Bright and unusual places. The most unusual places on earth. Incredible and strange places on the planet on video

There are many very beautiful places in the world that attract people with their uniqueness. Some of them are so amazing that looking at this miracle of nature you simply cannot believe that this can happen.

1. Big blue hole, Belize

This is a large castrum sinkhole, located in the center of Lighthouse Reef, Belize barrier reef. Its diameter is 305 meters and its depth is 120 meters.

2. Gate to Hell, Turkmenistan.

This famous place located in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan, formed in the aftermath of a failure in the search for gas, for its appearance it was nicknamed the Gateway to Hell. in 1971, the technology used for drilling failed into a crater that was completely filled with gas. In order to avoid accidents and disasters, it was decided to set the gas on fire, after which it has been burning to this day, for more than forty years.

3. Antelope Canyon, USA

Antelope Canyon is located in the southwestern United States, in Arizona. These sandy cliffs with incredibly huge crevices will simply amaze you with their illumination from the sun. These rocks were formed over many years with the help of water and wind, which carved out all these depressions.

4. Spotted Lake Kliluk, Canada

Kliluk Lake is located in British Columbia, near the town of Osoyoos. A lot of minerals are concentrated in the lake, so in the summer, when the water evaporates, many spots of unusual shapes form. It is through these formations that the lake is known throughout the world.

4. Ice caves Eisreisenwelt, Australia

Eisreisenwelt Caves translated from German as "Peace" giant ice"is located in the city of Werfen, 40 km from Salzburg. It is considered the longest cave in the world, its length is 42 km.

5. Rio Tinta River, Spain

The Rio Tinta River flows in Spain and originates in the mountains of Andalusia. The color of the water is simply amazing in its uniqueness; it is brown-red. Water in water is dangerous both for human health and for all living things, and the composition of the water is almost the same as the composition of the oxidized waters of Jupiter and Mars.

6. Richat Structure, Mauritania

Richat is located in the Sahara Desert, Mauritania; it is also called the Eye of the Sahara. Its diameter is 50 km. and the eye of the Sahara is visible even from space. Initially it was believed that this was a large crater from a meteorite, but later they came to the theory that it was formed from erosion.

7. Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland.

The unique coastal area consists of about 40,000 interconnected basalt columns formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption. Located in the northeast Northern Ireland, about 3 km north of the town of Bushmills.

8. Drain hole in Monticello Dam reservoir

This large outfall hole is located in Northern California at the Monticello Dam. The pipe has a cone shape, its diameter at the top is 21.6 meters, and at the bottom - 8.4 meters, depth - 21 meters. It is designed to collect excess water in the reservoir.

9. Tunnel of Love, Ukraine

The Tunnel of Love is located in the Rivne region, in the town of Klevan. This is an incredibly fabulous sight, especially in spring and summer time year, when the entire tunnel is covered with greenery and envelops a piece railway one kilometer long.

10. Pamukkale, Türkiye

Where to spend Honeymoon, shoot a colorful video or take a photo in the spirit of “Bounty”. One of unique places on earth with natural paradise scenery spread among the endless azure waters Indian Ocean. These are the reef islands of the Maldives - a kingdom of snow-white sand and coconut palms, corals and tropical fish. Newlyweds and divers from all over the world flock here.

The first resort in the Maldives to host foreign lovers was the legendary Kurumba Maldives. Kurumba on the tongue local residents means "coconut". Therefore, when you come here, you find yourself not just in heaven, but in coconut heaven. When it comes to choosing a Maldivian story for your home video archive, this resort has no equal: a photo tour over the island on a seaplane, a cocktail or wine tasting in the ocean, an outdoor film screening, a blues evening at Kandu bar or a saxophone duet at Athiri bar, a picnic on sand island, glass-bottom boat ride, two-hour dolphin-watching cruise or sunset reef fishing. Any of these scenarios are sure to become one of your favorite family memorial videos and take pride of place among them. Here are some options.

On a sun lounger with a book

You lie by one of two pools with your favorite book. There is a great view of the ocean here. The pools are decorated with natural stone decor and bright mosaics in natural shades Maldives. The sun lounger is installed directly in the water near the pool. You sip your favorite cocktail and periodically look up from your book and watch how beautifully the shades of turquoise change in the majestic ocean landscape.

