ecotourism are respect for nature, connection with environmental activities, an educational element in excursion and tourism programs, and participation of the local population in the provision of services. Belarusian national parks, being specially protected natural areas, in accordance with domestic legislation, must, along with environmental and scientific activities, perform the same functions of organizing environmental education of the population, as well as tourism, recreation, health improvement and other recreational activities. Coincidence of principles of eco-tourism activities and objectives national parks obviously.

The state environmental institution "National Park "Narochansky"" has good opportunities for organizing tourism activities:

  • - there is a hotel base with 130 beds, including a three-star hotel in the resort village of Naroch; V summer period there are 15 tourist sites where 12-17 thousand tourists vacation annually;
  • - on 18 routes tourist travel in 2010, 479 excursions were organized and conducted, the number of excursionists exceeded 22 thousand people;
  • - there is a scientific information and environmental education center.

The volume of tourist services provided in the National Park is steadily increasing: in comparable prices compared to 2005, it increased in 2010 from 89 to 756 million rubles.

The main consumers of the tourism product that the Narochansky National Park provides in the form of excursion, tourism and environmental education activities are recreationists of the Narochansky resort area. The resort infrastructure that has developed over half a century includes 8 sanatoriums located on the coast of Lake Naroch, tourist complex, several recreation centers, campsites and other facilities, with a total capacity of about 3,200 people. IN last years a significant increase in the number of vacationers was noted: in 2006, 54.4 thousand citizens of Belarus and about 2.7 thousand were registered in recreational and resort institutions. foreign citizens, in 2010, respectively - 77.1 and 22.2 thousand people. State program for the development of the resort area of ​​the Naroch region for 2011-2015. guidelines for its further development have been determined, for example, the growth of indicators of tourism and excursion services by 2015 - by 1.8 times, the export of tourism services - by 2.5 times.

Joint activities of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarusian state university, other institutions and the scientific department of the national park to ensure the development of the ecotourism sector consists, first of all, in determining the maximum permissible recreational loads on various parts of the territory, developing a system of optimizing and corrective measures to reduce their impact on natural complexes, proposing and justifying the creation of new objects ecological tourism. Examples of operating facilities are ecological trail in the natural complex " Blue Lakes", dendrological garden, Forest Museum; ecotourism sites for which scientific justification is currently being developed are an ecological trail in the Rare Plants Park, an enclosure for keeping wild animals on an area of ​​1,700 hectares, and botanical ecological routes on scientific and educational topics.

Prospects for the development of ecotourism activities in the Narochansky National Park are based on the introduction of scientific developments for the conservation of natural complexes in conditions of their recreational use - management plans for the national park and the key botanical territory "Blue Lakes", a geographic information system (GIS) of the national park.

Along the blue Naroch wave. From the tourist center “Lake Naroch” to the tourist center “Braslav Lakes”

As already mentioned, the Sventsyanskaya moraine ridge with its southern slopes supports Lake Naroch and, as it were, pushes it south, to the Neman basin. 10 km north of Naroch, among the hills of the same Sventsyanskaya ridge, in a bizarrely drawn basin, lies the large lake Myadel. Perhaps these lakes once merged or communicated with each other, but now Myadel gives its waters to the Western Dvina.

The Myadelka River flows from Myadel and flows into Birveta near the beginning of Diena. In the same place, the Drisvyatka River flows into Diena from the north, flowing from Lake Drisvyaty and passing on its way through lakes Obole and Boginskoye. Drisvyaty is connected by the river Rychanka with lakes Muiso, Richa and Sila. Not far from the latter is Lake Buzha, which is connected by a channel to lakes Raka and Drivyaty. This is the broken path, first to the north and then to the east, that our route takes. Its length is 255 km, duration is 12 days. For those who want to walk along it, we first recommend sailing through the Naroch Lakes. This is useful even for pre-training.

Some peculiarity of the further hike is that from Lake Myastro (from the city of Myadel) to Lake Myadel the boats will have to be transported by car (7-8 km). Myadel is smaller than Naroch, but much more beautiful. Rugged coastline, many coves and high capes. There are islands scattered around the lake, one of which stretches for 2 km. Locals they say that there used to be a castle on it, and a bridge was built across the channel. Now there are almost no traces of the castle left, but the bridge piles on the channel are visible.

The Myadelka River flows from the northern corner of the lake; It is narrow, but deep enough, and you can walk along it not only in kayaks, but also in Leningrad four-oared yawls. However, movement along Myadelka, even along the current, on any type of vessel will be slow. The main obstacles are forest debris and grassy thickets. Don't be in a hurry to leave the lake. Go around it, admire the small fiords, catch fish - you won’t find such a catch on the rivers.

I’m trying to persuade you to see Myadel, perhaps also because it is the lakes that you have to go through that make up the peculiarity of the route. There will be no large settlements along the way (with the exception of the regional center - Postavy), there will be no industrial enterprises or ancient monuments. But the region is rich in monuments of courage and fearlessness. They not only stand in the form of obelisks on the graves of soldiers and partisans. They are in the soul of the people, in their stories... In the leisurely conversation of people who experienced people's grief and national glory, not only images of the past will appear before you. Love for freedom, for our homeland is both ours today and our future.

