Description of the Black Sea coastline. Physiographic characteristics of the Black Sea. Settlements scattered around the bay

Straits, Bosphorus and Dardanelles, located in the Marmara region of northwestern Turkey. The Sea of ​​Marmara and its surroundings located between them are often included in the Straits zone.


Black Sea Straits successively connect the Black Sea with the Sea of ​​Marmara, and the Sea of ​​Marmara with the Aegean, which is part of the Mediterranean. They also separate Europe (Thrace) from Asia Minor (Anatolia). The straits provide access to Mediterranean Sea and the world oceans of large parts of Russia, Ukraine, Transcaucasia and the countries of southeastern Europe. In addition to agricultural and industrial goods, a significant share of exports through the Straits is oil from Russia and other Caspian countries.


The banks of the strait are connected by two bridges: the 1074-meter-long Bosphorus Bridge (completed in 1973) and the 1090-meter-long Sultan Mehmed Fatih Bridge (built in 1988) 5 km north of the first bridge. A third is planned road bridge, but the Turkish government is keeping the construction site secret for now to avoid rising land prices. In 2013, the Marmaray railway tunnel was opened, which united transport systems Istanbul, located in the European and Asian parts of the city.


During sunset Ottoman Empire At the London Conference in 1841, a decision was made to close the Straits to the passage of any military vessels in peacetime. Under a secret agreement in 1915, the straits were transferred to the Russian Empire. From the point of view of modern international law, the Straits area is a “high sea” and since 1936 has been governed in accordance with the provisions of the Montreux Convention on the Status of the Straits while maintaining the sovereignty of the Turkish Republic over the latter.

see also

  • Dardanelles operation ()
  • Treaty of Sèvres ()
  • Unkyar-Iskelesi Treaty ()

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  • Black Sea Straits- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  • in the Geographical Encyclopedia.
  • in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law.
  • Evmenenko, S. Black Sea Straits: myths and reality. -, July 13, 2006.
  • Shemyakin, A. Black Sea Straits: history and modern problems. //Transport law. - 2003, No. 4.
  • Rozakis, Christos L.. - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987.
  • Luneva Yu.V.. - M.: Quadriga, 2010. - 256 p.


  • Lewis, A.. - GeoJournal, Vol. 26, #4. - April 1992. - pp. 503-509. (English) ISSN 03432521
  • Shirokorad A. B. article from Nezavisimaya Gazeta dated November 12, 2010

