Transporting luggage on board the bus. Registration of depositing of found items. Free baggage transportation

Carry-on luggage is considered to be easily portable items that are placed by the passenger in the cabin of buses (taxi). As hand luggage It is allowed to transport items, regardless of their type and type of packaging, that are not obstructive in size for the passage of other passengers. Placement of hand luggage in seats intended for passengers, as well as in the aisles between seats, is prohibited. Baggage is considered to be the belongings of passengers handed over to a motor transport company and transported, as a rule, in special luggage compartments of buses and taxis, luggage bus trailers or luggage cars.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the RSFSR dated December 24, 1987 N 176 “On approval of the Rules for the carriage of passengers and luggage by road in the RSFSR”, a passenger has the right to carry with him: a) on buses on city and suburban routes free of charge - one piece of hand luggage up to 60 in size x 40 x 20 cm, including small animals and birds in a cage or one pair of skis (children's sled). For a fee according to the tariff, one piece of hand luggage (luggage) measuring no more than 100 x 50 x 30 cm; b) on intercity buses, free of charge one piece of hand luggage measuring 60 x 40 x 20 cm and weighing no more than 30 kg, including small animals and birds in a cage or one pair of skis (children's sleds).

For a fee according to the tariff - one piece of hand luggage (luggage) measuring no more than 100 x 50 x 30 cm; c) in buses of suburban and intercity routes that have a luggage compartment (compartment) or operate with a bus luggage trailer, for a fee - two pieces of luggage measuring no more than 100 x 50 x 30 cm. Luggage checked in for transportation must be in good packaging.

For baggage accepted for transportation, the passenger is issued a receipt or token of the established standards; d) in fixed-route taxis of suburban and intercity services free of charge - no more than one piece of hand luggage measuring up to 75 x 50 x 30 cm; e) in buses providing express transportation of air passengers to airports and between airports that have a luggage compartment (compartment), for a fee, two pieces of luggage measuring no more than 100 x 50 x 30 cm. On certain routes, motor transport enterprises with the permission of the territorial association of road transport of the Ministry of Road Transport Transport of the RSFSR, Glavmosavtotrans of the Moscow City Executive Committee can transport luggage in large quantities and large dimensions.

Flammable, explosive, sending, flammable poisonous, caustic and fetid substances, objects and things with dimensions exceeding 100 x 50 x 30 cm or weighing one piece over 60 kg are not allowed for transportation on buses, in fixed-route and individual taxis as baggage and as hand luggage. , firearms without cases or unwrapped, objects and things that pollute rolling stock or passengers' clothing. On intercity routes where baggage truck traffic is organized, the passenger has the right to check in luggage for transportation on a baggage truck.

Passengers' baggage is accepted for transportation on baggage trucks upon presentation of wire tickets. For each travel ticket (full and child), no more than three pieces of baggage weighing no more than 150 kg can be accepted. Due to their size, packaging and properties, items of luggage handed over for transportation should not make it difficult to load and place them in a baggage vehicle, as well as cause damage to the luggage of other passengers. Containers and packaging must ensure the integrity and safety of luggage for the entire duration of transportation. A passenger who wishes to send luggage by baggage car must present it for delivery in advance, but no later than 20 minutes before the departure of the baggage car.

Baggage in faulty packaging will not be accepted for transportation in a luggage car. Baggage, the packaging of which has such defects that do not cause fear of loss or damage to the baggage, may be accepted for carriage with a note about these defects in the transportation documents. To confirm the acceptance of baggage for transportation, the passenger is issued a baggage receipt of the established form. When checking in luggage for transportation, the passenger has the right to declare its value and pay the established fee. Baggage is issued at the destination to the bearer of the baggage receipt. Luggage storage charges apply at current rates.

Baggage accepted for transportation separately from the passenger must be delivered to the destination no later than the day the passenger arrives at this point according to the schedule. Baggage not claimed by the passenger is stored by the motor transport company or organization at the destination. Baggage not claimed within 30 days is transferred to local trading organizations for sale in accordance with the established procedure. The bearer of the baggage receipt, within six months from the date of sale of the luggage, has the right to receive the amount paid to the motor transport enterprise or organization for unclaimed luggage transferred to trading organizations, minus the amounts due to the motor transport enterprise or organization.