In this area, the partisan brigade named after them smashed the Nazis. Rokossovsky. Among the residents you will also find those who fled from German violence into the forest, into the so-called family camps for civilians. And further north along the Drisvyatka River, more than thirty years ago, the master of the situation was the commander of the Spartak partisan brigade, A. N. Ponomarev. During the Belarusian operation, the partisans of this brigade blew up 12 km of the railway track, and then independently drove the Nazis out of the village of Vidzy and held it for several days until the approach of the Soviet Army.

The path to the north along clean, transparent rivers will go through a whole chain of lakes, similar to each other in their open spaces and at the same time uniquely different from one another. Near the village of Ustye, the Drisvyatka flows out of Lake Boginskoye. It stretches for almost 12 km from south to north among the hills, covered on the east by a wooded bank. And behind the dam of the Boginskaya power plant “The Path to Communism”, where according to the map the end of the lake, spacious reaches will still spread widely between the hilly, pine-covered banks, not at all like a river. After this you will have to pass the narrow but long (7 km) Lake Obol - it will take at least an hour to cross it from south to north. But then, beyond the banks of the Prorva River, the narrow spiers of the church flash. This is already the village of Drisvyaty. This means that the dam of the “Friendship of Peoples” power station is very close, and behind it, the expanses of Lake Drisvyaty, one of the largest in the Braslav lake system, stretch out in full breadth among the green border of the forest. Further, after Lake Muiso, the Rychanka River will lead you to Lake Ritchie. Everything is encased in forest, with a steep, high eastern cliff, with jagged line shore, playing with gold, green and blue shades - it beckons you to relax near it.

However, there are still four lakes ahead. Through the channel starting in the northeastern bay of Lake Ritchie, you will reach Lake Sila. It is shorter than the ones you have traveled, but you still have to row 4 km until you land near the estate of the Latvian state farm “Silene”. This is a good livestock farm with selected purebred herds and good farms. It’s worth walking around the state farm estate, which the owners willingly show you around.

Next on the route is Lake Buzha. But the path to it lies overland. 12 km along the highway you will have to transport boats before you see the green caps of the islands of the lake and reach the wooden dam in its north-eastern corner. But, perhaps, you should not rush to this dam, since on Lake Buzha good fishing, and there are good parking spots on the islands.

After Lake Buzha the path is not pleasant - along a fast, whirling channel. There are stones, and rubble, and low-water bridges, and, finally, near Lake Raka itself, a mill dam that will have to be surrounded. Behind the dam, after some 500 m, there is the clear water of Lake Raka, then a little more effort along the channel - and you will break out onto Lake Drivyaty, along the northern shore of which the white houses of Braslav line the ledges. Well, the last 8 km. Heading east. Reference point - cape green. And behind it is the camp site.

A few words about the rivers along which the route will go, and about the possible schedule of the trip. I have already mentioned the obstacles on Myadelka. Its length from Lake Myadel to its mouth is 56 km. The only big one locality- Postavy is located almost in the middle of the route, 30 km from the mouth. The water drop is significant. Hence the high current speed in some areas.

This is what is written in the report of the group that passed this route: “Entering the sources of Myadelka, we only knew that its slope was higher than usual on Belarusian rivers, that there was a dam in Postavy, that the banks of this river were swampy in places, and in places overgrown with forest. Summarizing all this, we had to make the logical assumption that along the way there might be areas overgrown with reeds and calamus, and in some places even forest debris. But even with such obstacles, we expected to reach Postavy in a day.

Having difficulty finding the mouth of Myadelka among the reed thickets, we immediately began to fight the grass. She literally stopped the boats, clung to the oars; Thick upturned roots blocked the road. But still here we were still moving and in about 3 hours we managed to cover 6 km.

However, the next day, as soon as we left the village of Molchany, we encountered the first blockage. In front of us was a whole dam made of old cramps, logs, dry and wet dead wood, in front of which a huge funnel of water flowing down was bubbling. The banks here are high, steep, overgrown with taiga forest. It's impossible to carry around. We spent an hour clearing a passage through this rubble. Then we walked as if in the jungle. Forest to the right, forest to the left, forest above us. And rubble. By evening, near the village of Chernyaty, the results were summed up. We cleared 32 rubble, walked through 12 low-water bridges (10 were raised, 2 had drifts), and crossed 4 rapids while piloting boats by hand. 7 km covered. This is Myadelka!

True, the next day was somewhat easier. The rubble ended, but the stabbings began. Already on the approach to Postavy, over a distance of just 4 km, we had to overcome gates with 24 gates. And only after the dam in Postavy itself the river bed became relatively clean. In general, the closer to the mouth, the better the progress.”

Obviously, everyone will breathe a sigh of relief when they come out into the clear waters of the Birveta River. But along it you will have to walk along the current for only 4 km, but up the Drisvyatka it will be a 74 km climb. True, almost 20 km of this will be spent traveling along the lakes through which the Drisvyatka flows. But she herself will not present any particular difficulty. Calm flat river.

