Transportation of transfer and transit passengers. Flight with transfer. Transportation of pregnant women

9.1.1. One child under the age of 2 years is transported accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, has acquired full legal capacity until he reaches the age of eighteen for free for domestic transportation, and at a discount of 90 percent of normal for international transportation or a special fare, if there are no special conditions for the application of a special fare, and without providing the child with a separate seat. If a child under 2 years of age, at the request of an accompanying passenger, is provided with a separate seat, then such a child is transported with a discount of 50% from the normal or special fare, unless there are special conditions for the application of a special fare.

Other children under 2 years of age accompanying the passenger, as well as children aged 2 to 12 years, are transported with a discount of 50% from the normal or special fare, unless there are special conditions for the application of a special fare, with the provision them separate places.


In order to ensure flight safety, it is allowed to place no more than one child under 2 years of age (without providing him with a separate seat) on one block of seats on a Boeing-737 aircraft.

9.1.2. A child under 7 years of age, as well as a disabled child under 12 years of age, can be transported only when accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, has acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen.

9.1.3. Minor citizen Russian Federation, as a rule, leaves the Russian Federation together with at least one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees.

9.1.4. If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied, he must have with him, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent of the named persons for the departure of the minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the period of departure and the state(s) he intends to visit.

9.1.5. A passenger, when issuing a passenger ticket for a child, as well as accompanying a child when transporting him by air, is required to present to the Carrier a document confirming the age of the child when going through the registration procedure. The age of the child is taken into account on the date of commencement of transportation from the initial point of departure indicated in the transportation document. The carrier or its authorized agent must indicate the child's date of birth on the child's passenger ticket.

9.1.6. If a child’s passenger ticket changes after the start of transportation, the child’s passenger ticket is reissued according to the tariff air transportation with a discount corresponding to the age of the child on the date of commencement of transportation from the initial point of departure indicated in the transportation document, if the age of the child has changed by the time the transportation is reissued.

9.1.7. When registering for the transportation of a minor child under 12 years of age, his air ticket number is entered in the air ticket of the person accompanying him, with the exception of cases of transportation of unaccompanied children.

9.1.8. The carrier or its authorized agent, when transporting a child abroad, accompanied by an authorized representative of the parents (guardians), may require a notarized consent from the parents (guardians) to present it when issuing a passenger ticket for the child and when going through the registration procedure.

9.1.9. The departure of a minor child outside the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Carrier Rules.

9.1.10. Children on the Carrier's flights may travel unaccompanied by parents (guardians), under the supervision of the Carrier and under the terms of these Carrier Rules. Children aged 7 to 12 years who are traveling without parents and are not entrusted to any of the passengers can be transported as unaccompanied children. Unaccompanied children who are citizens of the Russian Federation are accepted for transportation.

9.1.11. Unaccompanied children aged 7 to 12 years can be transported under the supervision of the Carrier only after parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees have drawn up a written Agreement for the carriage of an unaccompanied child in accordance with the Carrier's Rules.

9.1.12. Transportation of unaccompanied children is permitted only with a confirmed reservation and only on direct flights of the airline.

9.1.13. Unaccompanied children may be accepted for transportation only on direct domestic scheduled flights of the Carrier.

9.1.14. The carrier provides the unaccompanied child with a separate seat in passenger compartment and allows free baggage allowance according to established standards. Excessive or oversized luggage the child is registered for transportation in accordance with general Rules luggage transportation.

9.1.15. It is prohibited to transport children and/or infants (from 0 to 18 years old) on seats in rows near emergency exits and places where aircraft rescue equipment is located, regardless of the presence of accompanying persons.

9.1.16. The item is excluded from the transportation rules.

9.1.17. Priority rows for the placement of unaccompanied children are indicated in the appendices to these Rules.

9.1.19. In the event of a voluntary or forced change by a passenger accompanying a child to the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement after the start of transportation, the child’s ticket is reissued (exchanged) at a rate corresponding to the age of the child on the date of commencement of transportation from the airport (point) of departure.

9.2. Transportation of disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities

9.2.1. To determine the nature of the special service provided to each category of such passengers, the following SSR requests are established:

  1. Patients who may need to undergo a medical assessment (MEDA).
  2. The passenger can ascend, descend the stairs and move to and from his seat in the cabin (WCHR). A wheelchair is provided for movement from/to the aircraft, i.e. through the apron, boarding gallery, boarding bridge, etc.
  3. The passenger cannot go up and down the stairs, but can independently move from/to his seat in the cabin (WCHS). A wheelchair is provided for moving from/to the aircraft or boarding gallery, carried upstairs and down the stairs.
  4. The passenger cannot move independently (WCHC). A wheelchair is provided for moving from/to the aircraft or boarding gallery, it is carried up the steps of the ramp, delivered from/to a seat in the aircraft cabin, and descended.
  5. Deaf passenger (DEAF).
  6. Passenger with blindness (BLND). Information must be provided whether he is accompanied by a guide dog.
  7. Passengers on stretchers (STCR).

