Small Asian countries in tourism. Tourism centers in Asia. Recreational potential and modern development of tourism in Asia

South Korea - this is the country of Morning Freshness and a window into the future. This is a country that sets the pace for the entire world in the field of electronics and information technology, whose megacities are equipped with free Wi-Fi, and whose crime is so low that many do not even lock their doors. Korea has it all: hot springs, tropical beaches, ski resorts and a unique culture. Everything can be found at East Asia, Korean Peninsula. The Yellow Sea in the west, the Sea of ​​Japan in the east, and North Korea, also known as the DPRK, as its only but restless land neighbor.

South Korea has a moderate monsoon climate, and all four seasons can be clearly distinguished - hot humid summer, dry cold winter, as well as flowering time and golden autumn - short but very sunny and warm periods.

You will definitely have fun in South Korea - most of the residents do not speak English, and you will have to master the ancient art of pantomime. However, in banks, shops and cafes English is usually understood, and signs and metro stations are duplicated in English language. Learning Korean before a trip is a thankless task - unfortunately, in South Korea you will not find understanding in your linguistic experiences. Korean is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world, so don't even try.

South Korea is a predominantly Buddhist country, but in recent decades, followers of Christianity have almost equaled the numbers of Buddhists. Also widespread in South Korea is shamanism, which is also considered a religion under the law on freedom of religion.

Koreans are polite and friendly people raised in the traditions of Confucianism. They don’t even say “thank you” so as not to embarrass the person doing the favor. Here it is customary to ask about a person’s marital status and age - in Korean society there is a complex hierarchy, and these seemingly indecent questions help Koreans navigate their special coordinate system. Koreans also avoid laughing loudly, hugging and kissing in public.

South Korea has beaches, mountains and Seoul as a separate attraction. Beaches on three sides, pebbly and sandy, subtropical, beautiful without exception. The city of Busan is considered the summer capital of South Korea; its four magnificent beaches have long been noticed and loved by residents of our Far East. Salty iodine air, the slight tranquility of the province, the freshest sushi - this is all about Busan. Mountains - they are here too, for example Seoraksan Mountains, national park number one, with ski slopes, trekking routes and hot springs.

You can bring ginseng root and variations on the theme from South Korea - healing teas, tinctures and even jams. Green tea, jade jewelry, vacuum-packed kimchi. Photographic equipment – ​​lenses, tripods, cameras.

Everyone who wants to get to South Korea will like one good news . From January 1, 2014, Russians do not need a visa to visit this state for up to 60 days (for tourism purposes). You will only need a minimum set of accompanying documents explaining the route to visit the country, proof of solvency and a passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of arrival.

East Asia - largest part the Asian continent, which includes Far East our country, vast territories of China, Japan, South and North Korea(DPRK), Taiwan and Mongolia. In terms of geography, natural and climatic zones, East Asia is extremely diverse. Here are located high mountains, in East Asia, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are frequent; a large area is occupied by plains. The countries of East Asia are washed by the waters of the Yellow, East China and Japanese seas. The combination of monsoon, temperate and subtropical climates determines the unique composition of the flora and fauna of East Asia.

Holidays in the countries of East Asia can be whatever you want - until recently, regions almost inaccessible to tourism are becoming increasingly popular. Sights await lovers of urban tourism Chinese capital Beijing, as well as major cities Shanghai and Hong Kong; those who dream of a beach holiday go to the tropical island resort of Hainan. Travel to Taiwan – The best way get acquainted with traditional Chinese culture; many temples, architectural and historical monuments have been preserved here; the rhythm of life in Taiwan is strikingly different from that established on the mainland. Fans of extreme travel are flocking to Taiwan - in remote areas in the east, wild, impenetrable forests have been preserved; stormy terrain awaits its conquerors. mountain rivers, and the caves hide many unsolved mysteries. On the islands and in the most beautiful corners of the coast there are resorts - both luxury and quite affordable. A trip to Japan is exotic for many tourists, as this country is so different from any other. Staying in the capital of the country, Kyoto, leaves you with the feeling of traveling to a fantastic future.

