Yarlu Valley is an energy center discovered by Roerich. Mystical places of Siberia. Yarlu Valley in the Altai Mountains. Lake Kucherlinskoye is a place of power that clears the mind

Spirituality > Rikla > Trinosophy of Fire > Volume 1

Legends of the YARLu Valley

This conversation is dedicated to the Master Stone in the Yarlu Valley, the fate of which over the past twelve years has become inextricably linked with the fates of many thousands of people.

In 2000, having gathered the Aiins who accompanied Him at the Stone, the Master said: “Remember my words: within a few years, the Valley will become a place of mass pilgrimage, a second Mecca, where deep streams of people from all over the world will rush.” Everything happened exactly as the Teacher prophesied.

The Yarlu Valley has become a Place of Power, a source of spiritual and physical healing for thousands of people. Gradually, with the growth of its popularity, the name of Rikl, the creator of the currently existing energy complex - Magnit, began to be artificially replaced by money-grubbers from the spirit with more convenient names that had long taken root in people’s minds. For some reason, the adventurers thought that they could easily rewrite the story of the birth of the Master Stone in their own way. Poisonous streams of fabrications of envious people, spiteful critics and simply ignorant people flowed across the mortal earth, ahead of each other, poisoning the consciousness of wretched little people - the spiritually dying inhabitants of the Planet.

People who have visited the Valley, not susceptible to bazaar rhetoric, describe their impression of what they saw and heard from the lips of esoterically abnormal broadcasters:

“As I already wrote, the center of everyone’s attention in the Yarlu Valley is a large monolithic stone. According to various sources, it is called the Roerich stone, the master stone, and many other options. To be honest, for all my visits and communications with the “old-timers” stone city, I have never heard the same story. Every person I came across there gave his own description of this stone, its origin and purpose. It is for this reason that I will not write and insist on any particular truth. I would like to simply describe my personal impressions of being in this place.” (http://publicpost.ru/elections/blog/id/19135/, blog of Valery Stepanyuk).

Oral folk art, mixed with peroxided esoteric leaven, finds its life in legends, tales and even scientific hypotheses regarding the origin of the mysterious Stone, which are passed on by word of mouth to travelers coming to the Valley, wandering the Earth in search of spiritual bread, and simply tourists, for the sake of curiosity or by coincidence visiting the Valley. Through the worldview of both, this explosive mixture, flavored with selfish thoughts, spreads across the endless expanses of the World Wide Web, from where millions of people draw information and pass it through their slagged consciousness.

Everyone strives to contribute and participate in creating the story of the birth of the Miracle Stone in the Yarlu Valley. Most often it is associated with the name of N.K. Roerich and his Central Asian expedition, during which the famous artist visited Altai.

The pseudo-creators pursue their own selfish goals: travel agencies, for the sake of profit, attract tourists in the name of Roerich, without even bothering to study the route his expedition took. After all, if they had done this, they would have seen that Roerich had never been in the Yarlu Valley and his path ran far beyond the neighboring ridges.

Leaders from the spirit and esotericism of various persuasions, like ninety percent of all those who visit the Valley, appearing before the Master Stone with pious expressions that instantly change their content when the camera lenses are closed, come to openly acquire energy in all possible forms of its manifestation.

We observed all this through the lens of the video camera of our employee, who filmed the material “Yarlu-2012”. Not paying attention to the inconspicuous man with a camera, visitors to the Valley, without embarrassment, exchanged the clothes of “piety” for colorful outfits of rudeness, ignorance and outright rudeness. Among them were both “followers” ​​of Rikl and “admirers” of Roerich, who cannot find unity in matters of the spiritual heritage of their Masters, but are so close in the manifestations of their selfishness and ambition. At moments when their skulls are not touched by the streams of holy grace emanating from the Stone, they completely forget that they are in a space sanctified by the spirit of the Great Names, to the list of which, from year to year, through their own concerns, more and more new giants from the spirit are added - makers of world history.

On one of the sites on the Internet we read an amazing story that completely overthrew the theory regarding the Master Stone’s belonging to the work of N.K. Roerich and its creators themselves.

"The Stone of Genghis Khan. Yarlu Gorge

This place is fantastic - the Yarlu gorge in the Edelweiss valley, built here the whole city from stones. This area is called the Blue Mountains because the cliffs located in the valley consist almost entirely of blue clay, due to which during the daytime the slopes of the valley are painted in blue, violet-lilac tones.

There is a mysterious place in the southern part of the valley. According to legend, in the Yarlu Valley, another name for the Edelweiss Valley, the Valley of the Mother of the World, is one of the entrances to the treasured Shambhala. At the entrance to the valley lies a huge boulder - the stone of Genghis Khan, an energy stone that is unclear where it came from and how it ended up here.

There have been many legends about this stone for many centuries. The stone is really huge, amazing, it goes 70 meters deep into the ground, and around it there are mostly stones of a different shape and structure. The stone is believed to protect the entrance to the valley.

A person with a low level of vibrations (and vibrations are the essence of a person), with a negative way of thinking will not go into the valley, believe it or not, but the valley does not accept.

Such people begin to have sudden attacks of pain, or there is something urgent to do, or they simply want to leave; fear and dizziness are not uncommon. Old pains are getting worse. The lower centers vibrate and some blockages are removed there.

The warriors of Genghis Khan, his legendary fighters, were recharged by this energy stone. The energy activity of the stone does not weaken, only constantly changes.

Roerich, during his Altai expedition, visited the Yarlu valley and marked this stone with his sign and a blue cross as a place of power. You are supposed to climb onto the “energy” stone barefoot and sit on it in silence and meditate. If your own energy is powerful, then you can, with your arms outstretched, hug the stone.”

The Internet is filled with all sorts of tales about the Yarlu Valley.

We even really liked one of them. It says that the Master Stone has been called the Shaman Stone or the World Stone since ancient times. According to legend, once upon a time, on the site of Lake Ak-Kem, a city stood in front of Belukha, and the World Stone was the place where ancient princes resolved issues of the world.

I wonder who will be next? Whose name will overshadow these promised lands and the Stone, which only half a century ago opened up the earth’s firmament with its mighty body, but is already so strongly entangled by people with the threads of distant and unknown times?

Isn't the load you put on him too heavy? After all, behind each name there are stones that have repeatedly changed the course of the rivers of world history, their own pain and joy, the suffering of some and the triumph of others.

Why do you put the seals of the past on it, pulling it down with centuries-old weights, while it strives upward with all its might? A past that simply does not exist for the Master Stone, because half a century ago it was the flesh of the earth, and not its form.

It is no coincidence that people who visited the Valley this year began to say that the Stone began to go underground. Perhaps it seemed to them, or perhaps he really decided to leave the earthly world, having had his fill of the negativity of its inhabitants.

A random Traveler will come to the valley, tired, lie down on the ground, resting his head on a stone bed barely protruding from the bowels of the earth, and fall asleep peacefully. He will have no idea that he is lying on the Great Stone, which until recently was worshiped by thousands of people, and in his relaxed sleep the Traveler will be much closer to him than all those who today beat their foreheads against his stronghold, create their portals in his space, zealously kisses the engraved symbols and, selflessly demonstrating his advancement, surrounded by hundreds of people, tries to comprehend the heights of meditation.