“We often have to travel to commuter bus. Publish the rules for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage, otherwise I can’t find this information anywhere.” Vladimir Semenovich (Kursk).

The conditions for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage in road transport are determined by the “Rules for the transportation of passengers and baggage by road in the RSFSR”. They were approved by order of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the RSFSR No. 176 of December 24, 1987 and have not changed since then.

Carry-on luggage is considered to be easily portable items that are placed by the passenger in the cabin of buses (taxi). It is allowed to carry items as hand luggage, regardless of their type and type of packaging, as long as their size does not restrict the passage of other passengers.

Placement of hand luggage in seats intended for passengers, as well as in the aisles between seats, is prohibited.

Baggage is considered to be the belongings of passengers handed over to a motor transport company and transported, as a rule, in special luggage compartments of buses and taxis, luggage bus trailers or luggage cars.

The passenger has the right to carry with him:

a) on city and suburban buses free of charge - one piece of hand luggage measuring up to 60x40x20 cm, including small animals and birds in a cage or one pair of skis (children's sleds).

For a fee according to the tariff - one piece of hand luggage (luggage) measuring no more than 100x50x30 cm

b) on intercity buses free of charge - one piece of hand luggage measuring 60x40x20 cm and weighing no more than 30 kg, including small animals and birds in a cage or one pair of skis (children's sleds).

For a fee according to the tariff - one piece of hand luggage (luggage) measuring no more than 100x50x30 cm;

c) in buses of suburban and intercity routes that have a luggage compartment (compartment) or operate with a bus luggage trailer, for a fee - two pieces of luggage measuring no more than 100x50x30 cm.

Baggage checked in for transportation must be in good packaging.

For baggage accepted for transportation, the passenger is issued a receipt or token of the established standards;

d) in fixed-route taxis of suburban and intercity services free of charge - no more than one piece of hand luggage measuring up to 75x50x30 cm;

e) in buses providing express transportation of air passengers to airports and between airports that have a luggage compartment (compartment), for a fee, two pieces of luggage measuring no more than 100x50x30 cm.

Flammable, explosive, poisonous, flammable, poisonous, caustic and foul-smelling substances, objects and things with a dimension of more than 100x50x30 cm or a weight of one piece of over 60 kg, and firearms are not allowed for transportation on buses, in fixed-route and individual taxis as luggage or as hand luggage. without covers or unwrapped, objects and things that contaminate rolling stock or passengers' clothing.

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The rules have changed, it is surprising that on May 17, 2011 your newspaper responds differently. New ones have been released, but according to them it is still unclear where the passenger should place hand luggage ("On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport" dated February 14, 2009 N 112).
Here's the thing: I often use intercity buses and when boarding, they refuse to place my hand luggage in the luggage compartment. You often have to argue and take a tape measure with you. In terms of total dimensions, it does not exceed 120 cm, however, there is no space in the bus interior for placing hand luggage - after all, the shelves are for hats and are most often not closed, i.e. You can't put a bag there. So I have to put my bag in the aisle? But this interferes with other passengers... and is contrary to safety. And the carrier motivates his refusal by the fact that I am obliged to pay for hand luggage (!!!) to place it in the luggage compartment. Although I have the right to carry free hand luggage, it doesn’t say where. So it turns out to be a vicious circle:) One day I almost got an administrative charge for disturbing public order - I shouted loudly...

I would like to know if the drivers are legal intercity buses require payment for transporting a snowboard in the luggage compartment. And I also encountered the following phenomenon: in Belokurikha they remade a pre-purchased e-ticket and for this they charged an additional fee of about one hundred rubles. The electronic ticket itself was more expensive than a regular one, and for some reason they exchanged it for a regular one, taking additional money.

why on the bus Zaporozhye Kyiv departure time from Zaporozhye 20 00 26 10 2013 there was a lazy stewardess for 10 hours on the way she sat in a chair and answered all the questions I don’t know that we need to serve tea and coffee, we found out when we were driving back from Kyiv route Kyiv Simferopol from 03 11 13 departure time 14 55 the girl wandered around the cabin about five times offering literally everyone tea, coffee and cookies, and this Zaporozhye woman introduced herself into the microphone and made a message, you can order tea, coffee, beer and cookies, who will understand that beer is also free7

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Every day, passenger minibuses and buses travel throughout Belarus and beyond. Transport is often loaded with bags and suitcases to capacity. If a large bus has a luggage compartment, then in a compact minibus the overload of paintings, baskets and cardboard is very noticeable. Meanwhile, the Road Transport Rules clearly indicate how, what and in what quantities can be loaded onto buses. Marina Kopachel, manager of the Minsk-Grodno Buy company, told the TAM.BY team about the nuances.

