Acapulco description. Mexican kaleidoscope: from Acapulco to Cancun. Extreme Sports

Acapulco is a port city in Mexico, which in the mid-20th century became a favorite resort for Hollywood stars.

Along with the growth of popularity, new hotels began to appear in it like mushrooms after rain, casinos were built and closed beaches expanded. As a legacy from its golden years, it received many elite restaurants, nightclubs, large gambling establishments and the world fame of another city that never sleeps. Top-tier movie stars vacation here to this day, but wealthy Mexicans and tourists from all over the world are increasingly coming here. The most popular beaches of the resort are located in the bay of the same name, which, thanks to its snow-white sands and blue waters The Pacific Ocean is among the best in the world.

In history, Acapulco is often mentioned as the second port city of New Spain, located at the intersection of the main trade routes of the colonialists. Before the expansion of Mexico by the conquistadors, there was a settlement of Indians from the Yopi tribe, and even then the city bore its current name, which came from the name of the hero of one of the Indian legends. Once upon a time, a young man Acatl (translated as “sugar cane”) lived in the bay; he was the son of one of the leaders of the tribe. Fate played a cruel joke on him - one day while on a hike he saw a girl and fell in love with her at first sight. He later found out that her name was Quitil (translated as “rain, hurricane”), and that she was the princess of a hostile tribe. Of course, they were not given the chance to be together.

The heartbroken young man went to the pier and cried so bitterly that his tears were enough for a whole pond. The girl also suffered for a long time and became a cloud. One day, flying over the place where her lover lived, she learned of his death. Quitl became furious and hit the settlement like a hurricane, completely destroying it, but upon reaching the bay, she calmed down and disappeared - the souls of the lovers were finally reunited. This is how the name Acapulco appeared - “the place of the destroyed reeds.”

By the way, few people know, but this Mexican city is the birthplace of the most popular Margarita cocktail.

According to history, once a wealthy lady from Texas named Margarita Seymes threw a party here at her villa, where she invited the most eminent guests. The highlight of the evening was Ms. Seims' signature tequila-based cocktail. Among the guests of the party was Tommy Hilton, the owner of the hotel chain of the same name, who realized that the new cocktail had great potential, and less than a year later “Margarita” became the bestseller of all drinking establishments south coast continent.

Acapulco today is the entertainment capital of Mexico, with a heavenly climate and stunning scenery, where millions of tourists from all over the world arrive every year, eager for relaxation and fun.

Cathedral of Lady Solitude

The Cathedral of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad is the main religious building of Acapulco, which is located in the central Zocalo square, in the old town area.

It’s hard to believe, but at the beginning of the 20th century the building began to be built as a cinema, and only later, after laying the foundation, the project was changed. By 1930, a cathedral named after Madonna Soledad, “Our Lady of Solitude,” already stood here, ready to open. Among the people, the building received a simple name - the Cathedral of Lady Solitude.

The architecture of the temple is remarkable for the interweaving of the styles of classicism, gothic and shades of modernism. The listed features are expressed by the blue and white decoration, stained glass windows covered with gilding, the main portal decorated with the image of the sun and the towers on the sides of the facade.

Today, the Cathedral of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad is the center of the Archdiocese of Acapulco, which includes the dioceses of Tlapa, Ciudad Altamirano and Chilpancingo-Chilapa.

Fort San Diego

Since Acapulco is a border city, it was simply necessary for it to have protective structures in order to repel ill-wishers if something happened.

An exemplary defensive building is Fort San Diego, which served the city well from the beginning of the 7th to the 19th centuries. It was designed by Adrian Buto, who had previously built a similar structure in Veracurse.

The only time the walls of San Diego could not withstand the onslaught of enemies was the assault of José Maria Morelos in 1813. They say that it was after the battle that the national hero uttered the famous words: “Long live Spain - sister, but not mistress of America.”

In the middle of the 20th century, the fort was seriously damaged by an earthquake, after which it took a long time and thoroughly to restore. During the restoration work, it was possible to recreate the architectural and engineering features.

Today it is one of the oldest architectural monuments Acapulco. It houses a museum, the main exhibit of which is a 17th-century Spanish galleon.

Papagayo Park

A unique landmark of Acapulco is the Ignacio Manuel Altamirano Park, or simply Papagayo, one of the largest environmental conservation parks. land plots in Mexico with an area of ​​218,000 hectares. In its urban part there are a lot of objects for which tourists constantly flock here: a Spanish galleon, a copy of the first reusable space shuttle Columbia and, of course, many different plants, birds and animals.

Among them there are such rare species as the egret, great toucan and flamingo. As you can guess from the name, the main inhabitants of Papagayo Park are parrots. For the comfortable existence of animals and plants here, ecologists created special conditions, close to natural environment a habitat. In a separate part of the park, not far from the entrance, there is an alley where pedestrians will encounter monuments dedicated to prominent natives of Acapulco.

Rock of La Quebrada

La Quebrada is sheer cliff 35 meters high, from which specially trained people make dizzying jumps into the water.

Large crowds of onlookers have long gathered to watch the extreme antics of young men. Over time, jumping from La Quebarda has become a unique business card Acapulco.

Such a leap of faith is a deadly thing. Not only is the height 35 meters and the width 9, but while you are flying you need to manage not to touch the sharp ledges of the cliff, and in the water not to hurt yourself on the rocky bottom, which is only 3 meters deep! It’s no wonder that at some point it occurred to someone to start collecting money from spectators and award extreme sports enthusiasts with the title of Hero of Acapulca. By the way, the first person to receive an award for jumping from Quebrada in 1932 was Rigo Berto Arak.

He also laid the foundation for an unusual tradition, which today is an extreme sport.

It is noteworthy that the nature of the cliff’s origin is artificial - in 1930, in order to increase the flow of fresh air into Acapulco, the authorities decided to blow up one of the bay’s rocks with dynamite.

Monument Chapel Submarine

Another unusual local attraction is the Submarine Chapel monument, which is a statue of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, which is located on the seabed. A bronze statue was erected here in 1958 in memory of the fallen divers.

The Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe is the patroness of all of Mexico, and many still believe that it was only thanks to the help of the Virgin Mary that the Mexicans managed to win the War of Independence. There are two ways to see the monument: the first is to swim, following the coordinates, to the desired place in the sea on a boat with a transparent bottom, the second is to dive to it with special diving equipment. In the second case, you will get much more impressions, since at the same time you will have a chance to get acquainted with the local sea inhabitants, who often scurry around the statue.

For both occasions, boats depart daily from Kalteila beach to the monument.

The most popular day to visit the statue of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe is December 12th - the day of the Virgin Mary. The city celebrates for two days, hundreds of residents dive to the statue and leave wreaths and flowers there.


The main types of leisure activities in Acapulco are in one way or another connected with the bay: either relaxing on a snow-white beach, or swimming in clear and warm water, or diving or underwater fishing.

But in the city itself there are also fascinating places, for example, the Museum of Archeology, which houses a large collection of objects from ancient Indian tribes. For family vacation A walk in Papagayo Park or a visit to the Magico Mundo Marino Aquarium would be a good idea. You will also probably be recommended to sail to the La Roqueta islands on a glass-bottomed boat, making a stop along the way at the very place where the statue of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe is located in the sea.

On the island you can plunge into the thick tropical forests or visit the local zoo, which is home to crocodiles, lions, tigers, giraffes, turtles, monkeys and even deer.

There is no less entertainment in Acapulco at night than during the day. There are especially many discos held in clubs and under open air. The biggest holiday in the city is the Day of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. Despite the fact that the holiday is quite Christian, throughout Mexico Indians do not hesitate to remember their gods on this day, so do not be surprised if on December 12 you see monks in cassocks and dancing Indians in traditional costumes not far from the temple.

The main events of Mary's Day are a large town fair and a huge fireworks display late in the evening.

How to get there

Juan Alvarez arrives at Acapulco airport as international flights from America and locals.