Another scenario for the development of events is also possible.

We also bring to your attention that in July 2012, another flow of stone lava descended on Yarlu, not as strong as the previous one, but which brought visible transformations of its forms.

How the Valley began to look after this, ask eyewitnesses, but those who remember it since 2002 will note colossal changes in the area, not in the direction of improving the approaches to the Stone City and the Master Stone.

Pay attention to this trend. Have you ever thought that when Yarlu absorbs a certain critical mass of human negativity, which everyone who comes leaves on her Altar, she will decide to once again fence herself off from the two-legged barbarians with impassable ramparts of corums and swampy swamps. Then people, as in the time of Sapozhnikov, the brilliant explorer of Altai (1861-1924), will go around it with neighboring ridges and, directing their gaze to the surviving stone island, will tell each other legends that once upon a time there stood the Stone City, inside which the Master Stone rested.

What truth are you trying to find in the debate about who discovered this Stone, who engraved symbols on it and, connecting it with the Cosmos, gave the Earth a Magnet, a source of creative energy?

Why did we decide to support the discussion that has gained so much momentum in recent months? Not because some of us were with Rikla when in 1999 he led the first Aiin expedition to the Yarlu Valley, where alone, surrounded by only silent blue mountains, stood that very Stone, not yet a Master, but already a Miracle Creation of nature . A stone whose body you trample today with your feet, sometimes not even deigning to take off your shoes, rushing to comfortably rest your butt on it in order to more effectively capture yourself against the backdrop of the great creation... And then proudly tell that before you this Stone was honored by such people with their presence giants of history, like Macedonian, Genghis Khan, Roerich... and some other Rikl, who appropriated all their merits.

We give this analysis not because among us there are those who, according to Rikl's plan, carved symbols on the Stone and laid the first boulders in the foundation of the Stone City. For ten years now they have been silently, with a barely noticeable smile, listening to the stories of those “in the know” about how Roerich “marked the Stone with his Sign” or how his followers in the nineties, using some maps, found and placed symbols, as indicated on Roerich’s drawings.

The names of the Aiins, who created the symbolism, will not be written into history, adding to the list of the Great Ones, and the spirit merchants will not lure thousands of simpletons to them. But does it really matter? The main thing is that they will remain forever and find, albeit earthly, but still eternity, in the Heart of the Stone Giant. To the sound of their hammers, in His gigantic body, washed with the hot sweat of inspired labor and quiet tears of participation in the Teacher’s Creativity, the Master was born.

Read how it really happened:

« 07/16/2000

Amedea corrects her vision about the Signs of Fire yesterday.

- I didn’t see the Yarlin stone, but the next stone.

I realized this immediately as soon as I began to look at the subtle plan again.

Here the Father is no longer silent:

The energy for the creativity of engraving symbols was laid by Rikla himself, who saw the eternal Path of Fire in the arrangement of Signs. The sun in the east (Aries) - like origin, an uncontrollable desire for the origin, growth of all living things, then at the zenith (Fire of Leo) - this is already the Flame of prosperity, Creativity, stability and the first practical results. Third Fire (Sagittarius) is the energy of an archer, a wise old man, aiming at the unknown.

According to this fiery sowing, the signs will be placed...

July 20, 2000

Diliithium and Allizarh began marking the Symbols on the Place of Power, Stone. Diliithius saw the Banner of Peace and the Cross in the convex lines of the engraving. A year ago, he chose this stone for his meditation, explaining to everyone then: “It is warm, it burns from the inside!”

Now there is work to be done in energies, even the Father has no right to interfere in this Creativity. It is also undesirable for anyone to be nearby...

From his morning heights, Rikla surveyed the situation at the Stone and now announces:

- What comes out from under the chisels of our stonecutters is indescribable! This is Creativity that takes your breath away. I repeat once again: it is not the gods who create energy on Earth, but people in their beauty who create it!..

In the evening, at dinner, Diliitiy puts the last piece of bread into his mouth.

“It’s immediately obvious that he finished his work,” the Teacher states the fact, “he didn’t have time to eat at lunch, he was all in the Stone, in the Creativity of its form.”

The engraving of the Fire signs is indeed already ready, only the paint has not been applied. Finally, everyone else is allowed to come into contact with strong Creativity.

The stone sounds, it is alive! The Equal Cross, carrying within itself the energy of the birth of the Fire of Life, appears before us as a gigantic inhalation, the Banner of Peace - as the exhalation of a stone giant. It soars high, raised in the Spirit, which means it will not be lowered in the heart!

On the Stone there is a comfortable hollow for meditation; we, lying and sitting on the warm stone sides, merged with it in the fiery Void.

This manifested eternity emanates peace and tranquility, and one does not want to leave his long-lived stone brother...


The cross on the Stone under Allizarch's hand blooms with sapphire.
The color of wisdom is inherent in this symbol of nascent life from the very beginning. It was not for nothing that Lord Morya wore this magnificent stone in his turban for a long time.
(photo of the Banner of Peace, color insert after p. 48, volume 6, “Fire of the One Cosmos”)

There is silence at the Stone, only occasionally punctuated by flashes of color and the chirping of birds. The wind rustles in the sparse grass, like an old janitor with a broom. Everything is waiting for the arrival of the life-giving Fire of the One Cosmos.

In the evening, Alexander, who had gone to meditate on the Stone, took a long time and carefully with handfuls of dusty crumbs from It, dressed it up for tomorrow’s holiday...


With the first rays of the sun, the sacrament of the Initiation of the Stone is appointed. At fifteen minutes past seven we all go to him through the awakening valley, following the Teacher in the morning cool. The mountains are painted in all possible shades of the rainbow spectrum; Our stone is right on the border of silver-steel rocks with purple jasper. YARLu has another name - the Valley of the Thrushes.

Here their seven respectable birds have already settled on the slopes as spectators of the upcoming Creativity.

Very soon the place will have a new name.

People will call it the Valley of Fire from the new century, when Rikla awakens the Stone to Creativity. Then the Master Stone will shine as a constant source of pure energy, a luminous standard, chanting true human treasures, and will help the Earth and its civilization to rise...

Timid rays of the sun touch the tops of the grass on the slopes, the Creativity of Fire, the mystery of awakening and initiation, begins. Rikl's arms are extended upward. He calls upon the energies of the Beyond Cosmos. Like a bell, Stone awakens in their sound, the aura of the mountain region above Kara-Turek is drawn, the sky brightens. Everything froze in solemnity. It’s as if we are in a Temple with flaming candles in our hands, listening to the Word of Fire, a service is underway on the Altar of Peace!

The position of the Teacher's hands changes: the left hand is raised up, calling on the forces of Light, the earthly and heavenly Sun, the right hand is lowered down, holding back the onslaught of the forces of darkness and darkness. Now the transcendental energies of deep space will flow through them.

Now look carefully at the photograph taken on the tenth of August, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, where Rikl, in meditation, calls on the energies of Shambhala of the Earth for joint creativity.

The photograph was taken from the eastern side, the Master is sitting on the Stone with his arms outstretched;

and now the Stone itself is EMPTY. Back in nineteen ninety-nine, there was no symbolism on the Stone, the inscription of which is attributed to N.K. Roerich, who allegedly visited the Yarlu Valley in 1926.

