“Crew”: film bloopers from an aviation expert. “Why the crew did not bring the plane out of the dive remains a mystery

1980 In it, two pilots, in violation of all the rules, save the population of an island on which a volcanic eruption occurs. LiveJournal sent aviation journalist, flight school graduate Alexander Loktev, to the film - he wrote down 18 professional comments on what he saw on the screen.

Frame: Central Partnership

1. In the cockpit of the cargo An-12, on which Kozlovsky’s hero serves, before turning into a civilian pilot, we see modern digital instruments. This aircraft has not undergone modernization, its cockpit is completely analogue: the aircraft ceased production in 1972. And there are not two crew members on this plane, as in the film, but at least four. By the way, it is very strange that on the tail of a military aircraft its brand is written in large letters - this is not the case.

2. In civilian life, Kozlovsky’s hero moves to the simulator, and then quickly takes the helm of a passenger Tu-204. An airline that immediately puts a trainee pilot behind the controls of a different type of aircraft without an emergency training course immediately after a military pilot transitions to civilian service is likely to be in huge trouble. And immediately at the transport prosecutor’s office. An airplane is not a car: all aircraft are different in their functions, design and behavior. And it’s depicted as if they were recruiting drivers for a taxi company based on an advertisement.

Frame: Central Partnership

3. After minimal training on the simulator, trainee Kozlovsky immediately takes the place of the co-pilot. This only happens when an official, completed flight school a co-pilot or a person with a pilot-in-command certificate who has passed many exams.

4. There are two crew members in the Tu-204 cockpit in the film. There is only one modification of this Tu-204 SM aircraft, where two pilots work. In the rest - and there are most of them on airlines - there are only three. Apparently, the Tupolev design bureau provided the film crew with this particular modification.

Frame: Central Partnership

5. By the way, in addition to the flight simulator itself, which we see in the film, there is also a so-called procedural simulator, on which the order of pressing buttons according to checklists and their location in the cockpit is practiced and brought to automaticity. Kozlovsky was not seen using such a simulator in the film, let's hope that he worked out on it behind the scenes. Otherwise he is simply doomed.

6. When preparing for takeoff, pilots drink coffee. In fact, when the plane is preparing for takeoff, especially with the efforts of two people, there is no time for talking or coffee. You need to read the checklists, discuss many nuances with the technician and dispatcher, check and configure all on-board systems. You cannot be distracted - if you miss even one point of pre-flight preparation, a disaster could happen.

Frame: Central Partnership

7. When departing from Vnukovo, we see the hero’s wife and son on the airfield. In the farewell scene, the aircraft commander tells his wife: “Don’t forget to hand in your pass!” According to the filmmakers, any pilot can order a parking pass into the sterile zone for his wife and son? Let’s imagine what kind of traffic would happen on the airfield if pilots took their families there to say goodbye. In reality, everything is a little different. More precisely, it’s not at all like that: in Sheremetyevo, baggage service employees, according to my information, are allowed (or more often they are simply not allowed) to the parking lot at the boarding bridge to get some air. There can be no talk of any wife and son in the sterile zone. Otherwise, tragedies happen - like with our compatriots at Sharm el-Sheikh airport.

8. During the volcanic eruption scene at the disaster airport, the Tu-204 is standing without parking shoes. They are placed under each main landing gear on both sides to prevent the plane from suddenly rolling. Moreover, they are placed immediately as soon as the plane has finished moving and turned off the engines. Leaving a plane without boots is like playing war with a Kalashnikov without the safety on.

9. In the scene of people boarding the Tu-204 at the emergency airport, passengers board the plane through the front door along the ramp, and it is at this moment that Kozlovsky starts the engine next to him. When starting, the engine spins up above the minimum mode, so there is a chance that it will simply suck the passenger into itself.

Frame: Central Partnership

10. In the emergency take-off scene and the pilot cargo plane, and Kozlovsky’s hero on the Tu-204 transfers engines from nominal to takeoff mode just before the break. When taking off from a short runway with big amount people and cargo must be pushed to the fullest during takeoff from the very beginning of the takeoff run, otherwise everything will end in tears.

