It's hard to part with Olga Bay. Primorye. Olga village, Primorsky Krai - year-round holiday on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan Holidays in the Olga village

    Included Russian Federation. Formed in 1938 by separation from the former. Far Eastern region. Name based on location in Primorye. Geographical names world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Primorsky Krai... Geographical encyclopedia

    This toponym has other meanings, see Serafimovka. The village of Serafimovka ... Wikipedia

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By dialing in one of search engines“Olga Primorsky Krai vacation”, a potential traveler wants to explore the features of the upcoming trip. In any case, when recovering in Primorye, a person receives an ideal ratio of price and quality of services provided. Long sandy beaches, warm and clear water, beautiful vegetation create excellent conditions for quality rest, which will meet the expectations of tourists of all ages.

Holidays in Olga, Primorsky Territory, are remarkable for the presence of a forest strip in which you can pick mushrooms and listen to birdsong. Such simple actions perfectly restore the nervous system and allow you to organize your own thoughts. The elevated shores of the resort are completely covered with mixed forest. Therefore, a holiday in Olga in 2020 will definitely be remembered for the living conditions and original vegetation Far East and will only give you a good mood.

Olga's best recreation centers: reviews, prices, photos

Prices for holidays in Olga, Primorsky Territory, allow us to judge not only the quality level of accommodation, but also the location of the camp site or hotel. The close proximity to social infrastructure and the beach is one of the advantages of hotel-type complexes. Reviews of holidays in Olga in 2020 give an idea of ​​the degree of satisfaction of tourists with their vacation. It should be noted that they are mostly positive.

In general, prices for holidays in Olga are cheap compared to popular resorts south of our country. Favorable environmental conditions will certainly have a positive effect on a person’s well-being, giving him more strength and energy. Some reviews about holidays in Olga, Primorsky Territory, mention visiting seaport, from where exciting walks can be taken. Two rivers flow into Olga Bay (Olga and Avvakumovka). At the mouth there is a storehouse of all kinds of fish, so amateurs, professionals and just fishing fans do not miss this unique opportunity and return home with a big catch. Photos of a vacation in Olga (Primorsky Territory) allow you to explore the area adjacent to the lake and admire the reservoir itself.

The most popular places to stay in Olga

Reviews of holidays in Olga, Primorsky Territory in 2020 are inextricably linked with the main attractions of the resort, namely:

  • Church of St. Olga;
  • sources of medicinal mineral waters;
  • Chikhachev Island with a lighthouse;
  • Mokrushinskaya cave;
  • fur seal rookery.

Reviews about holidays in Olga talk about the possibility of effective treatment with mineral waters. In combination with the maritime climate, complete restoration of the body's defenses is guaranteed. Photos of your holiday in Olga allow you to see the beauty of the local landscapes and admire the picturesque shores of Vladimir Bay.

Prices, photos and reviews about holidays in Olga

Prices for holidays in Olga, Primorsky Territory, suit the vast majority of tourists, which is why more and more people are choosing this region for a great time. Numerous camp sites and hotels have high-quality buildings with cozy rooms of varying degrees of comfort. Based on photos of holidays in Olga, Primorsky Territory, you can study the location of recreation centers, as well as their level of amenities.

The Aquatoria tourist center welcomes guests and residents of the Primorsky Territory in the warm season - from May to September. Vacationers can eat in a cafe with Chinese cuisine, which is located on the first floor of the residential building. The cost of living for one person is 1000 rubles per day. The rooms are all the same type and include single beds, bedding and linen. Tourists have the opportunity to use the barbecue. Based on reviews of the holiday in Olga 2020, the positive aspects of the stay are free parking and Wi-Fi zone. Also worth noting is the daily cleaning of the rooms and polite staff.

The recreation center "Cape Balyuzek" is located on the coast of Vladimir Bay. Tourists are provided with car parking, barbecues, sports and children's playgrounds, gazebos, and barbecues. As for the pricing policy of the camp site, the cost of 3 local number is 3,500 rubles per day, and for a 6-bed individual house - 7,000 rubles. You can while away the summer evenings in cozy cafes that operate on the territory of the recreation center. It is also possible to rent a boat or go on exciting excursions. Reviews of holidays in Olga, Primorsky Territory, indicate beautiful nature and few mosquitoes. Tourists also emphasize the huge portions of hearty dishes in the cafe. The negative aspects of the holiday include the poor level of cellular communication. Thus, regardless of the chosen option, the prices for holidays in Olga will pleasantly surprise guests of the camp site.

