Top year-round camps. Rating of children's camps in the Moscow region. EMERCOM base "Rescuer"

Everyone can remember the happiness of being in a children's camp. All that was required was an observatory and a splash pool with fallen leaves. And another burning circle. You can imagine how much joy children experience when they get to camps like those on this list.

Shark Camp in Fiji Islands

The entertainment program at the camp includes extreme pleasure - swimming in the water area where sharks are found. Only teenagers and high school students are allowed into the camp. The camp is located in the controlled and protected Shark Reef Nature Reserve. Children swim under the supervision of instructors wearing divers' uniforms. In addition, they are taken on an excursion to the island where the Beka volcano is located. The camp is one of the preparation programs for admission to various colleges in a special field, for example, to major in biology.

Panda camp in China

A camp called 360 Student Travel (360 travel for students) - the Chinese cannot do without poetic twists in the names! - one of the most wonderful camps in the world. By the way, the name is quite telling: children who vacation here receive such a rich cultural program that you don’t get on any tourist trip. They are taken on an excursion to Forbidden City, to Tiananmen Square, to the city of tigers and bears, to the Great Wall of China (and this is a bicycle ride). Every day, children are taught to ride bicycles, learn rock climbing and rafting skills, learn how to plant and cultivate rice fields, teach calligraphy and ancient dances, acrobatic stunts and martial arts.

Children take mud baths, fortunately the camp is located in an environmentally friendly place.

But the most important thing, of course, is communication with pandas. There is a nursery here where pandas are raised and helped to recover. And children act as volunteers. No wonder kids of all ages literally disappear here. free time. Who wouldn't want to tinker with the cutest creatures?

The cost of living in the camp per month ranges from $6,100 and above. This is because children do not live in houses, but in real luxury hotels.

Explosives Summer Camp

In Missouri, near the Missouri Ozarks mountain plateau, there is Kid `s camp, where children from all over the planet come. Here they are taught how to handle explosives and are shown how dynamite, plastid, and trinitrotoluene explode.

The director of the camp, Pavel Worsi, a professor at the Institute of Scientific Technologies in Rolla, thus attracts children, in fact, “recruiting” them to work in the mine. He loves his job and takes every precaution when working with children. Everyone loves him because he is a joker and joker. Naturally, there are simply no limits to children’s delight. What a joy it is to really, truly blow something up. Children from 12 to 16 years old are accepted into the camp, and older ones are already invited to training courses as students.

The most expensive children's camp on Rocket Lake

Located in the heart of the Adirondack Mountain Range in the Appalachian Mountains in New York State clean lake Rocket. This luxurious place is little known and therefore expensive. It is considered so exclusive that even the children’s camp website does not list prices: they are offered individually. What is known is that you will have to spend at least $12,000 per month for one child. But the rest here is worthy of kings. The child is provided with high-quality modern equipment, like that of Olympic champions, the camp has security and coastal supervision, children can canoe and row. There is training in horse riding and tennis, children live in vans on wheels, equipped with the latest innovative technologies.

They have their own theater troupe, which is supervised by artists and directors from Broadway; children are also taught to play the musical instruments, and in the evenings a live orchestra plays on the shore of the lake. Musical genres are different, but jazz is predominantly heard. They have their own vocal coaches, personal tutors, in general, everything you want for the full development of your child.

The purest water, expensive, luxurious food. The camp can simultaneously accommodate 450 children aged 6 to 16 years. Each child, among other things, is assigned a personal assistant and a curator.

The camp is divided into a zone for boys and girls. But activities and entertainment are held together. The camp was founded in 1916 and has remained a camp for the elite ever since.

Charleston Good Manners Camp

If you need your child to be raised like a Queen of England, send him or her to Charleston's Protocol and Etiquette Camp, or as it's formally known, Civil Savvy Camp in South Carolina.

Every year, young ladies and gentlemen aged 11 to 15 years are taught many skills: social activity, success, the ability to position themselves in society, develop and hone leadership and business qualities, behave correctly at the table and in society, the art of dressing and speaking . Unusual skills teach how to behave correctly in in social networks, speak in the right tone, express your emotions with your eyes or, conversely, be able to disguise them. Children are taught to sing, dance, oratory, speech literacy, and expand their erudition. In other words, they are doing everything to ensure that brilliant aristocratic people emerge from the camp.

