An ancient city in Greece. Ancient and modern Greek cities. What we learned

Adrianople is an ancient city in Thrace or Paphlagonia (here in 368 they rebelled against Rome local residents Slavs, Antes and Goths), in modern Turkey- the city of Edirne on the Maritsa River.
Aquileia - historical area on the coast Adriatic Sea. Local Slavs were among the first to accept Christianity, so the department here was headed by a patriarch. After the destruction of Aquileia by Attila in 452, the bishop moved to Grado.
Andalusia (Andarusia, Vandalusia) - a historical region in Spain, was founded by the Goths in the 5th century; According to it, the Goths were called vandals.
Arkona is a fortified city of the Baltic Slavs in Pomerania, on the island of Ruyan (modern Rügen) with the temple of Svyatovid. Destroyed by the Danish king Valdemar 1 in 1168.
Artaxata is an ancient city near modern Yerevan, founded by “blond beasts”, the predecessors of the Armenians.

Asgard (Tana, Adzak, Kazak, Kazava, Asgard on Tanakis) - ancient names of the city of Azov on the Don.
Baghdad - (God-given, City of Peace, Irinople) an ancient city in Mesopotamia, the capital of Iraq. In 762 it became the capital of the Caliphate, and since 1534 it belonged to the Turks.
Barcelona (Barcelan) is a city in NE Spain; founded in the 3rd century. BC.
White Mountain - historical place near Prague, here the Czechs were defeated by the Germans and submitted to the power of the Catholics.
Belaya Krinitsa is a historical region in Bukovina, the center of a schismatic land of refugees from Russia from the terror of Christians with the cities of Klimoutsy, Sokolniki, Mehidra.
Belgrade - 1) see Akkerman; 2) ancient Singidun or Singidon, the capital of Serbia on the Danube.
White Sea - former Slavic name Mediterranean Sea.
Beresty (Brest-Litovsk) is the former name of the ancient Russian city, now Brest in Belarus.
Berles is the former Slavic name for Berlin.
Bern is the capital of Switzerland.
Bessarabia is a historical region (received its name from the people of the Bessians, Vosci, Satras, Thracians after the conquest by Rome in 168) between the Dniester and Prut rivers (now the main part of Moldova and the Odessa region). In the 10th-11th centuries. in Kievan Rus, then in the Galicia-Volyn principality, from the 14th century. in the Principality of Moldova, from the beginning of the 16th century. as part of Turkey, from 1812 as part of Russia, in 1918-40 as part of Romania.
Bethsan is one of the names ancient city Scythopolis in Palestine.
The Principality of Blaten is a Slavic principality of the Rusyns around Lake Blaten (Lake Balaton, Hungary).
Bologna - (Bologna,) the modern name of the former capital city of the Etruscans Volsinia (Folsina), after being captured by the Roman Greeks in 189 BC. became known as Bononia.
Bornholm - (Berholm, Bear Hill), an island in the Baltic Sea, territory of Denmark.
Bohuslan - (Boguslan - Divine Land - translated from the ancient local dialect) an area in southwestern Sweden, famous rock paintings Bronze and Iron Ages with solar signs.
Braga - ancient capital the people who lived on the territory of Portugal before the conquest by Rome; ruins of the Roman garrison settlement of Bracara Augusta.
Branibor is the former Slavic name of the city of Brandenburg before its capture by Catholic Germans.
Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia; an ancient Celtic settlement captured by the Romans (Pison, Pigeon, Pressburg).
Bremen - ancient Slavic city on the territory of Germany, in 778 it was captured by the Germans and became the center of the Christian metropolis.
Bremen is the former name of an ancient Russian city on the territory of modern Germany.
Brittany is a historical region in western France, on the peninsula of the same name; was captured by the Normans and renamed after them.
Brunzowik is the former name of the modern city of Brunswick.
Brusa (Prusa) - an ancient city in Bithynia, at the foot of Olympus, was the residence of the Ottoman Turks before they captured Constantinople.
Budishin is the Slavic name of the city of Bautzen in Germany.
Boulogne (Boulagne) is a city and historical region in France.
Burgundy is a historical province of France, the center is the city of Dijon. The name was given by the fair-haired Huns or Burgundians, who came in the 5th century. to Gaul from the banks of the Vistula and Oder, after accepting Christianity they submitted to the Franks.
Burdigala is the former name of a Gaulish (Celtic) city; now Bordeaux in France.
Var is the oldest name of a city in the Czech Republic, famous for the extraction of salt from natural thermal (up to 73 degrees) springs, changed by the Germans to Carlsbad, by the Czechs to Karlovy Vary.