From Europe they usually fly to Mexico City first, and then get there by bus or car within 4-6 hours. The most convenient way to Acapulco is from Moscow with a transfer at Cancun airport - this way the flight duration will be only 13 hours.


To Acapulco public transport is developed quite well, as there are many bus routes around the city.

Travel on local transport costs 1 MXP; tickets can be purchased at special kiosks or from the driver at the entrance. According to experienced tourists, the best transport here are the yellow buses. The fare for them is 5.5 MXP.

No less popular view transport is a taxi. Typically, drivers do not give change, so you need to agree on the price with them in advance, even if the car has a meter. The fare depends on the distance. 1 kilometer costs 5 MXP. A taxi for the whole day will cost 1,000 MXP. At night, rates increase by 10%.


Acapuolco is the most popular hotel in the resort of the same name, which is located a 15-minute walk from the private beach on the bay. Each room here is equipped with air conditioning, a TV and an Internet access point. Most of them have a private balcony, a work desk and a minibar; the bathrooms always have a set of bath accessories and a hairdryer. Other amenities include an on-site pool and hot tubs.

A good option for a family holiday would be the Departamento en Diamante Lakes complex, located in the outskirts of the city. Clients of the establishment will have at their disposal apartments that have a separate bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and more. Each bungalow features a seasonal swimming pool, golf course, free parking and a terrace overlooking the garden or ocean.

There is also a restaurant on site that serves breakfast every morning. Buffet.

Banyan Tree Cabo Marques is a five-star hotel, one of the most luxurious in Acapulco. It is located on the top of a cliff with superb views of the Pacific Ocean. This place can boast wide choice spa services, 3 restaurants and villas with a swimming pool each. Each villa has panoramic windows, a private terrace, a TV and other household appliances that people use every day. The establishment is located 20 minutes from Acapulco International Airport.


The El Cabrito restaurant has two large rooms and an open veranda, which are suitable for both social gatherings and business meetings. The menu consists mainly of Mexican dishes such as fajitas, burritos, tacos, nachos with sauces and more.

It also contains names of traditional European pizza, pastas and salads.

100% Natural is a restaurant that specializes in vegetarian cuisine. The peculiarities of the establishment include an unusual interior with oriental motifs and an abundance of green. Visitors note the high level of service and prices, which are higher than the city average - 30-35 USD. Here you can order shrimp in pineapple, pasta with seafood, fish stuffed with cream cheese, salad with caramelized pecans and goat cheese, as well as juices and lemonades. If desired, some dishes can be packed with you.

Su Casa is an establishment whose full potential is revealed in the evening, with the arrival of darkness.

Of course, candles are not lit here and orchestras are not playing, but nevertheless, an atmosphere of romance reigns. The restaurant is located on the roof of the building, which overlooks beautiful view to the city, which seems Christmas tree, full of colorful lights. The menu features European dishes (grilled fish fillet with lemon sauce, signature shrimp, etc.). The average check is 25 USD.


The essence of shopping in Acapulno is fully reflected in the words “a mixture of exoticism and luxury.” Here you can often see neighborhoods with souvenir shops and large shopping centers, which houses fashionable boutiques. The largest retail outlet in the city is a shopping and entertainment center center The Golden Zone. There are enough shops of all kinds so that everyone can satisfy their passion for shopping.

The TOP souvenirs from Acapulco are all kinds of miniature attributes of the Mayan and Aztec cultures, for example, the famous Mayan calendar disk or figurines of Aztec and Indian gods such as Quetzalcoatl. Also traditional Mexican souvenirs are sombreros, ponchos, tequila and maracas. Some take home authentic Mexican sauces.

8 days / 7 nights

The Mexican Kaleidoscope tour takes in all the diversity of Mexico from the Pacific Coast to Caribbean Sea. Wildlife, a unique symbiosis of pre-Hispanic and colonial cultures, a mixture of vibrant flavors and ethnic diversity - all this will be discovered during this fascinating tour.

Route: Mexico City - Acapulco - Taxco - Puebla - Cholula - Villahermosa - La Venta - Palenque - Gulf of Mexico - Merida - Cenote - Chichen Itza - Cancun / Riviera Maya

Day 1. Mexico City
Meeting at the airport. Transfer and accommodation in a 4* hotel. Free evening to relax. Day 2. Mexico City - Teotihuacan - Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe
Sightseeing tour in Mexico City - one of the most major cities. Elite neighborhoods and slums, skyscrapers built using modern technologies, and small mansions - all this creates a unique image of a city of contrasts - Mexico City. You will go to the Zocalo Square, which is an important historical center of the capital. The main historical and architectural monuments are concentrated here; Cathedral, National Palace with frescoes by Diego Riviera (provided that the Palace is open to the public), etc.
After driving along one of the most beautiful streets of the city - Reforma Avenue, you will go to the mysterious Teotihuacan - the cult center of the ancient Indians, striking in its scale and grandeur of the buildings. You will have the opportunity to climb the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon to enjoy the view of the city from above. There is a hypothesis that the ancient inhabitants of Teotihuacan had knowledge of cosmic energy, which is now lost, and that the precise orientation of ancient buildings according to the sun, moon and stars has a deep meaning. The strict geometric layout of Teotihuacan confirms these assumptions.
During the tour you will also visit the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe (patroness of Mexico), surrounded by legends and miracles.
Accommodation in a 4* hotel. Day 3. Mexico City - Acapulco (400 km)
Breakfast at the hotel and early departure to Acapulco is one of the most famous resorts in the world, famous for its comfortable climate, snow-white beaches, nightlife and the fabulous beauty of the bay. Arrival at 14:00. Hotel accommodation.
Acapulco has become a favorite holiday resort for Hollywood movie stars and millionaires. Acapulco is chic, unforgettable vacation on the Pacific coast.
In the evening, at 20:00, visit the diving show “La Quebrada”, amazing the courage of the jumpers high cliff into the crevice. Day 4. Acapulco - Taxco - Puebla (450 km)
Breakfast at the hotel and early departure to one of the most beautiful colonial cities in Mexico - Taxco. The city, located in the mountains in the heart of the country, is a world heritage of humanity and is protected by UNESCO. Narrow cobbled streets, exquisite Spanish Baroque architecture, the Gothic Cathedral of Santa Prisca and much more will amaze you with their beauty and special flavor. Taxco is also famous for its silver coins and silverware. Departure for Puebla at 15:30. Churches and houses decorated with talavera ceramic tiles, the landscapes of the surrounding mountains and volcanoes make the "City of Angels" Puebla a lover's dream beautiful photos and ancient architecture. Walk through the evening city, visiting the cathedrals and churches of Puebla.
Hotel accommodation. Rest. Day 5. Puebla - Cholula - Villahermosa (650 km)
Breakfast in the hotel. At 08:30 departure to Cholula - a former Indian city, famous for the Toltec pyramid, which is considered one of the most great pyramids in the world. At the top of the pyramid is the Church of the Blessed Virgin Comforter. It is believed that the city of Cholula was once an important political and ceremonial center of Mesoamerica during the classical period, like a mirror image of Teotihuacan in its heyday.
At 11:00 - departure to colonial city Villarmosa, the capital of the state of Tabasco. Arrival in the city at 20:00. Hotel accommodation. Day 6. Villahermosa - La Venta - Palenque (190 km)
Departure to a unique open-air park-museum - “La Venta”, where monuments of the Olmec culture are collected - the mother of all Mesoamerican cultures, the oldest and most mysterious civilization of America. Giant heads with Negroid features are one of the biggest mysteries of this civilization, which scientists have not yet solved. Next on the program is a move to Palenque, located in the state of Chiapas. Palenque is one of the most famous Mayan archaeological sites in Mexico, rivaling the eighth wonder of the world, Chichen Itza. Thousands of tourists make pilgrimages on this ancient city, located among the high jungle covered hills, to contemplate this man-made miracle.
Accommodation in a 4* hotel. Day 7. Palenque - Gulf of Mexico - Merida (550 km)
Breakfast. Departure from the hotel at 08:30.
On this day you will have a long drive to the city of Merida, with a stop in the town of Champoton to swim in the Gulf of Mexico. Free time will be provided for rest and lunch at a local Mexican restaurant.
Arrival in Merida at 21:00. This charming city with narrow streets, colonial architecture and shady parks enchants at first sight. " White City", as Merida is also called, is famous for its cuisine and pork dishes, which can be tasted in any of the many cafes and restaurants. Rest at the hotel. Day 8. Merida - Cenotes - Chichen Itza - Cancun (350 km)
Breakfast. Departure to the center of the Yucatan Peninsula to explore its main attraction - Chichen Itza. This ancient city is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Kukulkan Pyramid, the Temple of the Warriors, the world's largest ball court Pok-ta-Pok, the Temple of the Jaguars, the Observatory and other buildings of the city will appear before you and amaze you with their grandeur. Next, you will have a swim in a crystal clear karst lake or cenote, where you can experience the healing properties of underground waters.
Transfer to Cancun/Riviera Maya, hotel accommodation according to prior reservation.
The tour price includes:
  • Transport (depending on the number of people in the group: minivan, sprinter or bus).
  • Entrance fees to all archaeological areas and reserves indicated in the program.
  • Accommodation in hotels of at least 4* category. Buffet or American breakfast included.
  • Services of a Russian-speaking guide.
  • Group transfer from your Cancun/Riviera Maya hotel to the airport on the day of departure.
The tour price does not include:
  • Lunches and dinners along the route.
  • Tips for the guide and driver.
  • Accommodation in hotels after the end of the route.

