Places of power in Adygea. A magical journey. Why were cromlechs created?

Creative workshop “Daosphere” and base “Earth” as part of the project “Practice. Nature. Adventures" invites you to A. Serebryakov’s seminar “Adygea: discovery of the hidden Power” . This is a fascinating and mysterious adventure in one of the most beautiful and fertile places on planet Earth.

Adygea – the land of revealed and hidden Power. A land that keeps the secrets of ancient civilizations and the universe. Unique place in the territory Krasnodar region, where pristine landscapes with unique flora and fauna, archeological monuments of the Bronze and Iron Ages, as well as more ancient periods, have been preserved.

Revealed power of Adygea is an unforgettable, powerful, dizzying natural beauty:
Rocky Mountains, canyons and gorges, willful mountain rivers with turbulent gorges, rapids and delightful waterfalls, mysterious caves.

The hidden power of Adygea is the hidden wealth of the Earth’s secret knowledge about the past and future of humanity. These are anomalous phenomena and findings that go beyond
modern laws of the world order: traces oldest civilization– Atlanteans and Lemurians, the largest complexes of mysterious dolmens in Europe, man-made pyramids of stones inside the mountains.

Adygea - the opportunity to discover what is hidden and locatedbeyond ordinary understanding: fire melting mountain
rock that does not burn the forest, pillars of light between Heaven and Earth, luminous balls floating in the night sky, mysterious messages in the form of crop circles, singing and talking folds rocks and mountain rivers.

The rich seminar program combines practice and adventure on the beautiful Earth, which will allow you to see new things not only around you, but also in yourself. The Hidden Power of the Earth will lift the veil of secrecy, allow you to touch the unknown, become part of this Power.

The seminar will be test And overcoming, and as a result, a worthy one awaits you reward: acquisition Strength.


Base "Earth"magical place, which is located on the bank of the river. Belaya in a picturesque area, on the border with the state natural biosphere reserve ( Krasnodar region, Republic of Adygea, Kamennomostsky village). The cottages at the base are surrounded by peach, apple, and pear trees, and there is a vineyard and rose garden. Planned stay in

  • cottages increased comfort: “Castle of Dreams” (1 room for 2-4 people) and “Aquarium” (2 rooms for 2-3 people on the 1st floor and 1 room for up to 5 people on the 2nd floor)
  • democratic cottage “Wooden House” (accommodation up to 4 people)
  • in the economy version - “House with a sauna” (up to 2 people).

Detailed description of the base cottages on the website

General schedule for each day*

Morning lesson Awakening, cleansing, gaining energy, setting up for daily work
Day practice
Lunch (at the base or picnic)
Day practice Dynamic and static work in unique locations
Evening practice Sound healthy sleep J

Program: principles, places and types of activities*

Principles of program construction

  • Consistently increasing intensity
  • Work in the following areas
    • "Smart" body
    • “Smart” energy: cleaning and gaining Strength
    • information: opening and connecting to the information channels of the Earth
Day Place name What's there Type of physical activity Practice
1 Base Earth Check-in, accommodation
Canyon of the Belaya River, “Khadzhokh Gorge” Series of waterfalls, gorge, canyon Hiking route, the basics of passing complex water-rock terrain Attunement to place, establishing contact with Guardian Spirits. Introduction to Power Walking and Smart Body practices
2 Belovodye Museum or Rock Garden Museum Archeology, paleontology Excursion Information setting for the Seminar: history, artifacts, phenomena
Mount Shihan Brook Wed. Hadjokh, sand quarry, foothill pyramid with water Walking route Introduction to the practice of working in anomalous zones: independent search artifacts, ascension, energy work.
3 Lago-naki plateau Biosphere Reserve, equipped cave Bolshaya Azishskaya, unequipped caves Hiking route, passing caves Continuation of cleansing and gaining Strength on a unique natural site, chthonic and solar practices
4 Dolmens near the Fars River Dolmens Walking route Introduction to working with information channels in an ancient sanctuary
Mishoko Gorge Waterfalls, lake, Bigfoot footprints, grottoes Hiking route, passing complex water-rock terrain Information work to establish contact with other civilizations and life forms. Smart Body Practice. Practice solitude.
5 Rock Hammer Rocks, grottoes Hiking route, passage of rocky terrain with climbing equipment Smart Body Practice. Overcoming fears. Entering a state of higher awareness.
6 Una-Koz Ridge Spirit under the rock, unequipped caves Dakhovskaya-1 and 2, Devil's Finger rock Hiking route, climbing, passing through caves Ascension is a step of Power. Deepening the practice of the Smart Body. Getting in touch with your Guardian Spirit
7 Aminovka River Waterfalls, the source of 5 rivers, the exit of the Living Fire, Dukhan Cave Hiking route, passage of caves, overnight stay The culmination of the seminar is a journey to the source of Life. Collection of all practices.
8 Aminovka River Return Walking route
Base Earth Final act. Holiday. Recording achievements. Complete personal transformation. Farewell and thanksgiving.
9 Base Earth Departure

