Shahan is a low but interesting mountain in Gelendzhik. Mountains of Gelendzhik: Mount Shakhan and the fortress from the film Thunder Gates Waterfalls of Mount Shakhan

There are many in Gelendzhik beautiful places, both on the Black Sea coast and in the mountains. In the article “” we will look at the features of Mount Shahan, how to get there and what to see.

Mount Shakhan, translated from the Circassian language, is called “forest between the upper reaches.” This translation fully describes the picturesqueness of those places, because forests occupy 80% of the territory of the Gelendzhik district.

The peaks and slopes of the mountains are often blown by the nor'easters; shrubs such as rosehip, hawthorn, blackthorn, butcher's broom, orchard tree and drought-resistant grass grow on them. In the depressions and crevices of the mountains you can find trees such as oak, poplar, linden, yew, rhododendron, beech, hornbeam, etc. The air in the mountains is saturated with ozone, filled with the aroma of pine needles, herbs, and cleared of dust and various harmful impurities. When you get to Mount Shahan, you immediately feel lightness of breathing, your mood improves and your whole body feels invigorated.

Video of Jipping at Storm Gates

The height above sea level of Mount Shahan is 740 meters. Many passenger cars cannot overcome natural obstacles on the way to Mount Shahan, the best option drive to the designated point in an SUV or a prepared jeep. Mount Shahan on the map in Gelendzhik:

A small but picturesque ridge in the vicinity of the Gelendzhik resort is Mount Shakhan. Climbing it does not take much time and does not require special physical training. Visit natural object You can go by car, which allows you to see all the beauty reserved corner in a short time.

Where is Mount Shahan located on the map

It is located east of Gelendzhik. Near it there are many other mountains that deserve your attention - Kolyuchki (711 m), Abin (728 m), Krikun (412 m), Kazachya (793 m). Immediate settlements– Wide Gap and Renaissance.

Geography and nature of the peak

Mount Shahan cannot be called large - its height is only 704 m. It is located on the Kotsekhur massif, the western section of which belongs to the Main Caucasus ridge. Two turbulent rivers originate here - Zhane and Abin, notable for many historical and natural attractions.

Shahan is covered with dense vegetation: water meadows, flower meadows and groves. At the peak you can find a number of convenient observation platforms and mountain terraces, from where incredible views open panoramic view to the mountainous terrain around.

During the Civil War in the 20th century, fierce battles took place here. At the very top there is a memorial sign in the form of a red star on a pedestal, dedicated to the tragic events of that time. The sign placed on it says that in August 1919, a detachment of Red partisans defeated the White Guards here. The monument appeared on the ridge in the fall of 1982.

Mount Shahan became widely known thanks to the filming of the multi-part feature film “Storm Gates,” which took place nearby. The plot of the film tells about the tragic events of the Chechen War. The series premiered in 2006, and since then the flow of tourists to the attraction has increased several times. In memory of the filming that took place here, a fake fortress remained: its picturesque ruins became real business card array.

Interestingly, not far from the town in the Mostovsky district Krasnodar region, there is also Mount Shahan. Gelendzhik is hundreds of kilometers away from this village, so the peaks have nothing in common with each other, although sometimes confusion still arises due to the same names.

Rest on Mount Shahan

Mount Shahan is quite famous among tourists. Often, organized groups visit it as part of an off-road trip to nearby waterfalls and the ruins of the fortress. You can go on such a trip on your own, but you need to be extremely careful on the rocky, bumpy mountain serpentine. The path is laid along a dirt road, which is quite difficult to overcome with a low-slung car: it can only be passed by well-passed vehicles.

