Anonymous source: Having escaped from captivity, the passenger of the Malaysian Boeing went to a village in the south-east of Afghanistan. Flight MH370 disappeared five years ago. What is known about the most mysterious plane crash in the world Boeing 777 crash

05/16/2014 at 14:11, views: 64720

“An Asian passenger of the dramatic flight MH370, who escaped from captivity near Kandahar, reached a village called Shahraz (to be specified). In about a week, data about this will be transferred to China (it is unknown whether this will become public knowledge worldwide). As it turned out, the purpose of the sudden hijacking of the Malaysian Boeing 777-200-ER airliner was to suppress the American side’s attempt by a group of special specialists to get from Malaysia to China.” An anonymous source in the special services told an MK correspondent about this in a confidential manner. This information is published in the world media for the first time.


The day before, a source from the intelligence services told MK on condition of anonymity that, according to available data, the hijacked passengers of the airliner that suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014, flying flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing began to die due to unbearable conditions of detention.

In the first ten days of April, MK, with reference to special services, reported that the nickname of the attacker who forced the Boeing pilots to hijack a Malaysia Airlines plane with a total of 239 people on board was Hich. Nothing was known about his accomplices. The pilots of flight MH370 were not guilty of the hijacking, a fairly authoritative source from the intelligence services assured the MK correspondent on condition of anonymity.

The Boeing 777-200ER, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (route length - 4417 km), suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014. Boeing 777-200ER of Malaysia Airlines flew jointly with

MK Help

The missing Boeing 777 flew for several more hours after the crew “lost” communication with dispatchers.

Chinese China Southern Airlines flight with 227 passengers on board from 14 countries, including 5 children under 5 years of age and 12 crew members (including two pilots). The majority of passengers - 153 - were Chinese citizens (one was a permanent resident of Hong Kong). Among the passengers was the only Russian - 43-year-old businessman Nikolai Brodsky from Irkutsk. He was returning from a vacation in Bali, where he had been diving. Four people who had tickets for this flight were late for check-in and did not get on the plane. At least two passengers (Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kozel), who were on the lists, were not on board: the Iranians, Puria Nur Mohammad Merdad and Delaware Seyed-Mohammadreza, purchased tickets using their passports and boarded the flight .

Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 at 00:41:13 local time. At 01:19:24, Kuala Lumpur Control handed over flight MH370 to controllers in Ho Chi Minh City, which was confirmed by the airliner's crew. Flight MH370 was last recorded on radar at 01:21:13, but the pilots did not contact air traffic controllers in Ho Chi Minh City. After this, contact with the plane was completely lost. At 01:38, Vietnamese air traffic controllers asked their colleagues in Kuala Lumpur where flight MH370 had gone?

After unsuccessful attempts to locate the missing plane, Kuala Lumpur air traffic controllers contacted Malaysia Airlines flight control at 02:15, where they assumed that the plane was in Cambodian airspace. However, controllers at the Cambodian ATM center noted that the crew did not contact them. Vietnamese dispatchers, in turn, emphasized that according to the flight plan Boeing airliner The 777 should not have flown through Cambodian airspace. Over the next few hours, dispatchers and airline representatives tried in vain to establish any communication with the plane and determine its location. As a result, after four hours of unsuccessful attempts, a request was sent at 05:30 to begin an official search and rescue operation.

There are seven reported messages received from flight MH370 via the Aeronautical Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) following the loss of contact with the airliner, including the last one at 08:19.

So, to this day, no one knows anything about flight MH-370. Malaysia, Australia and China agreed to continue the search for the missing plane, which will now be more focused on studying the seabed (April searches in the Indian Ocean did not bring results).

At the end of April, tired of the uncertainty and unconvincing methods of searching for the missing airliner, with a letter about checking the version of the location of the missing plane, put forward for the first time (March 31) Russian newspaper"Moskovsky Komsomolets" (site site) with a link to anonymous sources in the intelligence services. Extra-exclusive information from "MK" was urgently made public in various languages ​​and was instantly disseminated by the world's media (an example and another example), blogs and social networks (in various languages ​​of the world).

