State of Colorado. State of Colorado (CO) Largest structure in Colorado

Since the 15th century BC e. until about the 12th century. n. e. In the present territory of Colorado lived Indian tribes who called themselves “Anasazi”, representatives of an advanced agricultural civilization. Their possible descendants - the Ute and Cheyenne tribes - are familiar to us from American westerns.
In the 17th century The Spaniards came to the territory of the future Colorado, who gave the region its current name. Following them, the French arrive from the already developed colony of Louisiana. A long struggle for control over this territory begins.
At the beginning of the 19th century. The United States of America occupies Colorado, and in 1876 it becomes the thirty-eighth state.
During 1913, thanks to one Norwegian, among local residents developed a passion for skiing. This is how Colorado becomes one of the main centers of the “white madness” of alpine skiing. Even earlier, in the seventies of the XIX century, with the appearance in the region railway Crowds of gold miners poured here. But the Colorado gold rush was short-lived.

At first glance, the state of Colorado is all rocks and mountains, but in fact it is replete with attractions.

Most of the state of Colorado is located in mountain range, which marks the climatic boundary between the western states (California, Utah and Nevada), the central and eastern parts of the United States. The Sawatch is one of two mountain ranges that crosses the state from north to south and serves as the hydrographic boundary between the Pacific and Atlantic basins.
The most high peak Colorado - Elbert (4398 m).
The eastern part of Colorado is a flat region. Here they engage in livestock farming and produce significant quantities of oil, gas, tin, molybdenum, zinc, coal and silver.
Colorado Springs is home to electronics and information technology companies.
Tourism plays a very big role in Colorado. Aspen, located 354 km southwest of Denver, is known to winter sports enthusiasts around the world. Influential and wealthy people looking for exciting experiences come here every year to enjoy the exciting slopes.
Near Colorado Springs is the Garden of the Gods - cliffs of red and white sandstone and other sedimentary rocks surrounded by evergreen cypress trees. It is an amazing landscape, especially during sunrise.
Colorado Springs is a must see. Here is a restored old ranch that looks like it came to us from Westerns. It is worth taking a walk through the National Park, which is declared cultural heritage UNESCO. Here you can find traces of the first inhabitants of this state, related to the culture of the Anasazi tribes.

general information

Thirty-eighth state of the United States (since 1876).
Common borders with states: Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah.

Capital: Denver 598,707 people, in the metropolitan area - 2,506,626 people. (2008).

English language.

Currency: US dollar.

Religion: Christianity.

The most significant cities: Colorado Springs, Lakewood, Boulder, Pueblo, Arvada.
Rivers: Colorado. Arkansas, South Platte, Rio Grande.

Mountains: Medicine Bow Range, Sawatch Range, San Juan.


Area: 269,837 km2.

Population: 4,301,261 people (2000).
Population density: 15.9 people/km 2 .
Average altitude above sea level: 2100 m.
Highest point: Elbert (4398 m).


Minerals: metal ores, coal, natural gas, uranium.

Agriculture: growing potatoes, sugar beets, livestock.

Curious facts■ Colorado means “colored red” in Spanish. Apparently, the whole point is that the Colorado River flows between red rocks.
■ From 1858 to 1860 Denver, main city Colorado, was called Auraria.
■ Near Colorado Springs is one of the most significant educational institutions in the United States - the United States Air Force Academy.
■ Around 1850, over 10,000 gold rushers flocked to Colorado Springs in search of fortune.

The area gets its name from the muddy Colorado River that flows through the state.

Colorado is translated from Spanish as “red,” which perfectly characterizes its colorful mountain landscape. Moreover, the state is part of the system of mountain states. This state was annexed one hundred years after the creation of the United States and is the 38th, which is why it is also called the “Centennial State.”

The state's population is 5.5 million people, and the state's area is 270 sq. km. making it the eighth largest in the US. The capital of the state and at the same time the largest city in the state is Denver.

Colorado State Symbols

The flag of the state of Colorado is a panel with the image of the first letter in the name of the state - "C" inside which there is a symbol of a golden mine, blue stripes at the bottom and top of the state mean the bright sky of the state, and the white center - the snowy peaks of the Rocky Mountains of the state.

The coat of arms shows a set of values ​​that the residents of the state hold dear - God and work.

