Seven natural wonders of Transbaikalia. Tiger lily, curly lily. I invite you there to celebrate the third anniversary of my diary

MBOU Dosatui Secondary School


Subject:7 wonders of Transbaikalia

Completed by: Solodovnikova Elena Sergeevna,

9th grade student

Head: Barannikova Natalya Georgievna,

geography teacher

Dosatui 2014

I. Introduction 3

II. Main part 4-10

1) Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in the village of Kalinino

2) Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Chita

3) Daurian state reserve

4) Alkhanay

5) Chara Sands

6) Butinsky Palace

7) Lake Arey

III. Conclusion 11

IV. Literature 12

V. Appendix - presentation


The great philosopher Socrates said: “Wonder is the path to knowledge.” The seven wonders of the world, as it is written almost verbatim in all scientific reference books, are considered to be creations that, with their technical or artistic perfection, aroused the admiration of people of past centuries.

My motherland rich in miracles and is a small part of universal human culture. In January 2010, the results of the “7 Wonders of Transbaikalia” competition were summed up. For several months, residents of Transbaikal and residents of other regions of Russia daily cast their SMS or Internet votes for their favorite geographical or architectural objects of Transbaikalia. This competition is a joint project of the Chita State Television and Radio Company, the Extra newspaper and the ZabMedia news agency. Voting lasted three months. Out of forty applicants for the title of miracles, seven laureates were ultimately chosen: Alkhanay National Park, Lake Arey, Chara Sands, Daursky State Reserve, Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Butinsky Palace and the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in the village of Kalinino, Nerchinsky District.

I decided to find out Additional information about the 7 wonders of the world of our Transbaikalia. Why are they called miracles? Who created them? Where are they located?

Target: identification unique places located on the territory of Transbaikalia
1. Study literary and electronic sources of information about the 7 wonders of Transbaikalia.

2. Systematize and summarize the found material.
3. Create a presentation.

Main part

  1. Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in the village of Kalinino
Monument to history, architecture and urban planning. Located in the village of Kalinino (formerly Monastyrskoye) in the Nerchinsky district. In 1664, according to the Siberian Cyprian Chronicle, on the site of the Nelyudsky (Nerchinsky) fort, the easternmost in Russia Nerchinsky Uspensky was founded monastery. Archpriest Avvakum, the ideologist of the Old Believer schism, and other prominent public figures served their exile here.

In 1706, construction began on the main temple; in 1712 it was consecrated in honor of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. The volumetric-spatial composition of the building goes back to the examples of religious architecture of North-Eastern Rus' at the end of the 17th century. A special feature of the decor is non-repeating trims. The church building has significant losses and deformations.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory, this is the oldest surviving religious building from the pre-revolutionary period. Currently, the temple is in a very neglected state.

2. Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Chita

The new cathedral in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with chapels in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky and the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers in Chita is the second largest of those newly built in Russia. On the central square of the city of Chita, a cathedral consecrated in honor of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky stood for a quarter of a century, but was destroyed in 1936.

On December 6, 2001, on the day of remembrance of the holy noble prince, Bishop Eustathius of Chita and Transbaikal laid and consecrated the First Stone cathedral in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which has always especially patronized the eastern borders of Russia.

On March 5, 2002, the symbolic First Brick was laid into the foundation of the walls of the cathedral under construction. The basement was laid out over the course of the spring and summer. The outlines of the building are outlined. By the end of 2002, ceilings were erected over the ground floor and masonry of the walls of the main structure began.

The new cathedral is planned as a three-altar cathedral. The main chapel is in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the right chapel is in honor of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, the left chapel is in honor of the Royal Passion-Bearers: Tsar Nicholas, Queen Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexy, Princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. In addition, under the main altar of the temple, in the basement there will be a baptismal temple in honor of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

In size, the cathedral under construction is comparable to the most large temples Russia. Of the newly built ones, this is the second largest temple after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The cathedral's capacity is 2.5 thousand people. The height of the bell tower is over 60 meters, the height of the main dome is 47 meters.

The temple was built in the Vladimir-Suzdal style, characteristic of most church buildings from the heyday of Orthodoxy in Russia (XIV-XVI centuries). The prototype of the cathedral was the recently built Transfiguration Cathedral in the city of Gubkin, Belgorod diocese.