An expert in the field of investigation of aviation accidents from the Center for Scientific and Technical Research and Expertise (Moscow), the most experienced Soviet-Russian aviator Evgeniy Kuzminov explained to the MK correspondent that “such an aircraft could easily land on an ordinary dirt road with a less dense surface about 2000 meters long . Although, of course, for this there must be free approaches to runway- that is, there should be no trees and mountains. With a hard landing on a “bad” surface, of course, the landing gear could break or even the wing could break” (the estimated weight of the hijacked Boeing 777-200ER with passengers, crew and cargo is about 200 tons). Evgeny Kuzminov recalled a similar airliner landing that took place in the USSR in 1968, as a result of which.

For foreign media

This information was not published in the world media : " A Russian newspaper has claimed that Flight MH370 was hijacked by "unknown terrorists" and flown to Afghanistan, where the crew and passengers are now being held hostage. The extraordinary comments, attributed to an Intelligence source, appeared in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The source told the paper: "Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines missing on March 8 with 239 passengers was hijacked. Pilots are not guilty; the plane was hijacked by unknown terrorists. We know that the name of the terrorist who gave instructions to pilots is "Hitch "The plane is in Afghanistan not far from Kandahar near the border with Pakistan." Moskovsky Komsomolets also claims the passengers have been divided into seven groups and are living in mud huts with almost no food. Twenty Asian passengers were said to have been smuggled into a bunker in Pakistan .

On the night of March 8, 2014, an event occurred that is difficult to imagine even now, five years later. A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER with 239 people on board took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Thirty minutes later the plane becomes an unidentified object on radar. The airliner changes direction and flies somewhere to the south of the Indian Ocean for about seven more hours. The plane then presumably runs out of fuel and crashes into the water. All passengers and crew are presumed dead. Neither the bodies nor the plane itself have been found. Why the plane veered off course and what actually happened is still unknown. They spent $200 million searching for the plane. The result is only a few bags and debris that were discovered by chance.

Airplane No. 404

The Boeing 777 model turned out to be successful in all respects. There is still a stable demand for the aircraft (a new generation is being prepared for release), the airliner is extremely reliable - the first serious incident with human casualties occurred in 2013, 18 years after the start of operation. An Asiana Airlines plane crashed into an embankment in front of the runway at San Francisco Airport due to a crew error. The liner caught fire, but almost everyone survived - out of 307 people on board, three died.

Flight MH370 Kuala Lumpur - Beijing was a night flight: departure at about 0:30, and after almost six hours the travelers were already in the capital of China. In total there were 227 passengers, the crew included 12 more people. The plane was flown by 53-year-old commander Zachary Ahmad Shah and co-pilot Farik Abdul Hamid (the guy is only 27 years old, but he managed to fly a Boeing 737 and an Airbus A330, and now mastered the “three sevens”).

Chronology of strange events

The airliner took off from the runway on March 8 at 0:41. Half an hour later, at 1:19, the dispatcher at Kuala Lumpur Airport will receive the last voice message with Boeing boards 777. Two minutes later, something strange happens. The transponder is turned off on the plane. The device constantly transmits to radars up-to-date information- flight number, altitude, etc. When the transponder is deactivated, the airliner turns into an unidentified flying object for dispatchers: the radars still display it, but what kind of plane it is is unclear - just a dot on the screen without any information.

The transponder was turned off exactly at the right moment: the Boeing 777 left Malaysian airspace and was supposed to be picked up by Vietnamese air traffic controllers, but they did not immediately realize that they had missed the plane. Meanwhile, the ship changes direction and heads southwest, while the voyage involves moving to the northeast. During the investigation, it will be established that the maneuver could not have been performed by the autopilot - at least during the turn, the plane was under human control.

The airliner came across Thai military radars, but local dispatchers did not attach any significance to the unknown object. They later explained that the ship did not pose a threat to the country's airspace, so no one asked what kind of plane it was. Civilian air traffic controllers in Vietnam realized it only 12 minutes after MH370 remained silent.

