40 capitals of Europe. European states and their capitals by number, area and development

Union) have grown significantly in number in recent decades. Until the summer of 2011, this union was called Western European. List European countries is extensive, but not all countries on this list are members of the European Union.

Background and creation of the European Union

Today this community is very similar to the deceased USSR, and it was formed in 1948 as a counterweight to the “eastern monster”. The stated reason for the creation of a new entity is to prevent Germany from being reborn as an independent unified state, to prevent the revival of fascism after the end of the war.

A separate conversation could take place about the position of the Federal Republic of Germany within the European Union: it is a locomotive that pulls almost the entire economy of the community. The European Union, of course, has differences with the Soviet Union.

Similarities and differences

There is no single currency. But the federal structure has common legislation, you can use a common cash register, a single central bank and customs space. Management is also akin to a planned economy, the government is command-administrative.

For example, all limits on sown areas for agricultural crops are approved at the top. This applies to every country in the European Union. The list of results is truly depressing.

Greeks in the sultry and fertile south buy Dutch vegetables and do not have the right to trade in the territory of the European Union the original Greek product - olive oil. The Czech Republic has also stopped growing vegetables, but is growing rapeseed, the oil from which is even added to diesel fuel. There is almost no good oil in the Czech Republic now. But in this way, profitability among agricultural producers increases.

Foreign policy

This was solved more successfully than economic problems. List of European countries that have developed a single and integral foreign policy with an almost complete absence of disagreements, there is no need to compose, since Brussels unanimously decides who to pardon and who to execute.

Recent years, however, have shown some slippage; the global economic crisis has made governments less courageous and friendly. Of course: the loss of eastern markets due to sanctions against Russia may well lead the least wealthy owners to complete economic degradation.

Legislation and executive bodies

Here the most similarities are with the Soviet Union: only the parliament has a multi-party basis, but everything else is present: the European Commission, as an executive body, is headed by a chairman, and the European Council consists of the heads of EU member states. The European Parliament monitors the law (with its President) together with the Council of the European Union.

Here you have the Politburo with the Central Committee of the CPSU, and party congresses with the Supreme Council, and the General Secretary is present, and even the chairman of the presidium! But there is no constitution yet.

The borders between countries are arbitrary, customs points have been abolished, and all citizens have free movement within the community. But labor markets are governed by strict regulations and require government approval for employment. This is practiced by all countries of the European Community. The list of conveniences and inconveniences of life in modern Europe can be continued endlessly.

The list of European countries is constantly changing. IN this moment Europe has 44 states. Not only the quantity changes, but also the names. Recent metamorphoses: the Soviet Union, during its collapse, gave Europe Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Yugoslavia, under the same circumstances, replenished the continent with Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. But the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany became a united Germany.

This process has not subsided. Not only is the list of unpleasant consequences of the global crisis boiling, it is extensive and eloquent. Separatism is strong in Catalonia and in the region where the Basques live (this is in Spain), in Scotland and northern Ireland (this is Great Britain), Flanders in Belgium is worried. They are trying in every possible way to recognize Kosovo as a separate state (this is Serbia). Borders of European countries, if you put maps next to them recent years, became unrecognizable. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to consider the list of European countries with capitals temporary.


Republic. 8.5 million population. The capital city of Austria is Vienna. Official language German.


Republic. Population 2.830 million. The capital of Albania is Tirana. The official language is Albanian.


Principality. A dwarf European state. 700 thousand people population. The main city is Andorra la Vella. The official language is Catalan, but in fact it is replaced by Spanish and French.


Republic of Belarus. 9.5 million people. The capital city of Belarus is Minsk. The official languages ​​are Russian and Belarusian.


Kingdom. 11.2 million people. The capital of Belgium is Brussels. Official languages ​​are Dutch, German, French.


Republic. 7.2 million people. The capital city of Bulgaria is Sofia. The administrative language is Bulgarian.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Confederation, federation, republic. Population 3.7 million. The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo. State Serbian and Croatian.


Absolute monarchy, theocracy. A dwarf enclave state associated with Italy. City within a city, 832 people. Latin, Italian.

