Presentation on the topic: Geography of Bulgaria. This mysterious country of Romania Presentation on the topic Danube countries

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Salzburg is the second largest city in Austria and is known to most people as the birthplace of Mozart. However, the city gained fame long before the birth of the great composer. Salzburg, whose name is translated from German as “salt-hail,” arose not far from the rock salt deposit. It began to be mined in ancient times.

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Austria is a country of alpine peaks, emerald meadows, mountain lakes and green cool forests. It is located in the very center of Europe. This small country, its area is about 84 thousand square meters. km (like two Moscow regions). Austrians speak German. In total, there are just over eight million Austrians (2003) (less than in Moscow alone). Austria is surrounded on all sides European states: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany. It has no access to the sea.

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Austria. View of the Danube. Panorama of the city of Korneuburg. The Danube is the main waterway of the country; on its banks are the capital of Austria - Vienna, the cities of Linz, and Krems. This river flows through the territory of nine countries. Within the borders of Austria, the Danube is navigable.

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The capital of Austria - Vienna - is located on both banks of the “beautiful blue Danube”. Vienna is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, home to about two million people.

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St. Stephen's Cathedral is one of the most beautiful not only in Austria, but throughout Europe. The cathedral is considered the symbol of Vienna.

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The main attraction of Vienna is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, St. Stephen's Cathedral, built in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Belvedere Palace, built at the beginning of the 18th century, is called the pearl of the Viennese Baroque - the former summer residence Prince Eugene of Savoy. Another summer residence of the Habsburg imperial family, Schönbrunn (late 18th century) is distinguished by its magnificent state rooms and wonderful park.

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Schönbrunn Castle is located near the capital of Austria, Vienna. This is the summer residence of the Austrian Habsburg emperors. A hunting castle was built here in the mid-16th century, and under Maria Theresa in the 18th century, Schönbrunn received modern look. The castle was built on and, in accordance with the Rococo style, was decorated with a balcony, galleries, and a hall with columns.

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Most of the country's territory is occupied by the Eastern Alps, where edelweiss (the symbol of Austria) grows. The Alps are especially beautiful in winter. Austrian city Innsbruck is one of the centers of alpine skiing. The slopes of the Alps are covered with beautiful forests. The climate in Austria is temperate, with fairly mild winters and warm summers. The Austrian economy has a high level of development. Transport and agricultural engineering are the most developed; the Austrians produce high-quality equipment for the mining, textile, and food industries. Leading Industry Agriculture- dairy farming.

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Upper Austria. On the shore of a beautiful mountain lake settled down summer resort St. Wolfgang. The lake is surrounded by gently sloping mountain slopes, covered with forests. On the steep streets of the town there are many shops where they sell original souvenirs - soap figurines (an ancient craft of local Benedictine monks).

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Tyrol. View of the Tyrolean Alps. South Tyrol is characterized by high alpine terrain with glaciers and snowfields up to 3774 m high (Mount Wildspitz). The Tyrolean Alps are good both in summer and winter, and Tyrol especially attracts skiers. The main city of Tyrol hosted the White Olympics twice (1964, 1976).

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Since ancient times, the lands of modern Austria were inhabited by Illyrian tribes. Later they were conquered by the Romans. In the sixth and seventh centuries, during the Great Migration, Germanic tribes settled here. The Duchy of Austria proper was created in 1156. Since 1278, representatives of the Habsburg dynasty, who ruled in Austria until the beginning of the 20th century, established themselves on the ducal throne. The forty-year reign of Empress Maria Theresa (1740-1780) is considered the golden era in the history of Austria. In 1867, Austria united with Hungary, forming the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary under Habsburg rule. Austro-Hungarian Empire broke up in 1918. In 1938, Austria was annexed by Nazi Germany. After the end of World War II, Austria was occupied by occupation forces of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France for ten years. Only in 1955 did foreign troops leave Austria and it became a federal republic, uniting eight federal states and Vienna, which is equated to them. Officially, the head of the Austrian Republic is the President. All executive power belongs to the government headed by Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel. Austria is a member of the European Union. In 2002 National currency- shilling - was replaced by the euro.