(photo from the color insert after p. 80, volume 5, “Fire of the One Cosmos”)

One day Rikla told his students how the Stone rose from the bowels of the earth, the conversation was recorded and published.

“One day in August 1970, I was descending from the upper reaches of Tekelyu, where Sapozhnikov once stayed with his caravan and several companions. Coming out to the middle ridge of the Yarlu valley, I decided to traverse it on the left side along the damp rubble. It is easier to run along it in zigzags, reducing the height of the pass. Dry crushed stone becomes hard, as if cemented, and in the event of a fall, little remains of the clothes, except perhaps rags hanging along the body, like separate fragments of once-existing linen. Deftly wielding my favorite tool of the journey - the kayak - I literally “slipped” down in fifteen to twenty minutes. Shaking out small crushed stones from rubber short boots, I quickly rushed along Yarlinka to the village, where Nikolai Sagalovich or a week’s supply of food, left by him by prior agreement, was supposed to be waiting for me. Having run out onto a fairly flat plateau, about three hundred meters before entering the forest zone, I SAW a rather smooth surface of a stone protruding from the ground by thirty to forty centimeters.

It felt like it was a monolith sitting deep in the ground...

...Eighteen years later, in 1989, being almost five thousand kilometers from the Stone, I heard its Call and, abandoning all worldly worries, rushed to Altai - to Yarla...

...Another ten years passed, when it was no longer Valentin, but Rikl led his first students to the Stone, which had clearly changed its forms.

...The YARLu Valley of 2004 was remembered by everyone for the sharply increased number of visitors to the Place of Power Stone-Master. Guides lead planning groups, tell myths about the Stone, around which legends and parables are formed about its mysterious appearance. Since 2005, the Master Stone and the Fortress City, built according to Rikl’s plan, have been included in a single ensemble of the National Reserve.

The first stone of the Fortress, according to Rikl’s drawings, was laid in 2002 by Kami-Dominay with a group of Aiins according to the Master’s plan...”

(“Milestones of the Fiery Accomplishment”, volume 2, second edition)

Even from these lines, everything becomes extremely clear to a reasonable person: The stone, which grew before Valentin’s eyes for thirty years, slept deep in the bowels of the earth, when Macedonian, Genghis Khan, and even Roerich walked on it, and under no circumstances could it be a witness their ways.

The Master Born in Stone is the Creativity of Earth and Heaven, united by Master Rikla in the Ray of Initiation in the year 2000, the first year of the third millennium.

The symbolism engraved on the Stone is the work of master stonemasons Allizarchus, Diliithius and Kami-Dominaeus, who in 2000 and 2001 embodied Rikl's plan on the form of a megalith.

The Stone City, founded by the Aiins in 2002, is the collective co-creation of hundreds of people who come to the Valley every summer, and now all year round, to meet the Stone Master.

None of the Altai followers of the Roerichs even ten years ago had even heard of the Stone in the Yarlu Valley, which only a few years later was included by them in the route of the Central Asian expedition, and along the way in the prospectuses of tourist routes under the loud name “Roerich’s Stone” or “Valley” Roerich."

The person who is now writing these lines, in the now distant year of 2002, personally, under the dictation of the Master, typed an email to one of the leading groups of the Roerich movement in the Altai Mountains, where the Teacher spoke about the Master Stone and the Yarlu Valley.

Answer: “Let them go, let them lead them to the Valley of People.

Several years will pass, and you will see that not tens, but hundreds and thousands of seekers will rush to the Master Stone. And it doesn’t matter whose followers they will be, for they will come to the Valley for a sip of pure energy, which they will draw not from the names of their Gurus, but from the Master Stone, connected by Rikla with the One Cosmic Magnet. For me, it doesn’t matter whose name will sound in connection with truly Cosmic Creativity in the Yarlu Valley, the main thing is that the Magnet will work for good. And time will put everything in its place.”

Today, these same followers, coming to the Valley, which they are trying with all their might to make a platform for their personal advancement up the hierarchical ladder of leaders from the spirit, with bloodshot bull eyes, without mincing words, like chained dogs, they rush at those sitting peacefully around the Master Stone people demanding that the Books of Rikl, allegedly desecrating the purity of Roerich’s space, be removed from it.

So, the Stone is a Shrine for you, and the Master who gave birth to It is an outcast? Now Rikl prevents you from receiving dividends from His own Creation. Linking the Stone in the Yarlu Valley with the name of N.K. Roerich, you are either deliberately distorting known facts

his stay in Altai, or you are displaying your ignorant ignorance of N.K.’s route for everyone to see. Roerich, which was his expedition.

Obviously, the time has come that the Teacher spoke about ten years ago - to put everything in its place. Comparison geographical coordinates

, names of old places with new ones and other calculations that can be made based on information given in the diaries of expedition participants and facts told by local residents of that period who accompanied travelers on radial exits, may take some time, but for an inquisitive seeker it will not be much work to restore justice.

It is precisely established that Roerich saw Belukha from the southern slopes, where the Katun originates. He also climbed the Terektinsky ridge, which borders the Uimon steppe from the north (see map). The guides took him along the squirrels of the Katunsky ridge, which lie parallel to the Kucherla and Ak-Kem rivers, but at a considerable distance from them. Researchers draw basic information about the places where the Roerichs stayed from the article “Roerich in Altai” by the Barnaul artist Leopold Tsesyulevich, who came to Upper Uimon when the peasants who remembered

“Roerich visited many surrounding mountains. The artist with his guide, Vakhramey Semenovich, climbed the Studeny, Pogorelka, Bolshoy Batun, and Maly Batun squirrels on horseback. We climbed the Terektinsky ridge to paint the top of Belukha from there. We went to the foot of Belukha along the Kucherela River. Roerich was also on southern slopes Katunsky Ridge, from where the view of Belukha opens up most fully. This trip is evidenced by his famous painting “Beluga whale”, which is now in Paris, in the Louvre.

In this picture, painted in sonorous, light tonal relationships, both peaks of Belukha are clearly visible, the Gebler Glacier is depicted in the foreground, and behind it one can see the snow-capped Separate Ridge, crossing the Katunsky and Berelsky glaciers.”

A person who has been to these parts or studied a map knows that if you walk along Kucherla, you will not get to the foot of Belukha, you still need to take the Karatyurek pass. Some followers of the Roerichs suggest that he could quickly ride horses along Kucherla and climb to the Karaturek Pass to admire Belukha from there. They admit that, being a good horseman, it is possible to make such a journey with an ascent to a pass at a height of 3060 meters and return back in one day. Obviously, those who put forward such hypotheses do it from a soft armchair at home, running their sleek fingers over the map and not imagining the actual hardships of such a journey for a person from the thirties of the last century. Even with

modern development

tourism industry, which greatly facilitates the trials of a person in the mountains, this task will be quite difficult to accomplish.

But these are all words, let’s turn to the facts and conduct a brief analysis of Roerich’s stay and his expedition directly in the Altai Mountains.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the timing of this stay, after which many of the misconceptions imposed on you regarding the range of works carried out by Roerich will disappear by themselves.

