The main attraction of Peru. The most amazing sights of Peru. Sacred Valley and Unique Fortresses

Peru still remains the same for many tourists lost world. The life of the Amazon and ancient civilizations holds many mysteries and secrets. They are what make Peru so attractive. There is unique flora and fauna here, good ocean beaches, deserts and mountains painted like a carpet, in which the largest birds on the planet live - the condor has a wingspan of about three meters. It’s truly fantastic to see it five meters above you.

The Sacred Valley of the Incas in the Cusco region is the main attraction of the country. The ancient city of Machu Picchu is paved Railway, but you need to know that access to tourist groups is limited. Only 400 people can visit it per day. The mountainous part of Peru is extremely beautiful; in the sky-high city you just want to be silent from the splendor. The only trouble that can happen is altitude sickness. Stock up on Coca leaves and tea - it perfectly relieves its symptoms.

The period of Spanish colonization left a huge mark on the architecture of Lima, Arequipa, Cusco, and left its mark on the culture of the American Indians. Local residents are not shy about their national clothes. Don't be surprised by girls in colorful skirts and men's bowler hats. In return, Peru gave Europe corn, potatoes and tomatoes. (What would we do without potatoes?). In the city of Puno, on the banks of Titicaca, there is an excellent ethnographic bazaar. People usually buy llama wool products, blankets, and ponchos here. Local kitchen pleases with its abundance and is even listed in the Guinness Book for its diversity, but the most Peruvian dish is fried guinea pig.

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What to see in Peru?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief descriptions.

Researchers discovered the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu only in 1911. For more than 400 years, nothing was known about the city, and the inhabitants of the Inca country mysteriously disappeared in the 15th century. The winter residence-sanctuary of the ruler of Pachacutec is located at an altitude of more than 2000m. There are only 200 buildings in the city. Construction methods and stone processing methods still remain a mystery.

Lake Titicaca keeps many secrets in its waters. Despite the fact that it is located at an altitude of 3812m, sharks and other marine animals are found here, and the rocks have marks of former tides. In 2001, divers discovered underwater city Wanaku. The lake is navigable. You can book a two-day tour and visit Puno, explore the reed islands and an aboriginal village.

Kolka is the deepest canyon in the world. Its maximum depth is 4160m. You can climb to the very top high point Cruz del Condor Canyon. The observation deck will provide excellent photos of condor eagles. Residents use the slopes of Kolka for farming, creating complex systems of terraces. Tourists also visit the valley of volcanoes and geothermal springs near Chivay.

In the Nazca Desert, not only rains are rare, but also winds. The unique microclimate allowed huge geoglyphs to survive. Scientists have not yet figured out the reason for their appearance. Alien or religious signs, just the fantasy of a group of ancient revolutionary artists - no one knows. They can only be viewed from an airplane window or from observation tower Panama American Highway. From here you can see 3 pictures.

There are about 40 floating islands on Lake Titicaca. These man-made pieces of land were created by the Uru people in case of war with the Incas. After the fall of their civilization, the river people remained living on the straw islands. Not only the soil underfoot, but also Indian houses, boats, and household items are made entirely of reeds.

The navel of the earth, as the word Cusco is literally translated, attracts tourists from all over the world. The former capital of the Incas combines ancient Aboriginal masonry and Spanish colonial style in its architecture. Cusco is a museum under open air, filled with original local flavor. Every street of this city is under UNESCO protection.

Just 30 km from Cusco is the ancient city of Pisac. Its streets are divided into blocks, stone houses and the largest ancient cemetery have been preserved. The city is divided into two parts - the temple and the city. A staircase carved into the rock leads to the sacred buildings. There is a small Indian settlement under the temple mountain of Pisaka.

The pyramids of Tucume are built from clay stones. The highest reach 40m. Corridors with frescoes and bas-reliefs, courtyards, and storage rooms have been preserved. There are 26 temples in the Valley of the Pyramids. Researchers believe that this abandoned sanctuary was popular in ancient times and was a place of pilgrimage.

