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website with bated breath presents a selection of the most mysterious places on the planet, which cause quiet horror and interest at the same time.

The combination of mystery and danger arouses interest and attracts attention against our will, and the sight of nature, which calmly captures what people have created, returns us to the understanding of our own insignificance in the face of time.

San Ji Ghost Town, Taiwan

A luxurious resort on the sea coast was built specifically for the local rich. But already during construction something strange began to happen. Dozens of workers died: they broke their necks falling from heights (even with safety ropes), and died under collapsed cranes. The surrounding residents were sure that the town was inhabited by evil spirits. There were harrowing stories about a Japanese “death camp” that had once been located here. At the end of the 1980s, construction stalled. The apartments never found buyers, and the authorities do not demolish the city because people believe that this will release evil spirits.

Abandoned military hospital in Beelitz, Germany

The city of the same name is located 40 kilometers from the capital of Germany. During the First and Second World Wars, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 Adolf Hitler was treated there. In 1995, people left the city, and since then it has been gradually destroyed.

Eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant, Makhachkala

Naval weapons testing station, commissioned in 1939. It is located 2.7 km from the coast and has not been used for a long time. Construction took a long time and was complicated by difficult conditions. Unfortunately, the workshop did not serve the plant for long. The requirements for the work carried out in the workshop changed, and in April 1966 this grandiose structure was written off from the factory balance sheet. Now this “Array” is abandoned and stands in the Caspian Sea, resembling an ancient monster from the shore.

Lier Sikehus Psychiatric Clinic, Norway

The Norwegian psychiatric hospital, which is located in the small town of Lier, half an hour from Oslo, has a dark past. Experiments on patients were once carried out here, and for unknown reasons, four hospital buildings were abandoned in 1985. Equipment, beds, even magazines and personal belongings of patients remained in the abandoned buildings. At the same time, the remaining eight buildings of the hospital are still operating to this day.

Gunkanjima Island, Japan

In fact, the island is called Hashima, nicknamed Gunkanjima, which means “cruiser island.” The island was settled in 1810 when coal was discovered there. Within fifty years, it has become the most populated island in the world in terms of the ratio of land and the number of inhabitants on it: 5,300 people with a radius of the island itself of one kilometer. By 1974, the reserves of coal and other minerals on Gankajima were completely exhausted, and people left the island. Today, visiting the island is prohibited. There are many legends about this place among the people.

Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong, China

The city was located in Hong Kong, but did not obey the authorities, being under the control of the mafia. Not only did prostitution and drug trafficking flourish inside, but there was also self-government. In addition, the area had its own industry: semi-handicraft production of noodles and all sorts of small things. The products of enterprises were inexpensive: there were no taxes, and labor legislation local entrepreneurs did not comply. We had our own nursing home, kindergarten and school. In the early 1990s, the population density reached two million people per square kilometer.

After a difficult process of eviction of the people living there, a park of the same name was opened in this place in 1995. Some of the city's historical artifacts, including the yamen building, and the remains South Gate were saved.

Abandoned Hotel Salto in Colombia

In 1924, the luxurious Refugio El Salto hotel was built in the city of San Antonio del Tequendama. After some time, the hotel was closed due to increasing cases of suicide by visitors. There are ominous legends and rumors surrounding this place.

Church of San Juan Parangaricutiro, Mexico

The church, located in the village of the same name, was buried under the lava of the Paricutin volcano in 1944, the village was completely destroyed. Miraculously, the altar and church bell tower remained intact, surrounded by ruins temple complex, protruding cones of frozen lava resemble foreign paintings.

Underwater city of Shichen in China

Ghost town of Kolmanskop, Namibia

The ghost town of Kolmanskop, built in a place where small diamonds were discovered in the sand, which the wind brought from the ocean. Large buildings were built in the city beautiful houses, school, hospital, stadium, and the settlement quickly turned into an exemplary german city. Everyone was counting on long-term prosperity, but alas, the “reserve of diamonds” quickly dried up. In addition, the city was difficult to live in due to problems with water and sandstorms, and people left it. Most of the houses are almost entirely covered with sand and make a depressing impression.