An excerpt characterizing the Black Sea straits

“I’m not joking,” continued Bilibin, “there is nothing fairer and sadder.” These gentlemen come to the bridge alone and raise white scarves; They assure that there is a truce, and that they, the marshals, are going to negotiate with Prince Auersperg. The officer on duty lets them into the tete de pont. [bridge fortification.] They tell him a thousand Gascon nonsense: they say that the war is over, that Emperor Franz has appointed a meeting with Bonaparte, that they want to see Prince Auersperg, and a thousand Gasconades, etc. The officer sends for Auersperg; These gentlemen hug the officers, joke, sit on the cannons, and meanwhile the French battalion enters the bridge unnoticed, throws bags of flammable substances into the water and approaches the tete de pont. Finally, the Lieutenant General himself appears, our dear Prince Auersperg von Mautern. “Dear enemy! The flower of the Austrian army, the hero of the Turkish wars! The enmity is over, we can give each other a hand... Emperor Napoleon is burning with the desire to recognize Prince Auersperg.” In a word, these gentlemen, not for nothing Gascons, shower Auersperg with beautiful words, he is so seduced by his so quickly established intimacy with the French marshals, so blinded by the sight of Murat’s mantle and ostrich feathers, qu"il n"y voit que du feu, et oubl celui qu"il devait faire faire sur l"ennemi. [That he sees only their fire and forgets about his own, which he was obliged to open against the enemy.] (Despite the liveliness of his speech, Bilibin did not forget to pause after this mot to give time to evaluate it.) The French battalion runs into tete de pont, the guns are nailed down, and the bridge is taken. No, but what’s best,” he continued, calming down in his excitement by the charm of his own story, “is that the sergeant assigned to that cannon, at the signal of which the mines were supposed to be lit and the bridge blown up, this sergeant, seeing that the French troops running to the bridge, he was about to shoot, but Lann pulled his hand away. The sergeant, who was apparently smarter than his general, comes up to Auersperg and says: “Prince, you are being deceived, these are the French!” Murat sees that the matter is lost if the sergeant is allowed to speak. He turns to Auersperg with surprise (a real Gascon): “I don’t recognize the Austrian discipline so vaunted in the world,” he says, “and you allow a lower rank to talk to you like that!” C "est genial. Le prince d" Auersperg se pique d "honneur et fait mettre le sergent aux arrets. Non, mais avouez que c" est charmant toute cette histoire du pont de Thabor. Ce n"est ni betise, ni lachete... [This is brilliant. Prince Auersperg is offended and orders the arrest of the sergeant. No, admit it, it’s lovely, this whole story with the bridge. This is not just stupidity, not just meanness...]
“Est trahison peut etre, [Perhaps treason," said Prince Andrei, vividly imagining the gray greatcoats, wounds, gunpowder smoke, the sounds of gunfire and the glory that awaits him.
– Non plus. “Cela met la cour dans de trop mauvais draps,” continued Bilibin. - Ce n"est ni trahison, ni lachete, ni betise; c"est comme a Ulm... - He seemed to think, looking for an expression: - c"est... c"est du Mack. Nous sommes mackes, [Also no. This puts the court in the most absurd position; this is neither treason, nor meanness, nor stupidity; it’s like at Ulm, it’s... it’s Makovshchina. We dipped ourselves. ] - he concluded, feeling that he had said un mot, and a fresh mot, such a mot that will be repeated.
The folds on his forehead that had been collected until then quickly dissolved as a sign of pleasure, and he, smiling slightly, began to examine his nails.
- Where are you going? - he said suddenly, turning to Prince Andrei, who stood up and headed to his room.
- I'm going.
- Where?
- To Army.
- Yes, you wanted to stay two more days?
- And now I’m going now.
And Prince Andrei, having given the order to leave, went to his room.
“You know what, my dear,” said Bilibin, entering his room. - I thought about you. Why are you going?
And to prove the irrefutability of this argument, all the folds disappeared from the face.
Prince Andrei looked questioningly at his interlocutor and did not answer.
- Why are you going? I know you think it is your duty to join the army now that the army is in danger. I understand that, mon cher, c"est de l"heroisme. [my dear, this is heroism.]
“Not at all,” said Prince Andrei.
- But you are un philoSophiee, [a philosopher,] be one completely, look at things from the other side, and you will see that your duty, on the contrary, is to take care of yourself. Leave it to others who are no longer fit for anything... You were not ordered to come back, and you were not released from here; therefore, you can stay and go with us, wherever our unfortunate fate takes us. They say they are going to Olmutz. And Olmutz is a very nice city. And you and I will ride together calmly in my stroller.
“Stop joking, Bilibin,” said Bolkonsky.
– I tell you sincerely and in a friendly manner. Judge. Where and why will you go now that you can stay here? One of two things awaits you (he gathered the skin above his left temple): either you don’t reach the army and peace will be concluded, or defeat and disgrace with the entire Kutuzov army.
And Bilibin loosened his skin, feeling that his dilemma was irrefutable.
“I can’t judge this,” Prince Andrei said coldly, but thought: “I’m going in order to save the army.”
“Mon cher, vous etes un heros, [My dear, you are a hero,” said Bilibin.

