Cumin China. Kunming city. East and West Pagodas

At the top of Mingfeng Hill is the Golden Temple. It is also called the Temple of Supreme Harmony. It was erected by order of Emperor Wan Li (1602). According to legend, the place to build the temple was suggested to him in a dream. In the 19th century, the Temple was restored; more than 200 tons of bronze were spent for these purposes.

In order to get to the Temple itself, you need to overcome high stairs, which is in the tradition of Taoist temples. In the hall you can see a sword, according to legend, it belonged to the deity who guarded the surrounding area. The temple is in a wonderful, picturesque place, surrounded by pine and cypress trees.

Yuantong Temple

In the center of Kunming is the majestic Yuantong Temple, the only Buddhist temple in the city. It was built during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907). The uniqueness of the structure lies in the fact that the steps leading to the central hall do not go up, as traditionally, but down. The hall contains a large Buddha statue and dragons entwining the columns.

Outside the building you can see a picturesque pond with bridges, and an octagonal pavilion rises in the center. This place attracts a large number of pilgrims.

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Shilin" stone forest

More than 200 million years ago, deep sea waves splashed on the site of Shilin Province. Limestone layers settled, tectonic movements occurred, and as a result, after the disappearance of the sea, stone blocks. Time, water and wind have “built” a huge stone forest out of the ocean day, attracting attention with its unusual, fantastic landscape. The rocks took on various forms, resembling figures of animals, people, and mystical characters.

Today, Shilin is divided into seven separate parts: large and small stone forests, Naigu stone forest, Zhiyun Cave, Qifeng Cave, Long Lake, Moon Lake, Da Dishui Waterfalls. The stone forest is replete with fantastic stone towers, pillars and stalactites.

In the small stone forest there are many large beautiful meadows, thickets of bamboo, trees and mountain flowers. The famous stone flowers are also located here - “Towers Supporting the Sky” and “Singing Stones”.

The famous torch festival is held here every year. Tourists take part in traditional activities such as wrestling, bullfight, pole climbing, dragon play, lion dance and Dance.

In 1999, China challenged the whole world by inviting dozens of countries to participate in the Garden Art Fair. Ninety-five countries responded to the invitation, as did about ten million visitors. The fair opened on May 1 and ended at the end of October. The motto of the exhibition was: “Man and nature – entering the 21st century.”

After the closure of the World Garden Art Fair, the city authorities decided to turn this place into a city park. More than ten years have passed since then, but the park is in excellent condition. Moreover, most of the pavilions of the participating countries have been preserved.

While walking through the park, you can enjoy impressive exhibits, including unique recreated landscapes, artificial mountains, islands, terraces, gazebos and much more.

Golden Palace

The Golden Temple was built on top of Mingfeng Hill (translated from Chinese as “Singing Phoenix”) in 1620 by order of Emperor Wan Li. Being an ardent adherent of Taoism, Wan Li saw the legendary immortal Lu Dongbin in a dream. The Immortal ordered Wan Li to get to the foot of Mount Yingwu (as Mingfeng was called in those days), which he did the next morning.

At the place, Wan Li saw a lonely old shepherd. As soon as Wan Li approached him, he disappeared, and in his place were two clay pots. After connecting the pots together, Wan Li saw a hieroglyph in the form of the first letter of Lu Dongbin's name. The emperor considered this a sign from above and ordered a temple to be built on this very spot.

In 1857, the temple was plundered by Muslims. The restoration took many years and 250 tons of solid bronze.

The road to the temple is winding and long. It is designed to help you cast aside all worries and bad thoughts on the way to the great shrine.

The most popular attractions in Kunming with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places in Kunming on our website.

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Hello, dear readers – seekers of knowledge and truth!

Today we again want to go with you to little trip and this time move to a place little known to foreign tourists chinese city Kunming. However, for the Chinese themselves it is important tourist destination– the metropolis receives thousands of travelers every year. This is not surprising - there are a lot of interesting places to visit here, and it is them that we want to tell you about.

So, the topic of our conversation today is the sights of Kunming. At the beginning of our article we will tell you a little about the city, and then you will find a list of the most interesting places in the urban environment and its immediate surroundings. Forward, towards new discoveries!

About the city

Kunming is located in Yunnan Province and is its administrative center. It is quite easy to find it on the map - it is located in the southern part of China. People's Republic, close to its southwestern neighbors. From the city to the border with Vietnam and Laos, it is only 300 kilometers, and the Myanmar border is 400 kilometers.

