Pskov region Pushkin village history. Pushkin Mountains: sights, photos. To the Pushkin Mountains - on your own or with a tour

Among them is special. It is considered to be the poet’s poetic homeland. Here he gets acquainted with Russian folklore, becomes imbued with Russian nature, writes the novel "Eugene Onegin", the tragedy "Boris Godunov", the poem "Gypsies" and the most heartfelt poems about love - "The Burnt Letter", "The Talisman", "Confession", "I I remember a wonderful moment..." In Mikhailovsky, Pushkin wrote about 100 works.
There is a golden rule: to understand the origins of the creator’s inspiration, you need to come to the places where he lived and worked, walk along the paths, breathe in the intoxicating air... This applies not only to Pushkin. Yesenin and Konstantinovo, Turgenev and Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, Lermontov and Tarkhany, Nekrasov and Karabikha...If Sergei Yesenin became closer and more understandable to me in Konstantinovo, when I stood on the high bank of the Oka and looked around the Oka expanses, then Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin opened up in Mikhailovskoye. A wonderful place where nature intertwines with art, time stops, the soul calms down and sings.

If you get to know this place thoughtfully, with meaning, without haste, then it is impossible not to be imbued with it. Even a child. I understand what is going on in the soul of an adult. Understanding, rethinking... But what happens in the soul of a baby is a mystery. This is probably something that is passed on through mother's milk and that cannot be described in words.
We came to Mikhailovskoye twice - in 2013 and 2016. The first time we walked to the estate from Bugrovo. Three kilometers through the protected forest.

The second time, having learned from experience, we arrived from the other side (the highway to Petrovskoye) and drove into the territory using a pass purchased in advance. We parked the car in the parking lot and walked about 500 meters along the path to the estate.

The path turned out to be 10 times shorter, 100 times easier, but the first option was much more picturesque and interesting. Let’s just say that I didn’t have the strength to go through the second time, but I don’t regret that I opened Mikhailovskoye from Bugrovo. That's more correct. As the famous Pushkinist Semyon Stepanovich Geichenko used to say, “You need to get to Pushkin!” In all senses. Otherwise, you won’t get true pleasure from Pushkin’s estates.

Today, without breaking the chronology, I will tell you about a walk along Mikhailovsky in August 2016. Next time I will show the estate from the other side. Kostya's impressionswere stronger...
This time we made a “circle” around the estate: “Pond with “Island of Solitude” - flax storage (souvenir shop) -
pond "Under the canopy of thick willows" -kitchen-living room, manager's house, Kalashnikov's house - house-museum "Mikhailovskoye" - nanny's house - Sorot river valley, mill - Spruce alley - Kern alley - garden - conversation - pond with "Island of Solitude". Yes, it’s normal for a second visit - we saw the main places and attractions, visited the main house. But this is not enough for those who would be in Mikhailovsky for the first time.

Plan diagram of the Mikhailovskoye estate


We parked in a parking lot as close to the house as possible. To travel to the territory, we purchased a pass in advance at the Scientific and Cultural Center in the Pushkin Mountains (address: Novorzhevskaya St., 21). I saw such passes in souvenir shops near the Svyatogor cafe.
From the parking lot we find ourselves in a sunlit meadow, on the diagram it is called “Holiday Glade”.

As we walk, we admire the grazing horses.

We find ourselves at the pond

with the "Island of Solitude" in the middle. Pushkin reverently loved this corner of Mikhailovsky.

Imposing ducks walk right at your feet. It's touching to watch them.

There is a monument to Pushkin in the garden nearby. The poet lay down thoughtfully under the apple trees, observes nature and writes poetry.

We move towards the manor house past the granary building. The picture is idyllic. I watch the visitors - no one is indifferent.

Bridge over the pond.

A mighty centuries-old oak tree, which inspired Pushkin’s lines “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...”.

We walk past a “fluffy” picket fence overgrown with moss and lush, fragrant flower beds to the house-museum.