The Rychanka River is perhaps the most difficult section from Lake Drisvyaty to Lake Sila along the Rychanka. Its mouth should be sought on the eastern shore of Drisvyat immediately in the first bay. The river is fast and narrow. The entire coast is densely overgrown with willow trees, the bushes of which sometimes close together, and you literally have to wade through them. It is impossible to drive boats on a line. The depth does not allow them to be waded. What remains are the poles, and the kayaks have only oars, and on the “twos” the first clears the way, the second paddles. And the distance there is about 25 km.”

Now let's look at the trip schedule:

  • - 1st day; tourist center "Lake Naroch" - lake. Myastro (25 km);
  • - 2nd day: lake. Myastro - Myadel - r. Myadelka (18 km, of which 11 km by water);
  • - 3rd day: lake. Myadel - r. Myadelka - Molchany village (16 km);
  • - Day 4: Molchany village - Chernyaty village (7 km);
  • - Day 5: Chernyaty village - Postavy town (21 km);
  • - 6th day: Postavy - hut. Svily (16 km);
  • - 7th day: hut. Svply - rivers Birveta - Drisvyatka - village Ustye (30 km);
  • - Day 8: Ustye village - lake. Obol (39 km);
  • - 9th day: lakes Obole - Drisvyaty - r. Rychanka - lake Muiso (28 km);
  • - 10th day: lakes Muiso - Richi (12 km);
  • - 11th day: lakes Ritchie - Sila - Buzha (28 km, of which 14 km by water);
  • - Day 12: lakes Buzha - Drivyaty - tourist center "Braslav Lakes" (36 km). .

Naroch region is a unique natural treasury and the largest resort region Belarus. Picturesque landscapes, clean lakes and rivers, healing mineral springs attract guests from all over the world.

Narochansky National Park - a national park in the Republic of Belarus, covering the northwestern part of the Minsk region, the western part of the Vitebsk and northern part Grodno region and occupying an area of ​​97.3 thousand hectares.

17% of the park's area is occupied by lakes, there are about 40 of them in total. The lakes are surrounded by untouched forests with rare species of animals. Total on site National Park“Narochansky” there are three groups of lakes: Boldukskaya, Narochanskaya and Myadelskaya. The leading place in the Naroch group of lakes is occupied by Lake Naroch. This is the largest natural reservoir in Belarus (area - 80 sq. km). The average depth of the lake is 9 m, length - 13 km, width 10 km. Two dozen streams and a small river flow into the lake, and the only river that flows out is the Naroch. The water in the lake is very clean, which makes it possible to breed whitefish here.

Vegetable world

Postage stamp of the Republic of Belarus dedicated to the national park

The flora on the territory of the Narochansky Park reflects the typical structure of subtaiga deciduous-spruce forests in the southwest of the Belarusian Lake District.

The flora of the national park contains about 900 species of higher plants, of which more than 30 are rare and endangered species. The modern vegetation cover of the territory under consideration is represented by forests, meadows, swamps and bushes.

The largest forest tracts are confined to the southwestern spurs of the Sventsyansky ridges and the Prinarochsko-Myadel elevated part of the Narochsko-Vilei lowland.

Swamp and meadow vegetation has undergone significant changes. Significant areas of swamps (lowland and transitional types) and swampy meadows have undergone hydraulic reclamation.

Animal world

On the territory of the national park there are a number of natural objects valuable from a faunistic point of view. These include the Blue Lakes, Cheremshitsa, Nekasetsky, Stepsonki, Rudakovo, and Urliki tracts.

The area of ​​Lake Naroch is distinguished by its diverse fauna. The network of reservoirs creates conditions for the existence of a rich complex of aquatic animals: fish, coastal terrestrial vertebrates; provides the opportunity for the concentration of a variety of waterfowl here during seasonal migrations. The territory of the national park is home to at least 243 species of terrestrial vertebrates: 10 species of amphibians; 5 types of reptiles; at least 179 species of nesting and about 40 species of migratory, wintering, and visiting birds; 49 species of mammals.

Of the region's ornithocomplexes, the richest is the forest one, which includes 95 species of birds. Among them are such species of the northern taiga complex as hazel grouse, northern owl, nutcracker, etc. The aquatic ornithocomplex, which includes 35 species, is fairly fully represented. Birds of open spaces are represented by 32 species, of raised bogs - include 3 rare species (ptarmigan, curlew, gray shrike), of populated areas - by 14 species.

The forests of the Naroch region are winter habitats for ungulates and are not able to ensure the existence of any large populations of elk, wild boar, and roe deer throughout the year.

In the ichthyofauna of the rivers and lakes of the region, 32 species of fish were noted, including brook trout, chub, minnow, quicksand, char, stickleback, vendace, elfish, whitefish, ide, etc. Areas of special faunal value have been identified in this territory: area reserve "Cheremshitsa", on the territory of which live the badger, black-throated loon, great bittern, goldeneye, merganser, etc. In the area of ​​​​Lake Dyagili, white partridge, gray crane, osprey, viper, etc. live. In the forest area between Lake Shvakshty and the reserve "Blue The lakes are inhabited by badgers, goldeneyes, mergansers, black storks, eagle owls, and others.

History of creation

The Narochansky National Park was created by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus on July 28, 1999 No. 447 in order to preserve unique natural complexes, more fully and effectively use recreational opportunities natural resources Myadel region and adjacent territories.