The Shahan massif can be climbed on foot using several routes. The following are the most popular among travelers:

  1. From the rocks "Grey Monasteries" (second name “Krasnodar Pillars”) - the most complex of all, but beautiful and interesting. The road starts from the Melnichny waterfall - it goes up and leads along a series of rocks. After a kilometer you need to turn left and exit onto the spur of Mount Thab. The trail goes up sharply - you should be extremely careful here, and in wet weather it is better to have an alpenstock with you. The road goes around the top to the right. After 700 m it reaches the edge of the Kotsekhursky ridge and turns left. Further, the height gradually begins to decrease and, a kilometer later, you will encounter a fork in the path: here you need to keep to the right. At first the path will be flat, then it will climb steeply again. After 200m there is an open area filled with tree debris, and after 1.5km the trail turns into a gravel path leading past a radar station civil aviation. She comes out to the barrier near the mini-pond. After about 100 m, another well-worn path departs from it, which, after a steep descent, will lead to the Monument to the Red Guards. The length of this path is 12 km. You can cover the distance in 5 hours;
  2. From the village of Erivanskaya . The route starts from the road at the final stop of the village, along which you need to go up the Abina valley. In 2-3 hours you will meet a hunting cordon - small house in the center of a spacious clearing. From this point the trail will go to the river headwaters. Further, after 5 km, there is the Abin trigapoint. The road becomes a ridge and turns left. After 3-4 km it will lead to a memorial sign at the top of Shahan. It's pretty cool here in places;
  3. From the village of Vozrozhdenie . From the stop where transport leaves for Gelendzhik, you need to go towards the resort to the west. After about 200 m, near the turn to the right, you will see a sign for the waterfalls of the Genet River. Continue in this direction and, without turning off the main road, go to the top of the Kotsekhursky ridge. After 9-10 km it will lead to a fork: here turn left and go down the path that will lead to the monument on Shahana Peak.

To climb the last two routes, it is quite possible to use an SUV. During the hike you will discover magnificent mountain landscapes: endless meadows, bright flower meadows, panorama of the Main Caucasus Range, views of distant cities and villages. Everyone should definitely visit - here you will take unusual photos.

Another interesting attraction is the waterfalls of Mount Shahan. They are located in the Jane Valley. They are very low - up to 11 m, but picturesque. Groups of thresholds are located at an insignificant distance from each other. They amaze with their modest beauty, and the area near them is considered a real “place of power”, where, according to tourists, it is pleasant to meditate. Not far from the cascades, a number of ancient dolmen groups are also found - mysterious and interesting buildings from an archaeological and cultural point of view.

How to get there (get there)?

We told you about the routes in detail. Now we will show the most successful route on the map for a car - from the village. Revival. Here he is:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Gelendzhik city district, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.59195, 38.24396.

Mount Shahan is ideal for an active walk with the whole family - climbing it does not take much effort and requires minimal physical training. Resort guests will be treated to incredible panoramas of the nearby mountains, the grandeur of which is impossible to remain indifferent to. In conclusion - a video about this attraction, enjoy watching!

Mount Shakhan is located on the Kotsekhur ridge in the upper reaches of the Abin and Zhane rivers. The fastest way to the top of the mountain is from the village of Vozrozhdenie and the village of Erivanskaya. On Mount Shahan there is a monument dedicated to the civil war of the twenties of the last century. Usually this mountain is visited on the way to another attraction -.

Mount Shahan on the map

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Mount Shakhan is located on the Kotsekhur ridge in the upper reaches of the Abin and Zhane rivers. The fastest way to the top of the mountain is from the village of Vozrozhdenie and the village of Erivanskaya.

Shahan 44.591812, 38.244438 Mount Shakhan is located on the Kotsekhur ridge in the upper reaches of the Abin and Zhane rivers. The fastest way to the top of the mountain is from the village of Vozrozhdenie and the village of Erivanskaya. Mount Shahan

How to get there:

Walking distance from the Monasteries rocks. 12 km, walk approximately 4-5 hours.