Types of luggage

Baggage is divided by size into small, medium and large.

- small: size 60x40x20 cm or up to 120 cm in the sum of the measurements of three sides, and weight no more than 20 kilos;

- medium-sized: size 100x50x30 cm or up to 180 cm in the sum of the measurements of three sides. Weight - up to 40 kilos;

- large-sized: size 100x50x30 or more than 180 cm in the sum of three sides. Weighing over 40 kilos.

What can you carry for free?

First, let’s decide how many bags and suitcases you don’t need to pay for. This is one piece of small carry-on baggage and personal items such as wearable clothing, an umbrella, a mobile phone, a camera, a portable video camera, and a cane. You can also take for free one bag, folder or bag for personal items and documents measuring up to 40 x 20 x 10 cm or the sum of three dimensions no more than 70 cm and weighing no more than 5 kilos.

On routes within the country, you can carry a specially trained guide dog. Small pets: cats, dogs, birds are also included in the free baggage allowance. But this must be done in cages, boxes or bags with a waterproof bottom. In this case, responsibility for compliance with safety measures and sanitary standards falls on the passenger.

If the size of cages and carriers is larger than permitted free transportation, then you have to pay.

Can I carry any amount of luggage for money?

No. If the bus does not have a luggage compartment, then for an additional fee you can carry no more than one piece of small carry-on luggage. If the transport has a compartment for bags, then paid carriage of two pieces of small-sized luggage or one piece of medium-sized luggage is allowed.

If you have more than the specified number of suitcases and bags, you can put them in your luggage if technically possible and with the consent of the carrier.

How to check in luggage?

Luggage can only be accepted from passengers with tickets for this bus. Upon delivery paid luggage the carrier issues a special receipt: one part of it is glued to the bags, the other is given to the owner of the items.

The baggage receipt must contain the number, name of the carrier or operator, cost of baggage transportation, information on the number of pieces and their size, declared value, notes on acceptance and delivery of baggage by the carrier.

You must keep this receipt until the end of your trip. This is the only way to get your luggage back without any problems. There will be as many receipts as the number of pieces of luggage you checked in. However, they are not valid without a bus ticket.

After all your items have been given to you, the receipt remains with the driver. This means that your luggage arrived safely and you have no complaints against the carrier. If the damage was discovered after you, for example, had already arrived home, then you can file a claim within 24 hours from the moment your baggage is picked up.

If problems are discovered at the time of receiving things, then a report is drawn up on the spot and a note is made on the baggage receipt.

What to do with valuables?

When handing over items for transportation, the passenger can declare their value. The corresponding note will be made on the baggage receipt. In this case, the declared value should not exceed the real value.

What if you forgot to pick up your luggage?

Forgotten items - luggage, hand luggage - are stored by the carrier for 30 days. If there are perishable products there, they will be destroyed and a report will be drawn up.

If the owner of the items does not show up within 30 days, the carrier will conduct a commission assessment of the value of the luggage and sell it. If things are not valuable, they will be destroyed with the drawing up of an act.

But this is not the end. The passenger can receive the proceeds from the sale of his luggage within 6 months. True, the carrier will deduct from it the costs of storing and selling things.

What to do if your luggage is lost?

If luggage is lost or damaged due to the fault of the carrier, then you need to draw up a report, which will become the basis for compensation for damage. The document is drawn up by a representative of the passenger terminal operator, and in some cases - by an authorized government agency. It is signed by both the passenger and the carrier’s representative.

A claim can be made within three months from the date of loss or damage to luggage. The carrier must review the application and respond to it within 30 days from the date of submission.

If a passenger receives an application for baggage release, but the carrier does not return it within 14 days, then the items are considered lost. In this situation, the culprit is obliged to compensate for the damage.

But if the luggage is found within a year, the passenger has 30 days to pick it up and return to the carrier the amount that he paid as damages.

If your baggage receipt is lost

In this case, you can get things, but you need to write a statement and provide convincing evidence that the luggage really belongs to you. Then an issuance certificate is drawn up, which indicates the passenger’s passport details and an inventory of things.

