Underwater city about yonaguni japan. Secrets of the underwater pyramid of Yonaguni. Scientists' assumptions about the appearance of underwater structures

Yonaguni Island is located in western Japan. Yonaguni became famous in the mid-80s, when divers discovered mysterious rock terraces and pyramids with sharp corners underwater. There are still debates, but no one knows what secrets the island hides. Scientists are inclined to believe that these pyramids were created artificially many millennia ago unknown civilization, which disappeared from the face of the earth.

The mysterious underwater pyramids of Yonaguni Island off the coast of Japan still cause controversy - are they a natural phenomenon or a human creation? If the Yonaguni monument was created by man, it will radically change the history of mankind. The history of these underwater pyramids dates back to 1986, when divers discovered an unusual rock formation 25 meters underwater. These were rocks in the form of smooth stepped terraces, pyramids and platforms. One of the tallest pyramids was 600 feet wide and 90 feet high.

There are traces of processing and carving left on the stone blocks, which confirms the scientists’ theory that the Yonaguni monument is not a natural formation, but was created artificially. Masaki Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of Japan, has been studying underwater pyramids for more than 15 years. The scientist believes that this place is more than five thousand years old, but it was flooded 2 thousand years ago during an earthquake.

Other scientists believe the structure is much older, including Teruaki Ishi, a geology professor at the University of Tokyo. He determined that the immersion of the terraces under water occurred at the end of the last ice age - about 10 thousand years ago. In this case, the age of the Yonaguni pyramids is twice as old as the Egyptian pyramids. Interestingly, the number of artifacts found was approximately the same on land and under water. Not far from the pyramids, a human head carved from stone was discovered, on which many unknown hieroglyphs were carved. It is difficult to imagine that this is a natural formation.

The Japan Times added intrigue by publishing the legend of Yonaguni Island:

“There is a land of the Gods, called Nirai-Kanai, where the ancient gods live - this unknown, distant place is a source of happiness for the whole world.”

The opposite point of view was held by Robert Schoch, a professor of mathematics at Boston University. He believed that the Yonaguni pyramids were formed naturally - nature did its best. According to him, this is natural tectonic activity, which is confirmed by the photograph below, which shows a similar formation on land created by nature. There is also a possibility that the monument was formed naturally, but was then processed by people. Schoch held this opinion before he met Kimura. The arguments of Kimura, who was more familiar with the features of the monument, greatly influenced Shocha's opinion. Moreover, the arguments were supported by photographs of details that Shoch simply did not see during his dives, since he dived only a few times.

Despite all the similarities between the Yonaguni rocks, there are very strong differences between them. In a limited area of ​​the Monument, very close to each other there are elements completely different types. For example: a face with sharp edges, round holes, a stepped descent, a perfectly straight narrow trench. If the reason was only natural erosion, then it would be logical to expect the same shapes throughout the entire piece of rock. The fact that such different elements are found side by side is a strong argument in favor of their artificial origin. Here is an example of one of these formations called Turtle.

The next argument: blocks separated from the rock do not lie where they should fall under the influence of gravity. Instead, they are either collected in one place or absent altogether. If the object was created by erosion, then there would be a lot of debris on the bottom next to it, like on the modern shores of the island. But this is not the case here.

Moreover, very close by, literally a few tens of meters on the same rock made of the same rock, there is a radically different landscape. The fact that it was created by nature is beyond doubt. But even with the naked eye one can see its sharp difference from the processed part of the rock

The meeting of two professional geologists was literally of epoch-making significance for the Yonaguni monument. If earlier Shoch adhered to the version of the natural nature of the object, then Kimura insisted on its completely artificial origin. As a result of taking into account all the available facts, both specialists agreed on a kind of “compromise”, both of them refusing extreme points vision. They came to the conclusion that the Monument belongs to the so-called “terra-formations”, that is, the original natural “blank” was later changed and modified by human hands. Such formations are not unusual; they were quite common in the ancient world...

