A story about a people's grief. People's Mountain on the map of the Russian Federation. Mount Narodnaya and Manaraga

Mount Narodnaya (emphasis on the first syllable) – the highest point Ural mountains. The mountain, almost two thousand meters above sea level, is located in a remote area in the Subpolar Urals.

The story of the origin of the name of this key Ural landmark is not a simple one. There has been serious debate among scientists for a long time about the name of the mountain. According to one version, the peak, opened just on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the revolution, was named in honor of the Soviet people - NarOdnaya (with emphasis on the second syllable). According to another version, it was named after the Naroda River flowing at the foot of the mountain (the emphasis in the name of the peak in this case falls on the first syllable).

Apparently, the discoverer of the mountain, Aleshkov, still connected it with the people and called it Narodnaya, although he started from the name of the river. Professor P.L. Gorchakovsky wrote in his article in 1963: “As the late Professor B.N. explained to us in his time. Gorodkov, the name of Mount Narodnaya was derived from the Russian word for “people”. A.N. Aleshkov believed that the idea of ​​the highest peak is in harmony with this word mountainous country; The name came to him only by association with the name of the Peoples River...”

However, now it is officially customary to put the emphasis on the first syllable - NARODNAYA. This is such a contradiction. Meanwhile, scientists have found out that the old, original Mansi name of the mountain is Poengurr.

The history of the surroundings of Mount Narodnaya due to the inaccessibility of this area (hundreds of kilometers from settlements) is very poor. The first scientific expedition visited these parts in 1843-45. It was led by the Hungarian researcher Antal Reguli. Here Reguli studied the life and language of the Mansi, their legends and beliefs. It was Antal Reguli who first proved the kinship of the Hungarian, Finnish, Mansi and Khanty languages! Then, in 1847-50, a complex geographical expedition led by geologist E.K. worked in these mountains. Hoffmann.

Mount Narodnaya itself was first explored and described only in 1927. That summer, the Ural Mountains were studied by the North-Ural expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Uralplan under the leadership of Professor B.N. Gorodkova. The expedition consisted of several detachments.

It is curious that before this expedition it was believed that the highest point of the Ural Mountains was Mount Telposis (Mount Sablya also claimed primacy in height). But the team of geologist-graduate student A.N. Aleshkova during the 1927 expedition proved that the most high mountains The Urals are located in the subpolar region. It was Aleshkov who gave the mountain the name Narodnaya and for the first time in history measured its height, which he determined to be 1870 meters.

Later, more accurate measurements showed that Aleshkov slightly “underestimated” the height of the mountain. It is currently known that its height is 1895 meters above sea level. Nowhere does the Urals reach greater heights than on this Mount Narodnaya.

Mount Narodnaya and its surroundings became a popular tourist route only in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Along with this, the appearance began to change main peak Ural mountains. Signs, memorial signs began to appear here, and even a bust of Lenin appeared. Also among tourists, the custom of leaving notes at the top of the mountain has taken root. In 1998, a worship cross with the inscription “Save and Preserve” was installed here. A year later, the Orthodox went even further - they organized a religious procession to the highest point of the Urals.

Mount Narodnaya is surrounded by peaks named after the geologists Karpinsky and Didkovsky. Among the truly grandiose mountains of this part of the Urals, Mount Narodnaya stands out only in its height and dark rock. On the slopes of the mountain there are many caves - natural bowl-shaped depressions filled with clean transparent water and ice. There are glaciers and snowfields here. The slopes of the mountain are covered with large boulders.

The relief in this part of the Urals is mountainous, with steep slopes and deep gorges. To avoid injury you need to be very careful. Moreover, it is very far from housing. You can climb to the highest point of the Ural Mountains along the ridge from the west, but rocky steep slopes and pits make the climb difficult. The easiest way to climb is from the north – along the spurs of the mountain. The eastern slope of Mount Narodnaya, on the contrary, ends in steep walls and gorges.

No climbing equipment is required to climb the highest point of the Ural Mountains. Nevertheless, to make a hike in this wild and mountainous area, you should be in good sports shape, and if you do not have enough tourist experience, it is better to use the services of an experienced guide. Keep in mind that the climate in the Subpolar Urals is harsh. Even in summer the weather is cold and changeable. The most favorable period for hiking is from July to mid-August. The trek will take about a week. There is no housing here and you can only spend the night in tents.

Geographically, Mount Narodnaya belongs to the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Relatively close to Narodnaya there is a less high, but very beautiful mountain Manaraga.

How to get to Mount Narodnaya?