If the carrier doubts that the luggage really belongs to you, then he has the right to demand a deposit. After three months, your money will be returned to you. True, provided that no other contender for these things appears.

Do these rules work in all cases?

Any trip is a contract concluded between the passenger and the carrier. By purchasing a ticket, you automatically agree to the terms of this agreement. And there may be other rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage.

Legislative nuances only work if otherwise is not provided for by the terms of the carrier’s contract. Some of them completely refuse to bear responsibility for the safety of luggage. This is written in the operating conditions of a particular carrier. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with these nuances in advance.

In other cases, the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights, the Law on Road Transport and Road Transport and the Rules for the Road Transport of Passengers will help passengers defend their rights.

There are a number of restrictions that you need to be aware of so as not to find yourself in a sticky situation. Here are the types of cargo that will not be allowed on the bus: What counts?

What's on the bus? These are things that travel separately from the passenger.

This is their main difference from the so-called carry-on luggage. What can be hand luggage? The size of free luggage on the bus is items whose total volume does not take up more than one seat you paid for.

There are a number of restrictions that you need to be aware of so as not to find yourself in a sticky situation.

Here are some items that will not be allowed on the bus: What is considered baggage? What's on the bus? Baggage refers to items that travel separately from the passenger. This is their main difference from the so-called carry-on luggage.

What can be hand luggage?

The size of free luggage on the bus is items whose total volume does not take up more than one seat you paid for.

Baggage parameters for payment in public transport

Passenger's belongings that have not passed customs clearance, as well as all other items, goods, substances prohibited for transportation across the state border of the Russian Federation, are not allowed for international transportation. Attention! These rules are not mandatory; carriers may act in accordance with their own tariffs.

You can get advice by calling the phone number listed on the website.

Transportation rules.

What do you need to pay for?

What is luggage on the bus?

What do you need to pay for?

2) carry with you free hand luggage in the amount of no more than one piece, the length, width and height of which in total do not exceed one hundred and twenty centimeters, one pair of skis in a case, a children's sled, a baby stroller.

The granddaughter was carrying a 40x35 cm bag and a 35x43 cm bag on the bus. She was forced to buy a baggage ticket. I think this is an incorrect requirement.

What are the transportation limits on the bus?

Z. Efimova, Chebarkul district

The calculation formula is simple: the parameters should not exceed 60 × 40 × 20 cm in three parameters: length, height, width. In this case, the sum of the three sides should be less than 1 m 20 cm.

So that there are no misunderstandings when transporting things on a passenger plane.

View full version: Does a baby stroller count? Do you need to pay for it?

Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation


Requirements for city routes

Conditions and procedure for passenger travel


Requirements to suburban routes


Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road in the territory Russian Federation.

1. Rules for the carriage of passengers and luggage by road in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

You can carry luggage free of charge on trains, planes, and ships.

And in intercity buses in Karelia they charge 100 rubles for carrying luggage, even if the luggage is a small bag.

Moreover, no receipts are issued. Is it correct?

Organization engineer answers the question passenger transportation State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Karelavtotrans” Vladimir Anasyev:

– Carriage in the luggage compartment of a bus must be paid for – this is a requirement of Federal Law No. 259-FZ of November 8.

If there is no luggage compartment, the luggage is carried in passenger compartment bus, while no fee is charged for one item, and the rest of the luggage is paid at the current rate.

Passengers with disabilities have the right to carry personal mobility aids (crutches, wheelchairs, etc.) free of charge.

Rules for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage

“You often have to travel on a commuter bus.

Publish the rules for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage, otherwise I can’t find this information anywhere.” Vladimir Semenovich (Kursk).

The conditions for the carriage of hand luggage in road transport are determined by the “Rules for the carriage of passengers and road transport in the RSFSR”. They are approved by order.

Rules for the carriage of passengers in urban public transport

The responsibilities of the conductor and driver are specified in job descriptions.

But this does not mean that passengers do not have any responsibilities. We list what requirements are put forward by law. Complies with the requirements established by the rules traffic, schedules and diagrams of vehicle movement along routes.

Makes traffic stops at every stopping point on routes, except in emergency situations.

