5 largest mountains. The largest mountain in the world. Where is Kilimanjaro

Wherever this question is asked, the answer will always be “Mount Everest.” However, few people think about the meaning of this question. Most people on the planet won't try to think twice and will immediately answer it the same way. Everest. Therefore, it is not in vain when we compare the most high mountains on other planets in our solar system (for example, Mount Olympus on Mars), then we definitely compare Everest. The truth is that Everest is not the highest point on planet Earth.

The peculiarity of our planet is such that instead of an ideal sphere, the Earth is an oblate spheroid. Therefore, those places that are located near the equator, as a rule, are much further from the center of the planet than those that are at its poles. If we take this fact into account, then Everest, like all the Himalayas, can hardly be called the highest point on the planet.

Earth as a sphere

The understanding that the Earth is a spherical body came to people back in the 6th century BC. The ancient Greeks were the first to know about this. Although this theory is attributed to Pythagoras, it is equally likely that it may have arisen spontaneously as a result of travel between Greek settlements. The fact is that sailors began to notice changes in the position and visibility of stars depending on the chosen geographical latitude.

Planet Earth. View of the Western Hemisphere from space

By the 3rd century BC, the theory of a spherical Earth began to acquire quite scientific significance. By measuring the angle of falling shadows in various geographic locations, Eratosthenes (276 BC - 194 BC), a Greek astronomer from Cyrene (in modern-day Libya), was able to calculate the circumference of the Earth with an error of 5-15 percent. . With the rise of the Roman Empire and the adoption of Hellenistic astronomy, the theory of a spherical Earth spread throughout Mediterranean Sea and Europe.

Knowledge about this was preserved thanks to its transmission from generation to generation by monks, as well as thanks to the scholasticism of the Middle Ages. By the era of the Renaissance and revolution in science (mid-16th to late 18th centuries), geological and heliocentric views had become established in science. With the advent of modern astronomy, more accurate measurement methods and the ability to look at the Earth from space, humanity was finally able to see the true shape and size of our planet.

Modern models of the Earth

Let's clarify the situation a little: The Earth is not a perfect sphere, but it is not flat either. In the first case, I want to apologize to Galileo, in the second - to the flat Earth society. As mentioned above, the Earth has the shape of an oblate spheroid, which, in turn, is a consequence of the peculiarity of its rotation. At the poles it seems to be flattened, and in the equatorial part it is elongated. Many space objects in the solar system have the same shape (take Saturn, for example). Even rapidly rotating stars, such as one of the brightest, Altair, have the same shape.

Data from the 2014 Global Earth Model, where brighter colors indicate points farthest from the Earth's center

Based on some recent measurements, it has been found that the polar radius of the Earth (that is, the distance from the center of the planet to one or another pole) is 6356.8 kilometers, while the equatorial radius (from the center to the equator) is 6378.1 kilometers. In other words, objects located along the equator are 22 kilometers farther from the center of the Earth (geocenter) than objects located at the poles.

Naturally, it is worth taking into account some topographic changes in certain areas, where some objects located near the equator are closer to the center, and others are further from the center of the Earth, compared to other objects in a particular region. The most notable exceptions are Mariana Trench(most deep place on Earth, depth 10,911 meters) and Mount Everest, whose height above sea level is 8848 meters. However, these two geological features represent very little difference when considering the overall shape of the Earth. The difference in this case is only 0.17 percent and 0.14 percent, respectively.

Highest point on Earth

In fairness, we note that Everest is indeed one of the highest points on our planet. The height at its peak is 8848 meters above sea level. However, due to its location in the Himalayan range (27 degrees 59 minutes north of the equator), it is actually lower than the mountains located in Ecuador.

Mount Chimborazo

This is where it is Mountain chain The Andes Mountains are the highest point on planet Earth. The height of Mount Chimborazo is 6263.47 meters above sea level. However, due to its location (1 degree 28 minutes south of the equator) in the highest protruding part of the planet, its total height from the geocenter is about 21 kilometers.