We reserve the right to adjust the program due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control: weather, strikes, road conditions, force majeure, health problems, etc. These changes can only be made for the benefit and safety of customers.
It is recommended to combine the program with a beach holiday in Cancun or the Riviera Maya.

A major port city in Mexico and one of the most popular resorts on the Pacific coast. The first stream of tourists poured into Acapulco in the 30s, when the city became a favorite vacation spot for Hollywood stars and the American rich. At different times, Elizabeth Taylor, Julio Iglesias, Placido Domingo and Frank Sinatra loved to come here. Following the “star” tourists, serious investments came to the resort. Now Acapulco is a fashionable resort with kilometers of snow-white equipped beaches, hundreds of hotels and a huge amount nightclubs, thanks to which the city is also called the night capital of Mexico.

Acapulco never sleeps. During the day, tourists spend time on the beaches, yachting and parasailing, and at night they flock to Costera Miguel Alemán Street, where they have fun and spend money on dance floors, casinos and restaurants. The nature of Acapulco seems to be created for relaxation in " tropical paradise" The local bay is one of the four most beautiful bays in the world and attracts millions of tourists every year. At the same time, the city, unlike Cancun, was able to preserve the unique Mexican spirit. The resort is great for families with children, older tourists and young people.

Beaches in Acapulco

Acapulco is called the pearl of the Pacific Ocean. First of all, for its magnificent beaches. They stretch for almost 30 kilometers. Condes is considered the most popular of the 20 municipal beaches. Its length is one kilometer. Entry here is free. The sand on Condes is fine and has a pleasant yellow color. The ocean water is not the calmest. There are waves, so the beach is popular among lovers aquatic species sports Condes is well equipped. Here you can rent sun loungers and umbrellas, go to the toilet and shower if necessary, and also visit local cafes and restaurants.

Hicacos Beach, similar to Condes, is another favorite tourist destination. This is two kilometers of well-equipped coastline with clean yellow sand and turquoise ocean water. The waves here are not strong, but the water cannot be called calm either. A whole string of fashionable hotels, restaurants and nightlife spots stretches along Icacos. The beach is quite crowded. Hornos is considered one of the oldest beaches. It is located in a city park, where you can easily hide from the scorching sun under palm trees, eat in a cafe, soak up the sand and swim to your heart's content in the calm ocean. Mexicans themselves and families with children like to relax here. Every year Hornos hosts the famous Sand painting competition.

Fans of a relaxing beach holiday should take a closer look at hotels near the beaches of Caleta and Caletilla. A small island opposite protects the shore from the invasion of ocean waves, so this place is popular with families with children and elderly tourists. The beach infrastructure is created for a relaxing family holiday: there are fenced-in “paddling pools” for children in the water, sun canopies are installed, family restaurants and cafes are open, and noisy parties are not held at all. There are also quite wild beaches in Acapulco. One of these is Revolcadero, in the southern part of the resort. The place is very picturesque. The water in the ocean is clear, and the sand on the beach has a grayish tint. The beach is not suitable for swimming, as the waves at Revolcadero are large and there is a strong undercurrent. The beach is also not equipped for relaxation: there are no sun loungers or toilets here. However, lovers of a secluded holiday surrounded by wonderful nature will certainly enjoy it here.

Climate and weather in Acapulco

According to long-term observations, the sun shines in Acapulco 360 days a year. The climate here is mild throughout all 12 months. The average summer temperature is +30 degrees Celsius, with a light breeze blowing. Sometimes there are rains, but they are short-lived. The high season in Acapulco is winter. From November to the end of April the chance of rain is minimal. The air warms up to a comfortable +26, the same temperature as the water in the ocean. This is the time that is considered the most favorable for tours to Acapulco.

During the day At night Sea Season
January +30 +23 +24 Beach
February +30 +23 +24 Beach
March +30 +23 +25 Beach
April +30 +24 +26 Beach
May +31 +25 +27 Beach
June +31 +25 +27
July +32 +25 +27
August +32 +25 +27
September +31 +24 +27
October +31 +25 +26
November +31 +24 +25 Beach
December +31 +24 +24 Beach

Hotels and inns in Acapulco

When choosing a trip to Acapulco and comparing hotels, you should pay attention to the division of the resort into zones. The areas are called “traditional”, “golden” and “diamond”. There is also an urban area - the place of residence of the Mexicans themselves. But it’s better for tourists not to go there, as they can become easy prey for criminals. To the west of the resort is “traditional Acapulco.” This is a concentration of city attractions. There are several hotels here, but they are more suitable for a short stay while visiting historical monuments. Budget accommodation, such as guest houses, is popular in this area of ​​the city. Prices for the room are low. Tourists, as a rule, are offered only breakfast.

The main tourist area of ​​Acapulco is the "golden district". Many hotels have been built here, both expensive and not so expensive. The area is full of all kinds of entertainment venues and entertainment places. Acapulco has a traditional five-star hotel classification system. But according to tourists, in Mexico the “star rating” of some hotels is still too high. However, they can provide you with comfort and safety. They will also offer the all-inclusive package, which is popular among tourists.

In Acapulco, unlike other resorts in the world, there is a special category for super-hotels - Grantourismo. It couldn’t get any cooler, as they say. Such hotels are located in “diamond Acapulco” - an area in the east of the resort, which is famous for its luxury housing. There are luxury villas and premium hotels everywhere. The expensive Las Brisas, for example, has become famous for the number of “star” guests who leave their handprints on the “wall of fame.” The territories of Grantourismo hotels are usually huge. It has its own shopping centers, golf courses, nightclubs, and beaches. You can spend your entire vacation without ever leaving the hotel.

Attractions of Acapulco

Despite the fame exclusively beach resort Acapulco will also be of interest to lovers of historical monuments. In the city center, for example, is the Cathedral, better known as the Cathedral of the Lady of Solitude. The building was built in Art Nouveau style and decorated with extraordinary stained glass windows and sculptures. It is interesting that the premises were originally built as a cinema, but later it was transferred to the church. Despite its name, the temple is popular with lovers who get married here.