Great Britain

United Kingdom, including Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Parliamentary monarchy. 63.4 million people. The main city of Great Britain is London. English.


Parliamentary republic. Population 9.85 million. - Budapest. Official language Hungarian.


Federal Republic. Population 80 million. The main city of Germany is Berlin. The administrative language is German.


Republic. Population 11.3 million. The capital city of Greece is Athens. The official language is Greek.


Kingdom. 5.7 million people. The capital city of Denmark is Copenhagen. The official language is Danish.


Republic. Population 4.6 million. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. State and English.


Parliamentary republic. 322 thousand people. The main city of Iceland is Reykjavik. The official language is Icelandic.


Kingdom. Population 47.3 million. The capital of Spain is Madrid. The official language is Spanish.


Republic. 60.8 million people. All roads in Italy lead to Rome. The official language is Italian.


Republic. Population 1.9 million. The capital of Latvia is Riga. The official language is Latvian.


Republic. 2.9 million people. The main city of Lithuania is Vilnius. The official language is Lithuanian.


Principality. A dwarf state associated with Switzerland. Population 37 thousand. The capital of Liechtenstein is Vaduz. The official language is German.


Grand Duchy. 550 thousand people. The capital of Luxembourg is Luxembourg. The official languages ​​are Luxembourgish, French, and German.


Republic. Population 2 million. The capital of Macedonia is Skopje. The official language is Macedonian.


Republic. Population 452 thousand. The main city of Malta is Valletta. The official languages ​​are Maltese and English.


Republic. The capital is Chisinau. 3.5 million people. The administrative language is Moldovan.


Principality. A dwarf state associated with France. 37.8 thousand people. The official language is French.


Kingdom. Population 16.8 million. The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. The official languages ​​are West Frisian and Dutch.


Kingdom. Population 5.1 million people. The main city of Norway is Oslo. The official languages ​​are Norwegian and Sami.


Republic. Population 38.3 million. The capital city of Poland is Warsaw. The official language is Polish.


Republic. 10.7 million people. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon. The official languages ​​are Portuguese and Miranda.


Federation. Population 146.3 million. The capital city of Russia is Moscow. National language - Russian.


Parliamentary republic. unitary state. 19 million people. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Administrative

San Marino

Most Serene Republic. Population 32 thousand. The capital of San Marino is San Marino. The official language is Italian.


Republic. 7.2 million people. The main one is Belgrade. The official language is Serbian.


Republic. 5.4 million people. The capital city of Slovakia is Bratislava. The official language is Slovak.


Republic. Population 2 million. The capital city of Slovenia is Ljubljana. The official language is Slovenian.


Unitary state plus parliamentary-presidential republic. Population 42 million. The main city of Ukraine is Kyiv. The official language is Ukrainian.


Republic. 5.5 million people. The capital of Finland is Helsinki. State and Swedish.


Republic. Population 66.2 million. The main city of France is Paris. The official language is French.


Republic. Population 4.2 million. The capital is Zagreb. The official language is Croatian.


Republic. 622 thousand people. The capital city of Montenegro is Podgorica. The official language is Montenegrin.


Republic. Population 10.5 million. The capital city of the Czech Republic is Prague. The official language is Czech.


Confederation. 8 million people. The capital of Switzerland is Bern. Official languages ​​are German, French, Italian, Swiss.


Kingdom. Population 9.7 million. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The official language is Swedish.


Republic. 1.3 million people. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn. The official language is Estonian.

Today the list of European countries is exactly this.

So, a list of European countries in alphabetical order. But first, a few words about this continent.