An hour after departure, another one occurs. unusual thing: ACARS is disabled. Once every 30 minutes, it sends through satellites a lot of technical data that is needed by the airline, the manufacturers of the aircraft and components of the Boeing 777 - the status of systems, on-board information, and so on. Attempts by air traffic controllers to contact MH370 were unsuccessful.

By 2:40 the management of Malaysia Airlines receives bad news - the plane has disappeared and it is impossible to get in touch. Only in the morning, an hour after the Boeing 777 was supposed to land at Beijing airport, the airline announced the loss of flight MH370.

But even then the plane was still in the air. The satellites tried to contact the plane to exchange data at 8:11 - apparently, the session was unsuccessful due to the communication systems on the Boeing 777 being disabled. Alas, there are not even approximate coordinates of the aircraft at the time of the attempt to contact the satellites. This would help narrow the search area: after seven hours in the air, the fuel was already running out, which means that the crash area should have been close to the site of the satellite request. In the following months, one of the largest search operations unfolded, but it yielded absolutely nothing. Rescuers examined tens of thousands of square kilometers of the surface of the Indian Ocean, but could only say one thing: the plane was nowhere to be found.

The submarine was found, but the plane was not.

The first fragments of flight MH370 were found only in mid-summer 2015. Residents of Reunion Island, which is located seven hundred kilometers from Madagascar, found several bags and a fragment of a wing called a flaperon. If personal belongings could theoretically be lost by travelers from some cruise ship, then the metal piece was clearly from an airplane, and a large one at that. Later, it was possible to confirm that the flaperon belongs specifically to the missing Boeing 777. It would seem that a little more time would be enough to solve the mystery: it is enough to study the currents to understand where the wreckage came from. But everything turned out to be more complicated.

At the end of the year before last, the young American company Ocean Infinity entered into an agreement with the Malaysian Ministry of Transport: if the company’s search vessel does not find MH370 within ninety days, then the specialists will not receive a reward; if the airliner is discovered, Malaysia will pay the team $20-70 million, depending on a number of conditions. Ocean Infinity's motivation turned out to be serious, and so was its equipment - the company rented a Norwegian research vessel, Seabed Constructor, with top-of-the-line equipment, which is designed to study the seabed.

At first, the team planned to explore 25 thousand square kilometers of the ocean, but at the end of the expedition, experts collected data from an area of ​​112 thousand square kilometers. And not a trace of the Boeing 777. There were practically no clues left. However, there was still one more chance to find the plane. A few weeks after MH370 disappeared, the Chinese warship Haixun 01 picked up two signals at 37.5 kHz, the frequency that black boxes usually operate on. Moreover, about 90 kilometers from the ship there were some white objects on the surface of the water. Last summer, Ocean Infinity set out to explore the area, but there was no more news - it seemed like another dead end.

But the company was lucky with solving another puzzle: Ocean Infinity was able to find the San Juan submarine, which disappeared with its entire crew (44 people) a year earlier. The submarine rests at a depth of 920 meters, 600 kilometers east of the coast of Argentina, all people on board are considered dead. Apparently, finding the Boeing 777 has become a matter of principle for Ocean Infinity: the company stated that it was ready to continue the search. The team plans to explore new location using underwater drones that will scan the bottom in search of the liner.

"Designated" culprit

Along with the place Boeing crash 777 investigators are haunted by another question: what really happened. The loss of such an aircraft before March 8, 2014 seemed impossible. Yes, there have been cases of disappearances without a trace in history, but not of a 63-meter-long airliner and not in the 21st century. The main version of aviation experts who studied the mystery of the flight revolves around the hijacking. This theory explains the main mystery: why the plane's transponder and ACARS turned off, it turned around and flew like a ghost for about seven more hours.

But here, too, not everything is clear: after all, no one put forward demands or took responsibility for what happened. Let's say a plane was hijacked by terrorists, the passengers and crew intervened, and the hijackers were forced to abandon some primary objective to simply crash the plane - as happened with United Airlines Flight 93 during the attacks of September 11, 2001. However, there are questions about the chronology: the plane was in the air for about seven hours, and no one tried to get in touch by, for example, a satellite phone. Based on this, some experts came to the most unpleasant theory for everyone - the plane was hijacked by the crew.

