The mysterious country of Peru. Government structure and political system of Peru State system of Peru

(Republic of Peru)

Geographical position. Peru is a country in the west of the South American continent. In the north the country borders on Ecuador, in the east on Brazil and Bolivia, and on the south on Chile. Peru is washed by the Pacific Ocean to the west.

Square. The territory of Peru occupies 1,285,216 square meters. km.

Main cities Administrative division. Largest cities: Lima (6,000 thousand people), Callao (750 thousand people), Arequipa (700 thousand people), Trujillo (600 thousand people), Chiclayo (480 thousand people), Cusco (300 thousand people). Administrative division of the country: 25 departments.

Political system

Peru is a republic. The head of state is the president. The legislative body is the Democratic Constituent Congress.

Relief. In the west, along the Pacific coast, stretches a narrow strip of desert coastal plains (Costa). To the east is the Andes mountain belt (Sierra), up to 6,768 m high (Huascaran). In the east is the Amazonian lowland (Selva), turning in the south into the foothill plain (Montagna).

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of copper, gold, silver, oil, and iron ore.

Climate. Average monthly temperatures on the coast are 15-25°C, in the Andes, on the plateaus from 5 to 16°C, on the plains 24-27°C. Precipitation ranges from 700 to 3,000 mm per year.

Inland waters. The largest of the rivers is the Amazon, and the largest of the lakes is Titicaca.

Soils and vegetation. On the western slopes of the Andes there are rare shrubs and cacti; on the internal plateaus, in the north and east there are high-mountain tropical steppes, in the southeast there are semi-deserts. On the eastern slopes of the Andes and on the plains of the Selva there are moist evergreen forests.

Animal world. In Peru there are jaguar, puma, llama, monkeys, anteater, sloth, tapir, peccary, chinchilla, armadillo, crocodile, many different birds, snakes, lizards and insects.

Population and language

More than half of the 23 million Peruvians live in cities. The Amazon jungle is a sparsely populated area: 5% of the population in 60% of the area. Ethnic groups: about 50% of the country's population are Indians, about 30% are mestizo, 12% are white and 5% are black. Peru is a Spanish-speaking country. Most of the Indian population of the Sierra and Costa speak Spanish, preserving the traditions of their native (Quechua or Aymara) language in everyday life. The Amazon forests are inhabited by 70 ethnic groups of Indians who speak languages ​​incomprehensible to each other. In mountainous and forested areas, quite remote from the centers of civilization, Spanish is, at best, a second language. Here, most of the population speaks only their native dialect.


The dominant religion in Peru is the Roman Catholic Church. The local Indian population, after converting to Christianity, retains some pagan customs and rituals.

