Anonymous source: Having escaped from captivity, the passenger of the Malaysian Boeing went to a village in the south-east of Afghanistan. Missing Malaysian Boeing Someone turned Boeing 777 around Beijing Kuala Lumpur


Why was the Boeing missing over the Indian Ocean first searched in the wrong place, and when the wreckage was found, they searched for only a few days, and then abandoned the search altogether? And no one is embarrassed that new plane wreckage continues to be found, but let’s talk about everything in order.

Appeared new information Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board.

The plane disappeared on the night of March 8, 2014, but despite the development of modern search engines It has not been possible to find the 63-meter plane until today.
Even after a year and a half, the search did not yield much results, only mysterious white objects were periodically found, which, it is assumed, could be fragments of the missing plane.

The last hope for continuing the search was fueled by the found radio signal of the black box, but soon it too disappeared. Whether this was a signal from the missing plane is still unknown.

July 29, 2015 on Reunion Island in Indian Ocean managed to find a fragment of a wing and a door of the plane.

After the Malaysian authorities confirmed that the found fragments belonged to the missing airliner, relatives of the passengers of the missing Boeing staged a real protest in Beijing. After all, the search was initially conducted in the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca. The enormous resources of the 26 states that took part in the search were essentially wasted, because, according to relatives dead passengers, in Kuala Lumpur they knew for a long time that the plane was deviating, but continued to search in the areas indicated above.

Why was society misinformed?

An interesting version was put forward by the former head of the French airlines Proteus Airlines, Marc Dugen. In his opinion, the plane was deliberately shot down by the American military. This was done due to US Security Service suspicions that the airliner had been hijacked by terrorists and, In order to prevent terrorist attacks similar to those of September 11, the Americans were forced to shoot down the plane.

Ground controllers lost contact with the aircraft while it was over South China Sea and entered air space China.
Malaysian officials say the airliner turned west and was last seen over the Strait of Malacca, according to military radar, heading in the opposite direction from its original route. Based on these arguments, it can be concluded that the aircraft changed course after contact was lost.

According to Dugen, the United States even knows where to look for the wreckage of the Boeing 777-200, so they are officially searching in another place, distant from where the plane actually crashed. He suggests that the airliner crashed near military base USA, located in the Indian Ocean on the island of Diego Garcia.

In order not to be held responsible for the murder of 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the Americans are trying to lead the search for the missing Boeing to a dead end. And perhaps we would never have known the truth about this disaster if the wreckage of the plane had not been washed ashore on Reunion Island.
By the way, searches in this area have been suspended, and they lasted only 10 days.
This raises a completely logical question: If the search for the plane took months in the South China Sea, then why in this case was the search completed so quickly?
Don't you think this is strange? And maybe there really is something upstream?

The found debris was sent for examination to Australia. A number on one of the recovered aircraft pieces indicates that it belonged to the missing Boeing 777 flight MH370.

Now everything comes together.
The wreckage of the plane was carried away by the current. Some of them were carried by the Mozambique Current.

It doesn’t take several years to come to this conclusion. It’s just that over time, the secret still becomes apparent and the intention to hide the facts becomes obvious.

The FBI has revealed the secret of the commander of the missing Malaysian Boeing.

The US FBI has released one version of the plane crash of a Malaysian Boeing flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014, TASS reports citing the American magazine New York.

From all this we can conclude that someone decided to prevent the development of camouflage technologies in order to maintain a monopoly on their ownership or, conversely, to steal scientists along with the technologies. In any case, it is clear that someone is slowing down the investigation and leading on the wrong trail.

06 01 18 The Malaysian government approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of flight MH 370. The Ocean Infinity campaign will do this. The costs of searching for the missing aircraft will only be paid if it is found. Ocean Infinity will search near Australian waters over an area of ​​25,000 km².

For comparison, the search area for this aircraft in the Indian Ocean was 710,000 km². According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), it was the largest aviation search in history. At the same time, a study was carried out satellite images and the study of ocean drifts. The ATSB report said the chances of finding the plane were now much higher. Let's see what happens.

Meanwhile, the investigation, which was carried out by Malaysia along with seven other countries - the US, UK, France, China, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia, showed that after the plane became inaccessible to radar, it spent another 7 hours in flight. Last contact took place over the Gulf of Malacca, south of Kuala Lumpur. After approximately 40 minutes, communications with ground services were lost, including the ACARS system, accessible only from the cockpit. Only electronic messages continued to arrive from the on-board terminal to the Inmarsat satellites. It was thanks to them that it became known that the Boeing changed course over the Malaysian city of Kota Bharu and crossed Malaysia for the second time in southwest direction and headed south. The flight is believed to have ended in the southern Indian Ocean. The last signal from the board was received by satellites at 8:15 local time. The black box signals were never recorded.