“After meeting with Professor Kimura,” Schoch later wrote, “I cannot completely exclude the possibility that the Yonaguni monument has at least partially been processed and changed by human hands. Professor Kimura pointed out a number of important elements that I did not see during my first, short visit..."

However, the Yonaguni Monument was not recognized by the Japanese government as a site cultural heritage, which must be protected and preserved, although the existence of a stone-processing industry on the island has been proven. This is confirmed by ancient catacombs of unknown age

 28.12.2011 22:30

Where can you find pyramids other than Egypt? Have you heard of the Inca pyramids in Peru, the Nubian pyramids (Sudan), or the ruined pyramids of ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Persia (Iran), known as ziggurats?

What you may not know is that this list was added to in 1987 when scuba diving tour operator Kihachiro Aratake discovered a massive rock structure in Japan, off the Yonaguni Islands, south of Okinawa.

This step pyramid was created using advanced technology and belongs to the prehistoric era. It did not attract much attention until scientists and adventurers, having dived many times, took pictures and freed this stunning structure from the ground.

Professor Masaake Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of the Ryukyu, dived at the site for more than 18 years to measure and map the structures of the Yonaguni Monument, as it came to be known. This huge complex buildings that include castles, monuments and a stadium, connected by a complex system of roads and waterways, Kimura says.

In all likelihood, it went under water during devastating earthquake and tsunami. Japan is located in an area of ​​great tectonic instability - the Pacific Ring of Fire. Large earthquakes often occur in this area.

The world's largest recorded tsunami hit Yonaguni Jima Island in 1771. The waves reached a height of more than 40 meters. Perhaps a similar catastrophe befell ancient civilization who created these structures.

Kimura presented his research and a computer model of the underwater ruins at a scientific conference in Japan in 2007.

According to him, there are 10 underwater structures near the Yonaguni Islands, and five more similar structures are located off the main island of Okinawa.

The massive ruins cover an area of ​​more than 45,000 sq.m. Kimura believes the ruins are at least 5,000 years old. His calculations are based on the age of stalactites found in underwater caves, which Kimura believes sank with the city.

Stalactites and stalagmites form only above water through an extremely slow process. Underwater stalactite caves found around Okinawa indicate that much of the area was once on land.

"The most large building looks like a complex stepped monolithic pyramid rising from a depth of 25 meters,” Kimura told National Geographic News in 2007.

Over the years, he created a detailed picture of these ancient ruins, and discovered many similarities between the underground structures and those found in archaeological sites on land.

For example, a semicircular cutout on a rocky platform corresponds to the entrance to a castle, which is located on land. Nakagusuku Castle in Okinawa has a perfect semi-circular entrance, typical of Ryukyu Dynasty castles in the 13th century.

The two underwater megaliths—huge, six-meter-tall, vertical rocks side by side—also bear similarities to twin megaliths in other parts of Japan, such as Mount Nabeyama in Gifu Prefecture.

But many scientists argue that all these structures are natural formations that appeared as a result of the action of waves on the rocks over thousands of years.

Boston University geologist Robert M. Schoch, famous for placing the Sphinx's date earlier, has changed his mind about Yonaguni's structure. Initially, after making several dives at the site of the find, he believed that the platforms and stepped structures were completely natural formations.

Schoch took several rock samples, and tests showed they were mudstones and sandstones from a sediment called the Lower Miocene Yaeyama Group, which formed about 20 million years ago.

Kimura acknowledges that the underlying rock structure is natural, but argues that it has been transformed by humans. For example, it is difficult to explain the two pairs of steps leading from the "main terrace" to the "upper terrace" by natural erosion forces.

Kimura also points out that stones and loose blocks were not found at the base of many structures or in passages cut into the rock, as would be expected if they were formed by natural erosion.

