Skopje fortress, Macedonia. Panorama of Skopje Fortress. Virtual tour of Skopje Fortress. Attractions, map, photos, videos. The most destructive earthquake in Skopje

Skopje Fortress rises on a rocky hill dominating the northern part city ​​of Skopje. In the tourist literature you can find its second name – Skopsko Kale. The word “kale” is of Turkish origin and translated means “stronghold.”

The first fortifications on the site of the current fortress appeared in the 6th century, in Byzantine times. However, archaeologists claim that these places were inhabited much earlier. Skopskoe Kale turned into a well-fortified fortress in the 10th-11th centuries. For the only time in the entire history of the citadel, it was practically razed to the ground by participants in the uprising of Peter Delyan. After the occupation of Skopje by the Ottomans in 1391, the fortress was restored. In 1660, the Turkish traveler Evlia Celebi, who visited Skopje, noted the local fortress as one of the most powerful strongholds in the Balkans. After the Austro-Turkish War in 1700, the castle above Skopje was expanded. During the First World War, the fortress again regularly performed its functions: it housed the Austro-Hungarian headquarters. During the interwar period, there were military warehouses and the headquarters of one of the army units here.

Since 1951, the fortress has not been a military facility and has been turned into a recreation area. There is a picturesque park on the territory of the fortress, where various events are often held. cultural events: concerts, theatrical performances, etc. The buildings of the fortress are in a deplorable state after the 1963 earthquake. City officials plan to eventually restore them and turn them into a museum. In the meantime, archaeologists are working in the fortress, having already made many discoveries. So, here the remains were found Christian temple XIII century.

There are monuments that breathe history and, like a time machine, transport a person into the past. One of these monuments is the Derbent Fortress, which is no less than 5 thousand years old! Our article will help you touch this grandiose structure in absentia.

Purpose of the fortress

History of Derbent and Derbent fortress began 5 thousand years ago, when the Maskut tribes lived on the territory of the current city, and the city belonged to the kings of Caucasian Albania. The inhabitants were forced to fortify the settlement with a fortress called Chola to protect themselves from constant raids.

In the 6th century the name was changed to Derbent. According to history, the Derbent fortress defended the city from raids and attacks of the Mongols, Persians and Arabs for 15 centuries.

Today the fortress is recognized as one of the monuments World Heritage UNESCO and is one of the most visited attractions not only in Dagestan, but also in Russia.

City `s history

Derbent is the most Old city in Russia. The first records about it were made back in the 8th century BC, but officially it is 2000 years old. How old is the Derbent fortress? The fortress was founded 5,000 years ago, and the city of Derbent - 2,000 years ago. Thus, the fortress is 5000 years old.

The city got its name from the Persian word “derbent” meaning “gate gate”. Thanks to its favorable location, it often changed owners and managed to be part of several kingdoms: Persian, Arab, Mongolian, Timurids, as well as the Shirvan Khanate.

In the 17th century, the Russian Cossack ataman Stepan Razin captured Derbent and began his campaign to Persia from here. Thanks to his victories, Peter the Great recognized the city as historically valuable and gave orders to study the architecture and preserve important architectural monuments. And the inhabitants, tired of constant raids and attacks, themselves gave the keys to the fortress to the king. After this, the city was transferred more than once different states through a peace treaty. And only in the 19th century, according to the Treaty of Gulistan, it was finally transferred to Russia. After this event, the city began to develop economically thanks to the production and trade of dyes.

The history of the city's development could not but affect its population - it is one of the most multinational cities in Russia. According to the latest census, more than 40 nationalities with different distinctive cultures and languages ​​live here.

Modern Derbent

Currently, 120 thousand people live in Derbent. It is the 2nd largest city in Dagestan and the 38th most populous in Russia. Thanks to its favorable location between the mountains and the sea and unique monument- Derbent Fortress - the city is visited by hundreds of tourists every year. In addition, despite the fact that the majority of the population in Dagestan professes Islam, the famous Caucasian cognac and wine are produced here.

Derbent can also boast of its warm climate: in winter the temperature does not drop below +15 degrees. Summer starts in April and ends late autumn- in October. Therefore, tourists can the Velvet season not only admire the Derbent fortress and try National dishes, but also swim in the sea.