That same night, having bowed to the Minister of War, Bolkonsky went to the army, not knowing where he would find it, and fearing on the way to Krems to be intercepted by the French.
In Brünn, the entire court population packed up, and the burdens were already sent to Olmütz. Near Etzelsdorf, Prince Andrei drove out onto the road along which the Russian army was moving with the greatest haste and in the greatest disorder. The road was so crowded with carts that it was impossible to travel in a carriage. Having taken a horse and a Cossack from the Cossack commander, Prince Andrei, hungry and tired, overtaking the carts, rode to find the commander-in-chief and his cart. The most ominous rumors about the position of the army reached him on the way, and the sight of the army randomly running confirmed these rumors.
“Cette armee russe que l"or de l"Angleterre a transportee, des extremites de l"univers, nous allons lui faire eprouver le meme sort (le sort de l"armee d"Ulm)", ["This Russian army, which English gold was brought here from the end of the world, will experience the same fate (the fate of the Ulm army).”] he recalled the words of Bonaparte’s order to his army before the start of the campaign, and these words equally aroused in him surprise at the brilliant hero, a feeling of offended pride and hope of glory. “What if there is nothing left but to die? Well, if necessary, I will do it no worse than others.”
Prince Andrei looked with contempt at these endless, interfering teams, carts, parks, artillery and again carts, carts and carts of all possible types, overtaking one another and jamming the dirt road in three or four rows. From all sides, behind and in front, as long as one could hear one could hear the sounds of wheels, the rumble of bodies, carts and carriages, the clatter of horses, blows of a whip, shouts of urging, curses of soldiers, orderlies and officers. Along the edges of the road one could constantly see either fallen, skinned and unkempt horses, or broken carts, near which lonely soldiers were sitting, waiting for something, or soldiers separated from their teams, who were heading in crowds to neighboring villages or dragging chickens, sheep, hay or hay from the villages. bags filled with something.
On the descents and ascents the crowds became thicker, and there was a continuous groan of shouts. The soldiers, sinking knee-deep in mud, picked up guns and wagons in their hands; whips beat, hooves slid, lines burst and chests burst with screams. The officers in charge of the movement drove forward and backward between the convoys. Their voices were faintly audible amid the general roar, and it was clear from their faces that they despaired of being able to stop this disorder. “Voila le cher [“Here is the dear] Orthodox army,” thought Bolkonsky, remembering Bilibin’s words.

Length of the Black Sea from west to east - 1167 km, from north to south - 624 km. The greatest depth is 2,212 m, and the average is 1,271 m. The length of the coast along the perimeter is 4,090 km, the length coastline reaches 4,340 km. The area of ​​the Black Sea is 423,000 square meters. km.

Due to the excess inflow of fresh water from the rivers Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, Southern Bug, Mzymta, Bzybi, Kodor, Inguri and others. (more than 300 rivers) above evaporation it has less salinity than the Mediterranean Sea. Rivers contribute 346 cubic meters to the sea. km of fresh water and 340 cubic meters. km of salt water flows from the Black Sea through the Bosphorus.

Depth of the Black Sea

Black Sea is one of the deepest sedimentary basins in the world. The thickness of sedimentary deposits on the seabed is 14 km. The bottom relief is a deep basin with steep slopes, its maximum depth is up to 2211 m. The area of ​​the Black Sea is 413,488 square meters. km. The maximum length is 1148 km, the maximum width is 615 km, the length of the Black Sea coastline is 4077 km.

The Black Sea washes the shores of Russia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Ukraine.

There are few bays, bays and peninsulas in the Black Sea and almost no islands. This is due to the constant rise in sea level.

Composition of Black Sea water

Salty taste Sodium chloride gives sea water, and magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate give it a bitter taste. Water contains 60 different elements. But it is assumed that it contains all the elements found on Earth. Sea water has a number of healing properties. Water salinity is about 18%.