Brief historical sketch

The capital of the Inca state was the city of Cusco, located in the southeast of Peru, in the upper reaches of the Urubamba River. The territory of the empire, which consisted of several provinces, during its heyday occupied vast spaces (about 1 million sq. km), stretching from north to south for 5 thousand km from Rio Ancasmayo in today's Colombia to Rio Maule in Chile. It is believed that the first people, representatives of the Marcavelle agricultural culture, appeared in this area at the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. In the north of Peru by this time there already existed an urban culture of a higher level of civilization. Archaeological excavations show that temples were built here and irrigation systems were created. In the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. the surrounding area of ​​Cusco became part of the state with its center in Huari. Researchers believe that in addition to the Huari civilization, the formation of the Inca culture was influenced by another center in the Lake Titicaca basin. There is also a hypothesis that the founders of the mysterious civilization came to these areas from the east, from tropical forests Amazonia. The connection between the Inca and Wari cultures is evidenced by the fact that both there and there used quipu, an ancient knotted script. The legendary first leader of the Incas was Manco Capac. Unfortunately for the Incas, who worshiped the Sun God and gold, the sun-colored metal, the first Europeans to reach the borders of their empire were gold adventurers for whom the cultural value of what they saw was of no importance. The fantastic Golden Garden, which depicted life in the Inca Empire, has been lost forever. Various Spanish chronicles unanimously claim that everything in this garden was made of pure gold. Here, a section of a field with maize shoots, the cobs of which were woven from silver wire, a herd of llamas with cubs, girls picking golden fruits from golden apple trees, birds sitting on the branches of other golden trees and bushes, snakes with false eyes made of precious stones, were reproduced in metal. stones, golden butterflies and beetles. The creators of the unique monument are representatives of the Chimu culture conquered by the Incas. By the time the first Europeans arrived in Cusco, the city had turned into the administrative and military center of the empire. According to the chronicles, a thorough reconstruction of the city, formerly a small village, was carried out by the 9th ruler of the Incas, Pachacuti Yupanqui, and his son, Tupac Yupanqui. The Incas themselves compared the layout of Cuzco to the body of a puma. They imagined the Saksauman fortress as the head of an animal. This creation impresses visitors to Cusco as a supernatural phenomenon. Saxauman was built from huge concrete blocks tightly fitted. Scientists today cannot explain how these giant slabs, weighing more than 350 tons each, were lifted by the Incas to the top of the mountain. Each of the three ramparts of the fortress was 360 m long and consisted of 21 bastions. Cusco was surrounded by three defensive ramparts. The outer, most powerful, was built from blocks 9 m high, 5 m wide, and 4 m thick. Another majestic structure is the Inca Throne, a smoothly polished rock, on one of the slopes of which seats are carved. The Incas worshiped the Sun. There were also temples of the Moon, Rainbow, Thunder, Lightning, and Venus. The cult of the Sun and Moon, revered by a married couple, explains the tradition of the Inca imperial family to marry only between siblings. Moreover, the chronicles never indicate the birth of sick children from such incestuous unions. Due to exclusively consanguineous marriages, the Incas managed to keep the elite circle of the imperial family closed. When the Spaniards arrived in Peru, there were no more than 500 representatives of the reigning dynasty in the entire empire.

The defeat of the Inca Empire seems as mysterious as the history of its emergence and development. September 25, 1513 A detachment led by Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama for the first time and ended up on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. In May 1532, a detachment of 177 conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro, having secured the support of the Spanish king, arrived on the Pacific coast of Colombia in search of the mysterious country of Piru. At this time, the Inca Empire was ruled by the 13th emperor named Atahualpa, who had recently won a victory in the internecine civil war. Under his command were 10 million selflessly devoted inhabitants of the country, and it would not have been difficult for them to deal with a bunch of aliens. But the Spaniards, knowing about the peculiarities of the Indian mentality, decided to capture the emperor, the “son of the Sun,” and use him for their own purposes. An embassy was sent to the Inca capital. As a result of negotiations, it was decided to arrange a meeting between the emperor and the leader of the Spaniards on November 16, 1532. The emperor was captured. The Spaniards demanded a huge ransom from the Indians for Atahualpa: compensation should have been as much gold as the room where the emperor was kept could hold. The chamber had an area of ​​about 30 square meters. m, and the distance from floor to ceiling was 294 cm. The ransom amounted to 5,500,000 kg of gold and about 12,000 kg of silver. However, Atahualpa was not released. The Spaniards sentenced him to death. In 1572, the last of the dynasty of the “sons of the Sun,” Amaru I, was beheaded.

In the centuries following the capture, the Incas more than once rose up in spontaneous uprisings, which always ended in their defeat. The most serious unrest took place at the end of the 18th century. The state of Peru received freedom only after white settlers and Creoles joined the independence movement. They were not satisfied with the high duties imposed by the Spanish Court. Two decisive battles between the colonists and supporters of the king took place in 1824, on August 6 near the town of Junin and on December 9 near Ayacho. The Peruvians then fought wars with their neighbors, Chile and Ecuador, over disputed coastal territories. The last major war between Peru and Ecuador took place in 1941, and minor border skirmishes continue to this day. In June 1990, Alberto Fujimori, who came from a family of Japanese immigrants, was elected president of Peru.