In Leopold Tsesyulevich’s article “Roerich in Altai” the following starting dates for the expedition’s movement are given:

“We arrived in Biysk on July 30. Here they hired drivers and horses, and loaded luggage onto four chaises. The next day we went deep into Altai.<...>

On the seventh day after leaving Biysk, having crossed the Katun by ferry, the expedition arrived in Upper Uimon. Here we stayed with Vakhramey Semenovich Atamanov.”

The departure of the Roerichs from Upper Uimon took place on the nineteenth of August; on the twenty-fourth of August they arrived in Biysk, from where on the twenty-sixth they went by boat to the capital of Siberia, the city of Novosibirsk.

Thus, the period of stay of the Roerich expedition in the Altai Mountains was limited to only twelve days.

If you carefully study the materials of the Central Asian expedition based on the diary entries of its participants, you will be able to independently come to the conclusion that Roerich physically could not visit the Yarlu Valley and engrave double symbolism on the Stone.

Having stayed in the Altai Mountains for only 12 days, he was largely limited in time to undertake such a journey and carry out the designated work. Despite the paucity of information about the actual routes of the expedition, it is known that its participants made short radial excursions in different directions, having previously sent guides for reconnaissance.

Usually in the first half of the day they rode out on horseback, in the second half they worked and socialized in the Upper Uimon.

The daughter of Vakhramey Semenovich, Zinaida Zubakina, recalls the Roerichs this way: “...The old man sat more and more in his room, and Yura ran or went to the mountains.

And sometimes we went together. We went there and there. We went in all directions."

Regarding the last proposal, according to the records of the expedition, four main directions are distinguished:

1.Terektinsky ridge.

2.Katun squirrels.

3. Study of the Uimon steppe.

From Tungur to Uimon is almost seventy kilometers. If we assume that the Roerichs stayed overnight in Tungur and from there visited the confluence of the Ak-Kem with the Katun, the Kucherly valley and carried out their research there, which Zinaida Grigorievna Fosdick always mentions in her travel notes, then such a mini-expedition could take at least four to five days, if you move almost non-stop.

Thus, for all radial exits N.K. Roerich could have taken from seven to eight days, and this despite the fact that we deliberately underestimate the time interval, not taking into account the everyday circumstances of organizing the expedition in the 30s and the bad weather that accompanied their movement for almost half of the time.

“That summer, the summer of 1926, Altai was flooded with rain.<...>The roads were washed away, the sticky, black mud turning them into treacherous swamps. Muddy water filled the potholes to the brim.

In mid-August, clear days arrived, and snow had already fallen on the mountains. The air became transparent, and the distance was clearly visible.” (L.V. Shaposhnikova, “Altai: along the path of Roerich”).

So, out of twelve days, at best, four remain, during which Roerich had to visit Jarla, as well as devote time to his personal internal work, which, according to eyewitnesses, he did: “A close and cordial relationship formed between Roerich and Vakhramey Semenovich. When the artist was working in his room, Vakhramey was the only one who could come to him without an invitation.”

Let us now consider the possibility of Roerich's trip to the Yarlu Valley.

There are opinions that during his stay in the Altai Mountains, Roerich visited the Yarlu Valley, where he “marked the Stone with his sign.”

He had only four days left for this journey. To do this, Roerich had to reach Yarlu in one day. Is this possible for travelers in the 30s? A contemporary will answer: “Of course, yes,” but he is guided by what this route represents today. However, in your haste and incompetence, you did not take into account the fact that even when Roerich traveled through Altai across the Katun and Kucherla rivers there were no bridges and the crossing took much longer than today. Having finished work in Ak-kem, on June 16 we moved to neighboring Tekelya, and this cost us quite a bit of trouble. Having forded Ak-Kem below the lake, we headed through the marshy meadow into the narrow side valley of the Yarlu River, flowing along the northern side of the mountain of the same name. However, we did not go through its valley, since it is surrounded by terrible steeps with screes, as evidenced by the very name Yarlu, i.e. “with cliffs” or with “jars”. It was necessary to climb steeply “to the valley,” or to the plateau, along the right bank of the Yarlu and walk parallel to the valley to the east, well above the forest line. From above, a narrow valley notch with light blue screes is especially well drawn.

The dale, or plateau, is a deserted undulating plain without signs of trees, covered with stunted alpines. Here and there there are exposed scatterings of corum or low rocky ridges jutting out.

After 3 hours of travel, we were opposite the top of the Yarlu River, at a high pass in Tekelya (up to 2,860 m), where, with a strong wind, we were covered with snow pellets.

The watershed between Tekelu and Yarlu is interesting in the sense that it runs as a narrow mane parallel to the first and perpendicular to the second, and the mane, with an absolute height of 2,530 m, descends as a gentle meadow only 170 m to the east to Tekel and a terribly steep blue ravine of meters four hundred ends to the river. Jarl. The mane is constantly crumbling towards the Jarl, over time this small barrier can be completely destroyed, and then Tekel will dig a new path here for himself” (V.V. Sapozhnikov “Travels in Altai”).

It makes no sense to even consider the fact that knowing about the antiquity of the origin and the role of the Master Stone in the history of not only Altai, but the whole world, as modern legends tell us about this, such an inquisitive researcher as Choros-Gurkin, being in Ak-Kem glacier at the foot of Belukha, did not visit these promised lands and did not reflect the impressions received in his work.

In the twenty-nine years of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries between the expeditions of Sapozhnikov and Roerich, little changed in the appearance of the Valley compared to the global transformation that it has undergone over the past twenty-five years. Back in the seventies, it was necessary to get to Yarla through deep swamps and rubble of corums, so the Valley was bypassed by neighboring ridges.

Just imagine that a hundred years ago the Ak-Kem glacier protruded forward two kilometers, filling the entire space along which today tourists walk to its foot.

In July two thousand and one, the Yarlu Valley changed its face so much overnight that all the transformations that have occurred to it over the past hundred years seem insignificant.

“It was the end of July 2000. We split into two groups; the first, which was to follow the usual route through the Yarlu Valley to the agreed meeting point at the Place of Power of Civilization, was led by Allizarch. The master and his group had to go through Oroktoy, along the ridges, down to Tekel, bypassing the Yarlu Valley, as they walked in the old days. There was no such trail on Ak-Kem before, there was a barely noticeable trail, Vitya Nolfin, Valentin’s guide, rode, and occasionally groups of tourists made their way through the stone rubble of the scree. What kind of trails are there, these are now roads.

Considering the situation in which Allizarch’s group found itself, warned by the Master back in Barnaul about the supposed force majeure circumstances of his journey, Rikl changed his original route and already on the second day, by lunchtime, set up his camp in Yarlu.

The natural situation was becoming more complicated every hour; the entire space of the Valley was saturated with vibrations of the approaching catastrophe.

When I descended into the Valley, something incredible was already happening. Gusts of wind knocked him off his feet, black clouds rushing at breakneck speed plunged Yarla into darkness.

You all know the Master’s campsite very well. Kami and I's tent stood closer to the hillock, next to the crooked larch tree, and Diliitiya and Aiya's tent was on the edge, closer to the river.

The valley in those days had a completely different landscape.

A clear river flowed right next to the camp; it was three or four meters wide.