Architectural monuments

Architectural monuments on the territory of the national park are represented by religious buildings (the Catholic Church of the Mother of God Scapular of the 17th century in the city of Myadel, St. Andrew's Church and church in the village of Naroch, St. Nicholas Church and a wooden church in the town of Svir, the Carmelite monastery of the 18th century in the village of Zasvir, the church of the 19th century in the village of Konstantinovo, the Church of the Mother of God in the urban village of Krivichi, etc.), manor complexes and ancient parks, the resort village of Naroch, the urban village of Svir, the village of Konstantinovo, Komarovo, Olshevo, etc.).

Additional Information

The Narochansky region is located in the transition zone of two historical and ethnographic regions - Ponemanya and Podvinya (Poozerye). Archaeological sites of the second half of the 1st and beginning of the 2nd millennium AD. e. indicate the cohabitation of Baltic and Slavic tribes in this territory.

The oldest archaeological monuments of the Naroch region belong to the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) and date back to the 7th-6th millennium BC. e. (parking near the villages of Kusevshchina, Strugolapy, Laposi, Krasyany). The cultural layer of the Neolithic era, known from excavations near the villages of Nikoltsy and Kochergi (culture of pit-comb ceramics), dates back to the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e. Monuments of the Corded Ware culture are represented by archaeological finds near the villages of Nikoltsy, Rybka, Rasokha (Bronze Age sites of 2200-700 BC). Traces of the ancient Iron Age are relatively well preserved in the form of burial mounds, fortifications and settlements (the villages of Oleshki, Guski, Shklyanikovo, Zasvir, etc.).

The Naroch region is a unique natural treasure and the largest resort region in Belarus. Picturesque landscapes, clean lakes and rivers, and healing mineral springs attract guests from all over the world.

The Narochansky National Park is located in the north-west of the country and is part of the Belarusian Poozerie.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 21.10.2015 09:21

Narochansky region known for its natural diversity and special landscape, which was formed during the retreat of the Valdai glacier about 15-20 thousand years ago. It was then that the famous Naroch lakes.

Reservoirs occupy approximately a fifth of the park and belong to the Neman and Western Dvina basins. The rivers Stracha, Narochanka, Uzlyanka, and Sviritsa also flow here.

Within the boundaries of the national park there are 43 lakes, including 4 groups: Narochanskaya, Myadelskaya, Boldukskaya and Svirskaya. The pearls of the region are the largest lake in Belarus Naroch (area 79.6 km²), Myastro, Batorino.

About 48% of the park's territory is covered with pine forests and birch groves. The flora is distinguished by a variety of mosses, lichens, fungi, and algae.

There are more than 1,400 species of higher plants here, 114 of which are listed in the Red Book of Belarus, including the most beautiful Belarusian orchid, the Lady's slipper.

The fauna is represented by 314 species of vertebrate animals: European red deer, wild boar, elk, roe deer, raccoon dog, badger, marten, mink, otter, beaver, muskrat...

Thanks to the abundance of reservoirs and swamps, 218 bird species live here, including more than 51 from the Red Book of Belarus: bittern, osprey, gray crane...

There are about 35 species of fish in Naroch lakes and rivers: pike, roach, perch, bream, crucian carp, silver bream, ruff..

Sasha Mitrakhovich 21.10.2015 09:21

Since ancient times, the surroundings of Naroch have attracted lovers of recreation, hunting and fishing, researchers and travelers with their beauty and richness of nature.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, private villas, a restaurant, a yacht club, a pier for sailing boats were built on the shore of the lake, and country trains ran here.

In 1946, during the first scientific expedition, sources of mineral waters and healing mud(sapropels) in lakes Kuzmichi, Shvakshty and Dyagili. This became the basis for the creation of a climatic and balneological resort.

At the end of the 50s, active construction of tourist centers and holiday homes began on the Naroch coast. Already in 1963, the Naroch sanatorium opened, later - the Naroch rest house, the Zubrenok children's health camp...

In the 60-70s, the largest resort and health zone in the country arose on the territory of the Naroch region.

The Narochansky National Park was established in 1999 to preserve landscapes, biological diversity and the genetic fund of flora and fauna.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 21.10.2015 14:21

The territory of the park occupies more than 87 thousand hectares, and in addition to protected areas (8.4%) includes a sanatorium-resort and economic zone. The length of the park from north to south is 34 km, from west to east - 59 km.

The park contains 36 natural monuments of the republican and local significance. Particularly valuable natural complexes are located here. These are the reserves:

  • "Blue Lakes" (landscape)
  • “Cheremshitsy” and “Shvakshty” (hydrological)
  • "Cherevki Peninsula" (geological)
  • “Nekasetsky”, “Rudakovo”, “Stepchildren” (biological)

The largest resort area in Belarus is located on the territory of the park, uniting 11 sanatoriums and health centers. Today it is actively being transformed thanks to the implementation of the State program.

In the national park, about 30 excursion routes have been developed for tourists, multi-day walking, cycling and water trips. There are 16 tourist sites on the coasts of 9 lakes.

In addition, in the summer you can take a helicopter trip and see most beautiful places bird's-eye. The park also organizes hunting and fishing tours, spearfishing, and diving.