But don’t think that the children here are going crazy from boredom and eternal study of the rules. There is dancing, a swimming pool, and a lot of purely children's entertainment, sports and cultural.

At the end of the season, children take a test to see how well they have mastered their etiquette skills. Parents are present at this festive evening. It's more like a fun holiday ball than an exam.

Hollywood stunt camp

Hollywood Stunt Camp - a Hollywood stunt camp designed for children to be able to perform complex stunts that stuntmen perform in real films. Hollywood experts work here, and they teach children the correct way to fall (for example, from a 10-meter tower to the ground) and flexibility, dancing, wrestling, somersaults and other nuances so that they can perform tricks without harming themselves. Camp training costs from $2,000 to $10,000 for one child for two weeks.

Camp for future cosmonauts

Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama is a real college (that is, research) camp, only for teenagers. Everything is real here. Children study technology, engineering, mechanics, various sciences, and also constantly train, including in zero gravity conditions. In order to make learning interesting, surrounding “missions” are created for children, and children walk on the “Moon”, study the development of the planet Mercury in created pseudo-real conditions. In fact, the camp is already preparing future cosmonauts, although you can relax here just like that, just pay and bring your child.

Invented for schoolchildren during the holidays wonderful holiday- children's camps. Here children, under the watchful gaze of adults, spend summer days, eventful cultural program and unforgettable experiences. However, parents always face a difficult choice - where to send their child so that he not only follows the regime, but also has a lot of fun.

10 "United Kingdom"

This is where your English language skills will be tested. Communication in a playful way will help improve your pronunciation skills. You ask: “Where is this useful complex for child development located?” In the forest, not far from the city of Naro-Fominsk, there is a camp under the magical name “United Kingdom. Organizers children's recreation thought through everything down to the smallest detail. Each shift is filled with games, competitions, sports competitions, master classes, and various shows.

9 "Wave"

How else could a camp located near the shores of the Black Sea be called? The recreation program at the health resort is aimed at ensuring that each child receives certain skills: excellent orientation, taking high-quality photographs, and moving rhythmically. It doesn’t matter if all the planned tasks are not embodied in one person. The main thing is to choose an activity that interests you. A football field, tennis court and sports ground have been prepared for sporting achievements.

8 "Energetic"

The Juniper Grove, which is located near Anapa, hides in its arms a wonderful place for recreation for active and versatile children. There are many clubs on the camp grounds where capable children will show their talents in dancing, handicrafts, vocals, acting and other areas. Here they will definitely make friends, and will remember for a long time the wonderful summer season filled with fun, smiles and good mood.

7 "Nano Camp"

Little geeks who are interested in robotics, computer programming, and economics can continue to develop their projects along with their rest. Nano Camp is an innovative health resort that provides a special program for gifted children to acquire even greater skills and abilities. Of course, along with training, the children have a good rest. Tennis court, swimming pool and modern competition unusual name"paintball". What could be better during childhood?

6 "Friendship"

Developed infrastructure, flow of vacationers - confirmation good option for teenagers to relax. The health resort is located not far from Moscow, 20 km. So that the children do not get bored, a rich program has been invented in which their abilities will definitely show. Competitive excitement, combined with skills and abilities, will once again show the children that knowledge today is a reliable support for the future. Therefore any helpful information, received during active rest, will serve well in later life.

5 Health resort named after Yu. A. Gagarin

Nowadays, the profession of an astronaut will not surprise anyone, but some children continue to dream about the distances of space and travel to other planets. The children's health resort, which bears a famous name, is located in the village. Petrovo (Moscow region). This is an ideal place to restore a child's body. Not only clean air contributes, but also an intellectual program designed for a curious child. Constant competitions help determine the level of achievement, increasing the chance of being among the winners.

4 "Change"

The ecologically clean area of ​​the Black Sea coast is a wonderful place to relax. The children's health resort, located near the city of Anapa, warmly welcomes children who want to spend their summer holidays with benefit. Children aged 6 to 15 years are a welcome contingent. An individual program for each shift will help to reveal abilities, improve health, and gain new knowledge. Those who like sports and music are invited to the dance and gym. Well, for horse lovers, please, a horse base. A tennis court, a swimming pool, a museum are an endless opportunity to show off your achievements.

