TOP all-inclusive beach hotels in Russia. Why are buffets dangerous in all-inclusive hotels?

Among tourists from Russia and CIS countries in last years The most popular holidays are in beautiful hotels with an all-inclusive service system. Every experienced tourist will easily tell you about the advantages of such a vacation: you pay once and throughout your vacation you don’t have to worry about whether you have enough money for another trip to a cafe or an extra portion of alcohol in a bar. But is everything as wonderful as it seems at first glance?

Türkiye is a country with its own traditions, including culinary ones. No, you won’t find specific exotics in the form of fried cockroaches, ant jam or raw octopus on a Turkish buffet. But, at first glance, the simplest products are still very different from the usual method of preparation and taste. A striking example: Turks love vegetables in all their forms. Turkish tables are literally bursting with raw, fried, boiled and stewed vegetables. Eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage of all kinds are true favorites of local chefs. They don't neglect legumes either. But what is unusual about this, you ask? In general, nothing, if we ignore the fact that all the vegetables are seasoned with a spicy tomato sauce with spices that are unusual for our stomachs.

But not just vegetables. A separate topic is meat products. It is no secret that Türkiye is a Muslim country, so you will not find the usual pork on the Turkish table. Hotels mainly serve chicken or turkey meat, or their offal. Beef and veal are also quite rare guests here; they are served in middle and high-class hotels. But in three-star hotels, throughout your long-awaited vacation you will be content with soy cutlets and the same sausage.

Another point that requires attention is Turkish soups. They do not cook cabbage soup or borscht in Turkey. Local soup consists of a vegetable mass pureed in a blender with the addition of spices that are unusual for us, or chicken broth generously thickened with flour. And not a single piece of potato in the soup! It’s hard to imagine, but the Turks do not understand at all how something can float in the soup. What our tourist will never understand is pasta salads. Yes, yes, you heard right, it is from pasta. Boiled pasta is mixed with the same vegetables or sausage and seasoned with local unsalted mayonnaise.

What about Turkish sweets? Baklava, Turkish delight, halva? But no. You will find all this on store shelves, but not on a hotel buffet. Here you can expect the same type of Turkish pastries and semolina puddings, generously drizzled with artificial honey or painted in unnatural colors.

To prevent your holiday in Turkey from being marred by stomach problems, carefully choose what you put on your plate. Don't try unknown or too spicy foods. Don't attack the food: the all-inclusive system does not actually mean continuous overeating. And most importantly: take a carefully prepared first aid kit from home!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


At many points Catering prefer the buffet system. This approach is very convenient and practical: all the preparatory work has been done, and a varied menu is offered on the tables. This allows you to feed a large number of visitors at the same time, which is perfect for places with high traffic volumes, for example, hotels. So, the food is in free access, everyone can choose what they like best. The solemnity of the format makes the meal unusual.

What is a buffet

The buffet serving method is the serving of ready-made dishes, in which the visitor chooses what he likes from those displayed on special tables or serving lines. Any snack is taken in moderation and taken to your table. There are no waiters, everything is organized on a self-service basis. Almost always such a meal is free, the cost is already included in the ticket price.

The term "buffet" is found only in Russian. In Asia, European countries This method of eating is called “buffet”, in Sweden – smorgasbord or “sandwich table”, where sandwiches mean absolutely any food. Another idea for the origin of the Swedish food system is related to the Scandinavian principles of self-restraint in the absence of control.

The “sandwich table” system is widely used by hotels when each client needs to be fed very quickly and tasty. Beer houses and pizzerias often have salad bars, democratic cafes and fast food buffets that offer cold and hot appetizers and desserts. This approach solves the main tasks of restaurant service: providing delicious food, making it quick and convenient for everyone, and attracting new customers.


Organizing a buffet has a number of advantages. They are attractive to clients and organizers:

  • A large selection of dishes gives the visitor a feeling of abundance, the impression that there are a lot of menu options for one price.
  • The price of food is lower than with traditional nutrition.
  • Affordable additional service.
  • Saving time for guests and kitchen staff.

The features of this system depend on religious, cultural traditions a separate people. Very often there are days national cuisine. Some countries prefer seasonings and sweets, others refuse pork and beef. Most establishments' buffet menus include European dishes, although the local chef always makes his own adjustments. The quantity and quality of dishes depends on how many stars the hotel has: the higher the category, the more varied the menu will be.

