Goryachy Klyuch is one of the oldest resorts in the Caucasus. Train schedule: Goryachiy Klyuch How to get to Kyiv from Hot Klyuch

The distance from Krasnodar to Goryachiy Klyuch is approximately 60 km. It's small resort town, but it is known far beyond the borders of Kuban. The fact is that about 80 percent of all mineral water Krasnodar region extracted from the wells of Goryachiy Klyuch. In total, there are six types of mineral water of different tastes and different properties. And the first infirmary with a bathhouse opened in tsarist times - in 1864. In those days, water treatment was very popular.

Now, too, the flow of tourists to Goryachy Klyuch is inexhaustible. Mineral water is drunk and used as baths. The temperature of the springs is on average 37-60 degrees, so the resorts of Goryachy Klyuch are open all year round.

Goryachy Klyuch Resort

But even if you are not fans of resorts and sanatoriums, Goryachy Klyuch is worth a trip. It is so different from ordinary provincial Russian cities.

Arriving in Goryachy Klyuch, it’s as if you find yourself in a quiet and sweet Europe. Everything is very clean and calm, there are neat flower beds and lawns everywhere, people around are smiling and friendly. Where is the rudeness, redneck parties, overflowing trash cans, cigarette butts on the sidewalks and drunk citizens in tights? We couldn't find any of this.

On Goryachy Klyuch street

How to get to Goryachiy Klyuch

Getting to Goryachiy Klyuch from Krasnodar by car is very easy. Along the M-4 “Don” highway you need to get to the “Goryachiy Klyuch” sign, then drive under the viaduct, turn right and go to the city center.

You can also get to Goryachiy Klyuch by train or train. The city has a railway station where trains from Adler, Tuapse and Krasnodar arrive. The journey takes approximately one hour.

Taxi cost from railway station to the sanatoriums of Goryachiy Klyuch - 150 rubles on average.

There are enough buses from the railway station to the city - No. 118, 119, 3, 5. Buses No. 3 and No. 5 go to the sanatoriums. Almost all the sanatoriums of Goryachy Klyuch are grouped in one place - where there are springs with mineral water.

Buses run from Krasnodar to Goryachiy Klyuch. Several flights depart per day.

By the way, if you are in Goryachy Klyuch and want to go to the sea on the weekend, it will be easy! Electric trains run from Goryachiy Klyuch to Tuapse three times a day. Here is the schedule of the Goryachiy Klyuch Tuapse trains. Krasnodar Goryachiy Klyuch – see the train schedule here.

Train schedule

You can also go to Sochi, although the road will be a little longer and the ticket a little more expensive than to Tuapse. Here is the train schedule for Goryachiy Klyuch Sochi.

Train schedule

Goryachy Klyuch on the map of the Krasnodar region

Tourism in Goryachy Klyuch

If you are traveling by car and are disciplined tourists and do not like “wild” holidays, I suggest you stop by tourist centre. It is located directly before the "Hot Key" sign on the right and is clearly visible from the road. It's impossible to drive through.

Tourist center on the highway

There, a very sweet and completely unobtrusive girl will tell you everything that might interest you about Goryachy Klyuch. He will answer your questions and will not force you into excursions. At the same time, in this center you can try two types of mineral water. Absolutely free. You really can't drink much anyway. This water has a very unique taste and smell.

Goryachy Klyuch is not just a city, it is a resort city. Goryachiy Klyuch is located in the Krasnodar region, 60 km from Krasnodar and only 61 km from Dzhubga. So, if you wish, you can even rush to the Black Sea and in an hour be on the coast, provided, of course, that you travel by personal vehicle. But Goryachy Klyuch is not the resort that those who like to soak up the sun and cool off in cool water are used to. Goryachy Klyuch heals, and the complex of sanatoriums greatly helps in this. Clean, fresh air of the foothills of the Caucasus, silence and mineral springs They will lift those who are lying down, they will put them in sitting positions, and so on. We, as people exhausted by Narzan, came to Goryachy Klyuch as part of a day excursion, and not as a sanatorium treatment.

