Independent travel to India. What you need to know before traveling to India on your own. Finding accommodation in India

An airplane is the most realistic way to get to India from Russia. Most of India's state borders are by sea, while others are inaccessible. mountainous areas. In addition, there are political tensions on the borders with China and Bangladesh. It takes a long time to get there by sea. Besides, it's not at all safe. So, flight. This is where we will focus our choice. The largest number of international flights arrive at Delhi and Mumbai, followed by Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore. These airports serve the northwest, West Coast, northeast, southeast coast, central and southern parts of the country, respectively.

The price of air tickets to India depends on the season: the most expensive is from November to March, when the country has the “high season” and the weather is most comfortable. Prices decrease moderately between April and May and August and October. The most cheap air tickets- in June and July. By the way, in October-November, Indians from all over the world flock to their homeland to spend these days of Diwali with their families. That's why the cost of tickets is off the charts! Business, in general.

Tourists heading to Goa or the Kerala coast are recommended to contact a travel agency, where specialists will offer a ready-made tour package, including a charter flight along with accommodation. This is the best option. But we must keep in mind that the Indian authorities have set a limit on the length of stay of tourists who have arrived by charter flight- no more than 28 days. Moreover, the tourist is also obliged to fly away by charter.

Flights to India from most Russian cities are only possible with a transfer, so the average travel time is more than 10 hours. When flying directly from Moscow, for example, travel time is reduced by about 2 times, but the cost also increases proportionally!

Tourist routes along the “golden triangle” of Delhi - Jaipur - Agra in the north-west of the country begin in Delhi (New Delhi Airport). A round trip flight from Moscow with a transfer in Astana will cost approximately 24,000 rubles, and the journey will take from 10 to 12 hours. For comparison, Air India performs a direct flight in 6 hours, but the cost of a round-trip ticket is about 36,000 rubles.

On Andaman Islands at east coast India has Port Blair Airport. From Moscow you can fly here with Lufthansa together with Air India. With transfers in Frankfurt and Chennai, the flight takes as much as 35 hours, the cost of round-trip air tickets is 45,000 rubles.

Etihad Airways flies to Kolkata, a metropolis in northeastern India. With an intermediate stop in Abu Dhabi, you will spend 18-19 hours in flight, the ticket will cost about 35,000 rubles.

The same Etihad Airways flies to the city of Bangalore in the south of the country. 12-15 hours and you are there. The issue price is 26,000 rubles.

Hello friends!

It's winter outside, and right now the snow is falling in flakes. First winter at -10 in the last 3.5 years. It’s a little unusual, but it’s an opportunity to pull yourself together and do things that you didn’t have time for on the road. With this article I decided to unpack my Indian experience a little and talk about what it takes to travel independently in India without shock therapy.

writing about India with such pictures is just right

I have a total of more than a year behind me, spent within this wonderful country. Here's a small one. Read it, there are a lot of cross-references to interesting materials :)

India is a country of victorious chaos. Written and unwritten rules here work on completely different planes, and more often than not they don’t work at all. Everything here is controlled by the Gods and the omnipresent mad Heart. There is a lot in common with the Russian mentality. The same belief in one’s own exclusivity, ingenuity and the ubiquity of chance.

Chaos and dirt are the main features of any Indian corner. But it's so cozy

Here it is very easy to “erase your personal history” and become “Nobody” (with a capital letter and in the full sense of the word). Get lost, dissolve and be reborn. Among the ancient shitty streets, cows and crazy ascetics with eyes red from hashish.

As my good friend once said: people go to India and Nepal to heal souls.

Where to start preparing for your trip?

By accepting the fact that most likely all your planning will go to hell. In India, the very concept of time is very vague. And if planes fly according to a completely usual schedule, then trains may be late for a day (I am not exaggerating!!!).

Delay of 4-5 hours railways India is considered normal. Therefore, always have some time to spare.

In a typical Indian sleeper

Travel planning

Despite the quite expected destruction of all the plans made, it is necessary to prepare for the trip. It’s worth starting with at least tickets and visas). And let reviews of travel in this wonderful country say otherwise)


It is possible to obtain long-term tourist visas for India, valid for up to 5 years (formally the law has been adopted, but I have not yet seen any real precedents). Most often you can get a visa for 3 or 6 months. If you ask hard, they can give you a double. The cost is about 100 dollars.