Each country has its own gastronomic preferences, depending on the characteristics of the people. For example:

  • Indonesia uses a lot of pepper and spices;
  • in Egypt, Tunisia, and the UAE they do not cook pork;
  • Eastern countries offer a wide variety of sweets;
  • V South-East Asia Apart from pork, they do not use beef, but prefer a large amount of seasonings;
  • Europe loves meat: boiled, fried cooking options;
  • Italy prefers spaghetti;
  • Spain is not complete without paella;
  • Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia include feta cheese and olives on the menu.

Drinks deserve special attention. If the hotel does not operate on an all-inclusive system, then any drink - water, coffee, juice, tea, wine - is sold for money at all meals, except breakfast. In Spain, for example, even champagne is served free of charge in the morning. The types of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic, paid or free) depend on the characteristics of the country, and not the “star rating” of the hotel. In Europe, fresh juice is rarely served; Turkish and East Asian cuisines, on the contrary, are happy to offer any natural drink.


Depending on the method of payment for the food consumed, there are two types of buffets. Both are not included in the price of the tour (if this concerns meals at the hotel). Their features are that:

  1. You can come up for food an unlimited number of times. The price is fixed and does not affect the amount of food eaten. The plate size is any.
  2. This type of catering is based on the “plate system”: payment depends on the size of the dish (small, medium, large) and the number of approaches to the table.

Serving formats according to the Swedish system are designed to satisfy the tastes of all visitors. The varieties are as follows:

  • salad bars (salad, light soup, simple snacks) - for those who did not have time to have breakfast;
  • American table (cola, hamburgers, fatty snacks) - served near places of entertainment, for example, near the beach;
  • National cuisine;
  • the dietary diet is designed for wealthy clients and those who prefer only healthy eating;
  • lunch buffet is organized during the day;
  • a coffee or tea table is offered between main meals.

This type of brunch or “family lunch” is ideal for eating on weekends, at lunchtime. Bonuses often include offers of partial payment or free food for children of a certain age. Brunch is often used for birthdays and other holidays. The income from this form of nutrition is small, but it is considered a good marketing method to attract customers.

A banquet involves serving many guests at the same time. Drinks and juices are poured at bar counters located in several places. The most popular drink is mineral water, orange juice, wine, champagne - served by waiters. Snacks are displayed on special tables (round, oval, rectangular) with tablecloth skirts attached to them.

Based on the principle of banquets, catering or thematic events are organized when the celebration is held outdoors or in a room not intended for such purposes. For the organization, special catering companies are invited, which take care of all the worries about the event, from arranging the tables, decorating the hall or area, and ending with preparing the dishes.


There are a number of rules that should be followed when serving a buffet, and the most important thing is the grouping of dishes: the appetizer is displayed on one part, the main dish on the other, sweets and fruits on the third. For example, appetizers are placed at the beginning of the table, then bread, then first courses, second courses, and desserts at the end. Mixing products is strictly prohibited, so as not to create the impression of chaos. Fish and meat cannot lie next to each other on a tray or plate; seafood is allowed next to fish dishes. You can’t place vegetables, berries, or fruits nearby.

Grouping rules also apply to dishes, drinks, spices and sauces. They are:

  • Trays and plates are placed at equal intervals.
  • Each dish has its own equipment for serving food. It is important that they are made of stainless steel; wooden utensils can be used, but plastic ones are prohibited.
  • Separate places are organized for drinks (near the entrance), used dishes (further away).
  • Sauce and spices are placed in small containers next to the dishes they go with.
  • Honey, yogurt, jam are served in small glass or ceramic rosettes.

The shift and frequency of serving dishes is also subject to certain rules. In hotels, all food is displayed at once, but at banquets you need to follow the order:

  • Snacks remain until the end of the banquet, refreshed twice an hour in the summer, and once every hour in cooler times.
  • Hot dishes are served before consumption.
  • Cold appetizers are laid out on metal dishes (for cooling), salads can be served on ceramics.
  • Bakery products are placed in baskets or on pie plates.
  • Multi-level stands save space.
  • Drinks can be served poured into glasses.