05/16/2014 at 14:11, views: 65031

“An Asian passenger of the dramatic flight MH370, who escaped from captivity near Kandahar, reached a village called Shahraz (to be specified). In about a week, data about this will be transferred to China (it is not known whether this will become public knowledge worldwide). As it turned out, the purpose of the sudden hijacking of the Malaysian Boeing 777-200-ER airliner was to suppress the American side’s attempt by a group of special specialists to get from Malaysia to China.” An anonymous source in the special services told an MK correspondent about this in confidence. This information is published in the world media for the first time.


The day before, a source from the intelligence services told MK on condition of anonymity that, according to available data, the hijacked passengers of the airliner that suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014, flying flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing began to die due to unbearable conditions of detention.

In the first ten days of April, MK, with reference to special services, reported that the nickname of the attacker who forced the Boeing pilots to hijack a Malaysia Airlines plane with a total of 239 people on board was Hich. Nothing was known about his accomplices. The pilots of flight MH370 were not guilty of the hijacking, a fairly authoritative source from the intelligence services assured the MK correspondent on condition of anonymity.

The Boeing 777-200ER, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (route length - 4417 km), suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014. Boeing 777-200ER of Malaysia Airlines flew jointly with

MK Help

The missing Boeing 777 flew for several more hours after the crew “lost” communication with dispatchers.

Chinese China Southern Airlines flight with 227 passengers on board from 14 countries, including 5 children under 5 years of age and 12 crew members (including two pilots). The majority of passengers - 153 - were Chinese citizens (one was a permanent resident of Hong Kong). Among the passengers was the only Russian - 43-year-old businessman Nikolai Brodsky from Irkutsk. He was returning from a vacation in Bali, where he had been diving. Four people who had tickets for this flight were late for check-in and did not get on the plane. At least two passengers (Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kozel), who were on the lists, were not on board: the Iranians, Puria Nur Mohammad Merdad and Delaware Seyed-Mohammadreza, purchased tickets using their passports and boarded the flight .

Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 at 00:41:13 local time. At 01:19:24, Kuala Lumpur Control handed over flight MH370 to controllers in Ho Chi Minh City, which was confirmed by the airliner's crew. Flight MH370 was last recorded on radar at 01:21:13, but the pilots did not contact air traffic controllers in Ho Chi Minh City. After this, contact with the plane was completely lost. At 01:38, Vietnamese air traffic controllers asked their colleagues in Kuala Lumpur where flight MH370 had gone?

After unsuccessful attempts to locate the missing plane, Kuala Lumpur air traffic controllers contacted Malaysia Airlines flight control at 02:15, where they assumed that the plane was in Cambodian airspace. However, controllers at the Cambodian ATM center noted that the crew did not contact them. Vietnamese dispatchers, in turn, emphasized that according to the flight plan Boeing airliner The 777 should not have flown through Cambodian airspace. Over the next few hours, dispatchers and airline representatives tried in vain to establish any communication with the plane and determine its location. As a result, after four hours of unsuccessful attempts, a request was sent at 05:30 to begin an official search and rescue operation.

There are seven reported messages received from flight MH370 via the Aeronautical Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) following the loss of contact with the airliner, including the last one at 08:19.

So, to this day, no one knows anything about flight MH-370. Malaysia, Australia and China agreed to continue the search for the missing plane, which will now be more focused on studying the seabed (April searches in the Indian Ocean did not bring results).

At the end of April, tired of the uncertainty and unconvincing methods of searching for the missing airliner, with a letter about checking the version of the location of the missing plane, put forward for the first time (March 31) Russian newspaper"Moskovsky Komsomolets" (site site) with a link to anonymous sources in the intelligence services. Extra-exclusive information from "MK" was urgently made public in various languages ​​and was instantly disseminated by the world's media (an example and another example), blogs and social networks (in various languages ​​of the world).

An expert in the field of investigation of aviation accidents from the Center for Scientific and Technical Research and Expertise (Moscow), the most experienced Soviet-Russian aviator Evgeny Kuzminov explained to the MK correspondent that “such an aircraft could easily land on an ordinary dirt road of a less dense surface about 2000 meters long . Although, of course, for this there must be free approaches to runway- that is, there should be no trees and mountains. With a hard landing on a “bad” surface, of course, the landing gear could break or even the wing could break” (the estimated weight of the hijacked Boeing 777-200ER with passengers, crew and cargo is about 200 tons). Evgeny Kuzminov recalled a similar airliner landing that took place in the USSR in 1968, as a result of which.

For foreign media

This information was not published in the world media : " A Russian newspaper has claimed that Flight MH370 was hijacked by "unknown terrorists" and flown to Afghanistan, where the crew and passengers are now being held hostage. The extraordinary comments, attributed to an Intelligence source, appeared in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The source told the paper: "Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines missing on March 8 with 239 passengers was hijacked. Pilots are not guilty; the plane was hijacked by unknown terrorists. We know that the name of the terrorist who gave instructions to pilots is "Hitch "The plane is in Afghanistan not far from Kandahar near the border with Pakistan." Moskovsky Komsomolets also claims the passengers have been divided into seven groups and are living in mud huts with almost no food. Twenty Asian passengers were said to have been smuggled into a bunker in Pakistan .


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