After completing more dives, Schoch stated, “We should also consider the possibility that the Yonaguni Monument is essentially a natural formation used, improved and modified by people in ancient times,” he wrote in a 1999 article.

Ancient and more modern civilizations have used natural rock formations for different purposes. The most famous example is the Sphinx at Giza, Egypt, which was carved from natural rock; other examples are the temples of Petra in Jordan and Mahabalipuram in India.

As scientists and scuba divers continued their exploration, many discoveries were made. One has the appearance of a seated statue, similar to the Sphinx.

“One specimen, which I described as an underwater sphinx, resembles a Chinese or ancient Okinawan king,” Kimura told National Geographic magazine.

This mysterious carved sculpture is now called the "Goddess Rock". She was found at a depth of 15 meters. Up close you can see the headdress and long arms, like those of the Egyptian Sphinx.

A large round stone resembling a human face was also discovered. Like the Moai sculptures on Easter Island off the coast of Chile, this giant head rests on the ground, perhaps gazing out into the distant horizon. Some believe that this figure forms a virtual axis or focal point. According to another version, it could be legendary giant The atlas that made this sunken city famous.

Some scuba divers and explorers have noticed writing-like carvings on the rock around the monument, some claim to have seen animals carved into the rock; others believe that these lines are of natural origin.

Stone tablets discovered nearby, one of them known as the "Rosetta Stone of Okinawa", are covered with symbols similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs. The contents of the tablets have not been deciphered, however, it may be the story of a sunken city, since the image of a pyramid is constantly repeated there.

Stone tools were discovered in the surrounding area.

An underwater pyramid and other relics discovered off the Yonaguni Jima Islands may provide evidence of an advanced civilization during the last Ice Age.

Most archaeologists believe that human civilization arose about 5,000 years ago, but few scientists believe that “advanced” civilizations may have existed as far back as 10,000 years ago, and were wiped out by some catastrophe.


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Nephilim Atlanta Yonaguni

On this topic:

Yonaguni Underwater Complex, Japan

© V.V. Popova, L.V. Andrianova, 2010

The Yonaguni underwater complex is located in the East China Sea in Pacific Ocean and is one of the most ancient in history and archeology. According to the roughest estimates of scientists, this complex was located on land, above the surface of the water, at least 10,000 years ago. After all, then, during the Ice Age, the water level in the World Ocean was 40 m lower. Gradually he sank into the ocean and became underwater. This complex off the coast of Yonaguni, almost below the surface of the waves, was accidentally discovered by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake in the spring of 1985. It was a huge stone monument consisting of unusual structures that stretched out to the limits of sight.

This underwater city is located on a rock at a depth of 30 m, and the dimensions of the megalith are approximately 200 m in length, 150 m in width and 20-25 m in height. Megaliths are distinguished by straight walls, flat terraces and other structures. Wide, flat platforms turn into intricate terraces, running down and plunging down in large steps. Scientists gave it the name No. 1 monument.

The edge of the Yonaguni Monument drops vertically down to the very bottom at 27 meters, thereby forming a high platform. This platform gives ancient complex type of separate independent structure. The architecture of the city resembles the stepped Incan pyramids. If the city was created for housing, then it is surprising that the terraces running down for some reason fall into the abyss. They seem to go nowhere...

Geology professor Masaaki Kimura of the University of Ryukyus Okinawa has been studying this huge underwater city, as if made by the hands of giants, in detail for 15 years. The city is surrounded by a road and a stone fence consisting of huge pieces of rock. M. Kimura discovered that part of the fence surrounding the monument was made of limestone, which is not found in this region. The professor claims that someone in prehistoric times transported limestone specifically for construction.

M. Kimura also discovered many details on the rocks that exclude the model science education object. These include, among other things, traces of welding, symmetrical and angular channels, round holes 2 m deep, traces of carvings, sculptural images, wide flat platforms, stones covered with ornaments of rectangles and rhombuses, intricate terraces running down large steps. A model of this ancient structure has been made.