By rail you need to get to the Verkhnyaya Inta station in the Komi Republic. Participants of the hike will need to register and obtain permission to visit the territory at the office national park"Yugyd Va". It is located at the Verkhnyaya Inta station on the street. Dzerzhinsky, 27a. From the station to the city of Inta, where there is a hotel, bus No. 101 runs. From Inta you will need a transfer to the mountain area. The car will take you to the Zhelannaya quartz mining base. This industrial base is located near Lake Bolshoye Balbanty. From here to the foot of Narodnaya it is approximately 15-17 kilometers, which must be overcome by going up along the Balbanyu River.

Author of the photo: Ekaterina MEZHUTKOVA
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Photo by: iga-e
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Photo by: iga-e Photo by: iga-e
Photo by: iga-e
Photo by: iga-e

For the first time in Russia, Mount Narodnaya appeared on the map thanks to a Hungarian researcher of the Mansi language Reguli.

Once in the area where it was located, he decided to mark the mountain on the map he had. This happened in the 19th century.

Mount Narodnaya on the map of Russia

The top is part of Ural mountains. It is their highest point. For a long time, Narodnaya lost the palm of this championship to the neighboring peak of Manaraga.

Previously, the complex topography of its top prevented an accurate measurement of the height of the object.

Where is it located and in what mountains is it located?

The mountain is located far from human settlements. Geographically, it is located on the border of Komi and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and is part of the National Park "Yugyd Va". Formally, the park belongs to the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

In order to get to the mountain, you need to receive special permission to visit the park at its administration, located in the village of Verkhnyaya Inta, which belongs to the Komi Republic. Geographical coordinates Mount Narodnaya itself: 65°02′00″ north latitude and 60°07′00″ east longitude.

How to get there?

Mount Narodnaya is located in a remote area of ​​the tundra. Its location refers to Subpolar Urals. It is very difficult to get to it.

    First you need to get to the Inta station. This can be done on. Village with " Big world» connects Railway . This method of travel is chosen by the vast majority of tourists.

    To get to the Inta station, you need to take a train going to Vorkuta. Before this population, trains of many follow major cities countries: from Moscow, Novorossiysk, Labytnangi, Nizhny Novgorod, .

  • Further from the railway station, tourists travel by shuttle bus No. 101. He takes them to the city of Inta.
  • From Inta, tourists need to get to the industrial base of quartz miners, called "Desired".
  • The Zhelannaya base is located in the area of ​​Lake Bolshoye Balbanty. You can only get to it from Inta by car.

    The distance from the lake to the mountain is approximately 15-17 km. You will have to overcome the remaining part of the path on foot. The road to the mountain runs along the Balbanyu River.

    The highest point of the Urals - photo

    After Reguli put the mountain on the map, several geological expeditions explored it. One of the first of them was the group A. N. Aleshkova.


    The first name of the mountain is Poenurr, so it was named by Antal Reguli. The word has roots in the Mansi language. It means “mountain-top” or “top of the head.”

    Aleshkov's expedition was the first to study the topography of the mountain and did not quite accurately determine its height (1870 m). During the research of this expedition, the rocks that make up the mountain layers were identified. They consist of slate and quartzite.

    The most interesting thing in the history of the peak is the debate about the correct pronunciation of its name. There are several versions.

  1. According to one of them, the peak got its name in honor of Soviet people. This happened on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the revolution. This option can be found mentioned in the works of Professor Gorchakovsky.
  2. According to another version, the name of the mountain was given by Naroda River. Its bed runs next to the mountain. In this version of the name, the stress falls on the first syllable.

Currently, when pronouncing the name of the mountain, the second option is officially used - Mount Narodnaya.

In addition to Aleshkov’s expedition, before the revolution, the mountain was studied by a detachment of researchers led by E. K. Hoffman. The most in-depth research People's Mountain were held in 1927. This was done by an expedition organized by the Academy of Sciences. It was headed by professors Gorodkov.


Absolute height of the object- 1895 meters. The area in which the mountain is located is difficult to access. Not every tourist decides to go on a trip to her. At the top of the mountain you can find glaciers and large snow piles. The northeastern and southwestern slopes have a large number of plumbs. The only gentle slope of the mountain is cluttered with ridges that periodically crumble.

On the northeastern side of the mountain there is a surprisingly picturesque lake called Blue. It is here that tourists set up their camps. The height of this reservoir above sea level in meters is 1133.

The river, which according to one version gave the mountain its name, originates at one of the slopes, its length is about 140 km. Closest to the mountain forests are located at a distance of 15 km from it.