The fortress (fort) of San Diego is a striking example of Spanish influence on the culture of Mexico. It was built in the 17th century according to the design of the Dutch architect Andriano Boot. At this time, pirates ruled the waters of the Pacific Ocean. This fort was built to protect the city. Now there is a city museum here. Cultural Center Guererense was opened in Acapulco in 1976. Tourists can visit the archeology museum, art and photography gallery, and also find many interesting exhibits in the handicraft shop. Arriving in Acapulco, you can’t help but visit the famous Papagayo Park, which traces its history back to the 40s of the 20th century. Tourism was just beginning here at that time. The park began to be built specifically for visitors. Now this picturesque place with three artificial lakes, a large population of birds, a water park and an astronomical site is very popular among both tourists and local residents.

The hallmark of Acapulco is the world-famous La Quebrada show, which takes place every night in an artificial crevice of the same name. During the performance, professional divers jump into the water from a height of 35 meters. Moreover, the depth of the bay in this place is only 5 meters. To avoid breaking, daredevils wait for big waves and push off strongly with their feet so as not to hit the rocks. The spectacular show can be watched from the observation deck or from nearby restaurants.

Cuisine and restaurants in Acapulco

In Acapulco you can find many restaurants and cafes specializing in national cuisine. But most likely you will first become acquainted with it on the beach, where a local merchant will offer you elote. This is what they call boiled corn in Mexico. It is sold as a cob, strung on a stick, or as individual grains in a glass. Corn in Mexico is different from ours. After all, here it is boiled with the addition of chili powder and lime, and served with butter, sour cream or mayonnaise. Mexicans eat nachos and corn chips as snacks. In an Acapulco restaurant, you will be served them on a large plate while still hot, along with various sauces: cheese, guacamole (avocado sauce), pico de galla (tomato and coriander sauce) and the hottest diablo.

Soups are not so popular in Mexico, but if they are prepared, they can devote the whole day to it! How long does it take to prepare national dish salted This is a hearty soup made from meat, legumes, avocado and radishes, with the addition of lemon and signature spices. Another popular soup in Acapulco is mushroom soup. Its taste is absolutely not similar to Russian. Therefore, it’s definitely worth a try. As a main course, you can order a stuffed tortilla (from meat, seafood, vegetables or all together), as well as a real Mexican steak. The freshest beef is briefly fried in a frying pan along with plenty of vegetables. The meat must remain slightly pink inside and be served hot.

Those with a sweet tooth, having arrived in Acapulco, can then proudly say that they visited the birthplace of chocolate. According to one version, it was here that it was invented and created. There are many types of chocolate in Mexico, including those with an unusual taste and even completely unsweetened. For dessert you can also order caramelized guava. The fruit is dipped in thick sugar syrup in advance and allowed to cool. The sweet is served with ice cream, chocolate and even chili pepper. This is such a spicy Mexico!

What to bring from Acapulco

Mexico is always associated, first of all, with the ancient Mayans. Therefore, any symbolism of a disappeared civilization is an excellent souvenir. Despite the fact that there are no Mayan monuments in Acapulco itself, the famous calendars that promised us the end of the world are sold everywhere. Be sure to find room in your suitcase for a multi-colored wide-brimmed sombrero hat, as well as a national warm poncho and a hammock. All these things are inexpensive, but without them Mexico is not Mexico. Acapulco's markets offer many ceramic products. These are bright, cheerful plates that can serve not only as a souvenir, but also as real dishes in the house, reminiscent of carefree days in colorful Mexico.

If you see skulls in souvenir shops, do not be alarmed, but rather buy several as a gift. After all, the skull in Mexico symbolizes life after death. Skulls with smiles are even made from chocolate here. You can also buy silver items for which Mexico is so famous. Bottles of real chili sauce and tequila will serve as edible souvenirs.

When I first saw a photograph of Acapulco and read that Frank Sinatra himself was here, I immediately realized that I would go to this glamorous city and explore it far and wide. The reality turned out to be very far from my imaginary image. Acapulco, like any large Mexican city, appeared to me to be very noisy, with entire chains of electrical wires constantly hanging over it, and only the bay of the same name exceeded my expectations. It was as if she sheltered the city from all misfortunes, such as the great Pacific Ocean and its power, and at the same time gave big city almost a provincial mood, as the areas were “scattered” along this bay.

Relief Acapulco seems stunning in photographs, but when in reality you are faced with the fact that your “hotel 500 meters from the sea” turns into “hotel 35 minutes walk from the sea along winding streets and steep slopes,” you begin to dislike the special charm of this city . Especially if all this happens in 38-degree heat, and you forgot to take water with you to the beach.

So, Acapulco, full of shabby buildings, construction debris, small and inconvenient food shops, extremely unequipped suburbs for the poor and electric wires strung over every street, still has its own coastal charm. However, the surprisingly developed infrastructure owes its existence to tourists, and Acapulco as a whole seems amazing modern city, which incredibly appeared at the end of the world.

How to get there

By plane

Acapulco has international Airport, Popular flights are available from the USA and , Cancun. The cost from - from 400 USD, from Los Angeles - from 300 USD, the cheapest from Houston - from 250 USD. For travel from Europe there are transfers in Warsaw. Flying from Acapulco by plane is quite cheap and very fast, 45 minutes and 2000-3000 MXN per person. The cheapest flight option with two transfers is through the USA (or) and costs about 500-600 USD per person one way. Served by Aeroflot and Aeromexico. The flight takes about 30 hours. True, for the USA you need to have a visa even for transit.
From (Sheremetyevo) there are also flights with two transfers in Europe (you can choose from London, Frankfurt, or Amsterdam) and. Travel time is about 21 hours, with transfers. The cost of a ticket for one is much higher - about 1300-1500 USD per person one way. If you buy a round-trip ticket, it will be noticeably cheaper. You can find air tickets on aggregator sites or, for example,. The best way to get from the airport to the center is by taxi.
A taxi from the airport costs around 40-50 USD, depending on the make and size of the car. There are also shared taxis that you can take with someone for approx. 15 USD per person. Or go to the city by minibus for about 5 USD per person. The minibuses are parked right outside the airport on the roundabout, they are private and do not have a special coloring or flight number.

By train

Acapulco has railway lines, but they do not serve private passengers. By 2020 they promise high speed train between Acapulco and .

By bus

It is possible to get there by bus from the company Estrella (Estrella de Oro and Estrella Blanca), departures all day, the last one in the evening at 23-30, arrival at 4-5 in the morning (400 or 500 MXN per person). Official website of the Estrella company.
The bus from can arrive at three different terminals (check when boarding), two of which are in the very center, from which it is easy to take a bus to other parts of the city, the third is on Boulevard de las Naciones in the Diamante district ( East End city, near the airport). If you need to get to your hotel in the center, you can take a city bus from the first two terminals or take a taxi. It only makes sense to get to the Diamante area if you are going to the airport or have already booked a hotel here.

By car

Getting to Acapulco with a rented car is quite easy - the roads in the area are quite modern. True, it will be inconvenient to rent a car, for example, in, if you do not intend to return back. Route from Acapulco to northern cities called Pacific Coastal Highway (MX 200).

By ferry

You can also get to Acapulco by cruise ship; the parking lot is located near the historical landmark Fort San Diego (El Fuerte de San Diego). Upon arrival, buses are already waiting here to take you to the center. Most of cruise ships are coming from . The most popular cruises– from and Los Angeles, they usually take approx. 14 nights. Cost starts from 2500 USD per person. There are no regular connections with these cities.


Acapulco - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 9

Kazan 9

Samara 10

Ekaterinburg 11

Novosibirsk 13

Vladivostok 16

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Acapulco in summer

The rainy season, with downpours and even hurricanes strong enough to make you not want to go outside all week, is Acapulco's traditional "summer" from April to November.

However, in the summer, hotel prices in Acapulco are lower, and both American and European tourists still come here to relax. Water temperature is 30°C, during the day about 32°C, at night – 26°C.

Acapulco in autumn

In autumn, from November to December, it reigns best time year - the deciduous season, even in the tropics, has a special feel and is very attractive to tourists. Water temperature is 30°C, about 31°C during the day, and 24°C at night. You can find your way around prices for tours to Acapulco.