A marked path goes up from the Melnichny Falls to the right. The trail runs along the ridge of Monastyri rocks. Next, after about 1 km, turn left and walk along the spur to the town of Tkhab. The trail gains altitude, with steep clay climbs in places. There is nothing to do here without an alpenstock in wet weather. Before the top of Thab, the trail turns right and traverses the town of Thab. Then after 700 m we come to a small edge on the ridge. Kotsekhur and we find ourselves on the ridge road. We turn left onto the road.

The road gradually drops in height and after 1 km there is a fork. Let's turn right. The ridge road goes up smoothly, but after 50 m there is a steep climb through an open area. After 200 m we reach a gentle peak with piles of logs. After about 1.5 km the road becomes gravel. Let's go straight. Further on the right will be located radar station civil aviation. It has the shape of a huge ball. We go further along the ridge road. There will be slight ups and downs in places.

After walking about 5 km we come to a barrier that is open all the time. 800 m on the right small lake, overgrown with cattails, and on the left there is a block house, it is closed all the time. Behind the lake and behind the house there are springs in the streams.

From the lake along the main road, after 70 m, a well-worn ridge road goes to the right. After 100 m the road turns left and a steep descent begins. After about 80 m we go to the monument to the Red Army revolutionaries on the town of Shakhan

From Erivanskaya on foot or by SUV.

From the final stop we follow the main road up the Abina valley. The road crosses Abin ten times and after 2.5 hours we reach the Erivan hunting cordon. There is a large clearing and a large house. From the cordon in a southern direction there is a road up to the top of Abin. The road has steep sections in places. After 5 kilometers we come out to an open area, on the right is the trigapoint of the Abin peak. The road goes out onto the ridge, go left. Along the ridge road, without turning anywhere, after walking 3-4 km, we come to the monument on Shakhan. From Abin to the right on the spur you can see the remains of the set of the film “Storm Gates”.

From the village Revival on foot or by off-road vehicle.

From the stop at Gelendzhik we go towards Gelendzhik to the west. After 100-150 meters there will be a right turn with a sign “River Waterfalls.” To my wife." Straight along this road, without turning anywhere, we go up the ridge. Kotsekhur. The serpentine road overcomes steep sections. After 8-10 km on the ridge. Kotsekhur we come to a fork, turn left and go out onto a steep descent and approach the star-monument on Shakhan.


Latitude: 44.591812
Longitude: 38.244438

Previous story about our trip to the Caucasus: And the final chord of our trip to the Caucasus was a walk through the mountains of Gelendzhik, and in particular the climb to the Caucasus ridge, where there is a fortress specially made for filming film Storm Gates. Several years ago, when filming was taking place, I was nearby and heard frequent explosions. And even then I decided that someday I would get to this place.

The fortress has already become a tourist attraction, a local landmark. Tourists are taken here every day in UAZ cars. We, as true connoisseurs of an active lifestyle, went there on foot. In connection with this, a group of people from a UAZ passing by were envious of our good health.

Near the bridge over the Zhane River, in the village of Vozrozhdenie there is an old military road, which branches perpendicular to the Novorossiysk-Sochi highway. You have to climb up along it for about 10 km. By the way, you can drive there in a passenger car, although not to the very end.

We climbed up to Mount Shahan in 3 hours, had a snack and enjoyed the views of the surrounding mountains of Gelendzhik.

And then we walked for another hour along a fairly flat road along the Caucasus ridge to the fortress itself. Along the road they are building houses and cafes, apparently for completely exhausted tourists, or for those who have decided to live here for a while. The views of the low mountains of Gelendzhik are actually conducive to this type of vacation. On the way we met a cyclist, well done man, he probably saved so much time and managed to do more than ours.

If you have time and plan to spend the night, then from here you can walk to Mount Thab, see the ensemble of Monastyri rocks - famous among rock climbers, and go down to the Pshad waterfalls. Apparently, I will implement all this next year, since trips to the Caucasus have already become an annual ritual for me. I invite you to take part in this fairly easy route, but at the same time rich in impressions. Those who do not like to walk can use the services of horsemen on all-accessible UAZ vehicles.

