The most popular resorts in India. Holidays in India: the best season to travel. Features of Indian culture: rules of behavior on vacation

India is most often represented Russian tourist fairyland. And this is not about Bollywood at all. This is truly a unique, ancient, colorful, unlike any other country, attracting tourists from all over the world.

People come here to touch wonderful world with its cultural, historical and architectural monuments, visit excellent resorts in India, with service not inferior to resorts Western Europe, and superior in quality to them.


India is located in South Asia. It is one of the largest countries in the world, bordering Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia and.

Perhaps, except for Pakistan and modern Myanmar, other countries also have a developed tourism infrastructure. This region is a treasure trove of attractions, rich in unique historical and cultural monuments.


India is located in the tropics and subtropics. Much of this country experiences rain from June to October due to humid South-West winds. From November to February it is relatively cool here, it is best time for tourism and recreation. And in the spring - from March to May - it is very dry and hot. Not every tourist will be able to endure this time. Those. The best time to relax here is in winter.


India was inhabited 500,000 years ago, and Homo erectus lived here. Around the 3rd millennium BC. The Indus Valley Civilization emerged and the first cities were built. And in the II-I millennium BC. The Vedic civilization arose.

It was she who gave the world the Vedas - the sacred books of Judaism, written in Sanskrit. Later in India around the 10th century BC. Buddhism began to spread, the first small republics and “kingdoms” appeared, and the Upanishads were written.

In the 5th century BC. the north and west of India were conquered by the Persians, and a hundred years later Alexander the Great came there. After his departure, almost the entire Indian subcontinent came under the rule of the Mauryan dynasty.

The “Golden Age” of India is considered to be several centuries at the beginning of our era. At that time, it was not a single state, but there were several powerful empires on its territory that left a significant mark on history.

Over the next centuries, Islam came here, the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire existed in this territory. And after the collapse of the latter, India was a colony of Great Britain until 1947. Today it is an independent state.


India is the second most populous country after China, with more than 1.3 billion people living here. Moreover, more than 2/3 are rural residents. More men are literate than women. Overall, about 70% of the population is literate

Language and religion

The main language in the country is Hindi. English is widely used in business and is considered an auxiliary official language. People who speak Sanskrit, Urdu, Bengali, Bodo, etc. also live here.

More than 80% of the inhabitants of this country profess Hinduism, about 15% - Islam. In addition, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs live here, Jainism, animism and other religious beliefs have their audience.


The culture of this great country differs in variety. Thanks to its long history, it has absorbed the customs of many peoples, preserved its most ancient traditions and adopted the culture of conquerors, colonialists and immigrants.

Here traditional family values, when several generations live in one family, are highly valued and supported by the people and the state. Although today in cities an ordinary married family with children is preferred.

IN Indian architecture all stages of its historical past are intertwined. Here you can find ancient Buddhist stupas (temples), ancient Muslim mosques and Christian churches different directions this faith.

In music, Indian folk songs, such as the local filmi music style, are very popular. You can see dances in the style of bhangra, bifu, chhau, etc. right on the street. Some local dances have been awarded the title of classical.

In Indian cinema, we know such a thing as Bollywood, although there is also Tollywood and Kollywood. The film industry of this country is the largest in the world. All films are based on Hindu myths and are accompanied by national dances and songs.

There are different states different types national theater: bhavay, jatra, ramlila, tamasha, etc., which is also based on the Vedas, ancient Hindu myths, decorated with folk dances and music.

Ancient works of literature were passed on by word of mouth for centuries, but were written down relatively recently. This is Sanskrit literature: “Vedas”, “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana”, Mahakavya poetry, etc.

India is strong with its unique regions and each region has its own cuisine. In any case, these cuisines are famous for the use of various roots, seasonings, herbs, spices, especially black and red pepper, in preparing dishes.

The main food products in India are rice and wheat. You can always buy a thali lunch here at a fixed price from local dishes: rice, beans with sauces, fresh and pickled vegetables, Indian fruits, sweets and drinks.

Main holidays

Most festivals in India are of religious or caste origin. All of them are celebrated widely and with a large crowd of people. Tourists from all over the world love to take part in all-India and local celebrations.

The most common of them:

Kurban Bayram,


Veisakhi etc.

Traditional medicine

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine based on Vedic and Buddhist religious literature. Indians believe that Ayurveda is part of the revelation of holy sages who acquired knowledge about the Universe 7 thousand years ago.

Today, Ayurveda is practiced by more than three hundred thousand Indian doctors. In this country, there are many research centers and institutes whose activities are dedicated to this particular system of medicine, used by more than 80% of Indians.

Ayurveda covers surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, toxicology, psychiatry and other branches of medicine. It is also a philosophical system designed to bring the human body and soul to harmony.