The first Divine Liturgy in the building of the cathedral under construction was celebrated on June 21, 2002 in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. On February 4, 2004, the first dome shone over the cathedral. On March 31, the three largest bells were raised to the bell tower of the cathedral. Easter on April 11, 2004, to the joy of the townspeople, was marked by the festive ringing of all 15 cathedral bells.

In celebration of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Transbaikal diocese, the cathedral under construction was consecrated. The consecration took place on September 26.

3. Daursky State Reserve

There are many places on Earth where you can feel the grandeur, strength and beauty of nature. The Daurian steppes are endless expanses of the “sea of ​​grass” and velvety sleepy hills, the sonorous singing of larks, “columns” of curious tarbagans and graceful dances of cranes... And there are still numerous herds of Asian antelopes - gazelles, ready at any second to rush into the distance at the speed of the wind .

Dauria is also a saucer of lakes, from small to endless, where the water merges with the horizon, and the bordering sandy beaches or thickets of reeds and reeds serve as a refuge for thousands of ducks, geese, snow-white swans, nimble waders and restless gulls. Light, sun-drenched birch and aspen groves and the bizarre rocks of Adon-Chelon, island pine forests among the endless steppe, from afar resembling a medieval army of nomads - this is also the many-sided Dauria.

At first glance, nature here is modest and does not know excesses, but what it has created does not leave even the most experienced travelers indifferent.

4. Alkhanay

Alkhanay is mountains, caves, covered with legends; it is with such places that a host of deities and spirits, masters of the area in Buddhism and shamanism, are associated. Mount Alkhanay is one of the five sacred peaks of northern Buddhism. At its base is the Temple of the Greater Good. The most interesting thing here is a natural grotto; in its arch there is a crack that goes deep into the rock, and water oozes from it, which is considered healing. Believers drink water and make offerings - grains, coins, etc. Two kilometers of ascent and you are in front of the Sandham rock. She is the guardian of the Buddhist faith and the feminine principle.

National Park“Alkhanay” is located in a sharply continental climate with average annual air temperatures from –1.2 to –1.8 degrees. C. Average January temperature: -22.4… –22.7 degrees. WITH; average temperature July: +18.3…+18.6 degrees. C. Annual precipitation is 400 mm. Wind rose – northwestern and western winds predominate in the surface layer.

Hydrographically, the park territory belongs to the Upper Amur basin. Density - from 0.1 km/sq. km up to 0.8 km/sq. km (average 0.5 km/sq. km). 37 large and small streams flow through the park (the Ilya River and its tributaries). The remaining reservoirs of the park are mainly floodplain lakes-oxbow lakes of the river. Ilya. There are 5 main lakes (Balzino Island, Krasnoyarovo Island and 3 Alkhanai Lakes).

The valley of the Arshan (source) Sukhoi-Ubzhogoe is picturesque. In the minds of believers, arshans have cleansing powers, and their waters are famous for their healing properties. There are gazebos, rest areas, toilets, etc. in the valley. There is a sacred stone here, from under which the Glaznaya stream runs. It cures eye diseases. Here you can stay overnight in yurt and tent camps or at a camp site. In the Arshan valley there are two paths that lead to the cult places of Alkhanaya.

5. Chara Sands

Chara Sands is a tract in the Kalarsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory, which is a sandy massif measuring approximately 10 km by 5 km. Located in the Chara Basin, in the foothills of the Kodar ridge, 9 kilometers from the village of Chara, between the valleys of the Chara, Middle Sakukan and Upper Sakukan rivers. The massif is a geological natural monument of geomorphological type of federal rank. Surrounded by larch taiga and swamps. BAM station Novaya Chara is 10 kilometers away.

The massif stretches from southwest to northeast in the direction of the prevailing winds and covers an area of ​​about 50 sq. km. In no other basin of Transbaikalia are there such large massifs of loose moving sands. Quartz sands, fine- and medium-grained, perfectly rounded, fluvioglacial, Pleistocene, formed, subsequently reworked by the wind. Sand masses form ridges, dunes and chains of dunes, interspersed with blowing basins. The length of individual dunes is 150-170 m, height up to 80 m. The steep north-eastern slopes have a slope of up to 32 degrees.

Chara sands look like deserts Central Asia. The vegetation is slightly different from the taiga. In the depressions there are areas with larches, dwarf birches and moisture-loving dwarf cedar. In the northeastern part of the tract there are two small lakes - Alyonushka and Tayozhnoe.