Table 9-01 shows the permitted maximum number of passengers of the following categories on board the aircraft:

  • unaccompanied child;
  • pregnant woman;
  • passengers deported, not allowed into the country or in custody;
  • passengers from among the disabled and other persons with disabilities.
Certain categories of passengers
(Passengers categories)
Status (Codes) Permitted maximum number on board an aircraft when flying unaccompanied
(Maximum number without escort officers)
Permitted maximum number on board an aircraft when traveling with escort
(Maximum number of escort officers, specific seat allocation)
Boeing 737 ATR 42-500 Boeing 737 ATR 42-500
1 Unaccompanied child(Unaccompanied children) * UNN 7 3
2 Pregnant Woman (Pregnant) no quantity limit** no quantity limit**
3 Passenger on a stretcher (Passengers with injuries (Stretchers)) STCR not applicable 1 not applicable
4 Passenger not allowed into the country (Inadmissible passengers) DEPO
no quantity limit** no quantity limit**
5 Deported Passenger (Deportees)
6 Passenger in custody
(Passengers in custody)
INAD not applicable
Passengers from among the disabled and other persons with disabilities
Passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities (PRM)
7 Passenger with reduced mobility * WCHR
4 ** 1 ** no quantity limit**
8 Disabled passenger who is deaf * DEAF
9 Disabled passenger who is blind * BLND
10 Passenger from among the disabled, deprived of vision and hearing at the same time DEAF
not applicable no quantity limit**

* If there are simultaneously unaccompanied passengers of the UNN and WCHR, WCHR, WCHS, WCHC, DEAF, BLND categories on board the aircraft, the maximum number of passengers of one category is reduced in proportion to the number of the other category.

** Except for rows:

  • For Boeing-737-800 aircraft: 1, 14, 15, 31;
  • For Boeing-737-8 MAX aircraft: 1, 13, 14, 31;
  • For Boeing-737-300 aircraft: 3, 14, 15, 27;
  • For ATR-42-500:
    • 46 seats: 1, 2 (CD seats), 11, 12;
    • 48 seats: 1 (HK seats), 1, 11, 12.

9.2.2. When concluding an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, a disabled passenger and other persons with disabilities are obliged to inform the Carrier or the carrier’s agent carrying out the booking, sale and registration transportation documents, about the existing limitations of such a passenger in order to provide him with appropriate conditions for air transportation. The passenger is obliged to independently determine the possibility of using air transport based on his or her health status.

9.2.3. Passenger transportation, recognized by the court incompetent, is carried out at the request of parents, adoptive parents or guardians and accompanied by an adult passenger capable of ensuring the safety of the incapacitated passenger and the safety of people around him.

9.2.4. Disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities, and persons accompanying them, are boarded on board the aircraft before passengers board. The aircraft commander and SBKE must be informed about the presence of passengers of this category on board the aircraft. They are also informed about the persons accompanying them and the special measures taken to organize their transportation.

9.2.5. Passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities, and persons accompanying them, are disembarked from the aircraft last.

9.2.6. The carrier is not responsible for the deterioration of the passenger's health or other consequences that occur during or after transportation caused by the age, mental or physical condition of the passenger.

9.2.7. The airline may unilaterally terminate the contract for the air carriage of a passenger, the contract for the air carriage of cargo, if the health condition of the passenger of the aircraft requires special conditions air transportation or threatens the safety of the passenger himself or other persons, which is confirmed by medical documents, and also creates chaos and irreparable inconvenience for other persons.

9.2.8. A disabled passenger in a wheelchair can be transported without an accompanying passenger.

9.2.9. Carriage of a passenger on a stretcher and other passengers with reduced mobility is permitted only in the economy class cabin. by prior agreement with the Carrier, subject to compliance with safety rules on board the aircraft during the flight:

  1. the patient and the stretcher can be freely secured with seat belts in all cases when the light sign “Fasten your seat belts” is turned on;
  2. passenger accommodation should not interfere free access to emergency (emergency) exits, as well as to complicate the evacuation of passengers in emergency situations;
  3. the place must be convenient for organizing passenger boarding/disembarkation (evacuation), accommodation and servicing of passengers on board the aircraft;
  4. accompanying persons are given seats next to sick (disabled) passengers. The provision of places may also depend on the instructions of medical services.