11. Not only does the hero put the engines into takeoff mode before takeoff, but he also gives such an angle that the plane’s tail rubs deliciously on the runway. The Tu-204 has “fool-proofing”, which simply will not allow you to give such an angle on takeoff that the plane would catch the runway with its tail! In addition, if a huge friction force appears on concrete or asphalt, the plane, in all likelihood, simply will not be able to accelerate and, as a result, take off.

12. Kozlovsky’s hero loaded everyone who was at the airport on board and closed the door from the inside. In this case, it is not clear who moved the ladder? The Tu-204 has no reverse gear, and the ramp stood in front and, when taxiing, was supposed to crash into the wing and engine with all the ensuing consequences.

Frame: Central Partnership

13. During an engine fire on a Tu-204, Kozlovsky’s hero extinguishes and disconnects one engine from all systems, while the second continues to burn. But air is taken into the cabin in the engines! Question: where will the oxygen for selection come from? Passengers in such a situation should have suffocated with carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide very quickly, within a few seconds.

14. During takeoff, a transport plane catches some nasty stuff on its wing and damages the fuel tank in the wing. In general, engineers always provide for fuel leakage from tanks, as well as a list of measures to minimize the consequences of such an incident. And here it seems that all the fuel that was on the plane leaked out of one hole.

15. The scene of the evacuation of passengers between planes in flight: there is no need to explain anything here - it doesn’t happen like that, it’s an artistic device. But it is impossible to keep the damaged Tu-204 on one engine at a speed of 350 km/h following a plane flying in front, which leaves its own aerodynamic wake. There is a high probability that the next second aircraft will get caught in the air currents of the aircraft in front and simply lose control. That is why at airports, for example, there is a special minimum time interval between aircraft takeoffs.

Frame: Central Partnership

16. During the flight, the heroes try to open the door to the Tu-204. Fortunately, they fail - and it saves their lives! If the door the three of them had leaned on had opened, the breakers would have simply fallen overboard. In general, it is impossible to knock down the door of the cargo compartment with the feet of 3 men - otherwise this would have happened much earlier when the first loose suitcase fell.

17. During emergency landing in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky a Tu-204 lands in a thunderstorm. In ordinary life, for the crew and passengers this means certain death - in real life they avoid it even at the cost of being late to their destination, or go to other airports. At the same time, Kozlovsky was ordered to “fly by instruments,” and instruments in a thunderstorm, where there is wind, icing, and turbulence, behave, to put it mildly, unstable. But he still established visual contact with the runway and even kept the plane on its trajectory - we will assume that this is what saved him, although the amount of artistic exaggeration is much greater than the artistic truth.

18. Pilots of the Tu-204 sit on the belly and turn on the reverse - that is, the braking rotation of the engine turbines counterclockwise. With one engine not running, the reverse most likely would not turn on. But in cinema everything is possible. Another thing is that when landing on the belly, it is necessary not to turn on the reverse, but to turn off all the engines so that the kerosene does not explode from friction. However, in the movies, apparently, non-flammable kerosene is used - when the wing of an airplane is torn off, for some reason the kerosene in the tanks does not light up...

What is worth clarifying from the very beginning: the film “Crew” by Nikolai Lebedev is not a remake of the 1979 film of the same name, but an independent work. The film tells a story about the choice between following instructions, taking care of one’s own safety and saving those who have no one else to rely on. If your success, position, career, health or life are at stake, will you risk it all just to help out strangers? The heroes of the film “Crew” made their choice.

Plot of the film

Alexey Gushchin is a young talented pilot who has already lost his job three times because of his principles. All he needs is the sky, the opportunity to fly, but fate puts in his way various villains, the powers that be, for disobedience to whom Alexei constantly faces the same punishment.

The last chance for him is to become an intern in a small airline under the strict boss Leonid Zinchenko.

Leonid acts according to the letter of the instructions, although the fire of struggle for truth also burns inside him. It is for these two and several other crew members that an ordinary flight will turn into a battle for life, where all that can save them is coherence, professionalism and the ability to make the right choice.