The main thing is that in the occupation column, do not indicate “photographer” or “journalist”. They don’t like them there :) For there is no point in trampling the holy land with your vision with a heap of dirt, shit and crippled beggars.

In addition, Russians, Ukrainians and Kazakhs can now obtain an electronic visa, valid for 1 year with a period of non-exit in the country = 90 days. Cost from 80 to 100 bucks.

It is prohibited to work on a tourist visa, so if you suddenly want to get a job, this can be fraught with problems.


I recommend purchasing tickets, especially for trains and buses, in advance. 1-1.5 months before the trip. And if you can at least get tickets for buses even at the last moment, then for trains it very often happens that there are no tickets.

I have Good friends, who develop routes and purchase tickets for Indian trains and buses. I recommend. They have more than 10 years of experience traveling around India and their approach to business is very professional. They will select tickets, connections and the optimal route.


Despite great amount accommodation in popular booking systems, you can get seriously burned. In India, the concept of “service quality” is very weak. Even in 3* hotels you may encounter dirty sheets and pubic hair in the pillows. Therefore, it is better to search locally, or negotiate on some places that have already been tested by others.

Cobra Whisperer

First aid kit

The stomach and immunity of the Russian person are poorly adapted to tropical climate conditions. In India, the phrase “Don't let yourself get sick” should sound like a mantra.

Therefore, the mandatory items on your trip should be:

  1. Activated carbon
  2. Ointment for insect bites (I recommend “Rescuer”. It’s very helpful in relieving itching after any nasty thing)
  3. Pancreatin. Spicy foods can be hard on the pancreas. And she, according to doctors, is practically not recovering.
  4. Furozolidone. A wonderful and cheap remedy for all types of intestinal infections.
  5. Sun cream.

It is useless to take any mosquito repellent sprays and ointments from home. They have no effect on Indian fauna at all. There are many grocery stores in India where you can easily buy these things.

It would be a good idea to have insurance for your trip. Only, as elsewhere in Asia, it does not cover possible injuries from riding scooters and motorcycles. Be vigilant and careful.

It happens that people ask about vaccinations before traveling. I have never done them, but if you are very worried about malaria or dengue fever, it is better to be safe. There are a lot of mosquitoes here. I once had an incident with a mosquito bite, after which I felt feverish for a long time.


If you plan to travel with cash, take dollars or euros. Exchange for rupees can be found in almost any tourist place: from to Kanyakumari.

There are a lot of “ascetic businessmen” here

I prefer to travel savage with bank cards. ATMs can be found even in remote villages, where such technical innovations seem completely surreal against the backdrop of hand mills.

The best way to withdraw money is from SBI (State Bank of India) and Canara bank ATMs. They don't charge a fee for cashing out.

Traditions you need to know to be safe

All of India is conservative and traditional. Therefore, in order not to suddenly find yourself in an uncomfortable (and even dangerous) position, you need to be vigilant and know some traditions.

For women

I will highlight this point especially, because sperm toxicosis in men in a society with suppressed sexuality reaches very dangerous forms.

  1. Be modest with local men. Politely, but without ingratiating smiles. Otherwise, it may be perceived as a signal of availability.
  2. Cover up your charms. Tight clothes and flashy makeup also send a “signal.”
  3. It is better to respond to attempts to shake your hand with a “nameste” bow with your hands folded at your chest.
  4. It is better to avoid large crowds of people.
  5. Taking a selfie with an Indian womanizer often results in your photo being posted on Facebook with the caption “me and my girlfriend.” This happens with enviable consistency, regardless of the state. Even more often, 1 selfie turns into a whole selfie session with everyone.

Of course, you shouldn’t fall into paranoia, but being on alert is useful.

The Buddhist regions of India are calmer in this regard: Sikkim.

For everyone else

In India, aggression is perceived as something very out of the ordinary. This is why our not-so-prosperous compatriots love to flaunt their “Indian victories.” Hindus simply fall into a stupor, which can sometimes lead to very dire situations.

Don't be fooled

India is the country of the winning heart. Here, since ancient times, they have learned to sweeten the outstretched ears of simpleton newcomers with grandeur. (here they are called “fresh chicken”: literally “fresh chicken”). Therefore, there will be constant attempts to deceive here. The good news is that 99% of such attempts are childishly naive and harmless.

It is better to relax immediately and even if a deception is discovered, maintain a cheerful mood. Consider this a game whose price is 50-100 rubles. Agree, it’s not a high price to pay for a new and interesting experience).