Gokta falls from a height of 771m in a double cascade. The most beautiful sight here is during the rainy season. A rain forest grows near the waterfall, in which hummingbirds, toucans, spectacled bears and other rare animals live. The waterfall was discovered in the Amazon basin in 2002. In the nearby villages of Coca or Cocachimba, you can take a guide to climb to the waterfall.

The Paracas Peninsula is distinguished by a huge candelabra geoglyph. Its length is 128m and width is 70m. The location of the drawing on the Pacific Ocean led archaeologists to believe that it served as a lighthouse and was made much later than the Nazca drawings. In the nearby town of Pisco there is a boat for a trip to another Peruvian mystery.

Lovers active tourism can go hiking along the Inca Trail. It stretches 39 km and was used by the Indians exclusively for religious purposes. This route is one of the top five in the world. It passes through cloud forests to the top of Machu Picchu, involves changing climatic zones and requires prior acclimatization.

The Manu Nature Park is divided into three zones: open to the public, scientific and main, inaccessible. Lives on the territory of the reserve great amount species of birds, mammals, insects, plants. The reserve organizes river rafting trips to the tribes of the Amazon, and also offers overnight stays on site in eco-capsules.

A little more than 100 people permanently live in Huacachina. This is a real classic oasis with a lake and palm trees, located near the city of Ica. There are high dunes around, which attract buggy and sandboarding enthusiasts. Some dunes reach 150m. Best time here from May to August.

Chan Chan was an ancient metropolis. Its area is 20 sq km. Its clay walls were decorated with gold and patterns. Behind them one could hide not only from enemies, but also from heat or cold. The houses had a ventilation system. Pools for collecting water, administrative buildings, and temples have been preserved.

Plaza de Armas or the Square of Arms is the main attraction of the city of Cusco. There are many hotels, souvenir shops, and restaurants concentrated on it. Here you can hear the sound of the largest South America bells from the Cathedral. Colonial-style buildings and Inca masonry have been preserved in the square.

Cathedral consecrated in honor of St. John. Church construction began in 1535 by the conqueror of Peru F. Pissaro, whose sarcophagus is kept in the chapel. The building was destroyed by earthquakes three times. The current temple, built in 1746, impresses with its white and gold walls and Gothic vaulted ceilings. There is a working museum inside the church.

The special masonry of the fortress puzzles modern researchers. How they managed to lay out huge blocks in a zigzag pattern, precisely fitting corner to corner. Some blocks are significantly larger than human height. Behind the three main walls in the center is a circle - the Incan stone calendar. Under the fortress a system of catacombs was discovered that led to the city and the temple of the sun.

The center of the second largest city is listed as a UNESCO heritage site. The colonial style buildings are made of white volcanic stone. Tourists are attracted by the Cathedral, the Santa Catalina Monastery, decorated with frescoes and paintings, the Casa del Moal mansion with a courtyard, and the Plaza de Armas.

Near Maras, stone terraces have been preserved, which local residents use to mine salt. Water from the salt spring flows into artificial pools and evaporates naturally. If desired, tourists can participate in the mining process. During the dry season, salt is literally shoveled.

The three rocky islands of Ballestas are home to penguins, sea lions, seals, gannets, pelicans, etc. Sometimes whales and dolphins swim. You can visit here only as part of excursion group. Boats leave regularly from Pisco. You can’t go ashore, but the animals are clearly visible.

Secrets of ancient civilizations, monuments of Inca culture, high mountain valleys and original cities... How about virtual travel to a mysterious and distant country in Latin America?

1. Machu Picchu

Yes, of course, Machu Picchu is a tourist cliche. But stamps don’t just appear out of nowhere! Indeed, when thinking about Peru, the first thing that comes to mind is the unique views of Machu Picchu - a once thriving Inca fortress, abandoned in the 16th century and for many years existing only in legends. And it doesn't matter if you get there lost city by train from Cusco or conquer a four-day walking route“The Inca Trail” - this journey will be remembered by you once and for all.