We immediately “dive” into the ticket office - a small house next to the main house. Here two “events” happen to us at once - a curiosity and an unpleasant discovery.
- Hello! We'd like to go on a tour.
- Oh, you're just in time for the last session! The excursion has just begun.
- Please give us a ticket for the photo shoot.
- 200 rub. But if you have already paid for filming today in other estates (Petrovskoye, Trigorskoye), then you don’t need to do this again.
- We paid in Trigorskoye. Only they didn’t tell us that it was valid in all estates of Pushkinogorye.
- Valid.
Here my soul sinks into my heels - 15 minutes ago I posted the ticket with my own hands out of my bag and left it in the car (already on the territory of Mikhailovsky!). It's a terrible pity, but don't buy another one! We pay admission ticket and excursion services. They told us to run, the group left 10 minutes ago. We run, logically, to the main house.

We present tickets at the entrance. In complete despair, I tell the young man-caretaker about the forgotten ticket for the filming. And he believes me, meets me halfway, and allows me to take photographs. We run into the house and put on shoe covers. We drop into the first room... There is no group. Let's go back. We ask two other attendants about the group, they wave to us - let’s go there. Thinking that the group is at the nanny’s house, we fly there. There's no one there. Let's go back. The funny thing is, it turns out that they sold us tickets without excursion services!!! How were we supposed to know what was worth what? We purchased and discussed with the cashier a tour of the estate.
In bewilderment, resigned (the cash register is already closed anyway), we go to look at the house on our own. Wow, we ran around looking for a group! ;)
The manor house in Mikhailovskoye has experienced several revivals. When the poet lived here, the house of the late 18th century was already quite dilapidated. In the 1860s it collapsed and a new one was built. The building we see now was erected after the war, in 1949, in its original form. The interiors are simple, but that’s exactly how they were under Alexander Sergeevich.

It’s funny, but three years ago it was impossible to take photographs in the estate. We didn’t know this, and after taking a couple of shots, we received an avalanche of negativity and indignation. Now, please. Buy a ticket (200 rubles for three estates), rent as much as you want.

Nanny's room (Maiden room)

Parents room

Parents room

The magic of antique mirrors

Living room

Living room

Dining room

Dining room



The northern façade of the building is decorated with columns.

From here the house looks cozy and formal at the same time.

Below lies Lake Kuchane. On the shore of the reservoir there are two Pushkinogorsk estates - Mikhailovskoye and Trigorskoye.

We go around the perimeter of the house. The grounds of the estate are well maintained down to the last detail.

It's hard to tear yourself away from this landscape.

Mill on the bank of Soroti.

On the opposite bank of the Kuchane there is the Petrovskoye estate.

We go around the house in a circle. The walk continues...

The simple house is surrounded by modest flowers. Everything is laconic and harmonious.

Sophie in Mikhailovsky. year 2013

This is an urban village located 120 km from Pskov. Previously, these places were called the Holy Mountains in honor of the Svyatogorsk Monastery located here, founded in 1569 on Mount Sinichya, by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The settlement of Tobolonets grew up around the monastery, named after the lake located here. By the beginning of the 18th century it became the village of Holy Mountains. At the end of May 1925 it was renamed Pushkinskiye Gory.

In the village there is the district administration building, a tourist center and a hotel, the administration of the Pushkin Nature Reserve, the Holy Dormition Monastery, where Alexander Sergeevich, his grandfather I.A. Hannibal, grandmother Marya Alekseevna, the father and mother of the poet are buried.

Pushkin Mountains - excursions

Several from the village highways lead to the estates. From the village of Bugrova, the main pedestrian road to Mikhailovskoye, Petrovskoye and Trigorskoye begins. Between the Svyatogorsk and Mikhailovsky monasteries there is a restored mill (1986), which is a museum. This is exactly the kind of mill that was here during Pushkin’s time. During the holidays, its ceremonial launch takes place here. As a souvenir, you can take home a souvenir bag with freshly ground flour.

Crossing the bridge over the river, you can get into the open-air wooden architecture complex “Pskov Village”. Here you can clearly see what these places looked like before. This is the only museum of its kind in the Pushkin Mountains. When you arrive in the Pushkin Mountains, excursions can be booked for groups of tourists or individual ones.


The most famous estate of Alexander Sergeevich. His youth passed here; he spent a lot of time in these places in his more mature years. Here, from 1824, for two years, he was in exile.