I read a lot of your stories and wanted to tell you my own. About going to an abandoned house.
It's still creepy. 3 years ago, in 2007, I went on vacation to the dacha in the summer. I have friends there, I go there every year. Then me and my 2 friends were walking. We went - me and my dog, and another friend with a dog, and the other just with us, because she doesn’t have a dog.
A friend with a dog says - let’s go to an abandoned house? I laugh and say - what are you talking about? there are ghosts there, probably. She says the dogs are with us, they will feel if something like this happens.
On a note!!! - the house is empty, but something is happening there... I asked my neighbor who lived there. He says - no one. it’s simply an unfinished house, the owners didn’t finish it many years ago and left. Looking at the site, one could guess. The windows were broken, the area was open, the door was open, solid brick. and somewhere there is whitewash. but I live nearby and don’t see anyone there.
Let's get to the topic. Well, let's go. To this day, when I pass by him, I feel uneasy, I try to quickly pass by him. There is also another abandoned house next to it; a friend of mine lived there with a dog. Well, that's not about that now.
As soon as I walked in, I just felt uneasy. There was some kind of “dead” air. There were construction supplies there, and there was a staircase to the second floor and to the attic. At this point I simply felt uneasy. I started “sliding” down the wall, I felt bad. And the girls and the dog moved on, I didn’t let mine there. I say girls. Shall we go from here? I don't even feel at ease somehow. One says – yes, let’s go, otherwise I can feel the negative energy working. We decided to leave.
We walked away halfway, my friend laughed and said - shall we go again? I - well, damn it, Dash! ok, let's go.
We approached, and there was someone stomping, and it sounded as if something had fallen. We got scared, ran away, I was the last to run, and then I fell, my legs got tangled in the grass (it was high), I screamed, as if it was specially planned... I got up, called the dog, and ran to catch up with my friends. I felt as if someone was watching us through the window.
But I was very scared. Then I didn’t leave the toilet for 15-20 minutes.
In 2010, I came to the dacha again. I decided to walk with my dog ​​along the street, past that house, and it just dawned on me. There was a high fence there, but the house itself was not repaired. Until now, when I pass by, I try to get past it as quickly as possible.

For many Russian cities, the problem of housing shortage remains relevant today. Against the background of this circumstance, it seems especially strange that there are abandoned houses in every region. In some areas, there are even entire villages and towns that have been abandoned forever by their previous owners.

The endangered Russian hinterland...

The problem of empty buildings in our country became most acute after the collapse of the USSR. Many municipal organizations ceased to exist, among them collective farms, industrial enterprises and cultural associations. IN rural areas There was practically no work left for local residents, and the local infrastructure collapsed. Given this state of affairs, many village residents began to dream of moving to cities and large urban-type settlements. Over the years, many villages have completely disappeared from official maps. There are abandoned houses with boarded up windows or broken glass even in relatively prosperous populated areas. The former buildings of provincial factories and factories and abandoned farms look no better.

How do ghost houses appear in cities?

There are abandoned buildings in major cities. The vast majority of them are in the private sector. The city budget does not always have funds for the prompt restoration or demolition of multi-story residential and administrative buildings. Most often, such objects are covered with a protective net and surrounded by high fences. There are similar abandoned residential buildings in Moscow and other large cities. Many of them are waiting their turn for restoration and major repairs. Others simply get demolished over time. The building may be abandoned for a long time with the issue of ownership of this property unresolved or land plot, on which it is built.

Abandoned buildings - a monument to the past or an art object?

Sometimes people leave and forget entire villages or cities forever. One of the most famous examples is the infamous Ukrainian city of Pripyat. Abandoned houses were left without owners one day after the nuclear power plant accident. What’s interesting is that today a city with a sad history is developing into a popular tourist site. Seekers thrills from all over the world are willing to pay a lot to visit this ghost town in person.

However, less famous abandoned buildings are also popular in certain circles. Some people like to explore any abandoned buildings. Sometimes in such buildings you can actually find interesting objects related to their history. Photographers and alternative artists also do not shy away from abandoned residential buildings. The photos in them turn out to be very unusual and original. Representatives of official art also pay attention to such objects. Many mystical films were filmed in abandoned buildings and scenery imitating them. And these are not only the fruits of the director's imagination.

Since time immemorial, people sometimes began to consider this or that house cursed if it stood for quite a long time without owners. Often, even today, real urban legends begin to take shape about abandoned buildings. Unfortunately, often such horror stories actually have a real basis. Abandoned houses like a magnet attract not only extreme tourists, but also ordinary teenagers, as well as homeless people and representatives of the criminal world. When exploring such an object, there is a high risk of not only meeting intruders inside, but also being harmed by the building itself. Houses in disrepair are slowly being destroyed. While visiting them, beware of collapses of floors and roofs.