View of Mount Everest from the top of Kala Patthar

If we consider the issue in terms of distance to the geocenter, Everest is located at a distance of 6382 kilometers from the center of the Earth, while Chimborazo is located 6384 kilometers. The rounded difference is only about 3.2 kilometers, which at first glance may seem quite insignificant. However, when it comes to the titles of “the very best”, you need to be precise.

Of course, even after such explanations, there will be people who will confidently say that Mount Everest is still the highest point on the planet, if we consider its height from the foot (base) to the peak. Unfortunately, they are wrong here too. Because in this case, the title of tallest mountain goes to Mauna Kea, a shield volcano located on the island of Hawaii. The height of the mountain from the base to the very top at Mauna Kea is 10,206 meters. This is the highest mountain on our planet. However, most of the mountain goes several thousand meters deep into the ocean, and therefore we can only see its peak at 4207 meters.

However, those who consider Everest the most high mountain according to its height above sea level, they will be right. If we consider its height as height above sea level, then Everest is truly the tallest mountain in the world.

Mountains are great and mighty and surround people all over the world. Some of them reach unprecedented heights, while others remain small protrusions on the ground. The largest mountains have always attracted people, but conquering them is not so easy. There are 14 mountains in the world exceeding 8000 m in height. About 150 years ago, such a height was considered fatal for humans. Now everyone knows that people were able to conquer even the highest and most inaccessible peaks, but there were many casualties along the way. In this article we will indicate where the largest mountains are located, as well as some Interesting Facts about them.

Everest is the highest and big mountain in the world. It is located in mountain system Himalayas on the Mahalangur Himal ridge. The northern peak of Everest is the highest point on the planet and is located in China. Its height reaches 8848 m above sea level. The southern peak is slightly inferior and reaches a height of 8760 m above sea level, located on the border of the Republic of Nepal and Tibet.

Mount Everest has several names. In the Tibetan language, its name is “Chomolungma”, which means “Goddess Mother of the World”, and in the ancient Indian language the mountain is called “Sagarmatha” - the ocean of the mother. Official name Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest, the head of the Geodetic Survey of India.

Everest has the shape of a triangular pyramid, its southern slope quite steep, and snow does not linger on it. The glaciers covering the mountain begin at an altitude of 5000 km. The Arun River flows near Everest, its length is more than 6 km.

In 1852, topographer and mathematician Radhanath Sikdar, after making trigonometric calculations, came to the conclusion that Everest is the most big mountain in the world

Everest attracts many climbers with its inaccessibility, but not everyone decides to conquer it. To climb the mountain you need not only a great desire, but also excellent health and endurance, and at least $8,000. Climbing the mountain is dangerous, and approximately 260 people have died trying to do so. The reason for this is the harsh climate and difficult conditions. Throughout the ascent, the air becomes increasingly thinner and less saturated with oxygen. The air temperature is no higher than -50-60°C, and the wind speed can reach 55 m/sec. In such conditions, a person feels the temperature as -100-120°C. Solar radiation also poses a danger to climbers. We must not forget about the standard risks when climbing peaks, such as avalanches, steep slopes and cliffs, and relief crevices hidden under the snow.

The famous Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary were the first to conquer Everest. In 1953, climbers developed a route through the South Col and were able to reach the highest point on the planet. Today, almost anyone can climb Everest (of course, if their health allows it and they have the opportunity to purchase expensive equipment). Paved to the largest mountain tourist routes, and mountaineering guides help make the dream of many mountain lovers come true. Throughout the history of the ascent, several records have been recorded, for example, the smallest participant in the expedition is a girl from India, Purna Malavath. At the time of the climb, she was only 13 years and 11 months old, and the oldest participant in the Everest expedition is Yuichiro Miura, who completed this difficult journey at the age of 80.

Everest is considered the largest mountain above sea level, but if you include the part of the Mauna Kea volcano submerged in water, it is significantly larger than Everest. This Mountain peak located on the island of Hawaii and this moment considered a dormant volcano. Scientists suggest that the last eruption took place at least 4,500 years ago. The Mauna Kea volcano rises 4,200 meters above sea level, and its total height is 10,203 meters. The volcano, having a large mass, gradually slides and smoothes out under its own weight, this happens at a speed of 0.02 mm per year. Based on these dimensions, we can say that Mauna Kea is the largest mountain in the world.