  • National Park"Yugyd Va", on the territory of which Mount Narodnaya is located, is under protection UNESCO.
  • Accurate data on the height of the mountain were obtained recently- in the 60s of the XX century.
  • The mountain is located in the zone tundra. Its slopes are covered with wild rosemary, grasses and other low-growing shrubs.
  • Air temperature at the top of the mountain it rarely exceeds -8°C.

Many more interesting information you will learn about Mount Narodnaya from this video:

Today, I would like to introduce connoisseurs of Ural nature to the highest point of the Ural ridge - Mount Narodnaya, which was discovered by a complex expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences, sent to study the Urals, almost before the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917.

Folk or People's?

As one version suggests, the mountain was given a name in honor of the Soviet people - Narodnaya, where the stress is placed on the second syllable.

However, another legend says that the peak was named this way even before the Soviets, only with the emphasis on the first syllable, because of the Naroda River, which flows not far from the mountain.

That’s why there are disagreements to this day: how to pronounce it correctly? The discoverers of the mountain themselves mysteriously kept silent about this, and the ancient Mansi generally called the mountain in their own way - Poengurr.

Features of Mount Narodnaya

Mount Narodnaya is considered the highest place Ural ridge, its height above sea level reaches almost two kilometers.

Before its discovery, Mount Telposis was considered the highest peak in the Urals

and towering nearby, Mount Manaraga.

It seemed so visually, due to the terrain, such that it is simply impossible to determine the height of the mountains.

Of course, in comparison with it, with Manaraga, Mount Narodnaya is not so beautiful and does not differ much from other peaks except in height. But, it is 200 meters higher than Manaragi and Interesting Facts prove the right of the mountain to speak of it, as well as the river of the People.

Previously, on old maps they even printed such names as Mount Naroda-Iz, Mount Naroda, but in order not to confuse and somehow bring them to one option, finally in the encyclopedic dictionary 1980 they wrote - Mount Narodnaya.

Climate in the area of ​​Mount Narodnaya

Here, as in all the Arctic regions, there are glaciers, and the climate is quite harsh, characterized by long and cold winters, when the air temperature averages -20°C with strong wind and snow, and, as a result, short, not warm summers, when the temperature does not rise above 10-15° C.

Therefore, if you are planning to conquer this area and mountain, you must take into account the rather cool climate here.

Conquest of Mount Narodnaya

People began to conquer Narodnaya en masse in the middle of the last century. Memorial signs began to be installed at the top.

They say that once they even put a bust of V.I. Lenin, from which something remains today. Whether this is true or not can only be found out after climbing to the top.

Difficulties in conquering the mountain arise not only because of the climate and the steepness of the rocks, but also because the conquerors will have to live in tents, since practically no one lives nearby to the nearest settlements from Narodnaya, hundreds of kilometers away.

If you are poorly physically prepared, you will easily get injured, and you will wait a long time for help. Therefore, you should not conquer Narodnaya on your own, but it is best to turn to the services of travel companies that offer their comprehensive services for climbing, and the most favorable time for this is July - August.

Are you going on a journey to conquer the highest peak of the Urals? Then have fun travels and excursions!

Narodnaya is not a separate mountain, but a peak crowning one of the mountain ranges of the Subpolar Urals - Issledovatelsky on the border of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic. It’s not so easy to get to Narodnaya - the mountain is located geographically within the National Park Yugyd va, and without a pass and registration with the reserve administration, they are not allowed to be on environmental lands. In addition, the surroundings of Narodnaya Mountain are difficult to access and sparsely populated. Apart from the Ural all-terrain vehicles, there are no other types of transport in these places. Helicopter transfers are too expensive for tourists and are rarely used.

Interest in Narodnaya, the highest peak of the Urals, is growing from year to year. The height of the mountain is 1895 m above sea level, of course, the main attraction of the Ural Mountains cannot compete with the highest peaks planet, but the beauty of the harsh nature of the Arctic region remains in the memories of everyone who managed to conquer Mount Narodnaya.

Briefly about the history of research

For the first time, a scientific Hungarian expedition headed by A. Reguli visited the vicinity of Narodnaya approximately in 1843-45, with the goal of studying the life, beliefs and traditions of the Mansi. Reguli managed to prove the common roots of the Hungarian and Finnish languages ​​with the Khanty and Mansi dialects. The expedition reports mention the highest peak of the northern spurs of the Ural Mountains, marked by Hungarian pathfinders on a map called Poen-Urr or Poengurr.

A few years later, another expedition worked near the mountain - under the leadership of geologist E. Hoffman, but the mountain itself was first described in 1927 by researchers of the North-Ural expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor B. Gorodkov, consisting of several teams.