People lived on the territory of the Olginsky district many centuries ago. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds: stone tools primitive man, earthen fortifications, various stone sculptures, pottery, etc. All this was found by archaeologists from Moscow and St. Petersburg in the eighties of the twentieth century in the Blue Rocks area. Scientists attribute the first settlements in the area to the times of the existence of the ancient state of Bohai.

On July 1, 1857, the wheeled steamship-corvette “America” took off from Nikolaevsk-on-Amur for a voyage, the course was taken to West Coast Sea of ​​Japan. There was a diplomatic mission on board under the leadership of Admiral Efim Vasilyevich Putyatin. He was heading to China to continue peace negotiations. In addition, he was ordered: “... without deviating in everything from the direct path, it was possible to examine that part of the said coast that was not described by the frigate “Pallada” on its last voyage and remained unexplored by English ships in 1855”.

The steamship-corvette “America” was accompanied by the schooner “Kamchadal” under the command of Andrei Mikhailovich Chudinov.

Sailing along the Amur Estuary went very quickly. Even before dawn, the ships passed De-Kastri Bay, from there they headed to the island. Sakhalin, where the Duesky mines were supposed to be bunkered with coal. Having loaded with coal, both ships headed along the island. Sakhalin, south of the Douai post, it was necessary to land an expedition of Lieutenant Rudovsky with fifteen sailors to carry out hydrographic work. Due to the stormy wind, it was impossible to land. It was decided to change course and move along the mainland coast of the Tatar Strait.

We reached the coast at latitude 44 N, there was fog. On July 13, 1857, taking advantage of the calm, they played a rush game in the morning. “Kamchadal” was pulled right along the side of “America” and began to reload coal. By lunchtime the fog cleared and the sailors saw the bay. While measuring the depth, both ships began to enter a bay that was not marked on any map. It consisted of three bays.

We anchored. The commander of “Kamchadal” Chudinov determined geographical coordinates. The boats were lowered and the officers reached the shore. A topographical survey was carried out. The result was the first map of the bay. The bay was given the name St. Vladimir in honor of the Prince of Kievan Rus Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, Equal to the Apostles, who performed the baptism in Kyiv. All capes and bays were named in honor of the discoverers. On July 14, 1857 (old style), after the final shipment of coal, the schooner “Kamchadal” headed from Vladimir Bay back to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, with the task of landing the Rudovsky expedition on the island. Sakhalin.

The steamship-corvette “America” continued its journey along the coast of Primorye. By evening, a rocky island was encountered on the way; there was a strait between it and the mainland, but the ship was unable to pass through it due to shallow water.

The bay was named Saint Olga (in honor of the princess of Kievan Rus). The river flowing into Tikhaya Pristan Bay was named Olga, and the other, flowing into Avvakumovka Bay, was named in honor of Avvakum’s father, who accompanied the diplomatic mission. Father Avvakum carved a cross, wrote on it who and when discovered Olga's bay and dragged the cross onto the hill, since then this hill began to be called Krestovaya. On July 15, 1857, at about 4 p.m., America left the bay and headed for China.

1857 was the year of opening Olga Bay , and November 1858 can be considered the moment of settlement and development of the current Olga village , since on November 10, 1858, the screw corvette “Baikal” came to Olga Bay and anchored in the bay for the winter, and on November 6, four days earlier, the schooner “Baikal” anchored for the winter. The crews of both ships built the first houses, a pier, and outbuildings. We explored the route overland to Vladimir Bay. Let us remember the words of V.K. Arsenyev about Olga yesterday. Only 20 years after the founding of Olga, writes Vladimir Klavdievich, a paramedic arrived there, “until that time, the local bailiff performed his duties: he was both a teacher and a doctor, carried out justice and executions”.

The state cared not only about economic development. Much work was carried out to expand the network of education and health care, and the cultural education of workers. In 1937, the area had 20 schools with 824 students, three permanent and 39 seasonal kindergartens, two clubs, four libraries and two cinemas, three hospitals and 26 doctors and paramedical personnel.

As an administrative and Cultural Center The village of Olga in the early forties had a population of almost 2.5 thousand. There was a post office, telephone, telegraph, radio station, maritime agency, pier, and marine terminal. A secondary school, a library, a kindergarten and a nursery were provided to residents.

Concerts of amateur artists in their villages, performances on the stages of neighboring clubs, staging plays - all this became a characteristic phenomenon of the first post-war decade.

Now Olga is the administrative center of the district of the same name. The village is located in the depths of the bay on the shore, surrounded by the high ridges of Tikhaya Pristan Bay. The leading enterprise of the village is a timber transshipment base. The district center is an important transport hub providing intra-district connections. By bus routes the village of Olga is connected to all settlements in the region, as well as to the village of Kavalerovo and the cities of Dalnegorsk and Partizanskoye. Until 1991, the village had regular maritime communications with the regional center (the regular steamer Vladivostok-Svetlaya called once a week). This shipping line has now been liquidated.