How to get to Goryachiy Klyuch

The easiest way to add your trip to Goryachiy Klyuch is if you are traveling to the Black Sea, through Krasnodar. From Krasnodar and Goryachiy Klyuch along the M4 Don highway 60 km in a southerly direction by car. If you are traveling independently, we recommend using the train service. Electric trains run daily from Krasnodar to Goryachy Klyuch. The price of a ticket Krasnodar - Goryachiy Klyuch for 2016 was 140 rubles. Tickets can also be purchased on the train itself, the main thing is, upon arrival in Krasnodar, do not forget to check the schedule at the station or use the Yandex Timetables service, sometimes it helps well, but is not always accurate in forecasts, this is not surprising, because train schedules have never been officially published on the network .

We arrived at the Goryachy Klyuch station, and in order to avoid the situation where you wave at the last train leaving, we immediately check the schedule of the return trains so as not to stay overnight in Goryachy Klyuch. Minibuses run from the station to the city. We need route No. 3 and No. 5 they go to stops Sanatorium Goryachiy Klyuch, we need to go there.

Once off the bus, it is difficult to find your way right away, but it will also be difficult to get lost. It is best to use one of the applications for navigation on the spot, since Goryachy Klyuch is a city and cellular communication works perfectly.

After passing through the woods about 50 meters, we came to a square with flower fountain. From here along the walking alley to the right. That's all, we are already there, you can allow yourself to relax and calmly begin to admire the colorful surroundings.

The first attraction that we will meet on our way, not counting the park itself, of course, is the arch with lions. This is a monument in honor of the 50th anniversary of Psekup mineral waters. Psekups is the river on which Goryachiy Klyuch stands. It originates in the Caucasus Mountains and is a left tributary of the Kuban. In places where hydrogen sulfide springs flow into it, it has a characteristic color and smell.

Next is the main building of the sanatorium, and opposite it is the Drinking Gallery. Entry to the Hot Springs drinking springs is free, but if you don’t have a mug with you, you’ll have to buy a glass. This practice is common in all pump rooms; no one will let you drink from the tap. If you want to fill the bottle, you will also have to buy the appropriate container from the cashier. Even in the Drinking Gallery building you can improve your health with herbal tea and oxygen cocktail.

In Goryachy Klyuch there is a bust of a monument to Academician Pavlov, a Nobel laureate, whose name is known to every schoolchild by the phrase “Pavlov’s dog” hammered into memory. There are no biographical facts associated with the academician’s Hot Spring, which allows us to conclude that the Nobel laureate rested and received treatment here.

There are products in the park that go against the philosophy of spa treatment. These are hamburgers, chips, lemonade and pasties. Since we came to Goryachy Klyuch not for treatment, we didn’t experience any strong remorse when tempted by junk food. But let’s not pretend – they don’t know how to make chebureks in Goryachy Klyuch.

If we walk a little further along the alley, we will come to a sculptural composition with a small fountain on the pediment, which announces that the Mountain Park begins next.

Further along the route the road diverges. You can go right to the river and admire its flow from the bridge, or go straight and go to the Iveron Chapel. We went to the river, where you can rent a catamaran or boat and sail under the lovers' bridge to the Cockerel rock and back. To be honest, it was difficult to imagine the scale of the entire park, because when preparing for a trip, Internet maps do not allow you to understand what kind of landscape the area has and the volume covered. And since time for inspection is often limited by transport, you have to hurry.

Along the walking boulevard we go out to this very bridge; before the bridge, a little to the right there is a specially fenced place where hydrogen sulfide springs flow and baths are equipped.

We went to the bridge of lovers. It offers a wonderful view of the Psekups River and the Cockerel Rock.

Rock Cockerel

You can also admire the Cockerel rock from the opposite bank, where there is a descent to the river. The M4 Don highway is very close here, so you can leave your car here.

Returning to the main route, we climbed the Petushki rock. From the bridge the rock looks steep and high. In fact, the route to the rock is very simple. Even a child can master it, and on the rock itself there is a gazebo so you can sit and admire local beauties. There are steps leading up to the rock, and the observation deck is equipped with railings for safety; to avoid accidents, do not climb over the fences.

The rock also has a second name - the Rock of Salvation, and if everything is quite clear with the name Cockerel, in appearance the rock resembles the comb of a rooster, then the second name is associated with one of the legends with which the Caucasus is so filled and which can be heard without exaggeration about every waterfall, mountain and gorge of the Caucasus ranges.