Particular attention is paid to decorating the buffet. Flowers, tablecloths, bows, etc. are used. The rules for decorating the table are:

  • The presence of flowers speaks of special chic, but they need to be changed periodically.
  • The tablecloth should not reach the floor by 10 cm.
  • Paper napkins are preferable (it’s more convenient to throw away rather than toss with dirty dishes). They are laid out next to the plates in a stack or fan.
  • The decor of the table should be combined with the interior.
  • It is acceptable to use tall candelabra or small candlesticks with lit candles.

Menu at the hotel

The buffets serve more than just cold appetizers. It is important that there is no cooked food that you need to cut for yourself with a knife: all dishes are exclusively portioned. The hotel buffet menu has no more restrictions. It consists of:

  • snacks;
  • first hot dishes;
  • hot meat or fish;
  • side dishes for fish and meat;
  • drinks;
  • desserts.

IN different countries ah, for the “sandwich” table they use their own dishes and drinks. For example, the buffet menu in hotels in Turkey offers the following:

juice, tea, coffee, milk, tea, coffee, drinking water are offered unlimited throughout the day

eggs, cereal, cheese, sausage, butter,

tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, bread

not served

Main dishes:

porridge, omelet, scrambled eggs, sausages,

puree soups, borscht,

stewed vegetables, fish, chicken, meat;

side dish: rice, pasta

not served

casseroles, stewed vegetables, fish, meat;

side dish: rice, potatoes, pasta

jam, honey,

yogurt, buns

dessert and seasonal fruit

The Spanish diet is somewhat different from the Turkish one. In hotels in Spain, chefs are ready to offer the following menu:

coffee, glass of fresh orange juice

juices, beer, dessert wine, water

wine, beer

spicy “bocadiyo” with cheese, jamon, herbs, tuna, tomatoes;

tostada, egg, lettuce, white asparagus

salad, flatbread

jamon, cheese, sliced ​​bread

Main dishes:

potato omelet, tortilla, sandwiches with boiled ham and cheese

paella, pasta, pork, beef, lamb, fish, liver

fish, meat, seafood


cakes, seasonal fruits

How to behave around a buffet

Almost all countries recommend drinking fresh juice on an empty stomach before breakfast. The drink must be poured into a glass. The bread or bun is placed on a small dish, a pie plate. Everything is placed on the dining table in the following order: snack or main dishes, small dishes with baked goods on the left, and a glass of juice in front of the main one. Next, everything on the snack plate is eaten.

Buffet etiquette rules prohibit wearing beachwear. The meal sequence is as follows:

  1. A couple of pieces of food are placed on a plate in the left hand. It is better to do several approaches rather than “filling” the dishes with food. Different plates are used for different dishes.
  2. A fork is placed to the left of the container with the food, teeth up, and a knife is placed on the right.
  3. On dishes with food, the seasoning in the socket is placed on the right, the seeds are in the upper left corner. You need to constantly use napkins.
  4. When the food is finished, the knife and fork are left on the plate.

If you need a supplement, then you need to go to the common table with your dishes and put the desired dish. After using sauces, the plate must be replaced with a clean one. When the meal is finished, the cutlery is placed parallel to each other, the knife with the blade inward, and the dirty dishes are taken away by yourself or by the waiter. It is prohibited to take anything out of the hall. You are allowed to take only one fruit with you or leave with finished baked goods.


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The all-inclusive system, although slowly, is steadily developing at resorts Krasnodar region and in Crimea. The ATOR newsletter decided to find out in which hotels in Russia this season you can relax comfortably according to the “ All Inclusive" And most importantly - how much it will cost.


Today, in the coastal resorts of Russia, the proportion of hotels that operate with food systems close in the range of services to those familiar to us from Turkey and the almost forgotten Egypt “All Inclusive” and “Ultra All Inclusive”, .

At the top of tourist demand are about 30 hotels and boarding houses, including those that offer three meals a day plus meals at intermediate stations.

Our TOP includes hotels that are closest to the classic “all inclusive”. All of them are represented by Russian tour operators.


Club hotel "Dauville Hotel & SPA" 5* was built in the Norman style and is positioned as a hotel high level. The hotel is new - opened in 2013. Transfer time from the airport - 15 minutes, 5 minutes - from the station. On the territory of the hotel there are separate buildings and groups of cottages connected by open galleries. Own sand beach located 500 m from the hotel, a shuttle to the beach is available.

