Where to go for a walk in Sharm El Sheikh. What can you see on your own in Sharm El Sheikh? Snorkeling in the Blue Hole

The most interesting and remarkable thing is the amazing, azure and always warm Red Sea with its unusual, colorful inhabitants and plants. This is what tourists from all over the world come here for. What else can you see in these fabulous lands, where to go, what to be surprised by, we will tell you further.

Naama Bay

To be in Sharm and not visit the main and very old street Naama Bay is impossible. No matter how far your hotel is located, you will still come here, and more than once. The first hotels were built right here, in the bay of the same name, quiet and calm, reliably sheltered from the wind and bad weather. Wide pedestrian area - promenade, great for evening walks. It's clean here, the barkers and salespeople aren't too intrusive. On the sides of the street there are a variety of entertainment establishments: clubs, discos, casinos. In small shops you can buy anything you want, there are also well-known ones retail chains occupying large areas. Recommended to visit shopping mall and the Panorama cafe, the Pasha discotheque. On the three-kilometer Naama Bay there are many cafes, bars, and restaurants. It's fun and safe here at night.

Naama Bay

Ras Mohammed

National Park Egypt's Ras Mohammed is located 25 km from Sharm el-Sheikh. Translated, the name means “head of Mohammed.” Here they go underwater to observe the coral reefs and the exotic life in them. Not all places are safe for snorkeling, as you can get caught in strong currents. You can get to the reserve by water or land. It is best to buy a tour from an operator, since getting here on your own is problematic. With children, the option of traveling by water is out of the question, since a yacht or boat does not come close to land and you will need to swim some distance. The most convenient way to buy a tour is by bus. In comfortable air-conditioned conditions, you will go on an interesting tour. The journey will take about half an hour. You will see a lot of interesting things in the reserve itself and on the road to it. The impressive mangrove trees have adapted to grow directly in salt water. Magic salt Lake- another miracle of Ras Mohammed. You can swim in it, but you won’t be able to dive headfirst, because salty water pushes the body upward. The cost of the tour ranges from $25 per adult and $15 per child. Price includes lunch and $5 admission.

Climbing Mount Sinai

It is the dream of every believer to visit Mount Moses. He received 10 commandments against sin for man from God. They say that everyone who has visited here is forgiven all their sins. The climb is night and very difficult. Before dawn, travelers walk 6 km, at the end climbing a long and sharply uphill multi-step staircase. There are two ways. One is the shortest and most difficult with 3570 steps. This is the “Path of Repentance”. The second path, “Camel Trail,” is flatter and longer. Camels climb along it, and Bedouins offer weaker people a paid climb. After 20 minutes of ascent, both trails join into one.

Even in summer, the air temperature in these places drops very low at night. Bedouins rent blankets for $5-8. It is even more difficult to go back down the slippery steps. However, no one is injured, as Moses is believed to be protecting his guests from harm.

All the difficulties overcome will be nothing compared to the delight that embraces the pilgrims at dawn. The picturesque spectacle will be remembered by every person forever! The Sinai mountains, illuminated by a small red sun, become pink, and everyone contemplating this incredible sight is overwhelmed with unimaginable happiness and joy, all sorrows and grievances are forgotten.

In the morning, those who descend will have breakfast at the monastery of St. Catherine, which is protected by UNESCO as oldest monastery in the world. For more than 3,000 years, the legendary Burning Bush bush has been growing here, against the background of which Moses turned to God. No matter how they tried to plant it in other places, the shoots did not take root.

Advice: dress warmly, take comfortable shoes with non-slip soles and be sure to have a flashlight. Water and fruit won't hurt. Climbing the mountain is not cold and even hot. As you ascend, the oxygen in the air becomes less and less, so you have to rest. That's when it gets very cold.

Climbing Mount Moses on your own is almost impossible. Groups of 10-12 people go with a guide through a checkpoint and have their documents checked.

The tour costs $35-40 for an adult. It is dangerous for children to climb.

Mount Sinai


Uninhabited island, territorially owned by Saudi Arabia Tirana attracts many tourists. A breathtaking sight awaits them - an incredibly beautiful sea with a varied coral reef and broken ships, schools of colorful exotic fish. The island itself is big rock, on which there is nothing remarkable, but around it there are amazingly beautiful underwater reefs, named after their explorers:

  • Jackson;
  • Gordon;
  • Woodhouse;
  • Thomas.

Tourists swim near each one for several hours. In calm weather, these places offer excellent diving.

Tourists are transported to the island from Naama Bay by a comfortable boat accompanied by a guide. The tour lasts 5-6 hours. The cost of the excursion depends on the hotel or operator, as well as the availability of diving equipment.

Pyramids of Egypt

Fascinating tour to a Bedouin village

The journey is made on ATVs in the evening. The journey takes two hours. Before departure, a safety briefing is provided. Tourists will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the Bedouins living in the desert, try their drinks and food. This is traditional wild mint tea, freshly baked bread, vegetables, fried meat, rice, cooked in the traditional way. Hearty meals organized by type buffet included in the tour price. During the trip, you can climb the mountainside, see a picturesque sunset in the desert, and watch the stars through a telescope.