There is great interest in this ancient underwater city all over the world. Today, not only Japanese scientists, but also most researchers different countries support the view that the huge Yonaguni-Okinawa megalith complex was created artificially. This is a trace of an ancient highly developed civilization.


The underwater monument of Yonaguni, as well as the complexes of Cusco, Sacsahuaman and Machu Picchu in Peru, exhibits carved masonry, which indicates one of the signs of information technology extraterrestrial civilizations.

The Yonaguni underwater complex, according to the transmitted information, is an analogue of the high-mountainous Machu Picchu in Peru. High mountain complex Machu Picchu was created much later. Both complexes, both Yonaguni and Machu Picchu, were created not for housing, but to demonstrate the process of dematerialization of humanity from the level of Crystalline structures during the Transition to a new cycle of life.

The Yonaguni monument, like Machu Picchu, was created on high altitude. This made it possible to demonstrate dematerialization. The Yonaguni complex is a separate structure. He stands on a platform whose edges drop vertically downwards. Thus, the edge of the Yonaguni monument breaks vertically down to the very bottom at 27 m, thereby forming a high platform. Machu Picchu is also surrounded by cliffs reaching 700 m or more.

In the symbolism of extraterrestrial civilizations, the symbol of body transformation during dematerialization is depicted in the form of radial stripes running from the brain area to the cell boundary, i.e. crossing out the area of ​​the cell body. This symbolism can often be found in crop circles.

In the underwater complex of Yonaguni, as well as in Machu Picchu, the symbol of the transformation of the body during dematerialization is depicted by numerous long terraces, as well as diverse staircases installed nearby: long and wide, short and narrow, sometimes even running down together, but at different angles, and leading, sometimes, to nowhere. The brain area is depicted by a cliff overlooking the Yonaguni complex.

In the inscriptions found, the researchers discovered symbols of the VC consciousness - cells of united consciousness with an expanded brain area and a crescent.

Many interesting discoveries have been made around the Ryukyu Archipelago. So, about 60 years ago, more than 10 flat stone tables with symbols engraved on them were found in the western part of the Okinawa coast. The largest of them was called the Rosetta Stone of Okinawa.

The symbolism engraved on the stones is very similar to the symbolism of extraterrestrial civilizations. It is deciphered in accordance with the alphabet of symbols of the consciousness of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Thus, the main drawing, considered a symbol of Yonaguni, talks about the individual cell, the expansion of the brain area due to the formation of a unified consciousness and the dematerialization process caused by this.

The dark arrow in the photo shows the expansion caused by the transition of consciousness from the individual mode to the united one. This process is shown from top to bottom after the line. Five vertical lines indicate the fifth level of consciousness - unified.

The drawing, surrounded by a blue frame, is divided into three parts by horizontal lines. From the yellow line down, the process of expansion of the brain area during the formation of a united consciousness is shown up to the fifth level of consciousness - the united consciousness of civilization. The principle of the formation of a united consciousness is shown: when two individual cells are united, a cell of united consciousness with an expanded area of ​​the brain is formed.

Above the yellow line, the same process of formation of a united consciousness is revealed more briefly. Two vertical parallel lines show the initial size of the brain area of ​​an individual cell. After this, a large circle is depicted, depicting the expanded brain region of the cell of the united consciousness of civilization. The acute angular top depicts a pointed oval of dematerialization.

The Yonaguni underwater complex is located in the East China Sea in the Pacific Ocean and is one of the oldest in history and archaeology. According to the roughest estimates of scientists, this complex was located on land, above the surface of the water, at least 10,000 years ago. After all, then, during the Ice Age, the water level in the World Ocean was 40 m lower. Gradually he sank into the ocean and became underwater. This complex off the coast of Yonaguni, almost below the surface of the waves, was accidentally discovered by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake in the spring of 1985. It was a huge stone monument consisting of unusual structures that stretched out to the limits of sight.