Acapulco in the spring

In spring in Acapulco you can find good weather Lil' in early April. However, tourists come here all year round. In principle, the sea is always warm here, but during the rainy season there is no point in coming for less than 1-2 months, otherwise you risk missing all the good sunny days. Water temperature is 28 °C, during the day about 32 °C, at night about 25 °C.

Acapulco - weather by month


Acapulco - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

Costera Street Miguel Aleman connects all the most interesting places for tourists in Acapulco and is, in principle, an elongated shopping alley and the concentration point of all large hotels.
If you had told me before I came here that I wouldn’t like Acapulco, I wouldn’t have believed it. True, there are stunning beaches with spreading palm trees, all the opportunities for my favorite windsurfing, relief suburban areas with villas that are quite affordable for an ordinary ordinary specialist.

Map of territorial divisions of Acapulco districts

But, besides this, there is also a high population density, which sometimes oppresses, especially in the Zona Tradicional (Mercado), a large number of poor and poorly dressed people on the streets and even slums, the appearance of which causes at least slight anxiety. For myself personally, I found only two areas suitable for living at a normal European level, and this turned out to be too few for the vacation to smoothly turn into permanent residence, as originally planned.

Acapulco Bay is a very picturesque place. The city's districts are located in several valleys, which are surrounded by forested hills, which in reality feels like a real oasis in the middle of a wild world. By coastline there are high-rise buildings, far on the hills there are sleeping areas with cottages and small apartment buildings, a little behind it we see mid-rise houses and many hotels, as well as infrastructure completely focused on tourists. If you take an apartment or a room in a high-rise hotel, in the distance you can see the chain of Sierra Madre mountains, which was named so since the founding of the city in 1521 by its first mayor, the very same Ernen Cortes, the Spaniard who conquered.

Map of mini-neighborhoods in Acapulco

So, I found myself in a decent area of ​​Icacos, where you can even walk freely, although it is not entirely aimed at tourists. The streets are lined with very nice palm trees, which is rare for areas in the city, and the location near the embankment gives views of a couple of skyscrapers.

Districts of Acapulco:

  • I consider the Hicacos region (there are three Hicacos here at once, for example, Upper Hicacos is only 20 meters from the central one) the most acceptable for a European to live - it is quite far from the Mexican dirty and poor areas, and is surrounded on both sides by hills and forests. Just around the corner is a large casino (one of the favorite activities of American retirees in Acapulco) and Walmart. The latter makes the area extremely convenient.

  • The area next to mine is called Costa Azul and is home to mini-hotels and small apartment buildings with 8-12 apartments, one of which I would definitely choose for a long stay if I were to stay here for a long time. There are always "renta" signs on the houses here. The average cost of a one-bedroom apartment is about MXN 6,000-8,000 per month (furnished). Without furniture you can find it for 3000 MXN, because Mexicans highly value furniture itself and take great care of it. The area is well landscaped, has good sidewalks, clean streets, flower beds and green spaces and a small number of street eateries, which also has a very good effect on the overall feel of the area.

  • Brisas Del Marquez. If you want to make your vacation as relaxing as possible, then it is better to stay at the hotels and travel around the city only with excursion groups. True, in such places there is absolutely no infrastructure - the areas on the hills are autonomous, there are no supermarkets or parks. However, it can be easy to rent a villa, apartment or townhouse here long term, but you won’t be able to live comfortably here without a car, since there is no bus service to the center. However, the area is only 5 minutes by car from the waterfront, is full of small apartments and private houses and is very convenient for family life surrounded by greenery.
  • The Diamante area was also considered for recreation, but turned out to be inconvenient. It is too far from here to shops, the historical center, the Fort and most of the beaches. At the same time, Diamante Beach is much less atmospheric than the beaches in the center; it does not have a bay, it seems to be flatter and the sand on it is not so light. This area is also close to the airport, which can be very convenient.
    In the Diamante area there are mainly old hotels of different heights. Local residences here are located far from the sea, between two small hills. I think Diamante is suitable for a week's vacation, but not for permanent living. True, the largest shopping center La Isla (Mexican chain) is located right here.
  • One of the most colorful areas of the city is the center (other names Downtown, Mercado). There are always dozens of restaurants, bars, nightclubs open here, and there are many good and cheap cafes. This area is located in the western part of the bay of Acapulco Bay and is particularly inconvenient for hiking relief. However, this is where you can find the most interesting places in an architectural, cultural and entertainment sense.
  • The Renacimiento (San Jose) district is located in the north of the city and is a middle-class residential area sandwiched between two large mountain ranges. It is not recommended for tourists to come here alone.
    This is where ordinary Mexicans of Acapulco live, who service hotels, bars, restaurants, and work in the construction and service industries. The streets here are not clean, but, unlike the residential areas of other Mexican cities, San Jose can still be called quite decent. Renacimiento is divided into several separate neighborhoods and is mainly composed of duplexes, private houses and apartment buildings of 2-3 floors. There are rich and poor areas here, which are located, respectively, to the left and to the right of Route 95. In all of San Jose there is only one shopping center - Cinepolis.
  • The Las Playas area is located on a peninsula in the southern part of Acapulco Bay. Its entire territory is aimed primarily at tourists, as well as wealthy Mexicans. There are some stunning little beaches that are sandwiched between the cliffs, and it is here that the most popular beaches, Caleta and Caletilla, are found.
    The Las Playas area may appeal to those who have always dreamed of living on an island overlooking the sea with big mountains. The panoramic views from most hotels, villas and apartment buildings here are truly breathtaking.

Map of Acapulco districts

For the safety of tourists, I advise you not to leave areas close to the coastline. If you want to see how the locals live in Acapulco, then take a walk north of the Center (Mercado, on the map on the left), it’s most prosperous there. For a long term it will be quite comfortable to rent an apartment in the Hicacos or Costa Azul area (on the map on the right), while the area in the center of the bay has a reputation as a rather noisy place to live.

What are the prices for holidays?

  • A hotel room starts from 25 USD per day, you can book it on, and you can compare prices from different sites.
  • Apartments – from 250 USD per month and from 350 USD per month in good area(1 bedroom, furnished and good view to the mountains, the city or even the sea), options and prices.
  • Dinner in a restaurant – from 50 USD for two, in the dining room – from 10 USD for two.
  • Taxi fare – from 5 USD.
  • Boat trip (3 hours, lunch) – from 40 USD. Fishing (equipment, 3 hours) – from 30 USD. Jungle tour by jeep from 30 USD adults, from 15 USD children. Diving (6 hours, training) from 80 USD. Historical city tour by bus with a visit to the Fort from 40 USD (half day). Excursion to Rocket Island from 50 USD (snorkeling, equipment, 4 hours).


Cost of food, accommodation, transportation and other things

Currency: Euro, € US dollar, $ Russian ruble, rub Mexican peso, $

Main attractions. What to see

Top 5

  • The Chapel of Peace is a cathedral that is visited by perhaps every tourist in Acapulco. To get to it, you need to climb to the very top rocky mountain Las Brisas. You can come here not only for prayer, but also for panoramic views to the sea and bay. The cathedral itself is open to the public without paying a fee until 18:00, and prayers can be performed by people of any religion. (Address: Calle de la Paz, s/n, Fraccionamiento Las Brisas).

  • National Park Papagayo (Centro Social Parque Papagayo) with artificial lakes and a water park is an amazing pastime for families with children. Another name for the park is Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, which often appears on maps. Entrance to the park is free, you get access to a cafe and an area with a lake where flamingos, many species of parrots, toucans, egrets and other exotic birds walk around. Only the toilet (0.15 USD), boat rides (2 USD per half hour), trolleybuses and attractions for children (from 5-10 MXN) are paid. Walks in the park are available until 20:00. (Address: Av. Cuauhtémoc s/n, Centro)
  • The 17th-century fortress of San Diego sits on a hill in the old downtown area. The fortress has an interesting pentagonal shape, and nearby there is a small park for recreation. Opening hours – from 9 to 18, entrance fee – 2 USD.