First, I would like to note that the 6+ label does not suit the film at all. There are non-graphic, but frequent and unfair deaths of good characters, since the film still belongs to the “disaster film” genre; bed scene; a scene that sneakily depicts the intimacy of an adult woman cheating on her husband with a young man old enough to be her son. So let’s say right away that despite the overall positive meaning of the film, it should not be viewed by persons under 14 years of age.

There are several important points to note in the film "Crew":

  1. The general meaning is the correct choice to care for your neighbor, even at risk (+)
  2. Indifference to awards, striving for goodness for the soul, and not for the sake of “stars on shoulder straps” (+)
  3. The importance of family before work (+)
  4. Conflict between Alexey and Leonid – following the rules, subordination (+/-)
  5. Image of a sports person (+/-)
  6. Image of women (–)

The general meaning is the right choice to care for your neighbor even at risk to yourself (+)

The main characters face this in the first half of the film: when Alexey and Leonid got to Africa during the coup d’etat, they were only able to take foreign citizens, and the Africans who tried to break on board were shot by the invaders before their eyes. Leonid restrains Alexei, who intends to do something about this situation. Leonid refers to the law and the situation in which they find themselves, Alexey refers to emotions.

In the second half of the film, the crew responds to a request for evacuation and they rush to help, and after realizing that some of the victims are stranded in the mountains, they split up to help both those nearby and those in the mountains. When Leonid tries to dissuade Alexey from the idea of ​​separation, he says through his teeth, “So what’s up?!”

In fact, the comparison is not entirely correct, because in the event of resistance in the situation with Africans, two Russian non-military pilots would most likely receive a piece of lead and would not be able to help the remaining passengers get out of the war zone. In addition, the flight attendants and passengers would be brought to certain death. Perhaps they would also have caused an international scandal and served as the beginning of hostilities between the two countries. So those actions of the pilots, based on the situation shown in the film, were justified.

At the same time, whether it is permissible for screenwriters to create situations in cinema (in cases where the film is not based on real events) in which a positive hero is forced to be a passive witness to the scene of the execution of civilians is a controversial issue.

And yet the meaning remains the same: if you can help, even if you break the prescribed rules, strive for this, since the importance of human life is much more important than the laws prescribed for regular situations.

Another test of humanity that the main characters will face is to prove their willingness to risk their own lives for a just cause. Each of the main characters overcomes the fear of death in order to help their neighbor.

In one of the climactic scenes, Alexey, in order to carry out a risky maneuver to save the neighboring aircraft, asks the passengers for a unanimous opinion. One woman said no, citing that she had two children and could not put them in danger, but both of her children suddenly raised their hands, showing that they understood the situation and were willing to take risks to save other people (among them which was their aunt). Thus, children seem to set an example of morality and spiritual nobility.

Naturally, as a result, this risk paid off handsomely, because the aunt returned to the children, the sister returned to their mother, and in general everyone sat down peacefully on the ground.

To describe all the plots where each of the characters shows altruism, nobility of soul, heroism, we will have to retell the entire film, therefore we will simply note that the choice “me or others” in the direction of “others” is made by the majority of the main characters, someone receives a reward for this , someone doesn’t receive it, but this doesn’t change their mood or position in life. They do good not because they will receive encouragement for it, but because it is impossible otherwise.

Which is nice: characters- not superheroes who received superpowers by fate or inherited huge money. They are hard workers, faithful to their work, and also simply caring people who have not passed by someone else’s misfortune.

Indifference to awards, striving for goodness for the soul, and not for the sake of “stars on shoulder straps” (+)

Another distinctive feature of this film is that the main characters did not receive any material rewards or money, and for previous misdeeds they were kicked out of work, although they were helped in applying for another position. Their reward is moral. Alexey - resolved problems in his relationship with his beloved, steward Andrey - achieved his beloved's favor, Leonid - understood the importance of family before work.

The heroes are driven by completely non-mercantile interests, although they are in a difficult situation. Therefore, they did not seem to notice the lack of awards, continuing to live ordinary life, preparing for the next flights, and perhaps the next exploits.

The importance of family before work (+)

Due to his intense work, Leonid has completely moved away from his family; he is not particularly interested in his son’s affairs and pays little attention to his wife. The events of the film force him to reconsider his attitude towards his family. In the finale, he invites everyone to go on a common vacation together, relegating work to a well-deserved second place.