Hindus, when you catch them cheating, most often break into a smile, shake their heads and say “ok”. Like, “it didn’t work and that’s okay.” It’s not even possible to be offended by them.

Divorce the Indian way in Varanasi

However, we must not lose our vigilance! It is possible and even necessary to be persistent. Just without aggression. The latter is not held in high esteem here at all. It is offensive and destructive.

The most common divorces are as follows:

  1. Taxi in Delhi. “Is this your first time in India?” If you answer in the affirmative, there will be an idea: “oh, your hotel burned down. But I know one thing very, very a good place" In general, they will take you to a place where the taxi driver will rely on a small magarych. The price will be quoted 2-3 times higher than the market price.
  2. “The roads are blocked and there are no places.” Another breeder as old as time, found mainly in Delhi. Usually the same taxi drivers to whom you tell that you are going somewhere north answer like this.
  3. Ear cleaners. Divorce is older than Mahabharata. Sometimes these comrades can, as if by chance, “completely free”, pull a horse out of your ear and half the chicken you ate in the morning. When I saw the cleaner operating in the ear of a cute white girl, I realized that this scam would live on for a very long time.
  4. Pressure for pity. “I have 5 children, and today I know business... please, give me the tips.” In general, the classic story of service personnel: from rickshaw drivers to cafe waiters.
  5. Well, and another +100 of all sorts of minor scams.

Determining a scam is quite simple: if someone offers you their services “just like that,” most likely it is not free. This happens very often in tourist places, like Goa. I have never seen anything like this on the road or in the villages. On the contrary - only a sincere desire to help, as I was repeatedly convinced of during our and after, along the way

This ready route in India was dictated by the desire to finally see this country with my own eyes and understand what is so mysterious about it. This was my first independent trip across Asia.

I would like to note that a year earlier I went to India with friends for 10 days. But this was a pilgrimage trip to only one place - the ashram in Puttaparthi. Therefore, I represented India a little and knew what awaited me.

And now I was going to travel around the country alone for more than a month and it didn’t scare me at all. As people who have visited India say: “India called me, and I could not resist it.” This happened to me too. Since the invitation was sent personally, then, as they say, it is indecent to refuse. After that I never gave up.

Somewhere in the middle of preparing for the trip, my mother and her friend joined me. Therefore, the route turned out to be easier, with notes based on the age of my fellow travelers.

This ready-made route around India is suitable for novice travelers. You are visiting the golden triangle of India: Delhi-Jaipur-Agra, holy city Varanasi and the Ganges River, and then relax on the Goa beach.

  • December 23 departure from Moscow to Delhi with a transfer in Tashkent.
  • On December 24, early in the morning we arrive in Delhi. We take a taxi from the airport to Main Bazaar. We check into a guesthouse, which we find on site. We go to the central station at the ticket office for tourists and buy tickets for everything we planned to travel around India with. We walk around Delhi.
  • December 25 – we walk around Delhi, sightseeing. In the afternoon we take a bus to Jaipur. We arrive in Jaipur late in the evening and settle into a guesthouse.
  • December 26 – we walk around Jaipur, sightseeing.
  • December 27 – in the morning we walk around Jaipur. After lunch we take the train and go to Agra. We check into a guesthouse.
  • December 28 – early in the morning we go to see the Taj Mahal. After the inspection we go to the Red Fort. In the evening we take the train to Varanasi.
  • December 29 – early in the morning we arrive in Varanasi. Not far from the ghats we settle into a guesthouse. We have breakfast on the roof. We walk around Varanasi, mainly along the ghats, watching the ceremonies of burning the dead.
  • December 30 - in the morning we take the train and go to Goa. The train ride takes about a day and a half. We bought second class tickets, so we pass the travel time on wide shelves, with air conditioning and quiet Indian neighbors.
  • December 31 - in the second half we get off the train at a small station near Mandrem beach. At Mandrem Beach we check into a bungalow. New Year We celebrate on the ocean shore, in a cozy restaurant.
  • December 31 – January 10 – relax on Mandrem Beach. These days we visited the neighboring Arambol beach, night and day markets.
  • January 10 - my solo route around India begins. Our paths with my mother and her friend diverge. I take them by taxi to Dabolim airport, from where they fly safely to Russia. I'm going to Bangalore on a slipper bus.
  • January 11 – From Bangalore I take a bus to Puttaparthi. I'm checking into the ashram.
  • January 11 – January 25 – I am in the ashram.
  • January 25 – I travel from Puttaparthi by train to Delhi.
  • January 26 – I arrive in Delhi. I'm checking into a guesthouse in Main Bazaar. I'm buying more souvenirs.
  • January 27 – I fly to Russia.