The organizers reserve the right to change the routes according to the program for objective reasons

Package Cost

The package is not split or recalculated in case of refusal of participation or classes at any stage.

The price includes: classes (practices) from A. Serebryakov , 3 meals a day (picnic lunch for a full day trip) , accommodation in cottages and houses** , work of additional instructors on routes , all transfers according to the program to practice places , additional medical insurance.

The price does not include:

  • Air (Krasnodar), railway (Krasnodar, Maykop, Belorechensk) or bus tickets (purchased independently). Choose flights and trains with morning arrivals to get to your base before lunch
  • Transfer from the airport, railway station.
  • It is possible to organize a transfer after the formation of single arrival groups. Estimated cost: from Krasnodar – passenger car – 3,500 rubles, minibus – 4,000 rubles, from Maykop – passenger car – 1,000 rubles, minibus – 2,000 rubles

Procedure for registering and paying for the seminar:

  1. Sign up by writing to me, Anna Sedova, by mail. Provide passport details and date of birth (if you are visiting for the first time).
  2. Express your wishes by residence (with whom and where)
  3. Submit prepayment at the rate of 10,000 rubles before June 28 2012 to me.
  4. After collecting the prepayment, documents for prepayment and a tour package will be issued.
  5. Pass full payment by September 1.
  6. After collecting full payment, documents will be issued for full payment of the tour package.

Don't forget to buy tickets! Choose flights with morning arrival. Group up. Recommended flights SU 1272, S7 1147, UN 163

The main task and purpose of my visit to Adygea, as well as my group, was conducting ancient Vedic practices. Mountain peaks, ancient forests, local color - all this only favored our work. Moreover, the days May 6-7, in Slavic Vedism, holidays Slavic Trinity. That time when our ancestors glorified the ancient Russian Gods.

The second task was to study tourist routes for subsequent esoteric tours. Just like the last tour. agent, I will speak honestly and objectively. Adygea is not a region where an ordinary tourist should come. Here you will not find the same service and facilities as in the neighboring Black Sea coast. But if you are interested in and engaged in spiritual practices, you are interested in ancient mounds with a centuries-old history, caves amazing in their beauty, then the mountainous republic of Adygea just about you!

Did you know about the dolmen valley in the mountains of Adygea? The first thing that comes to a tourist visiting this region is the dolmen in the village Hadjokh. But there is a valley hidden from the eyes of tourists, on which there are about 40 dolmens! Just think about it! 40 ancient buildings, like a village from the distant past!

And if we talk about the mysteries of dolmens, then the question arises:

  • Why were dolmens built only on mountain ranges?
  • What is the connection between dolmens and pyramids in Egypt?
  • And why do dolmens only have exits to the south?

These and other questions remain unchanged for now and are waiting in the wings. And researchers face other and no less mysterious questions: do you know about the mysterious turtles found in one of the mountain caves? These amazing skulls, as if in an old Russian fairy tale, were kept securely in the chest of a secret society in Germany, Ahnenerbe. These skulls do not belong to any species of biological creatures familiar to us, and their age is 5 thousand years. In their shape they are very reminiscent of a humanoid skull!

Another important task was to study the anomalies and paranormal activity of the hotel "Belovodya" located in Hadjokh. And of course, providing energy-information (ENIO) correction to those who wish. It is no secret that the anomalous factor has big influence on the mental and physical health of a person. And it is the method ENIO-Corrections allows you to identify and neutralize negative programs and thereby help a person.

An anomalous factor can also have an impact in the time stream. Eniologists know that time exists only in our (three-dimensional) dimension, and in other metrics, this concept does not exist. Therefore, a phenomenon can influence both the past and the future. And it also happens that an anomaly or a place of power influences and consciously creates obstacles! Yes, exactly obstacles! The Place of Power is endowed with its own Mind and will not let you approach it so easily. So, for example, in the same Adygea, hail may fall out of nowhere, as we had, or a hurricane may arise!