2. Cusco

Although many people perceive the city of Cusco only as a starting point on the way to Machu Picchu, you can find many reasons to stay here longer. Cusco lies at an even higher altitude than the Lost City of the Incas, so you can quickly acclimatize to the thin high-altitude air. The cobblestone streets of the city conceal rich history. Here you can feel the hustle and bustle unusual markets, stroll through the beautiful Plaza de Armas (Plaza de Armas) and take a bus ride to the White Christ statue for stunning views of the city. And from Cusco you can go on an excursion to other ruins left by the Incas: Sacsayhuaman, Choquequirao and Pisac.

3. Lake Titicaca

The largest lake on the South American continent, hiding a lot of legends and mysteries in its waters. Rumor has it that countless treasures of ancient civilizations are hidden at the bottom of the lake. Floating islands with Indian villages, untouched by the passage of time, sway on the water surface. The shores of the lake are framed by picturesque mountain peaks. The 10-hour train ride from Cusco to the shores of Titicaca through rural Peruvian provinces is considered one of the most beautiful train routes in the world!

4. Chachapoyas Province

High mountainous area, where powerful rocky mountain slopes unusually combined with dense, lush jungle. This secluded area is rarely visited by tourists - primarily because the road to get here is from major cities takes about two days. But those who still overcome this path get the opportunity to see such interesting places as the Kuelap fortress towering on the top of the mountain, abandoned ancient civilization Chachapoya, or the giant Gokta waterfall, cascading from a height of almost 700 meters.

5. Arequipa

The second largest city in Peru for its unique architecture received the nickname " White City" The city is famous for its mild climate; thanks to the prevailing here " eternal spring“It’s comfortable to visit it at any time of the year. Impressive volcanoes rise along the city skyline. The historical center of Aquipa, whose ancient buildings are built mainly from volcanic rocks, has been included in the List for many years World Heritage.

6. Kolka Canyon

The main purpose for which most travelers come to Arequipa, and one of the most recognizable attractions of Peru. This gorge, cutting through one of the highest sections of the Andes, reaches a depth of up to 4,160 meters, making it much deeper than the famous Grand Canyon in Colorado. From one of the best viewing platforms of the canyon - Cruz Del Codor - stunning views of the stone walls of the gorge open up, the space of which is constantly cut through by the mighty Andean condors. Impressive!

7. Amazon

Trekking into the pristine Amazonian jungle is an action-packed day of trekking through dense vegetation, interacting with Indian tribes and photographing monkeys jumping from branch to branch. These are peaceful evenings with starry skies and the singing of wood frogs. This is adventure. The best starting points for jungle trekking in Peru are the cities of Iquitos and Puerto Maldonado.

8. Huacachina

Have you ever snowboarded on sand? If not, then Peru is the best place to start. Huacachina is a bright green oasis surrounded on all sides by huge sand dunes. The Peruvians themselves love to relax here, who come here to lie under palm trees by the picturesque lake and ride along the sand on SUVs and boards. Getting to the oasis is quite easy: it is located only three kilometers from the city of Ica, which, in turn, can be quickly reached from the capital of the country, Lima.

9. Nazca Lines

One of the most mysterious places planets! Many consider these lines and patterns, stretching for many kilometers across the arid lands of the Nazca Desert, to be one of the proofs of the existence extraterrestrial civilizations. Historians, however, are more skeptical on this score: in their opinion, the patterns were created by the ancient Nazca civilization for purposes in the period between 350 BC. e. and 600 AD e. You can view them from the window of a special tourist helicopter; The cost of such an excursion is usually about $250.

Peru – largest center ancient civilization. The Norte Chico civilization flourished on the Pacific coast in early 3000 BC. Many other civilizations such as the Moche, Chavin, Chimu and Nazca left their unique ruins and artifacts here. The most famous ruins that remain in Peru belong to the Incas, who emerged in the 15th century and became the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. Let's take an exciting journey together, exploring the most interesting sights of Peru. Most of the places described below have separate articles on LifeGlobe, by visiting which you will find a lot of additional interesting information. Also share your impressions, reviews and photos, and take part in the discussion in the comments.

1. Oasis Huacachina

Located near Ica, Huacachina is a tiny oasis town surrounded by nature, small lakes, and high sand dunes. One of the most famous landmarks in Peru.