The park has some interesting ecological routes:

  • "Blue Lakes"
  • "Cherevki Peninsula"

Sasha Mitrakhovich 21.10.2015 14:23

Natural complex“Blue Lakes” of Naroch Park is a unique hilly-lake natural complex: its glacial topography was formed tens of thousands of years ago. The flora includes more than 500 plant species, of which about 30 are from the Red Book of Belarus. In 2005, the natural complex received the status of a key botanical area.

Of particular interest is the Bolduk lake group, which unites more than 10 reservoirs. Lake Bolduk is one of the deepest in Belarus (more than 46 m). Also here is the second largest and most powerful Boltik spring in Belarus.

Rare Plants Park

On the territory of the geological natural monument “Cherevki Peninsula” there is a Park of Rare Plants, in which more than 10 rare species from the Red Book of Belarus and protected in Europe grow.


In 2002, on the shores of lakes Naroch and Myastro, the S.A. dendrological garden was created. Gomza, where an amazing collection of about 400 species of trees, shrubs, and herbs is presented. There is also a Forest Museum here, where you can observe the life of a tree at different stages of development.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 21.10.2015 14:27

The Narochansky National Park is located on the territory of the Myadel and partly Vileika districts of the Minsk region, the Postavy district of the Vitebsk region and the Smorgon district of the Grodno region.

Administrative center - resort village Naroch (Myadel district). Distance from Minsk - 160 km, from Vitebsk - 280 km, from Grodno - 350 km.

It is more convenient to get there by car by reading the map and choosing the routes in the direction of Myadel. The road from Minsk to big lake Belarus takes about 2 hours (P58, P28).

Buses run from Minsk from the Central bus station and minibuses. The most suitable routes are Minsk - K.P. Naroch, Minsk - Myadel.

Tourists can stay in the comfortable hotel complex "Naroch", the hotel and cottages of the autocamping "Naroch" (12 km from the village). In addition, guests can enjoy:

  • recreation center "Pronki"
  • hotel"Shvakshty"
  • guest houses and cottages
  • agricultural estates

Sasha Mitrakhovich 21.10.2015 14:28

On the territory of the Naroch region, monuments of Belarusian history and culture are preserved, including 10 burial mounds, 20 ancient settlements and human settlements.

The Naroch land is famous for its Christian shrines and magnificent churches, ancient estates.

In the village of Naroch you can see the Elias Church (19th century), the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle (beginning of the 20th century), famous for its ancient organ (1902), and the monument to John Paul II (2008).

In the village of Budslav there is the largest Catholic church in Belarus -. It houses one of the most revered relics - the miraculous Budslav Icon of the Mother of God, which in 1598 the Minsk governor Jan Patz received from the hands of Pope Clement III. In 1613, the icon was donated to the Budslav Bernardine monastery.

Celebrations in honor of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the shrine in 2013 attracted about 45 thousand pilgrims from all over the world.

Other attractions include:

  • Church of the Holy Trinity and the ruins of the Carmelite monastery (village of Zasvir)
  • Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Konstantinovo village)
  • Church of St. Nicholas (Svir)
  • Church of the Mother of God (Shemetovo village)
  • Church of the Mother of God of the Scapular in Myadel
  • Myadel Kalvaria
  • fortification
  • estates in the villages of Komarovo, Olshevo, Shemetovo

Sasha Mitrakhovich 21.10.2015 14:30

In the Narochansky National Park, 15 tourist parking areas are equipped.

At all tourist sites it is allowed:
- installation of tents;
- making fires on equipped fire pits;
- car parking outside the coastal zone (no closer than 50-100 m from the water's edge);
- paid fees are allowed on reservoirs fishing, a ticket for which can be purchased in the forest areas of the Narochansky National Park.

Tourist camp "Antonisberg"

Location: located one km. northeast of the settlement Naroch, 100m west of the village of Antonisberg, 154th km of the Minsk - Naroch highway (R 28). Northern coast, territory of Narochsky forestry.
Natural conditions: the coast and the area around the parking lot are covered with sparse bushes; on the north side, the parking lot is limited by a stream. The beach is represented by a narrow strip of sandy coastline, the section of the lake shore is flat.

They are caught in the lake pike, perch, roach, bleak, silver bream, tench.

Tourist stop "Kochergi"

Location: located 3 km south of the city of Myadel, 500 m south of the village of Kochergi, east coast Lake Myastro, territory of the Myadel forestry.
Natural conditions: pine forest, flat coast, with a convenient beach, small thickets of reeds, surrounding forests are rich in berries and mushrooms.
They are caught in the lake pike, perch, roach, bream, silver bream, crucian carp.

Tourist sites “Camp”, “Beloye”

Location: located 10 km southwest of the city of Myadel, the territory of the Myadel forestry, tourist site “Camp” - 700 m south of the village of Gatovichi, eastern bank; tourist site "Beloye" - 1.5 km south of the village of Gatovichi, north shore Lake Beloe.
Natural conditions: Tourist camp "Camp" - pine forest, the shoreline of the lake is limited by thickets of reeds; tourist site "Beloye" - birch grove, flat coast, with convenient beaches. The nearby forests are rich in berries and mushrooms.
Attention: Tourists are prohibited in the protected area.
In the lake Pike, perch, roach, bleak, silver bream, carp, tench are caught.