On the territory of the hotel there is a complex of outdoor swimming pools of 4 bowls, with total area 0.12 hectares, designed in the form of a castle. Children's and animation pools with mineralized water - heated. There is a complex water slides and SPA center.

The Deauville Hotel & SPA 5* offers three meals a day (buffet) for guests, with soft and alcoholic drinks. Intermediate meals are available throughout the day at several snack bars on site and on the beach. Here is the most expanded buffet menu, a large selection of premium alcohol.

For children A special children's menu has been developed and a separate room has been equipped for meals with children aged 0-3 years. For younger guests there are children's clubs "Vicky Chicky" (0-3 years old), "Wicky Chicky" (3-6 years old) and entertainment game center For children from 6 years old. Every day there are fun holidays and educational games under the supervision of teachers.

This hotel was built in a “Mediterranean style” and is located in the resort area of ​​Anapa - next to the station and a 30-40 minute drive from the airport. The hotel has a large green area, a complex of 4 swimming pools, sports grounds, children's clubs "Vicky Chicks", bars and restaurants, a SPA center and much more. The hotel's sandy beach is 350 meters from the main building.

Ultra All Inclusive at the hotel: extended buffet menu - in the main restaurant plus intermediate meals in hotel bars and on the beach. We offer a wide range of elite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, children's menu from 0 years.

The hotels offer adult and children's animation throughout the day, and a variety of show programs are held every evening. Free rental of sports equipment, bike station.

It is located a 20-minute drive from the station and a half-hour drive from Anapa airport. There are two outdoor adult swimming pools on site, one of which is heated and children's pool with slides(with fresh water and heated). Own dedicated sandy beach area - 650 meters from the hotel. Designed for families with children.

"All" systemIinclusive": includes breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet style (more than 50 dishes) in the main restaurant, as well as in cafes and bars on site. The menu also includes homemade desserts and pastries and local alcoholic drinks (beer and wine). The hotel hosts themed dinners dedicated to the culinary traditions of different countries of the world. There is a children's and vegetarian menu.

For children: open kids club, playrooms for children of different ages, a cinema room for children with a widescreen screen and DOLBY Surround system and a children's playground on site. Cots, strollers, bathtubs and even potties are available upon request.

"Atelika Grand Meridian" 3* is located in resort village Vityazevo in walking distance to the sea, next to the central promenade "Paralia". The hotel is also aimed at families with children.

All inclusive system: 3 meals a day in the main restaurant and in the Malibu bar on site. In addition to an assortment of appetizers, salads, first and second hot courses, you can try Kuban wine and draft beer for free at lunch and dinner. For the youngest guests, in accordance with the recommendations of pediatricians, a separate children's menu has been developed. which includes milk porridges, broths, milk, yoghurts and other children's dishes.

There are many shops and attractions around the hotel, and there is a tour desk right on site. There is a dolphinarium within walking distance. Own dedicated beach area with sun loungers and umbrellas - 400 m from the hotel.

The hotel is centrally located resort area Anapa, a minutes drive from both the station and the airport, on the first line. The hotel is focused primarily on family holiday with children(there are 2 game rooms, a playground, children's animation, a children's menu, a children's pool with a slide). At the hotel wide sandy beach(dedicated area with awnings and sun loungers 100 m from the hotel) and open pool heated (!). Wi-Fi works throughout the hotel.

All inclusive system The hotel provides 3 buffet meals a day and meals in two cafe-bars on site. In addition to a wide range of hot and cold appetizers, first and second courses, pastries and desserts, Kuban red and white wine, beer, spirits, water and fruit juices are free for guests.

IN separate children's menu- milk porridges, broths, milk, yoghurts and other children's dishes, and from 12:00 to 16:00 the bar offers delicious ice cream.

Prices for the summer season start from 3650 rubles per Double Room, while from March to October 15, one child under 12 years of age is additionally allowed. place with meals is accommodated free of charge.


The hotel complex Bridge Resort GC 4* is located in Imereti Lowland Adler district of Sochi, in close proximity to the Olympic Park. Transfer time from the airport is about 15-20 minutes. The complex itself consists of the main building and 11 thematic buildings, designed in accordance with the idea of ​​traveling around the world.

The hotel offers service packages "All inclusive" and "All inclusive+". All hotel guests are provided with three buffet meals a day, local alcoholic drinks free of charge - from 11:00 to 23:00, non-alcoholic drinks - around the clock.