Europe- part of the world, with an area of ​​about 10.5 million square meters. km. It is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Population - 830.4 million people.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Great Britain

















San Marino











1. Austria (capital - Vienna)
2. Albania (capital - Tirana)
3. Andorra (capital - Andorra la Vella)
4. Belarus (capital - Minsk)
5. Belgium (capital - Brussels)
6. Bulgaria (capital - Sofia)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (capital - Sarajevo)
8. Vatican (capital - Vatican)
9. Hungary (capital - Budapest)
10. Great Britain (capital - London)
11. Germany (capital - Berlin)
12. Greece (capital - Athens)
13. Denmark (capital - Copenhagen)
14. Ireland (capital - Dublin)
15. Iceland (capital - Reykjavik)
16. Spain (capital - Madrid)
17. Italy (capital - Rome)
18. Latvia (capital - Riga)

Lithuania (capital - Vilnius)
20. Liechtenstein (capital - Vaduz)
21. Luxembourg (capital - Luxembourg)
22. Macedonia (capital - Skopje)
23. Malta (capital - Valletta)

Moldova (capital - Chisinau)
25. Monaco (capital - Monaco)
26. Netherlands (capital - Amsterdam)
27. Norway (capital - Oslo)

Poland (capital - Warsaw)
29. Portugal (capital - Lisbon)
30. Romania (capital - Bucharest)
31. San Marino (capital - San Marino)

Serbia (capital - Belgrade)
33. Slovakia (capital - Bratislava)
34. Slovenia (capital - Ljubljana)
35. Ukraine (capital - Kyiv)
36. Finland (capital - Helsinki)
37. France (capital - Paris)

Montenegro (capital - Podgorica)
39. Czech Republic (capital - Prague)
40. Croatia (capital - Zagreb)
41. Switzerland (capital - Bern)
42. Sweden (capital - Stockholm)
43. Estonia (capital - Tallinn)

How many countries are there in Europe?

On political map Europe is home to 50 independent states, most of which are highly developed industrial-agrarian countries. Among the largest countries in Europe are Russia, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Ukraine, Spain, and Poland.

This figure also includes six dwarf states: Andorra, Vatican, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino.

Complete list of European countries

Austria, Azerbaijan, Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican City, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia.

To give the correct answer to the question: “How many countries are there in Europe?” it must be taken into account that an accurate calculation of the number of states located in Europe depends on the definition of the borders of Europe and the criteria for including unrecognized and partially recognized states, taking into account dependent territories.

It should be borne in mind that since traditionally geographical boundaries Europe and Asia are considered Caucasus ridge And Black Sea straits, the inclusion of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Cyprus, Kazakhstan and Turkey in the list of European countries is based primarily on political, economic and cultural considerations and is not unambiguous.

Unrecognized and partially recognized European states: Abkhazia, Kosovo, Transnistria, Sealand, South Ossetia.

Home >  Wiki-textbook >  Geography > 11th grade > Foreign Europe: general characteristics, resources, population, economy

General information about Foreign Europe

Foreign Europe represents one of the centers of world civilization, and has incomparable importance for world politics, economics and culture.

On its territory there are 40 sovereign states, which are interconnected by their historical past, close cultural and political relations.

If we talk about the economic and geographical position of countries, it is determined by two main criteria.

The countries of foreign Europe are relatively close to each other; they either closely border on natural boundaries, or there is a small distance between them, which does not in any way affect the convenience of transport connections.

The second main criterion is seaside location most countries that are connected with each other and the countries of other continents by sea routes.

Countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands have been associated with the sea since ancient times.

Political picture of Overseas Europe

The political picture of overseas Europe changed significantly three times during the 20th century.

The First and Second World Wars significantly changed it, and at the end of the century there were significant changes associated with the Social Democratic parties that came to power.

As for the structure of states in this territory, in foreign Europe there are republics, unitary states, monarchical and federal.

By the 21st century, the Organization for Security and Cooperation, the OSCE, arose, which is represented by 56 countries (it also includes the USA, Canada and the CIS countries).

Natural conditions and resources

There are many mineral resources located on the territory of foreign Europe.

The northern part includes ore and fuel minerals.

And hydropower resources are located in the Alps, Dinaric and Scandinavian mountains.

Forestry is developed in Sweden and Finland, where forest landscapes are typical.

Population of Overseas Europe

The number of inhabitants in this part of the world is growing very slowly; a rather difficult demographic situation has been recorded in foreign Europe.

The territory is a hotbed of global labor emigration; there are about 20 million foreign workers here.

It is important to note that most countries in Europe are highly urbanized, with the highest rates of urbanization being in Belgium, the UK and the Netherlands.