Tourist camp "Strugolapy"

Location: located 12 km northeast of the settlement. Naroch, 700 m east of the village of Sluki, western shore of Lake Myadel, territory of Naroch forestry.
Natural conditions: a flat treeless area of ​​the lake shore, the coast and the area around the parking lot are covered with sparse bushes; The beach is represented by a narrow elongated strip of sandy coast.

Tourist parking “Shablitsa” – closed

Location: located 10 km north of the city of Myadel, 700 m west of the village of Peregorod, the eastern shore of Lake Myadel, the territory of the Novo-Myadel forestry.
Natural conditions: treeless hills, the shore of the lake and the area around the parking lot are covered with sparse bushes; the beach is represented by a narrow elongated strip of sandy coast
Service, services: Med. point - Lotva village
Liaison office - Lotva village (tel. 01797-38139)
Shops - Lotva village
Bus stop - Peregorod village
Forestry office - Myadel (tel. 01797-59292)
Cellular communications - MTS, VELCOM
In Lake Myadel you can catch pike, perch, roach, bream, silver bream, bleak, and tench.

Tourist camps “Volchino”, “Chernyaty”

Location: located 16 km north of the city of Myadel, 1 km west of the village of Chernyaty, northern, northwestern shore of Lake Volchino, territory of the Novo-Myadel forestry.
Natural conditions

Tourist camp "Rossohi"

Mlocation: located 13 km north of the city of Myadel, 600 m south of the village of Rossokhi, a hill between lakes Rossokhi and Lotviny, the territory of the Novo-Myadel forestry.

Natural conditions: treeless hill, the shores of the lake and the area around the parking lot are covered with sparse bushes.

Tourist camps "Konkovo", "Wide Ditch"

Location: located 46 km southwest of the settlement. Naroch, near the village of Borovye, the shore of Lake Vishnevskoye, territory of the Syrmezhskoye forestry.
Natural conditions: coniferous forest, the coast is flat, there are small thickets of reeds and bushes, the nearby forest areas are rich in berries and mushrooms.
They are caught in the lake

Tourist camps "Khatski"

Location: located 34 km southwest of the settlement. Naroch, 2 km south of the village of Neverovichi, the shore of Lake Svir, territory of the Syrmezhsky forestry.
Natural conditions: coniferous forest, flat coast, with a convenient beach, small thickets of reeds and bushes, nearby forest areas are rich in berries and mushrooms.
They are caught in the lake pike, perch, roach, tench, carp, crucian carp.

Tourist sites: “Deep Brook”, “Tyukshi”.

Location: southern and western shores of Lake Bolshie Shvakshty, territory of Narochsky forestry. Distance to the village of Naroch - 11 km, settlement Naroch - 16 km.
Natural conditions:
"Deep Brook" - pine forest almost close to the shores of the lake. A small section of the coast, which is used as a beach, is lower than the surrounding area, some parts of it are silted, and there are thickets of reeds close to the shore. The forest is rich in berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries) and mushrooms.
"Tyukshi -2,3" - hills, small pine forests. At the tourist site “Tyukshi-2” there is a vast, sandy section of the beach. The shore is flat, without bushes.
The following fish are caught in the lake: pike, bream, perch, roach, bleak, silver bream, tench.

Tourist camp "Bolduk"

Location: located 51 km northwest of the settlement. Naroch, shore Lake Bolduc, territory of Konstantinovsky forestry.
Natural conditions: coniferous forest, hilly terrain, convenient beach, Sandy shore, the reed thickets are insignificant, the surrounding forest is rich in berries and mushrooms.
Pike, perch, roach and gudgeon are caught in the lake.
Service, services:Med. point - g.p. Lyntupy
Communications department - g.p. Lyntupy
Shops - g.p. Lyntupy
Bus stop - g.p. Lyntupy

Cellular communications - MTS

Tourist stop "Melnitsa"

Location: located 37 km northwest of the settlement. Naroch, 2 km north of the village of Yatsyny, shore of Lake Boltik, territory of Konstantinovsky forestry.
Natural conditions: hilly terrain, coniferous forest, picturesque small lake The surrounding forest is rich in berries and mushrooms.
Pike, perch, roach and gudgeon are caught in the river.
: Tourists are prohibited from entering the protected area!
Service, services:
Honey. point - Konstantinovo village
Communications department - Konstantinovo village (tel. 01797-37139)
Shops - Konstantinovo village
Bus stop - Konstantinovo village
Forestry office - Konstantinovo village (tel. 01797-37145)
Cellular communications - MTS, VELCOM

Cost of accommodation services

Price stay at the tourist parking lot per day:
- 6,500 rubles per vacationer, except for the tourist camps “Antonisberg”, “Car camping “Naroch”, “Kochergi”.
- 8,500 rubles per vacationer at the tourist sites “Antonisberg”, “Car camping “Naroch”, “Kochergi”.

In addition, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 636 of October 29, 1999, from persons arriving on vacation to health resorts, tourist centers and recreation areas located on the territory of the Narochansky National Park, are charged compensation payments in return resort tax. The specified compensation payments are established in the amount of 1/10 of the base value from each vacationer for every day stay in recreational area(=3500 Belarusian rubles).