There are many legends about the Derbent fortress. One of them says that when Khosrow the First Anushirvan decided to build a wall, he invited the Khazar Kagan to make peace and, to confirm the truth of his intentions, asked for the hand of a Khazar princess. The Khazar Kagan was delighted, since this marriage opened the way for him to the Persian throne, and hastened to send his daughter to Derbent. The princess was greeted with all honors, but Anushirvan did not marry her, and after erecting the wall, he sent the girl back to her father. The angry Kagan sent an army to the Derbent fortress, but was unable to conquer it.


The Derbent fortress is conventionally divided into three parts: the Naryn-Kala citadel, the sea walls and the Dag-bars. Naryn-Kala, despite a large number of alterations, is the best preserved. Two walls - southern and northern - run parallel to each other. Between them is ancient part cities. The northern part of the wall is better preserved than the southern part, most of which was demolished in the 19th century. In general, the length of the fortress wall is 3600 meters.

The gates, which testify to the power of the fortress, are especially beautiful. The north gate has a stern architectural appearance, which is explained by constant raids and attacks from the north. South Gate, on the contrary, they are graceful and look solemn.

In total, the fortress covers an area of ​​4.5 hectares. The walls are 3 meters thick and made of processed and torn stones filled with lime mortar. The northern part of the Derbent fortress was built earlier than the southern one. Once upon a time South part the wall extended into the sea, which prevented attacks from shallow waters. But today it is destroyed.

The Naryn-Kala citadel attracts tourists and city residents with its beauty and power - the length of its walls is 42 km. The founder of Naryn-Kala is Shah Khosrow the First Anushirvan from the Sassanid dynasty. According to legend, the fortress was named in honor of the beloved daughter of the Shah’s wife - Naryn, whose name translates as “fragile”, “tender” or “sunny”. The fortress located in the center of the citadel blocks the passage between the Caucasus ridge and the Caspian Sea.

Naryn-Kala is a unique masterpiece of fortification architecture. It has retained all its beauty and power of arches, columns, towers and walls, despite centuries and many reconstructions. Also fully preserved are the gates on the western and eastern sides, known as the secret or “gate of shame”, since through them the head of the city could escape in case of loss and hide in the mountains.

In the north-west of the citadel you can see various ancient monuments. For example, a cross-domed temple, indicating that until the 6th century Derbent was the center of the Christian religion in the Caucasus. In addition, you can get acquainted with the water supply system of those times, walk through the ruins of the Khan's palace and office of the 18th century, see the guardhouse of the 19th century and the ancient underground dungeon.

Beautiful walls medieval fortress in Skopje, which is called Skopsko Kale, visible from everywhere, because it stands on a high (45 meters) Gradische ridge overlooking the Vardar River. In some Bulgarian sources she is called Justiniana. Perhaps this is one of the most important attractions of Skopje. Height above sea level 300 meters.

This is the first lower perimeter for the civilian population, here was the “Dolen Grad”.

Signs of settled life on the territory of this fortress date back to the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The modern appearance of the fortress dates back to the 13th-14th centuries. The oldest surviving walls are from the 11th century. According to archaeologists, the stone blocks from which the walls of the fortress were made were taken from the destroyed ancient city Be stingy. The height of the walls is 9 meters.

Residents lived in the lower, first perimeter (10 hectares) - “Dolen grad”, and the upper one was used for military purposes. In the late Middle Ages, the fortress was a military garrison.
Under the Bulgarian Khan Kuber (680), it was the largest fortress in the Balkans.

Entrance to the fortress.

The fortress was destroyed and rebuilt many times by various conquerors, as well as by earthquakes, the last of which was in 1963. On this moment Restoration and conservation work is underway in the fortress. Apparently they didn’t get around to it before.

View of Skopje from Skopsko Kale.

The fortress is located next to the old town of Skopje and Macedonia Square with the Stone Bridge.

Opens from the fortress beautiful view to the capital of Macedonia in all four directions. In summer, the fortress hosts concerts and various cultural events.

This path along the wall turned out to be not circular - we had to return along it, because at the end everything was blocked by a metal fence due to conservation.

The first excavations here took place in 1953 - that’s when the prehistoric layers were discovered. In 1967, after a devastating earthquake, traces of a settlement of the 5th-4th centuries were discovered. BC e. in the same way, it was established that the original height of the walls was 10-11 meters, and the width was 2.85 m. One tower has a round base, another is polygonal, another is rectangular, the other four are triangular. There are similar fortresses in Africa.