More than half of Mauna Kea is underwater Pacific Ocean

In addition to Mauna Kea, there are a number of extinct volcanoes on the Hawaiian Islands, but all of them are much smaller. For local residents they are sacred, and only the leaders have the right to climb to the top of the famous Mauna Kea. Ordinary residents of these lands are strictly prohibited from visiting these places.

Hawaiians settled on the slopes of the volcano in ancient times, and the surrounding vast forests allowed them to survive. Here they found food, and starting from the 18th century, after the first arrival of Europeans on the islands, local residents began to have large and small livestock. The diet has improved markedly, but the breeding of these animals has had a negative impact on the environmental situation as a whole.

At an altitude of 3975 meters above sea level you can visit Lake Waiau

Mauna Kea can surprise not only with its size, but also with its diversity of ecological zones. At its very top there are alpine forests, and slightly lower down there are thickets of Sophora goldenfolia and sandalwood. And completing the native forest flora are Acacia koa and Metrosideros polymorpha. Unfortunately, the latter have been practically destroyed by man due to the development of the sugar industry, but the authorities Hawaiian Islands decided to revive the former vegetation. To achieve this, whenever possible, plant and animal species introduced into the protected area are eradicated.

The highest point of the Hawaiian Islands was best place for astronomical observations. Since 1964, in agreement with local authorities, 13 telescopes were installed at the very top.

Eleven countries are observing and studying space objects

On the Kashmir border of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, Mount Chogori or K2 is located on the Baltoro Range. It is the second highest peak, but much more dangerous than Everest.

Climbing Chogori is possible only in the summer months, in winter period Doing so could result in death or serious injury. Of the numerous winter expeditions, not one was successful.

The height of Chogori is 8611 meters, its slopes are steep and dangerous. There are not even 300 climbers in the whole world who managed to conquer this peak. The mortality rate when climbing K2 is 25%. During numerous attempts to climb the dangerous mountain, 66 people died.

Those who decide to try their luck and climb to this height will be faced with avalanches and falling rocks and seracs along the way; cracks on the approaches and instantaneous meltdowns of huge masses of snow are also dangerous. And all this in addition to rarefied air and low temperatures.

Chogori has the unofficial name "Mountain of Death"

In 1902 there was the first attempt to conquer Chogori, but it, like all subsequent ones, was unsuccessful for 50 years. Only in 1954 A. Compagnoni from Valfurno and L. Lacedelli from Cortina d'Ampezzo were able to conquer the summit of K2. In 1996, the Russian team under the leadership of I. Dusharin chose the route to climb the Northern Ridge of Chogori. Experienced climbers conquered the peak and hoisted the Russian flag on it. And in 2007, a team of 11 climbers under the leadership of V. Kozlov paved a route along the previously inaccessible Western side of K2. However, they did not use oxygen equipment, which could greatly facilitate this difficult path.

Mount Olympus on the planet Mars

If we consider all the mountains known to mankind not only on planet Earth, but also on other planets, then Mount Olympus, located on Mars, will rightfully take the leading place. Its dimensions are simply amazing, the height reaches 26,200 meters, and the width is about 540,000 meters. The giant hill was once a volcano and that is why it grew to such size. And due to the fact that there are no tectonic plates on Mars, there is no movement of the planet’s crust. It is for this reason that Olympus still stands tall and can be seen in its entirety only from a great distance - from planetary orbit or from Earth. For scientists, Olympus is a mystery because its slopes are steep. There is an assumption that it was previously surrounded by the ocean and water washed the shores of the mountain.

Mount Olympus on Mars erupted more than 2,000,000 years ago

Mountain ranges surround us; they are fraught with many dangers and at the same time beckon. Everyone who has at least once dared to climb a mountain hill is rewarded with stunning views; nature rewards daredevils in this way. And every time, rising higher and higher, a person wants to conquer the next mountain peak and see the biggest mountains with his own eyes. But this is not so easy to do. After all, there are 14 mountain peaks in the world that exceed a height of 8000 m, and there are only 30 people who have visited each of them.