However, if you carry out the practice (ritual) correctly, then everything will be fine!

The anomaly had an impact on our trip in advance. There were all sorts of obstacles from the very beginning, but we overcame them. And near the Krasnodar town Ust-Labinsk we almost lost our way when the navigator showed the shape of a pentagram (five-pointed star).

Arriving in the village Kamennomostsky (Hadzhokh), our group was kindly accommodated by the owner of the Belovodye hotel and part-time director of the museum-reserve Vladimir.

This man keeps many amazing and rare artifacts in his archive: the battle blades of the ancient Scythians and Sarmatians, the chest of the Ahnenerbe society and the skulls of an “alien”.

Anyone can visit this museum and touch ancient artifacts. However, you need to touch these antiquities with a cool head! None of us knows what information all these things carry and what they can convey even through touch! Therefore, even if you take ancient things into your hands, mentally immediately set up a program: "It's just stuff"or:"I am transparent (transparent) to any negative information." And it’s not enough to just say it! It's important to feel it.

So, in Adygea, I met a researcher and archaeologist. A young man studies burial grounds, mounds, and works with artifacts. By disturbing the remains of those long gone, you can incur their wrath, which means illness, trouble, or even premature death. When doing this kind of work, it is very important to treat every item found calmly and energetically neutralize any negative energy.

During the whole day , May 6th, I, with my colleagues and students, conducted ancient Vedic studies in the mountains of the mountain plateau Lagonaki. This is the practice we did , gives the following:

  • Neutralization of negative karmic programs.
  • Working with family.
  • Removing obstacles and failures.
  • Opening roads in life.

Hail and heavy rain did not prevent us from holding our event. At this moment, I also carried out remote work with all those who from different cities and countries turned to me for help.

These were my relatives, friends, students and just those whom I know from Great Britain and Israel, Ukraine and Russian cities. Each person felt my work in their own way and changes in life will definitely happen! However, the best thing is to attend in person!

During the whole day, May 7th, I worked with the Belovodye Hotel and talked with the employees of this establishment. According to people, many are simply afraid to go into the basement and attic. So, one man told how his brother saw a white ball in the attic. The mysterious substance literally accompanied the man the entire time he was working in the attic.

Hotel manager, Irina, talks about knocking, walking along corridors, stairs. And once someone scattered rose petals (a manifestation of a poltergeist).

According to the hotel director, the hotel's land is clean! That is, there were no murders, shed blood, etc. So, where do ghosts come from?

The land on which this hotel is located is very ancient. There are dolmens and burial grounds nearby, and in these parts there was a cruel Caucasian War in the 19th century, when Russian tsarist troops destroyed the local population with fire and sword! Those who like to relax on the Black Sea coast of Russia know about cities such as Tuapse and Adler. Did you know that the slaughtered peoples had such names? Just like the famous one "Krasnaya Polyana" in Sochi, there is nothing other than "Bloody Glade".

I feel like some of the rooms are really creepy! You walk into a room, and it’s as if someone is looking in your direction, and you even feel touching...

There are also interesting sensations in working with skulls. In my previous articles I already wrote about them and I won’t repeat myself too much, but I will say one thing.

According to my feelings, this creature was looks like a mutant and, as my colleague, a doctor of Tibetan medicine, says, Sergey Lenkov, this is the real one "the devil with the horns." After all, creatures with horns are found in Israel and even in Peru. Whose race is this? Who were they? Vladimir Gennadievich (the director of the hotel) draws an analogy with the Sumerian Anunnaki... After all, according to the ancient texts of the Sumerians, it was these creatures who visited the Earth in ancient times, and even it was they who created the human race!

During the day, May 8th, we conducted a sacred practice" White list", and again in the Lagonaki mountains.

What does "White Sheet" give?

For example, you have experienced a loss loved one, and you need to forget your pain. Pain and suffering can become a thing of the past!

In other words, the “White Sheet” practice is another chance for Fate to give you something new. I am asked a question: "Does all the good things last??" Undoubtedly! Everything that is yours will remain with you and will not go anywhere! Your experience, achievements, knowledge, potential will remain with you. And what prevents you from becoming who you really are will go away! We remember! Each of us came into this life for experience!

"White Leaf" is a deep and meditative immersion. The nature of the mountains and forests only enhance the flow of energy. At the moment of immersion, you can remember any situation from your past and even look into past lives. So, one of our girls saw herself in ancient clothing. The one she was in a past life was holding a child in her arms. That child was not hers, but she saved his life...