The Mikhailovskoye estate (Pushkin Mountains) belonged to the Pushkin family long before the birth of the poet. At first (from 1742) its owner was A.P. Hannibal, Pushkin’s great-grandfather, then his grandfather, O.A. Hannibal, and finally, the poet’s mother, N.O. Hannibal, became the owner of the estate. The estate became state property in 1899. The first Pushkin museum was founded here in 1911.

The buildings that can be seen today in Mikhailovsky have been restored twice. The estate burned down almost to the ground in 1918. Then it was restored. But during the Second World War it was completely destroyed. The second restoration was carried out in the post-war years.

The Pushkin Mountains museum complex, the sights of which are of great value to historians, writers, and art critics, is under the protection of our state.

Mikhailovsky Park

This favorite place rest of A. S. Pushkin. Here the poet found inspiration for his most famous works.

The park has two main alleys. One of them is Spruce. She was planted by O. A. Hannibal. The second is Anna Kern Alley. Alexander Sergeevich walked along it with his beloved.

Pushkin House Museum

Historical facts concerning the life of the great poet are of interest to all those who come to Pushkin Mountains. Tourists usually begin to explore the sights from the Pushkin House Museum.

The master's house is located on a steep hill. Now there is an exhibition dedicated to the work and life of the great poet.

The museum's exhibition includes portraits of A. S. Pushkin's parents, sister and brother. There are also portraits of his friends. Of particular interest is invariably a very rare miniature depicting the mother of Alexander Sergeevich, made by an unknown author on an ivory plate.

Nanny's house

Next to the manor house there is a small nanny's house. Its walls and roof are lined with planks. The house is made of wooden logs. According to tradition, it is called “A.S. Pushkin’s nanny’s house.” It received this name because it summer time Arina Rodionovna lived in it. The rest of the time she had a room in the manor's house.

The house is small, its length is about 9 meters and its width is 7 meters. It is surrounded by lilac bushes. Inside, it is divided into two halves by a corridor. On the right is the bathhouse, and on the left is Arina Rodionovna’s light. The only thing the poet’s nanny has “survived” to this day is a wooden box that served as a piggy bank.

On the way from Mikhailovsky to Trigorsky there is a place called Savkina Gorka. In ancient times there was a fortification here, when A.S. Pushkin lived in these places, this place was just a hill. Historians claim that Alexander Sergeevich wanted to buy this land from his neighbors and build there, but did not have time to do this. On the hill there is a mass grave of soldiers and a wooden chapel, which was recently restored.


The Pushkin Mountains Museum, whose attractions are concentrated in three estates, also presents its exhibitions in the Petrovskoye estate. This estate, like Mikhailovskoye, was given to Pushkin’s great-grandfather by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. Then it passed into the possession of the poet's great-uncle Pyotr Abramovich, Veniamin Petrovich - Pushkin's great-uncle. He turned out to be the last owner from the Hannibal family. Since 1839, other people became the owners of the estate. The Petrovskaya estate was included in the Pushkin ensemble in 1936.

Petrovskoye is an estate that has been completely restored (as well as Mikhailovskoye). Houses from the Pushkin era burned down in 1918. In 1977, the house of P. A. Pushkin was restored, and in 2000, the house of A. Hannibal appeared.

Today, the museum-estate consists of two restored houses and a park with a gazebo. Particularly valuable in the exhibition are exhibits from Pushkin's times, most of which were found during excavations. In the park you can see a linden tree and two elms that “saw” Abram Hannibal.


Another estate included in the Pushkin Mountains complex. The sights of this place are also connected with the life of Alexander Sergeevich, although it never belonged to the Hannibal-Pushkins. This is the estate of close friends of Alexander Sergeevich Osipov-Wulf. He was very friendly with them during his exile in Mikhailovskoye.

Like the two estates that we have already talked about, Trigorskoye was completely burned in 1918. It was restored in the post-war years. By 1978, the manor house and bathhouse were restored on the estate.

Around the manor house there is a park with “Onegin’s bench” and “Tatyana’s alley”. There is an opinion that it is Trigorskoye that is the prototype of the Larins’ estate, and Pushkin “borrowed” the characters of the heroes of his famous novel from his friends.

Many consider the most interesting place in the park to be the amazing sundial, in which ancient oak trees, planted in a circle, are the divisions of the dial.

Holy Dormition Monastery

The beautiful and well-kept Pushkin Mountains complex, a photo of which you see in our article, attracts many connoisseurs of church architecture.

