What to do on a royal night. Scary stories and mystical stories. A unique collective experience

Everyone will agree that some of the most vivid memories of childhood are associated with summer camp.

For some, camp is a morning line-up with formation and raising of the flag, a squad song that will be remembered for a lifetime, an evening bonfire and an “Eaglet Circle”, or maybe waiting for parents on parent’s day. Someone will remember that it was in the camp that he learned to swim or play checkers. For some, camp is the first kiss and slow moments at the disco, tears of parting with new friends and girls’ notebooks filled with wishes.

The kaleidoscope of children's “camp” memories is diverse, but we can say with confidence that everyone has the last, most long night- the night before departure, when it is customary to stay up until dawn, say goodbye to friends and certainly make fun of each other. Now no one knows why this night was called “Royal”. But almost all camps honor this tradition.

But the “Royal” night doesn’t end there! Having returned to their rooms or tents after the fire, the guys are in no hurry to go to bed. They communicate and have fun, and the counselors do not interfere with this. The most banal entertainment - smearing sleepy friends with toothpaste is already a thing of the past, but scaring someone by telling a scary story or dressing up as a ghost is quite relevant. In stories about the Royal Night there is a place for tied laces on favorite sneakers, and frogs placed in the beds of girls, and various wardrobe items hung on trees, and many other original pranks.

But no matter how hard the guys try to have fun, the last night before leaving is permeated with the sadness of parting!

In the children's camp "Island of Heroes" Royal night takes place in a special way. And all because each shift in this adventure camp is a two-week game according to an exciting scenario, at the end of which the winning team is determined, which in a fair fight has earned the right to go to the Island of Heroes. It is on the “Royal” night that the winners go to the mysterious island.

The “royal” night in each camp is a bright, memorable event filled with a variety of emotions. There is a place for fun and rejoicing, for sadness and disappointment and, of course, for hope, hope that a new summer will come and friends will meet again at their favorite camp!

Penultimate day at camp

  • Climb
  • Life according to a schedule (cleaning, washing, etc.)
  • Everything is as usual, you go for breakfast, then free time (activities, games), swimming, etc.
  • Quiet hour
  • During quiet times, you can arrange to collect your things. It’s quiet and calm, everyone in the wards packs up their bags and leaves only personal hygiene products and clothes for going home and to the disco.
  • Afternoon snack
  • Leader concert (Vozhatsky concert - The closing of each camp shift is a concert at which the spectators are children, and their leaders perform in front.) The leader concert is certainly a very important part of your camp life, therefore, try to come up with a concept as early as possible, and rehearse well. Also, at the counselor’s concert, various awards are given to children for their successes).
  • After the counselor's concert, dinner
  • Farewell bonfire

Farewell bonfire Could be:

  1. Detachment
  2. General camp

Before going to the fire, children should be clearly outlined the rules of behavior in nature. You must watch how they are dressed. And how they behave.


  • When going to the forest, you need to take a spray with you against mosquitoes, ticks and other creatures (pre-spray or apply it according to the instructions)
  • If you have small children, monitor the process of using such drugs
  • Spray only on the street, it is contraindicated in the building!
  • Wear closed shoes
  • Long pants
  • Long sleeve sweatshirts
  • Headdress!
  • If there is no weather, but a fire is still planned, take umbrellas and raincoats with you
  • Make sure that all children are dressed according to the rules.

Bring bread, potatoes, and salt to the fire from the dining room. Definitely water. Find a guitarist in the camp, of course, if you are not a guitarist yourself, and quickly recruit him.

Pick up a couple of outdoor games, take sports equipment, and enjoy a wonderful vacation!

  • After the fire everyone runs to change into the building
  • Farewell disco
  • The end time is set by the camp administration.
  • Lights out (Royal night)

One of the traditions of almost all children's camps is the royal night. This is the last night before departure. On the royal night, it is customary to smear each other with toothpaste. To avoid the royal night, many counselors take away toothpastes from their pioneers. But some pioneers, who are going to camp more than once, take 2-3 tubes of toothpaste with them.

Royal Night is not only a time of entertainment for the children, but also for the counselors. You can have fun and make fun of the children while they sleep (in a good way).

Remember that many children have terrible allergies to pastes and creams. There is no need to spoil other people's things, do all sorts of nonsense, yell and violate children's routine. Remember you must bring them joy! If you want to live in peace, then don’t do a royal night. Go to bed peacefully. Remember that a very difficult day awaits you in the morning, you need to get enough sleep.