Traveling by bus is not yet as popular as traveling by plane or train. And if no one has any questions about luggage and hand luggage on a flight for a long time, then how many bags or suitcases can you take with you on the bus? What is considered hand luggage? What if you need to carry something very large, for example, a bicycle or a snowboard? How to take your favorite dog or cat with you? Today we will find out the answers to all questions.

What is considered baggage and what is carry-on luggage

To begin with, we note that the procedure and rules for transporting luggage on buses are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2009 N112 “On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport.”

The norms for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage, including free baggage, can be set by each individual carrier, but they must not contradict the requirements provided for in Article 22 of the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

Baggage These are things that travel separately from the passenger. This is their main difference from the so-called carry-on luggage. You can take one piece of checked baggage and one piece of hand luggage free of charge. To understand how much this is, measure your suitcase in advance: if the sum of three dimensions (length, width and height) does not exceed 120 centimeters, and the weight does not exceed 30 kilograms, you fit into the baggage allowance. This suitcase will need to be checked in as luggage.

If you have several large bags, this is additional luggage. For an additional fee, you can transport bags with dimensions of 100x50x30 centimeters. If the bus is equipped with a special luggage compartment, you will receive two pieces of luggage, each with dimensions of 100x30x30 centimeters. The weight of each piece cannot exceed 60 kilograms.

Hand luggage is small size a bag that will travel with you in the cabin. This bag should take up no more than one seat you paid for. If you can’t fit it on your lap, in your legs, or under the seat in front, then it’s no longer carry-on luggage, but luggage, and you’ll have to check it into a special compartment. Taking an adjacent seat or placing a bag in the aisle is prohibited by transportation rules.

Where will your luggage go?

Photo: @ghpvisuals / @paulrysz

Suitcases and bags, as well as strollers, bicycles and other large luggage are transported in a special luggage compartment of the bus. Most often, the bus driver accepts the luggage, and either the passenger or the driver puts the luggage in the compartment and unloads it.

Baggage acceptance is issued by a receipt: it can be either a paper form or a token with a number that is assigned to the suitcase.

How much does extra luggage cost?

We have already indicated above what size luggage you can take with you for free. If your suitcase is larger or you want to take several bags with you, you will have to pay for them at the rates set by the carrier. Unfortunately, they are not regulated; each bus company sets them.

Average cost extra baggage is 20% of the ticket price. You can pay for your luggage either directly on the bus (the driver will accept the money) or at the ticket office at the bus station.

For example, in the Moscow region, carrying luggage whose parameters exceed the established norm will cost 22 rubles if you are traveling 25 kilometers or less from the city, 44 rubles (distance from 25 to 50 kilometers) or 66 rubles (over 60 kilometers from Moscow ).

If you travel by bus to Europe, fares will be in euros. The average surcharge will be from 10 to 15 euros per bag. Transporting a folded bicycle will cost 10-20 euros, depending on the carrier.

Please note that they can accept a child's sled, a pair of skis, small animals and birds in a cage for free - but this will be hand luggage, and you will have to fit them in the cabin.

In addition, strollers and wheelchairs will be accepted free of charge and without questions asked. Both will need to be added.

Please also note that oversized cargo may not be accepted even with an additional payment if there is not enough space in the luggage compartment. It is better to clarify this issue in advance at the bus station or directly with the carrier.

How to transport an animal on a bus

Photo: @freestocks

It all depends on what kind of animal you take with you. According to the rules for transporting luggage on buses, small animals (dogs, cats, rabbits) travel with the owner for free: they are considered hand luggage. For a large dog you will have to buy a ticket, as well as a muzzle and a leash.

A small dog or cat will have to be placed in a special container, bag or carrier basket. It is best to carry it in your arms: it can shake on the floor, the sound of the engine is better heard and the legs of passing passengers flash, which is not very good for the animal’s condition (transportation itself is stressful, do not aggravate it).

If you are traveling with a large dog, you will be seated in the back of the bus. You cannot let the animal off the leash while driving, and at stops, if you go out to get some fresh air and stretch your legs, you will have to take it with you.

Be prepared to present a certificate from a veterinarian about the health status of your pet (Veterinary Certificate, Form No. 1). The certificate must contain information about vaccinations, including against rabies (it is valid for 1 year).

What can't be carried as luggage on a bus?

On buses, as on trains and planes, there are a number of luggage restrictions. So, you cannot take the following with you on the road.


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