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Presentation on the topic: Geography of Bulgaria

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Bulgaria is “a country of a tribe formed from many tribes.” "Bulg" comes from a Turkish root meaning "mixed". Bulgaria is a country in the southeastern part of Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula Capital: Sofia Bordered on the north by Romania, on the south by Turkey and Greece, on the west by Serbia and the former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea.

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Nature of Bulgaria. About 1/3 of the country is occupied by mountains. Located in the center of the country mountain system Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains), dividing the territory of Bulgaria into two parts: the northern plain (Danube Plain) and the southern, more mountainous. In the southwest of the country there is the Rila-Rhodope mountain range: the Rila Mountains (Mount Musala - 2925 m - highest point Balkan Peninsula), Pirin and Rhodopes. The climate is temperate continental, in the south it is transitional to Mediterranean. Approx. 30% of Bulgaria's area is covered with forests, ch. arr. broad-leaved (beech, oak); pine, fir and spruce grow in the mountains. Natural conditions Bulgaria creates favorable conditions for the development of tourism and resort facilities

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Economy of Bulgaria. Bulgaria is an industrial-agrarian country. GNP per capita. $1,334 (1995). The extraction of coal, oil, and natural gas is developed. The leading industry is mechanical engineering. Traditional export goods are canned fruits and vegetables, tobacco, wine, essential oils (1st place in the world in the production of rose oil). An important role traditionally belongs to foreign tourism (over 8 million people per year). Large ski resorts - Borovets, Pamporovo, seaside resorts - Golden Sands, Albena, sunny Beach and others. Monetary unit is lev.

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According to their ethnic roots, Bulgarians belong to the southern group of Slavs. During the period of the formation of the Bulgarians as a nationality, one of the important components were the Bulgars (Bulgars) - a Turkic people of Asian origin, who in the 5th century. AD created his own states between the Volga and Ural mountains. Strong state union in the territory between the Don and Kuban 7th century. AD was called Great Bulgaria (Khan Kubrat). Under pressure from the Khazars, this alliance collapsed. One group of Bulgars, led by Kotrag, was pushed north - to the Middle Volga region. Here in the 14th–15th centuries. the feudal state of Volga-Kama Bulgaria was formed with the capital Bulgar (or Bolgar) - a large shopping center, which existed until its appearance in the 15th century. Kazan Khanate. The second group, led by Asparukh, son of Kurbat, moved to westward along the Black Sea coast and then up the Danube. They crossed this river and, together with the Slavic tribes, in 681 AD. created the Bulgarian state in Moesia and Dacia (now the northeastern part of Bulgaria). The nomadic Bulgars and local Thracian tribes assimilated with the Bulgars, adopted their language and, to a large extent, the way of life of the Slavic villagers.

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Historical sketch of Bulgaria. The first people appeared here more than 500 thousand years ago. In 4 thousand BC. e. settlements of the ancient Aryans arose. One of their tribes, the Thracians, in the 5th century. BC e. created their own state here - Thrace. Thrace, located at the junction of modern Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece, was part of the ancient Greek states as a province, and in the 1st-4th centuries. - Roman Empire. The legendary gladiator Spartacus was a Thracian. In the 7th century The Slavs who came from across the Danube assimilated the local population and entered into an alliance with a small group of proto-Bulgarians, forming the First Bulgarian Kingdom in 680. At the turn of the 9th-10th centuries. it owned almost the entire Balkan Peninsula. Christianity was introduced in 865. But already in the middle of the 10th century. The Bulgarian-Slavic state was conquered by Byzantium. As a result of the uprising raised by the brothers Peter and Asen, the country regained its independence. The Second Bulgarian Kingdom collapsed at the end. 14th century, conquered by the Turks. The Muslim yoke lasted for almost 500 years and was destroyed after Turkey's defeat in the war with Russia (1877-78). In 1908, the independent Third Bulgarian Kingdom arose. In the First World War, Bulgaria became an ally of Germany and Austria-Hungary. During World War II, Bulgaria sided with Germany (in March 1941 it officially joined the Axis countries). After defeat in World War II, Bulgaria fell into the sphere of influence of the USSR, and power passed to the communists. From the beginning 1990s the construction of a democratic society began. Bulgaria became the first post-communist country where the former ruling dynasty returned to power (albeit through democratic means). In 2001, Simeon of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, leader of the Monarchist Party, won the parliamentary elections. But the positions of the Socialist Party (former communists) are also strong. Bulgaria is a candidate for NATO and the EU. The national holiday is March 3 (Day of Liberation from the Turkish Yoke).