The future of abandoned buildings

Abandoned residential buildings in Russia are not just a detail architectural appearance cities and villages. Such buildings can be considered as a profitable option for investment in real estate. The cost of abandoned dilapidated buildings is significantly lower than similar houses suitable for use. At the same time, restoration work and repairs often do not require major investments. Private abandoned residential buildings are also being sold at reduced prices. And this is an excellent offer for those who are looking for a plot for individual construction in a certain area or dream of their own home and are ready to restore it.

They say the only constant in life is change. History literature is one way to understand the passage of time, but there are also tangible monuments that can tell a lot about past times. And if some such places are looked after and cared for, sometimes the most interesting are those that have been neglected for a long time. We bring to your attention several abandoned places around the world, each of which has its own special charm.

Beneath all this dust, rust and cracks lie the stories of people who once lived here, prayed, and went about their daily business. And when you try to imagine these people and their lives, a special atmosphere and nostalgia is born. It seems as if people just recently packed up their things and left the abandoned places. On the other hand, it is interesting to see how some things that once belonged to people are now being returned to nature.

This is part of the cooling tower of an abandoned power plant in Monceau, Belgium. The funnel-shaped structure of the abandoned site in the center supplied hot water, which was then cooled by draining through hundreds of small concrete gutters.

Kolmanskop, Namibia

This is a small abandoned settlement in Namibia that flourished in the early 1900s. Then German settlers began mining diamonds here. The flow of funds ended after World War I, when the diamond field began to deplete. By the 1950s, the city was completely abandoned by people, and now only photographers and tourists come to this abandoned place.

Floating forest in Sydney

This is the hull of the large steamship SS Ayrfield, which was dismantled at Homebush Bay, Australia, after World War II. But when the shipyard closed, this ship, like several others, remained where they were abandoned. Now an abandoned place, a beautiful and mysterious floating forest that serves as an example that nature can survive always and everywhere.

Munsell Sea Forts, England

These forts were built near the mouths of the Thames and Mersey rivers in Great Britain to protect the country from a potential German air threat during World War II. When they were decommissioned in 1950, several people lived here, including operators of pirate radio stations, and was also home to the Principality of Sealand, a self-proclaimed independent state.

Last house on Holland Island, USA

This house is an abandoned place that was once part of a fairly successful island colony in the Chesapeake Bay in the United States. However, due to rapid soil erosion, there was less and less space left on the island. The house pictured was the last one on the island before it collapsed in 2010.

Pripyat, Ukraine. Pripyat is an abandoned city in the north of Ukraine, in the Kyiv region

The city is located on the banks of the Pripyat River, 3 km from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, not far from the border with Belarus. Distance to Kyiv - 94 km. Abandoned place Pripyat was founded on February 4, 1970. The general reason for the founding of the city was the construction and subsequent operation of one of the largest nuclear power plants in Europe, Chernobyl - the city-forming enterprise, which gave Pripyat the title of a city of nuclear scientists. Pripyat became the ninth nuclear city in the Soviet Union.

Many workers of the Chernobyl station, whose work ended, lived in Pripyat major disaster in 1986. After the evacuation, Pripyat remains a radioactive ghost town, which can only be visited with specialized escorts.

House of the Bulgarian Communist Party

The former building of the monument house, built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party, today looks eerie both inside and out. This abandoned place, resembling a flying saucer, fell into disrepair after the collapse of the USSR. Now it is just a ghost of the former structure, although there is talk of starting restoration work.

Nara Dreamland Amusement Park, Japan

The park opened in 1961. But by 2006 it was already closed. It is now a popular abandoned site among city explorers, although security guards periodically patrol the area and issue fines to trespassers who enter the restricted area.

Uninhabited island in southeast Florida, USA

These abandoned sites are small dome-shaped structures that were built in 1981 at Cape Romano, off the coast of the United States. They were the summer residence of oil magnate Bob Lee, but then fell into disrepair. It is still unclear what fate awaits them.

Abandoned mill, Italy

This building in the Valley of Mills in Sorrento was abandoned in 1866. Wheat was once ground here, and there was a sawmill nearby. The abandoned site was isolated from the sea after the construction of Tasso Square, which increased humidity levels in the region and forced the mill to be abandoned.

Michigan Central Station in Detroit, USA

The station was built in 1913 to create a new transport node. However, several construction errors meant that the abandoned site had to be closed in 1988.