Conflict between Alexey and Leonid – following the rules, subordination (+/-)

The character of the main character Alexei himself is very contradictory and controversial. Yes, his integrity is commendable, but sometimes he behaves more stupidly than decently, except for the mentioned moment with refugees, he starts a fight with a company shareholder because he smoked on the plane.

He lost the job that his eminent father had given him three times, and would practically have lost it for the fourth time if not for the sincere respect and fatherly love of Captain Leonid - Alexey would have gone to work as a dishwasher. And it’s hard to imagine that every time Alexey faces such injustice, which he must fight with “fire and sword,” risking everything.

If he had been expelled once for refusing to comply with the tyranny of his superiors, this would still be understandable. But sometimes it seems that he really hasn’t grown up yet, as the heroine Alexandra told him. Especially considering that the film is aimed at children (despite the above-mentioned sex and death scenes), the example of an aggressive young tyrant who gets into trouble on every occasion where, in his opinion, injustice occurs, is partly destructive for the young viewer, cultivating an ideal sacrifice for various revolutionary, terrorist and other propaganda.

Image of a sports person, (+/-)

The image of Valera, the son of Leonid, is also very ambiguous. The guy is fond of street sports: he does not come home through the door, climbing through the window on the third floor. In his room there is a small horizontal bar and a boxing doll. Leonid expresses suspicion that at this rate Valera will soon drink and smoke, but the guy easily refutes this phrase. In fact, we have before us the image of not a professional athlete, but a fan of physical culture, quite possibly a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. And although the guy shows himself from the heroic side - namely, his physical abilities helped in many situations - the aftertaste from the fact that the sports guy is shown as a kind of unreasonable overgrown teenager still remains.

Image of women (-)

Unfortunately, the film's portrayal of women is a complete failure. There are two of them in the film, supposedly “for every taste,” but essentially they are a feminist and a frivolous girl. There were other types of women, but too little time was spent on them to even remember their names.


The protagonist's beloved, described in the annotation as an unapproachable beauty. She's actually quite approachable, but what makes her special as a character is her hysterical feminism.

She openly says on camera that men are the worst kind, that only men always complain, and only men can do this and that, and most often she says this when Alexey is trying to find spiritual support from her.

The pilot Alexandra herself has an obsessive thought that when she says “I am the co-pilot - Alexandra,” they call her “the woman at the helm” and criticize her in every possible way. She is so fixated on this that she repeated this phrase to people in distress and waited a pause, apparently expecting attacks.

Naturally, they did not follow, and could not follow, because people were expecting the continuation of the instructions, and the pause that arose after this phrase was maliciously comic, ironic about her character, and not a certain moment of truth, no matter how the authors wanted to show it. Moreover, on screen Alexandra, in fact, was never subject to gender discrimination. On the contrary, she is selected as an experienced pilot, Leonid places more trust in Alexandra as a specialist than in Alexey, etc.

Moreover, given Alexei’s frequent quarrel with Alexandra, when she again becomes misogynistic at the moment of his attempt to reveal his soul, their couple clearly does not look durable. Despite the fact that at the end of the film the viewer was informed that they got married.


A pretty, caring stewardess, with whom steward Andrei is unrequitedly in love. At the first acquaintance with the new pilot Alexey, she looked at the dreaming Alexey from head to toe with her mouth slightly open and with a carnivorous gaze, and from then on she showed a kind of coquetry with him, simultaneously rudely rejecting Andrey’s obsessive courtship.

At the end of the film, the girl unexpectedly played out her own phrase to Andrei exactly the opposite, showing her favor from now on.

Did you really change your love so quickly? It turned out, no - it’s just that her lust, shown from the first frames, was aimed not at Alexei, but at his uniform, which was even indicated in one of the conversations of the flight attendants, who mention that for Vika there are no men except pilots.

Andrei, condemned by many heroes for unmanly work, did not seduce her heart until he became a hero. After this story, her great sympathy for one man quickly turned into “love” for another. Again, the durability of such an alliance between Andrei and Victoria raises vague doubts.