In the team of captain Cousteau

You are chatting enthusiastically with a Russian instructor against the backdrop of a diving center made of volcanic stone and a thatched roof. Choose one of 30 unique dive routes. Finally stopping at a point "Manta Point". Half an hour on the boat and you are ready to meet the sea devil. Comfortable water temperature of 28-30°C, visibility up to 40 meters – ideal conditions for shooting. If you don’t have your own underwater digital camera and GoPro, then renting them here is not a problem. The heroes of your underwater photography will be dazzling in front of you with incredibly bright colors. Hundreds, thousands of species of fish: angelfish, groupers, clownfish, triggerfish, parrotfish, wrasses, butterflies, moray eels and sea ​​turtles. And, of course, the most important and vivid impressions will remain from meetings with other inhabitants of the waters: stingrays, whale and reef sharks, huge Napoleons, tuna and barracudas. As for sharks, they are completely safe and timid: if you try to get close to them to film them, they can fight. The topic of underwater filming can be closed at night "fluo" diving. If you don't have a diving license, it doesn't matter. Three times a week for beginners, not only free introductory diving courses are held here, but also snorkeling safaris. You can meet a reef shark on your first outing.

Just married and more

Let’s say you’ve been married for a long time, but after 20 years you decide to repeat the wedding ceremony “in the Maldivian style.” Among the unique offers of the Kurumba resort are: program "Renewal of feelings": bridal bouquet, wedding cake, canapés, two bottles of champagne, two Maldivian sarongs (similar to a pareo). It all begins on a picturesque pier against the backdrop of the ocean, the master of ceremonies leads the recitation of the oath of love and fidelity to the sound of the surf. Then everyone dances on the beach to the fiery rhythms of bodu-beru. You will be presented with certificates of carved wood, handmade by local craftsmen. Next you go to "Sounds of the Sea", Kurumba's signature five-course romantic dinner with wine. The next morning, enjoy a premium breakfast at one of Thila's eight restaurants and a 90-minute Maldivian spa experience using sand, seawater, shells, coconut oil and natural herbs. The hotel team will do everything to make you feel again as if you just got married.

Bubble Disturbers

And if you come to the island with your charming children, then while you yourself admire the wondrous beauty of the coral reef and master the menu of the hotel’s many restaurants, teachers from Majaa Kids' Club They will film a real quest to find a treasure with your children in the lead role. While playing pirates with friends from different parts of the planet, they will be taught to dive with a mask, plant corals and identify local fish. Children “dive” here too! The program is called Bubble Maker, dives are carried out at a depth of no more than two meters under the strict supervision of professional instructors.

The world is full of amazing, magical and mysterious places. Gardens, caves, luxurious beaches and ancient cities... Be sure to visit these very Beautiful places peace!

Preikestolen, Norway

The Preikestolen cliff rises 604 meters above the Lysefjord. This is one of the most visited natural attractions in the country. The top of the rock is a flat 25-meter platform where visitors can sit and enjoy the surrounding views. This place is visited by about 175 thousand people a year.

Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

This charming place looks like the set of a science fiction film. Fairy Pools are located among the hills on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. The almost unnatural bright colors of the pools contrast with the rocky landscape.

Red Mountains, USA

Utah is known for its beautiful national parks. The Red Mountains region is home to some of the most iconic views, from striking arches to jagged canyons. Although this place seems rather inhospitable, it is very popular among holidaymakers.

Photo: John Buie/flickr (

Photo: faungg’s photos/flickr (

Are you sure that human civilization reached the apogee of its development from a scientific and technological point of view? Is there nothing left on Earth that has not been mastered and known by the inquisitive mind of homo sapiens? Then we will have something to surprise you with. So, read about the most incredible, fantastic corners of nature. You will certainly be impressed by the power of the miraculous beauty of the Earth, capable of shaking the imagination of even a modern resident tempted by inventions!

1. Lechugilla (or Lechugia)

This incredible place is located on the American continent and has every right to be called the most extensive and deep cave. It goes to a depth of 500 meters, and the total length of its underground routes exceeds 150 kilometers. But the most amazing thing about the Lechugilla Cave is not this, but its amazing underground world. Moreover, it was hidden from the outside world for about 100 million years and became available to researchers for study only 30 years ago. Of course, there is no developed life there. But in a space devoid of light and saturated with hydrogen sulfide, microorganisms live. They are able to feed on inorganic substances (for example, manganese).

2. Richat

A stunning natural invention can be seen in a completely unexpected place, where, it would seem, nothing exists and cannot exist - in the Sahara Desert. Settled here meteorite crater with a diameter of an impressive 45 kilometers. However, scientists are not completely sure about the nature of education. Undoubtedly, it looks most impressive from above and resembles a giant eye of the majestic desert, for which it received its name Kalb ar-Riszat, which means “Eye of the Sahara” in Arabic.