The highest peaks are scattered throughout the continents globe. Climbers collectively call them the “Seven Summits.” Each of them was first conquered in 1985 by Richard Bass.

The largest mountains on earth

The table below shows the highest mountain peaks in the world.



Mountain system


Altitude in meters above sea level

Everest (Qomolungma)


Pakistan, China


India, Nepal





Mountain systems are numerous. But where are the biggest mountains? From the above insignificant list it is clear that the most majestic peaks are located in the Himalayas.

Highest points of the world

Every continent on the planet has its own famous mountain peaks:

  • Everest is the highest peak in Asia (the largest mountain in the world);
  • Aconcagua is the highest peak in South America;
  • McKinley - the giant mountain in North America;
  • Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest peak;
  • Elbrus is the highest peak in Europe (and Russia);
  • The Vinson Massif is a giant located in Antarctica;
  • Puncak Jaya is the most large mountain Australia and Oceania.

Mountain peaks of different continents of the Earth

Mount Aconcagua is the tallest natural "structure" in the South American Andes. Its height is 6962 m. In addition, this mountain is the largest dormant volcano planets.

McKinley is located in North America. It rises 6194 meters above sea level.

In hot Africa there is the snowy mountain peak Kilimanjaro, which has a height of 5895 m. It is the highest point in Africa. Fantastic landscapes open up from the heights of these mountains. Due to global warming, the snow on the summit is also rapidly melting here.

Elbrus is the most high peak not only Russia, but also Europe. This mountain is a cone formed from a once extinct volcano. Its height is 6642 meters. Views from the top of Elbrus fabulous landscapes snow-white caps of snow and a veil of light clouds.

The largest peak in Asia and, accordingly, the largest mountain in the world is the famous and unrivaled Everest.

Cold, icy Antarctica also has a similar attraction. The Vinson massif was discovered in the middle of the 20th century. Its height is 4892 meters.

The highest mountain in Australia, Oceania, located on the island of Guinea - Puncak Jaya. On its spurs are the largest mines in the world (gold and copper). The ice cover of this peak, like Kilimanjaro, is melting very quickly. Scientists estimate that the last remaining glaciers in these places (the Puncak Jaya Mountains) will melt in the next 10 years. Its height is 5030 meters.

Everest - the highest mountain in the world

Everest is the recognized leader in height. It is known to be the largest mountain in the world. The Tibetans call it Chomolungma, and the Nepalese call it Sanarmatha.

The name of this peak was given in honor of the English scientist George Everest (1790-1866) in 1865. From 1830 to 1843, he held the post of chief surveyor in India and made the greatest contribution to the study of the majestic Everest at the very initial stage.

In 1852, it was announced that the mountain has the highest height among all the peaks closest to it, which also have a height of more than 8000 m. Until then, it was numbered “Peak XV”. A more accurate height was determined by Andrew Waugh, a student and successor of the famous George Everest. Height itself big mountains- 8850 meters.

The formation of the highest point in the world began about 20 million years ago (uplift of the seabed). The layering of rocks took place over many years, and this process continues to this day. Every year, on average, the thickness of the Himalayas rises by 5 cm.

Climbing the Himalayas

Numerous ascents (about 500 people) make it to Everest Peak every year. This activity involves a lot of risk. However, despite the high cost of one climb (the average cost per person is $50,000), the number of people wishing to conquer the famous peak is growing every year. It should be noted that the very first woman to climb the mountain was a brave Japanese climber, Junko Tabei. This happened in 1976.

The climbing practice of numerous climbers shows that the most difficult section on the way to the top is the last segment (300 meters). In this regard, the section is called the longest mile on Earth. On this section, climbers have practically no opportunity to insure each other, since it is a very steep snow slope. The largest mountain in the world is inaccessible, but conquered by many.

In addition to everything, there are still difficulties and obstacles that prevent the climbers from successfully finishing at the very top. At the very peak of the mountain, the wind speed reaches 200 km/h, and the air temperature is 60 degrees below zero. In total, approximately 200 climbers died here during the entire period of ascents. The main reasons for this are severe frosts, unexpected avalanches, lack of oxygen, health problems, etc.