The price of the excursion is approximately $50 per person.

Tutankhamun Museum in Sharm

Unlike the museum in Cairo, where the originals of the sarcophagus and gold mask of Tutankhamun are exhibited, all 100 exhibits are exact and indistinguishable copies. However, this does not detract from the interest in the artifacts. The collection is constantly updated. Exhibits can be touched and photographed. The guide will interestingly tell you about the events of ancient Egypt, the fascinating life of the pharaohs and ordinary Egyptians. The excursion will be useful for children. A transfer will pick up tourists from the hotel. Cost is $25 per adult and $15 per child.

Snorkeling in the Blue Hole

A wonderful diving site is located 10 km from Dahab in the Gulf of Aqaba. This is an incredible spectacle of the most beautiful underwater world leaves no one indifferent. A bus takes tourists from Sharm el-Sheikh. From its windows it is convenient to view the landscapes. On the way you can see a Bedouin cemetery. Then they transfer to camels and proceed to an oasis, where it is pleasant to relax and descend into the Blue Hole. On the way back we have lunch and stop in Dahab, where you can go shopping and buy unusual souvenirs. The cost of the tour is about $18 per person.

Blue hole

Water parks in Sharm el-Sheikh

Some hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh have water parks. There are two largest: Albatross Aqua Blue and Cleo Park, stylized as ancient Egypt. Water parks are entire cities with numerous and varied slides, rivers, swimming pools and children's areas, where children can be left for a while under the supervision of staff.

It is best to go on water activities organized from own hotel. Such a visit will cost you $30, while a solo trip will cost much more. Operators have a significant discount, which allows them to charge less for tickets and still make money. At the water parks you can buy food, drinks, and souvenirs.

Panoramic Submarine Tour

The underwater world of the Red Sea looks impressive from the 18 windows of a submarine submerged at depth. An air-conditioned vehicle will take you from the hotel to the shore. You will immediately go underwater. In comfortable conditions, you can calmly enjoy the beauty of coral reefs, colorful fish, mysterious inhabitants, and rare plants. Entertainment price is $45.

Facts and prices

Number from 235 EGP / 917 rub.

Lunch from 64.5 EGP / 251 rub.

Transport from 6 EGP / 24 rub.

Languages ​​Arabic

Currency Egyptian pound

Simplified visa

This resort on the Red Sea is famous primarily for its luxurious underwater world. Schematically, Sharm el-Sheikh consists of several districts built in lagoons and connected by a long main street. Natural sand beach there is only one at the resort, located in the Sharm el-Maya area. In other places, the beaches are either partially cleared or completely coral, and it is not recommended to enter the water there without special shoes.

The price range in hotels is wide, from inexpensive hotels on the second or third line of Naama Bay to the luxurious Ritz Carlton. Near Sharm el-Sheikh there are two magnificent national parks with amazing marine life, amusement parks and a dolphinarium. Young people are attracted to dance floors open air and active nightlife.

The attractions of Sharm El Sheikh are mainly located outside the city, because Sharm El Sheikh itself is mainly hotels and souvenir shops. However, numerous travel agencies and tour operators offer travelers numerous and very interesting excursions. We will list some of them below, but here full list interesting tourist sites are listed on the page “ Sights of Sharm El Sheikh" There you will find detailed description everyone tourist site, photos and reviews from tourists. Pay attention to the rating of attractions in Sharm El Sheikh.

  • So, the most popular excursion in Sharm El Sheikh is a trip to Cairo 4.1 Number from 170 EGP / 660 rub.Lunch from 47.3 EGP / 184 rub.Transport from 4 EGP / 15 rub.Languages Arabic, EnglishCurrency Egyptian poundSimplified visaRead more and inspection of the Pyramids of Giza. The excursion includes a visit to the National Egyptian Museum with the famous mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The approximate cost of the excursion is about $90-100 per traveler. The trip takes 24 hours and the bus usually leaves at night to arrive in Cairo early in the morning. Lunch is included in the tour price.
  • If you wish to visit Luxor 4.1 Number from 130 EGP / 506 rub.Lunch from 43 EGP / 167 rub.Transport from 2 EGP / 8 rub.Languages ​​ArabicCurrency Egyptian poundSimplified visaRead more, do it within organized excursion Sharma won't work. However individual tours to Luxor from Sharm El Sheikh are provided, they include flights to Luxor on airliners of local air carriers.
  • Sights of Sharm El Sheikh include the Monastery of St. Catherine, located near the city. At the base of the monastery there is a chapel 1.5 km high, which was erected by order. Helena, mother of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine. And this chapel grew on the site of the burning bush - the very bush in the flame of which Moses saw the Lord.
  • Be sure to take a tour to Moses' grief. Interesting adventure tours with a historical bias with climbing a mountain, the height of which, by the way, is more than 2 thousand meters! Let us clarify that the ascent alone takes about three hours - be prepared for this!
  • Another interesting excursion in Sharm El Sheikh is a trip to Colored Canyon. This place seems to have stepped out of the pages of a fairy tale book. Here tourists will see beautiful patterns created by the wind in the sandy rock. This place is especially beautiful in the evening.
  • Picturesque market, where you can find almost everything, can also be classified as the attractions of Sharm El Sheikh.