About 87% of the Black Sea water volume is deprived of oxygen and is contaminated with hydrogen sulfide. At a depth of over 150 m, the water contains hydrogen sulfide, and therefore the sea is devoid of living organisms at great depths. The source of hydrogen sulfide is the decomposition of the remains of aquatic organisms; at a depth of 150-200 m, the hydrogen sulfide content reaches 7.5 cubic meters. cm per liter of water, and its total amount is a billion tons. The uniqueness of the Black Sea is that in the deep layers of its water there are no algae, invertebrate animals and fish, there are no living creatures except sulfur bacteria.

Determined that age of the Black Sea about 8 thousand years.

What is the difference Sea of ​​Azov from the Black Sea? The differences between them are cardinal. It’s easier to say what the similarities between these bodies of water are. Perhaps only in one: Azov and Black Sea, connected by the Kerch Strait, form a single Black Sea-Azov basin, which in turn is an internal basin of the Atlantic Ocean.

Geographical position

The Sea of ​​Azov had quite a few names, the most famous are Blue ocean And Russian Sea. The current name - Azovskoe comes from the city of Azov, located on east coast. The reservoir is located in the northeastern part of the Black Sea region.

Due to the fact that only the small Kerch Peninsula separates it from the Black Sea, some scientists are inclined to consider the Sea of ​​Azov as a kind of Black Sea gulf, its area is 37600 km2. The largest dimensions in length and width are 343x231 km, respectively.

This sea is the shallowest in the world. On average, the depth fluctuates at the level 5-7 meters, maximum depths do not exceed 15 meters. This is due to the extremely small volume of water - about 256 km3. The sea has 16 bays and estuaries, among them the largest are Taganrog- in the eastern part and Sivash Bay - in the western part. A characteristic feature of the Sea of ​​Azov is a fairly large number of coastal spits. There are no islands, only shallows. Only two countries are washed by the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov - Russia and Ukraine.

The maritime boundaries have not yet been determined. The sea is entirely located in the steppe zone, on flat terrain. Volcanic rocks on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov do not reach the surface, which is why the coast along almost its entire length is muddy or sandy. There are small outcrops of limestone on the coast of the Taman and Kerch Peninsulas. River flow is formed by two large rivers– Don and Kuban, as well as many small rivers.

The Black Sea is approximately larger than the Sea of ​​Azov 11 times, it is called Black because of the high content of hydrogen sulfide at a depth of more than 120 meters. Metal objects falling to this depth become black. In the northern part of the sea is the Crimean Peninsula, and, being part of the Crimean Peninsula, the Kerch Peninsula. The water surface area is 422000 km2.

Length from west to east – 1130 km, from North to South - 600 km. This body of water is one of the deepest in the world's oceans. The average depth is 1270 m, the maximum reaches 2245 m, volume - 547000 km3. There are more than 40 bays in the sea. The largest bays are Tamansky, Sinopsky, Odessky, Karkinitsky and Kalanitsky. There is only one comparatively big Island- Snake. The Black Sea washes the coasts of 6 states.

In the northwestern part - this is mainly the coast of Ukraine and Romania, the sea has gentle banks and sandy beaches . The shores are composed of sedimentary rocks. The western coast, which borders Bulgaria, along with gently sloping shores, also has rocky areas, which is due to the Balkan Mountains. The Turkish coast in the south is almost entirely rocky, as it is backed by the Pontic Mountains. Located on the southeastern and eastern coasts Caucasus ridge, which is why the shores here are also rocky. The river flow is formed by the Danube, Southern Bug and Dnieper. In addition, there are a large number of small rivers.

In the southwestern part, the sea is connected through the Bosphorus Strait to the Sea of ​​Marmara. This strait passes through Turkish territory.


Due to the small volume of the Sea of ​​Azov, the composition of its water largely depends on river flow. In essence, the water of the Azov Sea is Black Sea water mixed with the water of the flowing rivers. On average, salinity is low - in the central part it is about 13 ppm. In the Taganrog Bay, the water is absolutely fresh, since it is into this bay that the Don flows, in addition, the Taganrog Bay is located at a considerable distance from the Black Sea. As you approach the Kerch Strait, salinity increases, reaching 17 ppm.