Mountains on the planet Mars

Mount Olympus is located on the planet Mars. It is an extinct volcano. It is the second highest peak in the solar system. The first is Rheasilvia Peak on the planet Vesta. It received its name from Mount Olympus, located in Greece. According to ancient myths, the Olympian gods once lived on it.

Mount Olympus reaches 26,200 meters in height and 540,000 meters in width. It is so huge that its profile can only be seen at a great distance from Earth or from planetary orbit.

Perhaps the large size of the mountain is due to the fact that there are no tectonic plates on Mars, like on Earth, and therefore there is no movement. The last volcanic eruption on the planet was about 2 million years ago. The mystery of Olympus is its steep slopes. It is not yet entirely clear where they came from. Many scientists believe that there once was an ocean on Mars and its waters washed away Olympus.

Atmospheric pressure on Olympus at the very top is 2%, while on Earth's Everest this figure reaches 25%.

It is impossible to imagine the earth without its beautiful, majestic elevated areas - mountains. They tower over the whole world like giants, demonstrating their fantastic beauty, and allow the bravest and most courageous people to admire the fabulousness and infinity of the surrounding world.

Everyone knows that the highest mountain is Everest. Can you name the second tallest? Or at least three more from the TOP 10 list? How many eight-thousanders are there in the world? By the way, the highest mountain is not even Everest...
No. 10. Annapurna I (Himalayas) - 8091 meters

Annapurna I is the highest peak of the Annapurna mountain range. The height of the mountain is 8091 meters. It ranks tenth among all the peaks of the world. This peak is also considered the most dangerous - the mortality rate of climbers for all years of climbing is 32%, but in the period from 1990 to the present, the mortality rate has decreased to 17%.

The name Annapurna is translated from Sanskrit as “Goddess of Fertility.” The peak was first conquered in 1950 by French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal. Initially they wanted to conquer Dhaulagiri, but found it impregnable and went to Annapurna.

No. 4. Lhotse (Himalayas) - 8516 meters

Lhotse is the fourth highest peak in the world, at 8516 meters. Located on the territory of Tibet Autonomous Okrug. The first successful ascent was made on May 18, 1956 by a Swiss expedition consisting of Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Of all attempts to climb Lhotse, only 25% were successful.

No. 3. Kanchenjunga (Himalayas) - 8586 meters.

Kanchenjunga ranks third in the ranking of the highest peaks in the world. The height of the peak is 8586 meters. Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after calculations based on data from the 1849 expedition, it was proven that the highest mountain is Everest. Mount Kanchenjunga was first conquered on May 25, 1955 by George Band and Joe Brown.

All peaks in the world tend to have a decreasing mortality rate over time, but Kangchenjunga is an exception. IN last years The mortality rate when climbing to the top has reached 23% and is only growing. In Nepal, there is a legend that Kanchenjunga is a woman mountain that kills all women who try to climb to its peak.

No. 2. K2 or Chogori (Karakorum) - 8614 meters

K2 is the second highest peak in the world. Chogori was first discovered by a European expedition in 1856 and was designated Mount K2, that is, the second peak of the Karakoram. The first attempt to climb was made in 1902 by Oscar Eckenstein and Aleister Crowley, but ended in failure.

The summit was conquered in 1954 by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio. To date, 10 different routes have been laid to the top of K2.

Climbing K2 is technically much more difficult than climbing Everest. In terms of danger, the mountain ranks second among eight-thousanders after Annapurna, the mortality rate is 24%. None of the attempts to climb Chogori in winter were successful.

No. 1. Chomolungma (Himalayas) - 8848 meters

Chomolungma (Everest) is the highest peak on Earth. Translated from Tibetan, “Chomolungma” means “Divine (jomo) Mother (ma) of vital energy (lung).” The mountain is named after the Bon goddess Sherab Jamma.
The English name "Everest" was given in honor of Sir George Everest, the chief surveyor of British India in 1830–1843. This name was proposed in 1856 by George Everest's successor Andrew Waugh after the publication of the results of his collaborator Radhanath Sikdar, who in 1852 first measured the height of "Peak XV" and showed that it was the highest in the region and, probably, in the whole world.