Brief Economic Sketch

Peru is an agricultural country with a developed mining and developing manufacturing industry. Main cash crops: cotton (mostly long-fiber), sugar cane, coffee, cocoa. Pasture farming. They raise cattle, pigs, sheep, llamas, and alpacas. Logging. Fishing (mainly sardines, anchovies). Fish is used mainly for the production of fishmeal. The main branches of the mining industry: mining of zinc, lead, copper, iron ore, silver, gold, and oil ores. Food, mainly fishing industry; non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, oil refining, chemical, textile industries. Export: products of the mining and metallurgical industries, oil and petroleum products, fishmeal, coffee, cotton, sugar.

Monetary unit-int.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Lima. Ruins of the pre-Inca period; restored Maranga temple dating from 200-500 AD. BC e.; pre-Incan temple of Huaca; Museum of Gold of Peru (one of the world's richest collections of gold objects for a wide variety of purposes: household items, religious objects, jewelry); Weapons museum; Museum of Art (the museum exhibits both objects from the colonial period and finds dating back to the five-century history of the Inca Empire); National Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology; National Museum of the Republic; Museum of the Central Savings Bank with a collection of pre-Columbian objects and works of art from Peru from the 19th and 20th centuries; Museum of the Inquisition; Museum of Peruvian Culture; Museum of Natural History, the main exhibits of which are stuffed rare animals living in different landscape areas of Peru; Cathedral, founded in 1555; church and monastery of St. Francis, Franciscan monastery.

In ancient times, the territory of modern Peru was home to the indigenous peoples of South America, in particular the Incas, who were enslaved by the Spanish conquerors in 1533.

Peru declared its independence in 1821 and in 1824, after the final expulsion of the Spanish military presence, Peru became independent.

Like most Latin American countries, Peru experienced a military dictatorship in the 20th century and democratic forces came to power in the country in 1980. In 1990, Alberto Fujimoris was democratically elected president of the country, but his authoritarian leadership style, and as a result the accumulation of a lot of problems of various nature in the country, led to his expulsion in 2000. From 2000 to 2001, the country was ruled by a provisional government.

In 2006, Alan Garcia Pere, who is currently the president of the country, won the presidential election.

Geography of Peru


Western South America, bordering the Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Ecuador

Geographical coordinates:

Total area: 1,285,216 sq. km

29,546,963 (July 2009 estimate)

19.38 births/1000 (2009 estimate)

Of total population: 70.74 years

Country's place in the world: 138
men: 68.88 years
women: 72.69 years (2009 estimate):

Republic of Peru

Type of government: constitutional republic

Capital: Lima

geographical coordinates: 12 03 S, 77 03 W

Administrative districts:

25 regions and 1 province

National government. On April 5, 1992, President Alberto Fujimori dissolved both houses of the National Congress, purged the judiciary, suspended the constitution and, with the support of the armed forces, established a regime of sole power in the country. This brought an end to the 12-year period of constitutional rule, which was marked by deepening economic and social problems, aggravation of political differences and polarization of political forces. In November 1992, elections to the Constituent Assembly were held in the country. Since most opposition parties refused to take part in the elections, the Assembly consisted mainly of supporters of the president, and the constitution it drafted gave the president broad powers. In a referendum held in October 1993, the new text of the constitution was approved by 52% of the votes against 48%. By all accounts, President Fujimori succeeded in restoring order (albeit with harsh measures) and economic stability in the country (the inflation rate, which was over 7000% in 1990, fell to 11% in 1994); as a result, he was elected president for a second term in April 1995 with a large margin over other candidates (Fujimori received 64% of the vote, his closest rival - 22%). The new constitution established a wide range of presidential powers. According to its provisions, the president is elected for 5 years and can be re-elected for a second term. He has the power to pass laws, introduce bills in Congress, revise laws passed by Congress, and appoint ambassadors and members of high military command without Congressional approval. The President also has the right to dissolve the highest legislative body if the latter expresses a negative opinion about the activities of two or more cabinet members, otherwise a vote of no confidence will be passed against the ministers. In addition, the president can, by his own will, introduce a state of emergency for a period of up to 60 days, during which constitutional rights are suspended and control of public order is entrusted to the army. Legislative power in the country belongs to the unicameral National Congress, consisting of 120 members, whose elections are held according to party lists simultaneously with the election of the president for a period of 5 years. The prerogative of Congress is to adopt the budget, approve loan agreements and international treaties, develop bills and pass laws. Congress has the power to conduct investigations into "matters of public importance", make inquiries and express no confidence in the government (Council of Ministers) or its individual members. The judiciary, officially considered a third branch of government independent of the other two, has long been a bastion of political favoritism. After Fujimori carried out a coup in April 1992, the functioning of the country's judicial system was suspended, then it was rebuilt with the expectation of greater independence from the influence of the ruling political elite. Members Supreme Court appointed by the independent National Legal Council. The Constitutional Court, whose seven members are elected by the National Congress for a five-year term, has the power, for its part, to overturn government decrees. The 1993 constitution reinstated the death penalty for crimes such as terrorism and treason in wartime.
Administrative-territorial division. According to the 1993 constitution, the administrative division that existed before 1987 into 24 departments, 159 provinces and more than 1,500 urban entities was restored in Peru. The 1979 Constitution approved the creation of regions in the country, which were to function as autonomous economic and administrative units. To date, 12 regions have been created on the basis of 23 (out of 24 existing) departments. The formation of another region has been temporarily postponed; the rest have also not yet begun to fulfill their functions in full. According to the 1993 constitution, the division into regions remains, but the scope of powers of local governments is reduced.
Political organizations. Over the past century, public life in Peru has been characterized by weak political parties, recurring economic crises, and a pronounced stratification of the population along social and cultural lines. These factors explain the enormous political influence that the armed forces have in Peru, which for a long time felt themselves to be the only guarantor of order and the arbiter of the country's political destinies. The leading political forces in Peru in the 1990s were two “anti-parties”: Peremena 90, which was created in 1989 during Fujimori’s first election campaign, and the New Majority, an informal political entity that campaigned in the elections on behalf of the president. 1992 to the Democratic Constituent Congress (DC) and parliamentary elections in 1995. As a result, these political associations received 67 of 120 seats and provided Fujimori with majority support in parliament in pursuing his policies and implementing legislative initiatives. In April 1995, Fujimori won a landslide victory with 64% of the vote, largely due to the success of his economic policies in 1994. Quite unexpectedly, his government was challenged by an underground organization called the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement: in December 1996, militants from this organization seized the embassy Japan in Lima and held him for several months. Ultimately, the embassy was stormed, during which all the militants and one hostage were killed. The next most influential political force in the country is the Union in the Name of Peru, headed by former UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, who took second place in terms of the number of votes received in the 1995 elections. None of the traditional political parties in Peru has overcome 4- percentage barrier in the 1995 elections. One of the oldest and most influential parties in Peru for a long time was the Peruvian Apristan Party (PAP), created on the basis of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance (APRA). This party had a significant number of supporters in all regions of the country who took an active part in its political and non-political activities. APRA was founded by Victor Raul Haya de la Torre in Mexico in 1924, and in 1930 the APRA organization was created in Peru and a year later transformed into a national