The fate of the station has not yet been decided, but it has appeared in several films, for example, in Eminem’s “8 Mile.”

Sunken yacht, Antarctica

This eerie ghost ship is the Mar Sem Fim, a Brazilian yacht that sank near Ardley Cove in Antarctica. On a yacht, a Brazilian film crew decided to film documentary, however, due to strong winds and a storm, it had to be abandoned. The water that entered the ship froze, pierced the hull and sank the yacht.

Abandoned theater New Bedford, USA

This is an old theater in Massachusetts. It opened in 1912 and closed in 1959. Since then, it has already served as a tobacco warehouse and a supermarket. The nonprofit is now trying to raise funds to renovate the building.

Abandoned train station, Abkhazia

This station in Sukhumi was abandoned during the war in Abkhazia in 1992 and 1993. As a result of the conflict between Georgia and Russia, the region was abandoned, but the station still retains traces of its former grandeur, such as the stunning stucco work.

Abandoned wooden houses, Russia

All these exquisitely decorated buildings are located in the Russian outback. Some of them are surrounded by forests.

It is thanks to their remoteness that they remained untouched.

Underwater city in Shichen, China

This incredible underwater city, lost in time, 1341. Shicheng, or Lion City, is located in Zhejiang Province in eastern China. It was flooded in 1959 during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The water protects the city from erosion by wind and rain, so it remains in relatively good condition.

Abandoned subway station in New York, USA

This beautiful subway station is located directly under New York City Hall. That's why a lot of attention was paid to its design, but due to neighboring stations it never received the attention it deserved from the public, and its curved route was considered insufficiently safe. The station closed in 1945 and remains closed except for a few exclusive tours for tourists.

Hotel Salto, Colombia

The hotel opened in 1928 near the Tequendama Falls in Colombia to serve tourists who came to admire the 157-meter waterfall. The hotel was closed in the early 90s after interest in the waterfall waned. But in 2012 this place was turned into a museum.

Abandoned metro tunnel in Kyiv, Ukraine

This photo was taken in the metro near Kyiv. Many of the tunnels are partially flooded and stalactites hang from the ceilings.

Abandoned submarine base in Balaklava, Ukraine

Although this base is not completely abandoned, it is still impressive. Until its closure in 1993, it was one of the most secret bases on the territory of the USSR. Today it is the State Maritime Museum.

Abandoned military hospital in Belitz, Germany

This large hospital complex would have been built in the late 1800s. In it, Adolf Hitler was recovering from a leg injury suffered during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. Some parts of the complex are still operational, but most were abandoned after Russian authorities abandoned the hospital in 1995.

Hashima Island, Japan

This island goes by many names, including Warship (due to its shape) and Ghost Island. From the late 1800s to the late 1900s, the island was inhabited because it provided access to underwater coal mines.

However, as Japan gradually transitioned from coal to gasoline, the mines (and the buildings that sprang up around them) closed, leaving behind a ghost island resembling part of a ghostly warship.

UFO houses in San Zhi, Taiwan

These alien houses in Sanzhi were originally intended to be resort lodges, particularly for American military officers serving in Asia. However, due to low level investment and machine accidents, the place had to be closed in 1980, shortly after it was built. Unfortunately, these amazing buildings were demolished in 2010.

Abandoned church in the snow.

If you are interested in abandoned buildings and ghosts, then we offer you a kind of guide: in these abandoned buildings located in different parts of the world, according to local legends, you can not only touch history, but also meet ghosts. Almost all of these places can be visited on your own, since access to them is free, but we still strongly recommend visiting them only virtually. So, let's begin:

Berengaria Hotel

where: Prodromos, Cyprus
The hotel, built in 1930 by one wealthy man, flourished in the 1950s-70s, bringing considerable profit. However, the death of the hotel owner predicted a sad fate for his brainchild. He bequeathed the management of the hotel to his three sons, who initially managed to run the family business. However, later, when quarrels began over the distribution of profits, all three brothers died one after another under very strange circumstances. They say that the owner and the hotel took revenge on them for failing to keep their promise. Everything that could be taken out of the hotel was taken out local residents, and the hotel fell into complete disrepair. The ghosts of the brothers are said to have taken up residence in the ruins of the building.