Resorts in India

This country offers different types of recreation. There are sea and ski resorts. Best resorts for beach holiday located in Kerala, Goa, Mumbai, Chennai. Ski resorts are located in the Himalayas.

Beach resorts


The best resort state, of course, is Goa, whose coastline is washed by the Arabian Sea. It's always warm and clean sea there are many beautiful resorts High Quality, hospitably welcoming guests.

People come to Goa to swim in the always warm weather. Indian Ocean with safe waves and sunbathing on excellent sandy beaches. Many tourists are convinced that there is no better place to relax in the whole world.

North Goa was opened to the world in the 60s by hippies, and to this day young people vacation there in inexpensive hotels and campsites. And in the southern part of Goa many expensive hotels, where wealthy tourists from Europe, the USA, Russia and rich Indians relax.

This state is located south of Goa along the west coast and is in the tropical zone. The tourism infrastructure in Kerala today is just developing, there are many beautiful lakes, and the highest quality beaches are located in Alleppey, Varkala, Alapuzha.

North of Goa is the state of Bombay or Mumbai. Not only is there a great beach holiday here, but there are also many ancient and modern attractions. It is in Bombay that Bollywood is located - one of the largest film companies in the world, there are many five-star hotels, restaurants, expensive shops, etc.

On east coast In India, near the Bay of Bengal in the state of Tamil Nadu, you can also find excellent resorts with developed tourist infrastructure. There are many historical and cultural monuments telling about the colonial period of Indian history, as well as wonderful beaches and hotels for every taste.

Ski resorts

Most famous resort, where you can ski from the Himalayas is Gulmag in the state of Kashmir. The resort always has a lot of snow, good terrain, convenient slopes for skiing, and many ski lifts have been built. Mongol emperors once lived here.

Skiers from all over the world know the Auli resort with its school and a 5 km long slope. The mountain resort of Narkanda is located at an altitude of about 3,000 m and is surrounded by coniferous forests, and Solang was loved by newlyweds and families with children.


To get to India, Russians traveling there for tourism purposes need a visa. It can be obtained from the Embassy of this country in Moscow or issued independently electronically.

Obtaining a visa at the Embassy is quite simple: you need to submit Required documents, and four days later pick up the finished one entry document. The only bad thing is that before the start High season there are very long queues.

Visa prices are indicated on the Embassy website:

First you need to collect a package of documents:

The questionnaire filled out on English language(compiled on the website);

International passport;

Russian passport;

Hotel reservation;

Return ticket from India;

Documents on financial solvency, etc.

Getting an e-tourist visa for India for 30 days is the easiest way. You can do this yourself using the Internet. All you need is a scan of your foreign passport and an application form. The visa takes 3 days to process and costs $60.

An application form is filled out on the website of the Indian Visa Application Center and sent to obtain a visa. If everything is done correctly, then in three days it will come to your email. You just need to print it out and have it with you when traveling to India.

Before going on vacation, you need, in addition to your passport and visa, to have a medical insurance policy. As a rule, it is purchased along with the tour from a travel agency. Remember that there can be several types of policies.

Vaccinations against exotic diseases are not required when flying to India, because There is no risk of infection with them in this country. You can get a tetanus injection and a hepatitis vaccine just in case.

Unique, original, unlike other countries, India attracts tourists from all over the world like a magnet. People come here to get to know each other better rich history, culture, architecture ancient people, which has preserved centuries-old traditions. But this country greets its guests not only with its sights. Many tourists travel purposefully to visit Indian resorts, which are not inferior to, and in some ways even superior to, the best health resorts in developed tourist countries.

India provides a varied holiday experience. There are sea and ski resorts here. The most best resorts by the sea are located in Kerala, Goa, Mumbai, Chennai. It is advisable to go to the sea when it is the cold season in Russia, from October to March. On Indian coast During this period there is no exhausting heat and rain, the sea is calm and serene. Ski resorts are located in the Himalayas, surrounded by beautiful landscapes.

Beach resorts

Most of the country is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, more precisely, the Bay of Bengal is located in the southwest, and the Arabian Sea is in the southeast. The length of the coastline exceeds 7 thousand km. The state of Goa on the coast of the Arabian Sea is one of the most famous resorts in the world. The lifestyle here is completely different from the traditional Hindu one. Forty beaches unpolluted by civilization near the endless warm sea hospitably welcome tourists.

The ocean and sandy beaches are the main values ​​for which people from all over the world come to Goa every year. Many of them are sure that best region for relaxation cannot be found on the entire planet. The body of water off the coast of Goa is the Arabian Sea (as part of the Indian Ocean). For the sake of this sea, most vacationers choose Goa over other beach resorts. Usually about quality sea ​​holiday at resorts they judge by the number of baths, and only then are comparisons made by prices, service, attractions, and cuisine.