6. Butinsky Palace

Monument of architecture and urban planning of republican significance (since 1995). The palace and estate buildings were commissioned by Nerchinsk gold miners - the Butin brothers. The estate belonged to the head of the trading house "Brothers M.D." and N.D. Butins" to Mikhail Dmitrievich Butin. The construction of the palace began in 1864.

Within 10 years, a water tower, a greenhouse, stables, and warehouses were erected. Between the palace and the greenhouse there was originally a small garden-courtyard with pavilions, a fountain, gazebos and sculptures. In the northwestern part of the estate there is a garden with pine alleys. The palace housed: an office, a store, residential and utility rooms, Art Gallery, Butin's home museum, library, office.

The interiors of the palace were particularly luxurious. The doors of the rooms are decorated with applied carved elements made of valuable wood; the parquet floor is made of Daurian mahogany; The main staircase was decorated with a huge stained glass window “Archangel Michael Slaying the Devil,” made in 1857 in a Munich workshop. The music room was decorated with Venetian mirrors. The multi-storey palace building occupied half the block. The compositional core of the palace is the south-eastern 3-storey part, oriented towards the square and made in the Moorish-Gothic style. The south-eastern facade of the palace is decorated with a balcony on figured brackets and arched window openings. The walls of the building are reinforced with pilasters and decorated with “diamond rustication”. Above the crowning cornice there is a decorative jagged parapet and turrets that serve as the completion of the pilasters.

As a result of fires in 1982 and 1993, the palace building and its interiors were significantly damaged. The historical interiors are most fully preserved in the former library and the eastern part of the palace. Six mirrors brought from the Paris World Exhibition of 1878 survived, including the largest (measuring 5.1 x 5.1 meters). The decor of the music hall has been preserved: a sculptural and decorative group “Muse”, wall bas-reliefs with portraits of Glinka, Mozart, Bach, Mendelssohn, a stucco rosette, a bronze gilded chandelier (height 2 meters, diameter of the lower part 2 meters) with decorations in the form of leaves. In 1997–2001, emergency conservation work was carried out, and restoration began in 2002.

For the 350th anniversary of Nerchinsk in 2003, the front part and large mirrors of the palace were restored; the building houses the Nerchinsk Interdistrict Local Lore Museum.

7. Lake Arey

Lake Arey is located between two ridges - Malkhansky and Yablonov. Currently it is a natural monument and is actively used for recreational purposes.

Areya water is slightly alkaline, slightly mineralized (200-250 mg/l), hydrocarbonate sodium-magnesium-calcium. A high potassium content was discovered, silicic acid, bromine, fluorine, lithium and other active elements were identified. Up close coastline- output of the Glaznoy spring, the water of which contains 55 mg/l of silicic acid. The lake mud contains high concentrations (mg/kg) of iron compounds (259.2), zinc (1.3), copper (1.1). Work carried out by Irkutsk and Chita doctors, confirmed by the Tomsk Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy, shows that the waters and mud of Lake Arey have a pronounced therapeutic effect for dermatoses, especially in the treatment of psoriasis and dermatitis.


Since ancient times, it has been customary to single out the “seven wonders of the world,” seven ancient works of architecture and art that have no equal in size, beauty and uniqueness. From a rich and long history

of our native Transbaikalia, residents of the region chose seven attractions, seven unique historical values ​​that distinguish and mark our region among others.

Having studied literary and electronic sources of information about the 7 wonders of Transbaikalia, I found answers to the questions: Why are they called miracles? Who created them? Where are they located? I summarized the material I found and created the presentation “7 Wonders of Transbaikalia.” Information on the topic can be used in class hours and regional lessons.


  1. Geography of the Transbaikal region. Chita: Express Publishing House, 2009.

  2. Small encyclopedia of Transbaikalia. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2009.

Internet resources:

Scenario of the festival “7 Wonders of Transbaikalia”

Lyrics: Deputy Director for Water Resources Management

Ved 1

Transbaikalia is beyond Baikal,

This is where the hills and taiga are.

This is where there is snow on the passes,

Where the blizzard rages in winter.

Transbaikalia - sharp frosts,

The ground is covered in frost and snow.

In fur coats of snowy pine and birch,

The fields sleep under the cover of snow.

Here spring paints the hills with bagul,

There are hazy clouds in the blue sky,

And in the taiga there are barely visible paths

They will lead to crystal springs.