reformist party. Haya de la Torre remained the leader of the party and played a prominent role in the political life of Peru until his death in 1979. At the beginning of the party's activities, its radical position and penchant for violent and direct action (strikes, demonstrations, etc.) won it supporters among industrial and agricultural workers, as well as representatives of the middle class. After an unsuccessful attempt at armed uprising in 1932, the party was outlawed and its official activities were banned (except for a short period from 1945 to 1948) until the mid-1950s, when, in order to obtain the status of a legal party, it announced a transition to more moderate positions. Haya de la Torre ran for president several times, but never achieved his goal. His protégé and fellow party member Alan García Pérez was elected president in 1985. Peru's main center-right parties are the Popular Action Party (PA), whose leader Fernando Belaúnde Terry served as president from 1963 to 1968 and from 1980 to 1985, and the conservative Popular Action Party (PA). Christian Party (CHP), which achieved significant political success after splitting from the Christian Democratic Party (CDP), which did not enjoy any significant influence. After a brutal defeat in the 1985 elections, the ND and the Christian Democratic Party jointly supported the neoliberal candidate, writer Mario Vargas Llosa, who was defeated by Alberto Fujimori, an independent candidate of Japanese origin. Peru has a significant number of left-leaning political parties, most of which coalesced into a broad, if fragile, coalition known as the United Left in the 1980s. Despite individual successes achieved in municipal and parliamentary elections, this coalition was unable to perform adequately in the presidential elections of 1985 (against García Pérez) and 1990 (against Vargas Llosa and Fujimori). The small parties that made up the coalition, professing Trotskyist, pro-Chinese and Christian views, were unable to unite under a common unified program and eventually lost supporters. The most radical group in Peru in the 1980s was the pro-Maoist faction Communist Party, who called herself "Sendero Luminoso" ("Shining Path"). In 1980, this organization launched a guerrilla war among Indians living in the high Andes. The activities of Sendero Luminoso became increasingly widespread and spread to coastal cities in subsequent years, despite the fact that the rebels' actions were extremely brutal and the army took equally harsh measures against residents suspected of supporting the guerrillas. After the organization's leader, Abimael Guzman, was captured by government security forces in 1992, the group's guerrilla activities declined significantly.
Judicial and legal system. As in most Latin American countries, Peru's legal system is based on Roman civil law as it was used in Spain and, to a lesser extent, France.
Armed forces. For men over 18 years of age, service in the armed forces is compulsory for a period of 2 years. However, not all persons who have reached military age are required to be drafted into the army. In 1997, there were 120 thousand people on active service in the Peruvian armed forces, including ground forces- 75 thousand (including 50 thousand conscripts), naval forces numbered 18 thousand people (including 3000 marines), air Force numbered 15 thousand people. Internal security and police functions are carried out by units of the Civil and Republican Guard, numbering approx. 60 thousand people.
International relationships. Peru is a member of the UN and its specialized organizations, as well as a member of the OAS. In addition, Peru is a member of the Latin American Integration Association (LAAI), the Andean Group, the Economic Council of the Pacific Rim, and the Organization for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America. Tensions between Peru and Ecuador, caused by the territorial claims of both countries, resulted in open armed conflict in 1941, when Ecuador began an undeclared war, seeking to secure disputed territory in the upper reaches of the Marañon River. However, Ecuador's action was not successful, and in 1942 the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Borders was signed between the two countries, according to which Ecuador lost 334 thousand square meters. km of territory. This agreement, however, was not able to end the confrontation. Every year, on the anniversary of its signing, conflicts broke out, and in January-February 1995, hostilities began in the valley of the upper reaches of the Cenepa River, which soon ended with the signing of a peace agreement. This agreement, prepared with the participation of the countries guarantors of compliance with the “Rio Protocol” (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and the USA), did not determine the exact location of the border. To supervise disputed territory An international mission of military observers was sent to Peru and Ecuador, and negotiations began in 1996 to resolve the border dispute. By January 1998, at negotiations in Rio de Janeiro, Ecuador and Peru reached an agreement that marked a turning point in the history of this conflict. Final Resolution controversial issues was entrusted to specially created commissions, which were supposed to develop the terms of an agreement on trade and navigation between these two countries and determine in detail the position of the border, excluding further conflicts; A special bilateral commission has also been created, tasked with developing measures to strengthen mutual trust and ensure the security of both countries. Most of the commissions successfully completed their tasks, but the solution to the main issue of drawing the border was delayed. In an effort to end the conflicts, Presidents Maouad and Fujimori asked the guarantors of the Rio Protocol to establish a border. The final border agreement was signed by both presidents and foreign ministers of Peru and Ecuador on October 26, 1998 in the city of Brasilia. Peru has long had territorial claims to Chile in connection with the transfer to Chile of part Peruvian territory after the end of the Pacific War 1879-1884. Peru declared as its territorial waters a maritime coastal zone 200 meters wide nautical miles(370 km). Attempts by U.S. and other vessels to fish in the area have resulted in repeated and bitter disputes with Peruvian authorities.