It is with sea bathing in Goa that things are going well. Although there are more on the planet Beautiful places, but the water temperature here is always very pleasant for the body. It never drops below 28°C, which is rare in other resorts. You can stay in this water indefinitely and you will never end up with a cold. Such warm seas found only in the tropics.

Since the body of water is part of the ocean, waves are almost always observed near the shore, but they are small and do not interfere with swimming at all. In some months there are more waves, in others less, but in swimming season they are always safe. Due to the small waves, surfers have no opportunity to practice their favorite sport, nor do divers, because there are absolutely no corals here. The depth of the Arabian Sea near the coast is shallow, the bottom is flat, sandy, and very pleasant to the touch.

Children swim 5–10 m from the shore, where adults the water barely reaches their knees. For normal swimming, you should go to a depth of 50–100 m. A little further into the sea there are no waves and being in a silent, smooth expanse of water brings real bliss. There are no dangerous sea predators off the coast of Goa, so swimming is completely safe. Children get a lot of positive emotions from swimming in such a comfortable sea.

The swimming season in Goa lasts 6 months (mid-October - mid-April). During this period, the ocean behaves differently. In October, sea water is like fresh milk; its temperature ranges from 30 to 32 °C. As the rainy season is ending, waves and downpours are still possible. In November the sea finally calms down, creating the most Better conditions for swimming. In December the water is a little cooler, but there are no waves and swimming is also very pleasant.

In January, the sea temperature is minimal - 28 °C, which refreshes the body and fills the soul with bliss. At the beginning of February, winds come, disturbing the surface of the sea. Small waves appear, which many vacationers use to swing on them. In February, the climate is no longer so stable, clear days give way to cloudy ones. In March, the Indian summer begins with hot weather, which not all tourists who come from cold regions can easily endure.

Although the climate in Goa is milder than in Egypt, in March you can get a tan in just a few days, so you should not forget about sunscreen. The water temperature is as comfortable as in October, but the sea is not constant and waves are possible. In April, air humidity increases, the water warms up to 34 °C, and the waves intensify.

In May, there are even fewer days favorable for swimming, and the water is not at all refreshing, because its temperature is 36 °C. The flow of vacationers is thinning out, and there are fewer and fewer people on the beaches. In June the rainy season arrives, and muddy streams from the surrounding hills flow down, flooding the beaches. It is dangerous to go into a stormy ocean.

Goa Resort


South of Benaulim lies a 10 km long strip of well-groomed coastline - Varga & Cavelossim. The beaches of the highest category and the best hotels are located here. Distant beaches are Patolem and Butul, where the infrastructure is poorly developed.


The state of Kerala, located south of Goa, is also tropical paradise for tourists. It stretches a strip of 590 km along the Arabian Sea. In its western part there are coastal plains, in central regions The terrain is hilly, further to the east there are hills that pass into the Western Ghats. Kerala began to develop as a tourist region relatively recently, since the 80s of the last century. Attractive in in terms of tourism numerous lakes and lagoons, tropical nature, clean beaches. Best beaches Kerala is located in the vicinity of the cities of Alleppey, Varkala, Kannur, Kovalam.

The climate in the region is mild tropical, rains can fall at any time of the year, but there are only two monsoon periods - June-July and October. The hottest months are March and April, when the thermometer can reach 36 °C during the day and 30 °C at night. The beaches in Kerala, although small, are municipal.

Smooth sand beach Alapuzha resort is located in a picturesque area, among lakes, lagoons and streams. At its far end there are palm groves. The beach attracts lovers of relaxation, and in amusement park Vijaya Beach is equipped with picnic areas and playgrounds.

Varkala is famous healing springs. Here for a small fee local residents They give tourists a special body massage. Kovalam is located in a bay where there are coral reefs, so you can go diving and catamaran riding. The beach is divided into three sections, the least crowded of which is Marari.

The most unique of Indian beaches is Muzhappilangad. From the sea it is protected by rocks, and along a four-kilometer strip of sand you can move by car. Hotels in Kerala blend harmoniously into the surrounding landscape, located in bays and on the shores of lakes. Near Lake Vembanad, comfortable 4-5-star hotels have been built, offering a varied holiday, combining excursions to waterfalls and lakes, and entertainment events.

Mumbai (Bombay)

North of Goa on the coast of the Arabian Sea is located the most populous city the country of Bombay, which is now called Mumbai. Those who want to not only relax on the beaches, but also explore the sights of the famous Bombay and plunge into its nightlife. Here are the best shops in the country and the famous Bollywood - one of the largest film companies in the world. Juhu Beach is located in an expensive residential area of ​​the city. There are many luxury hotels, cafes, restaurants, and shops lined along the coast.

Chennai (Madras)

There are many good resorts around Chennai, located on the eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal. Marina Beach– one of the longest in the world, its length is 12 km. This place was chosen by local residents, so it is the dirtiest. Two other beaches are much more comfortable for walking - Eliots and Breezy. These places have a lot historical monuments, testifying to the colonial history of Chennai.

