An example is the Island of Tears memorial complex. Hello everyone and welcome! Memory embodied in stone

The Island of Tears in Minsk or in other words the Island of Courage and Sorrow is located right on the Svisloch River, on a very small artificial island. For many years now it has been here as a reminder of modern history there is a monument to Afghan soldiers who did not return home from that damned war.

Belarus remembers all its sons, which is why this event was organized in the Belarusian capital unusual place: very beautiful and sad, full of quiet sorrow.

Located in the center of the Old Town, near the Trinity Suburb, it is somehow isolated from the roar of cars and the bustle of people. It is never noisy here; there is an atmosphere of endless sadness for the untimely departed.

An arched bridge leads to the center of the memorial. Its beauty emphasizes the ugliness and cruelty of any war, and the time of movement makes it possible to concentrate and more fully understand our sad losses (it’s a pity that photos from the Island of Tears in Minsk do not fully convey the atmosphere of this place).

More than 30 thousand Belarusians took part in that terrible Afghan war: 789 of them returned home in zinc sealed coffins, 12 are still considered missing, 718 people remained disabled. The rest returned to peaceful life, but with souls forever scorched by war.

Eternal memory to the heroes

Memorial of Lamentations

At the very beginning of the path, near the bridge, there is a stone with a bronze icon of the Mother of God imprinted on it. “To the sons who died in Afghanistan” - this is what is written below, because this boulder was laid as the foundation of the entire complex in 1988.

In the middle of the island stands a chapel, partially similar to the original Temple of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, as it was back in the 12th century.

“To the sons of the Fatherland who died outside its borders” - that’s what it says here. Surrounded by the chapel there are tall sculptures of mourning women - these are mothers, wives, daughters and brides of those who did not return from a foreign land.

Some of the women are holding lit lamps and icons - they are still hoping and waiting.

Those who stand a little behind already know for sure that their loved ones, loved ones, and relatives will not return: their faces have become stony from grief.

A cross with a ruby ​​rises above the Temple-Monument. In the evenings, a lantern from below illuminates the stone, and it acquires a bright red color, symbolizing the blood of Jesus Christ and the blood of fallen Belarusian soldiers.

There are also bells with steel strings attached to them. These strings hum in the wind, creating unusual solemn sounds together with the ringing of bells - a requiem for the souls of fallen soldiers.

Chapel of Remembrance

Inside the memorial chapel there are four altars, where the names of all Belarusian soldiers who died in a foreign country, in Afghanistan, are immortalized. A memorial candle can be lit next to each name written.

The entire temple - its walls and dome - are covered with paintings: scenes from biblical books. There are also archangels Gabriel and Michael. Since the ancient times of the Battle of Grunwald, they have been revered as patrons of the people of Belarus.

I was unable to get inside; I could only observe all this through the metal bars of the grille.

4 icons are located inside the chapel. “Mother Holy Belarus”, on it the Belarusian land took on the image of the Mother, to whom her beloved and loving sons came - soldiers of all military battles. On the other icon is Saint Euphrosyne. With her open hands, like wings, she wants to protect all people from harm. The third icon, “Don’t cry for me, Mom,” depicts a soldier, and next to him is a woman, as a symbol of a mother or bride.

Another icon depicting Catholic and Orthodox saints is called “Prayer of 14 saints for Belarus” with a prayer text carved right there. Nearby is the cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, it calls people to peace so that we never know what war is.

At the very center of this majestic monument is a capsule containing a list of all those who died in Afghanistan, as well as a message to future generations. There is also Afghan land, which mothers brought to their native land from the places where their sons died.

Memory embodied in stone

A little to the side stands a bronze figurine of the Weeping Angel. Covering his face with his hands, he mourns those who died on foreign soil and those who died from wounds - mental and physical - having already returned home to their homeland.

Surprisingly, there is water in the bowl below the Angel’s feet. He probably cries often and a lot.

Throughout the “Island of Tears” there are big stones with the names of cities in Afghanistan where battles took place and people died.

There are always fresh flowers near them. Even the weeping willows surrounding the Temple bowed their branches low in prostration to the dead.

A symbolic funeral table completes the memorial complex. Relatives, friends and colleagues of the deceased often gather here.

There is even a tradition according to which newlyweds or simply lovers visit this place to lay flowers in memory of the guys who have left and have not returned and stand silently for several minutes, holding hands. It is believed that such a ritual saves a man from trouble.