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  • - ....

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This is one of the most ancient and mysterious states on the planet, possessing a whole scattering of natural resources and keeping within itself the secrets of the origin of the world. For Europeans, this tourist destination is considered exotic and many travel lovers spare no expense to visit the homeland of the Incas and experience its amazing atmosphere.


The relief of Peru is formed by wide lakes and wild rivers, high-mountainous tropical steppes and humid evergreen forests, white sandy beaches of the Pacific coast and majestic mountain peaks that reach into the sky. The rare diversity of flora and fauna gives the country even more brightness and color. In the jungle, along the banks of the Amazon River, local aborigines still live, observing the way of life and traditions of their ancestors. Due to the fact that the country is located in a zone of increased seismic activity, strong earthquakes periodically occur here. One of the main areas of activity in the republic are the mining and manufacturing industries, which is quite justified, given the presence of natural resources such as gold, copper, silver, oil, coal, and iron ore. A significant proportion of the population is employed in agriculture, thus maintaining Peru's reputation as an agrarian state. Coffee, cocoa, cotton, sugar cane, barley, rice, potatoes, corn, bananas, peaches and many other fruits, vegetables and grains, as well as medicinal plants are grown on plantations in various regions.

Tourism, which is directly related to the formation of the state budget, is also given great importance here. In this regard, hotel service is at a decent international level, and the quality of most hotels is quite high. Social strata are highly divided, with almost 50% of the total population, until recently, living below the poverty line. The ethnic composition is extremely diverse and the lands of Peru are inhabited by representatives of all continents, including people from Asia and Africa, as well as emigrants from Europe. A significant proportion are Spanish-speaking mestizos and Indians. Christianity is considered the main religion, but in general there is no single religion. Before leaving for the homeland of the Incas, you must be vaccinated against yellow fever and take anti-malaria pills. It would not be a bad idea to increase your baggage with all sorts of remedies for stomach pain, just in case.

general information

The area of ​​Peru covers 1,285 thousand square meters. km and is among the 20 largest world powers according to this indicator. The population is almost 30 million people. Residents speak Spanish, but local dialects are widely spoken, with Quechua and Aymara predominating. As one national currency Peruvian new salts (PEN) are used. 100 PEN = $PEN:USD:100:2. Local time is 8 hours behind Moscow. Time zone is UTC-5. Mains voltage 220 V at a frequency of 60 Hz, A, B, C. Country telephone code +51. Internet

A brief excursion into history

According to historical data, the first settlements began to appear on the territory of Peru 10,000 years before our era, and the Inca Empire settled here presumably in the 12th century, in the valley of the Urubamba River. The state of Tahuantisuyu, which they founded, was the most powerful and organized empire in these lands before the advent of Europeans. Agriculture was the main field of activity for the Incas, and their architectural structures, many of which have survived to this day, are quite comparable in scale and durability to the best examples Roman era. The conquest of Peru by the Spaniards began in 1524, and its main participants were the conquistadors Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro. The conquest was accompanied by serious resistance from the Indians, so both sides suffered significant losses, although the Spaniards' advantage in weapons and combat experience showed up quite quickly, and eventually the territory was conquered. Subsequently, the Indians rebelled against their enslavers more than once, but inevitably lost. At the beginning of the 19th century, a large-scale liberation movement began in South America, the climax of which was the triumph of the rebel armies under the leadership of the military leaders Sucre and Bolivar, after which the territory was divided into two halves, Bolivia and Peru. The period of independence was accompanied by numerous military coups for the republic, wars with neighboring states and popular unrest. All this most directly affected the current economic state of the country, which, however, last years made a significant breakthrough in this area and now the situation has improved significantly.


The terrain of the country is very uneven, so climatic conditions V different regions strongly depend on altitude above sea level. Thus, on the Pacific coast, the winter period lasts from June to September, and the average air temperature, with fairly low humidity, is +20..+22 degrees. It is better to go here from December to March, while there are no summer rains and suffocating heat. In high mountain areas, in winter the thermometer can drop to -7 degrees, and in summer it usually does not exceed +20 degrees. Many mountain tops are covered with snow and ice year-round. In the flat part of the country, the temperature is subject to the least changes and, as a rule, ranges from +17 to +30 degrees. The dry season lasts from May to October, and the wet season from November to April. Here, the best time to travel is between June and August.