3 "Rescuer"

It’s good when, along with rest, a child receives special knowledge that will help him in the future acquire the desired profession. 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road in Oak Grove there is an excellent camp at the Ministry of Emergency Situations base. The children learn video editing, computer literacy, try extreme sports and get acquainted with their first skills medical care. Why is this necessary? Perhaps one of them will certainly choose a calling - to save people. Natural phenomena Sometimes they are forced to be in extreme situations and timely support from competent specialists saves lives.

2 "Ocean"

In the Primorsky region on the shore Pacific Ocean There is an excellent complex for children's recreation. The camp is divided into four squads. Teachers and counselors will try to help the children discover their inner potential and express themselves. A rich individual program is aimed at diversified development. No one will be bored here. Is it really possible to refuse incendiary discos, a large library, a gym, and an Internet club. A modern kid will definitely find something to do to his liking.

1 "Eaglet"

Everything came together here: the location of the camp, the wonderful climate and a thoughtful entertainment plan. Clean air, immaculate beaches and the beauty of the Black Sea coast will improve the health of children. “Orlyonok” includes seven independent camps in which schoolchildren aged 11 to 16 years relax. A whole range of activities have been created for them. different directions– sports, music, technology and much more. Cultural tours, excursions, concerts - this is only a small part of the planned ideas. The main thing is that your stay is useful, fun and carefree.

Childhood impressions, covered in warmth and love, remain in the memory for a long time. Attentive parents will definitely do everything to ensure that their childhood years are filled with joy and happiness. With such internal baggage, the child is not afraid of life's difficulties. The confidence gained at a young age will take root and provide a solid foundation for developing a full-fledged personality.

The spring months are the time when many parents think about where to send their children for the summer holidays. Out of town to visit your grandmother or to the glorious Artek since Soviet times (a trip there, as it became known the other day, costs 65 thousand rubles)? In an attempt to answer this question, studied world experience and chose the most interesting options for children's recreation.

All children's camps are needed to keep children occupied and, if possible, to teach them something in the summer. All of them, like schools and institutes, are different. Some focus on the educational program - a kind of continuation of school classes with excursions, after-school activities and entertainment events. In others, most of the time is devoted to physical training and the development of sports skills; in others, children are taught foreign languages ​​in an entertaining way.

Study, study and study again

Do you feel like your child doesn’t spend enough time on school lessons? Or, on the contrary, you can’t tear him away from textbooks and tests? Then you should take a closer look at summer camps where the main focus is on academics.

For example, the American summer school BizSmart. At the camp, organized with the support of Stanford University, teenagers learn business, finance and document management. The best students are offered internships at companies such as Microsoft or Google.

The United Nations also has its own international camp. Here young people are taught the basics of global diplomacy. Teenagers are given lectures by professors from leading universities, former Peace Corps volunteers (a humanitarian organization that provides assistance to distressed countries) and UN employees.

A child who dreams of becoming an astronaut can be sent to a NASA camp located in the US state of Alabama. Here, future space explorers can communicate with real astronauts, scientists and technical specialists. In addition, much attention is paid to physical training.

There is a similar, though not as large-scale, project in Russia. In located in Leningrad region space training camp for children " Shumgam", the younger generation is taught astronomy, astronautics, as well as the basics of piloting aircraft. As part of physical training, classes are held at the climbing wall, as well as on the “Lunar Gravity” and “Centrifuge” simulators.

This year there are two shifts in the camp - from July 8 to 28 and from August 3 to 10. The cost of a trip starts from 29 thousand rubles.

Other summer educational events for children are also held in Russia. The largest of them, perhaps, can be called “Summer School”. In July-August it attracts more than a thousand participants. These are mainly students, but there are also several areas for schoolchildren. For example, departments of journalism, medicine, psychology, social sciences, natural sciences, as well as the geographical workshop “Geo-geo”.