View of Kunming city, China

Although Kunming is Big city With an area of ​​more than 20 thousand square kilometers and a population of over 6 million inhabitants, it is a real island of nature and culture in China. There are a lot of lakes, rivers, parks, forests with endemic animals and plants, waterfalls, mountains - the list goes on for a long time. In addition, Kunming boasts magnificent buildings that contain centuries of history and indigenous culture.

Kunming is called the "city of eternal spring» for exceptionally comfortable weather all year round. It is located at the same latitude as the Egyptian capital, but due to the fact that the altitude above sea level is more than two thousand meters, there is no unbearable heat here in summer, and in winter the climate is very mild.

The metropolis has concentrated several universities, big number business centers, museums, exhibitions, theaters, but most importantly - natural attractions and temples. We will now talk about the most important of them.

Golden Temple

One of business cards city, which rises on Mingfeng Mountain - this is the Golden Temple. It belongs to the ancient religion of the Chinese -, but was built relatively recently by the standards of Chinese history- at the very beginning of the 17th century.

Golden Temple, Kunming, China

Its construction was timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the reign of ruler Wan Li from the Ming dynasty. Legend has it that this temple appeared to the emperor in a dream, and then he decided to recreate it in reality.

After some time, the temple was partially destroyed, and in the 18th century the authorities decided to restore it. Then the restoration took more than two hundred tons of yellow bronze. Roofs, sculptures of deities, door and window openings, and load-bearing columns were re-made from it.

To reach the shrine, you need to climb a long and steep staircase. But the adventure is worth it - from above there is an incredible view of the hills covered with pine and cypress thickets.

The main hall is known as the "Shrine of Supreme Harmony", or the Palace of Teiha. The main relic in it is a sword. It is believed to be the property of a deity who protected the area according to the traditions of Taoism.

Yuantong Temple

Yuantong is the largest and most famous Buddhist temple in the city. It is located in the north of the city center, near Lofeng Hill. It is here that prominent Buddhists of the surrounding areas live.

Yuantong Temple, Kunming, China

The shrine was built back in the Tang era - between the 7th and 10th centuries, which makes it one of the oldest local buildings. Since then, it has been partially destroyed and rebuilt more than once. In architecture, the features of the Ming (XIV-XVII centuries) and Qing (until the beginning of the last century) dynasties are most clearly visible. Read more about these historical eras.

Yuantong has one amazing feature - the road to the main hall does not go up, but goes down steps, which is completely atypical for Chinese architecture. But inside everything is quite traditional: statues, mythical sculptural images that circle near the columns. Also on the temple grounds you can see a classic pond with bridges thrown over it, and a hall based on an octagon.

There are especially many visitors to the temple during the celebration of the Qingming festival, which is celebrated every 1st and 5th lunar day.

Bamboo Temple

Ten kilometers east of the center there is another Buddhist sanctuary - Qiongzhusi, better known as the Bamboo Temple. It began to be built back in 639, when the Yuan family, descendants of the Mongols, was in power. However, over time, the shrine was forgotten, and restoration began only in the first half of the 15th century.

Bamboo Temple, Kunming, China

But the temple achieved its greatest fame at the end of the nineteenth century, when the best sculptors from Sichuan were invited to Kunming. They did a great job and created a collection of five hundred figurines of Buddha's disciples from clay. These figures amaze with their realism: their faces depict genuine emotions and facial expressions, and their bodies seem frozen in natural poses.

The territory of the temple itself and the buildings are made in the best traditions of Buddhism: surrounded by Mount Yuanshan, clean lake and ancient trees, it is set in a magnificent garden. The facades are decorated with animal sculptures and painted in bright colors: scarlet, white, sky and yellow.

In the main hall there are three monuments to the Great Teacher. In the garden you can see an amazing statue of a rhinoceros, as well as stone slab, on which one of the ruler’s decrees is applied. In total, the Bamboo Temple is visited by about five hundred thousand tourists annually.

Stone forests

Shilin, or Stone Forest, is eighty kilometers away east of the city. This is true unique phenomenon and a miraculous masterpiece - stones from five to thirty meters high, carved so thinly and gracefully that they resemble a forest. Although there are stones that are similar in outline not only to trees, but also to animals, birds, people, mythical creatures.

Stone forest in Kunming, China

The fact is that about three hundred million years ago there was an ocean in this place, and salts and limestone settled at the bottom. Due to climate change and the movement of tectonic plates, the ocean disappeared, and former day There were stones left in the ocean, which over the course of many centuries and millennia were weathered and exposed to rainfall. The result was an amazing-looking tower and stone columns, which are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

Shilin is divided into several zones:

  • large and small stone forests;
  • Naigu stone forest;
  • Zhiyun caves;
  • Quifeng Cave;
  • lakes Long, Magic, Lunnoe;
  • Da Dishui and Feilong waterfalls.