In the morning, May 9th, We left Adygea, saying goodbye to the ancient forest, majestic mountains and hospitable hosts!

Brief program

Healing, filling and attuning your own DNA rhythms with the rhythms of Nature

Practices of working with 4 elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth

Working with the world: focusing attention, reading clues from the world, working through subconscious programs

We remove deficits, restrictions, energy drains. We adjust the Receiving Energy and Return Energy. Energy balance.

Generic programs, settings, keys, limiters

Working with the body. Stretching. Massage. Editing blocks and clamps in the body

Unlocking sensitivity.

Balancing M/F parts

Making amulets and amulets

Purification rites

Working with Places of Power

Connecting with the Place of Power will give you the opportunity to work, ask and receive a lot!

About the masters:

Olga Kornet

Psychologist, Shaman, Teacher, Mentor, Traveler

Tuvan shaman, inspiration for people and organizations. Basic psychological education and shamanic initiation allows her to work with deep personal problems. Love for people and attention to Nature fills with Positivity, which she transmits with Love to All Living Beings.

Has shamanic initiation by a Progressive Teacher

Ay Churek Oyun. Tuva

Every year he conducts retreats in Tuva, Siberia, the Carpathians, the Moscow region...

Travels a lot to places of power.

Participant in festivals of shamans and healers Mexico, Hungary, Tuva

During the retreat, Olga will conduct: Rite of purification, Rite of offering to the Spirit of the Mountains, Rite of thanksgiving to the Energy of Water, Gentle adjustment of the spine and joints, making and charging amulets, will work with the energy of the Family, limitations, opportunities and money,

The “Opening of the White Road” ritual and work with sound.

Anna Trubetskaya

"Practice of States", Creator.

He has been teaching how to work with subconscious programs since 2016. Certified trainer using the TOT method, Certified coach, business trainer since 2005.
As part of the retreat, Anna will conduct classes on the transformation of subconscious programs aimed at working out the male and female balance, the balance of acceptance and giving, the balance of the Ego and Soul, opening the sense of the world and oneself through body-oriented practices, working with past lives to transform the present and future .
A unique technique will teach you how to work independently with the subconscious, read the world’s clues, and manage your reality. It will allow you to exit the 3D matrix of templates to a new level of life awareness and high vibrations.

Sergei Dudorov

Energy healer, Conductor of codes, energies and frequencies of Ascension, Gaia’s transition to a new dimension.

These energies activate in a person his zero energy assemblage point, the point of emptiness and zero, the genetic memory of the cell is unpacked, the pristine, reference energy matrix of the body is restored - a state of harmony, silence, peace, balance and neutrality. Distortions and blocks in energy channels are removed, the psychosomatic reaction of the body shows problematic issues and the connection with the thinking that provokes their occurrence. The tone of the energy channels and the energy structure of the body returns to its original state, the energy matrix is ​​rebooted. The internal tuning fork is attuned to the vibrations of the Soul, the connection with the Higher aspects of the Self is restored, the person begins to “sound” differently, the husk of masks, invented roles, limiting beliefs and attitudes comes off, the true Essence is revealed, through the physical body a person remembers his native, unique state, physical and emotional. The frequency of vibrations passing during the energy session is 963 Hz, which corresponds in the solfeggio of Ascension frequencies to the note Si, connection with the divine, with the higher Self , the center of spiritual orderliness, the field of insight, affects the state of the nervous system as a whole

As part of the retreat, Sergey will work with the activation of male-female balance, centrosomes (cell radiance) and DNA, and will teach you to see and feel yourself and the world in the harmony of the present.

Is it worth going? Pros:

Clean fresh air, a place of power

Russia- rich country. It is rich in people, natural places and ancient knowledge. Do you want to touch them? - Forward!

Like-minded people with common goals

You can go with friends or alone. Our program is built harmoniously. The main thing for us is that during the trip you receive your solution to the problem or what brought you to this program.

Experienced guide

3 mountain routes, transfer to places of power, possibility of visiting tourist places Adygea at will. A guide with extensive hiking experience:

Women's Garnet Canyon, men's Monk Mountain, Lagonaki Plateau - these are three places of power in our program!

Charge for a whole year

Smiles, laughter, morning exercises, a bathhouse on the river bank, soft adjustment of the back and joints from a shaman

Cheerful Masters, hospitable Hosts of the Tourist Base.

We are leaving vigorous, cheerful, charged for the New Natural Year!