Bhangarh Fort

where: on the road to Alwar and Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
On the way to the castle, signs are striking that strictly prohibit approaching it after sunset, since anyone who dares to do so will never return back! Tradition says that a black magician cast a curse on Bangar and its inhabitants because the shadow of the fort fell on sacred place, which was intended for meditation. He cursed everyone, saying that they would die a painful death, and their spirits would remain in the castle for centuries. That's how it all happened. This castle truly brings animal fear to every mortal. The Indian government somehow decided to debunk the terrible myth and set up armed patrols in the fort, but there were still brave souls.

Diplomat Hotel

Where: Baguio, Philippines
Residents of houses in the surrounding area complain of chilling sounds - groans, screams, slamming doors, hurried footsteps - coming, according to them, from the direction of the abandoned hotel. During World War II, this building served as a refuge for refugees, being repeatedly shelled and bombed. Japanese army soldiers executed many innocent nurses here. When a hotel was opened in the building in the 70s of the last century, its inhabitants repeatedly saw the silhouettes of mysterious black figures walking through the halls, appearing in the windows, hiding behind the curtains.

St. John's Hospital (Saint John Hospital)

where: Lincolnshire, England
This hospital, founded in 1852, was created for the sick poor who suffered from mental disorders. For obvious reasons, few people cared about the fate of poor patients, so cruel treatment methods were used against the unfortunate patients. When in 1989, after the hospital closed, hired workers were asked to remove all existing medical equipment from the building, they were not able to spend even a couple of days there. According to the men, they were constantly haunted by terrifying screams of unknown origin. Firefighters were called to the abandoned hospital more than once, as it seemed to people passing by that flames were bursting out of the windows. The fire crews that arrived each time did not find any signs indicating a fire, but they saw some strange lights flashing in the corridors.

Salesian School (Salesian school)

Where: Goshen, New York, USA
This Catholic school for boys was built on the territory of a former aristocratic estate. She enjoyed honor and respect until one day, in 1964, one of her students died: 9-year-old Paul Ramos fell to his death from the roof of one of the educational buildings. Then the boy’s death was explained as a tragic accident, but at the beginning of the 2000s, the press and intelligence services again became interested in this case. As it turned out, the student’s body lay too far from the school building: for it to fall at such a distance, someone had to push it, but finding the killer, of course, is already impossible. Currently, the school building is under guard, but those few brave souls who managed to bypass it and approach the abandoned building, according to them, saw the silhouette of a boy in the window openings.

Baldoon Castle

where: Bladnock, Scotland
During the day, the ruins of the castle do not evoke anything sinister, but at night, they say, you can see the ghost of the bride Janet Dalrymple, dressed in a bloody wedding dress. According to legend, in the middle of the 17th century, her parents forced her to marry the rich owner of this castle, although she herself loved a poor guy named Archibald. However, the girl never had to marry someone she didn’t love. A few minutes before the bride left for the wedding ceremony, she was found stabbed to death in the room where brides wait to walk down the aisle. Some say that this is the work of a rejected lover, while others believe that Janet committed suicide.

Great Isaac Cay Lighthouse

Where: Great Isaac Cay, Bahamas
The designation of this island is not on every map, but its coordinates are well known to ghost hunters. Legend has it that in the 19th century there was a shipwreck very close to the island, in which only small child. Nobody knows how it turned out further fate, however, the spirit of the child’s mother, a lady in gray, still wanders around the abandoned lighthouse at night, crying bitterly with grief. Two caretakers who lived here disappeared in 1969 under unclear circumstances. Their bodies have not yet been found. Many people associate this mystery with the fact that the island is geographically located in Bermuda Triangle, although according to skeptics, people simply died during Hurricane Anna, which carried their bodies into the ocean.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium (Waverly Hills Sanatorium)

Where: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
The building of a former sanatorium for tuberculosis patients has more than once been recognized as one of the most creepy places on the territory of the USA. Students of pan-normal activity believe that it is very high here. To a large extent, this refers to the “tunnel of death”, which was originally cut for the sanatorium employees: thus, they got to their jobs faster and safer, bypassing the rather steep hillsides. And later, this tunnel began to be used to secretly remove the bodies of deceased patients: the living did not need to see how their neighbors in the ward set off on their final journey. Ghosts were seen not only in the narrow and terrifyingly dark corridor, but also inside certain rooms. For example, in room 502 lives the spirit of a nurse who hanged herself here after she, a pregnant woman, learned that she had contracted tuberculosis. Those wishing to visit the abandoned sanatorium can do so as part of an excursion group.


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