  • A special place in Acapulco is La Quebrada Cliffs, a rocky cliff with a cove located outside the city. With special viewing platforms here you can photograph the stunning beauty of the rocks right in the turquoise, with a slight mint tint of the sea. There is also a special place for diving from a great height, which looks very exciting. Professional divers jumping into the water from a height of 45 meters can be seen here during the day almost every day during the season.

  • A separate attraction is Rucolla Island, which allows tourists to enjoy exciting diving in turquoise waters with excellent views from behind the white sand bottom. It also has a zoo and a lighthouse.

Beaches. Which ones are better

Old Acapulco is best oriented towards beach holiday. Caletilla and Caleta are wonderful family beaches (Playas Caleta y Caletilla, turquoise water). Pie de la Cuesta is located outside the city in the north and has a bohemian feel and big waves. Another unique and very beautiful beach– Playa Condesa, it has stunning views of the bay, and yachtsmen are concentrated around Barra Vieja Beach, near the airport.

The best beaches in Acapulco

  • Playas Caleta y Caletilla are located on a peninsula, at the southern end of the bay in the city center. You can get here by regular city bus from Miguel Aleman Street. There are free sun loungers at the bars or you can just lie on the sand. The beach is ideal for children, as the sea level is gradually decreasing. True, this is where there are always a lot of tourists. The cleanliness of the beach is average, but there are no waves, and in some places the water is exceptionally turquoise.

  • Playa Langosta is located in a very small bay in the Las Playas area. The stunning emerald waters are unique to this area. You can get here using any city bus that goes to Las Playas; ask to be dropped off near Playa Langosta. The entrance to the sea here is slightly rocky, the beach itself is very narrow, but the color of the water is worth it!

  • Playa Icacos is located in the Icacos district of the same name and is surrounded by modern high-rise hotels. The beach is accessible to everyone, but to use sun loungers, you need to be a client of a bar or restaurant at one of the hotels. The beach is very clean, the waves are mostly small. You can get to the beach along Miguel Aleman Street, getting off in the Icacos area and turning down one of the small streets leading to the sea.

  • Pie de la Cuesta is located outside the city (to the north) and boasts the charming atmosphere of a surfer's paradise. The waves here are big, but you can also find a completely calm ocean. Entry into the water is gradual, there are no stones. The beach has a darker sand color; there is no infrastructure directly on the beach, but nearby hotels have cafes, restaurants, toilets and changing cabins available when ordering lunch.

  • Playa Condesa is a real picture from a guidebook, but only on sunny days! The purity of the water here is simply ideal; Mexican families with children often come here. This beach is located approximately in the center of the bay, near the intersection with Pizza Hut. It's amazing that the tropical charm has been preserved here even with a fairly large flow of tourists! Thanks to a couple of bars and a few hotels, the beach has infrastructure, but overall it is just a strip of sand. Children love to play on the large stones; the cleanliness of the beach is from average to good in different seasons. The color of the water is the most amazing in the city, and there are no big waves at all.

  • Barra Vieja Beach is one of the beaches in the Diamante area, which is distinguished by its width and gently sloping beach. There is basically no infrastructure here, it’s wild beach, convenient for tourists from hotels in this part of Acapulco. The waves here are usually small, but they can also be big. The entrance is very shallow; it takes several minutes to reach a depth sufficient for swimming. The beach is popular not only among tourists, but also among local Mexicans with children due to its size and incredible sense of spaciousness. The density of vacationers here is the lowest.

The most convenient beaches for relaxation are located in the bay - there are no number of them, they stretch along the entire embankment of the highway. By the way, you can swim with dolphins in the special CiCi Acapulco Magico center with a swimming pool at the water park.

Map of the main beaches of Acapulco in the center of the bay (from left to right Suites Acapulco, Condesa, Hornos, Icacos)

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

In addition to the Chapel of Peace, it is worth seeing the Iglesia Adventista, Iglesia Presbiteriana and Holy Cross. All three churches are located in the city center, near the island of San Lorenzo. They are open to the public before and after lunch (usually from 10 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm).

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

  • Acapulco Historical Museum at Fort San Diego (Museo Historico de Acapulco). Historical artifacts up to the early Middle Ages, including an exhibition on the War of Independence from Spain. On Sundays – free, closed Monday. .Opening hours from 9:30 to 6:30, admission for adults 2 USD.

  • The Acapulco Historical Museum is even more exciting. Unlike the museum at the Fort, it has the atmosphere of the era of extensive trade with the Philippines, Japan and China (via the Pacific Ocean) and, in principle, constitutes a gorgeous show, and not just an exhibition, after which you are left with the impression of a theatrical performance. Closed Monday, opening hours from 9:30 to 6:30, admission 3 USD.


Acapulco Botanical Garden – Botanical Garden Acapulco is a must-visit for all nature lovers. The private tour includes a 30-minute walk through an exclusive section of the jungle, carefully furnished with exotic plants. There are unique trees entwined with colorful flowers that are worth seeing! The garden is located on the campus of Loyola University of the Pacific. The park is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Entrance 5 USD, private tour another 3 USD.

Tourist streets

The main tourist street of the Church of Miguel Aleman (Avenida Costera Miguel Aleman) is the only major street of interest to tourists. It runs along a crescent-shaped bay, with narrow, small streets leading from it to various beaches in the bay. Along the street there are shops, restaurants, shopping centers, sometimes parks and even hypermarkets.

What to see in 1 day

If you only have one day in Acapulco in one big Mexican tour, I would advise choosing something that suits you personally. Acapulco has a zoo, diving opportunities, and simple beach recreation. In my opinion, only one of the observation platforms is a must-see, for example, at the Chapel of Peace, to look at the city and take photographs.

What to see in the area

In the format of my personal Mexican tour I have visited many cities and I can say that the most convenient option for traveling in this part of the world is by plane. Initially, it seemed to me that I was losing the landscapes outside the window, turning them into clouds from the porthole, but it turned out that in fact it is a huge country, and the distances between interesting points are much greater than it seems. In addition, about 90% of American tourists and about 70% of European tourists I met considered Acapulco only as an all-Mexico tour and were interested in every interesting town along the way.

Where to go from Acapulco

  • From Acapulco you can easily travel by car or bus to just a few points. Among them are the suburban Bara Vieja (in the south) and Lucas en el Mar (in the north). It takes about 30 minutes to get to each point from the city center, including traffic jams and stops. The main attractions are the beaches, which are much cleaner and larger than those in the bay.
  • Amazing Chilpancingo is accessible via the only road to the north and is an excellent example of "no beauty" with typical housing, poor areas and lack of tourism. From Acapulco to Chilpancingo you can drive in 1.5 hours (105 km).

  • The town of Taxco de Alarcón (Taxco) is very interesting, which was founded back in 1529 and now attracts tourists with its surprisingly stunningly preserved city center. The city itself is small, but it has several decent hotels, as well as many architectural attractions. From Acapulco to Taxco you can drive in 3.5-4 hours (245 km).
  • The next interesting city is Cuernavaca, which is one of the most popular points in excursion routes from tour operators. The whole city spread out in a valley and on small hills and that’s why it looks simply fantastic. In Cuernavaca, the Cathedral and the Palace of Cortés are a must-see. From Acapulco to Cuernavaca you can drive in 4 hours (290 km).

  • The most tempting of close trips can be a trip to Morelia - an amazing garden city with stunning parks and especially beautiful Cathedral. You can get from Acapulco to Cuernavaca in 7 hours (630 km) and you can stop at both Chilpancingo and Taxco.

The northernmost highway from Acapulco leads to Mexico City (370 km), from which the most accessible further along highway No. 1500 interesting cities. Such as the huge mountain town (450 km), Veracruz (720 km) on the Gulf of Mexico and then Yucatan with Merida, Cancun (1900 km) and Playa del Carmen. In general, an acceptable route from Acapulco to Cancun should be at least three weeks with stops in cities and sightseeing, otherwise you will spend more time in the car than on the air. The minimum duration of such a trip is 5 days. It is worth taking care of warm clothes, socks and closed shoes for such a trip, as it passes through the mountains.