3. Plitvice Lakes

Have you always dreamed of going to the land of the elves? In fact, it is even closer than in your imagination. Visit unique corners of nature - Croatia's sixteen lakes, forests and countless waterfalls. Their number, by the way, is constantly changing due to limestone deposits that create obstacles in the path of water. The last circumstance, among other things, is responsible for the strikingly beautiful bluish-green color of the waterfalls.

4. Uyuni

This euphonious Spanish name belongs to the world's largest salt flat, with an area of ​​10.5 square kilometers, located on the southern side of the Bolivian Altiplano plain. The landscape of this lake, which dried up a long time ago, amazes many tourists with its alien appearance. In addition, the effect of the cracked desert surface of the salt marsh is further enhanced by its constantly changing color throughout the day. By the way, this is due to a change in the angle of incidence of the sun's rays.

5. Socotra

One of the few places not spoiled. The archipelago is located in the Arabian Sea, territorially belongs to Yemen and includes the islands of Darsa, Abd al-Kuri, Socotra and Samha. The largest island in area is Socotra - 3625 sq. km. It was he who gave the name to the entire archipelago. On top of everything else, Socotra - real paradise for researchers and fans of unique flora and fauna. At least 30% of all plants growing on the archipelago and more than 90% of the representatives of cold-blooded reptiles living on it are found only within its borders. And nowhere else on the planet. This became possible due to the isolated position of the island ecosystem, which was formed over 20 million years.

Our planet is unique and multifaceted. And all the secret corners of nature have not yet been identified. But we hope that we managed to convince you of this. And perhaps inspire some of the readers to go on an exciting journey towards the incredible.

In every country you can find places that are legendary and where crowds of tourists flock. But not all of them have historical value. After all, they were created based on favorite films or plots of famous books, and now all this is presented as an attraction, misleading gullible tourists. We have selected the most famous empty places.

1. Sherlock Holmes's house in London (UK)

In this case, a double deception operates, because the beloved and world-famous detective genius Sherlock Holmes is a fictional hero (and everyone knows about it!). And his residential address in the capital of Great Britain never existed at all. But with enviable persistence, crowds of tourists strive every day to get into the house on Baker Street... No. 239, on which enterprising people prudently attached a sign with No. 221B. Although directors prefer to shoot films about the brilliant detective in a completely different place. Where and how the shooting of the beloved movie “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson” (directed by Igor Maslennikov) took place, you can find out from the materials on the site.

2. Juliet's Balcony in Verona (Italy)

Juliet also did not exist, even if there was a prototype of a romantic heroine, but where she lived, and even more so, how she communicated with her lover on the balcony, even Shakespeare’s great work is silent. After all, in the original text, the young girl asked her Romeo not to swear by the Moon while standing on... the terrace. The famous monologue of Juliet in love was “moved” to the balcony by film directors, and now it is precisely this image that enterprising Italians are cultivating, creating a fake house and even more so a balcony.

3. Dracula's Castle (Romania)

Count Dracula is the most popular brand, perhaps, not only in Romania, but throughout the whole world, because there are few people who have not heard of the most famous “bloodsucker” of all times. Of course, if you want to visit medieval castle Bran, which is 30 km from the town of Brasov, you won’t lose anything, but know that neither he nor Count Vlad III Tepes himself have anything to do with the ominous lair of the immortal vampire. Naturally, there were originals that turned old castle into an atmospheric tourist attraction, cultivating the image created by Bram Stoker in the famous gothic novel Dracula.

The most interesting thing is that tourists enthusiastically share their impressions after visiting a false attraction: “It doesn’t matter at all whether Vlad III the Impaler lived in the castle or passed by. Everything there is stylized with a vampire theme, instruments of torture are collected in the basement, and for an additional fee you can even lie in Dracula’s coffin.” And that says it all, as long as it’s interesting and tickles your nerves, but it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or fiction.

4. Tomb of Osiris and Temple of Isis (Egypt)

It has existed for many centuries ancient legend, which says that on the island of Philae there is the real tomb of Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld, and the temple of Isis, the lunar goddess who personifies femininity, motherhood, magic, healing and strength. Philae Island still exists today, but there are no religious buildings there for a long time.

Mysterious ancient temples, tombs and altars have long been moved to the nearby island of Agilkia. Although there were very good reasons for this - the construction of the Aswan Dam, but sacred places, with such an action, lost their magical power and can only act as an ordinary architectural monument.