Principles for providing places:

  1. passengers must be placed in such a way that they do not interfere with rapid evacuation from the aircraft if necessary;
  2. crutches, a folding wheelchair, having dimensions that allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat or under the seat in front of the passenger seat;
  3. passengers with stiff legs, broken legs in plaster, paralyzed, etc. must be placed in seats that provide as much space as possible for their comfort, or as much space as possible for devices that support the leg, in such a way as to cause a minimum of inconvenience to passengers sitting in adjacent seats. Limbs in plaster casts should in no case interfere with free movement along the aisle and access to emergency exits;
  4. passengers who have one side of their body affected (semi-paralyzed, with artificial limbs, an arm or leg in a cast, a splint or with a support, etc.) must be placed in such a way that the uninjured side faces the aisle, which, if necessary, will help their mobility.

9.2.10. Passengers are transported on stretchers by providing them with a seat(s) in the aircraft at a fee established by the Carrier. Payment for one seat for a stretcher patient is set at 50% of the normal economy class fare, all subsequent ones - 100%. There are no discounts for persons accompanying a stretcher patient.

9.2.11. For passengers with limited mobility, medications, a folding chair (stroller) transported in the cabin, crutches are carried free of charge and are not included in the norm free luggage. Electric wheelchairs are transported on the aircraft as regular checked baggage. The power wheelchair used by the passenger is checked in as checked baggage at check-in. Passengers using a power wheelchair are required to carry a set of keys/tools for disconnecting the wheelchair battery terminals, as well as battery packaging in accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.

9.2.12. The carrier provides information to the destination or transfer point or stopover that there is a Passenger with a wheelchair on board. This information indicates the name of the Passenger, the location of the wheelchair and separately located electric batteries.

9.2.13. It is prohibited to carry passengers with disabilities whose physical or mental condition does not allow them to move quickly (if such a need arises) in the row at the emergency exit and in the areas where emergency rescue equipment is located.


To ensure flight safety, patients on stretchers are not accepted for transportation on flights operated on aircraft type ATR 42-500.

9.2.14. Passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities on board the aircraft and their accompanying persons are briefed on emergency procedures and the locations of emergency exits on board the aircraft individually before takeoff. The responsibility for such special instruction lies with the flight attendants.

9.3. Carriage of blind or hearing impaired passengers

9.3.1. Transportation of a visually impaired passenger accompanied by a guide dog can be carried out upon presentation to the Carrier or its authorized agent of a document confirming the disability of this passenger and a document confirming the special training of the guide dog.

9.3.2. A disabled passenger who is deaf or deaf may be transported without an accompanying passenger.

9.3.3. A disabled passenger who is deaf and deaf at the same time is transported accompanied by a passenger who assists him during the flight.

9.3.4. A disabled passenger who is blind may be transported accompanied by a guide dog.

9.3.5. When transporting a visually impaired passenger accompanied by a guide dog, the dog is transported on the aircraft free of charge in the economy class passenger cabin in excess of the established free baggage allowance. The dog must have a collar and muzzle and be tied to a seat at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying.

9.3.6. When transporting a disabled passenger who is deprived of vision, accompanied by a guide dog, the Carrier's authorized agent, when reserving a seat for this passenger on board an aircraft or issuing a passenger ticket for him, must inform the Carrier about the carriage of such a passenger in order to provide him with assistance with registration at the airport of departure and delivery to aircraft and from the aircraft at the destination airport. The number of guide dogs transported on an aircraft is determined depending on the number of disabled people and other persons with disabilities on board the aircraft in accordance with the carrier’s rules.

9.3.7. A passenger with a visual impairment, accompanied by a guide dog, is assigned a seat with enough space to accommodate the dog, close to the emergency exit, but in such a way as not to impede free access to it.

9.3.8. It is prohibited to carry passengers whose vision and/or hearing are impaired to such an extent that they would not be able to immediately understand the evacuation command in the emergency exit row and in areas where emergency rescue equipment is located.

9.3.9. Instructions about procedures in emergency situations and the locations of emergency exits on board the aircraft for passengers with visual impairments (hearing impairments) and their accompanying persons are carried out individually before take-off orally. The responsibility for such special instruction lies with the flight attendants.