Holidays in the countries of the Caucasus

Transcaucasia is a region located south of the Main Range Greater Caucasus between the Black and Caspian seas. This geopolitical region is located at the crossroads of ancient and modern trade routes between Europe and Asia; in the south, the countries of Transcaucasia border with Turkey and Iran, in the north – with the North Caucasian regions of Russia. The countries of Transcaucasia include Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Abkhazia, where last years Special attention is paid to the development of tourism. And although tourism infrastructure here is still imperfect, travelers have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with history and culture ancient civilizations at an acceptable price-quality ratio.

Georgia has enormous tourism potential. this to your guests sunny country can offer a holiday Black Sea coast, dozens balneological resorts, numerous natural and artistic monuments, as well as other attractions. Georgia is famous for its castles, monasteries and fortresses, unique landscapes, original cuisine, friendliness and sincere hospitality of the local people.

A trip to Azerbaijan will be memorable for lovers ancient history. In the cities of Kuba, Sheki, Lenkoran, Shemakha, whose age is estimated at hundreds of years, towers, churches, monasteries, minarets and other historical monuments have been preserved, many of which appeared here before our era.

Armenia is an ancient country, one of the most interesting to visit and rich in attractions not only in Transcaucasia, but throughout the Old World. Back in the 9th century BC. the state of Urartu was formed here, in addition, Armenia became the first state in the world to adopt Christianity; Ancient Christian monuments have been preserved in all, even the most remote corners of the country.

Tourism in Western Asia

Western Asia is a diverse region. The countries united by the term Western Asia are developing unevenly, among them there are both leaders of the tourism industry - Turkey, Israel, and those whose travel is still classified as extreme - Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan. For tourists, the countries of Western Asia are interesting from the point of view of the opportunity to see with their own eyes natural monuments and ancient civilizations, and get acquainted with their original culture and traditions.

The largest country in Western Asia - Türkiye - can offer guests hundreds of different routes for interesting trips and thousands of vacation spots on the coasts of the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean seas. On the territory of Turkey, the ruins of ancient cities and legendary Christian shrines have been preserved; travelers will find the plains and lakes of Anatolia, the fantastic landscapes of Cappadocia and the best in the world beach holiday. Two components of the recreation industry in Israel are health and pilgrimage tourism. Unique Natural resources Dead Sea help to restore health, diving enthusiasts flock to the Red Sea coast, tens of thousands of tourists annually come to the capital of the country, Jerusalem, to get acquainted with the shrines of Christianity and Islam.

middle Asia

Central Asia is the common name for several former Soviet republics, and currently independent states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The beauty of nature and unique culture have always attracted tourists here. Now the hotel sector and tourism infrastructure of these countries are intensively developing, giving travelers more possibilities for comfortable travel and getting to know countries Central Asia.

On the vast territory of Kazakhstan - more than 2,720 thousand sq. km - there are deserts, flowering steppes, mountain ranges, thousands of large and small rivers, as well as picturesque lakes. It is the diversity of nature that attracts hikers and extreme species sports. Climbers strive to reach the seven-thousander Khan Tengri; attempting to conquer the steep slopes of this peak is a respectable challenge for an athlete of any level. In the densely forested foothills of Kyongei-Alatau hide the most beautiful green lakes Kul-Sey, and in the east of the country - huge lake Balkhash, famous for its unique ecosystem.

Uzbekistan is rightfully considered a treasury of Central Asian culture. One of the central links of the great Silk Road, it is full architectural monuments and evidence of ancient empires, many of which are carefully preserved in perfect condition. The blooming oasis of Azerbaijan - the hospitable capital of Tashkent - is located in the picturesque foothills of the Tien Shan and is best place to get acquainted with the culture of the country. The center of tourist interest is the city-museum of Samarkand, the same age as Rome, the capital of the oldest Asian state.