Moreover, in Shilin there are not only stones: for example, in a small forest there is a whole scattering of flowers, bamboo and bushes. Due to the fact that there are so many visitors here, a good tourism infrastructure with Chinese restaurants, souvenir shops, where, perhaps, the most valuable thing is the work of local artists.

Every year, Shilin hosts a torch festival, where, in addition to processions, bullfights and traditional lion and dragon dances are held.

Lake Dianchi

The most large lake and the undisputed landmark of the entire province - Dianchi. It is located on the southwestern outskirts of Kunming. Its dimensions are impressive: almost 40 kilometers in length (from north to south), 13 kilometers in width, and total area- over three hundred square kilometers.

Dianchi Lake, Kunming

But no less surprising is its appearance. The lake itself has taken the form of a crescent and is located in a very picturesque place - at an altitude of almost 1900 meters, surrounded by four mountains on each side of the world. The water in the lake seems crystal, almost pearly, and water reserves are replenished by two dozen spring streams and rivers.

Along the lake coast there are many places that are attractions in themselves:

  • Daguan Park - consists of a garden with alleys, paths, arched bridges, and from a three-story pavilion, which is almost 130 years old, there are incredible views of the lake and the Western Hills.

Daguan Park, Kunming

  • Yunnan People's Ethnic Village - It houses cultural and architectural artifacts from twenty-five nationalities that have lived in the province since ancient times.
  • Xishan Forest Park.
  • Zhenghe Park.
  • Daguanlou Tower.

There are many more attractions in Kunming that are worth visiting. Let's briefly talk about other interesting places.

  • Eastern and Western pagodas.

They were built in the Tang era - in the middle of the 9th century. At first the pagodas were twins. However, the Eastern failed to be completely preserved in almost its original form, like the Western - due to the earthquake in XIX century it was destroyed, but almost immediately restored.

Oriental Pagoda in Kunming

The pagodas were built according to all Buddhist traditions - from eleven tiers, with roofs rising upward, and the higher, the smaller each tier. On each floor there are small windows from which a great view can be seen. panoramic view to the city surroundings.

  • Arches of the Golden Horse and Green Rooster

These arches are unique city symbols with which legends are associated. They say that the horse came from the sun, and the rooster from the moon. They reunited solar and lunar energy, thereby making Kunming one of the best cities on our planet.

Arches of the Golden Horse and Green Rooster, Kunming

Both arches are similar to each other: they rise twenty meters high and reach almost fifteen meters wide. The best carvers worked on the buildings, and therefore even today they look majestic.

  • Garden Art Fair

The fair was held twenty years ago from the beginning of May to the end of October. Then 95 countries all over the Earth, representing more than 10 million people, took part in it. After the fair closed, it was decided to turn the site into a park: artificial hills, rivers, islands were recreated here, and open gazebos and terraces were built.

  • Yunnan Provincial Museum

At the main exhibition site of the region you can get acquainted with the historical and cultural tradition provinces. In total, it contains more than two hundred thousand different exhibits: from bronze vessels, calligraphic paintings and porcelain figurines to Buddhist relics.

The most important treasures of the museum can be called a painting by the Chinese artist Guo Xi “Journey to Mount Xishan”, dating from the 11th century, the crown of the Ming Empire of the 14th century, inlaid with jewelry, as well as a bronze box with carved sculptures of animals.


Kunming - a beautiful city, which is definitely worth a visit as part of your trip to China. This modern metropolis is home to masterpieces of national culture in the form of museums, ethnic complexes, Buddhist and Taoist temples, as well as natural attractions, for example, the largest lake in the province, Dianchi Lake, stone forests, and numerous parks.

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And we are back in China! This time we came to the city of Kunming in Yunnan province, and today we will tell you about this wonderful place.

But first, a little background: we got here from Vietnam by land by train. In the last post I talked about, and so from there we drove to the border town of Lao Cai, quickly and without any problems crossed the border with China () and took the train to Kunming.

Early in the morning the train arrived at the station in Kunming, which looks more like a giant starship :-) We have already forgotten how huge everything is here in China, the Chinese simply have a mania for gigantism. On the other hand, this is one of the key points in the south of the country; more than tens of thousands (and maybe hundreds of thousands) of people pass through here every day, so such dimensions are justified.

Immediately upon exiting the city, you find yourself in a whirlwind of bright signs, lots of people, and the smells of Chinese food that you can’t confuse with anything else.