This underwater city is located on a rock at a depth of 30 m, and the dimensions of the megalith are approximately 200 m in length, 150 m in width and 20-25 m in height. Megaliths are distinguished by straight walls, flat terraces and other structures. Wide, flat platforms turn into intricate terraces, running down and plunging down in large steps. Scientists gave it the name No. 1 monument.

The edge of the Yonaguni Monument drops vertically down to the very bottom at 27 meters, thereby forming a high platform. This platform gives the ancient complex the appearance of a separate independent structure. The architecture of the city resembles the stepped Inca pyramids. If the city was created for housing, then it is surprising that the terraces running down for some reason fall into the abyss. They seem to go nowhere...

Geology professor Masaaki Kimura of the University of Ryukyus Okinawa has been studying this huge underwater city, as if made by the hands of giants, in detail for 15 years. The city is surrounded by a road and a stone fence consisting of huge pieces of rock. M. Kimura discovered that part of the fence surrounding the monument was made of limestone, which is not found in this region. The professor claims that someone in prehistoric times transported limestone specifically for construction.

M. Kimura also discovered many details on the rocks that exclude the model of the natural formation of the object. These include, among other things, traces of welding, symmetrical and angular channels, round holes 2 m deep, traces of carvings, sculptural images, wide flat platforms, stones covered with ornaments of rectangles and rhombuses, intricate terraces running down large steps. A model of this ancient structure has been made.

There is great interest in this ancient underwater city all over the world. Today, not only Japanese scientists, but also most researchers from different countries support the opinion that the huge Yonaguni-Okinawa megalith complex was created artificially. This is a trace of an ancient highly developed civilization.


The underwater monument of Yonaguni, as well as the complexes of Cusco, Sacsahuaman and Machu Picchu in Peru, exhibits carved masonry, which indicates one of the signs of information technology of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The Yonaguni underwater complex, according to the transmitted information, is an analogue of the high-mountainous Machu Picchu in Peru. The high-mountain complex Machu Picchu was created much later. Both complexes, both Yonaguni and Machu Picchu, were created not for housing, but to demonstrate the process of dematerialization of humanity from the level of Crystalline structures during the Transition to a new cycle of life.

The Yonaguni monument, like Machu Picchu, was created at a high altitude. This made it possible to demonstrate dematerialization. The Yonaguni complex is a separate structure. He stands on a platform whose edges drop vertically downwards. Thus, the edge of the Yonaguni monument breaks vertically down to the very bottom at 27 m, thereby forming a high platform. Machu Picchu is also surrounded by cliffs reaching 700 m or more.

In the symbolism of extraterrestrial civilizations, the symbol of body transformation during dematerialization is depicted in the form of radial stripes running from the brain area to the cell boundary, i.e. crossing out the area of ​​the cell body. This symbolism can often be found in crop circles.

In the underwater complex of Yonaguni, as well as in Machu Picchu, the symbol of the transformation of the body during dematerialization is depicted by numerous long terraces, as well as diverse staircases installed nearby: long and wide, short and narrow, sometimes even running down together, but at different angles, and leading, sometimes, to nowhere. The brain area is depicted by a cliff overlooking the Yonaguni complex.

In the inscriptions found, the researchers discovered symbols of the VC consciousness - cells of united consciousness with an expanded brain area and a crescent.

Rosetta Stone of Okinawa

Many interesting discoveries have been made around the Ryukyu Archipelago. So, about 60 years ago, more than 10 flat stone tables with symbols engraved on them were found in the western part of the Okinawa coast. The largest of them was called the Rosetta Stone of Okinawa.

The symbolism engraved on the stones is very similar to the symbolism of extraterrestrial civilizations. It is deciphered in accordance with the alphabet of symbols of the consciousness of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Thus, the main drawing, considered a symbol of Yonaguni, talks about the individual cell, the expansion of the brain area due to the formation of a unified consciousness and the dematerialization process caused by this.