The cost of the program without accommodation is 19,500 rubles. Includes:

All rituals, hikes, group classes and transfers according to the program.

Any additions to this program occur at your request and are paid additionally.

Accommodation and meals are not included in the price. Independent arrival to the camp site

I invite you to seminars: Magic Adygea

Adygea is the land of revealed and hidden Power. A land that keeps the secrets of ancient civilizations and the universe. A unique place in the Krasnodar region, where pristine landscapes with unique flora and fauna and archaeological monuments have been preserved.

The manifest strength of Adygea is its unforgettable, powerful, dizzying natural beauty: rocky mountains, canyons and gorges, wayward mountain rivers with turbulent gorges, rapids and amazing waterfalls, mysterious caves. The hidden power of Adygea is the hidden wealth of the Earth’s secret knowledge about the past and future of humanity. These are anomalous phenomena and findings that go beyond the modern laws of the world order.

In August 2017 (from 19th to 27th) We offer a new program for parents with children, called “Magical Adygea for the whole family.” Program cost: 20,000 for children and 24,000 for adults.

In September 2017 (from 2nd to 10th) Adygea will open up for the strong, brave and young, the program “Magic Extreme Adygea”.

In September 2017 (from the 16th to the 24th) a new program for everyone who wants to improve their health, the “Magic Adygea for Health” program. Program cost: 36,000

In October 2017 (from September 30th to October 8th) everyone who wants to stock up on energy for the whole winter, the “Golden Adygea” program. We invite everyone. Program cost: 36,000

Light will help us go beyond the ordinary, will give us the opportunity to discover beautiful, as yet unexplored peaks and states. The seminar will take place mainly at altitudes of 1500 meters, where physical and energetic restructuring of the body occurs, as well as a change in human consciousness. These are truly exciting, mysterious adventures that will change a lot in your life: they will help you gain personal strength and travel to the top of your own spirit.

This kind of work is especially effective in May. This is a special month - the culmination of spring, the transition to summer, to fire. This is a time of finding light, beauty, strength and harmony.

Place: Adygea, village. Kamenomostsky

Hotel: (negotiating and booking)

Approximate description of the basic program

*The organizers reserve the right to change the program routes for objective reasons.

Day 1. Hotel accommodation. Shower. Dinner. Excursion to the Tuapch Canyon. Vdp. Mezmaisky stream. Familiarization with the village. Return to base. Dinner, evening rest.

Day 2. 9.00 – Breakfast. 10.00 — Arrival by minibus to the Mishoko tract. Mastering the elements of canyoning. Lunch - packed lunch. Eneolithic fortress of Mishoko. Swimming in the quarry lake. 19.00 – Return to base. Shower, dinner, evening of relaxation.

Day 3. 9.00 – Breakfast. 10.00 — Classes on how to safely overcome obstacles on mountainous terrain. Training route: stream. Mezmaysky - cave. “Through”, lunch - packed rations. Vdp. “Noise” - vdp. "Lace" - observation deck. 19.00 – Return to base. Shower, dinner, evening of relaxation.

Day 4. 9.00 – Breakfast. 10.00 – Departure. Pos. Ust-Sakhray. Dolmens. Waterfalls of the Sakhray River: “Attraction”, “Mamryuk”, “Majorsha”, “Mankin’s braids”. Lunch by the fire. 19.00 – Return through the village of Sakhray. Shower, dinner, evening of relaxation.

Day 5. 9.00 – Breakfast. 10.00 – Approach to the Lob rock. Lookout, grotto. Access to the mouth of Mal. Rufabgo. Vdp. “Sphinx” – “Maiden’s Tears” – “Seven” – “Rodnikovy” grotto. Lunch - packed lunch. Zindan of the Rufabgo fortress - Bachurinsky military base. 19.00 - Return to base. Dinner, shower, evening of rest.

Day 6. 9.00 – Breakfast. 10.00 – Departure to the village of Mezmay. Guam Canyon. Canyon of the Sukhoi beam. Lunch – packed lunch. Vdp. Yavorovy. 21.00 – return by minibus to the base. Shower, dinner (for complete groups).

Day 7. 9.00 – Breakfast. 10.00 – Arrival to the start walking route. Grottoes and observation decks Unakoz ridge. Lunch packed lunch. Caves “Dakhovskaya-1”, “Dakhovskaya-2”. 19.00 – Return to base by road. Shower, dinner (for groups of 2-3 people)

Day 8. 9.00 – Breakfast. 10.00 – Auto excursion to the Lago-Naki plateau. Caves of the Azish-Tau ridge, lunch by the fire on the floor. “Olenya”. 20.00 – Return of the minibus to the base. Shower, dinner. Farewell evening.