Visa and customs regulations

In case of entry into the territory of Peru for a period of less than 3 months, citizens of Russia and Ukraine do not require a visa. When departing from the airport, passengers are charged an airport tax. Baggage rules and all customs formalities comply with generally accepted international standards.

How to get there

There are no direct flights from the CIS countries to Peru. All flights are carried out with transfers in major European cities. There is also an option with a connection in Cuba. Travel time, excluding transfers, can reach 16-18 hours, so when setting off, you should be patient.


To travel over long distances, air travel is often used within the country, since impassable jungles lie between many regions. The main means of land transportation in cities and suburbs are public buses and trains. Wherein Railway considered the most in an economical way travel, and the most popular tourist destinations are the routes - and Ollantaytambo -. Buses rarely run on schedule and are usually filled to capacity, as are the trains. When crossing city boundaries, local border services They often require a passport, so it is necessary to have the relevant documents with you. When using a taxi, it is worth taking into account the tendency of drivers to indecently raise prices, although this will not surprise any Russian for a long time. Renting a car is also easy, but there are specific rules to take into account. traffic and don’t go too overboard with driving within city limits.

Cities and resorts


The territory of Peru is divided into regions, provinces, districts and cities. The capital is picturesque, located at the very foot of the Andes, along the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Today, it is political, economic and Cultural Center countries with good infrastructure and a population of millions. The city contains the main processing enterprises, factories, factories, large commercial banks, important administrative and educational institutions. In addition, Lima appears to its guests as a popular tourist center, with an impressive number of historical monuments and museums. But those who like to swim in the sea have to go to nearby areas, since swimming on the local city beaches is quite difficult due to high waves and rocky shores, and the water is not at all crystal clear.

Among other large cities of the country, the following stand out: Cajamarca, Huancayo, Pisco And Ica, known as the wine-making capital of the republic. Many settlements are located at high altitudes, often exceeding 2000 meters. Of the most visited tourist centers in Peru, not related to beach holidays, special attention is paid to the lost city, which represents the greatest cultural heritage of the Inca civilization, the high mountain lake, with its unique Indian tribes living on the coast, and the famous desert, with its mysterious drawings, being one of the main mysteries of humanity.

An excellent reason to relax and unwind to the sound of the sea surf is a holiday on west coast countries washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Perhaps the role of the most sought after beach resort there's a famous guy playing here Tumbes, located near the border with Ecuador and characterized not only by excellent conditions for sunbathing and swimming in the ocean, but also by its national parks, lying in the vicinity of the city. In areas adjacent to the capital, there are uncrowded beaches El Silencio, Signoritas, Caballeros, Punto Hermosa, Punto Negra and others.

One of the most common eco-tourism destinations is a small town Puerto Maldonado, located in the virgin jungle. About 30 km from Lima flaunts religious center pre-Inca period - Pachacamac. Almost the most picturesque region Peru is considered to be the wild forests of the Selva, in the east of the country. Extremely diverse animal and vegetable world in the region Iquitos, in the heart of the Amazon jungle.

Peru is one of those exotic countries that attract travel enthusiasts like a magnet. There are no more than a dozen countries in the world with so many mysteries and secrets with which the lands of the Incan homelands are full. The impenetrable jungle of the Amazon with local Indian tribes, the deep waters of Lake Titicaca, the high-mountainous mysterious city of Machu Picchu hiding in the foggy clouds and bearing the stamp of centuries of history, the drawings of the Nazca desert form an unforgettable experience that remains in the memory for a lifetime.


Inexpensive hotels are common in Peru, categories vary from 1 to 5*. The best combination of price and quality is in 3* hotels; hotels of a smaller category may not have hot water and other amenities. There are five-star hotels in Lima, but they are rare outside of Lima.

Peru, or as this state is officially called the Republic of Peru, is one of the most large countries on the South American continent (second in area only to Argentina and Brazil).

Despite the fact that the first mention of Peru dates back to 1525, civilization on the territory of this state began to develop back in the 10th millennium BC, when he lived here ancient people Norte Chico. They christened these lands “Peru”, which literally means “river”.