The dark arrow in the photo shows the expansion caused by the transition of consciousness from the individual mode to the united one. This process is shown from top to bottom after the line. Five vertical lines indicate the fifth level of consciousness - unified.

The drawing, surrounded by a blue frame, is divided into three parts by horizontal lines. From the yellow line down, the process of expansion of the brain area during the formation of a united consciousness is shown up to the fifth level of consciousness - the united consciousness of civilization. The principle of the formation of a united consciousness is shown: when two individual cells are united, a cell of united consciousness with an expanded area of ​​the brain is formed.

Above the yellow line, the same process of formation of a united consciousness is revealed more briefly. Two vertical parallel lines show the initial size of the brain area of ​​an individual cell. After this, a large circle is depicted, depicting the expanded brain region of the cell of the united consciousness of civilization. The acute angular top depicts a pointed oval of dematerialization.

There are many mysteries at the bottom of the ocean, but this one is truly exciting.

Everyone knows about the many pyramids that are found in different parts of the planet. However, few people know about Japanese pyramids on Yonaguni island. What are these structures and where did they come from?

First of all, Yonaguni is located near Taiwan. The pyramids were first discovered in 1986 by Japanese diver Aratake. Near the shore, under the water, he saw a giant stone monument. Its platforms were painted with rectangles and diamonds and smoothly turned into steps. The edge of this monument goes 27 m deep, forming one of the walls of the passage along the monument.

The geometric correctness of the forms haunted the scuba diver, because these could not be natural formations. Aratake announced the discovery to scientists. However, after analyzing marine vegetation, they decided that these plates are 10 thousand years old and that they were created by nature. Masaaki Kimura, a professor at the University of the Ryukyu, was also skeptical about the find. But after he dived into the water several times and drew up a map of the city, he decided that this could not be considered a creation of nature. He noted that the stones could have been cut from quarries. The faces of people or the outlines of animals were painted on the rocks.

Kimura also discovered a stone that looked like a human face, like the moai on Easter Island. Other scientists discovered something similar to writing on the rock.

Kimura's map showed a palace resembling an arch, several temples, and what looked like a stadium. One of the buildings resembles a stepped pyramid. Its height is 28 m. In the city itself there are roads and canals, and around it there are something similar to fortress walls.

But no traces of human habitation, no household items, no wooden buildings were found in this territory. However, there is an explanation for this: wood and clay objects would not have survived for so many years.

Kimura suggested that this city was destroyed by an earthquake: Ryukyu has had devastating tsunamis in history. This element could easily wash away the ancient culture.

The structure impressed Professor Robert Schoch, who considered it the work of nature. But he met with Kimura, and he provided him with evidence of non-natural origin. For example, a face with sharp edges, steps, or a straight passage are clearly visible in the photographs. If this was caused by natural reasons, then the forms would be the same. But they are different. On this rock there is a different landscape, which was certainly created by nature. You can immediately notice the difference from the first processed piece of rock.

Having collected all the facts, the researchers came to a compromise. The monument belongs to terraforming, that is, nature first created it, and then man contributed to this monument.

Pyramids of Yonaguni photo

In 1985, a sensation appeared in the world of amazing discoveries: on Japanese island Yonaguni, washed by the waters of the East China and Philippine Seas, a semblance of pyramids was discovered in the coastal underwater zone. Yonaguni is the most western island Japan, covering only 28.88 square kilometers of territory, with a population of 1,581 people. The outline of the island resembles a compass needle, stretched from west to east; its eastern end bears the symbolic name “Agar-Zaki”, meaning “place of sunrise”. The western region is named “Iri-zaki”, which translated means “sunset place”. In the coastal waters of the island, diving and sighting of hammerhead sharks are practiced.

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The underwater world in these places is very picturesque: an abundance of colorful fish with exotic colors among the red “bushes” of corals is a magical picture that attracts the attention of many diving enthusiasts.