May peace and harmony reign on Earth

At first, this memory complex was conceived as a dedication only to Afghan soldiers, but, unfortunately, this was not the only war that took many very young lives.

Now this sad place has become a tribute to our memory to everyone who did not return home from the battlefields. The construction of such a grandiose memorial began at a time when the blood of our guys was still being shed in Afghanistan, but its opening took place on August 3, 1996. The creation of this memorial lasted 8 long years...

When visiting the Island of Tears, seeing the inconsolable figures turned to stone by Grief itself, an unexpected thought comes to mind.

Perhaps to some it will seem not entirely appropriate in such a place: there is definitely someone in this world to whom we are dear. Maybe it's our parents or friends, but they love us and constantly pray to God for our well-being.

So let's take care of ourselves and each other. After all, it’s not difficult! Hug someone, say encouraging words, and just smile at someone! And let the person smile back, and then there will be a little more happiness, kindness and joy in the world!

If you are in Minsk, be sure to visit the “Island of Courage and Sorrow”. This majestic place is truly worthy of your attention.

Where is it, how to get there

The Island of Tears is located in the center of old Minsk near Trinity Suburb. You can get here by metro, arriving at Nemiga station. Or by land transport to the stop of the same name.

After this you will need to cross the bridge over the Svisloch River.

Coordinates of the Island of Courage and Sorrow: 53.90974, 27.55514.

You can find this and other city attractions on the map of Minsk.

And my walk through the memorial on Lamentation Island in Minsk took place on April 8, 2016. I invite you to join me to see other hospitable Belarusian capitals.

Minsk has a huge variety of housing options. It’s very easy to rent an apartment or room on the service, or book a hotel through it.

The map below shows various sights of Belarus where I was able to visit. You can see more details about each of them.

“Island of Courage and Sorrow” is a memorial dedicated to the Belarusian internationalist soldiers who died in Afghanistan in 1979-1989. The complex is located on an artificial island on the Svisloch River, in the very center of Old Minsk, next to the Trinity Suburb.

The monument is made in the form of a temple

in front of the monument near the bridge there is a boulder, inside of which there is a bronze icon of the Mother of God

On this stone there is a text in Belarusian: “This temple was erected to the sons who died in Afghanistan...” And then the line - “So that there is no evil either on our own or on someone else’s land...”

Map of the Island of Tears

It was raining heavily during our visit, which added greyness to this already not cheerful place...

The monument in the form of a temple is surrounded by figures of mourning women, personifying Belarusian mothers who mourn their sons who did not return from the war.

On the walls there are 771 names of fallen Afghan soldiers. These are Belarusians, natives of the republic, and those who are buried on Belarusian soil

Relatives and friends can light a candle next to each name. Each altar contains an icon. The first icon "Matsi Saint Belarus" in the image of a mother to whom her sons came to worship

The next icon is “Euphrosyne of Polatsk – intercessor of the Belarusian people” in the image of Saint Euphrosyne, kneeling with outstretched hands, with which she, like the wings of a bird, is trying to cover and protect her people.

The third icon is “Don’t cry for me, mother,” a soldier stands in the center, next to him is a female image that symbolizes his mother, bride, grandmother...

And the fourth icon “Malitva of 14 saints for Belarus”. Images of 14 saints canonized by the Orthodox and Catholic churches with a bronze text of prayer. “Keep us, Lord, from brotherly adversity” - this phrase reflects the main meaning of this prayer. Here is the cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, calling for agreement and reconciliation

monument - Weeping Angel. He mourns those who died from mental and physical wounds after the war in Afghanistan

Throughout the territory there are boulders on which are carved the names of the Afghan provinces where Soviet units fought.

A table of memory at which relatives, friends and friends of the fallen children can gather

All memorial Complex was conceived as a monument to the soldiers killed in Afghanistan. But now it has become a monument to all Belarusians who died in battles of all times

You can get to the island by crossing a small humpbacked bridge. This place is surrounded by sad romance; newlyweds come here to pay tribute to the memory of the dead children, bring flowers and, according to tradition, the groom carries his bride in his arms across the bridge.

The place, although gloomy, is very beautiful, so you should visit it

I won’t say that we specifically set aside a day to visit this memorial complex, but while walking around historical places We finally reached Minsk and the Island, which, however, I was advised to see.

Island of Tears in Minsk: how to find it?

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

Of course, the easiest way to get to the Island is from the Nemiga metro station. You literally get out of the metro, cross the bridge, pass through a piece of suburbia and find yourself at the bridge leading to Island of Courage and Sorrow (second name of the Island of Tears).