Ski resorts

India is famous not only for its excellent beach resorts, but also the opportunity to ride alpine skiing surrounded by breathtaking scenery. Although the Himalayas are quite extensive and the most high mountains There are not many places on the planet for quality skiing. Tourists from developed countries rarely visit Indian slopes, because there are closer and better places in Europe. And yet India has excellent ski resorts. Some people come to these places not so much for skiing, but for the unique opportunity to admire the mountain landscapes.

The best ski resorts are located in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir. The most popular resort among tourists is Gulmag in the state of Kashmir. There are favorable conditions for skiing here - a lot of snow, suitable terrain, well located ski lifts. Most best season for alpine skiing starts in mid-December and ends in March. Holidays at this resort are sometimes called “imperial”, recalling that the Mongol emperors once loved to relax on this land. There are convenient slopes for skiing and the highest altitude cable car about five kilometers long.

Auli is another popular resort among skiers. The territory is reliably protected from the wind by coniferous forests. The total length of the tracks is 10 km, there are rental points, ski schools. Both beginners and more advanced skiers can ski here. The main slope, 5 km long, is equipped with several lifts. The season begins in December and lasts until mid-May. This is the site of the national alpine skiing championships. Although there are not many hotels yet, they offer good service, providing everything you need for comfortable rest in the mountains.

Narkanda is a mountain resort at an altitude of 2700 m, located among pine and spruce forests, thanks to which the air is filled with pine aromas. The variety of numerous slopes, descents and trails gives everyone the opportunity to ski - professionals, amateurs and even children.

Solang, located at an altitude of 2800 m, is one of the most picturesque mountain resorts in the country. There are two trails, separated by a fence, and two ski lifts. Local Hindu families with children like to relax here; newlyweds enjoy spending Honeymoon. Snack bars and small cafes are located in the neighboring village, outside Solang.

Whatever Indian resorts tourists choose for their holidays, this mysterious and attractive country will leave an unforgettable mark in the heart of every lover of beauty.

India is a country with a variable climate: from the end of May to the beginning of October, it inevitably finds itself at the mercy of tropical downpours.

As the rainy season continues, the flow of tourists to local resorts dwindles and life seems to slow down.

But in mid-autumn, as soon as dry, sunny and hot weather sets in across the country, everything around becomes lively. The sea becomes welcoming and calm, many cafes and shops that were closed during the rainy season open. The months from October to April are the best time to visit the best resorts in India and see the country in all its splendor.

India is an amazingly multifaceted and original country, each resort of which bears its imprint. ancient history and culture. Here are famous Ayurvedic centers and clinics, amazingly beautiful beaches, impressive architectural monuments and awe-inspiring sacred places. That’s why, even if you choose one specific region for travel, you won’t be able to—and won’t want to—limit yourself to just one type of vacation.

So where are best places for holidays in India and why are they so interesting?


A lot has been written about them, as well as about their main similarity – beautiful beaches, as if straight out of an advertising picture. Perhaps this is where the most famous and popular resorts India by the sea: Majorda, Palolem, Cavelossim, Cansalium, Colva, Calangute, Vagator, Mandrem, Arambol.

Peculiarities: South Goa traditionally positioned as a place of calmer, respectable and luxury holiday, and Northern - as a more “party”, youth and democratic direction. Entertainment and conditions for comfortable travel more in the resorts of South Goa, which, however, does not mean that they are absent in Goa North. And the beaches are equally good in both regions of this state.

Interesting: On the territory of Goa there is the largest Indian waterfall - Dudhsagar, and the smallest reserve - Bandla. Other attractions worth seeing are ancient temples and fortresses, spice plantations and colorful local markets. There is one in Goa amazing place, where, regardless of the time of year, you can often hear Russian speech. It's called Morjim. There are many people from the CIS in this resort, and therefore there are Russian guest houses, restaurants and other establishments.

Suitable for: beach, excursion holiday and tours with children.


Goa is always popular, but there is even more wonderful resort India by the sea with palm trees and snow-white beaches. This is Kerala - “one of ten paradises world" (according to National Geographic) and "God's personal country" (according to the Indians themselves). The list of main resorts in the state is as follows: Trivandrum, Varkala, Kovalam.

Peculiarities: All the names given to Kerala reflect the heavenly beauty of these wonderful places: nature reserves and parks, beaches, mountains and cliffs, lagoons and lakes. The state is considered the most tranquil and comfortable in India and has an extremely developed tourism infrastructure. There is literally everything here: from luxury hotels to restaurants, shops and other establishments. The only not very pleasant nuance concerns the sea - in some areas it can be turbulent and it is unsafe to swim there.