Most of the territory of Turkmenistan is occupied by the Karakum desert with unique climate and peculiar fauna. Turkmenistan can offer guests unforgettable vacation on the coast of the Caspian Sea.

Tourism in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is an amazingly diverse region of the planet, including the continental states of Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and the island states of Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Brunei and East Timor.

The undisputed leader in the tourism sector South-East Asia Thailand is the most visited country in the region. It seems that life in Thailand is all about finding new ways to surprise and delight foreign guests. Martial arts, religious holidays, the arts of massage and cooking work to attract curious tourists to the country. Taking care of more than 400 temples and pagodas in the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, and the beaches of the resorts of Phuket, Pattaya, and Samui annually brings the country's treasury millions of dollars. At night, Bangkok, which never sleeps, can offer guests a wide variety of entertainment. The second point of the mandatory tourist program after Bangkok is ancient capital Siama Ayutthaya - this historical park, like many other sites in the country, is under the protection of UNESCO.

Indonesia is the largest archipelago of islands in the world and the largest state in Southeast Asia, which could more accurately be called the most big resort planets. Java, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan are famous for their beautiful beaches, modern spa centers, endlessly diverse flora and fauna, breathtaking tourist routes and fantastic diving sites.

The city-state of Singapore attracts tourists with the charm of its old colonial quarters and the ultra-modern appearance of its business center. Architectural and historical monuments of the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, combined with magnificent resorts numerous tropical islands allow you to make your holiday in Malaysia varied and eventful.

Tourism in South West Asia

Just a few decades ago, the countries of South-West Asia - Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE - were not considered attractive for foreign tourists directions. The situation began to change in the middle of the last century, when funds received from oil production in the region made it possible to invest huge resources in the development of the tourism sector and infrastructure. Dozens of oases-resorts appeared right in the middle of the lifeless desert, settlements, consisting of several streets, turned into the largest metropolises.

The hub of South West Asia tourism is definitely United United Arab Emirates- independent states on the coast of the Persian Gulf with the capital Abu Dhabi and the largest emirate of Dubai. With the scale and luxury characteristic of Arabs, dozens of hotels, multi-storey shopping and entertainment complexes and business centers are built here every year. Dubai is famous for its profitable shopping and fashionable resorts on artificial islands. It seems that neither the sea nor the desert can stop the engineering thought of the creators of the fastest growing city in the world.

The closest “neighbor” of the UAE is colorful Oman, which, due to its unique location, is unlike any other country in South-West Asia. There are many ancient port cities along the long coast of Oman; almost everywhere you can find clean and uncrowded sandy beaches with free umbrellas and sunbeds. In Oman's capital, Muscat, guests will find plenty interesting museums and hospitable restaurants.

The center of tourism in Saudi Arabia is Mecca. Millions of Muslims visit this western city in the foothills of Sarawat every year. Also popular among believers are trips to Medina, located north of Mecca, and tourism is gradually developing in the north of the country.

Tourism in South Asia

Despite the fact that most countries in South Asia are classified as developing countries, tourists from all over the world every year make their choice in favor of the democratic beaches of southwest India, the vibrant exoticism of Sri Lanka, and exquisite resorts Maldives, the rugged beauty of Tibet.

You can travel around India endlessly. The oldest country in the world, India, with its unusual vibrant beauty, captivates thousands of Europeans who, to their own surprise, experience peace here and rediscover the simple joys of life. In recent years, India - especially its coast - has become a place of pilgrimage for the creative intelligentsia, people seeking pure communication with each other and unity with nature. Breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean make even short vacation at Indian resorts unforgettable. In addition to beaches and diving in Goa and other resorts on the west coast, India can offer its guests educational trips to natural and historical monuments Delhi, Agra, Mumbai, Rajasthan.

Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is an island of endless holiday. Guests of the island cannot help but succumb to the joyful and carefree mood that reigns in Sri Lanka all year round. The name of the island means “blessed land”, which one cannot but agree with, looking at the lush green tea plantations and national parks, where the rarest representatives of flora and fauna live. Tourists can enjoy coastal resorts and trips to monuments of architecture, history and religion, and get acquainted with local culinary and folklore traditions.

Lovers of everything unusual flock to Bhutan - this mysterious country only recently became open to tourists. For centuries, Bhutan has been a country in the east Himalayan mountains– was almost completely isolated, and now amazes guests with the beauty of numerous Buddhist monasteries and the originality of a lovingly preserved culture.

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Asia is the largest part of the world. More than half of the world's population lives here. In order to better understand the peculiarities of tourism development in this largest part of the world, the following regions should be highlighted: Southwest Asia
(Near and Middle East), South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central and East Asia.
Asia is attracting an increasing number of tourists due to the following factors:
- a huge, extremely capacious territory for receiving tourists (Asia is the largest part of the world);
- washing the coast of Asia by three oceans and dozens of their seas and bays;
- the presence of a huge number of historical and cultural monuments, as well as natural attractions;
- the location of the world's most important shrines and centers of pilgrimage in Asia;
- the ethnic diversity of the continent;
- the presence in Asia of countries with the highest population in the world: China, India;
- rapid pace economic development a number of countries: Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China, etc.
Along with these favorable conditions, there are also a number of negative factors that hinder the development of tourism in Asia. First of all, it should be noted:
- unfavorable natural conditions for tourism in vast territories of a number of countries (deserts, highlands with complex terrain, jungles, etc.);
- poor development transport infrastructure a number of countries;
- the dominance of ideological interests over economic ones in a number of countries, as a consequence of this, the economic backwardness of these countries, their unpreparedness to receive tourists, lack of service (DPRK, Mongolia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq);
lack of internal political and economic stability in a number of Asian countries (Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq).
The main purpose of visiting Asia by tourists from other parts of the world is to get acquainted with the culture, historical and natural attractions. Business trips and congress tourism are most typical for Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and China. Israel is visited for the purpose of treatment and worship of religious values.
External tourism relations in Asia are carried out mainly
aviation. Most flights are operated by international aircraft
airlines, a smaller part - by companies owned
countries of Asia.

Due to the wide range of climatic conditions, there is no specific season for arrivals in Asia, but it can be traced to individual regions.
The main tourist market for Asia is the countries of Europe (of which the former metropolitan countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the Scandinavian countries stand out), the USA and Canada. From Africa, the largest tourist flows are from the Maghreb countries to Mecca and Medina, and from East Africa to India, Pakistan and Iran. There are relatively large flows of tourists from Australia and New Zealand, especially to Southeast and South Asia. Among the Asian countries, Japan stands out in intra-Asian flows.
Flows from Asia to other parts of the world are relatively small; the Asian tourist market is still completely inadequate to match the huge size of its population. Today, the Japanese and residents of a number of countries in South-West Asia are the most likely to travel outside this part of the world.

Southwest Asia

This region covers a vast and extremely diverse territory geographically, historically and socio-economically. This includes 16 states: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey. It should be noted that the conventional concept of “Near and Middle East” is somewhat broader than “Southwest Asia”, since it covers the territory of the states of South-West Asia, as well as Egypt and Sudan. Profitable geographical position some states and regions are combined with the remoteness and isolation of others; favorable climatic and landscape conditions for tourism and resort business, as well as the diversity of recreational resources in some countries - with desert and arid ones (in most of the Arabian Peninsula) in others. There are also serious political differences: in a number of states in the region, monarchies (including absolute ones) with strong vestiges of feudal and tribal relations have been preserved, but the republican form of government still prevails.