Then the trail goes deeper into the forest, but the park turned out to be very small, so don’t be afraid of getting lost or tired.

Dante's Gorge

We come to a site from which we can see Dante’s Gorge, this is another attraction of the route. Having descended from the hill we find ourselves in a narrow gorge between the hills. It is noteworthy because the stone walls of the hills come together very close in places. And the limestone rock allows you to leave traces of your stay in the gorge. Along the gorge convenient route with railings, decking and stairs. The route is really short, so don't rush too much.

The gorge ends with a clearing in which the Iverskaya Chapel is located; part of the chapel is located in a grotto, around which the outer part of the chapel is built. Opposite it is a monument to the founders of the resort. In the same clearing, a little to the side and in the shadow, there is the source of St. Panteleimon. From here it is already very close to the central part of the park. Thus, we were able to walk around the entire park in literally 3 hours; all that remained was to eat and walk along the city’s pedestrian alley.

As for food in Goryachy Klyuch. All resort guests eat in the canteens of their sanatoriums. If you wish, you can use this option. To do this, you need to go to the central building and purchase a voucher for one meal. It comes out to about 500 rubles per person. But we found it inappropriate to eat indoors when the street smells of pine trees, so we went looking for open cafe. There are not as many catering establishments here as there could be, but you won’t go hungry and you’ll definitely find something. We found a place that was not very nice in appearance, but very pleasant in taste.

Having pampered our taste buds with lula kebab, we went to spend the remaining time before the train on the pedestrian Lenin Street, this is the central street that smoothly turns into the main street of the park, the territory of the sanatorium-medical complex is highlighted with such a beautiful composition with a fountain.

Walking on Lenin Street is less comfortable than walking in the resort park; it looks very much like an ordinary street.

On Lenin Street there are several monuments dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

If you came to Goryachiy Klyuch not for 4-5 hours, like us, but at least for 8-9, then you can take a hike to the Psechiako waterfall on Maltsevoy Stream, and on the way turn to the Mirror rock. But this route will be more difficult. Its passage will require physical endurance, you will have to walk about 10 km, as well as the ability to navigate the area, or simply take a navigator or a local guide with you.

Summing up the results of the trip to Goryachy Klyuch, we can summarize that one day is enough to get to know the city and the Goryachiy Klyuch park, and about 4 hours to explore the park itself and its attractions. Beautiful nature and the clean air will not leave you indifferent and they did not leave us, maybe when age shows itself, I will come here for three days to drink mineral water, wander along the forest paths and eat diet food in the sanatorium canteen.

Goryachy Klyuch, resort park

A walk through the resort park of the resort town of Goryachiy Klyuch. We will visit such attractions as the Lovers' Bridge, the Cockerel Rock, also known as the Salvation Rock and Dante's Gorge.

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Video: Goryachiy Klyuch, resort park

Today we will go to Goryachiy Klyuch and see its sights. With the onset of vacation time, a person has a question about where to go and what to see. And if earlier we boldly went abroad to hotels where all-inclusive, then over time this need among the population has disappeared.

And indeed, why go abroad if we live in a huge country where there are a large number unknown places. Only one Krasnodar region what is it worth? Where to take a walk and where to go in Goryachiy Klyuch, what entertainment there is and places for family vacation- this is what our article is about.

When going to the Krasnodar region, stop your attention on the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, whose thermal springs known for their healing powers throughout the area former USSR. The city is located near the regional center - it is easy to get there and there is a place to stay. In addition, it is one of the five environmentally friendly cities in Russia. The main attraction of the city is the sanatoriums, where you can go to relax not only in the summer on vacation, but also in the fall and winter to improve your health. There are 6 of them on the territory of the city, and there are a large number of mineral springs around.

Except listed benefits When you arrive in the Krasnodar Territory in the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, remember that it is so beautiful and rich in its attractions that there is really something to see here. Here great amount lakes, caves, rocks, gorges, looking at which a person falls in love with them all his life. You will find descriptions of some below.

In contact with

Waterfalls and lakes

Waterfalls and lakes have always attracted tourists. Especially if they were created by nature without human participation. Hot Spring is rich in waterfalls and lakes, despite the fact that it is mostly located in the mountains.

So, let's start our journey from Hells Falls. The waterfall is located near the village of Fanagoriyskoye. The waterfall is very high and reaches 20 meters. The spectacle is simply mesmerizing. Water falls from a twenty-meter height.