No need to talk. Squat until you drop

There are even more physical training-oriented children's camps than educational ones. Every summer, many sports clubs take their young students out of town, where the children continue to train. However, usually only club members are accepted there. Although there are exceptions.

For example, football camps of Real Madrid or Barcelona, ​​where they take children from 6 to 18 years old, regardless of gender. In addition to football training itself, language courses are held here, and excursions to Spanish attractions are also organized. The cost of a two-week shift in these projects starts from two thousand dollars.

In Missouri, an annual bombing camp is organized for teenagers. Children are taught how to handle explosives, explaining, of course, how not to get hurt from them themselves.

Summer, sea, beach

But most of all there are entertaining children's camps. Here you are not forced to participate in grueling training or sit for hours at desks in mathematics or physics lessons. The main focus is on teenagers' leisure time.

China Camp 360 Student Travel offers dozens of excursions and fun trips. In just a few weeks, children will be able to visit the Great Chinese wall, explore the Forbidden City and Tananmen Square. At the camp, children will be taught rock climbing, rafting, calligraphy, ancient dances and martial arts. But the most interesting thing is communicating with pandas. There is a nursery on the camp grounds, and children become volunteers during their shifts, who are supposed to feed and care for the animals. The only thing that confuses us is the price of such a vacation - for a month of living with pandas you will have to pay about 6.1 thousand dollars.

At a shark camp in Fiji, children are taught diving and allowed, under the supervision of instructors, to swim in waters where sharks are found. The project is considered one of the preparation programs for admission to various colleges of a special direction, but they try not to overload the children with their studies. The main thing is a warm sea and bright sun.

If bourgeois comfort is closer to you, you can send your child to a camp near Rocket Lake in New York State. Here children are provided with sports equipment that only Olympic champions, teach canoeing. The camp area is guarded. The camp's theater troupe is supervised by Broadway stars. In the evenings, of course, there are discos - popular performers provide the music. Children live in comfortable rooms and are fed by famous chefs. Each child is assigned a personal assistant and curator. The cost of such a vacation is discussed with each candidate individually and is not publicly disclosed, but it is known that the minimum price for a month of stay in the camp is 12 thousand dollars. Maybe it’s better to go to Artek?

Every child looks forward to long summer holidays to unwind, take a break from school everyday life and gain strength for the new school year. Parents organize differently children's leisure, But main goal Everyone’s goal is to give their child the opportunity to have fun and interesting time.

Many people send their children to summer camp, which can become the best children's camp in the world for a child if it is remembered for exciting activities, meeting new people, and having a great time.

If a couple of decades ago all children’s and pioneer camps were “the same,” today parents and children have the opportunity to choose from a huge variety of similar institutions with different recreation programs, teaching methods, and different approaches to students. A vacation at a summer camp for every child is not only interesting activities and new emotions, it is an opportunity to feel like an adult and independent, and gain valuable life experience.

One of the best children's camps in Russia is new complex"English Club"- a system that combines not only intensive entertainment program, but also continuous learning English language in an interesting way. Recreation programs are designed for both young children and teenagers who have basic knowledge of a foreign language.

Parents themselves decide where their child will spend the summer: in a comfortable boarding house located in the Moscow region, or abroad, on the warm sea coast. It's interesting that every race is different original idea and theme: “Harry Potter”, “ lost World", "Lost", "Corridors of Time", "Avatar" - in 10 years of work, not a single concept has been repeated!

Those parents who want to instill strength of character in their children and introduce them to Orthodox traditions can send their offspring to camp "Bogoslovo", which is located in the Moscow region. All shifts are held in the form of tent cities. Children live in tents, on the banks of a river or near a forest (an ecologically clean area is always chosen).

Food cooked on field stoves, isolation from TV and computer games, an active lifestyle in nature, exciting activities and games - all this helps children strengthen physically and spiritually, master self-care skills, and learn to communicate with peers. Any baptized child can be accepted into the camp.

Camp means sea

When mentioning a children's camp, associations most often arise with the Black Sea: it was there during the Soviet Union that most children's health resorts were located. Today Black Sea coast there are also a lot of similar establishments, among which you can choose the one that suits you in all respects.