The easiest way to get from Acapulco is by plane, via, for about 300 USD per person. And from there you can get to other cities, to neighboring countries, for example, to Guatemala (capital -).

Nearby Islands

  • With a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe, patroness of sailors, underwater, Rocket Island makes an ideal spot for an excursion boat trip with a group of divers.

  • Rukola Island is a zoo, the entrance to which is paid, and the beach is truly white. There is a lighthouse, and among the animals you can find lions, tigers, monkeys, deer and even giraffes. Tourists get to the island on a special boat.

  • El Amigo Miguel has a huge menu of various Latin American dishes, so if you want to explore the cuisine of this part of the world, then you should definitely stop by here. The cost of dishes is from 5 USD. There are three restaurants with the same name, one is in the center, the other on the embankment, the menu is the same.

  • On Hornos beach there is an amazing cafe-restaurant called La Playita Santa Lucia with high but reasonable prices. Dinner for one with salad, drinks, appetizers, first and second course will cost about 20 USD. The main thing you pay for is the atmosphere of dining with your favorite burger and cocktail right on the beach.


  • There is even a Burger King on Costa Miguel Aleman - right opposite the islet of San Lorenzo, which is easy to see from the beach, in the area of ​​the zoo. Basically, any dining room with simple Mexican decor will be a budget-friendly option for dining.
  • For example, the small Che Pibe in Costa Azul offers grilled meats starting from MXN 10 per dish. In general, to get an idea of ​​Mexican cuisine, I would recommend trying guacamole, turtle soup, and tortillas with different flavors. The main rule of cheap canteens is to choose those that are closer to the embankment!


  • Best place for good restaurant at an affordable price - Costa Azul area. Here you can really go to restaurants every day, even on a fairly modest budget. Lunch for one will not cost more than 6 USD, and if you find a couple of especially cheap places, you can get some Mexican chicken dish, cola and salad for 4 USD.
  • Yes, vegan Costa Verde Vegan was a real revelation for me and the only place, after Burger King, where I constantly returned.
  • In the Hicacos area, Mariscos El Corralon is my favorite for its not-too-spicy Mexican dishes and seafood.


  • Carmenere's international cuisine in the Costa Azul area has amazing service, looks like a five-star hotel and should definitely be on your list for at least a one-time visit.
  • It's hard to find Restaurante Zolache, but it's worth it - French cuisine starting at 12 USD per dish, with pasta starting at 6 USD.


All major holidays, such as Day of the Dead (November 1), Independence Day (September 16) and Carnival week at the beginning of February every year, are celebrated in Acapulco. In addition, churches and cathedrals host various shows on Catholic Christmas, Day of the Virgin Mary and other religious holidays. Most holidays in the country fall in November-December, and if you come at this time, you will definitely catch some kind of show in a couple of weeks.

Safety. What to watch out for

The basic rule of safety is not to eat too cheap food, not to drink tap water and not to go to areas where only locals live. In addition, you should not talk to intrusive merchants, especially on the beaches, about where you are staying and for how long. And, of course, you should not wear expensive jewelry or take your laptop with you unless absolutely necessary. Wi-fi is usually available in hotels, at least in the lobby.

What to watch out for in Acapulco

  • Beach vendors. For this type of employee, the concept of “friendship” is the main tool for sales, as well as announcements about non-existent promotions, holidays, and “tomorrow” sales.
  • Cheap cafes and canteens. Poisoning here is not uncommon among tourists, although for locals their food is quite edible and “not at all spicy.”
  • Small shops and shops. It is better to focus on supermarkets, Walmart and brand stores if you do not want your vacation to become an eternal bargain.
  • Bad, littered areas. Initially, it seems that the area is simply poorer than the rest, but in the end you see suspicious characters on the streets and remember that drug trafficking from Colombia is happening somewhere here.

Things to do

Shopping and shops

The city's main artery, the Costera Miguel Aleman, will take you anywhere in Acapulco. Mini-markets of the OXXO network are located in every district; they have everything you might need at home and in everyday life. There are several hypermarkets in the city center. TelCel network salons ( mobile communications and the Internet) are also on every corner. In the Mercado area (center, West Side bays) there is a mini-center Plaza De La Tecnología. The best shopping and entertainment center in the city is called La Isla Shopping Village and is located on the outskirts of the city in the Diamante district (next to the airport, in the eastern part of the city). There are also several large shopping centers in Acapulco. All of them are located in the center of the bay, close to the promenade and Miguel Aleman Street. From left to right: Galerias Acapulco, Costera 125, Galerias Diana and Plaza Bombay.

Shopping in Acapulco is primarily associated with the purchase of clothing from Mexican and American brands. A European or Russian tourist certainly shouldn’t miss this opportunity. Prices for the same American brands are lower here than in the USA itself, which is especially pleasing. Sales usually happen in winter, this is when the old collection is sold, which has not been completely bought up by tourists. Therefore, from the beginning of May to November you can expect a drop in prices.

Bars. Where to go

El Pescador on the beach serves both excellent seafood food and interesting cocktails. The restaurant is part of the hotel Grand Hotel with stunning views of the beach. It itself is created under a tropical dome and decorated in a marine style. There are exquisite Italian desserts that go great with fruit cocktails.

The restaurant and bar are open until 23:30. The audience of both these establishments and the hotel itself is mainly represented by wealthy tourists from and, there are two noticeable age categories: 20-28 and 40-50 years old.

Clubs and nightlife

Acapulco is famous for its discos, which are held based on performances by professional DJs, soloists and ensembles. In many of the city's luxury establishments you will find regular live music nights, and in bars there are nights with one or even two DJs per evening. The show is complemented by fireworks and performances by dancers. There are also very popular piano bars, beloved by Europeans, where pianists perform. Finding such a place is not at all difficult, just go to the center on Costera Miguel Aleman, along the entire length of which there are wonderful establishments at a distance of about 50 meters from each other.

Most clubs are open until 5 am, with the most activity happening on weekends. There is a special influx of tourists to such establishments during student holidays both in the USA and in Mexico itself. There is a dress code in clubs, but it is not strict; the main thing is not to wear beachwear. Entrance to clubs can be either free or on an all-inclusive basis, when for 5-15 USD the bar is completely open to you. In piano bars, it is customary to tip the pianist (approx. 2 USD per guest).

TOP 5 nightclubs in Acapulco:

  • MOJITO Acapulco (Latin Salsa Club). Open until 5 am.
  • Believe Acapulco. One of the best nightclubs in the city with the largest dance floor. It works until the morning.
  • Palladium. The most popular night club in Acapulco. The most amazing and enchanting shows take place here, the best DJs from Mexico and even the USA come here. Entrance – 35 USD. Activity starts only at midnight and runs until 6 am.
  • Barracuda Bar Acapulco. A small nightclub in the city center with no strict dress code. Drinks – from 1 USD.
  • Sky Garden. Luxury club with a strict dress code and high prices for drinks. Cocktails – from 5 USD.

Extreme Sports

In Acapulco you can windsurf, and in season there are even small waves for surfing. The most popular sport for tourists is diving, with prices starting from 25 USD per trip and suit.
Most surfers only go to Playa Bonfil, which is part of the Princess/Mayan Hotel Palace resort in the Diamante area. There's a surf shop here. Playa Escondido is also a good place for surfing. Both beaches are suitable for both beginners and amateurs at different times, depending on the weather and wave height.
For professionals, there are no particularly large waves in all of Acapulco. There is also no surf school here. The waves come during the rainy season, from May to September. This time of year there are big waves for advanced amateurs. For beginners, any spot at any time of the year will be acceptable.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Traditional tequila and sombreros are held in high esteem here, just as in the souvenir shops of any other town in the country. Personally, I would recommend bringing professional photos of the beach or viewpoint from a real photographer. You want to remember landscapes like Acapulco Bay for the rest of your life.