Interesting: Almost every local resort is a kind of Ayurvedic center where you can try traditional Indian practices in the treatment of various ailments. To do this, you can go, for example, to Pallakad or Kovalam.

Kerala is ruled by the Communist Party, and therefore propaganda posters and other similar paraphernalia are often found here. The legendary Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Trivandrum is definitely worth a visit. ancient city Madurai, Fort Kochi, and also visit numerous nature reserves and national parks with untouched, wild nature.

Suitable for: beach and sightseeing holidays, eco-tourism and photo tourism, medical and health (Ayurvedic) tours, traveling with children.


Where else is a beach holiday possible in India, besides Goa and Kerala? Of course, in the state of Gujarat - here is the longest in India coastline(1600 km). However, it is worth mentioning that places for swimming here must be chosen carefully due to the not always calm sea and muddy water. Some of the most popular beaches include Gopnath, Dwarka, Ahmedpur Mandvi, Diu, Somnath, Chorwad, Mandvi.

Peculiarities: Gujarat is the most vegetarian state in India. For example, it is on its territory that Palitana is located - a city in which meat dishes are completely prohibited, and it is impossible to find fish and eggs for sale. However, in general in India there are few places where you can see beef on the table - the cuisine of Gujarat will not be an exception. There are vegetarian establishments on every corner here, but you will have to look for a menu with meat dishes.

Interesting: Gujarat has preserved the natural habitats of the Asiatic lion, four-horned antelope and some other rare animals. Therefore, tourists first of all strive to visit nature reserves and national parks in the state: Lake Nalsowar and Flamingo Island, the Rann of Kutch and Sasan Gir parks, and the marine national park.

One of the world's largest dinosaur excavations (in Balasinore and Kutch) is recognized as an exceptional local attraction. And of course, you cannot ignore the impressive ancient temples and fortresses.

Suitable for: excursion and beach holidays, photo and ecotourism, gastronomic tour.

Last minute tours to India

All resorts in India - location on the map

Goa, Kerala and Gujarat are just a few of the places where you can organize luxurious holiday in India, where is the best place to go and what to see in this amazing country. Other, slightly less popular, but no less beautiful destinations include Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, as well as the islands of Bangaram, Kadmat and Agatti. And if you are interested not in beach, but ski tour, feel free to travel to the states of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir. There is a lot of snow here, and the ski slopes are excellent.

It usually happens like this: having visited India for the first time, you either fall in love with it for life or are not accepted at all.

It usually happens like this: having visited India for the first time, you either fall in love with it for life or are not accepted at all. An invaluable UNESCO heritage, the incomparable Taj Mahal and Hawa Mahal - and right there, behind the fence, endless garbage dumps. Beach parties in cheerful Goa, the brilliant shine of Bollywood - and the usual poverty outside the tourist areas. India is an ambivalent country, to say the least.

And yet she is beautiful. Its majestic Himalayas make you believe in the existence of parallel worlds, amazing beauty the nature of the state of Kerala strikes you to the very heart, and the mystical sacrament of religious rites near the sacred Ganges plunges you into a trance. India is stunning with anthill cities, where everything mixes in a crazy cocktail: people, religions, languages, customs and smells.

When to go

Old Delhi and the capital New Delhi are thousands of monuments from different eras: mosques, Hindu temples, mausoleums, colonial-style villas. In huge shopping centers You can “shop” to your heart’s content, and in restaurants with gourmet cuisine you can appreciate the skill of the chefs.

Jaipur has absolutely incredible Mughal-era palaces built from pink sandstone. In Agra and the surrounding area, in addition to the famous Taj Mahal, it is interesting to look at the Red Fort of the 16th century with features of Islamic and Hindu architecture and Fatehpur Sikri - the ancient capital of the empire of Akbar I the Great.

One of the most powerful tourist magnets is Mumbai with its famous Dharavi slums, the Bollywood dream factory and the Buddhist cave monastery of Kanheri. To visit Bombay is to discover India in all its diversity.

In the Himalayas you can see fantastic snowy peaks stretching into space, thousand-year-old temples with monasteries and people still living in past centuries. The most popular destination mountainous India - border Sikkim, surrounded national parks. This perfect place for cycling, trekking and rafting.

Where to enlighten and heal

Hinduism is extremely popular outside of India. Foreigners believe that if they can comprehend the wisdom of this religion, they will reveal the secrets of existence or at least find peace of mind. To improve their health, people go to Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala and Karnataka. There is “light” Ayurveda, when liberties in food and even entertainment are allowed, and there is a “hard” option - strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions, a strict routine, almost drill. But they say it's worth it.

For the quintessence of Hinduism, head to the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi. The less impressionable can stroll to the embankment and watch the funeral pyres burn and the deceased be seen off on their last journey. For the rest, it’s better to limit yourself to a tour of the temples, which are countless here.