Everything here is taken with a heroic measure -

The expanse of fields, valleys, lakes,

And the hilly, vast steppes,

Clean rivers, magnificent mountains.

Here you can’t help but fall in love with nature,

There is no more beautiful and harsher land,

Once you see it, you will dream about it for a long time

Transbaikalia earthly beauty...

Ved 2: Chekhov, traveling through Transbaikalia, wrote in his travel notes: “... in Transbaikalia I found everything I wanted: the Caucasus, and the Psla Valley, and Zvenigorod district, and the Don. During the day you gallop across the Caucasus, at night along the Don steppe, and in the morning you wake up from your slumber, and lo and behold - it’s Poltava province - and so on for the whole thousand miles. Generally speaking, Siberian poetry begins from Baikal, but before Baikal there was prose.”

Miracles of Transbaikal (To the music of “Promised Heaven” by Valery Meladze)

My Transbaikal miracles,

My Transbaikal miracles,

Church in Kalinino,

Cathedral of Our Lady…

Take a look around and see

And you will know more than that beauty.

So many wonderful places

I'm more surprised

The words come out;

“These are simply miracles!”

My Transbaikal miracles,

You have been standing for a long time, centuries, beckoning with beauty.

My Transbaikal miracles,

I want to get to know you better, so hear me!

A lkhanai and Arey!

I don't need the deepest other seas.

Look around and see.

The Butin Palace, you surprise me with its beauty!

So many wonderful places

What to keep and love, what to be proud of - there is!

I'm more surprised

May this pride and feeling be with me.

Maternity hospital dzeren - holy places,

Chara sands are rich in secrets...

The words come out:

“These are simply miracles!”

My Transbaikal miracles,

You have been standing for a long time, centuries, beckoning with beauty.

My Transbaikal miracles,

I want to get to know you better, so hear me!

Ved 1: A song was performed for you by Yana Aksenova, manager. The words for the song were written by Irina Vasilievna Vologdina. The song talks about the seven wonders of Transbaikalia, which were determined by a vote of residents of the region in 2010. And now you will be presented with presentations about them prepared by class teams.

Ved2: Lake Arey. It has always attracted people with its purest water and pristine nature. This is not just a holiday destination favored by tourists. This, according to our fellow countrymen, is a miracle of Transbaikalia. It is believed that the sand, water, and mud in the lake have healing powers. Tall anthills, potato algae, stilted trees, they say, can only be seen here. You will learn a lot of interesting things about our wonderful neighboring town of Transbaikalia from the 11th grade presentation.
Ved1: The Butin Palace saw its heyday and, together with its owner, survived collapse and looting, it burned and was reborn, it saw all sorts of people and remembers different time. And they say that no, no, and the night watchmen will imagine something alien, incomprehensible. It’s as if this house has invisible guards who are guarding the family nest so that the Butin palace can live. Representatives of 7 classes are invited to the stage.

Ved2: The north of the Trans-Baikal Territory is magnificent. “Movies are shown about the beauties of Kodar, Udokan and the Char Valley; tourists and climbers strive to get there. They are attracted by unclimbed yet nameless peaks of mountain peaks, gloomy rivers with admirable rapids and waterfalls.” Amazing place There is a desert island in the north of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Dunes of yellow sand. They are moving inexorably along the Chara Valley, crushing the forest under them.” 8th graders will tell us about Chara Sands.

Ved1: One of the youngest national parks Russia, formed in 1999, "Alkhanay" is located on the territory of Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. The territory of Alkhanaya has long been famous for its beautiful landscapes, healing waters mountain streams, paths of religious pilgrims and travelers. Alkhanay is one of the most visited vacation spots for Transbaikal residents. 10th grade students present their presentation to your attention.

Ved2: Now let's move to the south of Transbaikalia. Here, in spacious valleys, there are boundless steppes covered with feather grass. This region is called Dauria. Hilly expanses, drainage basins, river bottoms and saline lakes. Here in the Daurian steppes lies the Dauria International Nature Reserve. About one of protected areas Representatives of 6 classes will tell us about Transbaikalia.

Ved1; Almost 400 churches in Transbaikalia disappeared during the years of lack of faith, including the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Unfortunately, the time when monasteries and temples were wiped off the face of the earth did not pass without a trace. And even after many decades, Chita remained the only regional center in Russia that did not have a worthy cathedral. The question has moved from dead center only with the advent of a new century. The birth of the temple, as well as the revival of faith in the region, was not simple, difficult and at the same time blessed. My creative work represented by ninth graders.