Geographical characteristics

The territory of the Latin American republic ranks 19th in the world rankings. The total area of ​​the country is slightly less than 1,300 thousand m2. Peru is located practically on the coastline of the continent, which ensures its proximity to five countries (Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile) and the entire Pacific Ocean.

The population density in the country is quite high - 23 people live here per square meter. The total population is almost 31 million people, with a third of the total population concentrated in the main city of Lima.


Peru is located in a very mountainous area. Despite the fact that along the coastline there is a plain, a little to the east there are already towering large mountains. There are about thirty peaks in total, the height of which exceeds 6000 meters. Most high point Peru is considered to be Mount Huascaran in the Andes, which is part of the Cordillera Blanca massif (6768 m).

Particularly noteworthy are the rainbow mountains “Vanikunka”, whose name from the Quechua Indian language literally translates as “rainbow-colored mountains”. Many centuries ago, the red sandstone covering the peaks began to change color under the influence of wind and groundwater and began to turn green, yellow, brown, blue and other colors. This natural wonder is located in the province of Quispicanchis, 100 km from Cusco at an altitude of 5,200 meters. It’s not easy to conquer such a peak, but the editors of the National Geographic channel strongly advise you to at least try, and highlight the place on the list of those that you must see in your lifetime...

In this category, Peru can also be called a record holder. There are about twenty rivers and five large lakes in the country. Almost everyone knows the Amazon River and Lake Titicaca. Both of these aquatic ecosystems are among the most polluted, despite their size, and are increasingly in need of cleansing every year.

Amazon is the most large river After the Nile, it crosses the territory of five Latin American countries and is included in the list of seven natural wonders of the world...

Peru's aquatic ecosystem also includes the Pacific Ocean. The ocean area is not so important for Peru, but every year about 2 million tourists admire the ocean from the shores of this particular republic. Mining of minerals has been opened here: ferromanganese nodules, as well as gas hydrates. In addition, fishing is quite well developed here, which works for the benefit of the food industry and medicine...

Most of the territory of Peru does not have permanent vegetation cover, which is explained by excessive aridity. The area near the Andes is famous for its dense subtropical forests and jungles. Here you can find very rare species of red and vanilla trees, as well as sarsaparilla and evergreen cacti.

The animal world is much richer. Peru is home to about 800 species of birds, 250 species of mammals and more than 1,000 species of insects. Approximately 50 species (mysterious dart frog, yellow-faced parakeet, Inca toad, etc.) are considered endemic and are of particular interest to zoologists and travelers...

The west and east of the country are dominated by tropical desert and subequatorial climates, respectively. As you rise to altitude, the indicators may change. In general, the entire territory is characterized by aridity due to the proximity of the cold Peruvian Current, it is especially difficult local residents from December to April, then the amount of precipitation increases slightly.

Peru is characterized by sharp temperature changes; during the day the air warms up to about 40 degrees, and at night up to 13...


Industry in Peru operates in two directions: mining and manufacturing. There is constant mining of minerals here: zinc, gold, natural gas, oil, lead, silver and more. The manufacturing industry operates in the areas of automobiles, metals, textiles and food.

Agriculture here provides about 8.5% of total GDP. Moreover, the emphasis is on growing grain crops, such as potatoes, barley, corn. Industrial crops include cotton and sugar cane. In addition, Peru, which is traditional for Latin America, is actively involved in the cultivation of coffee and cocoa beans. Many continue to illegally harvest the coca bush...


Concerning ethnic composition Peru, then only half of the modern population here are Peruvians (Creoles, mestizos), the remaining 50% are classified as Indians. And to this day, the culture of the ancient Incas lives here, which thousands of years ago were considered ruling class. The fortress of Machu Picchu testifies to the primacy of this tribe in Peru. Nowadays, rare excursions and mysterious rituals are held in the “lost city of the Sun”.

In total, four tribes live in Peru, which continue to honor the traditions of their ancestors. The most numerous is the Quechua tribe (almost 12 million). Today they are engaged in agriculture and profess Catholicism, although they often use shamanism and engage in sacrifice during field work...


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