2. Chan-Chan

Chan Chan was the largest city in pre-Columbian America. Approximately 30,000 people lived in this city. In the center of the city there is a citadel in which burial chambers are concentrated. The city was built by the Chimu, around 850 AD. The Incas conquered it in 1470.

3. Mancora

small town, located on the northern coast, presents tourists with the best sandy beaches Peru, which stretch for several kilometers along the Pacific Ocean. The city is full of luxurious restaurants, clubs, and everything tourists need for an exciting holiday. Mancora – popular place for surfing and other water activities.

4. Iquitos

According to some sources, the Peruvian Amazon jungle is best place For active rest than the Brazilian jungle. The starting point for the Amazon tour is the boat from Iquitos.

5. Nazca Lines
6. Monastery of Santa Catalina

Founded on October 2, 1580, the Santa Catalina Monastery in the city of Arequipa has total area 20,000 square meters, including walls, streets, sidewalks... It is one of the most important monasteries of colonial Peru and Latin America.

7. Uros Island

Artificial islands The Uros are the main attraction of Lake Titicaca. Artificial reed islands are about 40 islets made by hand. Legend has it that the Uros Indians were forced to flee here to escape the Incas who were pursuing them.

8. Plaza de Armas

Plaza de Armas is located in the center of the historical part of Cusco. The square was built by the Incas and was known as the "square of wars". The area functioned as Cultural Center life of the Incas. Cusco, which was the capital of the Inca Empire, was created in the shape of a puma.

9. Colca Canyon

The canyon is located in the Andes mountain range in southern Peru. The splitter is 2 times deeper Grand Canyon However, the canyon slopes are less steep.

10. Machu Picchu

The most beautiful and impressive ancient Inca ruins in the world, Machu Picchu was rediscovered in 1911 by Hawaiian historian Hiram. "Lost City of the Incas" is invisible from below and completely autonomous. Machu Picchu is the most important tourist attraction in Peru.

Or spend the night in .

A remarkable feature of Peru is that on its territory there are three natural and climatic zones and a huge variety of landscapes, flora and fauna. The plane will take you from the dry and deserted coast of the Pacific Ocean to the Amazon jungle or to the snowy peaks of the Andes in just an hour or two.

Costa- a strip of sandy deserts - is located in the west of the country and stretches along the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

East of Costa, in central Peru, is located Sierra - Mountain chain Andes with deep canyons, snow-capped peaks and high plateaus (the highest peak is 6788 m).

Following Sierra comes Selva- wet zone tropical forests(Amazonian lowland), which occupies most of the territory of Peru.

It is very difficult to say which one natural areas most interesting.

Costa- this is the beauty of the Pacific coast, and a reserve with a huge variety of birds and sea animals, and sand dunes, from which people slide down on sandboarding and buggies, and monuments of early Indian civilizations (for example, those belonging to the Moche civilization). The Peruvian government is investing heavily in developing a route called the Moche Road, which runs along the coast along the main archaeological sites of the Moche and Chimu civilizations.

Peru is one of the most mysterious countries on the planet, keeping the secrets of ancient civilizations. Vintage stone cities, covered in legends of powerful empires, have surprisingly powerful energy. Plus, Peru is incredible exotic country with fantastically beautiful landscapes. Even the most experienced travelers will be delighted by such attractions of Peru as the landscapes of the Amazonian jungle, the hot desert, the endless ocean, deep canyons and lost in the clouds mountain peaks.

Our acquaintance with the amazing sights of Peru will begin with one of the most mysterious places on earth - the legendary ancient city Machu Picchu. Its history began in the middle of the 15th century, during the heyday great civilization Incas. The majestic citadel was built in the mountains at an altitude of more than two kilometers above sea level. The grandiose complex, organically integrated into the mountain landscape, includes about 200 buildings, built from well-polished and tightly fitted to each other stone slabs. It still remains a mystery how the Incas managed to build this architectural masterpiece in a remote mountainous area without the use of any fastening mixtures or construction devices.