The countries of Europe belong to the Indo-European family; there are four main types of states based on their national composition.

These are single-national (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark), with a sharp predominance of one nation (Great Britain, France, Finland), binational (Belgium) and multinational (Switzerland, Latvia).

EconomyForeign Europe

Europe occupies a leading place in the world economy in terms of the size of agricultural and industrial production, the development of tourism and the export of goods and services.

The most powerful countries relatively economic situation called Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy.

They have the most developed complexes various industries, unlike other countries where one or two industries are highly developed.

The leading industries in Europe are mechanical engineering (especially automotive), chemical industry, fuel and energy sector and metallurgical industry.

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Modern children treat a school subject like geography as a secondary discipline. Many students are perplexed by the question “Which European capitals can you name?” This article will help you decide on this part of the world, its location and other territorial characteristics.

European capitals in alphabetical order

  • Amsterdam - main city Kingdom of the Netherlands since 1814. Located in the western part of the state at the mouth of the rivers Hey and Amstel.
  • Andorra la Vella is the main one in Andorra. Located at the confluence of the two rivers Valira d'Encamp and Valira d'Ordino. Located at an altitude of 1079 m above sea level in the Pyrenees. This is the highest European capital.
  • Athens. Capital of Greece. Located in the center of the country and is a real treasure ancient world in modern Europe. It is the cultural, economic and administrative center of the state.

We continue the list

European capitals starting with "B"

Dublin - Irish city

City-county in Ireland. The European capital, located where the River Liffey flows into Dublin Bay and the Irish Sea.


The largest city in Croatia and its capital. Located on a tributary of the Danube, the Sava River. Zagreb is over 920 years old.

Kyiv, Chisinau, Copenhagen

Largest cities

  • Lisbon is the main city of Portugal. It is the main port of the country and oldest city Western Europe. Lisbon is located at the mouth of the small Tagus River. This is the most western capital continental Europe.
  • London is the capital of the United Kingdom Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Located on the island of Great Britain near the North Sea at the mouth of the Thames River.
  • Ljubljana is the main city of Slovenia. The main economic, cultural and political center of the country. The city is located in the intermountain Ljubljana Basin on the banks of the Ljubljanec River.
  • Luxembourg is the largest city and capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Where does Formula 1 take place?

Among these capitals are two hero cities:

This is Oslo on the lakes

The main and largest city in Norway. There are 343 lakes within the city limits. They are the most important sources of drinking water. Located in the southeastern part of the country. Two small rivers flow through this European capital - Alna and Akeshelva.

Tourist centers

  • Paris is the main city of France. It is the administrative center of Ile-de-France. Located in the Paris Basin on its plain. Located on the banks of the Seine River in northern France.
  • Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Located on the vast plain of the Skadar Basin, 30 km of the Adriatic Sea on the banks of the Moraca River.
  • Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. It is located 40 km from the confluence of the Vltava River into the Elbe. Is the largest tourist center Europe. The main cultural, economic and political center of the Czech Republic.

Let's move alphabetically

Carlson lived in one of these cities

  • San Marino is the capital of the state of San Marino, located on the Apennine Peninsula near Adriatic Sea.
  • Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The city is located in an intermountain basin on the banks of the Milatski River.
  • Skopje is the main city of the Republic of Macedonia. Skopje is located on the banks of the Vardar River in a valley surrounded by mountains, not far from the border with Kosovo. Located in the north of the state.
  • Sofia is the largest city in Bulgaria. Located in western Bulgaria at the foot of mountain range Vitosha in the south of the Sofia Basin.
  • Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. Located on the shores of Lake Mälaren in the channels connecting it with the Baltic Sea.

"T" and "X"

And among these cities is the place where the Nokia phone was “born”:

We hope that now you can easily give the correct answer to the question of which European capital is located on the River Thames, Ishi, Tiber, etc.

World famous for architectural monuments And interesting story. It is difficult to answer the question of which one you should visit first. This article briefly talks about some of them, namely the most beautiful capitals of European countries.