Area near the station

Compared to Vietnam, it seemed very quiet here: the fact is that most bikes are electric, and therefore silent, but in Vietnam there is a cacophony of sounds and signals.

Kunming is the economic and administrative center of Yunnan province with skyscrapers, wide streets, offices of large companies and corporations.

Despite this, the city of Kunming leaves the impression of a calm and leisurely city in which it is pleasant to be and walk around. Grandmothers are falling asleep in the park

Kunming is also called the “city of eternal spring” for its mild climate. Since it is located at some altitude above sea level, it is not so hot here in summer, average temperature in summer about +20 degrees. And thanks to the southern latitudes in winter, in the coldest months the average temperature is about +8 degrees.

The city greeted us with rather cool weather (in contrast to Vietnam), so we had to wear sweaters, but it was so easy to breathe!

Sights of Kunming

There aren't many attractions in the city itself, but walking around during the day is a great idea, which we did while we were waiting for the train to Lijiang.

Green Lake Park

Great place to touch local life, watch people practicing tai chi, and maybe even join them :-)

The park is located on islands in the middle of the lake, where red-billed gulls fly in November, and people eagerly await this event.

Lake in the center of Kunming

We ended up here on Sunday and found ourselves at some kind of festivities, with concerts, round dances, music and general fun. The Chinese know how to have fun. Grandfather plays a local musical instrument

Yunnan Province is inhabited by many ethnic groups (more than half in China) and in the park they dress in traditional costumes, break into groups and have fun as best they can.

Three years ago, on our first visit to China, we were surprised by the activity of Chinese pensioners. And now we have met them: some are singing, some are dancing, and these have taken tea in thermoses and are reading something.

Mosaic of small ethnic groups of Yunnan

In Green Lake Park you can sit on the shore of the pond and feed the fish and swans. There are also many teahouses here, but their prices are steep!

Kunming Attractions - Green Lake Park

Kunming is home to a large number of Hui people (Chinese Muslims), so you can also find a mosque right in the city center, for example, a 400-year-old Nancheng Mosque.

Mosque in Kunming

In the city center there is a small pedestrian street Zhengyi Rd, where you can have a snack at street stalls and look at things in shops

Pedestrianized street

Bright colors of China

The Chinese do not hesitate to dismantle really old buildings and create the same ones in their place, but only from new materials that look like the old ones. These are the contrasts - the “ancient” gate against the backdrop of a skyscraper. This is what China is all about, they look to the future, but at the same time remember the past.


What else to see in Kunming? Go to Yuantong Temple northeast of Green Lake Park, and also visit Tang Dynasty pagodas (western and eastern). They were undergoing renovations during our visit.

The main attraction in the vicinity of Kunming is Lake Dianchi, as well as those located on its shores interesting places and the Xi Shan Mountains.

In Kunming we saw a lot of unusual things - we tell you and show you!

Of course, I knew that in Japan they grow square watermelons, but the Chinese have gone further - they make laughing pears! By the way, here you can still buy and eat normal southern fruits; further to the north of China they will be more expensive. (there are also mangoes and herring in the photo).

Chinese pears

If this is your first time in the Celestial Empire, you hardly know about such delicious food as baozi - Chinese steamed pies. In Kunming, we found simply divine baozi with vegetables for 1 yuan - I marked the point on the map at the bottom of the post.

Here you can observe another unusual phenomenon: small live turtles packed in a keychain with some liquid. Many people buy them to release them, but there are also cases when they are simply worn for the sake of beauty until the turtle suffocates... The Chinese have a very peculiar attitude towards animals.

Behind last years in China they came up with this thing - insulation for riding a bike. Indeed, the wind here is cool, and driving like this is generally cold, so such a cozy thing is very useful!

And this is essentially a motorbike, only packed in metal case- warm and comfortable, if of course you are Chinese :-) Drawings from Disney cartoons on the side are also pleasing.

Kunming China how to get there?

Kunming Airport Changshui was built in 2012 and is planned to become the fourth busiest in China. From here there are flights throughout Asia, as well as to Europe and North America.

Several railway lines depart from Kunming at once to different directions: to Chengdu, Shanghai, Nanjing, to the Vietnamese border and further to Hanoi, there is a branch to the northwest to Lijiang, which we took a little later.

There are four trains a day from the city to Beijing, with journey times ranging from 34 to 48 hours. We are currently designing high-speed railway lines that will connect main city Yunnan with capital and others major cities China - it is assumed that trains will cover a distance of 3000 km in 13-14 hours.

There are as many as 5 bus stations in the city: buses depart from the eastern one to east direction, from the west - to the west and so on, so you can get to Kunming by bus from neighboring major cities.