9.4. Transportation of pregnant women

9.4.1. Pregnant women can be accepted for transportation with a gestational age of no more than 35 weeks (twins - 32 weeks) on the day of air transportation if they provide a medical certificate from a medical institution about the absence of contraindications for air transportation on the date of the flight indicated on the air ticket no earlier than 7 days before the start of the trip.

9.4.2. In the absence of a certificate from a medical institution, women whose pregnancy period does not exceed 35 weeks (twins - 32 weeks) are allowed to be transported only with the consent of the carrier, with the obligatory execution of a “Declaration of Release of the Airline from Liability” (Appendix 5). Transportation by air is not recommended:

  1. women within 7 last days before birth and during the first 7 days after birth;
  2. newborn children during the first 7 days after birth.

9.4.3. It is prohibited to transport pregnant women in the row near the emergency exit and in the areas where aircraft rescue equipment is located. Additional recommendations for accommodating pregnant women in the aircraft cabin are presented in the appendices to these Rules.

9.5. Transportation of transfer and transit passengers

9.5.1. Transportation of a passenger who, in accordance with the air transportation agreement, arrived at the transfer airport on one flight and is then transported by another flight of the same or another carrier along the transportation route (hereinafter referred to as the transfer passenger) is carried out in accordance with agreements between the carriers. The transfer passenger's baggage, subject to customs control, is accepted for transportation in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the customs legislation of the country to, from, or through the territory of which transportation is carried out.

9.5.2. When issuing a passenger ticket for a transit or transfer passenger along the transportation route, the carrier or his authorized agent is obliged to:

  1. ensure reservation and confirmation of booking of transportation of the transfer passenger on all sections of the route, allowing the passenger to arrive at the transfer airport in a timely manner to undergo administrative formalities before departure of the flight;
  2. inform the passenger about the procedures that he must complete at the transit or transfer airport for his further transportation to his destination;
  3. inform the transfer passenger about pre-flight formalities and requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary controls provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which he must fulfill at the transfer airport for further transportation along the route, as well as about the requirements of government authorities at transfer points during international transportation.

9.5.3. The carrier ensures a minimum connecting time with the flight for which the passenger has a reserved seat, allowing the passenger to go through all pre-flight formalities provided for at the transfer airport and comply with the requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.5.4. The delivery of passengers from the aircraft to the terminal building upon the arrival of the aircraft at the transit point and the boarding of these passengers on board the aircraft for the further flight to the destination is carried out first.

9.5.5. Before registering transfer passengers, in addition to normal operations, the Carrier checks the availability of:

  1. booking confirmation for connecting flight operated by the carrier and the connecting time of these flights;
  2. relevant documents required by government authorities at transfer points.


When checking baggage at the point of initial departure, each piece is marked with special transfer (transit) tags and loaded/unloaded in accordance with the Carrier’s special instructions.

9.5.6. When connecting up to 24 hours transfer luggage is issued before final destination or to the transfer point, depending on the capabilities of the departure/transfer airport and the requirements of government authorities at the transfer point. If a passenger has a connection between flights of more than 24 hours, his baggage is checked in to the transfer point.

9.6. Transportation of deported passengers and passengers administratively expelled from the Russian Federation

9.6.1. Transportation of deported passengers and those administratively expelled from the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international legislation in the field of civil aviation at the expense of the federal budget.

9.6.2. If government authorities deny a passenger entry into the country of destination, transfer or transit and oblige the Carrier to return the passenger to the point of departure, then the passenger or the organization that registered him is obliged to reimburse the Carrier for all expenses incurred during this transportation.

If the denied passenger has a one-way ticket and lacks funds, the Carrier makes a decision in accordance with the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

9.6.3. It is prohibited to transport deported and/or detained passengers in the row near the emergency exit and in the areas where aircraft emergency equipment is located.

9.7. Transportation of Officials

9.7.1. The list of citizens served through the hall of officials and delegations is approved by the federal executive body in the region civil aviation in agreement with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and in the halls of officials and delegations at airports in Moscow and the Moscow region - by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

9.7.2. Service for officials at the airport of departure, arrival, transit or transfer is carried out in special areas of the airport - the halls of officials and delegations (if any). The requirements for carrying out the established formalities when registering officials do not differ from the generally accepted ones.

9.7.3. Service for officials in the halls of officials and delegations is carried out on the basis of applications. Applications are submitted by representatives of government, public, political, religious and commercial organizations. For services in the hall for officials and delegations, the passenger is required to pay.

9.7.4. Officials are required to arrive at the departure airport no later than the end of passenger check-in for the flight.