In general, South-West Asia can be considered one of the most promising regions in the development of tourism. Wide access to many seas and bays of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, as well as to the Caspian Sea, geographical location at the junction of three parts of the world, various relief and climatic conditions, big number sunny days, unique natural attractions, numerous historical, cultural and religious monuments, the presence of a developed tourist infrastructure in a number of countries (Cyprus, Turkey, Israel) - all these and many other factors contribute to the widespread attraction of guests from other parts of the world, as well as the development of tourist exchange within the region.

South Asia

south asia india landmark

Physiographically, South Asia includes the Hindustan Peninsula, with the Deccan Plateau located on most of it, the Indo-Gangetic Lowland and the Himalayas, as well as the island of Sri Lanka and a number of smaller islands. The physical-geographical separation of South Asia is based primarily on the fact that Hindustan is part of the ancient continent of Gondwana, while the rest of Asia is part of ancient Laurasia. At the same time, Soviet and Russian geographical science allow the inclusion of the Malacca and Indochina peninsulas with nearby islands in South Asia.

In political and geographical terms, South Asia includes the following states: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives. South Asia covers an area of ​​4.5 million km² (10% of all Asia and 3% of the world's total land area), but its population accounts for 40% of the population of Asia and 22% of the world's population.

In South Asia, a tourist can encounter a very wide range of natural features: from tropical rainforests, savannas, tropical deserts (including Thar) to the classically expressed altitudinal zone in the north of the zone - in the Himalayas, where when climbing the mountains you can encounter all altitudinal zones - from wet evergreen thickets (jungles) in the foothills to the nival zone with its glaciers and snowfields in the upper belt of the highest mountains on Earth. Not by chance mountain tourism and mountaineering have increasingly developed in the Himalayas in recent decades. Many climbers strive to conquer the most high peaks world, therefore the role of Nepal as a tourist country has sharply increased. Trips to this mountainous country(with its capital Kathmandu) are successfully combined with a visit to hot India and other South Asian countries, with natural exoticism of various forms. Pakistan and Bangladesh, located in South Asia, are countries of Muslim culture, representing, as it were, an Islamic bridge between some Balkan countries, Western Asia and Muslim regions of Southeast Asia. Numerous monuments from different eras, among which Islamic monuments are especially noticeable, are combined here with completely new architectural phenomena, for example, the new capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, built “out of the blue” after World War II. So Pakistan is a good study in the theme of “old and new.”

The tourist pearl of South Asia is India with its diverse tropical nature, coming to life after the summer monsoon rains, an unusually variegated ethnic and religious composition of the population (in addition to two state languages- English and Hindi brought from the British Isles, dozens of languages ​​are widespread here, spoken by millions and tens of millions of people; There are many faiths, among which Hinduism plays a special role). But, in addition to the diverse nature, India has many cities with big amount historical and cultural monuments of various eras: Delhi (including its new areas - the New Delhi quarters), Bombay with its surroundings, Calcutta, Madras with its surroundings, Benares, sacred to Hindus on the Ganges River, the city of Agra with the world famous miracle architecture XVII V. - Taj Mahal mausoleum. There are many mountain resorts in the Himalayas.

The historical and cultural appearance of Sri Lanka was reflected both by the religious characteristics of its population (professing Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity) and the population of the past colonialists (Portuguese, Dutch, English): civil and temple buildings are quite diverse and varied in style. Most of them are located in the capital of the country, Colombo, as well as an important religious center Kandy. It should be noted that, like South-West Asia, the South Asian zone today cannot be considered completely calm for tourists.

Within the tourist and recreational subregion of South Asia, 4 tourist macro-regions can be identified: Pakistan, Hindustan, Himalayan region, island. Ceylon.


Republic of India

Territory: country with an area of ​​3288 thousand square meters. km, located between the Himalayas and Indian Ocean, in which it owns the Andaman, Nicobar and Laccadive Islands. The territory is divided into 7 natural areas, including the northern mountain ranges, the Indo-Gangetic Valley, the Deccan Plateau, the Thar Desert, the eastern and West Coast and island territories.

Population - 1.2 billion people, second place in the world after China.