A city in the center of Yunnan province, located at an altitude of about 2 thousand meters above sea level. Its history, customs and lush surroundings attract huge numbers of tourists. In ancient times, the city lived thanks to the profits brought by caravans going to Southeast Asia, India and Tibet. Since 1908, Kunming has become a center of foreign trade, having acquired a port. The city is rich and mineral resources, such as phosphorus, salt, magnesium, titanium, coal, quartz sand, clay, copper oxide.

Kunming Changshui International Airport, which links the city by air with cities of China and South- East Asia. From here the domestic flights to most major cities in the country, as well as international ones. Regular flights the city is connected to Yangon, Bangkok, Kathmandu, Dhaka, Dubai, Singapore, Phnom Penh, Kolkata, Seoul, Osaka, Kuala Lumpur, Vientiane and Hanoi. Kunming is a large railway and road junction, connected by highways both with major cities of China and with neighboring countries South-East Asia. From the city, tourists can easily reach scenic areas of China such as Dali, Lijiang or Shangrila.

Kunming City Museum

Located in the eastern part of the city of Kunming, it began operating in 1997. In the halls of the museum you can see an exhibition dedicated to dinosaurs, an exhibition of the heritage of Dzyanchi, an exhibition of historical and cultural heritage region. The City Museum is tourist center and the center of patriotic education of the province.

Yunnan Railway Museum

The city's railway museum is one of the three largest railway museums in China. The museum is located on the territory railway station Kunming. The museum presents the entire history of the development of the railway track. One of the most valuable exhibits is the Japanese steam locomotive KD55 developed in Kawasaki in 1897. You can also see the Michelin passenger locomotive from France.

Bamboo Temple

In the northwest of Kunming, 12 kilometers from the city, there is Buddhist temple. The temple was built during the reign of the Tang Dynasty, in the 7th century AD, during the reign of the Qing Dynasty, the temple was restored. The modern architectural complex combines the heritage of the Ming and Qing eras. Five hundred various figures of arhats, made between 1833 and 1890 by the provincial master, along with his four apprentices, are exhibited on three levels of the Great Buddha Hall. There is a legend according to which all visitors to the temple must count the arhats to the sculpture corresponding to the age of the visitor. The inscription next to the sculpture will serve as a description of life.

Stone forest

Stone Forest National Park is located in the picturesque area of ​​Kunming. It is the only karst stone forest in the subtropical region. Here you can see a stone forest with waterfalls, lakes and karst caves. In the park, visitors will be able to get acquainted with the lifestyle of the Sani ethnic group. The Geological Museum, located on the territory, will tell you about the evolution of karst deposits and caves, the history of the development of life on earth, and will demonstrate a huge collection of decorative stones.


There are no grandiose buildings and not many ancient relics in Kunming. Vacationers come here in search of untouched nature, colorful landscapes, rare representatives of flora and fauna, entertainment such as safari and a large number of different indigenous peoples with their ancient customs. Kunming boasts an abundance of beautiful lakes, waterfalls and hills, trees, gardens and flowers, Kunming is an ancient island of culture. It is one of the top ten tourism destinations in China.

Kunming is the administrative center of Yunnan Province, and in addition, in the PRC it is also known as the political, financial, cultural and transport center of this administrative unit. The city, which is located in the middle part of the Yungui Plateau, is home to approximately five million people.

Kunming captivates locals and foreigners with its original beauty, earning it the nickname “City of Eternal Spring.” Four months of the year in these places are favorable. weather, thanks to this, people come here from all over the world to admire the beauty of the mountain views.

This resort center visited by many vacationers, this happened due to the fact that it was included in the list of cities - monuments of cultural and historical significance. The infrastructure in Kunming is adequate high level, many restaurants, hotels and clubs are being built here. Kunming has extensive tourism resources.

Fans of ancient Chinese culture come to this country from everywhere; it is in Kunming that they have the opportunity to get a full impression of the wealth national traditions and the morals of the local population. And, of course, admire the unusual flora and fauna here.

Golden Temple

The Golden Temple is known as a major attraction in Kunming. This building is the largest ancient temple in the republic, which is located on Mingfengshan Hill. This temple houses the Hall of Supreme Harmony, or the Palace of Teiha, where you can get acquainted with the relics of Taoism, one of the oldest religions. The temple was erected in the thirtieth year of the reign of Emperor Wan Li of the Ming Dynasty (17th century). Its constituent parts are beams, doors, roof, figures of gods, etc. - were cast from yellow bronze, their total weight reaches two hundred tons.

