Photos of airplanes and helicopters. Adventures of a traveler. Hitchhiking in the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions

Photographer Slawek Kraniewski is very fond of airplanes and everything connected with them. Thanks to his hobby and work as a photographer, unique and very beautiful pictures airplanes.

The pictures are truly impressive. See the 10 best photos of winged cars on the entire Internet.


The material was prepared with the support of the Elion awning shelter auto studio, which offers sewing awnings for almost any application - for a boat, a car, a swimming pool, a summer house, as well as for airplanes and helicopters.

1. The picture was taken at the air show - Axalp 2008 - in Switzerland. In the photo: the American McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18 Hornet fighter-bomber, in service with the Swiss Air Force, during a high-speed flight between Alpine peaks.
2. Training before the air show in Minsk Mazowiecki in 2012 (Poland). In the photo: MiG-29 is a Soviet (Russian) fighter.
3. Airshow Bodo International Airshow 2012 (Norway). In the photo: during the Scandinavian Airshow.
4. Airshow Malbork 2012 (Poland). In the photo: the MiG-29 takes off after a very heavy rain. A very spectacular cloud of steam formed behind the plane.
5. Airshow Airpower 2013 (Austria). In the photo: display of the Austrian Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft. The lucky moment made the photo unique - the plane seemed to have flown into the sun.
6. Air Tattoo 2013 (UK). In the photo: a Rafale aircraft during maneuvers in a rainbow-colored glow.
7. Airshow MAKS 2013 (Russia). In the photo: the pride of Russian aviation, the T-50 PAK FA - a fifth-generation multirole fighter - during displays over Moscow.
8. Airshow MAKS 2013 (Russia). In the photo: the Su-34 aircraft, a Russian tactical fighter-bomber, shows its capabilities.
9. Airshow Axalp 2013 (Switzerland).

If you want to watch the Axalp airshow, you must first climb Mount Wildgarst - about 2400 meters - at dawn, because at 9am the flying fighters start shooting at shields mounted on nearby peaks - this is one of the mandatory elements of the Swiss Air Force show. In the photo: daredevils climbed the mountain, and right above them an F/A-18 Hornet in the rays of the morning sun.

10. Jones Beach Airshow 2012 (USA). A unique show: almost a million spectators who simultaneously admire the aerial displays and swim or sunbathe. Photo: F-22 Raptor - the most expensive fighter in the world - during maneuvers.

More photographs of aircraft can be seen on the author’s website -

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Man has wanted to learn to soar like a bird since the days of ancient civilization. His perseverance and pursuit of his dream gave the world the opportunity to fly in the sky with the help of huge steel machines. Airplanes are one of the best human creations. They are beautiful, majestic, eye-catching with their mysterious appearance.

Even today, thousands of years after their creation, there are still many unknown and attractive things hidden in airplanes. And their flight is simply a mesmerizing sight. Many can watch him for hours. But standing on the ground we will never be able to see all its beauty. But thanks to high-quality photographs, you can learn for yourself a lot of interesting little things about how amazing and luxurious an airliner rushing into the distance is.

Where else, if not in pictures with planes soaring high in the sky, can we get a closer look at their beauty and grandeur? After all, from earth we will never fully understand the mystery of this wonderful human creation.

Hearing the noise of an airliner and looking up, we notice only a small point leaving behind a white air trail. And the photographs give us an excellent opportunity to observe in all the smallest detail the ease and ease of the flight of any airliner. They capture moments that a simple observer is unlikely to ever see. Every moment captured in the photo is unique and unrepeatable.

For those who are interested in airplanes, consider them their hobby or even perhaps their passion, this page will be just right for you. Connoisseurs will also find a lot of interesting things here. beautiful photos, because the image of liners soaring in the skies is real art. And those who simply love beauty, experience positive emotions from impressive pictures and have a thirst for learning everything new will definitely stay in this topic.

We present unusual and only high-quality aircraft photographs. They very clearly and realistically convey all the subtleties of the flight of this huge machine. Downloading and installing them as a theme or wallpaper is an easy task and feasible even for children. But choosing just one photo from the whole variety is much more difficult.

You don't know what looks more impressive:

  • photo of the liner between the sky and the ocean;
  • pictures of an airplane covered in snow-white clouds, crashing into them or rising higher;
  • an iron bird cutting through the night starry space;
  • an image of a steel car speeding into the distance during sunset or dawn, with millions of different color shades.

Each picture is beautiful in its own way, revealing from different sides the magnificence of an airplane flying against the background of a day or night, sunny or cloudy, azure or overcast sky. All the colors of the rainbow were reflected in the photographs - azure, crimson, foggy gray, innocent white, dark night and bright sunny. An airplane in the sky is associated with freedom, lightness, limitlessness and victory. After all, he conquered the heavens.

Despite the large dimensions of the aircraft, you can’t help but compare it to a bird in the clouds; it also looks harmonious and magnificent in the sky. The soul is filled with pride and joy from the fact that this was created by human hands.