Day 9. Departure of the group.

The cost of the package is RUR 36,000. (for one person)

The package is not split or recalculated in case of refusal to participate or take classes at any stage, and no compensation is made for classes in Moscow.

Included in the price:

— Classes (practices) from Vera (morning class, practices throughout the day)

— 3 meals a day (picnic lunch for a full day trip)

— Accommodation in rooms

— Work of instructors on mountain routes

— All transfers according to the program to practice places and back

The price does not include:

— Air (Krasnodar), railway (Krasnodar, Maykop, Belorechensk) or bus tickets (purchased independently)

Choose flights and trains with morning arrival to get to the base before lunch.

— Transfer from the airport, railway station

It is possible to organize a transfer after the formation of single arrival groups. Estimated cost: from Krasnodar – passenger car – from 3,000 rubles, minibus – from 6,000 rubles, from Maykop – passenger car – 1,000 rubles, minibus – 2,000 rubles

Procedure for registering and paying for the seminar:

  1. Sign up by writing to me by mail or on the website in the “Registration for the Seminar” section (those who have not yet signed up).
  2. Buy a plane ticket and inform me with details of “when” and “where”.
  3. Submit an advance payment of 10,000 rubles by November 30, 2016.
  4. Submit full payment by April 20, 2017

Recommended Aeroflot flights: Departure by Aeroflot airline in the direction Moscow-Krasnodar on May 6 (flight SU 1272) departure time 8:15 SVO—>KRR 10:35 arrival time Aeroflot flight in the direction Krasnodar-Moscow on May 14 (flight SU 1103) departure time 15: 45 KRR—>SVO 18:00 arrival time

Lagonaki Plateau through the Mountains to the Sea.
The purpose of the expedition: exploration of the Place of Power, work with the energies of the northern tradition, work on exits, training in energy synthesis in the mountains, training of guides. Participants determine their personal goals themselves. The Place of Power gives energy, a learning field is created that changes your life and gives you the opportunity to open up to something new.
About the Place of Power
June 18-25 - expedition to the Place of Power in Mountain Adygea. Lagonaki Plateau, Fisht-Oshtenovsky mountain range, Lake Huco.
Expedition program:
June 18. Meeting of expedition participants in Krasnodar. Check-in at summer camp is a holiday dedicated to the summer solstice. Adaptation to the energies of the mountains.
June 19. One day training hike. Field bathhouse. Fire Ritual.
June 20. Exit to the main route. The ascent to the high mountain plateau of Lagonaki is carried out by all-terrain vehicle. Next is the pedestrian part of the route along mountain path. Overnight in the “plague camp” on Fishtinskaya glade at the foot of the snowy mountains Fisht and Oshten.
June 21 day at Fishtinskaya Polyana, free day.
June 22-23 – trekking to the area of ​​Mount Pshekho-su and Lake Psedonakh, access to alignment points. Exploration of a new Place of Power.
June 24 - departure to the area of ​​​​Lake Khuko and the Babuk-aul shelter.
June 25 – departure to Solokh aul, delivery by minibus to Sochi. The end of the mountainous part of the route. Seaside holidays upon request.
Cost 17,000 rubles.

About the Place of Power.

Place of Power – Bolshoy Tkhach Mountain, the most inaccessible and rarely visited area North Caucasus. Meanwhile, this place is very important and even necessary for a person’s spiritual self-determination. It refers to the Family, or the Creator - the Creator of the World. The energies of the ancestors dominate here, and not everyone can walk this route; it is difficult both physically and psychologically. In these places, a person is literally twisted inside out, and all his ins and outs are revealed to the outside. Of course, people who must go on this route must be prepared, both physically and energetically, that is, having the required level of dedication.

July 10 – meeting of participants in Krasnodar, arrival at the summer camp.
July 11 – one-day training outing. Field bathhouse. Fire Ritual.
July 12 – transfer of participants to the Sakhrai Canyon at the beginning of the route. Overnight at the waterfalls. Ritual of Water.
July 13 – exit to the foot of Mount Bolshoy Tkhach.
July 14 – day at the foot of the mountain. Climbing.
July 15-16 – trekking to the area of ​​Maly Tkhach and Devil’s Gate.
July 17 – descent to the beginning of the route, return to the summer camp.
July 18 – rest, departure.

Cost 22,000 rub.


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