All this is becoming a reality for tourists coming to Indian Ocean resorts.

The Indian Ocean Islands are an all-season luxury holiday destination. All you have to do is decide what you like best: relaxation and contemplation, active sports, the opportunity to touch antiquities or watch the most unusual creatures on Earth.


Tropical Mauritius was once a favorite haven of pirates, and now the island attracts thousands of tourists every year with its luxury hotels and white beaches surrounded by volcanic mountains. This place is suitable not only for heat-loving couch potatoes, but also for curious travelers who want to get acquainted with the amazing colonial architecture of the region, Indian temples and botanical gardens. Here you can also spot rare birds, walk through the park with lions or swim with dolphins, or even test your strength by doing extreme species Sports - wind and kite surfing are very popular on the island.

Mauritius is located just 20 degrees south of the equator, so the temperature here does not drop below +25° C. Most tourists go here on vacation when the cold weather sets in in the Northern Hemisphere, so peak tourist season on the island the period is considered to be from October to April. However, at this time of year it is quite hot and humid and sometimes rainy. The best time to holiday in Mauritius is the local winter, which begins in the Southern Hemisphere in May.

Mauritius is very small, only 45x65 square meters. km, however, due to the unique landscape, the weather here is very changeable. You are unlikely to be able to quickly drive around this small island, and all because it is riddled with narrow and winding roads on which it is simply impossible to accelerate. In addition, when planning excursions, it is worth remembering that left-hand traffic has remained on the island since the British colonial era. Therefore, it is better for tourists to use taxi services or organized transfers.

The tourist center of Mauritius is resort town Grand Bay is in the northeast of the island, where most hotels and entertainment venues are concentrated. The West Coast is the most expensive and prestigious: those who come here are accustomed to relaxing in the most luxurious hotels and want to sunbathe on the most beautiful beaches with white sand. The south is considered the greenest, wildest and most interesting part of the island.

Where to stay

The pearl of Mauritius is Paradis & Golf Club on the Le Morne Peninsula. This hotel is considered one of the best in the south west coast. It is especially memorable for guests due to the breathtaking views from the rooms on picturesque beach and the lagoon.

Paradis Resort is suitable for both those who want a relaxing holiday (there are several restaurants, a spa center of a famous cosmetic brand, the largest fitness center in Mauritius, its own international golf course and golf academy), and for those who prefer leisure and is engaged aquatic species sports On the beach, hotel guests can use any equipment for free, including snorkel masks and windsurfing equipment. A separate fee will be asked only for the services of a personal instructor. By the way, this hotel hosts the Kite Jam Festival, which every year brings together professionals and amateurs of wind and kitesurfing from all over the world. The festival includes amateur competitions, master classes from world champions and the best athletes on the planet, as well as surfing and kiteboarding schools.

Time zone: there is no time difference between Mauritius and Moscow. So it doesn’t matter how long your vacation is - you won’t remember what jet lag is after returning home.

Visa: Visa for up to 60 days is issued upon arrival. To do this, at customs you must provide a passport valid for at least 6 months after the end of your stay in the country, a return ticket, a hotel reservation, a completed entry form and pay a fee of $17.

How to get there: the best option is to fly with Air France to Paris with a connecting flight airlines Air Mauritius. Travel time including connections is about 16 hours. The price of a round-trip ticket is from 49 thousand rubles.


Madagascar - largest island Indian Ocean, one of the poorest countries in the world, but at the same time one of the most safe countries Africa. Such nature as in Madagascar cannot be found anywhere else. The flora and fauna of the island are rich in absolutely endemic plants and animals that cannot be found in other parts of the planet.

Baobab trees grow everywhere in Madagascar. In some areas, impressive rows of giant trees line up, in the crowns of which the African sun pancake beautifully “gets stuck” during sunset, giving tourists the opportunity to take photographs of amazing beauty.

Here you can see 70 species of lemurs and chameleons and even watch humpback whales. The best time to see whale migration is from June to September, but they appear in east coast waters year-round.

There is also a unique stone forest, covering an area of ​​more than 150 thousand hectares and representing sharp karst spiers, the approximate age of which is a million years. Stone Forest consists of intricate labyrinths through which excursions are organized for tourists.

As a rule, travelers go to Madagascar to see the jungle, wild animals, take part in safari or walk along adapted and safe tourist routes, which are complemented by several days of relaxation on the coast. Most popular recreation areas foreign tourists- these are the resorts of the Anakao Peninsula and the beaches of a tiny island near Madagascar - Nosy Be.

The north of the country is very fond of divers all over the world, including those from Russia. The long coastline with unique underwater plants and animals gives them a completely new diving experience.