If you decide to visit Hell Falls for the first time, it is better to do it accompanied by a guide, as it is very easy to get lost here.

Getting to the waterfall is quite easy, since it is located in the village. You can use local transport (bus 193) and get to the village of Fanagoriyskoye. Popular lake with beautiful name

Skalnoye is also located in the Krasnodar Territory on the slope of Abadzekh Mountain. The water in the lake is fresh and rich in microelements and minerals. It was Skalnoye that became the source from which the Goryachiy Klyuch hospitals originate. The lake is very interesting. One of its parts is located inside the mountain, and the second is located nearby.

Tourists and travelers often stop here and collect water. In fact, Rock Lake is very beautiful, its waters have a distinct blue color. You can only get to it on foot, since the reservoir is located at an altitude of more than 100 meters.

Another one of the most beautiful places is the Devil's Mouth waterfall. It is located about five kilometers from the village, so it is easy to reach on foot.

The waterfall has four cascades, and if you look at it from the bottom up, it actually resembles a huge mouth, reminiscent of a wolf's mouth.

There are no separate excursions to the waterfall, but you can combine them with an excursion to Dante’s Gorge. You can only get to it on foot; it does not have a specific address, as it is located in the mountains. In many cities of the Krasnodar region there are places with fabulous names. One of these places is the Berendey kingdom. A large number of fairy tales and legends are associated with the place. It's very easy to get to. From Goryachiy Klyuch you need to walk only 4 km along the Berendeyeva trail and you will find yourself in a fascinating world of fairy tales.

At the entrance to the kingdom there are artificially created houses that are very similar to those in fairy tales. The place got its name from the waterfall, which smoothly descends from a seven-meter height. The water is extraordinary, it is so transparent that you can even see the rocks along which it descends.

Take note:

Healing springs gained popularity back in the 19th century. People, often rich and from well-known classes, traveled halfway across the country to get to them and feel all the life-giving power of mineral waters. Hot Key boasts big amount such mineral health resorts.

The most popular source is Aleksandrovsky. It is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty and history of education and development. It began its work in the 19th century, when the first sanatorium of the region was built.

Its water has healing properties. Two centuries ago, Cossacks and people from high classes came here to undergo treatment. At the beginning of the 20th century, a military hospital was created on the site, where military personnel with diseases of the musculoskeletal system were treated and the nervous system was treated. Every year, regardless of the time of year, it is unlikely to be found free place in the sanatorium, which was built on the Alexandria spring. You can get to it by electric train from Goryachiy Klyuch to Tuapse. In order to get to the source, you need to get off at the Valley of Enchantment station.

There are also places in Goryachiy Klyuch that are directly related to the Bible. One of these places is the Spring of Panteleimon the Healer. It was under restoration for a long time and only received its visitors in 2011.

The very name of the source speaks of the healing power of the water that is in it. Many who come to him count not only on healing, but also on rejuvenation. Here you can pray and ask Saint Panteleimon for health for yourself and your loved ones, and also light a candle.

The source is located at the address: Goryachiy Klyuch, Mineral Glade.

Mountains and gorges

Mountains are a place that has attracted writers, poets, and artists since ancient times. And to this day they attract people with their massiveness and height. In some places you can see gorges or huge falls. The beauty is simply breathtaking. It is impossible to understand a person who visited the Krasnodar region, but did not see the full power of the Caucasus Mountains.

One such example is Mount Abadzekh. Initially, Abadzekh Mountain gave life locality Hot key. Even in ancient times, people were attracted by the springs located nearby, and they began to settle near the mountain.

The mountain got its name from ancient people who lived here is an Adyghe tribe. Only the ancient people called it the Key. At the foot of the mountain there is a lake.

Except the most beautiful mountains, in Goryachiy Klyuch there are a large number of gorges. Since ancient times, people have wondered where they come from. And in fact, the gorges inside the mountains are so beautiful that they simply fascinate with their beauty.

One of these gorges located in Goryachiy Klyuch is Dante’s Gorge.

This is a natural monument that is a cultural heritage. It is located at the foot of Klyuchovaya Mountain. By selecting walking route, you will fully experience all the beauty that nature has given. On the road to the gorge there is a path paved with tiles, which smoothly turns into a road made of stones.