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

But we walked a little from the other side, so after walking in Upper town We walked to the outskirts and from there to the Island.

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

Addresses near the Island of Tears , as such, no. But you can focus on Starovilenskaya Street, 16. This is just opposite the bridge to the island.

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

Visiting the Island is free! Actually, in Minsk, and in Belarus, there are enough free attractions. And this is much better than if people (not only tourists, but also local residents) would pay for everything.

Excursion to the Island of Tears from me

Before talking about what is on this Island, I want to clarify its concept.

"Island of Courage and Sorrow"(belor. Resurrection of Men and Troubles, Also "Island of tears") - a memorial dedicated to the Belarusian internationalist soldiers who died in Afghanistan in 1979-1989. More than 30,000 Belarusians took part in the war, of which 789 people died, 12 people went missing, and 718 people were left crippled.

Yes, unfortunately, if we just look back and look into history (centenary and recent), we will definitely notice how the threads of wars run through it like a red line. Wars occur both large-scale and slightly smaller, both on our territories and in countries far from our borders. Of course, there is nothing good in war and people simply die there. Great amount of people.

About 30 years ago, Belarusian soldiers also died in the war in Afghanistan. In their honor, in honor of those who fought and created such an unusual memorial, standing on an artificially created island.

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

Getting to the Island of Tears is very simple, you just need to cross the Humpback Bridge to the other side.

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

When entering the bridge area, pay attention to icon of the Mother of God , which looks more like a sculptural composition embedded in stone.

The inscription underneath reads:

“This temple was erected for the sons who died in Afghanistan...”

“So that there is no evil either on our own or on someone else’s land...”

Very correct words. I don’t wish war on anyone, I wouldn’t want people to die on anyone’s territory.

The island itself seems well-groomed and abandoned at the same time. Yes, everything is clean, the lawn is mowed, there are benches. But at the same time, there are reeds all around, overgrown bushes and, in my opinion, this is even better. Who needs demonstrative gloss when we talk about grief and loss?

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

Moving deeper into the island, willy-nilly, you stop near sculptures Weeping Angel .

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

"Crying angel" is part of the memorial dedicated to the Belarusian internationalist soldiers who died in Afghanistan in 1979-1989. The sculpture depicts a small crying angel who, according to the architects’ idea, inconsolably mourns the dead guys.

It is very difficult and sad to be around him. A lump comes to your throat, emotions begin to intensify and you don’t know what you want more: to move away from the angel or to cry next to him.

We are used to the fact that angels are shown exclusively smiling, kind, sweet, and not so heartbroken.

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

A little past the angel you can see funeral table.

While we were there, we were watching a tour of the Chinese, who were told about this very table, so I didn’t even go closer to them, deciding that it would be better for me near the water, because I wanted to calm down my emotions after the crying sculpture. Therefore I went down to Svisloch River .

What kind beautiful views You can see Minsk from there. And how contrasting it looks Old city against the backdrop of new and low-rise buildings against the backdrop of huge buildings.

Minsk, "Island of Tears"

The memorial includes a small chapel, on the walls of which are inscribed the names of all Belarusians who died in Afghanistan. On the walls inside the chapel there are 771 names of fallen Afghan soldiers. These are Belarusians, natives of the republic, and those who are buried on Belarusian soil.

The chapel is made very beautifully and unusually.

Firstly: the names of the fallen are carved inside and it reminds me very much of the Pantheon of Glory in Volgograd.

Secondly: externally, the chapel looks unusual, unlike any other temple or chapel that I have seen.

Third: did you know that the chapel even contains sand from Afghanistan? Can you imagine the symbolism?

Well, the sculptures around give the appearance a mournful look.

Actually, this is all that is on the Island of Tears, however, it leaves indelible impressions, a feeling of grief and loss.

Bottom line: The Island of Tears is not a place where you take Insta photos, where you stand and smile for the camera. It is a place of loss, a place of pain and sorrow.

Island of Tears in Minsk It has official name Island of courage and sorrow. Built in a bend of the Svisloch River, next to the Trinity Suburb, this memorial is a tribute to the Belarusian internationalist soldiers who participated in the war with Afghanistan of 1979-1989.

The Island of Tears in Minsk is an artificial island. Its construction began in 1988, when the war with Afghanistan was not yet over. However, the complex was officially opened only on August 3, 1996.