IN extended package additionally includes: transfer to the amusement park at altitude "Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi", services of the Internet club "", herbal bar, dishes from the chef and elite alcohol in the Bridge Resort restaurant, maximum discounts on car rental services and discounts on excursions .

The hotel offers animation programs, a children's room with a teacher, use of a complex of heated swimming pools (outdoor, indoor, children's) and a jacuzzi.

The hotel is located in the center of the village of Lazarevskoye on the first line. The hotel, in addition to excellent infrastructure for children's recreation, There is excellentSPA.

This is one of the most similar in terms of service and comfort to Turkish Russian beach hotels. The hotel has 6 swimming pools (including two heated ones and pools with Maori water) and a water park. The private pebble beach is 50 m from the hotel.

"All" systemIinclusive" here includes breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet style. The daily menu includes 45 different dishes, as well as alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Throughout the day, the Taverna and Galileo restaurants offer guests unlimited quantities of beer, cold snacks, ice cream, tea, coffee, pastries and sweets.

For children: amusement park, water park, gym, bowling alley, billiard room, DVD cinema, show programs, table tennis and a children's room with teachers. In the children's restaurant, little guests are treated to purees, curds, porridges, specially prepared steamed dietary dishes, dairy products, desserts and fruits

The Aqualoo 3* complex occupies a landscaped area of ​​14 hectares, on which there is a bigwater park - and this is one of the main features of this Sochi hotel. Own 250-meter equipped small pebble beach is a 5 minute walk from the hotel. Transfer time from the airport - about 1 hour, from railway station Loo - 5-7 minutes.

System "All Inclusive» includes 3 buffet meals a day, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, as well as drinks and snacks throughout the day in cafes and bars on site.

For children of any age and adults: educational mini-club "Aquarik", animation programs, gym, billiards, bowling, bath complex and of course, own water park "AQUALOO", a visit to which is already included in the price of the tour. The water park provides bistro-style meals, juice drinks for children and beer for adults.

The hotel is located on first line, in the central part of the city of Sochi. The hotel rooms offer an excellent panorama Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea. Vacationers can use a dedicated area on the beach, a heated seawater swimming pool, a beach, medical and health treatments, and a gym.

System"All inclusive" valid at the hotel from 06/13/17 to 09/30/17, and includes buffet meals, which take place in the hotel’s main restaurant - “Khrustalny”. In total, there are 8 restaurants and 14 bars on site.

For children There is a children's room and playground, as well as rental of cribs and strollers.

The hotel is surrounded unique park area with tropical plants, the Winter Theater and the Arboretum botanical park are located nearby.


Premium SPA hotel“Livadiysky” is located in the village of Livadia, a 10-minute walk from the Primorsky Park with a singing fountain and a 15-minute walk from the central embankment of Yalta, right on the seashore. Transfer time from Simferopol airport is about one and a half hours.

All inclusive includes: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, including local soft and alcoholic drinks. Special attention is paid children's menu- it was developed taking into account the recommendations of pediatricians. In addition to meals, the “All Inclusive” system also includes animation for children and adults, visits to swimming pools, and a complex of five baths.

You can get to the famous Livadia Palace and park from the hotel from the shore by elevator or walk along the “Tsar’s Path”.

The hotel is located on the territory of Massandra Park, the beach is located 300 meters from the hotel. Transfer time from Simferopol airport - about 1.5 hours.

All inclusive includes breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet), including alcoholic drinks. Meals at intermediate stations (cafes and bars on site) are paid separately. In addition, this system provides free laundry services, minor clothing repair services, and use of the fitness room.

"Yalta Intourist" is considered one of famous objects peninsula and " business card» Crimea in the field of business tourism. International events and exhibitions often take place on site.

However, the hotel is attractive and For family vacation : for this there is a huge park area, three swimming pools - Olympic (50 m, 8 lanes), Olympic diving and children's, with heated sea water, 3 tennis courts, football field, volleyball court.

For children It will be interesting to visit the petting zoo, planetarium and Circularium spherical cinema located on the hotel premises. For parents - a fitness center, a SPA center with mud rejuvenation programs with Saki mud and a salt cave, a massage salon and a medical center.


In addition to the 11 hotels presented above, tour operators offer other facilities in different price segments from 2* to 4*, which also operate on an all-inclusive basis. In most of them, children under 3 years old are accommodated free of charge.

Meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet, lunch - on the day of arrival, soft and alcoholic drinks from 08:00 to 23:00 in the Thaler restaurant bar

Free services:

  • Visit to the pool, saunas at the pool, gym from 07:00 to 22:00
  • Visit to the bathhouse of the health center "Carinthia" to choose from: "Hamam" or "Russian bath" or bath complex on the second floor, from 08:00 -22:00 (1 hour)
  • Use of a trampoline and sports equipment (except Segway, electric car and electric scooter) (1 hour)
  • Basketball court rental (1 hour)
  • 1 bowling lane or 1 billiard table to choose from per week. clock (1 hour)
  • Animation programs for adults and children
  • Feeding animals on a mini-farm
  • Guaranteed complimentary late check out on Sundays (lunch not included)
  • Water according to the number of guests (on the day of arrival)

Free services:

  • Billiards, table tennis, tennis
  • Volleyball, basketball, football - according to the animation program
  • Visiting the swimming pool (two saunas, a swimming pool, a children's area) - when visiting the swimming pool you must bring a cap and a change of shoes.
  • Sports equipment rental
  • Parking next to the reception
  • Providing an iron and ironing board; luggage room, wake-up service

Country Resort Hotel

Included in the all-inclusive service:

All inclusive

Meals: breakfast (08:00-11:00), lunch (13:00-15:00), dinner (18:00-20:30). During the buffet, unlimited draft beer, wine, vodka and soft drinks (tea, coffee, juices, etc.) are provided. From 08.00 to 20.30 coffee break with pastries and soft drinks (tea, coffee, juice, water).

Free services:

  • Billiards, table tennis
  • Sports equipment rental, skating rink
  • Visit to the swimming pool (two saunas, swimming pool, children's area)
  • Children's room, children's animation
  • Iron and ironing board rental
  • Tea station in the room (kettle, tea, sugar)
  • Entertainment animation, evening shows, disco
  • Visit to the zoo, fishing rod rental (during the summer season)

Hotel "Aniva"

Included in the all-inclusive service*:

  • Buffet meals: breakfast (08.00-11.00), lunch (13.00-15.00), afternoon tea (17.00-17.30), dinner (19.00-21.00). Non-alcoholic drinks (tea, coffee, juice, compote). Alcoholic drinks (draft wine, beer during lunch 13.00-15.00 and dinner 19.00-21.00).

Free services:

  • Children's room.
  • Playground.
  • Library.
  • Billiards.
  • Table tennis.
  • Board games.
  • Rental of sports equipment, except motors.
  • Rent of barbecue areas "Fisherman's House".
  • Fishing.
  • Football and volleyball courts.
  • Wi-Fi in public areas.
  • Equipped beach in summer.
  • Skating rink, rental of ski equipment and skates (no more than 2 hours a day) in winter.

Holiday home "Bekasovo"

Included in the all-inclusive service:

All inclusive

Three meals a day "Buffet" with alcoholic drinks

Free services:

  • In the room: mineral water, tea, coffee, cream and sugar
  • Visit to the swimming pool (once daily), salt cave (once per stay)
  • Oxygen cocktail
  • Fitness program: Pilates "Healthy Back", stretching, Nordic walking, yoga, fitness active
  • Board games, billiards, bowling (daily 1 visit/1 lane without time limit)
  • Optical shooting range - daily 1 visit/30 min
  • Creative workshops for adults: quilling, scrapbooking, decoupage, soap making, candle making, topiary, beading
  • Master classes for school-age children: soap making, stained glass drawing, paper plastic, kanzashi, ison thread, beadwork, toys from various materials, drawing in various techniques, painting with colored sand, decoration from satin ribbons, painting plaster bas-reliefs, etc.
  • Visit to the children's playroom, creative activities
  • Use of sports gym, table tennis
  • Rental of sports equipment (except for velomobiles, bicycles, scooters)
  • Evening animation programs, karaoke, discos

Hotel "Yakhonty"

Included in the all-inclusive service:

All inclusive

4 meals a day "buffet" (FB) + afternoon tea (from 2 days of stay) - breakfast (8.00 - 10.00, on weekends 8.30-11.00), lunch (13.00 - 15.00), afternoon tea (16.30 - 17. :30), dinner (19.00 - 21.00). For those who like to sleep, breakfast is provided from 10.00 to 12.00 in the karaoke bar.