Bamboo Temple

The surrounding area of ​​Kunming is very interesting for tourists. The Bamboo Temple, or Qiongzhusi, which is located ten kilometers east of the city, was built during the reign of the Mongol Yuan dynasty. In the main pavilion of the temple there are three Buddha figures from that time. The temple is especially famous for its five hundred statues of tubs, which were made from clay in 1883-1890 - they were made by Sichuan craftsmen. The Buddha's disciples are depicted in a special way - emphasizing their individuality, the main thing in them is their human qualities. Craftsmen made images that characterize all groups of society. They have an amazing variety of facial expressions, gestures and postures.

Lake Dianchi

Dianchi Lake is located in the southwest of Kunming. This lake is the largest in the province. It covers an area of ​​almost three hundred square kilometers. Its waters are replenished by twenty rivers and springs.

Along the shores of Lake Dianchi there are a large number of interesting places - for example, Daguan Lou Gongyuan Park, in which there is a tower with the same name. Along west coast There are mountains that offer views of the lake. On its shores there is a national aboriginal settlement, Xishan Forest Park, Daguanlou Tower, Guanying Mountain, White Fish Mouth Mountain, Sea Crest Park, Zhenghe Park, as well as a large number of parks and temples. Vacationers have the opportunity to ride along the lake and admire the silence and beauty reigning here.

Taihua Temple

Taihua Temple was built during the Yuan era. The pride of this park is its huge collection of various flora, including camellias and magnolias. Many famous personalities of past centuries, such as Emperor Kangxi, the fourth of the Manchu Qing dynasty, used to admire the sunrise here. Near the top - namely between the Taihua and Sanqing temples - is located the tomb of Nie Er, a famous Yunnan musician in the past, whose merit is the composition of the national anthem. He died tragically in Japan - drowned while heading to the Soviet Union.

It is possible to climb up using cable car. Sanqing Temple is located here. Once upon a time, a country house of a prince of the Yuan dynasty was located here. Subsequently, the temple became a place of worship for the three main deities of Taoism. The thirteen wooden buildings located here, located on the edge of the cliff, are striking.

Dragon Gate

Next is the Dragon Gate - the most important curiosity in Western Mountains. Here, galleries, statues, grottoes and pavilions were carved into the cliff. One of these grottoes is the largest in Yunnan. The first of the grottoes, the one located on top of Phoenix, was erected between 1781 and 1835. Taoist monk Wu Laiqing and his assistants continued this work - and thus the Qiyun Cave arose. Local residents also got involved in the work - and after seventy-two years, they built the Dragon Gate and the Datian Temple. According to legend, one of the craftsmen stayed here for twenty years while he carved the figure. However, when there was nothing left to complete the work, he suddenly made a reckless mistake. His grief was so great that he threw himself off the cliff. The path that runs along this cliff is so narrow that only two people can fit on it at one time. From this place you can see a stunning landscape - the surface of the lake sparkles under the sun, like a huge diamond.

The length of the shore of this lake is one hundred and fifty kilometers. It stretches from north to south for forty kilometers. North Shore occupied by arable land, and there are also settlements here. The lake stretches towards the south all the way to the horizon, and there is no end in sight.

Cuihu Jade Lake

This lake, which is fed by the waters of nine underground springs, is located in the northwestern part of Kunming, in a park with the same name. There is a pavilion in the center of the lake - it was built in the 17th century. There are two dams on the lake - one of them runs from north to east, it is crossed by three bridges, and it is known as the “Dam of the Governor of Rouen”. The second is called Tan Di, it was built in 1919, it stretches from east to west.

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Kunming is the administrative center of Yunnan Province. The history of Kunming has ancient roots. The first settlements in this place arose in the Paleolithic - they are approximately thirty thousand years old. Back in the third century BC, there was an outpost of Dianwanguo in these places (this was during the Warring States period) - later Kunming became the capital of this state. During the Tang (VII-X centuries AD) and Song (X-XIII centuries AD) dynasties, the “temporary capital” of the empire was located in this place for a total of 490 years, which is why Kunming received the nickname “Eastern Capital.” .

The rulers of the Mongolian Yuan dynasty settled here in 1275 AD, as a result of which Kunming again turned into the trade, financial, political and cultural center of the state. After the defeat of the Yuan troops took place and the rule of the Ming dynasty (XIV - XVII centuries AD) was established in the Celestial Empire, the city was transformed into administrative District Yunnan. At that time, its current name, Kunming, arose. At the same time, these places were visited by the wandering Venetian Marco Polo, who designated Kunming as “a city of trade, arts and crafts, inhabited by pagans, Christians and Muslims.” In addition, there was another definition for Kunming - it is “the city of eternal spring” - it received it thanks to the favorable climate that persists in these places throughout the year.