The Black Sea is characterized by more high level salt content is 18 ppm on the surface and 22 ppm at a depth of more than 500 meters, but still, in comparison with other bodies of water in the world's oceans, the level of salt content in the Black Sea is low. The composition of the water is influenced by the Sea of ​​Marmara, but since the salinity of the Sea of ​​Marmara is higher, its waters are heavier and go deeper.

Fish stocks

The fishing value of the Azov Sea is incredibly high. Until the 50s of the 20th century, it was the most productive body of water in the world in terms of fish stocks. Azov sturgeon and sterlet were unique in taste, but the hydraulic construction that began in the 50s on the Don and Kuban had a detrimental effect on the reproduction of fish. The presence of dams has blocked access to spawning grounds, and poaching causes terrible damage to fish stocks.

Nevertheless, water world The Sea of ​​Azov contains about 80 species of fish- These are both marine and freshwater fish. Today, annual production is about 30,000 tons.

The Black Sea is characterized by rather small fish stocks. For freshwater fish salty water unsuitable. As for marine fish, the situation is the opposite - sea ​​fish They do not tolerate the fairly low salt content in Black Sea water. In addition, due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide, at a depth of more than 100 meters there is no fauna at all. More than 180 species of fish have been recorded in the Black Sea, but no more than 30 of them are commercially available. Unlike the Azov Sea, mammals live in the Black Sea - 3 species of dolphins. In addition to fish, mussels and algae are also of commercial importance.

Ports and resort areas

The Sea of ​​Azov does not have convenient bays necessary for navigation, but its main disadvantage is shallow water. Azov ports are located in the cities of Berdyansk, Mariupol, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Yeisk, Temryuk. For the above reasons, large ocean-going ships cannot enter the ports of the Azov Sea - this determines the small cargo turnover of the ports and their poor development.

The popularity of the Azov Sea resorts is also low. The reasons are the opacity of the water and the monotony of the coastal landscape. Hence the poor development of resort infrastructure.

Due to the deep water, the ports of the Black Sea are characterized by large cargo turnover. Black Sea coast There are 43 ports in all countries. Most major ports– Novorossiysk, Odessa, Constanta, Varna, Trabzon, Batumi.

The mild climate, natural beauty and clear sea water make Black Sea resorts very popular. The infrastructure of the resorts is relatively developed - this attracts a significant number of vacationers.

Black Sea is located in the middle latitudes, approximately between 41 and 47 degrees northern latitude and 28 and 42 degrees east longitude. Northern Shores belong to Ukraine, eastern - to Russia, Georgia and Abkhazia, southern - to Turkey, western - to Romania and Bulgaria. For almost 400 km, the Black Sea washes Krasnodar region, beneficially influencing its climate. Through the Straits Bosphorus, Dardanelles and through Sea of ​​Marmara the Black Sea waters merge with the Mediterranean, and through Kerch Strait With Sea of ​​Azov.

Black Sea known to mankind since ancient times! Over the course of thousands of years and centuries, it has changed several names. The first Greek navigators called it Pont Aksinsky, that is, inhospitable. However, later the ancient Greeks changed their minds and began to call it Pont Aksinsky, that is, a hospitable sea. In Rus' in the old days Black Sea called Pontic, and Russian by sea.

Scientists explain the modern name in different ways. Some called the Turks Karadeniz, that is, the inhospitable “Black” Sea, because all the conquerors who came to its shores received decisive rebuff from the tribes that inhabited it. According to another hypothesis, the name is associated with storms and the fact that the water in it darkens during a storm. And there is a third version, which is related to the fact that metal objects lowered onto greater depth Black Sea, turn black under the influence of hydrogen sulfide.