How to get around the city

Taxi. What features exist

Taxi – the best option transport for travel to interesting corners cities, bars and restaurants. True, hiring a taxi is always a subject of bargaining. It is usually impossible to avoid it, and if you do not need additional stress, then it is better to use the bus. You can share a taxi with other tourists; this practice is quite popular among Americans in Mexico. A taxi from the airport costs around 40-50 USD, depending on the make and size of the car. Usually taxis are taken directly on the street, but you can also call them by phone. Most taxi drivers don't speak English English language. Payment only in cash, in $ or MXN. Taxis around the city - 25 MXN, at night - 30 MXN (yellow) and about 100 MXN (blue, new). All taxis have the option of paying by the meter, but this is often not used to give drivers a chance to bargain.


The yellow tourist city buses with air conditioning and the word “Acapulco” right on them are very comfortable. There are also local buses, painted brightly and noticeably by the drivers themselves; the fare here is only 2 USD. True, the driving style of local drivers, who are not aimed at tourists, is appropriate.

Transport rental

Car rentals are available in Acapulco in the city center, but a decent option starts at $74 USD per day. Always take out insurance! To rent a car you will need an international driving license. Some companies do not rent cars to people under 21 years of age. Unlike Mexican cities such as or, Acapulco, due to its wide roads, is quite convenient for traveling by rented vehicle, even with European driving experience. You can, for example, select a rental car in advance.

Acapulco - holidays with children

Acapulco would be suitable for European families with children if it were not so far from Europe and did not have such narrow sidewalks. In general, teenagers feel best. Those interested in everything will definitely find something they like - the historical center with beautiful houses, beaches and diving, a zoo or boat trips.
With small children, I strongly advise you to stay in hotels near the sea, maximum 100 meters from the coastline, since the relief is most often not noticeable on the map and can become a problem. In residential areas 300-500 meters from the beach you will find narrow streets without sidewalks, through which neither a stroller nor a bicycle can pass without causing a traffic jam.
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The Museum of Masks is a unique museum that houses a huge collection of theatrical masks. Each mask exhibition tells the story of special traditions in the city at a different time. Some of the masks presented in the museum are more than five hundred years old. Thus, exhibits that once belonged to slave owners are stored here. Most masks are made by hand. The museum contains items that are still used in national ritual dances to this day: the “Battle of the Tigers” and the performance “Moors and Christians.

The museum has several halls. Each room contains exhibitions of masks on a specific theme. The hall dedicated to the black population of Guerrero-Costa Chica is popular among museum visitors. The museum has a professional guide who will tell you about each exhibit. There is a souvenir shop on the territory of the museum of masks. Here you can buy commemorative magnets, as well as small copies of masks. There is an entrance fee to the mask museum.

Coordinates: 16.87404000,-99.90812000

Old district of Mazatlan

The old district of Mazatlan is an old district of the Mexican city of Mazatlan. The first buildings in this place appeared in the middle of the 16th century. Until the beginning of the century before last, the area remained only a small fishing village. But in the 19th century, a number of buildings and cathedrals began to be erected here.

To this day, the ancient cathedral has been preserved almost in its original form, which is visible from a distance thanks to its two twin towers. On Sundays there are many parishioners in the church.

This is the only one catholic church in a world where the Star of David is reflected on stained glass windows. It is installed here as a thank you to the Jewish family who helped restore the temple.

Many travelers antique part the city of Mazatlan attracts with its low prices for many products and services. So, at a local restaurant you can order a full meal for twenty dollars. In other areas of Mazatlan, prices for dishes are several times higher.

Coordinates: 23.22872700,-106.40756000

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Estero Del Yugo National Forest

Estero Del Yugo National Forest is Mexico's largest nature reserve. Its total area is more than twenty-seven acres. On the territory of the reserve there are two reservoirs: one with fresh water and the other with sea water and tropical deciduous forests. The reserve is home to more than two hundred species of different birds. There are flycatchers, owls, parrots, wild ducks, and cormorants. Many of them are not afraid of humans. Therefore, you can often see ornithologists in the national reserve who study their behavior in their natural environment.

Estero Del Yugo has several alleys for walkers. There are benches and small gazebos. Estero Del Yugo has a laboratory and a small educational center. Entrance to the reserve is paid and is five dollars. The proceeds go towards its maintenance. The Estero Del Yugo National Forest is open to visitors from nine in the morning to five in the evening.

Coordinates: 23.30471900,-106.48586500

The Acapulco Yacht Club is one of the most famous clubs in Mexico. It was created in the middle of the last century - in 1955. Thirteen years after its opening, it served as a venue for sailing competitions as part of the Summer Olympic Games. Since then, the yacht club has remained a center sailing in Mexico. On the territory of the club, travelers will be able to rent yachts of various categories, ranging from sports to first class yachts. The rental price includes the work of the yacht crew.

Therefore, even a beginner will be able to understand the intricacies of maritime affairs and go out on the open sea on a rented vessel. Experienced crew members will help novice sailors. Vessels of famous oligarchs are moored at the yacht club. Club members will be able to view them for free. On the territory of the yacht club there is a tennis court, swimming pool, laundry and restaurant. There is also a small sports store here.

Coordinates: 16.84937000,-99.90562000

Restaurant "Fort Del Virray"

The Fort Del Virrey restaurant is an establishment with an original interior design and a cuisine of international dishes.

The restaurant is memorable for its unusual interior. From the outside it resembles a fort that was built in Acapulco in the 19th century. The interior decoration reflects the taste of the owner - there are a lot of decorations and, in general, an interesting atmosphere and color is created. There is even a small museum displaying paintings by famous Mexican artists and handicrafts from local craftsmen.

The cuisine specializes in dishes that are recognized throughout the world. But the art of the chefs is top notch. So is the service.

Coordinates: 16.85756100,-99.86442000

Arugula Island

Arugula Island is mexican island, located near Acapulco. total area The island does not exceed one square kilometer. The climate on the island of Arugula is tropical. Here you can find lush vegetation, palm trees, almond and lemon trees, tea and tamarindo trees. The island is considered specially protected natural area. There is a lighthouse on a small mountain in the central part of the island of Rukola. It was built in the middle of the last century. From here you have a view of the entire Acapulco Bay.

There is a zoo on Rukkola. It is home to tigers, lions, turtles, crocodiles, monkeys, tortoises, deer and giraffes. Arugula Island also attracts travelers due to its small beach. The sand on the beach is white. Sometimes small shells are found. The water in this area is clean and clear. Ocean waves are calm and usually their height does not exceed one meter. The island can be reached by boat or helicopter.

Coordinates: 16.82148000,-99.90873000

La Quebrada Gorge

La Quebrada is an artificial chasm created between huge cliffs to provide natural ventilation for the city. 35-meter cliffs surround a small bay, one of the most scenic spots Acapulco and Mexico.

In addition to the beauty of the landscape, La Quebrada attracts tourists with the show of the same name, which takes place here every evening. Professional divers jump from a great height into a narrow crevice into a bay, the depth of which does not exceed 5 meters.

To avoid death, divers must choose to jump at the moment when the wave rises in the bay and it becomes deeper. In addition, when jumping, you need to push off strongly so as not to catch on the rocks of a narrow gorge while jumping.

Coordinates: 16.84598900,-99.91526300

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Acapulco International Center

The Acapulco International Center is located in port city Guerrero. It is considered a major conference center. The initiative to create such a center was made by Mexican President Miguel Aleman Valdez.

Major international negotiations between Mexican government representatives take place here.

Construction International Center Acapulco cost local authorities fifty million dollars. Its building was erected within nine months. The opening of the Acapulco International Center took place on the twenty-fifth of October 1973.

The center hosts the annual Acapulco Festival. Seasonal concerts and performances by the local classical orchestra are also organized here.

The Acapulco International Center is open all year round. It is only closed during the New Year holidays.

Next to the center building there is a parking lot for three thousand cars.

Currently, the center building is under reconstruction.

Coordinates: 16.85465400,-99.85259000

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