Kunming and its surroundings contain a large number of ancient attractions. More than anything foreign tourists famous buildings from the Tang Dynasty (VII – X centuries AD) are the Eastern Pagoda and the Western Pagoda - Dunsyta and Sisyta; one of the largest Buddhist buildings in Southeast Asia is the Yuantong Temple; Qingzhengusi Mosque; arch of the Golden Horse and arch of the Green Rooster; Zhenqing Square. Also very popular among vacationers are the Yunnan ethnic villages, which are located in the Dianchi and Jiuxiang regions, Xiling Park, as well as the snow-capped peaks of the Yulongwan and Luquan Jiaozi mountain ranges - here are such wonders as Jinxi - “Golden Temple”, panoramic park, Lühu - “ Green Lake", Zhusi - "Bamboo Temple", as well as Tanhua Temple.

East and West Pagodas

These pagodas are located in the southwestern part of Kunming. The East Pagoda was destroyed by an earthquake, but it was rebuilt in the nineteenth century. The Western Pagoda is more interesting. It is located on the bustling Dongjie Market Street. Old people usually prefer to relax around this pagoda - they play cards here, drink tea and talk with each other. It’s a very interesting time to spend time here, drinking tea and watching what’s happening nearby.

Yuantong Temple

This temple is the largest Buddhist complex in Kunming. The age of this building exceeds a thousand years. It was built at the end of the eighth century AD, at first it was called Butolo. However, during the wars in the twelfth century it was severely damaged, and in 1301 a new temple, Yuantong, was built on its bridge. The architecture of the building is impressive in its grandeur. There is a huge arch near the entrance. If you climb it, you can see the complex from a bird's eye view. From this arch there is a path to the pond, which is located in the central courtyard. There are bridges over this pond, and in its center there is an octagonal pavilion. A gallery stretches along the shoreline to the main building of the complex - the Yuantong Hall. The enormous size of the figure of Buddha Sanshi, as well as the two dragons that entwined the columns, are amazing. Above the hall there are two old caves called Chaoyin and Yougu. According to legend, a monster used to live in them and kill people. To tame him, one of the monks built a sacrificial altar in front of them.

Arches of the Golden Horse and Green Rooster

These arches are located on Jinbi Street. They are 19.5 meters high and 14.7 meters wide. They are carved with the most famous landscapes in Kunming. In the central part of the upper crossbar there are the hieroglyphs “Jinma” - “Golden Horse” and “Biji” - “Green Rooster”. For five centuries, these arches have seen the rise and fall of Kunming. They were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution and rebuilt in 1999. These arches were erected taking into account mathematical laws and astronomical knowledge. Before their destruction in the sixties, locals gathered here, expecting a miracle - in the afternoon for the "Mid-Autumn Festival". In the evening hour, between five and seven o'clock, on the day of the autumnal equinox, at a time when the sun was sinking to the horizon and the moon was rising from the east, the shadows cast by the two arches were united. Among the locals this event was called “jinbijiaohui”, which means “unification of solar and moonlight" This happened only once every sixty years. But historical records do not indicate the exact dates on which this happened, so it is unclear when to expect such a phenomenon again. However, people still expect it.

Zhenqing Square

The construction of this square - another wonder for tourists - began in 2001 and ended in 2003. This project is the largest designed to preserve the historical heritage of Kunming. In the center of the square there is a huge building - the Zhenwu Temple. It was erected during the Yuan era for the purpose of worshiping Emperor Zhenwu, who is a Taoist saint. Since the Ming Dynasty, this temple has been called the “Zhenqing Taoist Temple.” At the beginning of the Ming era, Taoism, which is the traditional religion of the Chinese, became very popular. The temple was repaired in 1431, and in 1441 it was expanded. In addition, during the Qing era, others such as Dulei and Yanling were built near this temple. In the first of them, sacrificial offerings were made to the gods of lightning and fire. The second one was built by a rich salt merchant in order to worship his ancestors. Zhenwu Temple is the largest ancient architectural complex in Kunming. Its architectural style combines the features of two dynasties - Ming and Qing. It is also interesting that this architecture incorporates the classic local features. The square is surrounded by the administrative, commercial and financial parts of Kunming. They plan to organize exhibitions on historical and cultural topics of the province at Zhenshin Square. In addition, there will also be - according to the creators' plans - an exhibition center where you can see handicrafts from Yunnan province. For cultural exchange, concerts of local opera and folk art groups will be held on the ancient stage between the buildings.