At about ten o'clock in the evening there began a terrible downpour with wild gusts of wind that literally swept away everything in its path, and we were “dared” into the tents. Between eleven and twelve at night something unimaginable began, beyond any comprehension. Nothing could be heard except a continuous hum, pressing on my head with terrible force. The earth vibrated, space shook in the furious anger of the howling wind, and then I realized that something beyond perception was happening - a cataclysm. I had a hard time shouting to the guys and asked Seryozha to go out and look at the river bed to see if their tent would be washed away. The answer was shocking: “Nothing will happen.”

Then it dawned on me... This is a disaster! Once again I was left alone with the elements. I see that Kami is not going to go out, it is useless to get dressed, I was in only shorts and jumped out. Something unimaginable was happening there... I won’t describe it. The beast awakened in me literally threw Aya and Diliithia out of the tent and forced it to be moved next to ours. We were all wet to the bones and terribly cold. Nothing was visible; stones, dry branches, uprooted trees and everything that the elements managed to lift from the ground were flying in the air.

Suddenly I heard the approaching roar of a formidable element, rushing with increasing speed from somewhere above. Without having time to fully comprehend the disastrousness of the moment, I fell somewhere and, as if from afar, I heard an eerie rumble on the ground, feeling its vibrations right under the bottom of the tent, under the sleeping bag. The earth did not shake, as during an earthquake, it vibrated, as if some huge mass, tens of thousands of tons, was walking along it. In the morning I woke up - I woke up, it would be more accurate. Silence, absolute silence

I have known Yarla for more than forty years, she has completely changed her appearance, absolutely. The area up to Stone Town has been changed beyond recognition.

Lava passed through the Valley and went to Ak-Kem. Soon everything hardened and became the surface layer of what you have now trampled on your roads.

Since that night, Yarlu Valley has acquired the appearance that is familiar to all of you. Imagine that if the height of the canyon that separated the rivers reached two meters in height and about five in width, i.e. we calmly walked along this lintel to the Stone, then what a force the mudflow was, sweeping it off the face of the earth like a blade of grass. The terrain leveled out, the bright river disappeared, as if it had never existed at all. Now, eleven years later, only a few streams are again trying to find the bed of the future river. It was such power, the mudflow overnight washed away the forest, changed the river beds, and swept away everything that stood in its way from the face of the earth. Scary night

, my companions, who were with me then, did not realize at the epicenter of what natural disaster they found themselves.”

Studying the discussions between serious researchers of Roerich’s heritage, who, by the way, do not even mention the Yarlu Valley anywhere and do not consider it as a possible location for the expedition, but more often argue about from which point the artist saw Belukha, we find the following assumptions.

Culturologist I.A. Zhernosenko writes that: “N.K. Roerich could not go to the northern foot of Belukha through Kucherla, because... from the side of Kucherla you can get to Belukha only by going through one of the passes: Kara-Turek or Riga-Tourist. The first scree, height 3060 m, category 1A; the second is snowy scree, height 2850 m. Both passes are impassable for horses and have the category of difficulty accepted in mountain tourism.”

Our contemporaries refute his statement, stating that the Karaturek Pass is not scree and there is an excellent horse trail through it.

Of course, they are right, but they do not take into account the fact that over the past twenty years numerous tourists have made it good, and more than eighty years ago only hunters and rare groups of explorers walked around these places.

This is not just a horseback ride along the surrounding ridges, but a full-fledged micro-expedition, which Roerich had to go on together with a group of trained people, provisions, tents and other essentials necessary in everyday life.

Also, this group should have included people who had special equipment and skills in working with stone.

Were there such people on the Roerich expedition? And if so, why are their names not announced anywhere? This is not at all characteristic of either the Roerichs themselves or the companions who accompanied them.

In the diaries of the expedition participants we find detailed information about what role is assigned to each member of the group, from the Leaders themselves and their closest assistants to the last servant (shepherd).

N.K. Roerich paid a lot of attention and spared neither time nor ink to show the involvement of each person in the common Cause.

That's why we meet so detailed descriptions the most ordinary daily affairs along with stories about the activities carried out by the expedition in the field of scientific research, laying suburgans and meetings with high-ranking people.

There is not even the slightest mention of who was responsible for the section of work on engraving the symbols and when they were carried out.

Not a single word anywhere.

Let's get back to the deadlines. Three days for the road to Yarla and back, with the work of painting two symbols on the Stone, which, by the way, was still underground at that time.

Take yourself back to the 30s of the last century, imagine the weight and volume of expedition equipment, as well as the area of ​​interest to us on the approaches to Belukha, which then more likely resembled an impenetrable jungle than a developed tourist area with well-trodden paths, camp sites and other civilized services, which it is today.

Would Roerich have been able to undertake such an expedition within the specified time frame? Draw your own conclusions.

It is necessary to mention two more important factors related to the personality of Nikolai Konstantinovich himself.

For example, while in Altai, Roerich personally made a memorial plaque for the grave of executed partisans. During their travels through Mongolia and Tibet, the Roerichs repeatedly erected Buddhist shrines - stupas and suburgans. Each such building was accompanied by rituals according to the customs of the host country and was vividly highlighted in the diaries of the expedition participants.

Many Roerichs have repeatedly tried to initiate trials against Rikla, who allegedly appropriated their trademark, which is in fact the oldest Cosmic Symbol of the Trinity on Earth.

How can a person in his right mind perceive that the oldest symbol on the Banner of Peace is the property of Roerich? And now that International Center Roerichov patented the sacred Symbol as his trademark, thereby vulgarizing the idea of ​​the Roerich movement, he once again convinced us that there are no limits to human ignorance.

To patent the symbol of the Trinity, which existed in Space long before the origin of life on Earth and was used as a life principle by the inhabitants of various planets, is equivalent to appropriating a piece of the sky, a star or a piece of interplanetary space as personal property.

N.K. himself Roerich very carefully ensured that his name was preserved for every product of his intellectual work, through obtaining various kinds of documentary evidence.

However, look at what he said about the Banner of Peace:

“This symbol is of great antiquity and is found throughout the World, therefore it cannot be limited to any sect, organization, religion or tradition, as well as personal or group interests, for it represents the evolution of consciousness in all its phases.”

The antiquity of the Trinity Symbol is beyond doubt. It is not for nothing that Nikolai Konstantinovich depicted rocks in the Himalayas in one of the paintings with an engraving of the Symbol of the Trinity, with the only difference: there is no circle. Stones with the same symbolism, but already in a circle, are found in large quantities in Altai and Siberia. Two such stones are well known to everyone: one lies in Katun, not far from Ak-Koba (between Multa and Katanda), the other in the village of Kuyus, but there are many others that local residents discover in various places in the Altai mountains, in the taiga and mountain shore. Time has not erased the creations of ancient stonemasons, and three circles appear as one on the faces of the stones, sometimes clearly, sometimes barely discernible.

“Many claim that the Symbols were engraved during the expedition of the Roerichs to Altai. However, this is fundamentally wrong.

The rock engraving is many centuries older than the Symbol of the Trinity on the Banner of Peace legitimized by Nicholas Roerich. The Roerichs saw Stones with three-petalled flames in Altai and perceived them as the Message of the Teacher. This was indeed the Message left by the hand of a nameless Brother, who for some time carried out his task in Altai. We approve! The symbolism was once engraved by the hands of ancient Masters during the search for paths to the mythical Belovodye. Even in the pre-Mongol period, individuals, as a rule, monks, less often envoys of aspiring princes, stretched their gaze towards an unknown country, closely connected by spiritual ties with India and Tibet. Sinegorye and Belovodye excited the minds of restless seekers of a happy life with tales and legends about their mystery. The signs were left by the messengers of the White Brotherhood, like guiding stars to the Abode of the Light Gods.”