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Few people know that Bulgaria has the highest and most extensive virgin mountain ranges in south-eastern Europe and exceptionally rich in flora and fauna. The mountains of Bulgaria not only have the richest vegetation, but also rare species of birds, including vultures, eagles, and falcons. Many animals listed in the Red Book have found refuge in the mountains: bear, wolf, red deer. The first Bulgarian national park was opened in 1934. Today this is only part of the state-protected parks and reserves amazing beauty, total area of which is 498 thousand hectares. In Bulgaria, a lot of work is being done to preserve the rich traditions and culture of the people, and at the same time, new treasures of nature are opening up for tourists. For many years, the Bulgarian mountains have served as a place of relaxation and admiration for countless visitors who came there to climb, simply wander or admire nature.

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There are many places open to the public in Bulgaria. national parks. A friendly and experienced guide is always available to visitors. Some parks have special nature reserves, to enter which you must obtain a pass in advance. Small hotels, hunting lodges and private houses fit well into the general joyful atmosphere of the mountains, where you can always book a room in advance. If you prefer to stay closer to nature, then camping is allowed along the perimeter of these mountain establishments. national park"Rila"

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Resorts in Bulgaria are a wide network of private and public hotels that meet all European standards. And for last years, due to the development of tourism in the country, hotels in Bulgaria have achieved high quality new level. The picturesque nature and variety of entertainment on the territory of the complex are what everyone needs for a carefree holiday on the coast. Moreover, holidays in hotels in Bulgaria will appeal to both those who want to save money and those who like comfort in luxury conditions. Due to the fact that the country is famous not only for beach tourism, but also for first-class ski resorts, in Bulgaria your choice will be presented to houses and small hotels in the mountains.

HUNGARY Area km². Population number The capital is Budapest. The Danube River divides the capital of the country into two parts, so the name of the capital consists of two parts. Surrounded by seven countries. Agricultural country. The soil produces red peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables. The northernmost rice farmer in the world.

CZECH REPUBLIC Area km². Population number The capital is Prague. VLTAVA River. Cultural and historical center. Many monuments. Ancient trade routes from east to west and from north to south pass through this country located in the center of Europe.

SLOVAKIA Area km². Population number The capital is Bratislava. Carpathian mountains located in the western part of the country. There are three mountains on the flag: TATRAS, SMALL FATRA and BIG FATRA.

ALBANIA Area km². Population number The capital is Tirana. The country is located northwest of Greece in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula and borders the Adriatic Sea. Forms part of the DINARIAN mountain range. River Drina. The country has long been in self-isolation from the rest of Europe.

THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA Yugoslavia is a state in Europe that existed on the Balkan Peninsula for almost the entire 20th century and had access to the Adriatic Sea. The division of the country into independent states was preceded by a bloody war. For many people, the war brought untold suffering. The city of SARAJEVO, where the Winter Olympic Games were held in 1984, was completely destroyed. In 1990, during the civil war, SLOVENIA, CROATIA, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA, MACEDONIA separated from Yugoslavia. And in 2006, Yugoslavia finally ceased to exist and split into MONTENEGRO AND SERBIA. The Republic of KOSOVO is part of Serbia, and since 2008 it has been a partially recognized state. For example, Russia did not recognize the independence of the Republic of Kosovo. According to the Russian Foreign Minister, the sovereignty (“independence”) of Serbia is thereby violated.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, CROATIA, SLOVENIA, MACEDONIA The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo. Area km². Population number The rivers are SAAVA (on the border with Croatia) and BOSNA. The country is located west of Serbia and Montenegro. The capital of Croatia is Zagreb. Area km². Number of people Located on the Adriatic coast. Many islands. Diversity of fauna (wolves, frogs, lizards, etc.). The SAAVA River forms the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The capital of Slovenia is Ljubljana. Area km². Number of people A country with many forests and mountains. Transit country with numerous highways and railways. All types of woodpeckers are found. The capital of Macedonia is Skopje. Area km². Number of people Located on Balkan Peninsula between Albania and Bulgaria south of Serbia and Montenegro. The main fairway through Europe to Greece passes through these countries.
The capital of Montenegro is Podgorica. Area km². Population number Located on the coast Adriatic Sea. Translated, the name of the country means “Black Mountain”. Lots of mountains. The main population is Montenegrins. The capital of Serbia is Belgrade. Area km². number of people The main landscape is lowlands. Agriculture and livestock breeding are developed. Transit country through which railway transportation and river transportation along the rivers DANUBE, SAAVA, MORAVA and TISA. The capital of Kosovo is Pristina. Area km². Number of people The main population is Albanians. Many churches, monasteries, mosques and castles. Four monasteries are included in the lists cultural heritage UNESCO.