Suspicion primarily fell on the commander and co-pilot. The fact is that between the last phrase (said in an ordinary, calm voice without signs of excitement) from the Boeing 777 and the airliner turning 180 degrees, only two minutes passed. It is unlikely that the invaders could have so accurately guessed the moment of farewell to the dispatcher and the hijacking of the ship. The trajectory of the airliner's maneuvers suggests that the plane was flown by a professional pilot. Investigators examined the biographies of the passengers - no one had a license to fly. At the same time, it turned out that two Iranians were traveling with fake documents. But detectives found no links to terrorists - the people were probably just illegal migrants.

According to one of them, the plane was hijacked by the commander, Zachary Ahmad Shah. In the foreign press, pilots hypothesized that programming the aircraft navigation system (FMS) to manually set latitude and longitude points at which airliners do not fly (to the south of the Indian Ocean) was more likely to be within the power of the Shah, rather than the young Farik Abdul Hamid. Rumors also appeared about the commander’s family problems and his passion for girls, if you can call it compliments on social networks.

However, it was not possible to “assign” the culprit: the investigation report states that nothing negative was found against the commander and co-pilot. Shah's family and relatives have always maintained the PIC's innocence, and this moment The causes of the crash have not yet been officially established. At the same time, experts hint that although no one is accused, the main fact cannot be ignored: turn off the transponder and ACARS, and also set new route a random person couldn't - an experienced pilot definitely did.

What does the debris indicate?

From time to time there appear “sensational discoveries in Google Maps": for example, allegedly MH370 was found in the jungle of Cambodia. But this is difficult to take seriously: the satellite was simply lucky to take a photograph at the moment when a large airliner was flying over the thickets.

Also, experts do not have a consensus on the cause of the plane crash. Experts agree that the airliner has exhausted all its fuel. Then the disagreements begin. According to one version, the uncontrollable airliner went into the ocean with its nose down. During the fall from a height of 10-11 thousand meters, the Boeing 777 would have gained enormous speed. The impact with the water in this case would destroy the plane to the smallest detail.

But the fragments washed up on the shores of Reunion are quite large. It is unlikely that the same flaperon measuring about two meters would have survived a vertical impact on the water (unless it came off due to overloads during a dive). Therefore, they have now begun to talk about another version of the last minutes of the airliner: the plane was smoothly descending at low speed, as if landing on water. It is unclear who was flying the plane in this case.

Debris that may belong to flight MH370 continues to be found: last December, a piece of the floor of a Boeing 777 and several other fragments were spotted off the coast of Madagascar. But Malaysia has not yet resumed active searches: the government requires significant leads before giving millions again. Until new debris is discovered, investigators are unlikely to be able to get closer to the solution.

Yes friends! The crash of the Malaysian airliner flying MN-17 was faked!!!

This scary VIDEO filmed by a female eyewitness who found herself at the site of the so-called plane crash within 20 minutes. This is the main thing proof of falsification of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777.

Judge for yourself! Almost 300 dead - that's one and a half tons of human blood! And there were no traces of it anywhere, only a bird’s trace, from dead birds.

At the scene of the tragedy, a large number of phones and tablets were found, upon inspection of which it turned out that absolutely all of them had the last information recorded in their memory dated back to 2013!

At the scene of the tragedy, a large number of suitcases were found, in which there were not summer clothes, but winter ones, while the plane crash happened on July 17, 2014, and these people were not flying to the North Pole.

At the site of the tragedy, according to many eyewitnesses, already in the first hours and even minutes there was a terrible smell of the morgue, and among all the smells the smell of formaldehyde predominated.
There are great doubts that it was crash Boeing 777-200.

The fact is that the Boeing 777 200ER series jet engines have turbines whose outer diameter significantly exceeds the average height of a person. And those broken engines that all the world’s media showed us from the supposed site of the Boeing 777 crash are smaller than a person’s height. The diameter of the engine turbines of the airliner that crashed in Ukraine can be judged from this image.