In Moscow, at the Oktyabr cinema, the premiere of the film “Crew” took place - it will be released in wide release on April 21. A film event of this magnitude has not happened in Russia for a long time.

The guests of the premiere left after the show - by one in the morning. Among them were the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, Director of the Cinematography Department of the Ministry of Culture Vyacheslav Telnov, Head of the Union of Cinematographers Nikita Mikhalkov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Stanislav Govorukhin, Deputy General Director VGTRK Anton Zlatopolsky (the film is presented by the channel "Russia 1"), head of the Gorky Film Studio Sergei Zernov, editor-in-chief of the channel "Culture" Sergei Shumakov, directors Oleg Tabakov, Vladimir Menshov, Vladimir Khotinenko, Valery Todorovsky, Alexander Mitta, actors Vladimir Mashkov, Danila Kozlovsky, Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Nadezhda Mikhalkova, composers Igor Krutoy, Igor Nikolaev and many others.

But some of the most dear guests of the premiere are Orenburg Airlines pilots Konstantin Parikozha and Dmitry Alkeev, who, having landed a faulty plane, thanks to which they managed to save hundreds of lives. After the film, during which the audience kept shouting “This can’t be true!”, the RG columnist talked to the pilots and asked them what was true and what was not, and what their impressions of the premiere were.

What we saw on the screen - how reliable was it?

Konstantin Parikozha: What point are you interested in?

"Refueling" with people in the air. It seemed to me that it was unreal. Could this happen, at least theoretically?

Konstantin Parikozha: It’s hard to do this, of course. In-flight refueling exists and occurs in the same way - the planes line up "in the tail." As a rule - in the army and in military aviation- on long-range aircraft. They have one without landing. And as for people...

Dmitry Alkeev: I think if there had been training, they would have been able to do this.

And when a plane takes off from a burning point on a short runway, what becomes possible only thanks to a fallen water tower - is this real?

Dmitry Alkeev: This is all absolutely correct. Agree! This is the most believable moment in this movie.

We all remember how, when the volcano erupted in Iceland, planes stopped flying because volcanic ash, getting into the engine leads to disaster. And in the film, a plane with ash in the engine flies for quite a long time.

Dmitry Alkeev: It happens. Depends on the amount of ash. One engine got hit a lot, it immediately turned off, and the other was damaged, but continued to work.

When you landed a plane in the Dominican Republic and saved the lives of hundreds of passengers, did you emotionally experience something similar to what the actors played in the film?

Konstantin Parikozha: Of course, there was tension. But for us this only happened for 20 minutes. And in the film it is spread out over two hours. Not as many events happened in life as with this crew. So these heroes are much more heroic than us. For us, everything was fleeting and not so bright and colorful. And the volcano did not explode.

However, you also felt that you might not make it...

Konstantin Parikozha: We were above the airport, next to each other.

Dmitry Alkeev: Our luck factor was higher. But it’s scary, of course. Some internal reserves are activated, emotions fade into the background and you do what you have to do.

Can a trainee in such a difficult situation be entrusted with a plane with people?

Konstantin Parikozha: And there was no one else to trust.

Have you seen the old movie "Crew"? Which movie evoked a stronger feeling?

Konstantin Parikozha: Of course I watched! The new film is more colorful and modern. Although now we are in the era of the return of old Soviet cinema and we need to play at a high level to match it.

Dmitry Alkeev: You know what they say: the songs you heard in childhood are more valuable than those you hear later. Of course, the old “Crew” is closer to me. But the effects and colors that I saw in the new film are, of course, impressive.

What films about your profession, besides “Crew,” do you like? I remembered the recent film "Christmas Trees", where the plane suddenly lands on an old runway, which was miraculously preserved through the efforts of one person. And it's based on a true story.

Konstantin Parikozha: The best aviation film for me is "Mimino". I think many will agree with me.

Dmitry Alkeev:“I’m going into a storm,” “Allow takeoff,” “Mimino” are excellent films.

When you come home after the premiere, what will you tell your loved ones?

Dmitry Alkeev (laughs):"Are you a pilot?" “Sometimes. Actually, I’m an endocrinologist” (quote from the film “Mimino” - Note by S.A.).