Ved2: Three centuries have passed since the domes of what was once the most distant temple in the eastern borders of the state, crowned with crosses, rose to the sky. But what is surprising is not even the length of his life, but how closely the fate of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, seemingly lost in the distant Daurian expanses, was intertwined with many of the most important events in Russian history, starting from the moment of development and annexation of the Trans-Baikal lands to the Russian Empire. Even the place where the church stands is special. We invite representatives of 5 classes to defend the presentation.

Ved1: Talk about everything for this a short time impossible - this topic is immense! But we must try to preserve what is wonderful in nature that we have, so that the attractiveness of our amazing Transbaikalia never fades. After all, most often it is man who is responsible for the death of nature, not realizing that we are alive, as long as nature is alive, memory is alive.

Lyrics to the music “Vitya needs to go out”

1. Let's save nature, our mother!

No one was able to take it away from us.

Our destiny lives in the fate of nature

We destroy nature - we destroy ourselves!

You love…

Save nature!

You love…

Save nature!

2. You rejoice at any petal!

And may the world give you music!

Stop this moment!

And let our cry reach everyone:

Stop! Stop! The sun, you will smile!

Stop! Stop! Lesu, you will smile!

Stop! Stop! To the beast, you will smile!

Stop! Stop! River, you will smile!

Love her, love her, preserve nature.

Don't pick flowers, don't tear them - preserve nature.

Love, love, preserve nature.

Ved2: We invite viewers to help us sum up the results of the competition by participating in the voting. Each parallel can only vote once for the best speech and presentation, but not its own. You can consult, and then we invite a representative from the classes to announce the result.

Ved 1: To sum up the results of the competition, the floor is given to Natalya Vladimirovna, a representative of the School Council, Galina Andreevna, the school librarian, Lidia Viktorovna, the organizing teacher.

There is no HTML version of the work yet.

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And now I’m waiting for you at my place, in the land of miracles.

Free admission!

Have open eyes, a wide smile and a great mood.

And with the April phrase -

Hello sun, hello forest!

You have arrived in the land of miracles!

Hello, Transbaikal region,


Everyone knows about the 7 wonders of the world, scattered by man across planet Earth. But there is something entrusted to us globe a place consisting of continuous miracles, where nature plays tricks with all its imagination. Make sure to take notice!

I invite you there to celebrate the third anniversary of your diary.

After all, for many Transbaikalia is...Through the looking glass...

So, Transbaikal region I'm glad to welcome you! How?

Of course, the Sun, famous for its luminary, which shines in half the sky, illuminating our region.

The sky is almost always clear and clear here.

According to recent data, the number of sunny days in Chita since the beginning of this year is 93 out of 114 (82%).

Chita is one of the sunniest cities in Russia; there are 43% more hours of sunshine per year than in Moscow, and according to this indicator the city corresponds to the south of Russia. However, Chita is located almost at the latitude of... Kyiv, I realized this as a child, “traveling” with my father on the map. Sunshine averages 2477 hours, but average annual temperature— −1.4 °C.

Long duration of sunshine and high intake solar energy in combination with lower air temperatures - this is Transbaikalia, where extreme frosts shout at the top of their voices their weighty negative word.

So, MIRACLE No. 1 - the Sun, which shines brightly, but often gives little warmth.

Now look up - into the dizzying heights of the receding SKY, which is hardly possible to describe!

Boundless and boundless, bottomlessly free, tall and deep, deep blue and childishly pure, affectionately azure and dazzling azure, joyfully radiant, immense and vast, heavenly blue, bright ultramarine, crystal clear and clear. And at night it’s slate-black, velvety, mysterious... with huge stars flying towards you, beckoning, enticing, inviting you to fly...

The stars from the sky shine brightly for us,
Like in childhood, looking into your eyes...
Sparks fly from the clear sky,
And the snowflakes melt, pure as a tear...

Do you know why there is such an amazing sky over Transbaikalia? We are mountain region, Chita is at an altitude of 671 m above sea level, and the Molokovka sanatorium, located half an hour away, is already at an altitude of 820 m, and our famous lakes, an hour's drive from the city, already at 960 m... Hence our unique Atmosphere pressure, at 680-690 mm Hg, in cold weather it’s a little over 700. But don’t be alarmed, dear guests, it’s quite easily tolerated, there’s enough oxygen, because the Transbaikal box is full of another MIRACLE.