9.7.5. Transport of passengers served through the official and delegation lounge to and from the aircraft, as well as their hand luggage and checked baggage is carried separately from other passengers.

9.7.6. Disembarkation of passengers served through the officials and delegations lounge and unloading of baggage at the destination airport is carried out first.

9.8. Transportation of employees of the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Russian Federation, the State Courier Service under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

9.8.1. Employees of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Information, the State Courier Service under the Government of the Russian Federation and Federal service of the Russian Federation, passenger tickets are issued out of turn.

9.8.2. Registration of passenger tickets for employees of the specified ministries and departments and registration of items (correspondence) transported by them is carried out before the start of passenger registration, and during registration - out of turn.

9.8.3. Transportation of items (correspondence) of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Information, State Courier Service under the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out according to the Rules for the transportation of unchecked baggage with placement of items (correspondence) on passenger seats (weighing no more than 75 kg on each seat) next to the employee accompanying them or in a place convenient for monitoring them and is paid in accordance with the established procedure.

9.8.4. The diplomatic courier must have and present, upon request, documents confirming his special powers as a person accompanying special baggage.

9.8.5. Employees of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Information and the State Courier Service under the Government of the Russian Federation, transporting items (correspondence), board the aircraft before the general boarding of passengers.

9.8.6. Employees of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Information, as well as employees of the Federal Courier Communications, are allowed to remain on board the aircraft during parking, and at intermediate landing points - near the aircraft for the exchange of items (correspondence).

9.8.7. Rules for the transportation of workers (employees) of other federal executive bodies, items (correspondence) of these bodies may be established by other regulations approved by the federal executive body in the field of civil aviation jointly (by agreement) with the interested federal executive bodies.

9.9. Transportation of business class passengers

9.9.1. Business class passengers at check-in are checked in at a separate counter and taken on board the aircraft last, separately from economy class passengers, but no later than the start of official boarding.

9.9.2. At the airport, business class passengers may be offered a visit to the business lounge. The Carrier informs the passenger about this possibility upon check-in. The service is provided if there is a business lounge at the airport.

9.9.3. On board the aircraft, business class passengers are provided with seats in the business class cabin and special services are organized in accordance with the internal regulations of the Airline.

9.9.4. Upon arrival, business class passengers leave the aircraft first, separately from economy class passengers, but not before officials.

Air passengers can not only independently choose the company for their flights, but also their types. Let’s try to figure out what a flight is and what types of flights you can choose. The flight is the way vehicle from one point to another along a pre-approved route.

There are several types of air travel:

  • transit;
  • docking;
  • transfer;
  • regular.

What is the difference between them and what are the advantages of each is worth discussing in more detail.

What is a transit flight? This question interests many tourists, especially those who chose a plane for the first time to get to another country or city. A transit flight is a trip with a transfer that helps passengers fly to places where direct flights are difficult. Some people are wary of this type of travel, fearing that they might miss their second plane in an unfamiliar country. In fact, these fears are completely unfounded, especially if such a flight is organized by one company. In this case, the air carrier will independently plan the connection between the two flights so that the passenger does not worry unnecessarily. Information on the tickets, which are issued to all passengers upon check-in for a transit flight, will help you find out the takeoff time of the second plane.

If a passenger decides to plan his trip on his own, he must take into account several important points:

  1. The second ticket should be purchased for a plane that will take off approximately 3-4 hours after the first one lands. Having so much time in reserve, it is possible to exclude the occurrence of force majeure circumstances.
  2. If takeoff takes place from another terminal, then it is advisable to have at least a couple of hours in reserve in order to get to another point in a timely manner.
  3. If you have to change airport upon landing (this also happens), it is important to reserve time. After all, air harbors are often located outside the city limits, where you still need to get to, sometimes avoiding traffic jams.

Please note that if the second plane takes off from another airport and the passenger has to get to the airport on his own, then airport staff may be required to present a transit visa. You can clarify this point on the airline’s website before booking a ticket.

However, all these nuances can be ignored if you entrust the booking of transit tickets to a company. In this case, passengers will not even have to re-check in their luggage - this procedure is carried out once, upon check-in for the first flight. It is worth noting that in this case it would be correct to call it not transit, but connecting. That is, if you need to get an answer to the question - what is a connecting flight, then just understand the differences between transit and connecting types. In the second option, the airline handles the issuance of tickets and baggage, while in the first option, this work falls on the shoulders of the passenger.