The Holy Dormition Monastery, located in the village of Pushkinskiye Gory, was built in 1569 by order of Ivan the Terrible. It was one of the most revered monasteries in Rus'. For a long time he received many gifts. The most valuable of them is considered to be the bell, which was given by Ivan the Terrible himself, as well as the Gospel - a gift from the Tsar. Unfortunately, today you can only see fragments of the bell, cast in 1753 by order of Abbot Innocent in the city of Moscow.

The Svyatogorsk Monastery is also well known for the fact that A.S. Pushkin and his relatives are buried here.

In 1924 the monastery was closed. Later, a branch of the Pushkin Museum was organized here. Since 1992 it has been a functioning monastery for men.

Kazan Church

The temple, located in the center of the village of Pushkinskiye Gory, was built in 1765. It has always been a parish church and has never closed, despite the severe repressions that affected the priests. In 1924, after the closure of the Svyatogorsk Monastery, its main shrines were moved to the temple.

How to get to the museum?

Workers of the historical museum complex invite all admirers of the work of A. S. Pushkin to visit the Pushkin Mountains, photo memorable places can be seen in our article.

The easiest way to get here is by car along the St. Petersburg - Pushkin Mountains route. This trip will take you approximately 6 hours (distance 399 km).

Residents of the city of Pechora can get here even faster. Pushkinskiye Gory is located 138 km from it. The trip will take approximately 2.5 hours by car.

You can get from Pskov to the museum daily by regular bus from the bus station. The journey will last 2 hours 30 minutes.

And one more information that will be of interest to everyone who wants to see the Pushkin Mountains (attractions). The operating hours of the museum complex are very convenient. It works every day except Monday. The last Tuesday of every month is sanitary day at the museum. The museum welcomes visitors from 10.00 to 17.00; tickets can be purchased until 16.30. In summer, operating hours are extended by an hour.

Pushkinskiye Gory- an urban-type settlement, the administrative center of the municipal formation "urban settlement of Pushkinogorye" and the Pushkinogorsky district of the Pskov region of Russia.

Located 112 km southeast of Pskov, 57 km southeast of the Ostrov railway station (on the Pskov - Rezekne line).


Founded in the 16th century as a settlement Tobolenets(named after the name of the lake) at the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

In the 19th century, the settlement of Tobolenets was a modest volost center with its own government, fire brigade, small hospital, almshouse and reading room. The volost administration was located on Mount Volostnoy (today known as Mount Sunset). The fire station stood in the center of the settlement, opposite it on the hill there was a hospital. Below there were shops and a tavern, closer to the monastery - the houses of merchants and priests. In addition to the Svyatogorsk Monastery, there were three churches and two chapels. In the early 1830s, A.I. Raevsky opened the first free school in the settlement, where 30 children studied. In the 1840s the Ministry state property founded her own school here, and in 1884 a school was opened at the monastery, in which 40 boys studied. At the beginning of the 20th century, twenty primary schools in the village and one five-grade school.

In 1877, a post office was opened in the settlement, and in 1886 a telegraph line ran from Novgorodka to Bezhanitsy. Telephone communication first appeared in 1910. In 1912, the first telephone exchange with 10 numbers was installed, which made it possible to have constant communication with Opochka and five villages. During the First World War, all communication lines were destroyed. In 1912, kerosene lamps were used for street lighting for the first time in the Holy Mountains. Lanterns hung near the house of the volost government, near the tavern and shops. Electricity appeared after the October Revolution of 1917.

On May 25, 1925, a special resolution was adopted by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee: “To rename the village of Tobolenets, the center of the Pushkin volost of the Pskov province, into the village Pushkinskie Gory" Two years later, the village became the center of a district formed as part of the Pskov Okrug Leningrad region by a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of August 1, 1927, under the name Pushkinsky from Pushkinsky and part of the Veleisky volost of Opochetsky district. The area was called Pushkinsky until 1936. On May 11, 1937, the district was transferred from Velikoluksky to Opochetsky and began to be called Pushkinogorsky.

The new regional center began to develop in a new way. In 1927 it appeared high school named after A.S. Pushkin, the building had 13 rooms and was designed to educate 480 children. A new hospital (later the House of Soviets), a pharmacy, and a restaurant were built near the school. There were seven streets in the village, three of which were paved and illuminated by electric lamps. In the pre-war years, Pushkin Mountains began at the monastery wall and ended at the secondary school.