From the heights of heaven, what is remarkable about the region? The green sea of ​​taiga... 68% of the territory is occupied by forests - coniferous and deciduous.

“Our taiga is four-story. ... Do you see the beautiful pine trees towering? This is the highest, fourth, floor of our taiga. The third floor is occupied by teenagers - the young generation of the forest, young pines... On the second floor there are various shrubs and small thickets of alder, rose hips, rowan, elderberry, honeysuckle, currant, wild rosemary-rhododendron. And just below, on the ground, the grass lies like a green carpet, the flowers are burning brightly, the berries of lingonberries, wild strawberries, and boneberries are burning red...", this is how our poet and writer Georgy Graubin wrote about the Transbaikal forest.

Here we will start from the top floor, from the 4th.

For there are not only ship-sized pines, but also the MIRACLE of Transbaikal - cedar.

Cedar is the main idol of Transbaikalia. Here all life revolves around him. He is both the breadwinner and the drinker. Cedar is father, hunting is mother. Man came to Transbaikalia for nuts, sable and meat three hundred years ago. And he survived. If there is no cedar, the squirrel will leave, the sable and musk deer will disappear. There are already fewer of them in the taiga. How can you cut the branch on which we are sitting?! The 30% allowed for logging is a huge number. Remove 30% of a person's skin, will he live?!

Cedar is our gold. This is sacred.

From the children's book “Golden Pad” I remember an episode with a set taiga camping table, on which there were mysterious koloboks with an amazing sweetish taste, easily dissolving in tea instead of milk. And this was cedar “milk”. Cedar is not only a tasty nut; by the way, it is superior in composition to walnuts and peanuts. The crushed kernels of nuts turn into cedar flour - dilute it with water, you will get cream. And cedar oil is truly worth its weight in gold, I tried it, I can confirm! (salted saffron milk caps, seasoned with cedar oil... mmm...). Even the shells are used - for various medicinal infusions. Avicenna also recommended nuts and cedar husks.

Cedar wood, a noble and elite species, is also priceless: a natural antiseptic, resistant to moisture, not susceptible to rotting and wormholes. Since ancient times, cedar forests have been considered a source of life-giving energy, which enlightens thoughts, cleanses the soul, and awakens the spiritual principle in a person.

It was not for nothing that the Siberians said: “In a spruce forest you work, in a birch forest you have fun, and in a cedar forest you pray to God.”

The photo shows a young cedar in a birch tree in the Chita Highlands.

And it is only people who have forgotten God who, with the permission of the authorities, cut down cedar trees, and trains go in an endless stream to China... Along the rails, like knives through the hearts of Transbaikal...

But the forest does not give up! One floor below, on the third, we see young growth,

standing up on burnt fields, in clearings, reaching out to the sun and to people...

And in this forest, like wonderful visions, here and there little animals, birds, butterflies listed in the Red Book of Transbaikalia flash here and there - 200 species of animals and 225 plants... Here are the familiar manul (wild steppe cat) with tarbagan (Mongolian marmot), and the white-naped crane, and the gazelle (antelope), and the leopard with the snow leopard, and the tiger, they say, “occasionally” wanders in, they saw it... And 6 more species of rare bats hunt at night - mustachioed, long-eared, leathery - unattractive, I must say... Let them fly... Like the 350 species of Transbaikal birds...

The collage photo shows a tarbagan (Mongolian marmot) and the Internet's favorite wild cat, the manul.

And we go down to the second floor, where another Transbaikal MIRACLE awaits us.

Ledum, which is Rhododendron Daurian.

Not that swamp little thing that gets tangled underfoot, like a cough, with an intoxicating smell, but a bush proudly standing like an emerald wall, with evergreen glossy leaves and unearthly beauty and fragile tenderness with flowers.

His name and color are determined in the range of colors: bagul...

Our Transbaikal sakura...Blooms at the same time as wild apricot (another MIRACLE). These two natural wonders Nika gives so much joy and relaxation to the soul of Transbaikal, which has been yearning for bright, life-giving beauty for half a year of cruel winter, that it’s time to reverently say: o’hanami...

And sit down under a bush. Let us sit in a circle and quietly talk together... To the tune of a buggy video song...