(conversation “Hidden Milestones of the Paths of the White Brotherhood”, “Milestones of the Fiery Accomplishment”, volume 4)

In the diaries of the expedition there is also no mention of Lake Ak-Kem, which Roerich would have seen if he had crossed the Katunsky ridge or the Karaturek pass, as some explorers suggest. The beauty that he could see if he visited Lake Ak-Kem would certainly be reflected in his work, both in prose and in painting. One can only regret that this did not happen, because he could have been the first artist to paint Lake Ak-Kem and the beautiful face of Belukha reflected in its waters, Boris and Bronislav, the eternal guards frozen on the approaches to the majestic snow. Such canvases appeared much later, because every self-respecting artist who has visited the Altai mountains considers it a matter of honor to capture this incomparable landscape. In Roerich’s paintings, Belukha shows us only its snow-white peaks, hiding from the artist’s brush behind the picturesque ridges of the surrounding mountains.

Artist B. Smirnov-Rusetsky, student of N.K. Roerich, only in the seventies of the twentieth century he reached Lake Ak-Kem and painted Belukha in the traditions of his Master.

Some researchers are of the following opinion: “... if you look at the artist’s paintings, you can clearly see that Belukha is depicted not from the sources of the Katun, but at a great distance, and from a certain height, which makes it possible to show the peak well dominating the area, its outlines are not hidden mountain slopes to the right and left."

Based on this, we can assume that N. Roerich did not intend to go to the sources of the Katun; for him it was enough to see Belukha from a point closer to the Upper Uimon, especially since in the artist’s diary entries we find: “And from the Icy Ridge it is best seen Belukha herself, about whom the deserts whisper.” (I.L. Mershina. Altai route of the Central Asian expedition: 80 years later).

N.K. Roerich. Belukha. Sketch

Needless to say, the Edelweiss Valley, if the artist had visited it, would also have been on his canvases or in his diary entries, although the Stone might not have attracted his attention, since it was significantly “sunk” into the ground and hidden in the thick grasses, now shamelessly trampled by numerous visitors...

We will not remind you that on the narrow end of the Stone there is another engraving, which is not indicated in any article or in any tourist booklet - the year 2000. Those who read Rikl's books know the date of the Dedication of the Stone, which is celebrated as his birthday (July 22, 2000). This is so, by the way, because this circumstance only makes the attacks of individual adherents of the version of the Roerich Stone even more aggressive. They say, damned vandals, they ruined a cultural monument. Have you ever thought that if not for these symbols, which some attribute to forms of vandalism, neither you nor thousands of other people would have ever known about the Master Stone in the Yarlu Valley?

And finally, the guardians of the Roerichs’ heritage can conduct an examination to confirm the truth, which will confirm that the date of drawing the symbols is really 2000.

Today, many opinions and proposals are being expressed about how exactly to return the Master Stone in the Yarl Valley to the name of its true Parent and Initiator, Master Rikl, the man who opened this Place of Power in the Altai Mountains for the whole world. Everyone offers their own forms of a fair resolution of this situation, in accordance with their internal content and state of mind.

Not everything that comes from the pages of your letters and from oral statements can be accepted and supported by us, for, as Rikl said in one of his last conversations with his students: “The people of the Earth know nothing about justice, although this word sounds from lips as often as their mobile phones ring, permeating the space with deadly vibrations.

In modern times, the word “justice” has become synonymous with the fig leaf, with which, after the fall into sin, humanity, which turned the holy principle of creation into lust, began to cover up its shamelessness. For the most part, earthlings adjust justice to their personal benefits and ambitions, which they present as high aspirations and benefactors.”

But, in spite of everything, no matter how you express your feelings and emotions, we are glad that everything that happens with the Master and around his name does not leave you indifferent. Protect the name of your Master, but if you do this through aggression, lies and hypocrisy, know: such protection burdens His movement in the worlds of Space and Earth.

At the end of our conversation, let us return to the question: why did we decide to take part in the discussion that last years escalated into a violent dispute between the followers of Master Rickle and N.K. Roerich, which is being joined by an increasing number of both interested and independent people.

We decided to answer with words from the book “Community”, § 94; perhaps the words of the Teachers you reverence will be able to reach your heart:

“Often you talk about the imperfections of existing books.

I will say more - mistakes in books are equal to a serious crime. Lies in books should be prosecuted as a form of grave slander. The speaker's lies are persecuted according to the number of listeners. The writer's lies are based on the number of prints of the book. Taking the place of people's book depositories with lies is a serious crime. You need to sense the true intention of the feeder in order to evaluate the quality of his mistakes. Ignorance will be the worst reason. Fear and meanness will take the closest place. All these features are unacceptable in society. They must be eliminated in new construction. Prohibitive measures, as always, are not suitable. But the open error must be removed from the book. The need to withdraw and reprint the book will bring the writer to his senses. Every citizen has the right to prove a mistake. Of course, new views and construction cannot be prevented, ».

“Remember N.K.’s favorite words, which he so often repeats: “We must rely on the truth, on true facts, all our words and actions must be as pure as crystal, for we live before the eyes of the whole world.” Therefore, be vigilant that enemies who wear the guise of friendship do not distort the facts, so that inaccuracy does not creep in even in small things, for small things add up to big things. An unforeseen pebble under his foot drops the giant. (Sowing on December 31 yielded its harvest.) Don’t make the path difficult!”

It remains to finally voice Master Rikl’s request to visitors to the Yarlu Valley - do not pick the edelweiss, do not trample the herbs.

“At the same time, I ask you to defuse the energetic and physical situation around the Place of Power of the Master Stone in YARLu. Do not settle closer than a kilometer near the Hail and Stone, this is not my prohibition, but the Master’s Request. Do not place your toilets under the Bowl of the Altar, remove the tents below, until the first clear water, this is a kilometer and a half from my camp - everyone knows it. Visit the Master as if you were Holy Place, and do not distort the energy with your presence in His Aura, for you are all carriers of psychic energy, both positive and negative. Cleanse the place of your own impurities and retreat to the boundaries of Reverence.”

P.S.: It’s just a matter of saying, but those who listened to the Master’s live conversations on the new disc dedicated to Rickle’s expeditions in 2005 and 2012 will understand the essence of this postscript.

Belukha has many different names, but one of them has a special meaning for us - Mousse-Doo-Tau, this is how the Kirghiz of southern Altai called it from ancient times.

A fairy tale within a fairy tale - this is what Yarlu Gorge is. A fairy-tale corner in a fairy-tale land. A small earthly multi-colored treasure is very close to the snow-white wisdom and piercing snow. This is a corner of joy and earthly warm magic. Here, in the outline of the ridge, you can see the profile of the face, neck and chest of a lying woman. The image of the Mother of the World, accepting everything and giving Joy to the world. In this place, a variety of experiences can wash over a person; the main thing is not to fuss, and open up to nature. It will come to everyone, but it is impossible to remain indifferent.