In 2003, 21 educational institutions operated in the district, including 4 preschools educational institutions, in which 262 children are raised. There are 1,777 students studying in the district's schools.

In 2003, 179 square meters of individual housing, built by the population at their own expense, were commissioned; in the future, it is planned to commission housing by individual developers with an increase of up to 250 square meters. Medical services for the population of the region are provided by medical personnel municipal institution central district hospital in the village of Olga, local hospital in the village. Sailor-Fisherman, on the basis of which medical and social assistance is provided (10 beds are allocated) for single elderly citizens. Rural population served by paramedic and midwife stations.

The village of Moryak-Rybolov was founded in 1902 year, located along the bay and limited from the north by the Margaritovka River. It is a port point where there are quarantine and sanitary services, the border checkpoint is carried out customs control registration of arrival and departure of foreign vessels. In 1929, a settlement was formed here, whose residents were engaged in fishing and its processing. Fishing was originally carried out on sailing scows and close to the shore. In 1932, a state fish factory was created in the village. The main commercial object was sardines. Due to the depletion of sardine stocks and the subsequent transfer of fish processing to sea floating bases, the fish factory was closed in 1962. Currently, the fishing collective farm produces fish and seaweed. At the port point there are 3 berths belonging to the fishing collective farm. The modern fishing fleet of the collective farm includes seiners, medium and small fishing trawlers. Collective farm workers, in addition to catching fish, are engaged in subsidiary farming, growing vegetables and fruit and berry crops.

Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, my mother and I decided to go on a trip to Olga Bay, Primorsky Territory. We boarded a train that went from Moscow to Vladivostok and for seven long days, I waited for the final stop, but the closer we got, the more interesting the landscape outside the window became.

The beauty of these places was amazing: numerous hills, fast rivers, rocks. And how many tunnels you pass through, it takes your breath away. I even lost count. From Vladivostok we boarded the motor ship “Lyubov Orlova” and went to Olga Bay along the Sea of ​​Japan. The journey took a little less than a day, but at night there was a storm and we stood in the sea for 8 hours, and the waves rocked our ship. Only in the morning the sea calmed down and the ship approached the bay. The boat arrived and took us to the pier. Here it is, the bay. Thanks to my mother, I will remember this trip for the rest of my life...
When I grew up, I went back to Olga. Now we were traveling by bus from Vladivostok. It’s a shame that the ship’s flight was cancelled. The trip is a bit extreme. Like on a roller coaster, we climbed up the hill and went down. Sometimes you’ll see we’re almost on the edge of an abyss, and so on all the way. Trains do not go to Olga herself, thanks to the mighty Sikhote-Alinsky ridge, it is simply impossible to lay a railway track. We actually thought about it, but it was difficult with it, and we didn’t resort to such a solution.

And finally we arrived at Olga’s bus station. The village itself is small, there are still many places where you can find, as before, wooden huts with a Russian log bathhouse. In winter, they are heated with wood; in the summer, residents stock up on it, laying out huge woodpiles of firewood. The sea in the bay is clean and transparent.

Olga Bay

In the bay cleanest beach. I like to relax here as a savage, I rent a wooden house from local residents for a few days. They are very hospitable. They always treat you to salted fish and red caviar. The beach is sandy and has pebbles, the water near the shore is warm, but going deeper it becomes colder

By the way, you can still find a well here, like the old one - the Crane. Having laid out our things in the house, we went to get some holy water. Locals say that in the taiga a small spring came out of the ground, a wounded bear crawled to it, lay down in it and lay there for several days, the healing water helped the bear recover. Since then, people have been going to the source for holy water to improve their health.

We drank some Narzan water full of vitamins and microelements. We put some more in bottles to take with us for the evening. To go fishing and explore the immediate surroundings, we rented a pleasure boat. Renting a boat here costs pennies. Fishing rods and fishing net You can also rent it. Towards evening, when the sun was setting, we went for a walk along the seashore, admiring the sunset

and collecting living stars.

There are small hills of seaweed on the shore; it gets washed up with waves during a storm. The water here is so clean and transparent that when you climb onto a rock,

I watched from above as a scuba diver swam underwater.

I experienced so many emotions and joy. The next day we planned a trip to the cave. Although the weather outside was very warm and hot, the cave was cold, damp, dark and a lot of ice, we never made it to the end, we froze and turned back. Armed with buckets, we went into the taiga. Taiga will feed you.