The fortress itself would look quite natural if it weren’t for the cement between the stones. It is quite small in size, and is all dotted with bullet marks. Although most likely these holes were made with a drill.

On one of the walls there is even a peeling stylization of a fresco, with the faces of some gray-haired elders. And next to it is a carved silhouette of a lion.

The descent from the Gelendzhik mountains turned out to be much faster than the ascent. In 2 hours we reached the asphalt from the fortress. And if it weren’t for the callus on the heel, we would have gotten there even faster, since you can practically run there without getting tired at all.

Tired and slightly overheated by the May sun, but happy, we immediately rushed to the store for dinner. Fortunately, he is on the way to our camp.

And the next day we stayed in the camp and had a day of laziness, and sunbathed in a clearing next to, where we listened to the next stories of the guides, looked at tourists putting their foreheads to the dolmen slabs in anticipation of a miracle and met a child of the forests begging for juice from us .

Mount Shahan is located on the ridge. Kotsekhur in the upper reaches of the Abin and Zhene rivers. The object is easily accessible, picturesque and interesting. There is a landmark on Mount Shahan. There is a monument dedicated to the civil war of the twenties of the last century. From the monument one can clearly see the Zhenya valley, ridge. Kotsekhur. In summer, it is possible to get to Shahan by SUV. The shortest way to the top from the village. Renaissance and art. Erivanskaya.

We will try to tell you about all the routes to this peak.

Walking distance from the Monasteries rocks. 12 km, walk approximately 4-5 hours.

A marked path goes up from the Melnichny Falls to the right. The trail runs along the ridge of Monastyri rocks. Next, after about 1 km, turn left and walk along the spur to the town of Tkhab. The trail gains altitude, with steep clay climbs in places. There is nothing to do here without an alpenstock in wet weather. Before the top of Thab, the trail turns right and traverses the town of Thab. Then after 700 m we come to a small edge on the ridge. Kotsekhur and we find ourselves on the ridge road. We turn left onto the road.

The road gradually drops in height and after 1 km there is a fork. Let's turn right. The ridge road goes up smoothly, but after 50 m there is a steep climb through an open area. After 200 m we reach a gentle peak with piles of logs. After about 1.5 km the road becomes gravel. Let's go straight. Further on the right will be a civil aviation radar station. It has the shape of a huge ball. We go further along the ridge road. There will be slight ups and downs in places.

After walking about 5 km we come to a barrier that is open all the time. At 800 m on the right there is a small lake overgrown with cattails, and on the left there is a block house, it is closed all the time. Behind the lake and behind the house there are springs in the streams.

From the lake along the main road, after 70 m, a well-worn ridge road goes to the right. After 100 m the road turns left and a steep descent begins. After about 80 m we go to the monument to the Red Army revolutionaries on the town of Shakhan

From Erivanskaya on foot or by SUV.

From the final stop we follow the main road up the Abina valley. The road crosses Abin ten times and after 2.5 hours we reach the Erivan hunting cordon. There is a large clearing and a large house. From the cordon in a southern direction there is a road up to the top of Abin. The road has steep sections in places. After 5 kilometers we come out to an open area, on the right is the trigapoint of the Abin peak. The road goes out onto the ridge, go left. Along the ridge road, without turning anywhere, after walking 3-4 km, we come to the monument on Shakhan. From Abin to the right on the spur you can see the remains of the set of the film “Storm Gates”.

From the village Revival on foot or by off-road vehicle.

From the stop at Gelendzhik we go towards Gelendzhik to the west. After 100-150 meters there will be a right turn with a sign “River Waterfalls.” To my wife." Straight along this road, without turning anywhere, we go up the ridge. Kotsekhur. The serpentine road overcomes steep sections. After 8-10 km on the ridge. Kotsekhur we come to a fork, turn left and go out onto a steep descent and approach the star-monument on Shakhan.


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