The last day of camp life. Labor Kid `s camp The lighthouse says goodbye to another shift. A month of living in a collective farm barracks with clay floors came to an end. Children run amok. There are hated pillows with bedbugs lying everywhere; girls jump on the springs of assembled beds, crushing ripe Don watermelons rolled up there; To the next bed, my girlfriends and I chained Natasha’s bra, whom we didn’t like the whole shift, with a barn lock. All twenty-one people who lived in our sixth ward paint each other with ballpoint pens: arms, legs, backs, bellies, necks, cheeks...Phrases like: “Did you think you were in a fairy tale?”, “Don’t piss, we’ll break through!” ", "Honduras", "It's time to go home!", as well as telephone numbers, names, addresses, so that we can find each other later.
I'm packing my things. I have a good place, by the window, with a view of the Don steppe, or rather, first of the toilet, then of the steppe. Suddenly the concrete wall of this very toilet shuddered as if from a strong shock and, quickly cracking along its entire length, began to collapse. "Wow! - I thought.” The wall collapsed, revealing a row of stinking holes in the concrete floor. “Cool, well done, boys!” The toilet was completely unbearable, these huge holes, infested with maggots, frightened me with the real possibility of falling into them, and for some reason brought up thoughts of the afterlife. With a friendly squeal, the girls and I approved of the boys' prank. Although, of course, they suffered a lot later for this crime.
The last day was a success. Then there was a disco. This time almost no one got drunk, and Lenka and I didn’t have to gather our fellow soldiers from the bushes before lights out. Instead, all the girls gathered in the ward, trainees from the senior shift came to us and very sincerely explained that today was a royal night. Anything is possible this night. But not to us, but with us. Usually the local village boys know about her and try to get in on the girls, and if they are lucky, they will drag someone away. Then, however, they will most likely return it.
But we weren’t so much concerned about whether we would be returned or not, we became incredibly scared that they might drag us away. And somehow the counselors made it clear that from today they are no longer responsible for us.
In general, we - twenty and one more frightened goats - began to frantically move the beds, prop up the door with a mop, table, and chairs. A bucket was placed in the passage for needs. Several people whose beds stood near the windows began to beg the others to switch with them. And me too.
It was a fun night. Of course, they tried to climb into the windows. We screamed and ran around the ward. The counselors came to the screams and got bogged down in our barricades, after some time silence was restored and then, in the middle of this silence, the cheerful ringing of a stream against a bucket began to be heard, and then everyone began to laugh deafeningly.
Royal night!

It was the last, royal night at the camp by the lake, which I went to with my class. The camp was located in the forest, on the shore of a lake (I’ll hide the name). We lived in tents, got wood, fire, in general, all the conditions for a “wild” life.

Unfortunately, the forest guards did not allow us to make a fire due to the high wind, and therefore the entire camp sat in the dark. Someone was dancing on the playground, someone was sitting in their tent, and someone, like me, was sitting at the table and chatting with the class teacher, Svetlana Ivanovna. Svetlana Ivanovna told us her stories from her life, and we, her beloved and uneducated children, listened to her. Suddenly Svetlana Ivanovna stopped her story and began to speak more quietly:
- Do you hear a howl in the forest?
“No,” I answered. Maybe I'm deaf? But in reality, no howling was heard.
“Listen,” Svetlana Ivanovna said even more quietly. I still didn’t hear anything, but I pretended to be scared.
- And who is it? - asked my classmate Nastya.

Monster. Inna Viktorovna told me that when she and Nadezhda Nikolaevna were looking for sticks in the forest, they heard a howl. A monster stood before them. Inna Viktorovna said that he was dark, shaggy, he had visible cheekbones, a slightly lowered chin and small eyes.
- Tsoi, or what? - Daniil asked cheerfully. Svetlana Ivanovna looked at him tiredly and continued the story.
- So, he walks around the tents. So be careful.
I looked at the forest in fear and crossed myself. Yes, I did it on purpose.