On August 23, 1944, when the Pskov region was formed, the area, the center of which was the Pushkin Mountains, was included in its composition.

From February 1, 1963, for four years, Pushkinskie Gory was not a district center, since the district did not exist as an administrative unit and was part of the Novorzhevsky district. The Pushkinogorsky district was restored on December 30, 1966.

Until 1942, the Trigorskaya railway station on the Pskov - Polotsk line operated near the village. It was destroyed by the Germans.


IN Pushkinskiye Gory there is a cultural and leisure center (8 branches); central district library (13 branches) with a methodological center; children's art school named after. S. S. Geichenko.

The most outstanding creative team of Pushkin Mountains is Russian song choir, under the leadership of M. E. Fedorova. The choir has existed for more than thirty years, conducts active concert activities, and performs in the district and region. In 2005, the choir took part in the all-Russian holiday - Pushkin Day in Russia. In 2006, the director of the choir was awarded the honorary title “Soul of the Pskov Land”.

The largest cultural events of the Pushkin Mountains are held annually:

  • Pushkin Poetry Festival/Svyatogorsk Fair (first Sunday in June);
  • Day of liberation of the region from Nazi invaders (July 12)
  • Regional theatrical festival “Russian Winter”
  • All-Russian folklore festival “Pskov Pearls” (2nd ten days of July)
  • All-Russian Pushkin Theater Festival (February)
  • International informal Pushkin theater festival “Laboratory of Arts Kordon-2” (1st week of August)


  • In the Pushkinogorsky district there is the state memorial historical-literary and natural-landscape museum-reserve of A. S. Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye”, which includes the estates Mikhailovskoye (place of the poet’s exile in 1824-1826), Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye, and the museums “Pushkinskaya Village” " And " Water Mill» in the village of Bugrovo, the settlements of Voronich, Vrev, Velye and Savkina Gorka, as well as Svyatogorsk Holy Dormition Monastery- burial place of the poet. The reserve annually hosts the Pushkin Poetry Festival.
  • Temple of the Kazan Mother of God(1765). Konovnitsyn is considered its temple builder.
  • In 2000, on the western outskirts of the Pushkin Mountains, the Argus bird nursery was created (in Latin this is the name of one of the most beautiful views pheasants, and in ancient Greek mythology - the thousand-eyed and vigilant guard). In 2010, the name was changed to the Zoograd ecopark.
  • 12 km from the Pushkin Mountains is the former estate of the Lvovs Altun. A. I. Lvov, who was in 1823-1826. leader of the Pskov provincial nobility, exercised general supervision over the exiled A.S. Pushkin. The layout of the park and several manor buildings have been preserved. In 2008, reconstruction of the estate began, the park was put in order, the pond and the remaining buildings were cleaned and beautified. On the site of the former estate, the Altun Estate hotel is located, and in the premises of the restored barn there is the restaurant “Barn under the Oaks”.

Every year, the sights of the Pushkin Mountains and the surrounding area are visited by more than 300 thousand tourists and excursionists. To accommodate guests of the Pushkin Mountains, there is the Druzhba Hotel, the Pushkinogorye tourist base and the Altun Estate Hotel, which opened in October 2011 (12 km from the Pushkin Mountains).

Notable natives

  • Sukhodolsky, Mikhail Igorevich (1965) - Colonel General of Police, former First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

, Trigorskoye and Petrovskoye. Each of them is connected with A.S. Pushkin’s stay in these places. It’s good to come here with a volume of the poet’s poems - walk along Kern Alley, find the “House of the Larins” and Onegin’s bench, wander around Pushkin’s Lukomorye.

Once upon a time these were the distant borders of the Moscow kingdom. To strengthen them, in 1569, by decree of Ivan the Terrible, a building was founded on the high Sinichnaya Hill. In the 18th century, it became the family tomb of the Hannibal-Pushkins, and in the winter of 1837 the poet himself was buried near its walls. total area The Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin is about 9800 hectares. Its infrastructure allows you to linger in these stunning beautiful places for as long as desired.