Transfer flight

Transit air travel has a second name – transfer flight; it can be carried out by one or several companies that are part of a single alliance. When purchasing a ticket for this type of flight, in most cases, the passenger checks his luggage once, and receives boarding passes for both flights upon check-in. The transfer passenger will only need to check in once, when boarding the first plane, but to international flight You will need to go through passport control again.

By purchasing a ticket for such a flight, the passenger does not have to worry about being late for the landing of the second plane; in this case, responsibility rests with the airline, which is obliged to provide the passenger with a free ticket for the nearest airliner on the desired route. If a passenger has to wait all night for the next flight, the airline is obliged to provide free hotel room. That is, if a person did not catch the second plane, then he has the right to contact the airline that was issuing tickets for the transfer flight in order to resolve the unpleasant situation.

The main difference between a transfer and a transit is that in the first case you change the plane. In the second, you wait until passengers are added and often fly with the same transport without changing seats.

Regular flights

In civil aviation, flights are classified into two categories:

  1. Regular.
  2. Charter.

They are characterized by differences both in the organization and in the frequency of flights. What's happened regular flight and how it differs from a charter one - these are the questions that most often interest tourists. Regular flights are approved by an intergovernmental agreement, and airlines are required to operate them year-round. Large companies operate such flights; the planes depart strictly on schedule, even if there is only one passenger on board. You can purchase a ticket for a regular flight in one or both directions; airlines often provide significant discounts for pensioners and students.

The main features are:

  • the price is higher than for a charter ticket;
  • the passenger has the right to exchange the ticket; if necessary, half of its cost can be returned;
  • Frequent flyers can buy a ticket with a significant discount;
  • the plane's departure may be delayed due to weather conditions, technical problems, etc.

In case of force majeure, passengers on regular flights may be transferred to a second connecting aircraft. In this case, the airline must pay the cost of the connecting flight and material damage to passengers.

Charter flights

Charter flights are controlled not by airlines, but by travel agencies. Air Transport It does not carry out such a flight all year round, but during a certain period of the year, most often from spring to autumn. To buy a ticket, the passenger needs contact a travel agency, since not all airlines engage in such sales.

Features of charter flights:

  • the cost is several times lower than for a regular flight;
  • upon ticket return cash are not returned to the passenger;
  • airliners do not fly on schedule.

More often chartered flight starts early morning or late evening – used free time in the flight schedule intended for regular air travel.

The undoubted advantage of charter flights is that such a flight does not involve transfers. However, the plane can take tourists to the most remote airport in any country. To get from the airport to the city center, a person will have to spend a lot on a taxi or other types of transport. To avoid additional expenses, before purchasing a ticket for a charter flight, you should check with the travel agency at which airport the plane will land and at what distance from the city is it located?

Transfer transportation is a type of transportation in which you fly from point A to point B with an intermediate landing (transfer); the transfer time is no more than 24 hours.

The transfer point is called the transfer point, and the transfer itself is called the connection. What distinguishes transfer transportation from transit is that the flight from the transfer point continues with a different flight number. This may be a flight of the same airline that transported you to the transfer point, or it may be a flight of another airline.

For reference. Minimum connection time (MCT) is the time required to successfully transfer passengers and reload luggage from one flight to another at the transfer airport (from 60 minutes to 24 hours). A connection between flights of more than 24 hours is considered a stopover.

Thus, the difference between a transfer and a regular transfer from flight to flight:

  • no need to claim baggage*;
  • no need to go through all pre-flight formalities again*;
  • time is saved.

* Provided that the passenger at the departure airport simultaneously checks in both for the flight to the transfer point and for the connecting flight from the transfer point to the destination airport (the passenger is issued two boarding passes). In this case, transfer passengers do not need to check in at the transfer halls or at the check-in counters in the general airport hall, but should immediately proceed to the international/domestic departure hall to the boarding gate indicated in the boarding pass or on information boards. More detailed information Through check-in can be obtained upon check-in at the airport of departure.

Not all airports have the ability to process transfer passengers. Please check with your departure airport whether your baggage is checked for your final destination.

Advantages of transfer transportation

    Additional options for choosing the date and time of departure.

    If there are no direct flights in the schedule or you are not satisfied with their schedule, you can always choose the optimal transfer route through the transfer point on days of the week and time of day convenient for you.

    Lower flight costs.

    When selling transfer transportation at special through rates with a transfer at the transfer point, the total cost of the flight may be lower than the cost of a direct non-stop flight.

ATTENTION: If you have purchased an air ticket via a transfer route, be sure to read the following information!
Please note that in order to pass customs control At the Zhukovsky transfer airport (ZIA) you will need a Russian transit visa.
If it is missing, you may be denied check-in for the flight.