The history of the state is associated with colonization by the Spanish, sale to France and the transition of the eastern part to US rule as a result of the Louisiana Treaty. The remaining parts were integrated into the state as a result of the wars with Mexico.

Impressive grandeur of the rocks, incredible beauty coniferous forests and snow-capped mountains attract tourists from all over the world to Colorado. And how pleasant it is to feel the cool mountain air and mild climate in the summer. This state is real natural miracle! It exemplifies the beautiful combination of arid plains, sand dunes, deep canyons, dense forests, high mountains, various rivers and lakes, for which it received the name “multi-colored”.

The most interesting natural attractions of the state include National parks"Big sand dunes", impressive in its enormous scale; the majestic “Rocky Mountains” and the stunning “Black Canyon of the Gunnison”. In addition to natural sites, Colorado boasts historical monuments.

Skiers have long enjoyed the state's famous ski resorts. The most popular among tourists are Colorado Springs, East Park and Aspen. Tourism successfully replenishes the state treasury.

Colorado State Photos

The state is one of the ten most economically developed in the United States. The GDP is more than 320 billion dollars, which is about 67 thousand per capita per year.

The mining industry makes a large contribution to the budget. Since the “mining boom” occurred in Colorado in the mid-nineteenth century, mineral extraction has continued to this day. Oil and gasoline, silver and gold are the main wealth of the Rocky Mountains.

Residents of the lowland part of the state develop the agricultural industry, engaging in livestock farming and growing various crops - corn, potatoes and grains. In general, Colorado's economy can be called developed and high-tech.

The state has a large Mexican community, and Spanish is spoken by more than 11% of the population. This is because the state attracts migrants, both legal and illegal, from Latin American countries. People living in Colorado are predominantly Christian (67% - Protestant - 45%, Catholic - 20%, Mormon - 2% and other denominations), there are also Jews (2%) and Muslims (1%). The state of Colorado has one of the largest proportions of atheists in the US (26%). The state's population in 2016 brought Colorado into the TOP 10 ranking of the healthiest population in the United States.

This state is considered the most “high-altitude” in all of America, located above sea level at an altitude of more than two kilometers. Denver is the financial center and capital of Colorado. Large banks and industrial enterprises are concentrated in this city.

At one time, Colorado had three governors. When Alva Adams was dismissed, James Peabody was offered the governor's seat, but he refused, after which Jesse MacDonald took the position.

Colorado Springs is considered a financial, business and industrial district. It is not only a tourist center, but also a military center of the state. His district is home to military bases, including the Air Force Academy.

The largest silver bar in the world weighing 835 kg was mined near the city of Aspen.

The state was also the first in the United States to legalize marijuana in 2014.

State of Colorado

The state of Colorado has borders with Wyoming and Nebraska in the north, with Nebraska and Kansas in the east, Oklahoma and New Mexico to the south, and Utah to the west. At the same time, the southwestern corner of the state touches the northeastern corner of Arizona. The state's territory is 269.6 thousand square kilometers, and the population is about 4 million people. The capital and largest city of Colorado is Denver, which, together with its surrounding area, is home to almost half of the state's population - more than 1.7 million people.

The name of the state is of Spanish origin and means “red”: this is the color of the main local clay soils. The state is named after the Colorado River, known for its wild nature and canyons carved into the mountains, which include the Grand Canyon.

The Rocky Mountains cross the middle of the state from north to south. They contain the most high point Colorado - Mount Elbert, rising to 4399 meters. The continental divide runs along the line of the Rocky Mountains: the rivers starting on their western slopes flow to the Pacific Ocean, and on the eastern slopes to the Atlantic. The lower slopes of the Rocky Mountains are covered with forests, which in Colorado occupy about a quarter of the state's land area. To the west of the mountains begins the Colorado Plateau, and to the east lie the Great Plains. Western Colorado is sparsely populated settlements arose only in river valleys. The eastern part of the state is covered with fairly flat, treeless plains.

In dry, hot climates, agriculture is carried out only where artificial irrigation of the land can be carried out. True, about the climate of the state, as well as about a certain general characteristics his weather conditions, there is no need to say. The fact is that in certain mountainous areas a special microclimate develops, depending not only on the height of the area above sea level, but also on the rays of sunlight that fall on it (some mountains may be in the shadow of others, higher ones) and precipitation (clouds catch on beyond individual mountain ranges, spilling onto the windward slopes and not reaching the leeward ones).