How to get to Pushkin Mountains

By train

It is convenient to travel from Moscow to Pushkinskie Gory first by train No. 010A to Pskov (travel time 11 hours 40 minutes, seat/reserved seat/compartment ticket 1400/2100/4000 RUB), then by one of the regular buses: Pskov - Pushkinskie Gory, Pskov - Novorzhev, Pskov - Velikiye Luki (up to 8 flights per day, 2 hours 10 minutes, from 250 RUB). Bus schedules can be found at the office. website of the company GPPO "Pskovpassazhiravtotrans". The cost of a taxi ride from the Pskov railway station to the Pushkin Mountains is 2800 RUB. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

An alternative option is to take train No. 663R to the Loknya railway station (12.5 hours, seated/reserved/compartment 750/1250/3100 RUB). Then take the Loknya - Pskov bus (1 hour 40 minutes, 250 RUB) or Velikiye Luki - Pskov, passing through the Pushkin Mountains. Taxi from Lokni to Pushkinskie Gory - 1800 RUB.

Trains No. 083A and No. 061B coming from St. Petersburg also stop at Loknya station (5 hours 20 minutes, reserved seat/compartment 1000/2000 RUB).

By bus and private car

By bus Moscow - Pskov you need to get to the small town of Opochka in the Pskov region (12 hours, 1000 RUB). A taxi to Pushkinskiye Gory from here costs 1400 RUB. After another 75 km, the bus makes a stop in the city of Ostrov, where you can change to Shuttle Buses going to the place (up to 8 flights per day, 1 hour, 150 RUB). Residents Northern capital can get to the Pushkin Mountains without transfers by intercity bus St. Petersburg - Bezhanitsy (2 trips per day, 7.5 hours, 640 RUB).

The fastest and most convenient way to travel is by personal car. The distance of 620 km from Moscow can be covered in 7 hours - first along the M-9 "Baltia" highway to Velikiye Luki, then along roads 57K-79 (to Lokni) and 58K-19. From St. Petersburg you should take the international highway E95 and in Novgorod turn left onto road 58K-500. The length of the route is 400 km, the journey takes 5 hours.


The only kind public transport in Pushkinskie Gory - bus number 50, passing them from end to end (2-5 times a day). In summer, additional routes No. 173B Avtostantsiya - Trigorskoe and No. 173B Avtostantsiya - Petrovskoe operate (2 times a day, journey time is 30 minutes). On those passing through the bus station (Novorzhevskaya St., 30) intercity buses you can go to nearby settlements: Bezhanitsy (1 hour), Velikiye Luki (1 hour 10 minutes), Novorzhev (1 hour 50 minutes) and others.

The role of a taxi in Pushkinskie Gory is performed by private cab drivers waiting for passengers near the bus station. The cost of the trip is 250 RUB.

All parking in the village is free. In Mikhailovsky, Trigorsky and Petrovsky, free parking is located at a considerable distance from the museums themselves. There are paid parking lots in the immediate vicinity of the museum facilities. They must be paid in advance ticket offices or at the Pushkinogorsk Scientific and Cultural Center (S. S. Geychenko Boulevard, 1).

Bicycles for rent

Beautiful nature, short distances and calm terrain make the Pushkin Mountains a pleasant place for cycling. Bicycle rental is organized at the Pushkinogorye tourist center and at the Arina R. hotels. and “Altun Estate”.

Maps of Pushkin Mountains

Pushkinskie Gory Hotels

Despite the fact that there are no “star” hotels in Pushkinskiye Gory, there is a roof over your head for everyone. The most popular, comfortable and conveniently located is the Arina R. Hotel. with air conditioning, cafe, swimming pool with sauna and sun terrace. But the most important thing is that it is easy to walk from it to the most interesting places in Pushkinogorye. Price double room V high season 3900 RUB. As a bonus - free WI-Fi and parking

Those who come by car can stay at the park hotel "Altun Estate", located 12 km from the Pushkin Mountains in the former Lvov estate with an ancient park and a beach on the lake. The rooms are individually decorated and some have fireplaces. Price - from 4500 RUB.

The legacy of Soviet times is the Druzhba hotel in the very center of the village with unpretentious service and unexpectedly spacious rooms for 2500 RUB. The same price applies to a room at the Pushkinogorye recreation complex, where you can order three meals a day for an additional 800 RUB per day. In addition, in the Pushkin Mountains and the immediate vicinity there is a good selection of mini-hotels, guest houses, cottages and apartments of varying degrees of comfort, capacity and cost - from 1700 to 9000 RUB.