Often immersed in blue waters Diving instructor and small hotel owner Kihachiro Aratatake, who photographs particularly beautiful areas underwater world for tourists. In the spring of 1985, having once again descended to the bottom in a new place, he suddenly saw some kind of rock mass rising upward and extending quite far in breadth. Shocked, Kihacharo realized that in front of him was some kind of unusual object that required serious study, and reported this to the official authorities and the press. Newspapers and magazines began to print this news, interpreting the emergence of this mysterious underwater structure in different ways. From that moment on, a detailed examination of all objects located in the waters around the island began, which became a sensation in scientific archeology.

Description of underwater pyramids

The first studies revealed that stone objects occupy a vast area around almost everything south coast islands. The central structure is a stone mass called a monument and is a rather complex structure, the base of which is a high platform 200 meters long, 150 meters wide, and 25 meters high. There are flat terraces on it, descending down in massive steps. The architecture of this structure is reminiscent of the pyramids of the ancient Incas, confirming the hypothesis of the man-made origin of the underwater city, as it came to be called strange object Later.

This name is not accidental, because ongoing surveys discovered a stone fence made up of huge rock blocks and a road that seemed to encircle the monument city. Geology professor from the University of Ryukyus Okinawa Masaaki Kimura, who has been studying the underwater city for many years, found that part of the original fence was made of pieces of limestone, which had never been found here. This observation allowed him to claim that the limestone was brought here from other places specifically for construction.

He also cited a lot of evidence of the artificial formation of stone pyramids: round holes up to 2 meters deep, traces of an ornament of geometric shapes on rocky stones, remains of sculptural images with traces of carving and even, as Kimura claims, traces of welding work. As well as the creation Egyptian pyramids still remains a mystery, and the construction of underwater giants is also difficult to explain. The correct, clear edges of the structures and the strict symmetry of the arrangement of the steps also indicate the man-made origin of the objects, so now scientists are looking for an explanation of why and how long they are under water.

Another researcher of underwater structures, Shoch, does not rule out that the foundation could be a natural stone formation used by ancient people as a site for building a city. At first, he completely ruled out the participation of people in the formation of the underwater monument, but changed his mind under the influence of facts presented by a Japanese professor.

Evidence of human involvement in the creation of the pyramids

During the expeditions, finds were discovered confirming Kimura's theory about the man-made origin of the underwater pyramids. At a depth of 15 meters, a sculpture carved from stone was found, on which you can see long arms reminiscent of the arms of the Egyptian Sphinx; headdress. According to the professor, the sculpture resembles the statue of the ancient king of Okinawa.

Scuba divers swimming around the platform saw carvings on the rocks that looked like ancient hieroglyphs; embossed images of animals. Researchers have discovered stone tables with symbols printed on them reminiscent of Egyptian writing, which remain undeciphered. Scientists believe that these tables contain historical information about a possibly sunken city. Kimura's long-term study of underwater ruins revealed a number of similarities with ancient excavations on land: a semicircular vault in the underwater platform exactly corresponds to the entrance to the ancient Nakagusuku castle, which belonged to the Ryukyu imperial dynasty, found during excavations in Okinawa.

Professor Kimura's evidence

According to his calculations, these underwater structures are more than 5,000 years old, and the professor continues to claim that the objects found are the remains ancient city, a whole complex of buildings, including sculptures, castles, a stadium, connected by road infrastructure. As the inquisitive scientist believes, all the objects were flooded during a catastrophic earthquake, when enormous changes in the earth's crust occurred, a giant tsunami was formed, the waves of which buried ancient buildings. To support his version, he examined stalactites and stalagmites of underwater caves, which can only form in the surface space for a long time.

He concludes that they are 5,000 years old and sank with stone structures, which are the creation of human hands. So far, no one can draw an unambiguous conclusion, and the mystery of the underwater pyramids will excite the minds and imagination of researchers for a long time.


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