Sharm el-Sheikh is a unique city that is known to vacationers all over the world. Here on high level The hotel infrastructure is developed and there are many natural and man-made attractions. Travelers are pleased with both the huge choice of accommodation and the variety of entertainment.

Sharm el-Sheikh is translated from Arabic as “sheikh’s bay”. This resort is located on the southern edge of the Sinai Peninsula on the shores of the Egyptian Red Sea Riviera and is the regional center of the South Sinai governorate. The city occupies a large territory (44.7 km 2) and stretches from the northeast to southwest direction approximately 30 km along the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba.

Sharm el-Sheikh is translated from Arabic as “sheikh’s bay”. The resort is located on the southern edge of the Sinai Peninsula on the shores of the Egyptian Red Sea Riviera and is the regional center of the South Sinai governorate

Geographical coordinates settlement— 27° 58′ N. w. and 34° 23′ E. Historians date the first mention of the settlement in 1762, but for 150 years the settlement was small. The main industry of the local population was trade and fishing. In the 60s XX century, when the conflict between Israel and Arab countries reached its climax, Sharm el-Sheikh became Israeli territory.

During this period, they began to turn the village into a resort, built roads and improved infrastructure. 13 years later, as a result of a peace treaty between the Egyptian and Israeli authorities, the Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egypt. The Egyptians continued to develop resort area, and currently it is worthy competition oldest resorts countries.


For Egyptian resort characteristic desert tropical climatic conditions with a fairly low annual precipitation. IN winter period night temperatures drop to +15 0 C (rarely to +10 0 C), sometimes cold winds blow, but in the daytime the sun shines brightly and many vacationers sunbathe on the beaches and swim in the sea. In summer, the temperature in the shade sometimes reaches +45 0 C and higher.

The hottest month is August, its average maximum is +38 0 C, and at night the thermometer does not fall below +30 0 C. Temperature water shows +20 0 C in winter, and reaches +28 0 C in summer. Rain in the city - a rare event, the air masses are warm and dry all year round.


The population of Sharm el-Sheikh is about 54 thousand people. Mostly Bedouins live here, who have recently adhered to a sedentary or semi-sedentary way of life.

At the same time, they continue to observe tribal traditions, among which hospitality occupies the main place. The majority of residents are men who work in travel agencies or serve hotels.


Tourists need to remember that it is not allowed to bring Egyptian currency into the state. And therefore some part is recommended Money exchange for dollars, and put the remaining amount on the card. Payment at the resort is made in local currency or dollars, but in the 2nd option the price will be inflated, and change is not always given.

The country's national currency is called the Egyptian pound.

Credit cards are used by all international hotels, many restaurants and shops, but often with interest charges (3-5%). Banks issue cash using many cards. All operations to withdraw funds from the card should be carried out in front of its owner. Money in the country can be exchanged in banks or exchange offices no commission.

Kitchen features

Sharm el-Sheikh, whose attractions include national cuisine, has different recipes for preparing dishes. Gastronomic interests in this area “rest on two pillars”: dishes prepared according to Egyptian recipes, and an abundance of fresh seafood.

Prices in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt - cheap souvenirs and fruits:

  • koshari - consists of rice, several types of legumes, and pasta with the addition of tomato sauce;
  • stuffed pigeons;
  • kofta kebabs made from minced meat;
  • lentil cream soup;
  • Egyptian-style rice with various sauces;
  • bean balls;
  • umm-ali - dessert made from puff pastry, pistachios and milk;
  • basbous - semolina cake drenched in syrup;
  • various fish delicacies.

How to get there

You can get to Sharm el-Sheikh in the following ways:

Kind of transport


How long does it take

Cost, dollars

Airplane The city has international Airport Ras-Nazran. From Moscow there are flights 4 p.m. in Week 4 hours 30 minutes - direct route, with transfers - 6 hours 30 minutes. From 160
Taxi Can you get from the airport to the hotel? 2-5
Bus Constantly shuttling between major cities To Cairo - 7 hours. 55
Ferry Regular sea connections have been established with Hurghada 2-3 hours 85 round trip

It is possible to get to the Egyptian resort by bus from the Middle East or Africa via the Gaza Strip or the Gulf of Aqaba, as well as by ferry from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia or Jordan.