This city, according to generally accepted opinion, is the most beautiful among the capitals of European states. There is an abundance of medieval streets lined with paving stones, a lot unique monuments and Charles Bridge - one of the symbols of the Czech capital. Its length is more than five hundred meters. Important historical events are associated with the famous Prague Bridge, including the Swedish attack that took place in the middle of the 17th century.

The name of the city, which ranks first on the list of the most picturesque capitals of European countries, is translated from Czech as “threshold”. There are many legends about the founding of Prague, including tales about the wise ruler Libuš.


The capital, which was once ruled by one of the world's greatest commanders, is famous Champs Elysees And Eiffel Tower. In reality, of course, the list of attractions in Paris is quite extensive. We will not list everything here, but we will briefly outline the history of the famous symbol of the French capital.

The metal tower, whose height is more than three hundred meters, cannot be called an ancient monument. It was built only in late XIX centuries. According to statistics, it is the most visited among all the attractions in the world. Every tourist visiting Paris first of all strives to take a photo with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

In 1889, a world exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the French Revolution took place in Paris. A few years before this event, a competition was organized, the winner of which had to create a design for the structure. The monument reflects the country's technological and engineering achievements. The authors of the project were employees of G. Eiffel's bureau.


The third place in the list of the capitals of European states, whose photos are known all over the world, is occupied by the main city of Italy. Many talented feature films have been created here, including Fellini's La Dolce Vita. This city is considered one of the most romantic in the world. To the most interesting historical monuments also includes Piazza Navona, Pantheon.

Perhaps it is incorrect to talk about which European city is the most beautiful. For some it is Moscow. To someone closer to Berlin or Athens. But, according to a rating compiled not long ago based on reviews from tourists and published in the media, fourth place belongs to the German capital, fifth place to the Greek capital. Moscow occupies sixth position on this list. The list of the most beautiful capitals also includes Madrid, Helsinki, and Amsterdam.

The most famous cities Europe can be included in a list compiled taking into account various characteristics. Both alphabetically and geographical location, and by age. Below are two more lists, which include the above-mentioned cities.

states from north to south

This list should start with Helsinki. Among European capitals this city is the northernmost. The list can then be compiled as follows:

  • Stockholm.
  • Oslo.
  • Tallinn.
  • Copenhagen.
  • Moscow.
  • Warsaw.
  • Dublin.
  • Prague.
  • Paris.
  • Belgrade.
  • Sofia.
  • Skopje.

Capital cities of European states in alphabetical order

If you make a complete list, it will include forty-four cities. The first place is occupied by the European capital, which tourists perceive differently. For some, this city is a center of depravity. For others, it is a place where great painters created. We are, of course, talking about Amsterdam. The second position in the list, compiled in alphabetical order, is occupied by Andorra la Vella. The third is Athens. Then there are cities whose names begin with "B".

First of all, the capital of Germany comes to mind. But Belgrade precedes Berlin on this list. And then follow the capitals of such states as Switzerland, Slovakia, Belgium, Hungary. Which cities are the political and economic centers of these countries? Bern, Bratislava, Brussels and Budapest.

The full list also includes the capitals of small states, for example, Liechtenstein. The main city of the dwarf state is Vaduz. But below we list the most famous capitals:

  • Brussels.
  • Warsaw.
  • Vein.
  • Dublin.
  • Copenhagen.
  • London.
  • Madrid.
  • Moscow.
  • Oslo.
  • Paris.
  • Prague.
  • Stockholm.
  • Tallinn.
  • Helsinki.

This article will help you understand the geography of Europe in more detail.

How many European capitals can an adult name? Without preliminary preparation, perhaps no more than twenty. Full list Not everyone can provide the capitals of European states orally. There are forty-four in total. This article presents the capitals of European countries in alphabetical order.

A short introduction

Before naming the capital of a European state, which ranks first on our list, it is worth saying that cities can be classified according to various criteria. And by area, and by population, and by age. But in this article we will not give preference to any city. All of them will be named exclusively in alphabetical order. There is a lot that can be said about the capitals of European cities, but only brief information is presented below.