What to bring

Leaving the Pushkin Mountains without buying something as a souvenir is an unfortunate omission. There is a very large selection of souvenirs in the long row of trade stalls lined up in front of the entrance to the Svyatogorsk Monastery. The most popular are carved wooden boxes, birch bark products, wooden toys, and original wooden crafts. Honey from the monastery apiary, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and, depending on the season, fresh or dried mushrooms, all kinds of pickles, jams and berries are always on sale.

Mid-July is the time of cloudberry ripening, the very one that the mortally wounded Pushkin asked for. It is called the “royal berry”. It is not only tasty, but also very useful in the treatment of many diseases.

More serious and expensive purchases- books and art albums dedicated to Pushkin and Pushkin Mountains, sold in souvenir shops at museums. Great are the large knitted shawls, the most beautiful in the Pskov region, which local needlewomen knit on long winter evenings. It is worth paying tribute to the sbitnya from the Stobushinsky monastery of the Svyatogorsk Monastery. To try all its types - classic, cherry, currant, cranberry and juniper, you will have to buy more than one bottle.

Cafes and restaurants of Pushkin Mountains

The list of catering establishments in the Pushkin Mountains is limited to a couple of restaurants and several cafes. The best choice for dinner - the Barn under the Oaks restaurant in the Altun Estate complex. In addition to native Russian dishes, the menu offers European dishes. Particularly popular are steaks and cutlets made from elk and wild boar, homemade sausage and beer from our own brewery. The average bill for a hearty dinner with beer is 1200 RUB per person.

The Lukomorye restaurant at the Druzhba hotel is described in the story “Reserve” by Sergei Dovlatov, who worked as a guide in the Pushkin Mountains. Its interiors have remained virtually unchanged, the portions are still generous, the service is fast, and the food is tasty and inexpensive. A three-course lunch (Nobles' Nest salad, fish solyanka and boyar-style meat) will cost only 600 RUB.

Fast, tasty and inexpensive - within 500 RUB, you can have lunch at the Korzinka cafe next to the Arina R. hotel. But the Wulf Coffee House, saturated with the aroma of coffee and vanilla, seems to have come to Trigorskoye straight from the streets old Riga or Tallinn. Here you can find the best coffee, desserts, fresh pastries, pies with meat, mushrooms and cabbage in Pushkinogorye. In the coffee shop you can not only have a quick snack (tea with sandwiches - 150 RUB), but also have a good rest, recharge your phone, connect to free Wi-Fi and have a hearty conversation with the hospitable owner.

Entertainment and attractions

The history of the Holy Mountains goes back to the distant 14th century. Among the local attractions are two ancient settlements - Voronich and Savkina Gorka, destroyed by Polish troops during the Livonian War.

The Pushkin period of these places began with the Petrovskoye estate. The poet's great-grandfather, Abram Petrovich Hannibal, was granted it in 1742 by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. A large wooden house stands by the lake, surrounded by a park, planned by Abram Petrovich himself in accordance with the tastes of that time.

An ancient road, skirting Lake Kuchane, leads from Petrovskoye to the family estate of the Pushkins, Mikhailovskoye. The two years spent here in exile were not the easiest in Pushkin’s life, but very fruitful. During this period, he wrote about 100 works in a modest “disgraced house”. The northern façade of the manor house faces the Sorot River, where, as in Pushkin’s times, wild ducks nest. The southern one opens onto a spacious courtyard with flower beds and outbuildings. The poet’s nanny, Arina Rodionovna, lived in one of them. Part of the Mikhailovsky landscape is an old manor park with ponds, bridges thrown over them and shady alleys, one of which leads to the wooden chapel of the Archangel Michael.

From Mikhailovskoye a beautiful trail goes along the floodplain of the Sorot River. Pushkin often traveled this road, visiting his friends Osipov-Wulf in the neighboring Trigorskoye estate. The unprepossessing landowner House of Trigorsky, standing on a hill across the ravine from the Voronich settlement, is the same “house of the Larins” described by Pushkin in “Eugene Onegin”, and some call the daughters of the owner Praskovya Aleksandrovna Osipova the prototypes of Tatyana and Olga.