Photos of airplanes in the endless skies make it clear that people can do a lot, because they were able to make their desire to fly come true! Such pictures are great motivation and help you believe in yourself. Look at these wonderful photos and know: we can do everything, the main thing is to want it!

The passenger plane you are currently on board is convenient, fast and safe. And, if you think about it, this is simply a fantastic achievement of man: a hundred-ton car flies, supported by air. It allows you to breathe at such altitudes, where even the most experienced climber could not do without an oxygen mask. And a spacesuit. Very close to you are engines with fuel burning, and you are drinking soda from the refrigerator. The passenger plane is a collection of wonders and human achievements, compressed into one streamlined body. But throughout history, man has created aircraft such that your airliner is the height of banality.
1)Flying chariot

Flight times: Unknown.
Type: Military(bomber, fighter) Executive.
Distinctive feature: most likely fictional.
It’s interesting that the ancient Indian epic “Mahabharata” and the book “Kama Sutra”* are considered property Indian culture. But they don’t believe the first book at all, and the second is considered almost a textbook. Although many researchers call the second book fantastic.
Vimanas, the use of which is described in the Mahabharata and some other sources, are called chariots, but the authors describe take-offs, landings and battles with such ecstasy and such knowledge of details that you can’t help but wonder. After all, a culture that considered it necessary to decorate its temples with reliefs with scenes of sex** could come up with something like this.
*5/6 of which is dedicated to how to be good citizen and husband. Why are these chapters of the book always forgotten?
**In this way, the entertaining Hindus scared away the shy goddess of lightning.

2)Vakhmistrov Circus
St. Petersburg
Flight times: 1937-1942 (1943)
Type: Military(flying aircraft carrier-bomber).
Distinctive feature: The only successful flying aircraft carrier project.

We present to your attention the world's only combat flying aircraft carrier. "SPB" (Composite Dive Bomber). Unique aircraft, as usual, generated by the urgent need to destroy something somewhere. Summer 41st, german army is advancing on all fronts, and the Red Army Air Force urgently needs a weapon that combines flight range and the ability to carry out targeted bombing strikes. Similar projects have been developed in the USSR since 1931, and the time has come for SBP to prove itself. “Vakhmistrov’s Circus,” as it was often called, consisted of a TB-3 bomber (a legendary machine in itself) and two I-16 dive bombers suspended under its wings. Usually such unique vehicles perform either poorly or very poorly in battle, but the SPB turned out to be so effective that the command more than once received requests for the urgent production of new “Carriers”. But the TB-3 had already been discontinued, and starting it again in war conditions was unrealistic. Five St. Petersburg fighters fought successfully at least until the middle of the 42nd.

3) Muscleflight
Gossamer Albatross
Flight times: 1979
Type: experimental
Distinctive feature: Built solely on the principle “Are you weak?”

Musclefly - vehicle, capable of flying only with the help of human muscle power. Before the invention of normal internal combustion engines, people tried hundreds of times to take off in muscle planes. And they never succeeded. And Brian Allen did it, his plastic-cellophane Gossamer Albatross flew over the English Channel on June 12, 1979. Throughout the flight, the professional cyclist pedaled, turning the plane’s only propeller. After which lucky Brian received the cash prize promised for such a feat.

4) “Weapon of Vengeance”
Unique developments in Germany 1939-45.
Flight times: 1939-1945
Type: Military, various purposes.
Distinctive feature: A variety of both the most advanced and downright strange ideas.

German scientists of the Second World War are a unique subculture, if you like. Historians who study their developments either admire their genius, or seriously discuss the varieties of hallucinogenic mushrooms that Nazi researchers could have used when coming up with THIS. We are interested in aviation, and in this area German scientists have created so much that it would be enough for the entire list. There are rocket planes, and FAU-1 projectile planes, and “flying wings”... even “flying saucers”. And this is only what managed to take off before the end of the war.
Hitler considered most of this fleet to be his “Weapon of Vengeance,” capable of turning the tide of the war. It didn't work out. But it worked out quite well to build the most incredible aircraft. Look at the photo, even now this doesn’t fly.

5)Flying tank
Project CT
Flight times: 1942
Type: military(disposable transport glider)
Distinctive feature: A real flying tank.

The idea of ​​dropping tanks on the unprepared heads of enemies, who would immediately rush into battle, has excited the minds of military engineers since the time these tanks appeared. Now this is feasible: heavy aircraft drop armored vehicles using parachutes, and a few meters from the ground the jet braking system ensures a soft landing. But in the 40s they could not even dream of this, but they could well dream of the horror that tanks that suddenly appeared deep in the rear wreaked in the enemy’s camp. The result of dreams: “project KT” - tank wings. The T-60 light tank was equipped with wings, after which it took off on a trailer from a heavy bomber. Tests have shown that the CT can fly and land independently with a crew inside, but to transport it in the sky a very strong “tractor” is needed. Only Pe-8s were suitable, of which there were about 60, and all of them were busy with depth bombing of Germany. The project had to be closed and the T-60KT was able to surprise only the personnel of the Soviet airfield where it suddenly landed.