Closer to midnight, everyone went to their tents. I lived in a tent with Marina. We decided to stay up all night because our classmates were supposed to cover us with paste, so we read the news on VKontakte. This went on until one o'clock in the morning. Suddenly, not far from our tent, a branch broke. Marina and I didn’t pay attention, you never know. But when a shadow hung over our tent, which we simply felt, it was almost invisible, but someone’s presence was felt. I was the first one who couldn't stand it:
- Guys, if you came to smear us with paste, then go to bed.
Silence in response. But no one left. And then a howl. He was plaintive, reminiscent of a wolf, but a little softer. Not a simple “oooh”, but something real that cannot be described in words. Marina turned off the phone and hid in her sleeping bag.
- Hey, where are you going? - I asked.
- If you’re so brave, sit down and solve the problem. And I'm afraid. I'm going to sleep.
And suddenly hands reached out to us through the walls of the tent. It was impossible to determine whose they were. We just hid in the corner of the tent and quietly screamed. By the way, I still don’t understand how Marina managed to jump out of the bag in a second and move to the other end of the tent.
- Hey, hamadryas! Let's go away! - I screamed. And silence. Marina began to push me towards the “doors” of the tent. - What are you doing?
“Go check it,” Marina said without emotion. I swallowed and pulled the lock. Carefully she opened the zipper and looked out. There was no one on the street. - What's there?
“There’s no one there,” I answered, closing the tent.
- Exactly guys. Well, I'll arrange it for them tomorrow.
“We heard, hamadryas, we’ll arrange something like this for you tomorrow,” I added.
And suddenly Svetlana Ivanovna’s voice:
- If you don’t fall asleep now, I’ll bring you such a hamadryas!

Marina’s and my faces should have been seen. After that, we lay for another hour and thought that we had suddenly said something wrong and that tomorrow we would get a scolding from the class teacher.

Royal night

The old, old cemetery lived out its mournful life next to the Ogonyok summer camp. No one had been buried there for a long time - the cemetery church, where the dead were once buried, was cracked and askew. Wild pigeons now lived in it, their alarming hooting on quiet summer evenings could be heard throughout the entire area. Often, for no apparent reason, sensitive pigeons suddenly became frightened of something. They noisily jumped out of their seats, flapping their wings with a loud whistle, screaming in alarm - and, flying out through broken windows and holes in the dome, they rushed over the area for a long, long time. Their plaintive voices were heard above until darkness.

There was a village at the same distance from both the abandoned cemetery and the camp. The road from the camp to it went around the forest, which significantly lengthened the path. That's why local residents We rarely visited Ogonyok.

However, the guys relaxing at the camp did not notice this. They saw the villagers only sometimes - when they went swimming. The meetings were mostly peaceful; the water of the local pond and its shore did not have to be shared.

The path to this pond ran right through the cemetery. Of course, it was possible not to walk past the rickety monuments and rotten crosses, but to go around the old churchyard along the edge of the forest, but for some reason none of the vacationers did this. To shorten the road and shorten the travel time, everyone walked through the cemetery. Not feeling their feet under them, the kids rushed along it, trying not to look around; Also hastily, but every now and then, glancing sideways at the graves and looking around anxiously, older boys and girls passed by.

The cemetery was fascinating. On humid evenings, he curled between tall cemetery birches and wide-legged spruce trees. white fog. Twitching, he skirted the trees, sat down on rusty fences, shuddered gloomily, landing on graves overgrown with grass.

Many of the vacationers in the camp looked at him from above - from the mountain, from the windows of the second floor of the building, facing the cemetery. But no one dared to go out to the cemetery in the evening, much less at night. Go out, wander, shrouded in cemetery fog, look at the abandoned graves, stand, wait, listen...

Or maybe there was simply no time for this - after all, the cheerful life in Ogonyok did not subside for a minute. Music thundered there until darkness, there were discos, games and competitions were held. Having played enough and walked around, everyone, young and old, was so tired that they literally fell off their feet and fell asleep in a sweet sleep, barely touching the bed. After all, the next morning new entertainment awaited them.

Today, too, the camp was filled with lights, festively decorated, and the music was especially loud from the speakers installed on the disco area and on the roof of the dining room. Royal Night - the end of the second summer shift, that's what the population of Ogonyok celebrated!

No one ever sleeps on Royal Night! Many, in order to have fun at closing, patiently sit in the camp for the entire shift. After all, on the Royal Night, ANYTHING was possible!!!

It was almost dark, bright illumination bulbs were burning on the street, here and there there were trays with pies and soda, which the catering workers poured out to everyone who wanted it. Even the ice cream was not over yet - although some had eaten so much of it that they could no longer move and partially scattered to their buildings and fell asleep, while some sat on benches and listlessly waved away mosquitoes.

Completed festive concert– they were preparing for it almost from the middle of the shift, – but the disco, which was usually closed at eleven o’clock in the evening, today promised to last long after midnight, and therefore they danced there with special enthusiasm.