Konstantin Parikozha: I can honestly say that I liked the film and I recommend going to see it. In any case, all aviators will go to the film - one hundred percent. If only for the sake of checking its authenticity: a fairy tale is not a fairy tale. But this is not a documentary and not based on real events. We need to build on this and understand that it is still better to evaluate the picture comprehensively. There is a lot here - both relationships and feelings. And there is no need to focus on the technical side of this film. She's like a background. This is absolutely not the main thing in the picture. And for this I am grateful to the creators - I really liked the film.

Dmitry Alkeev:"Thank you!"

Konstantin Parikozha: And let us express our gratitude for their skill and ability to convey the realities of our work.


Oleg Mikhailovich, why do you think the Boeing pilots did nothing when the plane was diving for 20 seconds?

The commission continues to work; not all data from the parametric “black box” recorder has yet been deciphered. It was a big nuisance that the second recorder, the second “black box” was without a cassette. Therefore, we must wait until the end of the commission’s investigation. But it’s really strange why the crew, firstly, allowed a very steep climb with an angle of 25 degrees, which is non-standard. Secondly, why did he first take measures to prevent the speed from falling further, and then, when the plane began to descend and it stopped falling, why didn’t he do anything further? Why he did not take the plane out of this dive remains a mystery. Only deciphering the means of objective control can reveal this secret.

Could it have been due to the fact that the pilots did not have much experience, because one was a flight mechanic in the past, the other was a navigator?

There may be several parameters that need to be taken into account when discussing this episode. Perhaps the insufficient level of crew training had an impact. But we can talk about this in the affirmative when we are convinced that, suppose, the control of the elevator, with the help of which the plane is brought out of a dive, did not fail. Now, if this is firmly established by the commission, then it will be possible to talk about the role of the crew in this matter. So far it’s 50/50. In fact, this is a very serious question, the study of which can be very difficult and lengthy. There have been cases when a whole plane had to be reassembled from the remains of an aircraft in a hangar in order to check every part that was of interest to the commission.

As you know, there was no magnetic tape in the second “black box”; it was found much later. Does this happen?

No, this is not a common occurrence. I would even say strange. Because the most common problem is when the recorders simply become fried as a result of a large, intense fire. Why don't they burn? Because the recording is in a fireproof capsule, but is baked by the temperature, and it is impossible to decipher it. But just like that, for them to open it, but there is no cassette there - this is something incomprehensible for me, for a professional. After all, the recorder is the only place where objective information about the incident, without journalists’ speculations, is hidden.

- They say that this cassette could fly out from the impact. Could this happen?

Anything can happen from such a blow.


- How do you assess the training of pilots in our country?

As a result of the lack of personnel policies on the part of government regulators over the past 20 years, we have come to a very dismal conclusion - a shortage of pilots. This is the most terrible antagonist in flight safety. So the officials managed to make a mistake here, together with the airlines. And this despite the widest range of state flight schools! Those who led to such a paradoxical situation must be dismissed from all positions without the right to return to civil aviation. And they, in order to save their jobs, came up with the initiative to change the Russian Air Code, allowing Western pilots to fly as part of Russian crews. This means that the same government officials are again throwing themselves into a tailspin because they contradict the instructions of the president of the country. We are taking away jobs from our citizens, and some of them! The highest paid from the most high-tech industry. This issue is currently being debated, and the desire to save one's skin by doing nothing for 20 years is understandable. But this solution is also not a panacea, because ship commander is a profession in short supply in all countries of the world. Who will come to us when they are in demand everywhere? Those who are not in demand at home will go. Alcoholics and professionally insolvent persons. So they will come.

- So is it possible to fly airplanes now from a safety point of view?

Not only is it possible, but it is necessary. Don't give in to aerophobia. In general, there is not a single type of activity where at least one person does not die. Yes, in last years our aviation looks very dull. But there are systemic reasons for this. It's not about crews or personalities. The point is the ineffective vertical of government regulatory bodies, which are not responsible for anything, including flight safety. They are not involved in the development of Russian aviation.