Not charged compensation payments:
- from children, secondary school students, students;
- from pensioners and disabled people;
- participants of the Second World War, as well as local wars;
- from citizens who permanently reside or have real estate on the territory of the National Park.

Attention vacationers!
Setting up tourist tents and making fires in places not regulated by the administration of the National Park is strictly prohibited!

Sasha Mitrakhovich 28.11.2015 12:11

National Park "Narochansky" spreads over an area of ​​almost 100 thousand hectares and occupies the north-west of the Minsk region. Its formation was a consequence of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 1999. The conservation of natural resources and their efficient use in Belarus has the status of a level of national importance.

Belarusians begin to get acquainted with Naroch sanatoriums in childhood. Hundreds of schoolchildren come here every year to improve their health. Everyone who has ever visited Naroch keeps warm memories of the most picturesque corner of Belarus. The landscapes of the national park create an atmosphere of peace and serenity. Unity with nature can charge you with positivity and vital energy for years to come.

The complex of lakes, consisting of 40 reservoirs, contributed to the fact that Belarus was dubbed “blue-eyed”. Generally, The area of ​​the water surface is one fifth of the national park. The lakes are united into three groups: Boldukskaya, Narochskaya and Myadelskaya. Of particular interest among all reservoirs is Lake Naroch, which serves as the beginning of the river of the same name. The water surface stretches over 80 square kilometers, which undoubtedly gives the lake the right to be called the largest in Belarus. Its formation occurred during the retreat of the glacier from the territory of modern Belarus. Currently, the lake is a place where sixteen streams and one river flow.

There is a beautiful but sad legend about the origin of the name of the lake. She says that she once lived here beautiful girl Nara. She was so beautiful that a local rich man wanted to take her as his wife. However, the girl refused the master, because she already had a lover. Then the servants of the evil master killed the guy. Nara set fire to the villain's palace, and when the master's guards caught up with the girl, she chose to throw herself into the waters of Naroch.

In the post-war period, mineral springs were discovered in Narochansky Park. Together with the healing mud of lakes Dyagili, Shvakshta and Kuzmichi mineral water are the main sources of health improvement in local sanatoriums and rest homes.

On the territory of the Naroch National Park, of the 900 plant species available, 30 species are classified as rare and endangered. All of them form forests, meadows, swampy and bushy thickets. Thickets of coniferous trees make the air of the tourist area clean and fresh.

The fauna of the national park is as rich as the flora. Almost fifty species of mammals live in its surroundings. The reservoirs of Naroch Park are home to a dozen species of amphibians and more than 30 species of fish. Almost 180 species of birds constantly build their nests in local forests, and 40 species of birds fly here after winter.

In addition to excursions around picturesque places national park, you can purchase a ticket for fishing on Lake Naroch. The lake system of the national park offers experienced fishermen and those new to fishing big variety fish, including pike, ide, vendace.

Not everyone knows that on the territory of Belarus there is a unique resort region with picturesque landscapes, crystal clean lakes, river arteries and healing mineral springs. And all this is Naroch National Park.


The Naroch natural treasure is located on the territory of three regions of Belarus. Let's take a closer look. It covers the north-west of Minsk, west of Vitebsk and north of Grodno regions. In total, Narochansky National Park occupies more than 97 thousand hectares. It is part of the Belarusian Lake District.

Administrative center natural park settled in the resort area of ​​the village of Naroch.

Natural features of the park

The natural diversity of the Naroch region is due to the retreat of the Valdai glacier, which occurred about 15 thousand years ago. It was during this period that numerous lakes appeared. Naroch National Park, where there are 43 of them, as well as several rivers (large and not very large), is covered with untouched forests. Large watercourses passing through the park are the Neman and Western Dvina. Small rivers include Stracha, Narochanka, Uzdlyanka and Sviritsa. Rare animals live in the local forests, and a variety of species develop freely. vegetable world. All this wealth is under state protection.

Bolduk Lakes

What else can you tell about the numerous bodies of water that the national park is famous for? The Narochan lakes are a generalized name for three lake groups: Bolduk, Narochan proper and Myadel. Let's take a closer look at the first one.

Bolduk lakes in Belarus are also called Blue lakes. They are located on the territory of two regions of the country (Minsk and Vitebsk). This group lies in the basin of the Stracha River, which is the right tributary of the larger Viliya.

The area of ​​individual lakes in this group is small. The largest of them is called Bolduc. Its size is 0.78 km², but its depth is almost 40 m. All of them are located in a sparsely populated area covered with forests. The surrounding terrain is hilly. All lakes have low flow. Since 1972, the Bolduc group has been allocated to the Blue Lakes landscape reserve.

Naroch group

Naroch National Park is divided into several natural complexes. The described group of lakes is one of such complexes. They are located in the Minsk region of Belarus. The group includes the country's largest lake, Naroch, and several fairly large reservoirs (Myastro, Batorino, Blednoe).