The highest hill in the chain of the Pushkin Mountains is occupied by the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Monastery. Pushkin visited it more than once during his exile, visited the famous fairs that were held near its walls, and later worked in the monastery archive, collecting material for the drama “Boris Godunov.” Founded by decree of Ivan the Terrible, the monastery survived the Polish invasion, and its first abbot, Zosima, participated in the Zemsky Sobor, which elected Godunov to the throne. In the severe cold of 1837, the poet’s body was brought here from St. Petersburg and buried near the walls of the Assumption Church. Today there are about 25 monks and novices in the monastery. During the service, Pushkin and his ancestors buried in the family necropolis are commemorated here every day.

The best period for swimming in local rivers and lakes is from late June to mid-August. The largest number of tourists come to Pushkin Mountains from May to September.

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A few years ago I went on a three-day excursion to, or, as they are also called, Pushkinogorye, Pushgory. Then, hot on the heels, I wrote a series of posts about the sights of Pushkinogorye. However, a number of questions remained “behind the scenes”: how long is it worth going to the Pushkin Mountains, what, in addition to the estates and Pushkin’s grave, is worth seeing there, where to stay?

Many people come to the Pushkin Mountains on their own. In my opinion, at least for the first time, it’s worth going with a guided tour. We were lucky - our general tour was led by an employee of the Pushkin House (St. Petersburg), and tours of the estates were conducted by employees of the museum-reserve. In fact, these were advanced training courses in Pushkin studies: I learned a lot about the poet’s life and took a fresh look at his work.

Excursions to the Pushkin Mountains are usually designed for one day. There are also two-day ones. We went on a 3 day trip. If you just want to get an idea of ​​the place or are short on time, you can go for one day. If you want to leisurely explore this place, then it is better to go for three days or more.

The Pushkin Mountains are so beautiful and meditative that, ideally, you need to stay here for a week to leisurely explore everything, walk through the picturesque parks, dream in the very place where Tatiana and Onegin’s exchange took place and generally understand what role these places played in the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The program of our trip to the Pushkin Mountains

1st day. Road from St. Petersburg to the Pushkin Mountains, travel information. Hotel accommodation, lunch. Afternoon – visit to the estate, free time at the estate (walk in the park). Dinner at the hotel and free time.

2nd day. Breakfast at the hotel. Visit to the estate, tour of the estate, free time for a walk in. Lunch at the Svyatogor cafe. After lunch - trip to, tour of the park and estate, visit Voronich settlement. From there - move to (from the road to the hill you need to walk about 1 km). Dinner at the hotel.

3rd day. Breakfast at the hotel. Excursion around. Transfer to a tour of the monastery, visit to the grave of A.S. Pushkin. Lunch at the hotel, departure to St. Petersburg.

The program of our excursion shows how eventful the trip was. We examined all the estates in detail. However, I would like to have at least one more day to walk in the forest and see the villages.

What else is worth seeing in the Pushkin Mountains

  • Ornithological nursery "Argus". There are about 50 species and breeds of birds and several species of mammals here. Some of them walk around the territory with visitors. Opening hours: from 10 to 18 hours.
  • House-museum of Sergei Dovlatov. Here S.D. Dovlatov spent his vacation working as a guide at the museum-reserve. Memories of this period formed the basis of the novel “The Reserve.” Address: Pskov region, Pushkinogorsky district, Berezino village.

Scheme of the Pushkin Mountains Museum-Reserve

It will be difficult to travel around the Pushkin Mountains without a car - the estates are located at a distance from each other. Therefore, if you come to independent trip, it is better to travel by car or bicycle. Or take a tour on the spot. In 2014, a permit to enter three estates (Mikhailovskoye, Petrovskoye, Trigorskoye) cost 200 rubles; they can be purchased at the scientific and cultural center. In addition, photography was allowed in the manor houses.

Hotels in the Pushkin Mountains

We stayed at the literary hotel "Arina-R". The place is nice, located next to a fork in the road, not far from Bugrovo. It is better to book hotels in the Pushkin Mountains well in advance, as the place is popular and there may not be room available during the season. You can view all options on

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Sights of Pushkinogorye on the map

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