Tourists know Jarla from the "Stone City", which is located in the right valley. In the center of the “Stone City” lies a huge boulder, around which Roerich’s followers built an entire “city” of obo pyramids. The huge stone, which was given the name “Roerich’s stone”, is unusual and is believed to give energy. And whether people know it or not, almost everyone will sit, lie down, or simply lean against this stone... You can walk upstream of the stream and admire the multi-colored slope of the dividing ridge. Near the boulder, the slope is lilac in color, then there is a silver-gray wall, then a motley, joyful area where golden, silver, brown, lilac, and purple colors alternate. The slope is especially beautiful when it is illuminated by the sun, shimmering with different colors, it gives light and joy to those who are in the valley.

How to get there:
Yarlu Gorge is located on the right bank of Lake Ak-Kem. From the meteorological station on Akkem to the road to the Yarlu gorge, on the opposite bank, you can cross by meteorological boat. From the crossing into the gorge there is a well-trodden path leading to a larch forest. Some parts of the path are in muddy terrain, so you can get your feet wet while wearing sneakers. The second option is to cross the Akkem River on the bridge, which is located a kilometer below the meteorological station in the area of ​​the base. A landmark can be the waterfall of the nameless river, which is located on the left slope of the Ak-kem gorge. Opposite the place where you can see the waterfall, you need to approach the shore of Akkem and there will be a bridge there.

On the other bank you need to go to the Yarlu River, which flows into the Akkem River, and climb up its current. The river is filled with water from streams in the Yarlu gorge. The river bed is quite wide and rocky, but the stream itself is quite small. The river has high steep banks covered with larch. As soon as you see a path up on the right, go up to the larches and follow the upper path.

The Yarlu gorge is divided by a ridge into two valleys, this can be seen if you walk along the river bed. Jarlu up. But if you move along the upper path of the steep bank, you may not notice this, but go straight to the right valley, where the “stone city” is located. To the right and left of the dividing ridge two streams flow, which merge into the river. Yarlu, further flowing into the river. Ak-kem. You can reach the Yarlu gorge from the Tekelyu River valley through the Yarlu-Boc pass (2800 m), which closes the Yarlu gorge and separates it from the Tekelyu River. Horseback tourists and Altai hunters pass this route.

But usually tourists go from parking lots on Lake Akkem, from where they make radial trips to, and to, and to.

If you look from Akkem, then to the left of the dividing ridge there are several cozy parking areas among the larches. To the right of the dividing ridge there are no trees, there are no parking areas either, but streams from springs with clear water flow here, which is not the case in the left valley.

Yarlu Gorge is also unusual in that there are a lot of edelweiss trees here, while there are none in the neighboring valleys. These modest flowers that look like white stars grow almost everywhere in Yarlu. Edelweiss is listed in the Red Book.

Traveling to the Yarlu Valley from Lake Akkem takes from three hours to a whole day. After all, from the gorge you can climb to the dividing ridge, from where you can see the right and left valley, you can climb to the cascade of waterfalls on the right slope of the gorge, you can simply go to the source of the stream, without any thoughts, dissolving in space and eternity...
When you leave, don’t leave trash “for eternity.” After all, the past, present and future are intertwined and what you seem to throw away forever can come back to you...

I want to start my story about my trip to Altai with an amazing place - the Yarlu Valley. Firstly, this is an incredibly beautiful place, multi-colored rocks and sunset spots of light create a fantastic picture. Secondly, this place is simply connected great amount legends, myths and stories of especially impressionable people - from encounters with UFOs to portals to North America. This is where I will start my story

1. Our hike lasted 9 days, 4 of which we spent at the base camp near Belukha. And from there we made several radial exits into the most interesting places. One evening we went out to the Yarlu Valley. It was worth going there at least because of the road through windbreaks and following the traces of a fresh mudflow - just a few weeks ago it significantly changed the approaches to the valley. The path was washed away, and in some places we trampled it again, and in others we simply jumped between stones along the disfigured river.

2. For the overall picture, I’ll run ahead and show you the view of the Yarlu Valley from the Karaturek Pass. Looks like a dam. The rocks are mostly bluish-gray in color, which is why they are usually called Blue. The ridge in the center is called the Dragon's Spine.

3. This valley has long been considered a place of power. Crowds of people flock here to meditate and recharge their batteries. In the center of this stone temple there is a stone - the “Stone of Wisdom” (“Master Stone”) - almost white, unusually smooth for these places.
Many claim that it is “grown” 70 cm into the ground. Or, on the contrary, that this stone “grows” from the ground, rising 4-6 centimeters above its surface every year.
There are beliefs that since ancient times the Master Stone has been called the Shaman’s Stone or the World Stone. When we approached the stone, a couple of women were sitting on it, apparently meditating with their eyes closed. Sometimes you really regret that you don’t feel what other people who are prone to esotericism and mysticism feel. maybe there is a really strong energetic place there..

4. Surrounded on all sides by beautiful rocks - bluish-blue, as they consist almost entirely of blue clay combined with layers of other rocks, equally bright and saturated in color. That is why most of the streams here have a milky turquoise or milky greenish tint. During the shooting, it rained several times and the rocks simply changed color before our eyes - they became darker, then lighter.

5. They say that the upper part of the ridge looks like a lying woman and call it the Mother of the World. No matter how closely I looked, I didn’t see a woman) But perhaps over a long time the contours were erased. It is noteworthy that on the body of the “lying woman” there is a place with an outcropping of red rock. This part is called the Mother’s Heart, and the reddish exit is the bleeding from the heart. One feels uneasy from such a comparison...

6. I was very lucky with the weather - it changed every five minutes. Heavy rain and snow clouds were blowing from Belukha, and the wind drove them downstream along the Akkem valley, only occasionally driving streams of rain into Yarla. And when the sun peeked out from behind it, it slightly illuminated the slanting stripes of rain. In the photo - the Karaturek pass in a rain shroud.

7. The Yarlu Valley is also called the Valley of Edelweiss. When tested, they turned out to be extremely inconspicuous flowers)) So I was even too lazy to take them off) But then the rocks began to glow, and all attention was focused on the amazing play of light

8. A little later I was lucky to see a piece of the rainbow over the rocks. Roerich believed that somewhere on the slopes of Belukha the entrance to Shambhala was hidden. Roerich followers still flock to the valley in droves. they say that that same white stone serves as the entrance to this mythical country. On the other hand, he does not allow people with bad thoughts and a negative attitude into the valley. I don’t know, he let me in)) Although I had only positive things on my mind - from what I saw. The place is still magical, but in its own aesthetic sense.

9. They say that especially impressionable people feel an influx of strength and an unusual flow of energy. that day we just descended from the Valley of the Seven Lakes and walked several kilometers to the Yarlu Valley, so we didn’t feel anything other than fatigue)) Although we had to ask the guys. maybe they got something from cosmic energy...

On the opposite side of the Ak-Kem weather station, at an altitude of 2000 meters, there is the Yarlu gorge (translated from Altai means “with cliffs” or “yars”), named after the river of the same name flowing through it, flowing into Akkem.

There are three paths to the Yarlu gorge from Lake Akkem.

The first (1-1.5 hours one way) - for a small amount (about 100 rubles per person) take a boat from the weather station across the lake. At the same time, you need to be careful, the shores of Lake Akkem in the area of ​​the crossing are very deep.