The children of their teachers were chasing their teachers around the camp, screaming and hooting. They ran as fast as they could, because they knew: if the little one caught them, she would certainly roll them in the grass, smear them with toothpaste, cream from cakes and pastries, throw ice cream down the collar - in a word, make a mockery of their glory. There were a lot of products for this, and the former wards of the unfortunate teacher had even more fighting spirit - so the poor adults were now running around like crazy.

The teacher of the ninth squad, Nathan, for example, today, out of despair, climbed to the top of a dry pine tree without lower branches, which only one other person had conquered - a few years ago, the same unfortunate uncle, a physical education teacher, climbed it. The children chased him for a particularly long time, having tormented him with his morning exercises and many kilometers of cross-country for prizes in the form of posters of rock singers he no longer liked. They divided into groups, and when one got tired of running after the harmful guy with ominous hooting, the other took over. So, the physical education teacher ran around the territory in zigzags. Neither the head of the camp nor any of the teachers could save him - such was the law of the Royal Night. The physical education teacher asked the children to stop and not run after him, but thin children’s voices commanded: “Forward! Cross! Health! Don't slow down! Don’t change the rhythm!”, and the race continued... When the physical education leader finally reached the last stage of fatigue, resentment and despair, a dry pine tree caught his eye. In one last powerful burst, breaking away from his pursuers, he screamed like a monkey and climbed to the top of the tree.

There he sat, changing the landing site from time to time - the dry branches creaked, threatening to crack and break off, the wind swayed the pine tree...

Or rather, it was not the wind, but the children who were shaking the tree, trying to shake the physical education leader off it. The pine tree survived, after a while the kids ran away to look for other entertainment... And the athlete sat on the pine tree until the pink morning clouds. Only then, having become bolder, he somehow went down - and already at the next shift his spirit was no longer in Ogonyok. They said that the tyrannical physical education teacher became a security guard, accompanying concrete products that were transported from Siberia to desert areas of the near abroad.

But no one in the camp was sad about it. He, a harmful tormentor, was driven out in revenge. And all the rest, in principle, beloved teachers and educators, just like that, to maintain the tradition.

No one could predict how long the unsportsmanlike Nathan was going to sit on the pine tree. Because they had driven the teacher up a tree, but the kids clearly had no intention of removing him. In the meantime, help from the service personnel will arrive... The guy who jumped onto the tree had no choice but to sit and howl at the big round moon rising over the forest...

The grown-up guys were no longer surprised by this. During the entire shift, they were not particularly obedient, so it was no longer interesting for them to take it out on their leaders, whom they already had a fair amount of trouble with.

And even more so after one of them came up with a wonderful idea.

“Guys,” Vovka, a boy from the fourth detachment, turned to his friends, “wouldn’t you rather go to the cemetery?” Right now!

“So we were going to smear our girls with toothpaste,” Mishka was surprised, tossing a tube of toothpaste in his palm. “I keep it warm in my pocket on purpose.”

“We’ll have time to smear them,” Vovka answered. - Later. It’s even better - while we’re at the cemetery, by the time we get back, they’ll definitely go to bed.

“The disco isn’t even over yet,” Andryushka added. - And all of us are at the disco.

“There might be a disco all night,” Vovka noted. “But not everyone will stay on it.” I want to smear Nikiforova. I don’t think she’ll be able to dance all night at a disco. She will go to the side. This is where I’ll paint it with patterns.

“And Petrushkina always leaves the disco early, it would also be good for Petrushkina to be specifically smeared so that she doesn’t show off,” Mishka grinned.

- Let's spread it. But first, to the cemetery,” Vovka said. - Today is the time.

“But you can’t take over the territory!” Andryushka scratched the back of his head.

– Today is Royal Night, everything is possible! And run around the territory, and in general! – Vovka exclaimed. “So we won’t get anything for this.” They will no longer be expelled from the camp or sent home. The shift is over!

“Well, yes...” the guys agreed.

– What are we doing there, in the cemetery? – Andryushka asked.

“Test your courage,” Vovka answered. - Just go ahead and walk through the entire cemetery from beginning to end.

“Oh, that’s just any fool!” Mishka exclaimed.

And he stopped short.

A strange howl came from somewhere.

- What is this? A? - Mishka muttered timidly.

“I don’t know,” Andryushka answered barely audibly. - It seems from the side of the cemetery...

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