As you can see, after Goa I went to Puttaparthi. But there will be no problem for you to fly from Goa to Russia.

This trip turned out to be significant for me. Firstly, as I said above, this was my first independent trip to Asia. And the trip turned out to be straight away to India. Therefore, after such a trip, I was not afraid to travel to other Asian countries and the world in general. In general, after India I began to travel actively several times a year.

Secondly, on the roof of a guesthouse in Varanasi, I met a Russian woman. Thanks to that acquaintance, a few months later I met Alla. And a few months later our first joint trip abroad took place. And this is what it all led to - now we have our own travel website.

This article will be useful for those who want to travel to India on their own, but do not know how much it costs and cannot decide.

I roughly described the route and budget of our trip to India this winter. This will be our 2nd trip.

The budget can be reduced or increased, it all depends on your needs.

Some people use their last money to buy tickets to Goa, sleep there on the beach or with the “man under the star anise” in Arambol, beg for alms from the Russians, smoke, and they are happy!!!

In general, it’s up to everyone to decide what happiness is.

The article will be updated as we spend. I will mark the actual amounts spent in green, you can compare them with the plan))

So, let's begin.

We are going to India for 22 days: 12/31/2017- 01/22/2018

The budget looks something like this:

1.Airfare costs.

1.1. Omsk-Delhi (with a transfer in Astana) 27,000 rubles for two There and back again.

1.2. We are going to Kerala, but direct tickets are expensive, and we want to go to Hampi and Goa, so we bought additional tickets: 01/04/2017 Delhi-Hyderabad (centre of India) - 5000 rubles for two . If you don’t want to see India, but are flying specifically for Ayurveda to Kerala, then tickets to Kochi are 01.01.-04.01. cost approximately 13,000 rubles, and after 04.01. -10000-12000 rubles for two.

1.3.And return tickets: 01/21/2017. Kochi (Kerala) - Delhi (with a change in Bangalore) - 7000 rubles for two (until January 10, tickets cost more than 10,000 rubles, and after January 17, you can fly cheaper). Total: 39,000 rubles.

2. Accommodation.

We choose the most budget type of housing (hut in Russian), the average cost is 500 rupees for two. 22 days*500=11000 rupees. Plus 2000 rupees just in case (force majeure).

Compare hotel prices different companies possible on the website

You can read the hotels that we booked in the article:

The amount according to the plan was as follows: 413+459+635.15+550+ 2,282.49+ 2201+750+2742+ 1,468= 10,499 rubles.

Since some hotels can cancel the reservation themselves, and there are different situations, I will write the actual amount later.

3. Visa.

75 $*2 people= 150 $=9100 rubles (approximately). This is the cost of an e-visa.

If you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, you can submit documents to the embassy, ​​and the visa will cost you much less (approximately 2500 rubles per person)

Plus, when paying for an e-visa on the website, a commission of $1.8 is charged.

In total we spent: 76.8 $*2=153.6 $ (at the rate of 60 rubles - 9216 rubles)

4. Transportation costs in India.

We have several trips planned by trains and buses, the cost is approximately:

3.1 Train 02.01. Delhi-Agra 700 rubles for two.

3.2. Train 02.01. Agra-Sawai Madhopur 250-350 rubles for two

3.3. Train 03.01. Sawai Madhopur-Jaipur 300 rubles for two.

3.4. Train 04.01. Jaipur-Delhi 470 rubles for two.

3.5. 04.01. Train or bus Hyderabat-Hospet (Hampi) 600 rubles for two.

3.6. 07.01. Train or bus Hospet-Goa (Mapsa or Margao) 1000 rubles for two.

3.7. 10.01. Buses from Arambol (Goa) to Palolem ( South Goa) 260 rubles for two.

3.8. 12.01. Bus from Palolem to Kochi.

3.9. 14.01. Bus from Kochi to Trivandrum.

4.10. 21.01. Bus from Trivandrum to Kochi.

The total amount will be calculated after all transfers have been calculated.

Also not included in the list are intra-city travel by buses, auto-rickshaws and taxis.