The second path is free, but long (depending on the speed of movement, it will take 2-3 hours one way).

You will have to go up to the suspension bridge over the Akkem River, where the Yarlu flows into the Akkem (it is several hundred meters above the last inhabited sites of Lake Akkem, much higher than the Ministry of Emergency Situations base (Bochki).

When you cross to the other bank, go up to the Yarlu River, which flows into Akkem and go upstream. On the right you will see a path stretching upward to a deciduous forest. Rise with her.

The third route to the Yarlu Valley is also free and long (the same 2-3 hours one way), but you have to go not up, but downstream of the Akkem, much lower than the Akkem meteorological station.

See the diagram map below (the first and third paths are marked).

Since 2002, the Roerichites and followers of Rikl's teachings have built a whole town of stones around a monolithic structure located in the center of the gorge, which has grown into the ground. block of stone, which they call the “Stone of Wisdom” (“Stone-Master”).

The stone depicts the most ancient cosmic symbol of the trinity, the so-called Roerich sign - “past, present and future in the circle of eternity.”

There is usually deathly silence around the stone city; there is rarely any hustle and bustle there.

In the upper part of the Yarlu Valley is located mountain range, separating the valleys of the Yarlu and Tekelya rivers, and received the name “Mother of the World” (“face of the Mother of the World”) for its resemblance to the profile of the body of a lying woman.

Interestingly, the name of this ridge is translated from the local dialect as “Reclining Woman”.

Directly from the Yarlu valley, only the outline of the head is clearly visible.

From one side of the valley you can see blood flowing from the area of ​​the woman’s heart (the bright purple-red rock in the Yarlu gorge called “Mother’s Heart”), from the other part of the valley you get the impression of widely spread wings emanating from the body (the neighboring mountain range).

If you stand on the dividing ridge facing this image, then on your left hand you will find a ravine overgrown with larches. Tourists who come specifically to the Yarlu Gorge for a summer holiday, soaking up the beauty and practicing maximum unity with nature, usually stop in this wooded slope.

Yarlu Gorge has another name - “Valley of Edelweiss”, because. in its valley there is a huge number of these mysterious flowers, listed in the Red Book and not found anywhere else in the neighboring gorges.

Very often they appear in ancient legends about love and wisdom.

Edelweiss is a flower of the genus of dicotyledonous herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae, or Compositae family, growing in the highlands of Europe and Asia.

The scientific name of the flower Leontopodium comes from the merger of the Greek words for "lion" and "foot" for the appearance of the inflorescence, which resembles a lion's paw.

The Russian name of the flower comes from the transliteration of the name of the flower from German, meaning “noble” and “white”.

We ask all tourists visiting the Yarlu Valley - take care of nature, do not pick the edelweiss.

Surrounding gorge mountain range, which has a light blue color during the daytime, is called “Blue Mountains”. This is explained by the fact that the 600-meter cliffs-conglomerates towering above the valley are really bluish-blue, since they consist almost entirely of blue clay in combination with layers of other rocks, equally bright and saturated in color. That is why most of the streams here have a milky turquoise or milky greenish tint.

In general, the surrounding area of ​​Yarlu is famous not only for its unusual landscape, but also for its original combination and variety of colors. During the daytime, the slopes of the valley are painted in light blue colors; in the evening, at sunset, the surrounding mountains acquire soft pink-violet shades, and in the fall, the combination of yellow-orange vegetation with the rich colors of the mountains creates simply stunning landscapes. Moreover, after the rain all the colors become especially bright.

From the peaks surrounding the sources of Yarlu, a picturesque view of the peaks of Yarlu, Kara-Oyuk, Ak-Oyuk and the Crown of Altai opens.

The valley is very clearly visible when descending or ascending to the Kara-Turek pass.

The Internet is filled with all sorts of legends, myths and fairy tales that attract and lure esoteric tourists to the Yarlu Valley. Let's introduce some of them.

Thus, the famous philosopher and artist N.K. Roerich seriously believed that somewhere here, on one of the slopes of Belukha, was the entrance to Shambhala. During his journey through Mountain Altai he sought to get to this valley and it was in it that he established his camp. Until now, followers of the great artist and philosopher rush to the foot of Belukha and to the nearby Yarlu valley, for which local residents They are jokingly called "rerikhnuty".

Many claim that it is “grown” 70 cm into the ground. Or, on the contrary, that this stone “grows” from the ground, rising 4-6 centimeters above its surface every year.

There are beliefs that since ancient times the Master Stone has been called the Shaman’s Stone or the World Stone. According to legend, once upon a time, on the site of Lake Akkem in front of Belukha there was a city, and the World Stone was the place where ancient princes resolved issues of the world.

“Knowledgeable” people said that Alexander the Great himself visited Altai and lived for several weeks in the Yarlu Valley, drawing strength and wisdom from the Master Stone. Or that the legendary fighters of Genghis Khan recharged themselves from this energy stone and that is why they call it “The Stone of Genghis Khan”.

Some talk about aliens who brought this Stone from another planet. Others write that Roerich visited the Yarlu valley during his Altai expedition and marked this stone with his sign and a blue cross as a place of power.

Followers of the teachings of Rikl they write that the symbolism engraved on the stone is the work of master stonemasons Allizarchus, Diliithius and Kami-Dominaeus, who in 2000 and 2001 embodied Rikl's plan on the form of a megalith .

Roerich followers believe that this stone has powerful energy, and according to legend, it guards the entrance to Shambhala, at the foot of Belukha.

There is a belief that when people with negative energy and bad intentions approach the stone directly, the stone seems to push them away, not allowing them to continue their journey, and people’s well-being sharply and noticeably deteriorates. Others consider it a great blessing to meditate on it or near the stone, or simply touch it, feeding on its powerful energy.

Followers of Rikl's teachings believe that one should climb onto an "energy" stone barefoot, sit on it in silence and meditate.

Located on the right bank of the Akkem River, almost opposite the Akkem weather station, it is also clearly visible when descending from the Karaturek Pass. This place is holy for Roerich’s followers; a stone town of tours is built here around a stone especially revered by the Roerich followers.

It is interesting for its colored rocks, the colors of which become especially bright after rain. In the outline of the ridge separating the valleys of the Yarlu and Tekelya rivers, with a certain imagination, you can see the profile of a woman, and the bright purple-red rock is called the Heart of the Mother.

For an excursion around the valley on a hot day, it is better to take some water with you in advance in the lower reaches of the river, where it is abundant, because... directly above the town the stream often dries up, or the water is very muddy.

How to get to the Yarlu River Valley

There are two ways to the Yarlu Valley from Lake Akkem.

The first is to take a boat from the weather station across the lake for a small amount. In 2012 it cost 80 rubles per person. Be careful, the shores of Lake Akkem in the crossing area are very muddy, and you will probably get your sneakers or sneakers wet, and even dirty - that’s for sure.

The second way is free, but long. Go up to the suspension bridge across the river. Akkem (it is several hundred meters above the last inhabited sites of Lake Akkem, much higher than the Ministry of Emergency Situations base (Bochki), then along the right bank of the lake to the valley. By the way, some set up camps, because there are significantly fewer problems with firewood, but a view of Belukha closed.


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