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On the hilly bank of the Vardar River in the very center of Skopje stands the ancient Venetian fortress of Kale - an unprecedented urban symbol, an object of national pride of Macedonia. Broken on the territory of the fortress magic park, where both citizens and tourists enjoy strolling. Frankly, the view from the local hill is simply stunning: Skopje is in full view. And how pleasant it is to contemplate the fortress itself, realizing that before you is an unfolded page of living history.


The oldest signs of human life on the territory of the modern fortress date back to the prehistoric period. However, the first fortifications in the Vardara valley began to appear only several centuries later, in the first century AD, during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Flavius ​​Justinian. More or less modern look The Kale fortress was acquired by the 10th century under the patronage of the Bulgarian Tsar Samuil. It is known that already at that time the fortress withstood many years of Norman assaults and sieges.

In the 13th century, when the city came under Serbian control, Calais became a real administrative center. The fortress was of strategic military importance and was a center of crafts. Several churches stood on the territory of the fortress. The gradual fortification of the fortress continued, which intensified even more with the advent of Turkish power.

The most famous stars of the modern music scene perform within the walls of the legendary fortress, in particular, Massive Attack, Alter Bridge, Lzzy Hale and others.

Throughout the history of its existence, the Skopje fortress was captured, destroyed and rebuilt several times. That is why the object is so interesting from the point of view of history and archeology, because each stage of the rebirth of the fort is associated with a new government, culture, page of history.

The structure was severely damaged by the earthquake of 1963. However, restoration work began immediately, and now the Kale fortress is in excellent condition.


The powerful fortress walls of Kale cover a vast area on a hill near Vardar. They are made of stone and along their entire length are diluted with high square towers, of which there are as many as 12. External sides The walls are equipped with convenient passages and steps, so you can walk almost along the entire perimeter.

The foundations of ancient buildings, as well as some more modern buildings, have been preserved on the territory of the fortress. Here you can find several strange sculptures. The park inside the fortress is beautifully landscaped: paved paths, benches, lanterns, fences and, of course, numerous trees.

Kale Fortress in Skopje, Macedonia

IN summer time Calais Fortress hosts concerts, parties, theater performances and other events. Simply put, the center of activity in Skopje spills over here. The most famous stars of the modern music scene perform within the walls of the legendary fortress, in particular, Massive Attack, Alter Bridge, Lzzy Hale and others.

Practical information

Skopje Fortress is located on the right bank of the Vardar between Lazar Lichenoski and Samoilova streets. From Place Macedonia, Calais can be reached in about 15 minutes by following Rue Orsay Nikolova.

The oldest settlement on the territory of the fortress dates back to the 4th millennium BC. e.. Since that time (with short interruptions) the territory of the modern fortress has been inhabited. In ancient times, the Kale hill was not inhabited, but a sacrificial pit and a coin of Alexander the Great were discovered on its territory. There are assumptions about the beginning of the construction of large fortifications in Kale during the reign of Justinian, but what is certain is that Kale turns into the center of Skopje at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries during the reign of the Bulgarian Tsar Samuel. Under him, the city was surrounded by walls built using advanced technologies. At the end of the 11th century, the city was held by the Normans for several years, as evidenced by the discovery of a specific Viking bow at the Calais excavations. Under Byzantine rule, Kale became a center for crafts of Balkan importance.

At the end of the 13th century, the city came under the control of Serbia and became one of its centers, and in 1346 the Serbian king Stefan Dusan was crowned king of the Serbs and Greeks, which made Calais a strategically important point. During this period, there were four churches on the territory of Calais, and the area of ​​the hill was densely built up. During the period of Serbian rule, the fortifications of Calais were completed. At the foot of the fortress near the Vardar River was the Jewish Quarter.

After the capture of Skopje by the Turks in 1391, the fortress began to be used as a barracks. While Skopje was a border fortress, the fortifications were strengthened, the southern gate was rebuilt, and additional towers were added.

A report by the Austrian general Enea Silvio Piccolomini, who took Skopje in 1689, has been preserved, in which the fortress is described as having 12 half-abandoned towers and generally dilapidated and poorly defended. In 1700, the Ottoman authorities began building a new wall with towers and associated infrastructure, and the fortress again became an important military installation.

In 1917-1918, the Austro-Hungarian headquarters was located in Calais, and later the headquarters, barracks and warehouses of the Royal Yugoslav Army were built here.

The devastating earthquake of 1963 seriously damaged the fortifications, after which centralized work began to restore the fortress.

In February 2011, a group of Macedonian Albanians objecting to the construction of a museum in the form of a church on the territory of the fortress destroyed its construction, which led to inter-ethnic clashes.


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