What route we got in reality, read the article ""

4. Food

We calculated a food budget of 1,300 rubles per day for two. In 22 days it turns out to be 28,600 rubles. This amount includes alcohol (a bottle of Rum 180 rupees, beer 0.6-60 rupees). In general, you can dine on rice with Indian sauces for 100 rubles, but we are not vegetarians. We plan to eat at Tibetan momo eateries and buy seafood once every 2 days. For example, in Goa in Calangute at the market we bought tuna for 350 rupees (2.5-3 kg.), They prepared it for us for 300 rupees. We ate it for 2 days. Or another example: we took medium-sized shrimp there for 150 rupees (600 grams), cooked it for 50 rupees. What to eat is up to you to decide.

5. Shopping.

Budget 15,000 rubles.

I definitely include in my expenses the budget for the purchase of Indian cosmetics and various dietary supplements and medicines, because... I don’t buy shampoos in Russia.

6. Ayurveda.

We definitely include a general massage in the budget, the average cost is 600 rupees, 10 sessions. For two people it turns out to be 12,000 rupees.

Plus several Ayurveda treatments 3000 rupees.

And several yoga lessons 1000 rupees.

Total: 16,000 rupees (rubles).

7. Excursions.

Below I will describe our travel route by day along with prices for excursions to make it clearer.

01/31/2017 Flight from Omsk to Astana.

1.01. Flight Astana-Delhi. Day in Delhi.

Excursions have not yet been distributed.

2.01. Departure by train to Agra.

Visit to the Taj Mahal. Price 1000 rubles* 2= 2000 rubles.

Visit to Agra Fort.

Departure to Sawai Madhopur (where the Ranthambore nature reserve is located).

3.01. Visit Ranthambore Nature Reserve. Jeep safari: 1800 rupees*2= 3600 rupees.

Departure to Jaipur.

Visit to the Fort in Jaipur. The price is 500 rupees, but perhaps we will take a tourist ticket to visit several attractions. Price 1000 rupees*2= 2000 rupees.

Visits to the reserve with elephants.

4.01. Departure to Delhi.

Flight Delhi - Hyderabad

Departure from Hyderabad to Hospet (Hampi).

5.01.-06.01. Visit Hampi.

7.01. Departure to Goa

8.01.-09.01. Holidays in Goa. Arambol.

10.01.-11.01. South Goa. Palolem.

12.01.-13.01. Kochi (Kerala).

There will be excursions, but the exact number has not been calculated.

14.01.-21.01. Trivandrum (Kerala).

21.01. Flight Kochi-Delhi.

22.01. Flight Delhi-Astana-Omsk.

The plan is approximate, not all expenses are taken into account, only the main ones. After the trip I’ll write about what happened in the end.

The rupee to ruble exchange rate for a 1:1 calculation will in reality be slightly more profitable.

Haven't bought your tickets yet? Subscribe to the desired direction on the site and catch your luck by the tail!

We catch last-minute trips on sites with the lowest prices

If you want to get inspired by ideas for planning excursions or book an excursion with a professional guide for yourself, you can do this on the websites.

And don't forget about taking out insurance. All options and prices can be found on the websites,

Read also:

  • How much money to take with you to Goa? We are calculating the budget...

Many people dream of going to India on their own, but not everyone knows how to make it a reality. But you are lucky, you yourself will be able to visit this multifaceted country, see how Indians live, enjoy the beautiful scenery, understand a little of the national flavor, and you can simply relax here.

An independent trip to India can be quite inexpensive compared to offers from travel agencies, and this type of vacation will bring many times more positive emotions and interesting acquaintances. In addition, “package trips” do not offer anything new, all their ideas are worn out to nothing: lie on the beach, visit one or two attractions, go to the most expensive market. A vacation “being your own boss” gives you much more freedom of action; it is a real adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime.

The territory of India is huge, each part is different climatic conditions, infrastructure development, population density. An important fact is that some states of the country have limited access for foreigners; in order to enter them, they must obtain additional permits. But even without these places there are places to go and things to see. For example, the most popular state among travelers and tourists is best suited for a “European” type of vacation, there is a huge amount of entertainment, hotels, beaches; Goa has long been accustomed to foreigners (after all, it is also a former colony of Portugal) and their behavior and customs; here no one will pay much attention to short shorts and bikinis, unlike residents of other states; clothes that cover most of the body are held in high esteem there. bodies. But in order to see the “real” India, with all its wealth and beauty, you just need to go to other states of the country. And now to the specifics of how to organize your own trip.