The ancient Greeks, sailing along the Black Sea shores, saw here the settlements of the Scythians, Taurians, and in the east - the Colchians. The Greeks named the Black Sea coast of Kavakaz after the names of these tribes Colchis, Crimea - Tavrida, and the Northern Seaside region - Scythia.

Bays of the Black Sea

There are few bays in the Black Sea, the largest of which are Odessa, Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky, Feodosia, Tamansky and Sinopsky. The most convenient bays for receiving ships are Tsemesskaya and Gelendzhikskaya.

The Black Sea is poor in islands, the largest - Serpentine(0.17 sq. km). The most significant of the peninsulas are Crimean, Kerch and Taman.

Characteristics of the Black Sea

total area The Black Sea is 413,488 sq km. Water volume 537,000 cubic meters. km. The sea represents deep depression oblong in shape with a fairly flat bottom and steep slopes (from 6 to 20 degrees). The greatest depth is 2245 m, the average is 1271 m.

They flow into the Black Sea Danube, Dniester, Southern Bug, Dnieper, Rioni, Chorokh, and within Krasnodar region- over 80 small rivers. Half of the river flow comes from the Danube. The annual runoff from land into the Black Sea is 400 cubic meters. km, the same amount evaporates from the surface of the sea. The Black Sea receives 175 cubic meters per year. km of salty Mediterranean water and 66 cu. km of Azov water of low salinity.

Most of all, the Black Sea water contains sodium chloride (77.8% of the total salt content), magnesium chloride (10.9%), calcium sulfate (3.6%). In addition, the Black Sea water contains about 60 more chemical elements: iodine, bromine, silver, radium etc.

The Black Sea is the warmest in our country. The winter temperature in the open part is + 6..7 degrees Celsius, in the southern part + 8..10, in the northwestern part it often drops to -1 and ice fast ice forms there. In summer, the water temperature averages +24 degrees; near Sochi it can warm up to +28 degrees Celsius. At a depth of 50-70 meters the temperature is stable at +6-7 degrees.

Surface currents in the Black Sea are weak, their speed usually does not exceed 0.5 m/s. The main causes of surface currents are river runoff and wind.

The ebb and flow of the tides in the Black and Azov Seas are very weak. Their amplitude is 3-10 cm. Secular changes in sea level - an increase of 20-50 cm per hundred years.

During storms in the Black Sea, waves up to 10 m high and 150 m long develop. Usually the wave sizes are much smaller.

The force of the waves hitting the shore is enormous. In the Sochi area it reaches 20 tons per 1 sq. m.

Flora of the Black Sea quite rich and varied. In coastal waters there are thickets of brown algae - cystorhiza. On sandy and muddy shallows there are entire underwater fields of sea grass - zosters. Deeper there are extensive thickets of red algae - phyllophores.

The fauna of the Black Sea is very diverse, but due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide it is concentrated mainly in the upper 200-meter layer of water.

Based on books: Korovin V.I. Nature of the Krasnodar region. Krasnodar: Book publishing house, 1979

The quaint, rugged coast of Crimea is precisely this feature that attracts sailors and beachgoers. Numerous bays allow you to find both a convenient anchorage and a coastal edge that is not subject to the rage of waves. The Kalamitsky Bay of the Black Sea is not large in size, but its coasts are unique natural areas.

Where is Kalamitsky Bay located on the map?

It is located in Western Crimea. On its banks stand Zaozernoye, and Saki, Novofedorovka, Nikolaevka and Beregovoe, Peschanoye and.

Geographical details and features

This is where disagreements immediately begin. Classical - old - sources have always indicated that the bay is limited by Capes Evpatoriya and. Thus, it takes up a significant part west coast Crimean peninsula. However, modern data “cut down” these indicators. In their opinion, the bay “does not reach Chersonesus”, and its border is.