For example, the camp “The Sea Teaches Everything” is one of the best children’s camps in Anapa. Children can spend an unforgettable vacation here, alternating relaxation with activities in mountaineering, rowing, rock climbing, and scuba diving.

Other similar establishments are also popular, among which the most famous is the Bimlyuk sanatorium. In this medical and health care facility, any child can strengthen their immune system, improve their health and just have a fun holiday. The spruce and pine trees growing here fill the air with ozone and phytoncides, making it very clean and truly healing.

On vacation - abroad

In addition to Russian camps, parents today often send their children to vacation abroad, still giving preference to neighboring countries. For example, many strive to get to Artek - the best children's camp in Ukraine at all times! Children with disabilities are also accepted here, for whom the most good conditions residence.

Among the best children's camps in Bulgaria, “Friends” and “Serdika” stand out. Mostly teenagers aged 14-17 come here to spend an interesting holiday in the company of their peers. Vacationers are always offered exciting activities, sports and memorable excursions. The combination of fresh sea air and evergreen forests will allow you not only to get positive emotions, but also to improve your health during your vacation.

When choosing a camp for their children, parents, first of all, evaluate the cost of the trip, the location of the camp, the duration of the shift, the profile of the institution and, of course, the preferences of the vacationer himself. If all factors fully meet your needs, you can safely send your child on vacation, where he is guaranteed to receive unforgettable impressions from a fun vacation.

With the onset of summer holidays, parents have a pressing question: how to organize their child’s leisure time. Many people send their children to health camps in the old fashioned way. Our country has a large selection of modern, interesting centers, in which children and teenagers will not only have fun and gain strength, but also make new friends, and also acquire many useful skills.

We offer our selection of the 17 best camps in Russia.

All-Russia Children's Center "Orlyonok"

Children's health center "Orlyonok" is located near Tuapse on the Black Sea coast. The complex consists of 7 different camps. There is always something to keep a child aged 11-16 interested in: sports competitions are held here, hikes and concerts are organized. Also in the camp there are many clubs, sections, a water park, attractions and much more.

This center is an absolutely ideal place for recovery and relaxation. The air is clean here beautiful nature and great beaches.

VDC "Ocean"

In the Primorsky Territory, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, there is another wonderful children's camp - "Ocean". The complex is divided into 4 squads. Teachers and counselors come up with a new individual program each time with a specific theme.

There is a lot of entertainment here and believe me, in 21 days the child will not have time to get bored. Children exercise in sports and dance halls, go to libraries, Internet clubs and stadiums. In addition, vacationers will enjoy a lot of different competitions and excursions. A vacation in such a place will definitely not be forgotten!

EMERCOM base "Rescuer"

For parents who want their child not just to relax, but to learn something new and useful, the Rescue Ministry base, which is located in an oak grove in the Moscow region, is perfect. Here the children are taught how to provide first aid, talk about the profession of a rescuer, and also conduct classes on extreme species sports

In addition, at the camp children will be taught video editing and the basics of computer literacy.

Children's camp "Smena"

Camp "Smena" near Anapa is the best children's health resort. The complex is located on the Black Sea coast in an ecologically clean area. Each shift has an individual entertainment program.

On the territory of this children's center there is a swimming pool, a small water park, gym and dance halls, an equestrian base, a library, a tennis court and a museum. In addition, there is a large and clean children's beach next to the camp.

Children's health resort named after. Yu.A. Gagarin

In the Moscow region in the village of Petrovo there is a real paradise for children. At the health resort, the children not only have fun, but also improve their health before school.

Camp teachers develop an entertainment program that develops creative and intellectual abilities. The health resort has a wide variety of folk and decorative arts clubs, as well as computer and astronomy clubs. Vacationers will be able to learn cutting and sewing, take dance lessons and take part in sports competitions.

Camp "Friendship"

This children's camp is located in a forest near Moscow. There is clean air and a large area. The center differs well developed infrastructure, it is very popular, especially among children from 9 to 16 years old.

Each shift offers vacationers a new exciting program. The camp hosts sports competitions, various competitions, concerts and discos.
Also in the Druzhba camp there is an indoor swimming pool, sports grounds and a football field, dance halls and cinemas. For a fee you can ride horses and play paintball.