The climate of Madagascar is very diverse: on the coast it is tropical, in the interior it is closer to subtropical, and in the south it is dry (arid), with high air temperatures experiencing large daily fluctuations and with negligible amounts of precipitation. The island has two seasons. The hot and humid season - the Madagascan summer - lasts from November to April, the air temperature in these months is +25 + 27 ° C, the cooler dry season is established from May to October (+20 + 24 ° C).

Where to stay

One of the best hotels in the popular resort island of Nosy Be - Ravintsara Wellness Hotel. “Fantastic vacation”, “royal vacation”, “heaven on earth” - these are the reviews from tourists that Ravintsara received for its beautiful and spacious bungalows on the beach, green gardens around, excellent service and exquisite cuisine. The hotel also offers entertainment for every taste: boat trips, ATV rides. The cost of accommodation is from 300 dollars per day.

Time zone: Madagascar time is one hour behind Moscow.

Visa: a tourist visa for up to 90 days can be issued upon arrival. To do this, you must provide a passport valid for at least 6 months and a return air ticket.

How to get there: get to largest airport Madagascar Antananarivo from Moscow can be reached via Paris (Air France). Flight time is 14 hours excluding connections. Ticket price - from 50 thousand rubles.


The Seychelles is an archipelago of magical beauty, 115 islands, many of which are uninhabited, scattered in the waters of the Indian Ocean off the coast East Africa. Breathtaking secluded beaches, unique nature and climate have made the islands perhaps the most idyllic tourist destination in the world.

Seychelles is one of the few resort areas, where you can simply pick up and fly away at any time of the year without worrying about seasonal weather changes. The climate here is quite stable throughout the year, average temperature air on the islands is +26+30º C. During the peak season (December-January), precipitation on the islands becomes more frequent, which subsides only by mid-March, but it cannot be called abundant and, in fact, it does not interfere with tourists’ recreation.

The warmest and calmest weather occurs in April-May and October-November. During this period, the islands have ideal conditions for swimming, snorkeling and diving: the water temperature reaches +29º C, and visibility often exceeds 30 meters.

The period from October to April is the best time for fishing enthusiasts, and from April to October is the season for watching exotic birds. It is during these months that they reproduce, nurse their offspring and migrate to other regions. From May to September, fans of surfing and windsurfing flock to the Seychelles.

The main island of the archipelago, on which the international airport is located, is about. Mahe. Those who fly to the Seychelles in search of peace and secluded relaxation are unlikely to appreciate the bustle of Mahe, but it’s worth staying here if only to study the colonial architecture of the capital of the Seychelles - the city of Victoria, or to visit Botanical Garden, which contains dozens of species of tropical plants. The surrounding area of ​​Mahe Island has great opportunities for deep-sea diving: here you can not only swim with magnificent tropical fish, but also walk through the habitats of reef and nose sharks, stingrays, sea ​​urchins, sea ​​turtles.

Each island of the archipelago has its own atmosphere, and if you don’t want the noise of Mahe at all, then you can go to the small islands, where complete peace and quiet reigns.

Where to stay

One of best hotels Mahe - Banyan Tree Seychelles, located on the picturesque southwestern coast of the island. Banyan Tree has 60 villas, each with its own swimming pool.

This resort is located in quiet place, away from anything that might disturb you during your vacation. This sometimes makes guests think that they are on desert island, where someone invisible provides round-the-clock comfort. There are no entertainment venues or significant places nearby tourist places, so it is chosen by those who are going to enjoy a vacation away from civilization. The cost of renting a villa is from $1,200 per day.

Time zone: in the Seychelles, the time coincides with Moscow.

Visa: Russian citizens arriving in the Seychelles for a period not exceeding 30 days do not require a visa. It is placed at the border when entering the country.

How to get there: you can fly from Moscow to the Seychelles by plane Emirates airlines with a transfer at your home airport (Dubai). Travel time including connections is 12.5 hours. Ticket price - from 30 thousand rubles.


The Maldives is made up of about 20 groups of atolls, but only half of the islands that make up them are open to tourists. If you are planning to visit Republic of Maldives first time and are looking for some general recommendations on choosing a resort, then you need to remember the main thing: each of the Maldivian resorts is located on its own island, the sizes of the islands vary from 2.5 km to 150 m (from shore to shore). This means that all resort facilities (restaurants, bars, sports facilities, etc.) will be the only entertainment during your stay in the Maldives. Therefore, their infrastructure needs to be carefully studied in advance, so as not to fall into deep despondency on your long-awaited vacation. In general, there are offers for tourists for every taste: from affordable bungalows adjacent to diving equipment rental points, to secluded luxury villas on stilts in the sea, from the terrace of which you can hang your feet and admire the colorful fish swimming in the water.

The Maldives archipelago is located almost on the equator, the climate here is tropical, the temperature is stable all year round (about +28+30º C). The hottest season on the islands occurs in our winter: from December to April the islands are dry, and the air temperature reaches its highest levels.