We have moved into a new era - into the era of total exploitation of Western technology and Western aircraft. At the same time, there was not a single government decision, not a single “road map”, not a single state document that in 2013 we will fly only Western equipment. But orders were sent to all ministries and departments to retrain crews and engineers, to repurpose factories for repairing Western equipment. Everyone who serves and who flies was given the task of learning English, because technical literature is only available in English language, and it is prohibited for translation. There was not a single document providing for all this - everything happened by default. This is the main reason that we have fallen in flight safety over the past three years to the level of Africa.

We are the only country in the world where one organization handles both certification and investigation of flight accidents. That is, she investigates herself. There are no other states like this. It's not about the details, but about the fundamental reasons that led our civil aviation to such a sad result.


Oleg Smirnov- President of the Infrastructure Development Fund air transport"Partner civil aviation" Higher education. The main specialty is a pilot of military and civil aviation. Mastered more than 10 types aircraft. Honored pilot of the USSR. He gained initial experience in civil aviation in the Kazakh civil aviation department, progressing from a ship commander to the position of head of an airline. In 1973, he was appointed first deputy head of the Latvian Civil Aviation Administration, then head of the Estonian Civil Aviation Administration. In 1983, by decree of the USSR government, he was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he became the general representative of Aeroflot in Finland. Then - work in an aircraft leasing company and 6 years - in the East Line group of companies. Currently, he is the President of the Civil Aviation Partner Air Transport Infrastructure Development Fund.

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) commission to investigate the An-148 crash named icing as a possible cause of the plane crash. “A factor in the development of a special situation in flight could have been incorrect data on the flight speed on the pilots’ indicators,” which occurred due to the fact that the heating of the aircraft’s total pressure receivers (PPR) was turned off, the IAC reported.

Failure to turn on the heating is an error. Switching on is done by reading the card on the ground: some read the card, others control and turn on what is announced by the card. Missed it. But this in itself is not fatal.

The fact is that the crew, observing a difference in speed readings or some incredible readings that did not correspond to the operating mode of the engines, did not identify incorrect instrument readings. Imagine this happening in a car: you know how many revolutions the engine is, so you can guess the approximate speed of the car.

The problem with modern pilots flying modern airplanes is that almost the entire flight is performed by a computer program. The aircraft is in manual control for 5-6 minutes during the entire flight: after takeoff and before landing - no matter how long the flight lasts. That is, the crews are deprived of the experience of being in the control loop.

We old pilots flew manually about 25% of the time. Our brain is designed in such a way that this experience consists of billions of neurons in associations. And today it is necessary to conduct many times more training to practice instrument flights.

When a pilot is flying an airplane using instruments in cloudy weather or at night, piloting is done almost exclusively using central vision. That is, when we read data while flying using instruments, we read most of the dashboard in numbers: speed, course, and so on. To quickly process this data, you need to train more.

Now imagine that crews have been in loop control mode for only a few minutes over the course of months or years; experience does not accumulate in the brain. And when the electronics fail, the crew is unable to determine the spatial position, is unable to quickly determine the parameters and make the right decision, and so on.

The crew had to determine that the instrument speed was incomprehensible, but instruments such as a gyroscope and attitude indicator did not fail. This means that, based on their position, it would be possible to transfer to a certain angle of descent, so as not to lose speed, to determine the operating mode of the engines - nominal or cruising mode. This is already a guarantee that the plane will not lose speed.

I am convinced that today this is a worldwide problem - the lack of experience of flight personnel. Experience turns into fiction: there is touch, but not with your hands, not in the control loop. But there are no instrument flights in training now; pilots are deprived of this experience. There is an urgent need to increase flights in simulators, so that the pilot can fly using instruments, not seeing the natural horizon, and gain experience, but this is not the case.

There was an error on the ground - they did not turn on the anti-icing heating of the air pressure receiving system - but then they could not determine the spatial position, relying on the existing instruments.

That day, weather forecasters said that the weather was good. And although this was true, icing must be guarded when temperatures are close to zero: in the clouds the humidity is almost 100% and icing occurs. This was not taken into account. But this is again an assumption, because the IAC announced this version as preliminary, and we need to wait for more accurate information.


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