Formed in 1938 as a territorial unit of Russia. The administrative center is Vladivostok. The total occupied area is slightly more than 164 square kilometers. The total population of Primorye is 1.9 million people. Borders with North Korea and China, Khabarovsk Territory RF. There are 12 cities and 22 administrative centers in the Primorsky Territory, each of which is interesting and unique in its own way.

Olginsky district

There are 19 settlements in the region, 6 of which are rural settlements and 1 city. There is only one here - Olga, Primorsky Territory, with a population of 3625 people.

The settlement is divided into two parts:

  • on the shore of Olga Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan;
  • in Olga Valley.

There is a mountain pass between these parts.

Historical reference

Mariners first discovered the bay in the Sea of ​​Japan in 1856. It was the British ship Hornet, so the bay was named after the captain of the ship - the port of Michael Seymour.

In 1857, a corvette steamship belonging to the Russian flotilla sailed to the shores of the bay. The team was unable to immediately see the outlines, but before sunset the fog cleared and the boundaries of the bay became clearly visible. And then they named the bay in honor of Saint Olga, Princess of Kievan Rus. The discovered river was named in honor of Avvakum's father, and the one that flowed into the bay was named Olga.

The next morning, Father Avvakum installed a cross on the nearest hill, on which the date and names of the discoverers of the bay were inscribed. In 1858, a military post was already formed here, and Lieutenant N.K. Derper became its first commander.

Climatic conditions

The village of Olga, Primorsky Territory, is a territory classified as the southern region Far North. The average annual temperature here does not exceed +6.3 °C, but the humidity is average, about 66%. The wind is usually not strong, with an average speed of 4.9 m/s.

Infrastructure and transport

The village of Olga, Primorsky Territory, is a small settlement, but it has everything for a comfortable stay, a hospital, pharmacies and even a museum. There is a bus connection with the village, although until 1990 it was possible to get to Vladivostok only by plane. Until 1980, the port, which is located in Olga Bay, was regularly visited by passenger ships. There is no railway connection with the village, but there are plans to build a road that will have a station in the village.

Sights and recreation

The settlement Olga, Primorsky Territory, is a picturesque corner of nature with clean sandy beaches, despite the low average annual temperature. It won’t be hot here, but in the summer season (from June to August) the water temperature warms up to + 22 °C. Beaches settlement located in a bay where the water warms up much faster than in the sea itself. There it does not rise above +16 °C even in the hottest weather.

But the recreation centers in Olga, Primorsky Territory, welcome not only those who want to bask in the sun and swim. There is a ski base on the territory of the village, where you can rent equipment and go skiing to your heart's content. There is also a skating rink here.

Vasilkovsky Zoological Reserve

In the Olginsky district there is a reserve, which was created in 1973, with a total area of ​​34 thousand hectares. The terrain here is mid-mountain, the maximum height is 711 meters.

Fishing, hunting and deforestation are prohibited in the protected area. Research activities, geological exploration and mining are even partially limited.

There are 28 plant species that are classified as endangered here. The region boasts the presence of rhododendron acuminate, edelweiss palibina and club club tamarisk. Particular attention is paid to the Olga larch, which is often seen among tourists in photos from Olga of the Primorsky Territory.

About 100 species of birds live on the territory of the reserve, and approximately the same number of species come here for seasonal migration. By the way, 16 species migrating here are listed in the Red Book.

There are many insects in the reserve, 27 species of which are also protected.

Natural monuments

Literally 12 kilometers from the urban-type settlement Olga there is the Serafimovskaya cave. This is a four-tier cave, with multiple sinter formations, 47 meters deep and 380 meters wide. In the lower tier there is small lake.

One of the natural attractions of the area is the Mokrushinskaya Cave. It has two tiers and 4 halls, up to 25 meters high and up to 60 meters long. Near the entrance to the cave there is a well that connects the first and second tier. Below, in the first tier there is a small lake. total area caves - 800 meters, which defines it as the largest in the entire Far East.

Where to live?

There are enough recreation centers and hotels in Olga, Primorsky Territory, to accommodate everyone.

You can stay in the hotel at Rosmorport, which is located on Rucheynaya Street, 11. There are 3 types of rooms, from standard to luxury, although there are only six of them. There is secure parking and a bathhouse on site. Cost of living from 2100 rubles.

The village has Kid `s camp named after Demyan Mamatov, located on Arsenyev Street, 22. If you wish, you can live with local residents or in nearby villages. They won’t ask for much for accommodation, and lunch will be prepared for a fee.

Extreme sports enthusiasts have the opportunity to stay in a tent, but it is worth remembering that the infrastructure here is still poorly developed, so there are no amenities. Coastal zone The bay is a recreational place where vacationers and tourists are welcomed all year round.


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