And I will slowly, to the accompaniment of bagulo-apricot music, tell you about another MIRACLE of the Transbaikal region. In terms of territory size, we are in 12th place in Russia, 16 times larger than Crimea, larger than Japan, Italy, and Germany. And mineral resources - the entire periodic table... The region is unique in its reserves of rare, noble, non-ferrous and ferrous metals; its depths contain 42% of the explored reserves of fluorspar in Russia (20 deposits), 31% of zirconium, 21% of copper, 28% of molybdenum (100 deposits), 18% titanium, 13% silver (23 deposits), 12% lead and zinc (700 deposits), as well as gold (over 1 thousand deposits), tungsten (100 thousand tons), tin, lithium, coal (2040.3 million tons), brown coal (2.24 billion tons) and iron ores (38 billion tons) There are 400 deposits containing about 50 types of gemstone raw materials,

6 unique, largest uranium ore districts in Russia.

And with all THIS untold wealth, the Trans-Baikal Territory is bankrupt... With a public debt, a budget deficit and other sad statistics. Which is always stupid for some reason. Through the efforts of local authorities... Let's leave aside this, perhaps, the biggest and saddest miracle... But you are visiting the land of miracles...

It’s not for nothing that Transbaikalia is called a precious box...

the key to which is lost...

I’d rather take you to one of the outlandish places in Transbaikalia.

The global watershed running along the Apple Ridge.

The peak separating the drainage basins of the three large rivers world - Amur, Lena and Yenisei, is Mount Pallas (1236 m), named after famous traveler, research scientist P.S. Pallas, who crossed the Apple Ridge in 1772. It is a complex natural monument of regional significance, 35 kilometers northwest of the city of Chita and belongs to the territory of the Ivano-Arakhleisky reserve. There are no longer any points in the world where the basins of three such great rivers converge.

Mount Pallas is also called the “Mountain of Five Seas”, since the waters of the Yenisei flow into the Kara Sea, the Lena flows into the Laptev Sea, and the mouth of the Amur is located on the border of two seas at once - the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan. Fifth on this list can rightfully be called Baikal, which, although it is a lake, has long received the title “Glorious Sea”. The existence of this unique point on a planetary scale was first announced by our fellow countryman, a geography teacher from the village of Kusochi, Mogoituy district, Timur Ukhimovich Zhalsarain in the 70s of the last century. I already know where and how Transbaikal water gets collected from streams and rivulets...

And our water in Transbaikalia is extraordinary...

And here we will smoothly enter the next stream of MIRACLES, mineral ones.

In terms of the number of mineral springs, the region is ahead of many regions of Russia. Their abundance is associated with the characteristics geological structure and the activity of endogenous processes occurring in the region. Today, over 400 springs have been described in Transbaikalia mineral waters. Carbonated waters are especially common, which is why Transbaikalia is called the “land of Narzans.” And this despite the fact that in Russia there are also North Caucasus, famous for its Narzans. For 15 deposits, operational mineral water reserves have been approved in the amount of 2591 m3/day. In 1895 mineral spring Cook was visited by V. A. Obruchev, a Russian geologist, paleontologist, geographer, and future academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In his famous book in Transbaikalia, “Spelling and geological outline of the South-Western Transbaikalia,” he described in detail the location of the source, the outcrops of mineral waters, which, in his opinion, belonged to “alkaline earth carbon dioxide with a good content of free carbon dioxide.” IN Soviet time 10 resorts and sanatoriums operated in the region, some of which have been preserved to this day.

And simple well water is amazing...

After drinking healing water, rich in vitamins and minerals, you wanted something? Everything is correct - I wish I could take a bite... And here we are - with MIRACLES. Transbaikalia will set such a table for you, the likes of which you have never seen, and you have never eaten such dishes collected in one place! What's there Buffet... We give you a choice: daily Russian cabbage soup or Ukrainian borscht, lenok or grayling fish soup (and we have 60 species of fish swimming in lakes and rivers...), or maybe bigos, real, Polish, if you wish... but Buryat poses - buuz or Kazakh manti, emanating with meat juice, melting in the mouth... Georgian shish kebab with Armenian cognac... Uzbek pilaf or beshbarmak with Kyrgyz lagman... to the meat of Russian milk mushrooms and salted saffron milk caps with potatoes, noble, Belarusian... Oooh... all that's left is to "press down" with tea " We’ll refrain from Kalmyk/Buryat, just Trans-Baikal, strong, with milk... And who wants some Uzvarchik Khokhlyatsky... cold.