The mountains make communication between the districts of the state difficult, but it is in them that the main riches of Colorado lie. The development of the state's economy began with mining. The Gold Rush of the 1850s contributed to Colorado's rapid population growth. However, currently the main income comes from the gas industry. About three hundred natural gas fields have been discovered in the state, and over the past fifteen years its production has at least doubled. The most promising gas wells are in the northwestern part of the state. Colorado also produces enough oil and coal to supply local thermal power plants, as well as power plants in Utah and Illinois. The extraction of zinc and lead plays an important role, and the state ranks second in the United States in molybdenum, necessary for the smelting of especially strong grades of steel.

To provide food for the miners, the state's agriculture began to develop. Although wheat, corn, and a variety of vegetables are grown in Colorado, the main focus Agriculture is cattle breeding. Once upon a time, countless herds of bison grazed the Great Plains. Now these majestic animals can only be seen on private lands, and sheep and cattle graze on the Colorado prairies.

In the second half of the 20th century, manufacturing enterprises using local raw materials began to develop in the state. The most important types of products manufactured in Colorado are instrumentation, communications equipment, computers and electronic components, rubber products, steel, and medical equipment. Good income comes from the production of optical instruments.

The Colorado mountains attract tourists with their beauty. Built in the Rocky Mountains winter resorts world class and tourism is gradually gaining importance in the state's economy.

The first Europeans to come to Colorado were the Spaniards, who formally declared their claims to this land at the beginning of the 18th century. However, earlier, in 1682, the Frenchman La Salle assigned to his fatherland all the lands between the Alleghenies and the Rocky Mountains, although he himself never visited west of the Mississippi River. This territory was sold to the United States in 1803 along with the rest of Louisiana. While exploring new possessions, American explorers invaded Spanish possessions and were arrested. The issue of disputed border territories was resolved only by 1819. The southwestern part of Colorado was recognized as the possession of Spain, and the northeastern part as the possession of the United States. In 1821, the southwest went to Mexico, and after the US victory in the Mexican War in 1848, it went to the Americans.

Colorado became a state on August 1, 1876. Because its entry into the United States coincided with the centennial celebration of the Declaration of Independence, it was nicknamed the "Centennial State" or "Jubilee" State.

The state of Colorado stands at the origins of American history national parks - nature reserves. In 1879, the first national park- Yellowstone, which to this day is the most famous in America. Its appearance is the result of a conscious struggle of those who wanted to protect a beautiful corner of nature from the exploitation of miners and timber harvesters rushing to the northwestern United States. The creators of Yellowstone managed to preserve a piece of American nature in its pristine state, the way it was before the arrival of Europeans. In the park in natural environment A variety of animals live, giant sequoias grow, the largest and longest-living trees on earth, hot springs geysers gush out of the ground.

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Colorado, USA (Colorado, CO, USA) - Photo

Colorado (Colorado, CO, USA) is the 24th state of the United States, famous for its unique rocky mountains. Unique nature and the state's mild climate, which is protected from winds and storms by the mountain range, have made Colorado a major tourist center America. In summer, vacationers are attracted by excellent weather, in winter by snow-capped mountains. Mountainous areas states are known as ski resorts worldwide. These are, first of all, Aspen, Colorado Springs and East Park. However, tourists are not the only source of income for Colorado. Many residents of the state are engaged in animal husbandry and farming. Potatoes, sugar beets, grains, corn, etc. are grown in Colorado.

The mining industry is also very developed in this region. For the first time, gold and silver were discovered in the Rocky Mountains back in 1850, however, the mining of these valuable metals is still ongoing. Although at the moment molybdenum mining, gasoline and steel production in Colorado are more significant and profitable.

Translated from Spanish, the name of the state translates as “painted red.” This name was given to these lands in honor of the Colorado River of the same name, the water of which had a reddish color due to the stones covering its bottom. Colorado is often called the “Century State,” as it became a US state in 1876 on the 100th anniversary of the famous “Declaration of Independence.”