This is interesting: The gorge appeared artificially, and the wind and water did their job, and it became wider every year. All the rocks that surround a person are sandy, and that is why they can easily be changed, even if you just touch them.

The height of the cliffs of Dante's Gorge is at least 10 meters, and the length is already more than 100 m. In order to get to it on your own, you need to cross the Psekups River near the M4-Don highway and go out onto Lenin Street. Continue in a straight line triumphal arch and you get to the chapel. And behind it a gorge will open in front of you.

Rock with interesting name“Cockerel” can also attract tourists and travelers. The name alone makes you want to just see what the mountain is like. It is also called the Rock of Salvation.

It is located on the Psekups River. Its height is about 28 meters. This is one of the most interesting places given by the nature of the Krasnodar region. The top of the rock looks like a rooster's tail because it has 6 teeth. Inside the rock there are two caves – Salvation and Zvonkaya. And in the middle, between them, there is a staircase of life, upon climbing which the visitor will see beautiful view. Back in the time of Nicholas II, a gazebo was erected on the top of the mountain, where he came to rest as a guest in the Krasnodar region. But as time passed, part of the rock fell off, and local residents They began to call the site the royal one. There is even a legend that the waters of the river washing the rock can heal a sick person from illness. You can reach the rock through new bridge, if you turn onto it from the M-4 Don highway.

One of the popular caves in Europe is the Phanagorian Cave. It attracts not only tourists, but also doctors and archaeologists. The cave is quite long - at least one and a half kilometers.

In the Phanagorian cave there are four large halls, the walls of which are covered with yellow and white clay. A stream flows along the bottom, and different times year it can reach from 5 cm to 30.

Note: The air is ionized, so anyone who enters the cave can cure respiratory diseases.

In the documents that describe this cave, there is information that even before the 19th century it had a great extent, and from Gorny Klyuch one could immediately get to the Black Sea shore. Around the middle of the century, a collapse occurred in the cave, and its length began to be 1.5 km.

Note: visiting the cave requires a lot of physical strength. Since it is necessary to walk about 14 km from the village of Fanagoriyskoye to the cave itself.

You need to cross two fords and get to the intersection of two rivers: Semenovskaya Shchel and Ayuk. Continue moving along the Ayuk River and then you will come to a parking lot in front of the cave.

Museums and ranches

Despite the fact that this city has a more therapeutic focus, it perfectly combines ranches and museums.

One such place is the Ostrich Ranch. In order to visit it, you need to take an electric train to Molkino station. If you are traveling by car, then you need to move along the M-4 Don highway towards Goryachiy Klyuch, and along the road you will see a huge banner “Ostrich Ranch”.

In order to see how everything works there, you need to pay 50 rubles for an entrance ticket. By visiting it, you will be able to see ostriches from the smallest to the largest. This perfect place, where you can go on a weekend with the whole family.

But not all people who come to the Krasnodar region, in particular to Goryachiy Klyuch, visit places of natural origin.

One of popular places became City historical Museum. This is one of the few places in Hot Spring that has the exact address, and you won't have to climb mountains. Museum address: st. Lenina 34-a. What can you see here? In 2000, the museum was opened in a new modern building.

From Moscow

By car. Along the M4 highway. Distance 1392 km. Travel time – 20.04 hours.

By long-distance train. From Paveletsky, Kazansky and Kursky railway stations by trains “Moscow – Adler”, “Moscow – Sukhum” and “St. Petersburg – Sukhum” to Goryachiy Klyuch station. Travel time from 20.22 hours to 36.00 hours.

Walk along Goryachiy Klyuch

It would be interesting to start your walk around Goryachiy Klyuch at the city local history museum. It is located on the main street of the resort. The first collections of this museum were collected by the commander of the Psekup regiment Ivan Popko and put on public display in 1864. In fact, it was the first local history museum, created in the Caucasus.

The museum exhibition tells about the life and customs of the peoples who have lived in these lands since the times of the ancient Greeks. The museum also has a rich paleontological department, made up of local finds.

From the museum to Avenue of a Thousand Pines need to go to resort area cities. Starts here Healing Parkquiet place for walks with beautiful clean air. Pine Alley was planted by the youth of Goryachy Klyuch in 1958.