On "A"

Amsterdam is the capital of the European state of the Netherlands. The exact date of foundation is unknown, but the first information about the city dates back to the beginning of the 13th century. In the 14th century, Amsterdam became a major trading center.

Andorra la Vella- the main and most Big City country called Andorra. Just over 20 thousand people live here and there are interesting monuments architecture created in the Middle Ages.

Which city is the capital of Greece? Even a child can answer this question. Athens is the city where the government of the country sits, which, according to legend, has everything.

On "B"

Belgrade is the capital of a European state, founded earlier than Berlin, Paris and other famous cities. It was first mentioned under its modern name in the ninth century.

There are many European states and their capitals. But there is a city in whose history there is incredible fact. For several decades it was divided into two parts by a high wall. This is the city of Berlin.

What is the name of the capital of the state that produces the best chocolate and cheese? Berne! And this is perhaps one of the most picturesque cities in the world. However, the one named below is not inferior to it in the beauty of city landscapes.

In the center of Europe is a city that was once the capital of Hungary, but today it leads Slovakia. This is Bratislava.

Capital of Belgium - Small town With difficult history— Brussels. About 150 thousand people live here. At the same time, ethnically the population is quite diverse.

Budapest was founded at the end of the 19th century. It is the largest city in Hungary.

The main events in the cultural and economic life of Romania take place in Bucharest. Its population is 180 thousand people.

On "B"

There is a very tiny country in Europe where they speak exclusively German. It gained independence in the sixties of the 19th century. The capital of this state, Vaduz, is home to only five and a half thousand people.

Valletta is the economic and political center of Malta.

Warsaw - ancient European city which was almost completely destroyed during the worst war of the 20th century.

The name of which capital is similar to the name of the state in which it is located? Of course, the Vatican.

Which city hosts the most famous music festivals? Of course, in the Austrian capital - Vienna.

And finally, which Baltic city begins with "B"? There are many such people who can be named. But only one of them is the capital. This is Vilnius.

From "G" to "L"

The most big city One of those located on the island of Ireland is Dublin. And the largest in Croatia is Zagreb. The ancient and majestic Kyiv lies on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper. And on the Byk River, which flows into the Dniester, there is Chisinau. The cultural, governmental and economic center of Denmark is Copenhagen. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon.

Even schoolchildren, for whom geography is the most hated subject, know that the main city in the country, so often called Foggy Albion, is London. But they are unlikely to be able to answer the question of where the main political and economic institutions of Slovenia are located. And they are all concentrated in Ljubljana. Another capital whose name coincides with the name of the state is Luxembourg.

From "M" to "O"

In the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, Madrid is located - the main city of the country of bullfighting and flamenco. And on southeastern slope of the Minsk Upland stands Minsk, founded in the tenth century. The next item on this long list is the capital of the largest state in the world. It is sometimes called White Stone, although in architectural ensemble, located in the very center, completely different shades predominate. Like Rome, it stands on seven hills. Of course, this is Moscow. And after it on our list comes the largest Norwegian city - Oslo.

From "P" to "X"

The Eiffel Tower, the Champ de Mars, the Seine River - all these are symbols of Paris. What associations do people have when they hear the name of the Montenegrin capital? If he has been to Podgorica, he may remember the Cathedral Church or the palace complex of King Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos. But the symbols of Prague are considered to be St. Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge and the Powder Tower.

Among the European capitals there is one whose name in Russian can be translated as “smoking bay”. This is Reykjavik, a city located on the Seltjadnarnes peninsula. The political center of Latvia is Riga. And the capital of Italy bears the name of the once powerful empire, the birthplace of Julius Caesar: Rome.

San Marino is the capital of the state of the same name. Sarajevo is the political and economic center of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Skopje is the birthplace of the famous Mother Teresa and the capital of Macedonia. What can you say about the Swedish capital? Several decades ago, most of the residents of our country associated this city with the self-confident Carlson. Today, Russian citizens have a deeper knowledge of the culture of Stockholm.

Our list has come to an end. There are only three cities left to name. We are talking about the capitals of Estonia, Albania and Finland. Political, economic and cultural centers these states are Tallinn, Tirana and Helsinki respectively.


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