Most of the activities in the Maldives are centered around water activities. Snorkeling and diving are very popular - vacationers have the opportunity to see the most beautiful coral reefs and get acquainted with 700 species of exotic fish living in the Indian Ocean. Surfers (both advanced and beginners) also enjoy coming here to spend an invigorating holiday cutting through the waves on a board. Those who like a more relaxing holiday may be interested in fishing in open water.

Where to stay

One of the most famous Maldivian resorts, Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, is located on the large and very picturesque Addu Atoll, on Villingili Island. Shangri-La offers accommodation in fully equipped traditional style villas. Guests can choose a house in the garden, on the shore or on stilts directly over the water. Several restaurants are available to guests, open pool, Gym, kids club, a beauty salon and spa center that offers various facial and body care programs, scrubs, wraps, as well as massage and stone therapy. The territory has tennis and badminton courts, a small golf course, as well as everything you need for snorkeling, diving, windsurfing and fishing.

To the resort from international airport Tourists are transported to Male by plane or speedboat.

Time zone: time on Maldives ahead of Moscow by an hour.

Visa: Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa in advance if the tourist flies into the country for a period of no more than 30 days. It is placed at the border upon entry into the country, for which you will need a valid passport and a dated return ticket.

How to get there: international flights arrive at Hulule Airport, which is located next to the capital island of Male. Flights to the Maldives are regularly carried out by Emirates airlines (via Dubai), Singapore Airlines(via Singapore), Qatar (via Doha). Travel time depends on the length of the connection at the carrier's home airport.

In the winter season, Aeroflot opens a direct flight to Male. Travel time is about 9 hours. The cost of the flight is from 49 thousand rubles.

O. Ceylon

Ceylon Island (Sri Lanka) - a real corner eternal holiday. The number of significant events celebrated here is more than 160 per year! Add to this colorful beaches, misty mountains, tea plantations and luxury hotels - and you get truly unforgettable vacation in the kingdom of nature on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

Developed tourism infrastructure in Sri Lanka provides vacationers with excellent opportunities for recreation for every taste: from “doing nothing” on the beaches and self-care in local spas to wildlife watching, extreme sports and pilgrimages to ancient cities.

The climate in Sri Lanka is equatorial. It is warm and humid all year round, with the rainy season occurring in summer. Average annual temperature The air temperature on the island is +28º C, the water temperature in the Indian Ocean reaches +26º C.

The largest city island state- noisy, crazy Columbo. Tourists come here to see the main attractions: admire colonial buildings, mosques, churches, Buddhist and Hindu temples, see the Presidential Residence (or Queen's House), visit the National Museum and art gallery. There is also a wonderful zoo in Colombo, where tourists try to go to the elephant show.

The beaches of the island are very popular among tourists. Moreover, Sri Lanka is gaining more and more popularity among those who love active species water sports. Surfers managed to fall in love with Arugam Bay, a place 314 km from Colombo, on the southeastern coast of Ceylon, which was included in the honorary list of the ten best surf beaches in the world. Arugam Bay is popular among beginners, and for experienced athletes, the point of attraction has become the west coast, where you can catch impressive waves. The town of Negombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka has become a hangout for kitesurfers who come here for the winds from May to the end of September.

Thanks to the varied topography of the island, Ceylon has excellent conditions for rafting, the now fashionable hiking and mountain biking.

Lovers wildlife come to Sri Lanka to watch the whales and dolphins that appear in the waters near the town of Mirissa. At certain times of the year, sea turtles can also be seen coming ashore to lay their eggs.

Where to stay

The most famous beach resort in Sri Lanka is the town of Bentota and its surroundings. This is where the largest number of hotels are located, offering accommodation for every taste. However, the hotels are located at a considerable distance from each other, so tourists can enjoy a relaxing holiday.

A beautiful secluded hotel in Benote - Saman Villas, which is located on a small rocky hill, right on the ocean. It is quiet and cozy here, the number of rooms (and especially the bathroom... open air) pleases travelers who do not skimp on positive reviews. Tourists also note the excellent cuisine in the hotel restaurant and praise the treatments at the local spa. The cost of living is about 300 dollars per day.

The small village of Hikkaduwa is popular among divers and surfers, who are known to be not too fussy, so it is mainly located inexpensive hotels and apartments.

You can snorkel and swim in the calm waters, which are protected from the waves by a coral ridge, at the Trincomalee resort, located on the east coast of the country.

Time zone: time in Sri Lanka is 1.5 hours ahead of Moscow.

Visa: Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa in advance. It is placed at the airport upon arrival.

How to get there: flights to Colombo are carried out by Etihad (with a transfer in Abu Dhabi), Emirates (with a transfer in Dubai), as well as Aeroflot. Travel time is about 10 hours. The cost of a round-trip ticket is from 25 thousand rubles.

Irina Lavery


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