The Boeing 777 200 LR series engines are generally the largest in the world. Their diameter exceeds 3 meters!

But even this is not what initially confuses many people the most.

The heavy, multi-ton engines of a plane that fell from the sky lie on the ground as if they had been carefully placed there.

This is what Boeing 777 engines usually look like on the ground when the plane crashes. This is footage from foreign chronicles of plane crashes. We see that the engines of the planes that crashed almost went underground.

We all studied physics at school and must remember the formula:

(The energy of a body is equal to the mass divided by two and multiplied by the square of the speed).

Boeing 777 engines have large mass, concentrated in a small volume. Due to this, when falling vertically to the ground (or when an airplane crashes at a large angle), they tend to make holes in any soil with their large mass and make depressions in it.

Below is our case, Ukraine. When viewing this picture, there is a strong feeling of deception.

As eyewitnesses say, this scrap metal lies on the surface of the earth as if it had been poured out of the back of a dump truck! This picture is possible in the event of a plane crash, when the plane crashes during landing - horizontal movement along the surface of the earth.

In our case, there was uncontrollable vertical drop a plane destroyed in the sky, and craters-indentations from the heaviest fragments of the plane were bound to form in the ground.

However, they are not there!

They add even more to this gloomy “picture” falsehood those corpses smelling of formaldehyde without a single drop of blood, which a female eyewitness filmed on her tablet.

Having such obvious facts in hand, I would like to say that the world community is faced with an unprecedented political scam!

The leadership of the USA and Ukraine tried to deceive the whole world in the most brazen way!

Personally, after understanding all the facts, only one question arises in my head: how moral monster one must be in order to conceive and implement this multi-step monstrous scam?!

Much has already been written on the Internet about the Boeing 777 shot down over Ukraine. Entire “sheets” are covered in writing by the blogger gorojanin-iz-b and writer Yuri Mukhin. I considered it correct for myself to apply “Occam’s razor” in this publication - a methodological principle that sounds like this: “new entities should not be attracted unless absolutely necessary”. In other words, if a lie can be exposed by one or two obvious facts, then there is no need to provide dozens more facts or hypotheses. If the result has already been achieved, why bother the reader with unnecessary information.

I am sure that after reading this article there will be a stupor and a lot of questions in the minds of many people. The main one is: “is it possible to falsify this???”

Friends! I assure you, it is possible! And not like that!

After the half-fake Boston terrorist attack that happened on April 15, 2013 in the United States, I already look at the world with different eyes.

This photo spread around the world then!

Do you think it shows a person injured in a terrorist attack?

No! This is a legless actor who took part in a grandiose scam! Details in the above article.

In 2013, a performance with a legless actor was needed so that this “sufferer” would then point out the “perpetrators of the terrorist attack”—the Chechen brothers Tsarnaev.

The US administration really wanted to play the “Muslim card” at that time.

In 2014, the same US administration needed the spectacle of the downing of a Malaysian Boeing 777 to point the finger at Russia and call it an aggressor. Which was done immediately.

American hawks need a big war for the sake of another redivision of the world, their minds are “sharpened” for this.

Our task is to prevent their plans from coming true.

British virtual tracker Ian Wilson is a video engineer by profession. He discovered an object similar to an airplane using the Google Maps resource. I saw him lying in the inaccessible jungles of Cambodia.

Yang has no doubt: this object is the plane - most likely, the same one - the Malaysian Boeing 777-200, which on March 8, 2014, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared in the most mysterious way along with 239 passengers.

Based on the outline of the discovered airliner, it is the right one. Only almost 6 meters longer - not 63.7 meters, but 70.

The tail fell off, the tracker explains, and lies a little further from the fuselage. Hence the "extension".

The main objection of skeptics: the photo from space used by Google Maps could have been accidentally captured by a plane flying over the jungle. In addition, four years have passed since the loss, quite enough for lush tropical vegetation to completely hide the liner. And it’s strange that the car in the photo is practically intact. Even if the plane had not crashed high altitude, and tried to land in the jungle, it would most likely fall apart into several large fragments.

No,” Wilson dismisses doubts. Like, I checked it using one of the resource options - “escape ground view”. The plane is down.