Urban transport at the resort is represented by the following means of transportation:

  • minibuses They drive at intervals of 3-5 minutes, without adhering to a schedule. The fare varies between 1-1.5 Egyptian pounds. It is recommended to negotiate payment upon boarding. Minibuses depart from individual hotels, the fare for which will cost 5-10 pounds;
  • car or scooter rental. To do this, you must provide a driver's license and a copy of your foreign passport. In addition to local rental shops, there are international car rental agencies. Their services are more expensive, and international driving licenses will be required. Rental prices start from $50-60 per day for an economy class car. The daily mileage is limited to 160-180 km, and if it is exceeded, then you will need to pay separately 1 dollar for every 5 km above the norm;
  • Taxi is considered the most convenient means of transportation. It is better to order a car at the hotel desk or when leaving the hotel. A regular city trip will cost a passenger $1, but they can charge more. To move across the city you will have to pay 2-3 dollars.

Best beaches

Sharm el-Sheikh, whose attractions are known to travelers all over the world, has magnificent beaches.

Most Popular:

  • NaamaBay- the best and most comfortable sandy beach area at the resort. Previously, there were coral colonies here, which were destroyed, and now tourists have the opportunity to enter the water freely. Entrance to the beach is free. NaamaBay has a highly developed infrastructure; there are many high-class hotels nearby;
  • Maya Bay is located near Chabad and has a spacious sandy coastal area with many palm trees and a convenient gentle entrance to the sea. The area is suitable for families with children; the shallow water stretches quite far. The entire beach area is divided into 26 segments, each of them is assigned to a hotel;
  • El Fanar is popular among vacationers. It is located far from the city, which affects its small population. Entering the water is very convenient: at first there are small pebbles and sand under your feet, and then corals begin. There is a pier not far away. Admission is $3 and includes use of a sun lounger and a bottle of water;
  • Sharks Bay The beach is entirely coral; entry into the sea is possible only from long pontoons. Vacationers are attracted here by the crystal clear water and richness of life under water. In the coastal areas of individual hotels, children's mini-pools fenced with buoys were cleaned;
  • Nabkar has sandy areas when entering the sea, and after 20-30 m a coral strip begins. Suitable for kids who have the opportunity to flounder in smooth, shallow water. Strong winds often blow here, and there are also noticeable ebbs and flows.

Best diving spots

You can dive into the water with a mask in Sharm el-Sheikh almost anywhere.

The most famous diving areas of the resort:

  • Ras Mohammed has extraordinary coral reefs, where schools of colorful fish swim, and mangrove trees grow everywhere in the water. Some corals are about 2 billion years old.
  • In hotels Sharks Bay There are diving centers where tourists are offered scuba diving near the shore or taken by boat to picturesque reefs. Visibility in these places corresponds to depth (20 m);
  • Reef Gordon is a large area inhabited by hundreds of species of sea inhabitants, ranging from butterfly fish to sharks;
  • Nabqa makes it possible to dive into the depths of the sea directly from the pontoon or visit the reserve of the same name;
  • Ras Um el Sid became famous for its unique visibility at depth. Huge corals flaunt here and unique inhabitants of the underwater world swim by.

Architectural landmarks

Sharm el-Sheikh, whose sights are marked by special architecture, provides an opportunity to see different objects.

Most Popular:

Religious sites

The main religious attractions are the following:


The monuments of the Egyptian resort are represented by the following objects:

  • The monument dedicated to the victims of the Boeing 737 crash appeared in 2004 near the lighthouse near Coco Beach. A plane crash en route to Paris occurred in the Red Sea. The composition depicts a semicircular rotunda, in the middle of which there is a bronze flock of birds pointing upward, symbolizing souls dead people. There is also a stele with the names of the victims of the plane crash carved there;
  • The sculpture “Sign of Peace” is located on the square. Mira. Its design was included in the Guinness Book of Achievements as the greatest masterpiece of art made of metal. Opened in 2015;
  • The Dolphin Stele, located at the intersection of El Benouk and City Hall streets in a roundabout. The structure is a long column decorated with marine symbols, and its top is crowned with a composition of 2 dolphins. This monument indicates that there is a dolphinarium nearby where you can watch and communicate with these animals;
  • Near the Old Town, near the main market, there is a sculpture called “A Pair of Doves.” It depicts two birds looking at each other. This composition evokes tender and reverent feelings and personifies understanding and sensitivity;
  • Not far from Tiran Island in the Gulf of Aqaba, the remains of the Cypriot ship Lara, which sank in the 80s of the 20th century, rise from the water. This ship hit Jackson Reef. Looking at it from afar, it seems that it is lying aground, and only its frame remains. In reality, the propeller, ladders and sections of the once large vessel are hidden under the water.

Famous squares and streets

To feel and experience the national flavor of Sharm el-Sheikh, tourists are recommended to take a promenade through the busy city squares and streets.

Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Soho Square- looks like a classic quarter of a British city. There are restaurants and cafes serving European cuisine, as well as red telephone booths, which can be seen in London. The area has high-end gastronomic shops and boutiques. Soho will appeal to lovers of evening walks;
  • Il Mercato street reminiscent of Italian landscapes. The interesting area encourages a leisurely promenade, during which you can visit many entertainment centers and interesting shops. There is a dolphinarium nearby and Entertainment Center"1001 nights";
  • El Fanar- the main highway of the Hadaba city quarter, stretches along the entire peninsula. It connects the bay of Ras um Sid with Il Mercato. The name of the street comes from the word “fanar”, which means lighthouse.


The attractions of the resort Sharm el-Sheikh are represented by the following museum institutions:

  • Tutankhamun's Tomb Museum opened in 2014 on Halomi Street, 38 near the Cinema City shopping center. Visitors can get here daily from 9.00 to 21.00. Entrance fee is $15. The exhibition features about 100 copies of objects found during excavations of the pharaoh's tomb. The highlight of the collection are the sarcophagi and the golden mask. All exhibits are allowed to be photographed and touched. You can explore the exhibition on your own (there are signs everywhere in English or Russian), or use the services of a guide.
  • Papyrus Museum located in a building located on the street. ElSoukElKadim, near the IberotelPalace 5* hotel. It is open in summer from 9.00 to 21.00, and in winter it is open until 18.00. In this institution you can get acquainted with the process of producing papyrus using the original technology of the II century. BC. and look at ancient relics. To remember your visit to the exhibition, it is worth purchasing a souvenir in the form of a copy made from the original by Egyptian craftsmen.
  • Not far from Hurghada on Hurgada-Elsmaeilia Road is located museum of marine biology, where the inhabitants of the Red Sea are presented. Here there is an opportunity to directly observe the inhabitants of the depths in their natural environment a habitat. The institution's staff, mostly scientists, conduct interesting excursions. Visitors can get here every day for free from 8.00 to 20.00. Entry costs £5.

Unusual places

  • Blue hole- located near Dahab and is a vertical underwater cave fenced by reefs, the diameter of which is 150 m and the depth is 130 m. The crevice is connected to the sea by a passage called the Arch. The grotto has a bad reputation because many inexperienced divers have died there. In memory of this, a memorial was created on the shore.
  • Tiran Island- occupies the territory at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. From a distance it looks like a rocky hill rising from the sea, with almost no vegetation or drinking water sources, and a reef barrier surrounds its edge. Landing is prohibited here, but tours are provided. The island territory is home to a large number of turtles and migratory birds. The surrounding coral reefs are included in the Top 10 ranking best places world designed for scuba diving. The price of an excursion to Tiran Island is $30-45, and with scuba diving - between $50-55.
  • Ras Mohammed Nature Reserve is located in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula, 25 km southwest of the city (along the coastal zone). This beautiful place has kilometer-long reefs starting from the mangroves and ending at open sea. There are scuba diving spots and sharks are found in some areas.

Natural attractions

Natural attractions at the resort are represented by the following objects:

  1. Multicolored Canyon- located 150 km from Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai mountains. The gorge, 5 km long, arose millions of years ago after an earthquake, during a strong fracture of the earth’s crust. Due to the manganese and iron oxide components contained in the soil, the rocks are painted in a wide variety of shades. And the desert winds left intricate patterns in the canyon. To admire the colorful hills, travelers descend into the gorge, walk some distance along a winding path, and then pass through narrow manholes.
  2. NaamaBay- a reef zone located opposite the bay of the same name. It has a sandy, gentle slope that is suitable for training dives. Group and individual car tours are organized here. Thus, a transfer from the city airport to Naama Bay will cost approximately $20.
  3. Abu Galum Nature Reserve combines the beauty of the underwater world with picturesque places Gulf of Aqaba. Rare species of mollusks and coral fish live in this area. The colorful beach areas of the reserve stretch for several kilometers. Coastal strip marked high mountains, sand dunes, narrow valleys and mountain springs. About 100 rare plants grow here, some of them are considered endemic.

Where to go with children

Children's entertainment at the resort is concentrated mainly on the hotel premises; the most important thing is to choose the right hotel for spending time with little travelers.

Entertainment activities for children outside the hotel are represented by the following programs:

  • Dolphinarium DolphinaPark located in the Nabq area. Here you can watch a show with fur seals and dolphins, as well as swim and take pictures with them. The cost of an adult ticket is $15, and a child ticket will cost 2 rubles. cheaper.
  • Children will get memorable impressions after visiting MirageDivers. This park has a variety of water attractions(about 50 slides). The children's pool operates playground. The water park is decorated with sculptures of your favorite characters from cartoons and films. There is a special water area for diving and snorkeling. You can get here on Sat. and all From 00.00 to 23.59 hours. Location of the entertainment area: RasUmElSid.
  • Kids will love it KidsArcadeatSohoSquare, where there are carousels and attractions for children of different ages. The park is open every day from 9.00 to 3.00. Soho Square has interesting shops and outlets Catering, offering a children's menu. In the evening, on the square, adults and their children will be delighted by the musical fountain show, which is shown daily for 45 minutes.