One of these groups was headed by postgraduate geologist A. Aleshkov, under whose leadership measurements of the height of the mountain were taken, proving its primacy among the peaks of the Urals (until now it was believed that the highest peak of the Ural Mountains is Telposis). It was Aleshkov who was the author of the name of the mountain - Narodnaya. True, the debate over the reason why the peak received such a name did not subside for a very long time: some scientists believed that the name of the mountain, given on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the revolution, was associated with the Soviet people, and, therefore, the emphasis should be placed on the second syllable - Narodnaya. But their opponents contradicted them - the name of the mountain is associated with the Naroda river flowing at its foot, and the correct pronunciation is Narodnaya, i.e. with the emphasis on the first syllable.

In modern dictionaries and encyclopedias, the second option is still accepted, although Aleshkov, most likely, when naming the peak, still associated it with the word “people”.

Tourist routes to Mount Narodnaya

Mass conquests highest peak The Urals began in the middle of the last century. Tourists reaching the top of Narodnaya strove to leave something in memory of their presence on the mountain - signs, inscriptions, even a bust of Lenin appeared, then they erected a worship cross, to which last years Orthodox Christians make pilgrimages.

Traveling to Narodnaya usually starts from Lake Bolshoye Balbanty and then upstream the Balbanyu River for another approximately 15-17 kilometers to the foot of the mountain. Climbing to the top is most often done along the easiest northern slope, which can be overcome even by a not very well prepared physically tourist. Climbing the mountain along the western slope is more difficult; there are many steep slopes and pits - bowl-shaped depressions filled with water. The eastern spurs of Narodnaya are steep and rocky, for tourist routes are not used.

The best months for climbing are July and August, but even in the middle of summer, winter can unexpectedly appear; a clear and fine day with a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius gives way to a frosty morning with sub-zero thermometer readings and snow cover, so all tourists are advised to take warm winter clothes with them.

Another important feature of the surroundings of Narodnaya is the whole clouds of mosquitoes, from which only a protective net over the face and thick clothing can save you. It can be dangerous to meet bears that live in forests, but sometimes come to the banks of rivers. However, organized groups going on a hike with experienced instructors do not face serious troubles along the route.

Attractions near Mount Narodnaya

The natural landscapes near Narodnaya are extremely picturesque; everyone who has been at its foot and at the top speaks enthusiastically about the trip.

The path to the summit begins from the Zhelannaya base, located on the shore of Lake Bolshoye Balbanty, a small reservoir formed by a glacial moraine that dammed the Balbanya River at an altitude of 655 m above sea level. 7 km higher is Maloe Balbanty. Both reservoirs are rich in fish; grayling, lake char, and burbot are excellently caught; local fishermen do not return without a catch, consisting of pike, ruff, ide and crucian carp. There is practically no waterfowl on the shores of the lakes; ducks and loons are occasionally found. The lands around the reservoirs were once considered sacred and were called “temple under heaven.” Water was not taken from the lakes, and women were not allowed to leave the boat or sled when crossing this territory.

Balbanya, which is called the river of stone idols, is popular among rafting tourists. Indeed, while rafting along the shores, one observes many picturesque rocks, with a silhouette reminiscent of a person, an animal, and sometimes even some kind of mythical creature.

On the way to Mount Narodnaya, you can see the outlines of several more peaks of the Subpolar Urals, no less beautiful and majestic - the peak of Karpinsky, Didkovsky, and if you go further, you will see a view of one of the most amazing peaks - Manaraga, translated from the Nenets language as “bear’s paw” , with a jagged crest on the top of the head.

Where to stay

Tourists arriving at Verkhnyaya Inta station go to the Zhelannaya base, offering single, double and quadruple rooms costing from 1000 to 2300 for 1 person. Along the route, accommodation is mainly in tents; along the way there is a complex of huts called “Sana-Vozh”.

If placement is required a short time Upon arrival at the Verkhnyaya Inta station, tourists are sent by bus No. 101 to the town of Inta to one of the hotels - “Sadko”, “Paradise”, “Severyanka”, “Gornyak”, “Inta” with a cost per room from 3000 to 7000 rubles.

How to get to Mount Narodnaya

Russia, Khanty-Mansiysk District

The best option to get from Moscow to Mount Narodnaya is by train in the direction of Vorkuta from the Yaroslavsky railway station to the Verkhnyaya Inta station, the ticket price is reserved seat carriage 2500 – 3170 rubles.

Next, tourists are transferred to the Zhelannaya base by Ural vehicles, adapted for transporting passengers. From the base there are walking and water routes to the territory of the Yugyd Va National Park with an ascent to Mount Narodnaya.


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