Could the virtual tracker have “stumbled upon” not MH370, but some other Boeing 777-200? Excluded - no other similar ones fell in this area of ​​Cambodia. At least, aviation experts nothing is known about such disasters.

Wilson said he would like to get to the crash site he discovered himself. After all, Malaysian and Australian specialists, who, albeit to no avail, are officially busy searching for the remains of the liner, as a rule, do not respond to the “signals” of virtual trackers. Or they brush them off.


And here's another Boeing

Competing with Wilson is Australian Peter McMahon, who has long been passionate about investigating aircraft accidents. Using Google Maps, he also saw the silhouette of a crashed Malaysian Boeing. But in another place - under water. If he gets to it, he will have to dive.

In March 2018, McMahon: The Boeing lies in shallow water about 16 kilometers south of Round Island, one of the Seychelles. The satellite photo shows both the wings and the fuselage.

The Australian Transport and Safety Bureau told McMahon that the plane he discovered could well be the one he was looking for. But no action was taken. The Malaysian authorities also responded. But more harshly: they asked not to mislead people.

McMahon somehow saw that the fuselage of the airliner was full of holes. It’s as if it’s been pierced by machine-gun fire.

And one more

In 2016, the Malaysian Boeing was found by Scott Waring, a famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist among those who look for anomalies in images transmitted from other planets, for example, from Mars.

Scott assures that he did not specifically search for the missing airliner. I was looking for traces of UFOs that were seen in the Cape area Good Hope(Cape of Good Hope) in 2013. And for this purpose, I looked at the photographs of the area posted in Google Earth. I saw the outline of the plane. He lies under water. Almost whole.


From the beginning From the end

Don't update Update

Ships from several countries conducted fruitless searches until January 2017. They were conducted on a narrow strip of the Indian Ocean west of the Australian coast; their area was 120 thousand km. Having failed to achieve a result, Australia, Malaysia and China stopped the search in January 2017, on which $160 million was spent over three years.

Recently, Malaysian authorities announced that they are again ready to begin searching for the plane if new evidence is found about its crash site. We hope that one day this mystery of the century will be solved. Thank you for being with us!

Joshua Paul/AP

Over the entire period, more than 30 pieces of debris were discovered in various areas of the Indian Ocean that could be related to the missing airliner, but the examination confirmed that only three of them belonged to the missing aircraft. Last Sunday, two of them, including a 4.3-meter-long wing fragment, were displayed for the first time in Malaysia.

Prisca Bigot STR/Reuters

Here is everything that is known about the sequence of events on board the tragically missing liner that ill-fated night. What happened to the plane - hijacking by attackers, or deliberate actions of the crew - remains a mystery five years later.

Only much later, mathematicians from the USA and Qatar found an explanation for why the Malaysian Boeing aircraft 777 no debris or traces of fuel were found in the ocean. They calculated the behavior of the plane in five possible fall scenarios and came to the conclusion that the plane entered the water vertically or at an obtuse angle. Only with such a fall, the fuselage is almost not affected by bending moments that break it into pieces. “The final moments of MH370 will likely remain a mystery until the black boxes are found and deciphered. But experts support the version that the plane dived into the ocean,” the scientists believed.

Due to the fact that the signals were sent with a frequency of an hour, a problem arose with the accuracy of determining the possible location of the crash of the liner. It was only possible to roughly outline it using calculations of the estimated fuel remaining.

The last, seventh technical signal is recorded by satellites from a flying aircraft. His analysis ultimately made it possible to establish the approximate area where the airliner fell. The northern arc on the world map reached the countries of Central Asia and Turkmenistan, the southern arc - west of the coast of Australia. The publication of these calculations a few days after the incident excited the whole world - this led to the construction of conspiracy theories about the possibility of hijacking a plane and landing it on abandoned airfields around the world.


By this time, the real search for the missing plane begins, all interested services are involved. However, it is known for certain that the plane was still in the air at that time, its engines were running. What was happening on board at that moment is a mystery.

Malaysia Airlines officially announces the loss of the plane on its Facebook page.