5. Stonehenge in Wiltshire (England)

For many centuries, Stonehenge was the most famous sacred place in Europe, because it was erected by the Druids 3 thousand years BC to conduct special magical rituals and astronomical observations. But in 1958, the religious building underwent a major reconstruction; one might say, it was made anew, because foundations made of modern concrete were installed under some stones, and others were reinforced with steel reinforcement. So in this situation, the sacred place (naturally!) turned into an ordinary monument that does not carry any magical power, which great magicians fed this structure for many centuries in a row.

6. Great Wall of China (China)

And even this grandiose structure can be called a pseudo-attraction, because those surviving fragments, to which millions of tourists flock, are... a new building.
As for authenticity Chinese wall- then it really existed, and it was built for many centuries in a row by entire generations (starting from the 3rd century BC and can be counted until the 21st century). Its total length reaches 8 thousand kilometers, and it is not a solid defensive structure and never was. And naturally, blown by all the winds and washed by the rains, it has become completely dilapidated, and those fragments that guides show to 40 million tourists a year were created in the recent 80s of the last century.

7. Burial of Jesus Christ

The creators of fake landmarks are also trying to use the most recognizable and revered image of Jesus Christ for their own purposes. Surprisingly, there are... five graves all over the world in which the Son of God is supposedly buried! Moreover, enthusiastic tourists and pilgrims, losing their common sense and logic, strive to visit them all. Enterprising people created three graves in Jerusalem, one in India, and another in... Japan, in the village of Shingo. Moreover, the residents of the latter firmly believe and tell everyone that Jesus lived in their settlement for 106 years and died a natural death, and on April 3, 33 AD (scientists’ assumption) his brother was crucified in Jerusalem. Knowing that this is complete absurdity and nonsense, tourists and pilgrims still flock even to this village to visit the false shrine.

8. Birthplace of Columbus

As you know, a person has one place of birth, but clever entrepreneurs came up with as many as 10 for Christopher Columbus! Although the birthplace of the most famous navigator, discoverer and cartographer is still unknown.

At least six ancestral houses of the discoverer of America were created in Italy and Spain, but the house in the city of Genoa holds the palm, even though it was built 200 years after his birth! This fact does not confuse either the organizers of the false attraction, or the tourists themselves, who in crowds of thousands strive to visit the house in which Columbus himself was born.

Another place where tourists are misled is a house in Las Paolmas de Gran Canaria, in Spain. It houses a fairly large museum, which with undisguised pride tells about the travels and life of Christopher Columbus. But this house at least “saw” the navigator himself; it is proven that at the age of 41 he lived here for some time.
But scientists are still arguing where the famous cartographer was born, because no documentary evidence has yet been found.

9. Sleepy Hollow in Westchester County (USA)

As it turns out, tourists are not only readily deceived and admired by fake attractions, but are also forced to do so themselves. Such a curious incident occurred in North Tarrytown in Westchester County, New York. It's hard to imagine, but travelers really asked and even insisted that they be taken to Sleepy Hollow, where the gothic horror film directed by Tim Burton of the same name was filmed (1999).

This creepy film is a loose adaptation of Washington Irving's novella "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." The most interesting thing is that it was filmed in England, in a specially built village. But, since the events take place in America, it was here that fans of horror films wanted to see this settlement. In order not to upset the people, and to attract tourists, which means a solid financial injection, the mayor decided to rename his town, and now this place has become a very profitable pseudo-attraction.

10. Cruiser "Aurora" in St. Petersburg (Russia)

Well, why go far to look at a dummy instead of a real attraction. As it turned out, even the legendary cruiser Aurora, which was majestically located on the Petrogradskaya embankment opposite the Nakhimov Naval School, also lost almost everything that was pristine. After all, from the once formidable cruiser that fought with Japan and Germany, you can only see the radio room, the bell and some parts of the engine room.

They began to loot its contents back in Soviet times, and the lower part of the hull simply rotted over time, so in 1984 it was decided to send it for reconstruction. But since there was practically nothing left to restore, the cruiser was rebuilt at the Northern Shipyard and sent to an “eternal berth” as the country’s most famous landmark, and the remains of the real Aurora were sunk in Gulf of Finland.

The main attraction of any ancient city are the clock towers that were erected in past centuries on the central square. These structures have also become overgrown mysterious stories and heart-warming legends, but even if some of them are completely fantastic, the watches have always been, are and will be real. The following review will introduce you to who have become business card of your city.


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