In Sharm el-Sheikh there are different excursion routes.

List of some of them:

  1. The combined version of the excursion offers to visit Colored Canyon and Blue Lagoon . The first part of the journey will provide an opportunity to plunge into the kingdom of the desert and enjoy amazing scenery. The 2nd part of the trip offers tourists diving and swimming in the Red Sea depression among a rich variety of picturesque corals and unique fish. The cost of the excursion is $30/person.
  2. Quad biking involves a trip through the desert in the morning or evening hours. Duration of the tour is 3 hours. This also includes transfer and tea in a Bedouin village. Approximate price promenade -15 dollars/person.
  3. Mount Moses and the Monastery of St. Catherine. The tour starts at 9 pm and ends the next day at 1 pm. The tour begins with a transfer from the hotel, moving to the foot of the mountain and climbing to the top. The ascent takes place at night at 3 o'clock and ends at dawn. At this time, it opens from the top beautiful view to the surrounding area. After descending from the mountain, travelers move to the monastery of St. Catherine and explore its sights. The tour price includes transfer, guide services, breakfast and entrance tickets. The cost of the trip is $30.

What to see in 1 day

Sharm el-Sheikh, whose attractions are presented not only memorable places, but also a great holiday, offers a program for 1 day.

It includes:

  • After breakfast at the hotel, it is recommended to visit the Tutankhamun Museum;
  • the next stage of the trip will be any diving excursion;
  • You can complete your day's itinerary with a walk along Soho Square or Il Mercato Street.

What to see in 2-3 days

In 2 days you can travel from Sharm el-Sheikh to Israel. The transfer is carried out through the border town of Taba. Then buses will take tourists to Israel.

An approximate route includes visiting the following places:

  • visit to Jerusalem, acquaintance with such sights as the Western Wall, Temple Mount and the Road of Sorrow;
  • inspection of Golgotha, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, transition to the observation platform of Elion;
  • Bethlehem and its surroundings. Dinner, overnight accommodation at the hotel;
  • on the 2nd day after breakfast, transfer to Nazareth, where Christ spent his childhood, visiting the temple of the Archangel Gabriel;
  • washing in the waters of the Jordan;
  • on the way back we plan to relax at the Dead Sea.

At the end of the trip, we cross the border and return to the hotel.

What to bring

You can bring the following gifts from the popular Egyptian resort:


Price, dollars

Arabic plates, figurines of ancient pharaohs and gods 3-4
Thin papyri 0,2-0,5
High-quality, wrinkle-resistant papyrus 1-1,5
Essence and oil 0.3-0.5 per 1 ml
Teas 4 for 1 package
Hibiscus inflorescences 8 per 1 kg
Bottles with colorful sand 1
Hookah 20-25
Natural leather bags 30-50

Relatively inexpensive shops are located in the Old Town quarters (Old Market). The most expensive points of sale of souvenirs and various goods are concentrated in tourist center, located in Naama Bay.

Sharm el-Sheikh, which has both resort and cultural attractions, is suitable for a relaxing holiday, where you can have a good time, get enough sun and swim to your heart's content. And all this happens against the backdrop of unique seascapes.

Useful video on the topic

Top hotels Sharm El Sheikh:

Tourists have recently become increasingly interested in what to see in Sharm el-Sheikh and what attractions to visit.

Sharm el-Sheikh is best place for diving. The Red Sea is ideal for the initial steps of deep diving. The usual temperature of the local waters (rarely drops below 20 degrees) contributed to the formation of unique underwater wealth. Almost two hundred and fifty coral reefs and over a thousand species of fish hide in these depths. The high mineralization of the Red Sea gives stunning visibility underwater. The nearby Naama Bay is very popular with many diving centers. Such centers organize various courses, trips and cruises.

Also worth noting is the area near Tiran Island, the seaside town of Dahab and Ras Muhammad National Park. In the latter, you can look not only at coral reefs, but also at sunken ships.

If you decide to spend your unforgettable holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh, you cannot miss visiting these beautiful places.

Mount “Katherine” and the monastery “S. Catherine"

Mount Catherine is a mountain peak located in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula. The most high peak throughout Egypt (2629 meters) and a popular hiking destination.

To see this mountain there are two routes available. At the same time, you need to be well prepared for such a trip. The shortest route - "Siket Syidna Musa" (top of Mount Musa) - is a steep staircase, consisting of 3,750 steps (known as the "steps of repentance"), and was carved by the monks of the monastery "S. Catherine." Many tourists hike after dark to escape the heat of the day and to see the great sunrise.

There is a longer, but less winding route - "Siket El Bashait", which can be reached on foot or by camel. The walking journey takes on average about two and a half hours. At several places along the long route (often called the "camel route"), there are places where you can buy water, food and various souvenirs. Both of these routes lead to a natural amphitheater - the "Seven Elders of Israel" - the wise elders who waited while God spoke to Moses.