Free services:

  • Children's room until 18.00
  • Parking
  • Animated entertainment programs
  • Visit to the Aqua Center from 9:00 to 21:00
  • In cottages with a sauna, the price also includes a sauna session (2 hours per day)
  • In apartments in cottages and cottages with a bathhouse, the price also includes the use of a barbecue and individual parking
  • Beach use: sun loungers, umbrellas and changing rooms on the beach

Majority Russian tourists When going on a long-awaited vacation, they prefer to relax using the all inclusive system. And it’s not surprising, because by paying the cost of the tour, you can have a great time in a hotel with all the amenities and not spend anything more than what you paid at home.

Most often, the all-inclusive food system is offered in hotels, but sometimes it can be found in other countries. Due to the fact that there are more and more varieties of all inclusive every year, it is better to understand what their difference is and what is included in the “vacation package”.

The essence of the concept of “all inclusive”

All-inclusive meals, or in English (ALL) are pre-paid services that are provided to the guest after check-in. The most common ALL options are the following list of services:

  • accommodation in a room of the designated category;
  • three meals a day throughout the day on a buffet basis;
  • locally produced drinks, including alcohol;
  • other types of services (in-room safe, mini-fridge, etc.).

Thus, all-inclusive meals allow you to forget about many of the problems associated with organizing your vacation. There is no need for additional costs Money to pay for dinner in restaurants, since the hotel will offer tourists buffet meals, where no restrictions are imposed on the amount eaten. Depending on the hotel category, the number of dishes ranges from 3 to 10, and fresh pastries, desserts, sweets and fruits are also provided.

Drinkers will appreciate the all-inclusive meal plan due to unlimited access to locally produced alcohol. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that strong drinks that are not produced in the holiday destination will need to be paid extra. Freshly squeezed juices and ice cream, as a rule, are also not included in the ALL price. Among the free services will be relaxation at the hotel pool and on the beach, a children's animator and, possibly, an evening program.

Types of all-inclusive system

Exist different types all inclusive, which differ depending on the country of holiday, the level of the hotel, the cost of the trip and other factors. It is worth noting that there are no standards for what should be included in all-inclusive meals, so a lot depends on the hotel’s reputation, competition and the imagination of the managers.

Despite this, hotels with a 2-3 star level also offer locally produced drinks at their own expense. In 4-5 star hotels, the price also includes the use of beach accessories and related equipment.

There are several abbreviations for the term "all inclusive". Almost every tourist knows how the concept is defined. The most common are ALL (all inclusive), mini ALL (used in UAL (a wider range of free services in hotels

Ultra all inclusive meal plan

Ultra All inclusive is a significantly expanded list of services that a tourist pays for when purchasing a voucher to the selected hotel. This system is most developed in luxury five-star hotels in Egypt and Turkey. Typically, it includes the following:

  • 24-hour food service (brunch, afternoon snack, night dinner);
  • food delivery to the room;
  • imported alcohol;
  • daily replenishment of minibars in the rooms;
  • free tennis and bowling;
  • visiting the SPA center, sauna, massage room;
  • entertainment in hotel amusement parks and water parks;
  • water sports.

All-inclusive meals (as we have already said as it is designated) are a very convenient holiday concept. But the “ultra all inclusive” system is usually quite expensive (more expensive than simple All inclusive). It is worth clarifying that, in turn, Ultra All inclusive has dozens of types: Mega All inclusive, Imperial All inclusive, All inclusive de luxe and so on.

All inclusive in Europe

The European ALL system differs significantly from the all-inclusive meals in Egypt and Turkey. The reason for such differences lies in the very nature of All inclusive, which is in demand at resorts where all entertainment is located on the hotel premises. European tourist centers, on the contrary, abound in various restaurants, bars, discos and local attractions. Therefore, Europeans consider the all-inclusive system an unnecessary excess.

Having paid for All inclusive, the guest receives a bracelet or other insignia, which gives the right to three meals a day and local alcoholic drinks. Among additional services water aerobics, tennis or sauna may be offered. 3-star hotels do not provide any special entertainment.

When buying a ticket, it is better to check with the tour operator which system is used in the selected hotel and what is included in it. Upon arrival on vacation, you will be able to receive complete information about the services provided.


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