The population is represented by three ethnic groups: peoples of the Caucasian group (72% of the population) inhabit northern part countries, peoples of the Dravidian group (25%) live in south india, Mongoloid (3%) - in the northeast. The caste system, abolished by the constitution, still remains in place.

Capital - Delhi

GNP volume - 4.2 trillion dollars according to PPP (2005-2006), per capita - 3800 dollars. The monetary unit is the Indian rupee, the exchange rate of which (March 2008) was 40.3 rupees per 1 US dollar. Growth rate GDP in the first 35 years of independent development did not exceed 3.5%, i.e. less than 1% per capita. In 1999-2000 these figures were 6.2% and 4% respectively. In 2006-2007 they rose to 9.2%, or 7.7% per capita. Gross accumulation rate for 1950-2006 increased from 10 to 32.4%. About 80% of savings are formed in the individual sector, 16% in the corporate sector and 4.5% in the public sector.

Tourism. It is the 3rd largest network that brings in Indian currency and is currently tourism industry gives 6% to Internal Gross Product. Travel and tourism in India is worth US$32 billion and foreign exchange earnings from tourism in 2005 were US$4.8 billion. Tourism is a very priority industry in India and all efforts are aimed at its rapid development. In the hotel and tourism sector, it is possible to obtain automatic approval for foreign investment up to 100%.


There are 26 properties in India world heritage. Mausoleum of the Taj Mahal (Agra city).

The magnificent white marble mausoleum was built in Agra between 1631 and 1648. by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife. The Taj Mahal is the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally recognized masterpieces of the world heritage.

Mahabodhi Temple Complex in Bodh Gaya

Cultural criteria:

Year of inscription on the World Heritage List: 2002

The Mahabodhi temple complex is one of the four sacred places related to the life of the Buddha and, in particular, to his attainment of enlightenment. The first temple was built by Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BC, and the existing temple dates back to the 5th-6th centuries. This is one of the earliest Buddhist temples, built entirely of brick, still survive in India from the late Gupta period.

Fort in the city of Agra (1983)

Cave Temples at Ajanta (1983)

Cave Temples at Ellora (1983)

Taj Mahal Mausoleum (Agra city) (1983)

Monuments of Mahabalipuram (1984)

Sun Temple at Konarak (1984)

Kaziranga National Park (1985)

Keoladeo National Park (1985)

Manas Wildlife Refuge (1985)

Churches and Monasteries in Goa (1986)

Ancient City of Fatehpur Sikri (1986)

Monuments of Hampi (1986)

Monuments of Khajuraho (1986)

Cave temples on Elephanta Island (1987)

Great Temples of the Chola Empire (1987, 2004)

Monuments of Pattadakal (1987)

Sundarbans National Park (1987)

Nanda Devi National Parks and Valley of Flowers (1988, 2005)

Buddhist monuments in Sanchi (1989)

Humayun's Mausoleum in Delhi (1993)

Qutub Minar Tower and its surrounding archaeological sites, Delhi (1993)

Mountain railways India(1999, 2005)

Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya (2002)

Bhimbetka Cliff Dwellings (2003)

Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park(2004)

Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, former Victoria Terminus (Mumbai City) (2004)

Goa is a state in southwest India, the smallest among the states in area and one of the last in population. Former Portuguese colony in India. Population 1.4 million people (25th place). The capital is Panaji. The largest city- Vasco da Gama.