6) Portable wings and rocket pack.
EXO-Wing and Bell Rocket Belt.
Flight times: 2008-present(EXO-Wing) and 1961-present("Bell Rocket Belt").
Type: experimental.
Distinctive feature: Ultra-small aircraft.

Such devices can often be found in science fiction, but who would have thought that they were real. EXO-Wing - small wings with jet engines. No fuselage, except for a special heat-resistant suit and helmet. This is a unique device, but at least it has wings, while the Bell Rocket Belt doesn’t even have those. Few people know that rocket packs ceased to be science fiction back in 1961, exactly 8 days after Gagarin’s flight. And six months later, pilot Harold Graham, during maneuvers, took off from a military amphibian, flew over a water obstacle and landed dashingly in front of Kennedy. According to eyewitnesses, the president watched the flight with his mouth open in amazement. Kennedy can be understood; in the air a man with a rocket pack looks simply unreal. And our sky would have long ago been filled with flying people, if not high price backpack, flight altitude (about 10 meters) and most importantly, duration, which has not been significantly increased until now - about 30 seconds.

7) Scandinavian gray planes
Unmarked planes over the Scandinavian countries in the 1930s.
Flight times: 1932 - 1938
Type: Unknown.
Distinctive feature: What it was, no one understood.

During this period, dozens of gray planes of various classes were noticed in the skies of Norway, Sweden and Finland, including those with floats and skis, sometimes flying with brightly lit cabins, sometimes with engines turned off. The intensity of the flights was so high that the military command of the Scandinavian countries was forced to justify itself to the press for the fact that they could not do anything. Norway used the Eagle cruiser to search for them; the Swedish Air Force lost (due to bad weather) two aircraft while trying to find the airfields from which these intruders were taking off. To no avail.
With the beginning of World War II, the strange gray planes were forgotten. Neither journalists, nor military personnel, nor researchers (some of whom died trying to find the planes' bases) could understand what kind of planes they were and who they belonged to.

8)Flying beluga
Airbus A300-600ST (Beluga)
Flight times: 1994–present
Type: Transport.
Distinctive feature: A small plane with a huge transport compartment.

Only the existence of special tasks gives rise to such aircraft. The famous aircraft manufacturer Airbus is forced to assemble aircraft from parts that are produced throughout Europe. But what if these parts are the wings of an airplane or, even worse, its fuselage? The A300-600 Beluga (really, it resembles a beluga whale) became a salvation for the company. The huge transport compartment contains fragments of other aircraft of the company, which are then assembled at the plant in Toulouse.

9) Ship-plane
Ekranoplan KM
Flight times: 1966 – 1980
Type: Military(transport).
Distinctive feature: the only aircraft that, according to documents, passes as a ship.

Back in the 30s, engineers noticed a strange feature: near the ground, planes suddenly significantly reduced their descent speed, as if not wanting to touch the ground. But in those years, this effect only gave rise to many romantic stories about planes “loving the sky and not wanting to land.” They really became interested in it only in the 60s in the USSR. Later, this phenomenon was called the “screen effect” - an additional lifting force that occurs near the surface itself (from several centimeters to several meters).
The KM*** ekranoplan was the largest flying machine of its time. Although the flight altitude was only a few meters. Experimental model, took off in 1966 near Kaspiysk. Interestingly, the Navy flag was raised on the plane, and before the amphibian was launched into the water, a bottle of champagne was broken on the side. Despite its “airplane” appearance, despite the fact that it was piloted by pilots, and even despite the main method of transportation - flight, the KM was considered a ship.
***The large letters KM on board the ship were deciphered in Western sources as “Caspian monster.” But the USSR never called military equipment so pretentiously. In fact, this is a “Mock-up Ship”.

10) Space plane
Flight times: 1994–present.
Type: Commercial spacecraft.
Distinctive feature: The first of its kind.

SpaceShipOne is a unique space plane. If only because it was created by the private company “Scaled Composites”. In 2004, she won the Ansari X Prize - $10 million, promised to the company that managed to make two flights into space in two weeks on one ship. SpaceShipOne fulfilled all the conditions of the competition, rose 112 kilometers and returned safely to Earth. It may have made our list simply because of its looks, but it did more than that: it made history as the first private aircraft in space.
Interestingly, SpaceShipOne pilots are not astronauts. An astronaut is a person who has made at least one orbit around the Earth at an altitude of more than 100 kilometers. But they are astronauts, since in the USA anyone who, even for a moment, reached an altitude of 80 and a half kilometers is an astronaut.
Ps. Take a look at the photo. SpaceShipOne is a small plane below, everything else is the White Knight plane carrying it, lifting the space plane to an altitude of 14 kilometers.


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