Before the first successful ascent to the summit, which took place in 1953, about 50 expeditions were carried out to the Himalayas and Karakoram (to Chomolungma, Chogori, Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat and other peaks). On May 29, 1953, Everest was conquered by New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.
In subsequent years, climbers conquered the highest peak in the world different countries world - USSR, China, USA, India, Japan, and other countries. Over the entire period of time, more than 260 people died while attempting to climb Everest. Nevertheless, more than 400 people try to conquer Chomolungma every year.

The tallest mountains in the world, more than 8 kilometers in height, are peaks that are impressive. They fly at such a height passenger aircraft(8-12 kilometers). In fact, there are many more such mountains than fourteen. But only those that are separated from each other by a significant distance are taken into account. All major eight-thousanders are located in Central Asia. Nepal, China, Pakistan, India. I wonder if this is the will of the gods or is it connected to something?

Not everyone can conquer at least one peak of the “14 gods”, but there are those on our planet who strive to conquer all fourteen! At the moment there were only 41 people, out of more than 9 billion people on the planet. It’s hard to say why height attracts them, perhaps with only one thing: “...height, height, height...”.

It should be added that there is such a thing as “pure ascent,” that is, climbers made the ascent without using oxygen masks. For reference, even commercial airliners often fly regularly at lower altitudes.
More than 10 thousand ascents have been made to the great 8 thousand peaks.

About 7 percent of all climbs ended tragically. The bodies of many dead climbers remained at the heights they had not conquered, due to the difficulty of evacuating them. Some of them serve as landmarks for modern conquerors of certain heights. For example, the height of 8500 meters on Everest for 17 years greeted climbers with the body of Tsewang Palzhor, who died on it in 1996. It even received an unofficial name - “Green Shoes”, this is the exact color of the shoes the deceased climber was wearing. Why are we so attracted by unconquered heights? Everyone has their own answer to this question.

Another known name is Chomolungma (from Tibetan “ Chomolangma" means "Divine" or "Mother". The most high point world and the most “prestigious” peak on our “blue” planet. Its height is 8848 meters above sea level. Its English name “Everest” was given in honor of the head of the geodetic survey of British India, Sir George Everest.

Where is Everest

Everest is located on several hundred square kilometers, on the territory of mainly two states - Nepal and China. Chomolungma is part of the Himalaya mountain system, the Mahalangur Himal range (in the part called the Khumbu Himal). Perhaps no other peak on our planet attracts people to conquer it like Chomolungma.

Climbing Everest

The mountain was first conquered on May 29, 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary.

Since the “ascending travelers” were counted, about three hundred people have already died. Even the most modern equipment and equipment do not allow all the thirsty inhabitants of our planet to conquer this height.
About five thousand people try to conquer Everest every year. By 2018, more than 8,400 climbers managed to reach the summit, almost three and a half thousand of them climbed Everest more than once.

Climbing Everest takes about 2 months - with acclimatization and setting up camps. Climbers lose on average 10-15 kilograms of their weight during this time.

The most dangerous section of the climb is considered to be the last 300 meters to the top. Not all climbers can overcome this part. At the top there are often strong winds of up to 200 km/h. And the temperature throughout the year ranges from 0°C to -60°C.

Second highest mountain in the world, Chogori (K2)

Chogori (second name K2) is the second highest peak on the planet, but climbing it is considered much more difficult. Moreover, in winter time In general, no one managed to conquer it, and the mortality rate when climbing this peak is the highest and amounts to 25%. Only a few hundred climbers managed to conquer this height.
In 2007, it was Russian climbers who managed to climb the most difficult section of the peak, the Western Wall, and they did it without the use of oxygen equipment. The most massive conquest of Chogori took place in the summer of 2018. Of the group, which consisted of 63 people, one died. At the same time, Andrzej Bargiel became the first climber to descend alpine skiing from the top of this mountain.


Kanchenjaga is the third highest eight-thousander on the planet. Located in the Himalayas. Until the mid-19th century, it was considered the highest mountain peak, but now, after calculations, it ranks third in height. At the moment, more than ten climbing routes to this peak have been laid. Translated from Tibetan, the name of the mountain means “treasury of the five great snows.”