The complete opposite of the southern part of the state - North Goa - is a relatively inexpensive, noisy, democratic and most developed region in terms of tourism. The beaches of the north are popular among tourists with different income levels, but mostly young people come here to relax, who are content with rather modest accommodation and really love fun and eventful activities. nightlife. Beach parties with a special type of techno music, called “Goan trance”, are very popular here: Indian melodies are superimposed on super-low frequencies. North Goa is an international destination for trance music festivals, where you can immerse yourself in an atmosphere of hypnotic ecstasy right under open air on the most beautiful beaches. The same thing quiet place– Arambol with its endless wild beaches, where there are few tourists and practically wild nature. North Goa is famous for its abundance of restaurants with excellent seafood cuisine. And what’s best is that all this is very low prices from the point of view of the average European. A very popular place here is Mapusa, located near the coast and known as the most important shopping mall North Goa. On Saturdays and Sundays there are markets and fairs, and on Catholic holidays there are festivals and carnivals. The legendary place of Goa is Anjuna, held here on Wednesdays swap meet, and sometimes there are parties. Closer to sunset, all kinds of people come to the Shore Bar to meditate to Goa trance as the sun sets. Perfect place for those who came to Goa for the club life - Vagator - all trance fans live here.

Central Goa. There is no such official district as Central Goa, but this part of the state can be distinguished as a separate tourist area. In Central Goa is the capital of the entire state of Panaji, located on south coast wide river Mandavi. This is the largest and most populated (95 thousand people) city in Goa. Panaji is not only the capital, but also a commercial, educational and Cultural Center state. The Goan College of Pharmacy, the Goan College of Arts and the Government Polytechnic College, Dhampe College of Science and Arts (near Miramar) are located here. Panaji Sights: Church of the Immaculate Conception, Municipal Park, Idalsao Palace, Abbot Faria Statue, Menesis Institute, Braganza and Central Library, Liberty Square, Altinho Hill, Fontañas Quarter, San Tome Quarter, Mahalakshmi Temple, Maruti (Hanuman) Temple. Old Goa, also known as Eastern Rome, has been for many years the most important city Portuguese Empire in the East. Old Goa is included in the list of monument cities by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and declared a “patrimony of humanity”. South Goa He is famous for his beautiful beaches of snow-white sand - the longest and widest in all of Goa. The most picturesque beach here is Palolem, which local residents called " Paradise Beach" Palm groves and fragrant flowers grow along the entire coast, and the water here is clearer than in North Goa. South Goa is the most unpopulated part of the state. This part of Goa is considered more respectable - some of the most expensive hotels state.

If you want to enjoy more variety, then you will definitely be interested in tourism in Asia. It's really full of wonders and unusual places. From Mongolia to India, from Israel to the Philippines, vast territories stretch, scorching the sun for tourists and local residents.

What is interesting about tourism in Asia?

Many committing tourism in asia, only here will they learn that philosophy, writing and the wheel were invented in the East. It was in the east that religions were born and peoples experienced very different periods of life. Bloodthirsty hordes of nomads, the birth of great civilizations, primitive cruelty and pearls of creativity, the birth of religions and multimillion-dollar wars, fertility and devastation. Today, popular destinations here include: Israel, UAE, Thailand, India, Maldives, Turkey, Oman, Vietnam, South Korea and other countries.

Before heading to the East, we recommend that you have a guidebook. In Russia, for example, there is Ural reference book, thanks to which you can easily familiarize yourself with the geography of the area. Asia is very diverse in terms of culture and way of life, although it has common values. Most people prefer a slow-paced lifestyle, so purchase a map or guide so you can navigate your route without rushing on the spot. It is also best to ensure that you have a guide who will tell you about the life of the country.

Why visit Asia?

First of all, it is worth noting that the climate in Asia is very diverse, ranging from harsh winters to deserts with unbearable heat. Do you want the sea? Then welcome to Israel or to Persian Gulf in the UAE. If you are not good at geography, you probably didn’t know that the famous Everest is located in the eastern part of the continent. And Irkutsk is the center of Asia and bears the proud name “navel”. The East also became famous for its spirituality and religion. Difficult to find in European countries people who would treat religion this way. But unfortunately, this often served as a reason for wars.

Recently, tourism and economy have been actively developing in Asia. A striking example of this is India and China. Thanks to this, modern infrastructure, hotels are being built here and tourist centers. Tours to Turkey have been in incredible demand for a couple of decades, as they offer cheap holiday, bright sun and lots of entertainment.


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