Where does so much truly international generosity come from?! Thus, 120 nationalities live in Transbaikalia - from ancient times and traditionally... From the times of exile and convicts to the present, with settlers and refugees.

And - we coexist peacefully, as in the USSR, in a union of fraternal peoples.

And - “let’s be friends with borscht”!

Accordingly, Chita is multi-confessional. There are Orthodox churches Buddhist datsan, Catholic Church, muslim mosque, there is a synagogue, as well as a Jewish community. In general, Chita is the second city in the world after Jerusalem, where on one hill there are temples of three world religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. In the ancient part of the city, at the confluence of the Ingoda and Chita rivers, where the Chita fort was founded at one time, three temples stood on the same hill: a synagogue, a mosque and an Orthodox church.

Are you tired of the abundance of miracles yet? But that’s not all! Alkhanay, the shrine of Buddhism, Kodar with mysterious glaciers, Chara Sands - the most irregular desert in the world, Daursky and Sokhondinsky nature reserves... and much, much more...

Our journey today is coming to an end.

Do you want to leave autographs for the Trans-Baikal Territory?

Then this is the place for you!

And Transbaikalia gives everyone, with gratitude for their attention to our sky-high distance, a luxurious bouquet of sincere wishes, from the first floor of the four-story taiga... I ask you to love and admire:

Tiger lily, curly lily,

Maryina roots (steering peony), edelweiss...

Take a closer look:
orange, speckled, beauty
takes your soul to heaven...

Don't resist
sarniki enjoy the miracle...

Truly a beacon of goodness...

Catch the magical glow...
Maryina's beauty is blooming...

And what a scent...Chanel No. 5 disappears in melancholy...

And the inconspicuous mountain beauty of Transbaikalia - edelweiss...

Nature has generously gifted our region. In Transbaikalia, everything is grandiose and large-scale: underground storerooms full of riches, the green ocean of the taiga, endless expanses of steppes, mighty and deep rivers, steep Mountain peaks, hills covered with lilac wild rosemary, clear water healing springs, the richest diversity of flora and fauna. These lands, covered in myths and legends, are fabulously beautiful, mysterious and very attractive.

No wonder Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, traveling through Transbaikalia, wrote in his travel notes:

“ Transbaikalia I found everything I wanted: the Caucasus, the Psla Valley, the Zvenigorod district, and the Don. During the day you gallop across the Caucasus, at night along the Don steppe, and in the morning you wake up from your slumber, and lo and behold - it’s Poltava province - and so on for the whole thousand miles. Transbaikalia is magnificent. This is a mixture of Switzerland, Don and Finland. Generally speaking, Siberian poetry begins from Baikal, but before Baikal there was prose.”

These words perfectly express the impression of Transbaikalia as a collective image of Russia.

Her entire natural map came together here.

Let others interpret whether this is true or not?
Just no matter what happens to me,
I am firmly convinced: Chita is the one
With whom my heart has long been close.

There are famous cities on the planet,
Cities - anywhere.
But I can’t get away from Chita.
Like the dawn over Russia, she is young.
Like the wife of a Decembrist, she is proud.

We know Chita - how many winters, how many years!
Whether I go to the east or to the west,
Everything will seem to me: coming after
The bagool has an infused smell.

I don't believe in oaths that are taken in the heat of the moment,
Getting used to cities is not easy.
Just how to forget those friends you met
At your native Chita crossroads?

(Yu. Goldman “Song about Chita”)

Thanks to all the friends who agreed to tag

3rd anniversary of my diary

here, at our native Transbaikal crossroads!

I'm glad I have you!


P.S. Well, such a postscript was formed... Probably on purpose, so that the panegyric for the glory of Transbaikalia would not turn out to be a dissonance with reality. Latest news on the Chita portal is able to cool and bring you to your senses:

The Trans-Baikal Territory took first place among the regions of the Siberian Federal District in terms of the level of migration population loss over the year; in 2014, the Irkutsk region was in the lead.

(according to Krasnoyarskstat data from April 20, 2016)

In 2015, 7,207 more people left Transbaikalia than arrived.

The news attracted 200 comments in one fell swoop, most of which, alas,

also in a suitcase mood...

Because the standard of living of Transbaikal residents is nowhere lower...

However, Bernard Shaw never dreamed of a paradox...

And we live...

And we love... And we rejoice...


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