These signals communicate to the ground various technical specifications aircraft - course, altitude, engine operating mode. During the entire time of this mystical flight, seven such “pings” took place, and their analysis played a vital role in subsequent searches. Despite the fact that these signals do not transmit the true coordinates of the aircraft to the ground, something about its position, as it turned out, can be learned from them. Taking into account the altitude of the satellites when receiving pings and the signal delay, experts were able to draw two possible arcs on the world map from where the last signal of the airliner could have come.

Rob Griffith/AP

The signals of this SATCOM system are not transmitted constantly, but once an hour. This system, using the Inmarsat network of geostationary communications satellites, provides coverage throughout globe, with the exception of polar regions with latitudes greater than 70°.

Only a few days after the disappearance of the airliner will valuable information be announced. All modern airliners, in addition to the mentioned transmitters operating in the VHF range, regardless of the will of the pilots, communicate with satellites and transmit to them technical information about the flight.

Flight 370 is scheduled to arrive in Beijing, but there is no one to meet at the airport. Relatives of the passengers begin to worry and try to find out something about the fate of the plane.

However, some connection (if it can be called a connection) with the plane is still present. In general, the loss of the airliner fueled interest in the design of modern civilian airliners among ordinary people, who, thanks to the incident, learned a lot about the planes they fly on, often without thinking about how they function.

It is not known what happens to the plane during the subsequent hours, whether its crew, conductors, and passengers are alive and conscious.

For all the subsequent hours, the plane will fly without communication with the ground, completely unknown to ground services.

Having realized that the plane was really missing, and this was not an error of the tracking devices, airline announces red alert.

Lai Seng Sin/Reuters

“During this period of uncertainty, Malaysia Airlines needs to establish the facts by contacting other controllers and aircraft flying on that route,” the airline later explained.

At this time, the airline is trying to contact the missing aircraft by all means and determine its location.

Malaysia Airlines said its plane, en route to Beijing, disappeared from radar screens.

By this time, the plane had deviated from its route by hundreds of kilometers, ending up on the other side of the Malay Peninsula. Around this time, civilian and military radars last recorded the aircraft's location. Later, Malaysian authorities will transmit their radar data to American and British representatives. From them the first conclusion will be drawn that the plane did not go north, but in a completely different direction.

Tomasz Bartkowiak/Reuters

Despite the fact that the plane's transmitters are turned off, the plane is detected by military radars, which see it and themselves irradiate it with radio waves. The Malaysian Air Force would later report that the plane was spotted flying over the island of Pulau Perak in the Strait of Malacca.

The co-pilot is 27-year-old Farik Abdul Hamid, who has worked for the airline for seven years. Over 2800 flight hours.


The pilot of the aircraft is 53-year-old Zachary Ahzmad Shah, an experienced pilot who has worked for the airline for 33 years. As commander of the Boeing 777-200 since 1998. Flight time was 18,423, 8,659 of which were on Boeing 777-200. Married, father of three children.

The expected next ACARS signal, transmitted once every half hour, is not sent from the aircraft. It means. That the system stopped working between 21.07 and 21.37 Moscow time. This is an important circumstance, since the system can only be turned off knowledgeable people. If the plane were captured by terrorists or hijacked, the system itself would continue to transmit to the ground about all the evolutions of the plane.

Malaysian tracking systems lost the aircraft over the Gulf of Thailand at coordinates 06 55 15 N and 103 34 43 E.

Andrew Heneen

The plane disappears from screens and Malaysian military radar.

After the transponders are turned off, the plane disappears from ground radar screens. “From that point on, from the controller’s point of view, the plane is flying blind,” Quest explains. Vietnamese dispatchers at Ho Chi Minh Airport also no longer see the mark. Turning off the transponder is not that difficult - just flip a switch in the cockpit.

Transponder devices transmitting information about the aircraft's location and identification data suddenly turn off. These transmitters automatically send signals from the aircraft, conveying the aircraft number, flight altitude, speed and heading. Their range is short, but it is thanks to them that controllers on the ground see the plane’s mark and know which side is in front of them and its flight parameters.


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