In the northwest, at the foot of Mount Catherine and Mount Sinai, there is the famous monastery of St. Catherine", which belongs to the Orthodox Greeks. The oldest modern Christian monastery, it was built by order of Emperor Justinian. Popular place pilgrimages among travelers in the Sinai mountains. Both religious tourists and adventurous tourists, and those interested in the history of this country, prefer to come to this place.

The monastery was erected in the 4th century - by order of Helen, the mother of the Byzantine ruler Constantine. It is located at an altitude of more than 1.5 kilometers above sea level.

The monastery has preserved an ancient book depository, which contains the rarest manuscripts. Monastery "S. Catherine" is a massive citadel surrounded by walls (the height of the walls is twelve to fifteen meters). As well as watchtowers, structures of different structure, which were built in different periods.

The center of the tourist site in the monastery is the Church of the Transfiguration, as well as the Chapel of Kupina. When visiting, carefully study the mosaic of the Church of the Transfiguration, which was made during the early Christian period. The refectory in the Gothic style will also be interesting. You should know that when visiting the monastery you need to dress modestly, you should not wear short shorts or skirts.

Mount Moses

Don't leave Sharm el-Sheikh without seeing this mountain...

The Arabic name of the mountain is "Jabal Moussa", which means the mountain of "Moses". The mountain is of great importance to Christians, Jews and Muslims. It is believed that it was at this biblical location that Moses communicated with God and received the "Ten Commandments" immediately after leading the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt. The mountain also has significant religious significance for Islam as the place where Mohammed's horse (Borak) ascended to heaven.

The mountain, 2,285 meters high, is a rough granite massif that protrudes above the sandy plain. You can get to this mountain in the same way as along the routes (described above) to Mount Catherine.

Colored Canyon

This is one of the most beautiful sights of the Sinai Peninsula. “Color Canyon” is located thirty kilometers north of the city of “Nuweiba”. This is the third largest canyon in the world.

It has an impressive labyrinth, its depth reaches 2.5 kilometers, and the vertical walls are 50 meters high, in places it can be reduced to two meters.

Beautiful rock walls carved by water, wind and sand amaze with their shapes and colors. The canyon is formed from sandstones, limestones, granite and basalt. The minerals contained in rocks cause them to acquire different colors. Multi-colored rocks combined with the play of light, shadows and the size of the canyon create amazing shapes and effects.

How was the canyon formed?

"Colored Canyon" was created as a result of erosion caused by water. Millions of years ago, the Sinai Peninsula was under the ocean. As the ocean began to recede, deep gorges were created. When you look at the unusual shapes of the rocks in Tsvetnoy, at that moment you can safely turn on your imagination and move into a completely different world.

Tours and excursions

Excursions to the colored canyon are organized from Dahab, Sharm el-Sheikh and Nuweiba. You can get to the starting point of the path to the canyon by jeep, and the main route is made on foot. Passing the “Colorful Canyon” will not cause any serious problems; the route is simple. Only in one place will you need to slip through rock- but it is not difficult and not dangerous. The trek through the canyon takes approximately two hours.

You can also take a short trip to the nearby Blue Hole or visit a Bedouin camp. "Blue Hole" is a sea well that is formed in a coral reef. Its diameter is about 60 meters, depth - more than a hundred. At a depth of 54 meters, a rock arch opens that connects the well to the sea.

How to prepare?

Dress in comfortable clothes and appropriate shoes. It is also a good idea to provide yourself with a small water supply. It is best to pack the necessary things in a small backpack - your hands may still be needed along the way! It's best to go early in the morning to take advantage of the favorable weather and also avoid the tourist crowds.

"Colorful Canyon" is considered one of the most photographed places in. And there is nothing strange in this, since its natural beauty will delight everyone. The Colorful Canyon route itself doesn't require much time or effort - it's a great walk and a little adventure. You can visit the colored canyon with a guide, you can also buy organized trip at your local travel agency.

Ras Muhammad

The park is located on the cape of the Red Sea Riviera, on south coast Sinai Peninsula (in the southernmost corner). It has an area of ​​460 km, and the entire earthly part is 133 km.

The waters of Ras Muhammad hide magnificent coral reefs - there are about 250 species of corals. They have excellent conditions for development, because there are strong sea currents and great amount plankton. There are more than a thousand species of fish, as well as huge sharks or tuna. In addition, there are about 40 species of starfish, 100 types sea ​​urchins, 25 shellfish and about 150 crustacean varieties.

Also found sea ​​turtles and dolphins. On land and in the air, due to high temperatures and rocky sandy soil, the fauna is no longer so rich, and the animals are mainly foxes, lizards, eagles, falcons and hawks. It also offers stunning views of the Red Sea.

The park has a separate area where you can find tourist information, as well as grocery stores. There are also security guards who provide tourists with all the information and ensure safety. Everyone should know that in Ras Muhammad Park you are not allowed to litter, touch coral, feed animals or fish in prohibited areas.