Give short description Bay is easy. It protrudes into the land slightly less than , by 13 km, but has a wide entrance - according to modern data, 41 km. The depths vary, maximum 30 m, so even heavy vessels are not in danger of running aground. The height of the coast increases from north to south. In the area of ​​Cape Evpatoria it is sloping, sandy, with extensive beaches. Towards the southern tip the coast rises, near the Lucullus ledge it is 15 m.

There are several salt lakes near the Kalamitsky Bay:

  • Yaly-Moinak (Big and Small),
  • Saki,
  • Bagails.

A hydrographic study proves that they must once have formed part of the harbor, but were separated from it by embankments literally several meters wide. As a result, the properties of their filling and bottom silt changed. These are often called estuary.

Kalamitsky Bay in Crimea is considered a very clean water area of ​​the Black Sea.
This is largely due to the fact that it is located far from the confluence. Directly into him, into him modern borders, the rivers and Western Bulganak flow into it, but they cannot create a strong suspension of brought soil in it. The purity of the water explains not only the tourist attractiveness of the region, but also its natural wealth.

Mutually exclusive translations

The Kalamita Bay region has long given philologists a lot of work to do. They cannot in any way establish the origin and meaning of its name. Yes, everyone knows about the existence of the medieval one, but for some reason fortification was also called that way! There are a lot of mutually exclusive versions, borrowed from different languages: “beautiful”, “good, comfortable cape” and even “misfortune, disaster”. The riddle, like so many different definitions, can be attributed to the same place.

The name “Lucullus” also raises questions. Many have heard about the existence of the Roman commander Lucullus, who loved to eat delicious food. He's probably been to these parts, but the outcropping of land still doesn't look like him. In fact, on the first known maps it was called in Tatar - Uluk-Kol. There really is a beam with that name (“long sleeve”) nearby. Probably, later the name, indigestible for the first Russian settlers, was changed into a more musical surname of a Roman military man.

Protection of life and health

Since the Kalamita Bay is famous for its cleanliness, holidays in this area are especially beneficial for health. Estuary lakes (the best known, but silt from others is used in a similar way) are a source of healing mud used in the treatment of many diseases of the nervous system, skin, musculoskeletal system, and respiratory organs.
Clean air and water complement the healing effect.

It warms up relatively quickly: swimming season in favorable years it lasts from May to September. The beaches of Evpatoria enjoy a good reputation - sand is much more convenient for vacationers than pebbles. Many of them have a gentle entrance to the sea - this is one of the reasons that the city is especially recommended as a children's resort. The surrounding area is famous for its beautiful spacious beaches (the name speaks for itself). The small village is not as famous as Evpatoria, but it’s for the better - prices are lower and there is more space.

In addition to holidaymakers, marine life also liked the clean water. In order to protect the system in which the sea interacts with land, a reserve was created at Cape Lucullus. Its coastal complex is recognized as a natural monument. Vegetable and animal world It is very rich here, including rare species. Adonis vernacular (Adonis) grows here, and the steppe rack, little bustard, steppe eagle, four-striped snake, and steppe viper are found.

Archaeologists have discovered remains at Lucullus large settlement Scythian times. Conventionally, it is called Ust-Alminsky. So far the archaeological site has not been identified based on written information, but it is clear that it was a fairly large policy. This object requires urgent research - a significant part of it has already been lost as a result of erosion by the sea.

How to get there (get there)?

You can get to Kalamitsky Bay from any corner of Crimea; buses in this direction are not uncommon from Simferopol, Yalta, Sevastopol, Feodosia and even Kerch.

We will show you on the map how to get there by car yourself, one of the very attractive ones here, from Simferopol:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Western Crimea, Russian Federation.
  • GPS coordinates: 45.002367, 33.566267.

Visitors should behave culturally so that the Kalamitsky Gulf of Crimea and its Black Sea environs can help improve the health of guests and preserve the biological diversity of the region for a long time to come.


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