Cities in Colorado

Colorado Photos

The state of Colorado is one of the largest regions of the United States. Many tourists come here every year to visit the well-known Rocky Mountains and enjoy all the benefits of being among the spectacular landscapes.

general information

The area of ​​this region is 269.7 thousand square meters. km, and its population is slightly more than 5 thousand people. The capital of Colorado, Denver, is also the most big city in this territory. The area is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, which include the Rocky Mountain belt.

Most tourists come here precisely to admire the grandeur of the snow-capped rocks, the beauty of the coniferous forests and enjoy the mild climate. The region is the center of summer and winter

The most big cities Colorado - Lakewood, Aurora, Pueblo and others.

Tourism and industry

Thousands of ski fans come to Colorado every year in the winter to spend time on the snowy slopes sparkling under the bright sun. By the way, not only US residents gather here, but also tourists from all over the world. The most famous mountain tourist areas Colorado: Aspen, East Park, Colorado Springs.

It's not just tourism that generates significant revenue for the government's coffers: Colorado is also an important industrial center. Most residents of this county live and work in its eastern part, which occupies two-fifths of the entire territory of Colorado. The state is also known for tunnels cut into the mountains to provide water to the dry prairies of farming areas, which are an important source of income in the area. Because Colorado's lands are located between the major cities of California and the Midwest, it is an important transportation artery for cargo distribution in the Rocky Mountain region.

Agricultural industry

As for the agricultural industries and agriculture of America, the state of Colorado occupies a leading position here. The US is highly dependent on products produced in the area. The most notable and profitable are sheep breeding and meat and dairy farming. This is due big amount land ideal for raising livestock.

A variety of government improvements are helping farmers begin successfully growing crops such as potatoes, grains and sugar beets. Today, the territories previously occupied by desert prairies are endless

Mining industry

Colorado's mining industry is an important component of the US economy. The state gained fame (due to its rich reserves of valuable metals) as early as 1850. During this period, the first adventurers appeared here, becoming victims of the silver and gold rushes. By the way, this area still abounds in valuable metals, although the most important point of Colorado's mining industry is now oil and, therefore, the production of gasoline.

In addition, the state occupies a leading position in molybdenum mining and steel production. Denver, the capital of Colorado, is even home to the US Mint.

Flag and coat of arms

The main symbol of Colorado, the flag, was officially adopted in 1911. The red letter "C" depicted on the canvas stands for "Colorado", which means "red color" in Spanish. The golden ball inside the letter indicates the existence of gold mines. The blue and white stripes of the banner symbolize the natural beauty of this land, the blue skies and white snows of the Rocky Mountains.

The state emblem was adopted in 1877. The triangle depicted on it represents the all-seeing eye of God. There are also symbols of the state's mining industry, which brings major revenue to the treasury. These are mountains, earth and a pickaxe.

The state is located mostly in elevated areas. Its lands are located at an altitude of 2100 above sea level, making Colorado the highest altitude state in the United States.

The first charitable organization was created in Denver. It was a relief fund established by a priest, two ministers and a rabbi in 1882. It was called the Public Charity Service.

The largest silver bar in the world was found in this state. This happened in the city of Aspen in 1894. The weight of the unprocessed nugget reached 835 kilograms, which allows it to still remain the largest ingot in the world.

Once upon a time, the political arena of the state saw three different governors in one day. In 1905, he became Alva Adams, who after two months of work was removed from office: he was caught cheating during the elections. The incident occurred on March 17, the same day the state legislature decided to entrust this post to James Peabody, but he refused. A little later, but on the same day, Jesse MacDonald, a former lieutenant governor, took over as governor.

Rocky Mountains

This mountain system is located in the midline of Colorado. Two-fifths of the state is covered by an impressive array. The Rocky Mountains are called the Roof North America. There are 55 of the highest peaks here, some of them reaching 4270 km above sea level. Mountain system stretches from Alaska all the way to New Mexico, but Colorado contains the highest areas. In its turn, Rocky Mountains are divided into five chains.


Natural scenic landscapes are the main attractions that can be experienced when visiting the state of Colorado. On the map of national parks, it is first recommended to familiarize yourself with such places as Old Bent Fort, Black Canyon and the Dinosaur Sanctuary.

To summarize, it should be noted that Colorado is perfect place For family vacation in nature or to spend your holiday conquering snow-capped peaks. For the United States, this state is not only an important tourist destination, but also an excellent source of minerals and agricultural products.


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