It is faster and more comfortable to get to India by plane. Of course, you can go by car or go by train, but this is for real daredevils who have a lot of free time and nerves of steel. For those who have a short vacation, this is not at all suitable. Therefore, it is better to fly rather than drive.

There are quite a lot of flights to India. Most of them depart from Moscow and St. Petersburg (for Russia), Kyiv and Lvov (for Ukraine), Minsk (for Belarus), but there are also flights from some large provincial cities to India, just not so many of them. Tickets to India cost from 300 € (flights with transfers, round trip), but, as a rule, cheap flights involve a longer flight. If you want to get to your holiday destination quickly, then take a direct flight; ticket prices start from 330 €.

The best way to buy tickets to India is on the website. This is a search engine that finds and compares tickets different airlines and offers to purchase the most profitable of them. Thanks to him, you will save a huge amount of time and money too. It will only take a few minutes to get your coveted ticket.

Calendar low prices for air tickets

Check airfare prices:


Hotels in India most often do not differ in luxury, although there are exceptions. To find the hotel that suits you, you need to search for it on. Thanks to the advanced search with many criteria, you will quickly and easily select the right option. Each hotel has a description, a list of what is in the room, and most importantly, there are truthful reviews written by tourists and travelers who have already lived in this place. This service saved a lot of money and nerves, because... All the accommodations I have booked through Roomguru have been quality and as described.

If you have questions regarding the booking process itself, then read, thanks to which you can book your own accommodation in any country in the world, including India.

There is also the opportunity to rent an apartment or house, but this is not for everyone. There are both pros and cons to this method of living in a foreign country, and the cons will outweigh the pros for most travelers. But if you are still not afraid of the difficulties that often arise if you rent a house from a private owner in another country, then you can read, which says what renting a house abroad is.

Find a cheap hotel from Roomguru right now:


To travel around India, you will need a visa and a passport; it is advisable (but not necessary) to apply for one; it can save you several tens of thousands of dollars in case of health problems. If you go to India without insurance, and something happens on the spot, then you will have to pay exorbitant prices for treatment, so it is better to purchase insurance yourself; besides, it is very inexpensive.

You can apply for a visa either at the Indian Visa Center (there are ones in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok) or via the Internet. Typically, the processing time for an application is 4 days. You will have to pay $60 for a visa.

Here is the list of documents required to obtain a visa:

  • A passport valid for more than 6 months at the time of visa application
  • A completed application form
  • Hotel reservation confirmation
  • Copy of round trip air tickets
  • Copy of internal passport

You can find out the latest information on the website of the Indian Embassy.


There are a lot of attractions in India. Let's not forget that this is a huge country with rich history. In order to create a route for visiting attractions, you must first decide in which part of India you are going to vacation. You will always find where to go and what to see. I will list only the most popular places among travelers:

  • Taj Mahal
  • Bollywood
  • Fort Aguada
  • Mahabodhi Temple
  • Stupa in Sanchi
  • National Museum of Delhi
  • Hampi
  • Qutub Minar
  • Dudhsagar

It is convenient to get to attractions in different parts of the country by car. A trip from one part of India to another will take several days, but the impressions will be enormous. You can rent a car at.

If your travel budget allows, you can use the services of domestic air carriers. The cheapest way would be to fly somewhere on a low-cost airline, of which there are quite a few in India.

Travel cost

An independent holiday in India can cost either 700 € or 70,000 €. It all depends on you, as you wish, so it will be. This is what’s good about traveling “you’re your own boss”; you decide what’s best to spend your money on, where to fly and what to do. Let me give you an example of spending on an average holiday for two people (10 days, departure from Moscow, Goa resort):

  • Round trip flights = 900 €
  • Accommodation in a 3* hotel = 500 €
  • Food = 200 €
  • Transport = 50 €
  • Attractions = 50 €
  • Shopping = 250 €
  • Visa = 60 €
  • Insurance = 20 €

Total price: 1980 €. You can holiday in India and much cheaper. But some people prefer not to deny themselves anything and spend many times more. If you want to visit India for little money, then read the guide, which tells you how to travel around the world cheaply; these tips and recommendations also apply to India. Budget holidays are a reality.

How to save on travel

How to inexpensively relax on your own in India and not go wrong in comfort - that’s what this section is about. Knowing some features budget holiday savage, you can significantly reduce your costs.

You have learned how to relax in India on your own. Put your knowledge into practice, book a hotel and buy air tickets right now. Best wishes to you!


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