The Island of Tears in Minsk begins with a throw-over arch bridge.At the entrance there is a large boulder with a bronze icon of the Mother of God embedded in it. Below the icon is a text revealing the purpose of the memorial: “This temple was erected for the sons who died in Afghanistan. So that there is no evil either on our own or on someone else’s land.” It was this boulder that was installed on the Island of Tears back in 1988 as a foundation stone.

The central element of the Island of Tears complex in Minsk is chapel in memory of internationalist soldiers(chapel-monument to the Sons of the Fatherland who died outside its borders). The chapel on the Island of Tears in Minsk partially adopted the original appearance of the Church of Euphrosyne of Polotsk in Polotsk. The names of all Belarusians who died in Afghanistan are written on the walls of this chapel. In total - 771 names.

The Island of Tears memorial complex in Minsk would be incomplete withoutsculptures of a weeping guardian angel. The Angel on the Island of Tears is a monument not only to those “Belarusian-Afghans” who died during the war, but also to those who died from mental and physical wounds after returning to their homeland.

On the territory of the Island of Tears memorial complex in Minsk there are largeboulder stones with the names of Afghan provinces where Soviet troops fought, and therefore where Belarusians died.

The symbolic Island of Tears in Minsk completes the complexfuneral table . Follow him in memorable days Relatives, relatives and friends of Belarusians who died in Afghanistan gather.

Even with its landscape, the Island of Tears in Minsk embodies the idea of ​​memory and grief. The Island of Tears in Minsk rises more than three meters above the surrounding landscape; the surface of the island is uneven, with many stones. All this symbolizes the Afghan mountains, which have become a place of eternal rest for many Belarusians. The memorial composition is completed by weeping willows bending over the water.

The Island of Tears in Minsk was created as a monument to internationalist soldiers who died outside their homeland, as a monument to Belarusians who learned the hard way that “Afghanistan is a country of sands and wild rocks..." (and there were about 30 thousand such Belarusians!) But todayThe Island of Tears in Minsk is a monument to all Belarusians who died in wars and battles of all times; This is a monument created for all living people, as a common memory and pain.

Island of Tears in Minsk (Minsk, Belarus) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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In the heart of Minsk, its historical center, there is a place, after visiting which even the strongest men will feel a lump in their throat. Here, on a small artificial island, there is a memorial dedicated to the Belarusians who died during the war in Afghanistan. For centuries, Belarus suffered from numerous wars that raged on its territory, so it is also hard for that distant war, which took hundreds of young people from it.

More than 30 thousand Belarusians took part in the fighting in Afghanistan. In every Belarusian city who lost their natives, monuments were erected in their honor.

The official name of the memorial is “Island of Courage and Sorrow”; Minsk residents call it the Island of Tears. Construction of the complex began back in 1988, when the flames of the Afghan war had already died out, and ended in 1996.

Full of symbolism, the memorial includes several elements. Next to the bridge leading to the island there is a boulder, in a niche of which there is a bronze sculpture of the Mother of God and a tablet with the following text: “This monument temple was built for the sons who died in Afghanistan on behalf of Belarusian mothers, who do not want evil to dominate their land.” , nor on foreign soil." In the center of the island there is a temple, the silhouette of which resembles the original appearance of the Church of Euphrosyne of Polotsk from the 11th century. Inside the monument there are four altars on which the names of 771 fallen Afghan soldiers are carved. You can put a candle next to each name. The inner surface of the walls and the dome are painted with scenes on biblical themes. The archangels Gabriel and Michael are depicted here - the patrons of the Belarusian army since the time of the Battle of Grunwald.

A ruby ​​is inserted into the cross rising above the temple, illuminated by a lantern installed under the floor. The bright red stone symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ. In the center of the temple there is sand brought from Afghanistan, as well as soil from the graves of fallen soldiers. A capsule with an appeal to descendants is also kept here. Metal strings stretch from the dome to the ground, symbolizing the connection between the earthly and the eternal.

Another element of the memorial complex is the figure of a weeping guardian angel who did not save his ward from death. Also scattered around the island are boulders with the names of Afghan provinces carved on them, on whose territory the most brutal battles took place.

This quiet place Often visited by newlyweds who lay flowers next to the boulder. And every year on February 15, the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, combat veterans from all over Belarus come to the Island of Tears to once again meet and remember their comrades.

Practical information

The Island of Tears is located in the Old Town on the bend of the Svisloch River, across the road from the house located at the address: Minsk, Starovilenskaya, 16. The nearest metro station, Nemiga, is 500 m away. GPS coordinates: 53.9098; 27.5546


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