The Narochan lakes are located on the territory of the Narochan-Vileisk lowland, which was formed after the disappearance of the periglacial lake Vileiskoye. All this happened during the retreat of the Poozersko-Valdai glacier. Some lakes are connected to each other by channels. For example, Myastro and Naroch are connected by the Skema channel. Lake Batorino is connected by a similar watercourse to the Drobnya River. But Blednoye is drainless, that is, it is in no way connected with the World Ocean. It is also worth adding that from largest lake In Belarus, Naroch originates from the river of the same name, which flows into Viliya. What is the described natural treasure most often associated with? When describing the Naroch National Park, photos of Lake Naroch are probably posted most often. This magnificent place shows in all its glory the grandeur of the surrounding nature and its untouched beauty.

If you collect all the lakes together, their area will exceed 100 km². The catchment area of ​​this generalized reservoir will be approximately 279 km².

Myadel group

A group of lakes called Myadel lakes is located in the Minsk region of Belarus. The largest in this series is the Myadel reservoir. Its area is just over 16 km². The remaining lakes are much smaller. total area all nine reservoirs of the group are about 20 km². All lakes, except one, are connected by small channels. They are part of the river basin. Myadelka. Only the Rudakovo reservoir is drainless.

Reeds and reeds have grown heavily along the banks of small reservoirs. This makes it difficult to approach the water. However, on the territory of the Myadel group of lakes there are several recreation areas and tourist routes.

Flora of the national park

The Narochansky National Park and its nature fully reflect the state of the subtaiga deciduous-spruce forest of the southwestern Poozerie region. The flora includes more than 1000 species of vegetation. Some of them, about 30 species, are classified as rare or endangered.

About 50% of the national park is pine forests and birch groves. In addition, there are many meadow, marsh and shrub plants. There are also mosses, lichens, fungi and algae. Here you can still find the perennial herbaceous orchid Lady's slipper, which is listed in the Red Book of Belarus. In addition to it, representatives of the Red Book are: alpine arnica, anemone (forest subspecies), primroses, European swimmer, orchis, meadow lumbago, and so on.

Animal world

It is impossible to complete a description of the Narochansky National Park without a story about its rich fauna. Several natural sites with valuable fauna have been identified on its territory. We are talking about the Blue Lakes landscape reserve, the Cheremshitsy hydrological tract, and the Nekasetsky, Pasynki, Rudakov and Urliki biological reserves.

In the area of ​​Lake Naroch you can observe a diverse fauna, represented by aquatic animals (fish, coastal terrestrial vertebrates) and waterfowl. Now Narochansky National Park has more than 250 species of terrestrial vertebrates. These are amphibians, reptiles, migratory, wintering and migratory birds and mammals. Most of the birds, 95 species out of 230 represented in the park, belong to the forest ornithocomplex. Here you can find hazel grouse, owls, nutcrackers and many others. The aquatic population consists of 35 species, and open places There are more than 30 species of birds, of which at least 3 representatives (ptarmigan, curlew and shrike) are rare. Another 14 species inhabited a few villages.

In the forested areas of the Naroch area there are winter habitats for elk, wild boars, and roe deer. However, they cannot provide substantial populations year-round.

A large number of lakes and rivers suggests a rich ichthyofauna. There are 32 species of fish in the reservoirs of the Naroch region. We can distinguish salmon (trout, whitefish, vendace, cheese), cyprinids (chub, minnow, bystryanka, ide) and others.

In the Cheremshitsa reserve you can find rare species of animals: badgers, black-throated loons, great bitterns, diving ducks, goldeneyes and mergansers. In the vicinity of Lake Dyagili live partridges, gray cranes, osprey vipers and other species. And in the Blue Lakes nature reserve complex you can find a black stork and an eagle owl.

History of the creation of the national park

Narochansky National Park and its history are closely connected with the Soviet period of life in Belarus. Although the picturesque nature of Naroch attracted lovers of hunting and fishing here before. At the dawn of the twentieth century, private villas, restaurant complexes, piers and yacht clubs were built on the shores of large lakes. In some places they even launched country trains.

In 1946, the first scientific expedition was sent to the Naroch area, which discovered mineral springs and healing mud. The finds were made on lakes Kuzmich, Shvakshty and Dyagili. From that moment on, they began to build a climatic and balneological health resort here.

In the 50s, recreation centers and tourist camps were quickly built. In 1963, the Naroch sanatorium was inaugurated. Then several rest houses and a children's health center “Zubrenok” were built.

Thus, a large resort and health infrastructure of the Soviet Union was formed in the Naroch region.

To preserve the genetic fund of plants and animals, maintain biological diversity and preserve landscape areas, in 1999 it was decided to establish the Narochansky National Park.

Modern Naroch Park

Today's park area is almost 90 thousand hectares of land. We are talking not only about protected areas, but also about sanatorium-resort and economic zones. In the direction from north to south the park stretches for 34 km, from west to east - for 59 km.

The implementation of the state program made it possible to create the largest popular resort area Belarus. It includes 11 sanatoriums and health complexes.

Ecological routes

Of course, you can explore the beauty of Naroch Park from a helicopter, but they are much more popular excursion routes. More than 30 one-day, multi-day, walking, cycling and water tours have been developed. To provide route support for hikes, 16 tourist camps and parking lots have been built on the shores of nine lakes.

In addition, you can book a fishing tour, hunting during a special season, scuba diving, and so on. We hope we have answered the question of where the Narochan National Park is located.


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