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Stone Forest

This a nice place located one hundred and twenty kilometers from Kunming and is known as the largest and most popular tourist attraction. This reserve was created in 1931, and in 1982 the State Council included it in the list of picturesque landscapes of the state - as a natural monument.

After the lowering of sea levels, which occurred several million years ago, as a result of movements of the earth's crust, deep cracks formed in the rocks, which were subject to erosion throughout this time. This Stone Forest consists of many bizarre rocks ranging from five to thirty meters in height, which are scattered over an area of ​​26 thousand hectares. Besides these rocky peaks, there are also caves, waterfalls and lakes. According to legend, the rocks were given to lovers as a place of solitude by Taoist immortals.

The rocks have interesting names- for example, “Ten Thousand Year Mushroom”, “Mother and Son”, “Camel on an Elephant”, “Buddha Stone”, “Rhinoceros That Looks at the Moon”, “ Beautiful girl"Coming out of the Water."

Tourists can walk along the paths in this Stone Forest. The park consists of three parts. The first is the Lesser Stone Forest (Xiao Shilin), which is located near the northern entrance - there are a large number of grottoes here; The second is Wai Shilin; The park's most exciting attractions are located at Lotus Peak (Liang Huang Feng). From the Wang Feng Ting Pavilion, which is located at the top, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of this natural wonder - Stone Forest. The most best time The best time to visit the park is in the evening, because then the rocks begin to cast amazing shadows. In the central part of the Lesser Stone Forest there is a meadow that covers an area of ​​two hectares - here on the twenty-fourth day lunar month The Torch Festival is held. This celebration lasts for 24 hours, during which time sports competitions take place. At night there is a procession with torches, accompanied by songs and dances.

Near the entrance to the park, vacationers will be able to purchase souvenirs - products of the Sani tribe - namely wallets, handbags, shoes and embroidery.

Thermal springs of Anyina

These thermal springs are located forty kilometers from the city, near the village of Anyin. They were discovered at the beginning of the Han Dynasty, but they began to be used only in the 15th century. The waters of the springs contain many minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and others. Adoption water procedures It is most recommended for those people who suffer from skin diseases and rheumatism. The water has a temperature of 45 degrees.

Koshi Si Temple

This temple is located one kilometer west of thermal springs Anyina. It was built in the Tang era. Subsequently, it was rebuilt several times - for various reasons. In the main hall, which was completed during the Song Dynasty, there is a figure of Buddha. This figure is credited with magical properties due to one very unusual phenomenon. Once every sixty years - on the evening of the fifteenth day of the eighth month according to Chinese chronology - a moonbeam, passing through a small window, falls directly on the middle of the Buddha's eyebrow and forms a point of light on it. Over time, as the Moon rises higher, the point moves until it reaches the Buddha's navel and disappears.

Western Xishan Mountains

The Western Mountains are approximately fifteen kilometers from Kunming. They stretched out in a wedge shape to the west of Lake Dianchi. These mountains are shaped like a girl whose locks of hair fall into the waters of a lake - for this reason they are also known as the Sleeping Beauty Mountains. The touching legend about these mountains and lake is known to every local resident. The girl, waiting for her beloved, cried for days, so much so that eventually a lake was formed from her tears, now called Dianchi.

Huating Temple.

Near the foot of the mountains is the Huating Temple. Previously he appeared country house noble family from Dali. In the 14th century it turned into a temple. Curious statues have been preserved within its walls - for example, two jasper figures of Buddha were donated by Burmese Buddhists, a gilded figure was donated by Thai believers, and a copper statue of the deity Zhunti has as many as three eyes and eighteen hands! In the corner of the park there is a garden with stupas. About a dozen of them are dedicated to deceased monks who lived here. The Haihui Tower is more interesting - it has two floors. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the spirits of the dead have lived in it. On weekends and holidays local residents come here with flowers, fruits and incense to worship the spirits of their ancestors. This is how they honor their memory. Due to the convenient location of Huating Temple, many locals bury their loved ones here. When you enter this temple, at that very moment you take your breath away and feel as if you have entered the other world. The urns containing the ashes appear ghostly in low light.

National village in Yunnan

The national village in Yunnan is located on the lakeside territory of Morskoy Crest and is separated from the forest park by water. The village was founded in 1992 and includes twenty-six national settlements. In our time, settlements have already been built by thirteen nationalities - Dai, Bulan, Bai, Wa, Jino, Yi, Nasi, Lagu, Hani, Tibetans, Jingbo, Deyang and Zhuang. Here is the National Rally Square, a hall where traditional song and dance concerts are held, a hall with a laser background and other buildings.


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