Machu Picchu was most likely the residence of the supreme ruler of the Incas, as well as a sanctuary city where ceremonies and ritual ceremonies were performed. The most revered places of the ancient city were the Sacred Square, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Three Windows and the sacred stone of Intihuatan, to which the priests “tied the sun” at the solstice. Relatives of the supreme ruler and nobles lived in palaces, and modest two-story houses were built for ordinary residents. On multi-level terraces, peasants grew cereals, vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs.

The holy city existed for about a hundred years, until the Spanish conquistadors destroyed the powerful Inca empire. The conquerors never found the way to Machu Picchu, hidden deep in the jungle, but the local residents mysteriously disappeared from the city forever. Mysterious architectural complex Machu Picchu has remained intact and unharmed for more than five centuries and is rightfully included in the list.

2. Valley of the Pyramids Tucume

The ancient city of Tucume in northern Peru is famous for its impressive pyramids, built from clay bricks in the 8th - 9th centuries AD. The pyramids of Tucume were a kind of religious center and a place of pilgrimage for the Indians of Lambayeque, and today it is one of the best attractions in Peru. Here the dwellings of the rulers were located, ritual ceremonies were held and sacrifices were made. After the discovery of America by Columbus, the burials of noble nobles and military leaders, as well as many jewelry made of ceramics, silver and gold, were discovered here. A rich collection of these works of art is presented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The largest pyramid in the city of Tucume is Huaca Larga - its height can be compared to a modern 10-story building, and its length is as much as 700 meters. A visit to this iconic place in Peru will not leave even the most experienced tourists indifferent.

3. Huascaran National Park

The real pride and most beautiful natural attraction of Peru is the huge national park Huascaran, located in the territory mountain range White Cordillera in the Andes. Here you can enjoy the magnificence of the highest mountain peaks of Peru, the beauty of glacial lakes and mountain rivers, as well as the diversity of animal and flora. The Huascaran Nature Reserve is home to the condor, the largest bird of prey on the planet, with a wingspan of more than three meters. The giant Puya Raymonda flower, which has the largest inflorescence in the world, also grows here. The inflorescence of this amazing plant, consisting of several thousand small flowers, resembles a huge candle and reaches a height of up to 13 meters.

IN picturesque village Monterrey is home to famous hot springs. You can experience their beneficial effects by taking a swim in a pool with warm water. healing water. Thanks to its unique natural objects and picturesque mountain landscapes, the Huascaran Nature Reserve is one of the most interesting places, which are definitely worth visiting in Peru.

4. Inca Trail

The Inca Trail leading to the mystical city of Machu Picchu is rightfully one of the most impressive tourist routes in Peru and around the world. The most popular option for traveling along the sacred path is hiking lasting 4 days, during which time you need to cover about 40 kilometers. Legendary road runs through dense jungle, wild rivers and deep mountain gorges. On the way to Machu Picchu, you will encounter mysterious settlements of ancient Indians, amazing trees and tropical flowers, as well as unusual animals. Traveling along the Inca Trail provides an opportunity to plunge into the distant past and learn the secrets of a great ancient civilization.

Having thoroughly enjoyed mountain landscapes, we will continue our journey through the sights of Peru and go to the Paracas Nature Reserve - a huge salt desert washed by Pacific Ocean. You can admire the beauty of the golden dunes and dunes during a jeep or buggy safari. On the slope of one of the sand mountains a giant figure called the Andean Candelabra is inscribed. This mystical geoglyph was created several centuries ago, and so far not a single natural element has been able to damage it. However, this is far from the only mystery of Paracas. The mysterious underground caves of the ancient Peruvian peoples and the mummies found in them have become a real sensation in the world of archeology.

The desert itself is practically uninhabited, but the ocean coast is inhabited by rare animals and birds. Pelicans, pink flamingos, dolphins and sea lions live here. An unusual combination of hot desert and ocean waves, mysterious historical places, as well as the abundance of exotic animals, makes Paracas National Park one of the most interesting places in Peru.

The biggest is high Mountain Lake on the planet is located in the Andes, on the border of Peru and Bolivia. More than a hundred million years ago, this territory was part of an ancient ocean, then, under the influence of incredible natural forces, one of its sections rose to a height of about 4 kilometers from its previous level, forming the mountain lake Titicaca. This is how scientists explain that unusual fact that the lake is inhabited by sea and ocean fish.