Due to its location, Kanchenjaga partially belongs to the national park of the same name in India. If you look at the mountain from India, you will notice that there are five peaks in this mountain range. Moreover, four out of five peaks rise to a height of more than eight thousand meters. Their combination forms a very colorful landscape, so this mountain is considered the most picturesque among its kind. One of the favorite places of creation of Nicholas Roerich.

The first conquest of this peak belongs to the English climbers Joe Brown and George Bend. It was committed on May 25, 1955. In Nepal, for a long period of time, there was a legend about Kanchenjaga - a mountain woman who does not allow the fair sex to conquer her peak. Only in 1998 did the British Ginette Harrison manage to do this. The general trend towards a decrease in the mortality rate when conquering mountain peaks unfortunately did not affect Kanchenjaga and is 22 percent.


Lhotse, a mountain peak on the border of China and Nepal, has an altitude of 8516 meters. The mountain is located in close proximity to Chomolungma, the distance between them does not exceed 3 kilometers. They are separated by the South Col pass, the highest point of which almost reaches eight thousand. Such proximity of two great peaks creates a very majestic picture. From a certain angle you can see that Lhotse is like a triangular pyramid. Moreover, at the moment there is the smallest number of climbing routes for each of these three faces. This is largely due to the fact that the slopes of the peaks are very steep, and the likelihood of avalanches is extremely high.

Unlike Chogori, this peak was still conquered in winter. It is worth noting that so far none of the individual climbers or groups have been able to climb the traverse of all three peaks of this eight-thousander. The Eastern Wall of Lhotse also remains unconquered.


Makalu is extraordinary beautiful peak, but extremely difficult to climb. Less than 30% of organized expeditions ended in success. The mountain is located on the border of China and Nepal, just over 20 km southeast of Everest.

The mountain did not attract much attention for more than a hundred years after it was marked on maps. This is largely due to the desires of previous expeditions to conquer more high peaks located in close proximity to it. The peak was first conquered only in 1955.

In certain circles the mountain is known as the “black giant”. This name was assigned to it due to the fact that the extremely sharp ribs of the peak do not allow snow to settle on them, and it often appears before its contemplators as black granite rocks. Since the mountain is on the border of two eastern countries, its conquest refers to mystical factors, supposedly the mountain itself decides which of the expeditions is allowed to climb, and who is not worthy of this fact.

Cho Oyu

The height of Cho Oyu is a little over 8200 meters. Near the peak lies the Nangpa-La pass, through which the main “trade route” of the Sherpas from Nepal to Tibet passes. Thanks to this route, many climbers consider this peak to be the most accessible of all eight-thousanders, although this is not entirely true. Just on the Nepal side there is a very steep and complex wall, so most of the ascents are carried out from Tibet.
The weather in the Cho Oyu area is almost always favorable for climbing, and its “accessibility” makes this peak like a springboard before climbing Everest.

Dhaulagiri I

The number one perfectly reflects the essence of the name of the mountain; it consists of many ridges, the highest of which reaches a height of 8167 meters. It is believed that the mountain has 11 peaks, of which only one is higher than 8000 meters, the rest lie between 7 and 8 kilometers. Dhaulagiri is located in the central part of Nepal and belongs to the Main Himalayan Range.

Despite the complexity of the title, it is translated very simply “ white mountain" The history of its conquest is interesting. Until the 30s of the 19th century, it was considered the highest mountain on the planet. But they started conquering the peak only in the middle of the last century. For a long time it was impregnable, only the eighth expedition managed to reach the top. Like its other brothers, this peak has its own simpler routes and very inaccessible slopes.


The mountain is located in the northern part of Nepal and reaches a height of 8163 meters. Due to its relative seclusion, this peak looks extremely majestic against the backdrop of the surrounding splendor. Maybe this explains its name, which means “mountain of spirits.” For a long time, climbing the mountain was difficult due to hostile local residents (the name of the mountain speaks about this). Avalanches often fell on local settlements, and only after long offerings to the highest gods did the Japanese expedition finally manage to conquer this peak. The mortality rate among climbers conquering Manaslu reaches almost 18 percent.