Avenue of a Thousand Pines

After about 0.6 km the alley leads to monument “140 years of the resort”. It was installed in the anniversary year of Goryachy Klyuch in 2004. Without changing the direction of movement, after 0.25 km you can reach the five-meter arch with lions. It was built in honor of the resort's half-century anniversary. Two massive lions seated at the base of the columns rest on slain boars. This symbolizes that health conquers disease.

Arch with lions

Monument “140 years of the resort”

Behind the arch there is a hydropathic bath and drinking gallery. Water is supplied here from three different sources through a pipeline. different temperatures and chemical properties. You can visit the drinking gallery every day from 7.00 to 19.00 (from 14.00 to 15.00 - lunch break).

Drinking gallery

If you continue walking southwest from the drinking gallery along the bank of the Psekups River, after 0.4 km you will come to an interesting natural monument - rock "Cockerel". It is located on the outskirts of the city, near Abadzekh or Klyuchevaya Mountain. Previously, it bore the name “Rocks of Salvation.”

The cliff rises 28 m above the river. This is the result of centuries-old tenacity of Psekups, who cut off the ledge of Abadzekh Mountain. The upper teeth of the rock resemble a comb. When driving along the highway on the opposite bank of the river, the rock formation is clearly visible. In “Petushka” there are two small caves – “Zvonkaya” and “Salvation”, between which a staircase was cut in the sandstone.

Rock "Cockerel"

From “Petushka” it’s a stone’s throw to the stele or living water monument And Iveron Chapel. They are installed side by side on the spacious Mineral Glade at the foot of Klyuchovaya Mountain.

Monument to Living Water

The stele was erected in 1914. Initially, it was supposed to honor the memory of Russian soldiers who took part in the military campaign in the Caucasus. There were even plaques with the names of military units installed on the monument. But then the stele began to be perceived as a monument to healing thermal waters in the Psekups valley, that real “living” water that brought health to so many people who visited Goryachy Klyuch.

The chapel was erected in the 19th century near the outlet of the Iversky ferruginous spring. It was erected near a stone grotto. But in the 20s of the last century, as a result of shifts in soil layers, the source dried up.

Iveron Chapel

Behind Mineral glade begins Dante's Gorge or a gap. This amazing monument nature, as well as human diligence and imagination. The gorge is cut into mountain slopes by 15 m and has a length of about 0.1 km. In the 70s of the 19th century, they began to cut a staircase along the bottom of it, which was named Dante’s in honor of the famous Italian poet Dante Alighieri.

The narrow gap is cool even on a hot day, and the sun never reaches most of its places, just like on the road to hell from Dante’s Divine Comedy. Over many decades, professional and amateur sculptors have carved many different images and portraits on the walls of the gorge. As you climb up a narrow valley, faces and eyes look at you from all sides. In Dante's Gorge, the walk along Goryachiy Klyuch ends.

Dante's Gorge

But if you have the strength and desire, from here you can climb along the path to the top of Abadzekh Mountain.


The Krasnodar region is a treasure trove of amazing natural relics. When people ask me what they can see in the area, besides the Black Sea, I advise visiting Pshada, traveling around the villages of Adygea, and now I include Hot Key and local attractions in the list (Mount Petushok, Klyuchevaya, Mirror Rock, Dantovo Gorge, Bogatyrsky Caves, mineral and hydrogen sulfide springs).

Every weekend we get out of the stuffy city somewhere, this time the choice fell on Goryachiy Klyuch. The plan was to visit all the famous natural monuments, but the trip had to be extended over several weekends. In Goryachiy Klyuch there are four popular sanatoriums where pensioners and residents of the north relax.

  • “Hot Key” - 4 stars - from 4,600 ( Double Room)
  • "Mountain" - 3 stars - from 6200 (double room)
  • “Caucasus Foothills” – 3 stars – from 5,000 (double room)
  • “Star” - 3 stars - from 3,600 (double room)

In boarding houses, every guest of the city can taste mineral water, but it is forbidden to take out the Hot Spring relic in your own containers; you must purchase bottles of the required size near the pump room. You won't be able to fool the guards, but you can try different ones for free mineral water and choose the one most suitable to your taste. That is, we bought a liter container for 25 rubles, and additionally drank at least a glass of different water.

How to get there?