Camp "NanoCamp"

This modern, unique children's complex, located in the Moscow region, will appeal to children aged 8-15 who love to learn and explore. The camp has developed a special innovative scientific and entertainment program for young prodigies. Anyone who loves robotics, programming, economics will definitely not be bored here. The children have an excellent opportunity to improve their knowledge.

In addition to an exciting educational program, children are offered to take part in sports competitions, swim in the pool, play tennis or paintball.

DOL "Energetik"

Children's health complex is located in a clean area near Anapa, in a juniper grove.
Children are offered exciting games, various sports competitions, clubs in design, dancing, acting and much more.

You can also significantly improve your health at the camp.

Camp "Volna"

Complex for children "Volna" is located in Anapa on the first coastline. Here vacationers are offered interesting program, thanks to which children will learn terrain navigation skills. They will also learn to take professional photographs, draw and dance.

In the camp you can actively relax by playing tennis, football and other sports games. In addition, the children's center has many different clubs and a library.

Children's camp "United Kingdom"

Children's camp "United Kingdom" in the Moscow region is located in a picturesque forest and specializes in learning English.

Children will be able not only to swim in the pool and play sports games, but also to attend English classes in a playful way. In addition, the camp hosts various master classes, game shows and competitions.

Children's camp "Mandarin"

This children's complex is located in Crimea among picturesque nature. This camp is unique in that it works according to the modern Terra Unique system - here the child plans his own time. He himself determines how long he should swim in the sea, and how much time he should spend on activities and entertainment, taking into account his nutritional schedule.

In "Mandarin" the child feels independent and free. Vacationers are offered an extensive entertainment and educational program with various presentations, animator shows, sports games, carnivals and aqua shows. The camp is equipped with a children's beach, two swimming pools, gym and etc.

Children's camp "I&Camp"

This modern, comfortable children's camp is located in the Crimean village of Peschanoe.
On its territory there is everything that any child will be delighted with: a large beach with sun loungers and showers, a wonderful SPA center, a football field, swimming pools with sea water and wonderful slides, creative studios, etc.

IN this complex children are offered a lot of interesting activities: foam parties, fashion shows, concerts, sports competitions and much more.

Children's camp "Vita"

Another one of the best resort-type children's camps is located in Anapa. The infrastructure here is also well developed - clean sand beach, sports and dance areas, cinema.

The camp teachers came up with an interesting role-playing game “Republic of Vitalia”, which the children will play during the shift. This is a kind of mini-state in which vacationers are appointed to different positions, for example, mayor, deputy, etc. On the territory of the children's center there are many sections, clubs and studios, cafes and attractions.

Children's camp "Ogonyok"

This modern camp is located in beautiful place Sergiev Posad, next to Lake Torbeev.
There is a tennis court, indoor swimming pool, sports grounds, and a dance floor.

The complex operates in two directions, which alternate every day - children are engaged in a sports or scientific program. Sports events are followed by interesting scientific discussions and debates.

School of Travelers by Fedor Konyukhov

This one is childish Entertainment Center located on Lake Turgoyak in the Chelyabinsk region.
Here children not only relax, but also acquire the necessary skills. For example, a child will be taught digital photography, told about the design of a camera, and taught how to take photographs in various genres. The entire learning process takes place in a playful way and in the form of interactive master classes.

The camp helps the child develop his personality and teaches him to overcome difficulties. Also in this camp, children go on hikes and expeditions to the mountains or forest.

Network of children's camps by Dmitry and Matvey Shparo

In Karelia, on the shores of Lake Mergubskoe, there is one of the camps of the network of children's complexes of Dmitry and Matvey Shparo.

Children go hiking for several days, ride bicycles, train endurance, team spirit, and perseverance. Teenagers are shown how to pitch a tent, prepare firewood, light a fire and cook on it, and tie knots in different ways.

Children's health camp "Artek"

The popular children's health complex "Artek" is located on south coast Crimea near Gurzuf. Here children fully relax and restore their health.
The camp provides many therapeutic procedures, as well as recreational activities. In particular, vacationers will be able to visit various sections, clubs, and take part in competitions and festivals. The camp includes several structural units.


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