Responsibilities of the carrier in case of transfer

  • When booking, the carrier is obliged to provide transfer and obtain confirmation at all stages of transportation (even at sites of other carriers), which allows the passenger to arrive for check-in on time.
  • The carrier is obliged to inform the transfer passenger about pre-flight formalities and requirements at the transfer airport. In addition, the Carrier is obliged to provide passengers with information:

    • about the route, about the time of arrival at the transfer airport to complete formalities before departure;
    • about the procedures that must be completed at the point of transit or transfer for further transportation to the destination;
      When carrying out transfer transportation, the passenger next international flight with a landing on the territory of the Russian Federation and then traveling on a domestic flight, after passing through passport control at the transfer (transfer) Airport, is obliged to receive luggage (regardless of whether the luggage is checked to the final destination or to the transfer point), go through customs control, check-in for the connecting flight and check in luggage. (Clause 6 of FAP No. 82 dated June 28, 2007; Article 354 of the Labor Code of the Customs Union)
    • about the requirements of the country where the transplant is taking place.
  • The carrier is obliged to ensure a minimum connecting time with the flight on which the passenger has a reserved seat.
  • At transfer points, passengers are provided with service subject to a confirmed reservation for the next leg of the route, if the loss of connection or flight delay was due to the fault of the airline.

If the connection time is more than 24 hours, the passenger and his luggage are checked in only to the transfer point.

  • In the event of a flight delay or loss of connection, the carrier must select for the passenger new route and make appropriate changes to the original booking and re-arrange the transportation.

Handling baggage for transfer passengers

The transfer passenger's baggage must be checked in to the final destination if the technical capabilities of the airport allow, if this does not contradict the laws of the country of connection and if the passenger does not express a desire to receive the baggage at the transfer point.

The passenger must be informed about the point at which his baggage is checked in.

The baggage of visa-free transfer passengers is always checked in to the final destination of transportation. Admission of transit and transfer passengers to their checked baggage is prohibited.

Transfer luggage and transit passengers when routes change on their initiative, they are re-inspected and sent on the same flight as the passengers.

Transfer transportation of any types of weapons and ammunition is prohibited!

For reference. If the transfer goes through Customs Union zone, passengers must inform the Carrier in writing about the availability of goods subject to customs declaration before baggage check-in.

* There are a number of Russian airports where it is possible to arrange transfer transportation only on domestic routes. Arranging an international transfer is not possible due to the lack of a special transfer hall. This restriction applies to the following air ports:

  • Anapa
  • Astrakhan
  • Barnaul
  • Blagoveshchensk
  • Volgograd
  • Gelendzhik
  • Irkutsk
  • Kazan
  • Krasnodar
  • Magnitogorsk
  • Min. Water
  • Nizhnevartovsk
  • Orenburg
  • Permian
  • Rostov
  • Simferopol
  • Surgut
  • Tomsk
  • Tyumen
  • Khabarovsk
  • Chelyabinsk

Attention to foreign passengers traveling to the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (i.e. to Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) via transfer transportation through Russian airports!

According to the requirements of the EAEU Customs Code, a passenger crossing the customs border independently imports/exports goods for personal use, including hand luggage.

Please note that at the Ekaterinburg airport ( international Airport"Koltsovo") there is a new control system and baggage claim:

In this regard, upon arrival at the airport you need to:

  • pass the passport control in terminal B.
  • Exit Terminal B using the airport signs and proceed to Terminal A to claim your baggage.

If you are traveling from Koltsovo airport on another flight, then after receiving your luggage in Terminal A, you will again need to go to the passenger and baggage check-in counters.

Be careful when observing your connecting time and don’t be late for your next flight!

Minimum package of documents for entry into the EAEU countries:

  • Valid foreign passport;
  • A valid visa or any other document that allows you to stay in the country where the passenger is traveling;
  • A valid visa or any other document allowing you to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.**

** This provision does not apply to passengers with a transfer to Moscow (Domodedovo Airport).

Everything about transit and baggage handling on a connecting flight

For some, flying is a journey, pleasure and adventure, for others - several hours of tiring travel to their destination. And if flying on one plane is an experience familiar to most tourists, then flying in transit often causes fear and anxiety in many travelers. In fact, a connecting flight is not as scary as it seems at first glance, and in some cases it turns out to be the best option. As a rule, a transit flight will allow you to save on your ticket, sometimes very significantly. In addition, there are many places in the world that cannot be reached by direct flight, and if you are a real adventure seeker and crave... interesting travels, then you simply cannot avoid connecting flights. Let's figure out how a connecting flight occurs, how baggage is processed during a transit flight, and some other rules for a transit flight.