The mountain itself and its surroundings are part of the Nepal National Park of the same name. The indescribable beauty of the park prompted the country's authorities to create a walking route for lovers of mountain recreation.

Nanga Parbat (Nanga Parbat)

One of the few eight-thousanders located not in China or Nepal, but in territory controlled by Pakistan. There are four main peaks on the mountain, the highest of which is 8125 meters. The top of the mountain is among the top three in terms of the number of deaths during its conquest.

In terms of the history of the ascent, an interesting fact is that it was on this mountain that the first attempt to climb an eight-thousander was made. This happened back in 1895. The first conquest of the peak alone, and not as part of a prepared expedition, is associated with this mountain. There are beliefs that it was here that the symbols of Nazi Germany, whose representatives, as we know, were close to the occult sciences, were first noticed.

Certain difficulties in planning expeditions to this peak are caused by internal political disagreements on the territory of Pakistan.

Annapurna I is the most dangerous peak among eight-thousanders

Annapurna I is the first of the eight-thousander peaks, whose height is already below 8100 meters (officially 8091 meters). However, for all the years of climbing taken into account, she has the highest mortality rate among conquerors, almost one in three (32%). Although at present it is steadily declining from year to year. Annapurna is located in central Nepal and is completely mountain range extends over more than 50 kilometers. Consists of many ridges of varying heights. From the highest points of Annapurna you can observe another giant - Jaulaguri, about 30 kilometers between them.

If you fly near these mountains by plane, you will see a majestic view of the nine main ridges of this massif. It is part of the same name national park located in Nepal. There are several walking routes, along which indescribable views of the Annapurna peaks open.

Gasherbrum I

The summit of Gasherbrum I is part of the Baltoro Muztagh mountain range. Its height is 8080 meters and it is the eleventh eight-thousander on the planet. It is located in Pakistan-controlled territory near the border with China. Translated it means " beautiful mountain" It also has another name - Hidden Peak, which translated from English means hidden peak. In general, in the Karakoram mountain system, to which Gasherbrum belongs, there are seven peaks, and three of them exceed 8 thousand meters, although not by much.

The first ascent of the peak dates back to 1958, and in 1984 the famous climber Reinhold Messner makes a traverse between Gasherbrum I and Gasherbrum II.

Broad Peak

The second highest peak in Karakurum, the middle brother between the two sisters Gasherbrum I and Gasherbrum II. In addition, literally 8 kilometers from Broad Peak there is another high relative - Mount Chogori. The first ascent of Broad Peak took place a year earlier than neighboring Gasherbrum I, in 1957

It itself consists of two peaks – Pre-summit and Main (8047 meters). The southwestern slopes are much easier than the opposite, northeastern ones, and it is on them that the classic routes to the Main Peak are laid.

Gasherbrum II

Just below Broad Peak there is another peak among the eight-thousanders - Gasherbrum II (height 8035 meters). Either its relative lowness affected it, or for another reason, but the first ascent to this peak dates back to a year earlier than on Broad Peak, in 1956. The main routes of peak conquerors pass along its southwestern slope. It is least susceptible to mountain falls and avalanches. It is used by many climbers who begin to conquer everything above 8 kilometers.

This mountain fully justifies its name, in good weather the boundaries between gray and black limestone rocks are clearly visible, corresponding to different age boundaries, which, in combination with crystal clear snow, creates unique landscapes.


The majestic iceberg with a height of 8027 meters is the lowest of all known eight-thousanders. Located in the Himalayas, in China. It consists of three peaks, two of which - Main and Central (8008 meters) exceed 8 kilometers. Translated from the Tibetan language it means “harsh climate”.

The first conquest of this peak was made by a Chinese expedition in May 1964. It is considered one of the least difficult peaks, although more than 20 climbers have died on its slopes over the past years.

The highest mountains in the world on the world map

This is what it looks like short review all 14 eight-thousanders on the planet. Each mountain is unique in its own way and the saying applies to each of them: “ better than the mountains there can only be mountains.”


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