The ancient Indians considered Lake Titicaca sacred. They believed that from its waters came the first ruler of the Incas - the son of the Sun and the Moon. Numerous Inca shrines have been preserved on the islands of Lake Titicaca: the ancient city of Tiwanaku, the Fountain of Youth, the Chincan labyrinth, the Gate to the City of the Gods. One of the main mysteries in human history for many decades is the ancient city at the bottom of Lake Titicaca. Not long ago, fragments of ancient buildings, as well as stone sculptures and other interesting artifacts were discovered at the bottom of the sacred lake.

Fans of extreme sensations and breathtaking landscapes simply need to visit one of the deepest canyons in the world and incredible a nice place in Peru - Colca Canyon. It’s hard to even believe that its depth is 3,400 meters – almost twice as deep as the famous Grand Canyon in the USA. The magnificent mountain panorama that opens from the observation deck above the abyss of the canyon is truly breathtaking. Mountain villages and agricultural terraces nestled among mountain peaks and volcanoes look very picturesque. Here you can watch a truly breathtaking sight - a giant condor soaring above the gorge.

The legendary city of Chan Chan is located on the northern coast of Peru. In the 10th – 15th centuries it was the capital of the powerful Chimu Empire. Chan-Chan at one time was a real metropolis and the most big city throughout South America. Behind its impenetrable walls hide luxurious palace complexes, majestic temples, ritual sites, workshops, markets and residential areas. All the buildings of the ancient city were built from an unusual material - clay with the addition of straw. The walls of the buildings are decorated with numerous geometric patterns, as well as images of revered animals and mythical creatures.

Chan-Chan was very developed city, as evidenced by its unique water supply system and proper street layout. About wealth ancient capital says the many found jewelry made of ceramics, gold and silver. It is worth paying special attention to the magnificent religious buildings, including the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Rainbow, the Temple of Esmeralda and the Temple of the Moon - the main patroness of the Chimu Indians.

The amazing city of Ollantaytambo, located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, is a huge unique architectural monument Peru. This city is remarkable because people still live in it to this day. Close to houses local residents majestic stone palaces rise, temple complexes, ceremonial center, military fortifications and agricultural terraces. It's interesting that in modern city The water supply system organized by the Incas several centuries ago is still in operation. Incredibly picturesque and colorful city Ollantaytambo is definitely worth a visit for every tourist.

The legendary Pisac fortress is a real architectural masterpiece of the Inca tribe. Ancient houses, defensive structures, temple buildings and multi-level terraces traditional for the Incas have been preserved here. Pisak is famous for its astronomical observatory, where high priests watched the movements of the sun and moon and calculated the best time for sowing and harvesting. Mysterious burials were discovered in caves inside the rocks - mummies sitting in the fetal position. The ancient Indians believed that by taking this position, the human body was preparing to be born into a new life. This grandiose archaeological site of Peru is fraught with many more secrets, which will be interesting for every traveler to touch.

11. Nazca Desert Lines

One of the most mysterious places in Peru is the Nazca Desert, famous throughout the world for its giant lines and patterns. Made in ancient times, strange geoglyphs went unnoticed for a long time, because they can only be seen when flying over the desert on an airplane. The drawings, located over a huge area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, amaze with their diversity: here you can see perfectly straight parallel lines, schematic drawings, and geometrically accurate drawings. The most famous of them are images of a hummingbird, a monkey, a condor, a lizard, a spider and an astronaut.

Even after many years of research, it remains a mystery to scientists who was the author of these works of art and for what purposes they served. It is also beyond explanation how it was possible to create perfectly accurate drawings without special geodetic instruments, without leaving a single trace next to the lines themselves. Many researchers seriously believe that the Nazca geoglyphs served as a guide for alien spaceships. However, most likely, the mystical drawings were created by the ancient Nazca civilization for communication with the gods and astronomical observations, because some images are closely related to the location of the sun, moon and stars. One way or another, none of the versions has yet been conclusively proven, so the Nazca desert with its mysterious lines remains one of the main mysteries of mankind to this day.


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