Goryachiy Klyuch is located 50 km from Krasnodar, we get there in 40 minutes without traffic jams. Now there are no repairs on this section of the road, so you don’t have to worry about spending a lot of time on the road. If you decide to relax in a Caucasian health resort from other cities of Russia, the most convenient way to get there is by plane or train.

By plane

The nearest airport is 12 km from Krasnodar - Pashkovsky. The cost of a flight from Moscow is from 5 thousand rubles (watch out for promotions and discounts, you can get there for half the price - especially pay attention to Pobeda Airlines). From St. Petersburg to Krasnodar - from 7 thousand rubles. From Yekaterinburg - from 7 thousand rubles, from Surgut - from 11,800 rubles. From Pashkovsky Airport, get to Krasnodar-1 station by constantly running minibus No. 15 or trolleybus No. 7. From here buses and trains depart to Goryachiy Klyuch. The cost of travel by train is 200 rubles, on the way - 1.30.

By train

All trains traveling from any Russian city to Sochi and Adler stop at the Goryachiy Klyuch railway station. But plan your trip in advance summer time a large number of holidaymakers go to Black Sea coast. From Moscow to Goryachiy Klyuch the cost of a reserved seat is from 1,700 rubles, a coupe - from 2,500.

What time of year is best to go - choosing the season

The surroundings of Goryachiy Klyuch are especially attractive in spring, autumn and winter.

If you manage to see here real winter- you are incredibly lucky. The Krasnodar region is famous for its fairly warm climate, but snow is a problem. But around February, nature pleases us with snow-white landscapes for a week or two.

Spring and autumn are beautiful in their own way, but in the summer you will be attacked by mosquitoes. It is impossible to walk calmly through the forest; mosquitoes and midges get into your face, sting mercilessly and follow your entire path. It was because of mosquitoes that we were unable to get to Klyuchevaya in August 2016; mosquitoes stung through our clothes and, imagine a horror movie, covered our eyes. On the way we met another group of suffering tourists who tried to reach Mirror Rock, but returned back only with itchy bites. Certainly, experienced travelers They will laugh at such unfortunate tourists, but now we know what time of year we definitely shouldn’t go hiking in the forests.

What are the prices for holidays?

Hot Spring is a fairly budget resort. You can stay not only in a sanatorium, but also rent a room in the private sector. When entering the city, you will see many advertisements on the fences - housing for rent. Therefore, someone will definitely shelter you.

By the way, be sure to relax in these parts, try the local mead and sbiten. Here they brew not only classic mead, but also with buckwheat, cranberries, currants, and hops. This purchase can be an excellent souvenir for your friends and relatives. The cost of 1 liter of mead is from 200 rubles, sbitnya – from 100 rubles.

More about our trip

We had a lot of plans, but mosquitoes ruined everything. We drove into the city along Lenin Street, left the car on Sverdlov Street and went to the Caucasus Foothills sanatorium, where a galaxy of natural attractions begins from its walls. The first thing everyone should see is Dante's Gorge, named after the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, author of The Divine Comedy. Dante described Hell superbly, for which he was awarded the title of the greatest poet of all eras! Actually, the gorge in Goryachiy Klyuch reminded some of the description of the road to Hell.

Cunning tourists, since the 1960s, have been intensively painting the rocks in these places; it is common to come across the inscription “Vasya was here”, “Dudko and Mironyan family - 2014”, “Kostya loves his cat”. I hope that the people reading this article are intellectuals and are not engaged in writing down the world’s natural relics. It is cool in the gorge, but the rise is very sharp; this must be taken into account if you are planning a vacation with pensioners or small children.

Trees along the slope

Along the entire path there are benches, gazebos and trash cans, so you will reach observation deck on Mount Cockerel. To see the Mirror rock, you need to follow the markers in a slightly different direction, there are signs everywhere, it seems like it’s impossible to get lost, but we took a different road, along the paths of mushroom pickers, who led us in circles and as a result led us back to Mount Cockerel. But it doesn’t matter, in the fall, without mosquitoes, we will again set off to conquer the surroundings of the Hot Spring, and I will tell you in detail about our achievements here.

After walking around the park and tasting the local mead, I wanted some more adventures. We went to the river along Naberezhnaya Street, where we descended to a rapid stream, from which several fast streams remained, filling the depressions.


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