Ras Muhammad National Park was created to protect the marine life, flora and preserve the natural beauty of the region.

"Ras Muhammad" is real paradise for diving enthusiasts. The beautiful coral reefs that attract people from all over the world can only be reached by boat. The cost of this trip is approximately US$35 for adults and US$20 for children. The park is open six days a week (except Fridays) from 10 a.m. to sunset.

"Old Market" - "Old Market"

Egypt is not only about ancient monuments and museums, beautiful beaches and the best coral reefs in the world, but it is also about bazaars. The Old Market is oldest part popular resort. In this place you can feel the atmosphere of oriental bazaars and practice your bargaining skills. Specialists in this “art” can reduce prices from sellers by as much as 70 percent!

You can also sit in one of the atmospheric cafes and drink traditional tea or a cup of strong coffee.

Weather and practical information

Sharm el-Sheikh has an extremely dry tropical climate with rare rainfall. The temperature in winter (from November to March) during the day reaches from fifteen to thirty-five degrees, and in the hot season (from April to October) - from twenty to forty-five.

If you love the heat and want to relax exclusively by the pool, then you should go in July or August, when daytime temperatures reach forty degrees. But it is not best time for sightseeing.

In June and September it is not so hot - the temperature reaches thirty degrees. The sea water is warm (about twenty-two degrees). During winter, the air temperature is not so high. The coldest month is January - average temperature reaches approximately twenty-two degrees. This is an excellent period for fans of exploring historical places.

A passport and visa are required when entering Egypt. You can apply for a visa at an Egyptian diplomatic consulate or at an Egyptian airport. To obtain a visa, you must have a passport; the cost of the visa will be twenty-five dollars (single-entry visa) or 35 dollars (multiple-entry visa).
Now you know exactly what you need to see in Sharm el-Sheikh. Plunge into an unforgettable experience!

Located near the center of the Old Town, the colorful oriental bazaar “Old Market” attracts the attention of numerous visitors with a wide variety of goods and a bright oriental atmosphere. Here you can buy original oriental items and souvenirs, jewelry and leather goods, Exotic fruits and Egyptian spices. In addition, there are numerous national cafes and restaurants on the market territory, where you can have a pleasant time with a cup of aromatic coffee or a glass of freshly squeezed juice. The market is open daily from 12.00 to 00.00. You can pay in the market in dollars, euros and pounds.

Water parks

The newly built water park impresses its visitors with its unusually beautiful territory, designed in the style Ancient Egypt. A variety of attractions and water activities are designed for both children and adults. The water in the pools for the youngest guests of the water park is always heated to a comfortable temperature for swimming. Entrance ticket to Cleo Park costs 150 pounds ($25) for an adult and 60 pounds ($10) for a child. The price includes a towel and use of the changing room. The park's opening hours are daily from 09.00 to 18.00.

The most famous water park in the resort of Sharm El Sheikh is distinguished by a wide variety of slides and strict adherence to safety regulations. Its visitors have a unique opportunity to swim in a rowing boat in a pool with artificial waves. Price entrance ticket is 180 pounds ($30) for an adult and 120 pounds ($20) for a child. The park is open daily from 10.00 to 18.00.

A visit to the famous Egyptian Dolphinarium, where dolphins brought from Russia perform, will help you get a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions. The most interesting show programs with the smartest animals that cheerfully and cheerfully perform various tricks: jumping, dancing and singing, are held in the dolphinarium every day at 15.00 and last 45 minutes. The cost of admission to the show is 120 pounds ($20) for adults and 60 pounds ($10) for children under 7 years old. The Dolphinarium is open every day from 10.30 to 18.00. The cost of visiting it is 90 pounds ($15) for an adult and 48 pounds ($8) for a child. At the dolphinarium you can also swim with dolphins in the pool. Such entertainment will cost a group of 6 people 600 pounds ($100).

By visiting the unique oriental themed palace “A Thousand and One Nights”, you can plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale. There is a feeling of luxurious oriental architecture with colorful towers and domes, marble paths and fountains shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. To enjoy all this beauty, just sit in any of the many cafes or restaurants in the complex. And the bright thematic show programs that take place here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and start at 19.00 will help you get into the spirit of Ancient Egypt. The cost of visiting such a performance will be 240 pounds ($40) for an adult and 120 pounds ($20) for a child.

A whole range of varied entertainment and European service offers its guests extraordinary beauty an area called Soho. In the very center of it there is a “singing” fountain, shimmering with bright colors, accompanied by musical performance. On the sides of the fountain there are various numerous establishments for every “taste”:

On the second floor of the Kulturama building, which is located in the central part of the square, there is a small but very cozy skating rink with artificial ice. Here you can rent skates and skate to your heart's content to the fiery rhythms of European music. The skating rink is open daily from 11.00 to 00.00. You have to pay 90 pounds ($15) for entry and you can ride for an unlimited time.


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