“Geography lesson Eurasia” - Name the names of travelers and explorers of the continent. Przhevalsky N.M. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 2 in Narimanov" Geography teacher Skibo T. A. General information about Eurasia. Lesson objectives. Kozlov P.K. Explorers of Eurasia. The most high mountain in the world Chomolungma is 8848 m. The continent is washed by all the oceans. Introduce students to the idea of ​​Eurasia.

“Countries of Eurasia” - Study the text of the textbook on pp. 83-85 Where is the manufacturing industry concentrated? I n d o n e s i . European countries Japan. Oil producing countries. NIS Asian Tigers. Nepal Afghanistan Bangladesh Pakistan. China India. Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. The most developed countries. Revenues from oil exports allow the development of other industries.

“Rivers of Eurasia” - Valley of the Yenisei River. The central part of the continent is occupied by a vast area of ​​internal drainage. Length - 1012 km, basin area 115 thousand square meters. km. Ganges (Ganges) is a river in India and Bangladesh. Loire is the most long river France. Length 2850 km, basin area 817 thousand square meters. km. Lake Baikal. It flows into the North Sea, forming a delta.

"Eurasia" - Eastern. Summer is hot (+24°C - +26°C) and dry. Norway. Climate type Mediterranean Equatorial Subequatorial. Marine temperate 2. Winter is warm (from +4°C to +12°C) and rainy. The mainland is located north of the equator. Alps. Altai. 7.

“Peoples of Eurasia” - National composition. Eurasian race. The Germanic peoples are characterized by blond hair and light skin. At the same time, a significant part of the continent is very sparsely populated. On the vast and diverse territory of the mainland, the population is distributed extremely unevenly. The population in North Asia is small.

"Continent of Eurasia" - Cape Roca. 170°E. Which continents can fit into the territory of Eurasia combined? 3. Length of the continent. 1°16" N. W. 5. Research"Comparison geographical location continents Eurasia and North America" 54 million. Calculate the length of Eurasia from north to south along 80° east.

There are a total of 22 presentations in the topic


The Republic of Serbia is a state in Central and South-Eastern Europe, occupying the central part Balkan Peninsula And southern part Pannonian lowland.

The capital of Serbia, Belgrade, is one of the oldest European cities, dating back to the 3rd century BC, when the Celts founded their settlement of Singidunum at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers.

Serbs and Montenegrins, although two branches of the same ethnic group, differ markedly from each other in character and attitude. The tragic fate of the Balkan land, which from time immemorial served as a bait for all kinds of aggressors and occupiers, left an indelible mark on the character of these peoples, which is easily traced even today.

Sights of Serbia. The place where Belgrade came from, Belgrade Fortress occupies the top of a 125-meter hill at the confluence of the Sava and Danube. The territory inside the fortress walls is divided into two parts - the Lower and Upper Town.

The main temple of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the largest church in the Balkans, the Cathedral of St. Sava is located in historical district Belgrade Vračare.

The Tower of Skulls of Čele Kula is a scary landmark located in the eastern part of Niš. It is a tower made mostly of human skulls.

Under the romantic name “House of Flowers” ​​lies, as one might assume, not a botanical park or a masterpiece of landscape design. The raison d’etre of the building is the mausoleum of the former ruler of Yugoslavia, the odious Josip Broz Tito, about whose name many copies have been broken.

The work was completed by 7th grade student Diana Selivanova.


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