Transit flight rules

A transit flight implies the presence of an intermediate point between the place of departure and the final destination of the trip, where the passenger will have to change one plane to another. In this case, different scenarios are possible.

The first is when all segments of your flights are carried out by one airline or partner companies, members of the same air alliance. In this case, you can get all the necessary information from crew members and airline employees (for example, Aeroflot airline provides fairly detailed information on the minimum connection time for an airport on its official website). Additionally, the airline is responsible for flight delays, and if you miss your connection due to a delay on your previous plane, they will make sure to put you on the next available flight.

The second is when flights are operated different airlines, not related to each other in any way. In this case, you will have to be more careful when planning your trip, since you will be responsible for missing your connecting flight.

Regardless of which airline you use for your connecting flight, always carefully calculate the time required for transit. Remember to allow more time before your international flight to clear passport and customs control. Study well transit airport. Arrival and departure can take place at different terminals, and maybe at different airports. In this case, think in advance about how you will get from one airport to another.

It would be a good idea to study the layout of the terminals so that the enormous size transport hubs did not come as a surprise to you.

Visa for transit flight

Thoroughly study the visa rules of the transit country. Sometimes a visa is only needed if you are going to leave the airport (for example, if you need to go into the city to move to another airport for departure). In other cases, a visa is needed to leave the transit zone, and if you need to receive and re-register luggage during a transit flight on your next flight yourself, this means that you will leave the transit zone. Some countries require registration transit visa for any flight with a transfer on its territory (for example, the USA).

Baggage during a transit flight

Baggage rules for transit flights also depend on the airlines operating the flight and the airports involved. If you're traveling on one ticket, you'll likely be able to check your baggage through to your final destination and the airline will take care of it. It is imperative that you receive your luggage at an intermediate point during a flight with transit and you will need to check it in yourself again for the next flight if you are transporting items that are subject to declaration.

If you are flying on different tickets, or the transit airport does not allow you to send your luggage directly without your participation, you will also have to take care of your luggage yourself. Take these circumstances into account in advance when planning your connection time.

As you can see, the rules for transit flights are quite simple and require only a little care. We hope that this article helped you understand how a flight with a transfer works, and a transit flight will allow you to save money on your trip.

Aeroflot has proposed canceling the repeated inspection of transfer passengers and baggage, the Izvestia newspaper writes, citing a letter from the airline’s general director to the Cabinet of Ministers. This will significantly reduce transfer time. To implement this idea, it will be necessary to make changes to the legislation. There are almost no analogues to the proposed solution in world practice.

Today in Russia passengers are screened at every transfer. This is because the law requires pre-flight inspection of all passengers before each flight. The key word is “everyone”; The authors of the law did not think about the fact that the passenger could already be subject to inspection at the airport of departure and, by definition, he cannot have prohibited items. Nevertheless, before the next flight, he is still forced to go through inspection again, wasting time in queues, instead of immediately going to the “clean zone” as in Europe or the USA. In developed countries, sometimes a transfer can take literally a couple of minutes: you leave one boarding bridge and immediately enter the next one, the arrivals and departures areas are located in the same room.

There are, however, reservations: in the West, inspection of transfer passengers is most often absent only at domestic flights(including intra-Schengen). Those who arrive from abroad are usually inspected because they do not trust the quality of pre-flight control in “third” countries (although the ICAO safety requirements are generally the same). However, Aeroflot is thinking primarily not about domestic flights, where the passenger has already been searched at the airport of the first departure, but about international ones. That is, we are talking about passengers arriving from abroad and flying abroad, using a visa-free transfer at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. This is not the case almost anywhere in the world - I can only remember Istanbul (IST), and also the fact that only in May 2018 a similar system was launched in the UAE, where the share of transfers is about 75% of the total passenger traffic. If it works in Russia, this will become one of Aeroflot’s competitive advantages over European airlines: in Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and other European hubs pre-flight inspection There are also often huge queues there. For the airport, the abolition of security checks is undoubtedly also a benefit: the time that passengers spend in queues, they could spend in restaurants and shops.

True, in the UAE, an “uncontrolled” transfer is valid for passengers not from all countries, but only for those where the level aviation security is at a high level, so flights from the “banana republics” still undergo pre-flight inspection. However, Aeroflot is focused on transfers between Europe and security-developed countries South-East Asia, so such a problem will not arise.


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