Warnow is the name of the city Waren (Müritz).
Varangian Sea - Baltic Sea.
Vedegoshch (Vedegast) is the name of the city of Volgast (Wolgast Germany).
Velehrad - (Devin), the capital of Moravia in ancient times.
Velehrad is the former name of the city of Diedrichshagen.
Veligrad is the former name (Rerik, Rarog) of the city of Macklenburg. Rurik's father, Godoslav, the last ruler of the principality, was executed here.
Velikomir is the former name of a Russian city (modern Ukmerge, Lithuania).
Wieliczka is the later name of ancient Tiberiopolis (the modern city of Strumnica) in Western Macedonia.
Vienna is the city of the Celts (Gauls) Vindobor before being captured by Rome and renamed Vindobona.
Hungary - (Ugria, ancient Pannonia, part of Dacia) - a historical region inhabited by the Goths from the 3rd century, then by the Huns and Avars; in the 8th century Karl Vel. settled many Slavs here; in the 9th century occupied by the Mongols or Hungarians under the leadership of Arpad.
Wenden - official name residences of the Swordsmen from the moment of construction in 1203 to 1917 (modern - Cesis in Latvia).
The Vendian state was the state of the Polabian Slavs and Pomeranians in the 40s of the 11th century. - first third of the 12th century. led by the Bodriches.
Vänern is a lake in southern Sweden; the Göta Älv river flows out of the lake; basic ports - Vänersborg, Karlstad.
Venessen is a historical region in southeastern France.
Hungary is the Russian (Slavic) name of the country Magyar Kostarsasag with the capital Budapest.
Venice is a republic on 12 islands of the Adriatic Sea, founded by fugitives from Aquileia and other cities, Veneds (or Venets), fleeing the invasion of the Huns. Had big influence on the fate of many countries and peoples, began to decline with the discovery of America and the shift in trade routes. After the death of the last true ruler of Venice, Sophronius Kutovali, unrest began, which led to the unification with Lombardy into the Lombard-Venetian kingdom.
Vincennes - old City, a suburb of Paris, to the south of which is the former royal castle and park - the Bois de Vincennes.
The Vienna Woods is a spur of the Eastern Alps, near Vienna; oak and beech forests, replete with monuments of Slavic paganism; resting-place.
Venta - a river in Lithuania; flows into the Baltic Sea; at the mouth - Ventspils.
Verona is a city in northern Italy on the Etx River, the capital of Theodoric (Fedor Rex) of the Ostrogoths, from 1405 it belonged to Venice, then to Austria.
Vesit was the official name of the city of Viesite in Latvia until 1917.
Wessex (All Saxons, modern Wessex) is a historical region in England - the first kingdom in Britain.
Vilno (Vilnya) is the former name of the ancient Russian capital city, which was transferred to Lithuania in 1939 (modern Vilnius).
Wiltse - Slavic state of the 7th-9th centuries. in the Baltic Pomerania.
Vindava is the former name of an ancient city on the shores of the Baltic Sea at the confluence of the Venta River into the sea. In 1242 it was captured by the crusaders.
Vindobor - (Vienna Woods) name of a Celtic (Gallic) city on the edge Vienna Woods before its capture by the Romans in the 1st century. AD and renaming Vindobona; modern - Vienna, capital of Austria.
Wishemir is the former name of the city of Wismar in Pomerania, Germany.
Vaudémont is a county in Lorraine.
Vodina (Vodena) is the former name of the city of Moclena or Edessa (Edessa) in South Macedonia.
Wolin is an ancient Slavic city in Poland on island of the same name at the mouth of the river Audra.
Volyn is the former name of the city of Jomsburg in Germany.
Vyshgorod is generally an upper, fortified city, a Kremlin, a detinets. In particular, a city on the right bank of the Dnieper, built by Vladimir in 989 as his residence.
Vienne (Venne) - historical city in Dauphine (France).
Vyatka is the later name of the ancient Russian city of Khlynov.
Havel is the former name of the Slavic city (7-9 centuries) of the Polabian Rus on the territory of modern. Deutschland; modern - Havelberg.
Gadara is an ancient city east of Lake Tiberias (Genisaret) in the Gerchesinsky country. Here Jesus cast out a legion of demons.
Gaza is an ancient city in the Middle East, on east coast Mediterranean Sea as part of Palestine.
Ai is a city of Canaanites (subjects of the khan) to the southeast of Bethel, which was conquered by I. Navin and given to the tribe of Benjamin.
Gilead Mountains, Gilead - (hill of testimony) modern name of Gil-ad, mountains in Palestine north of the Dead Sea.
Galata (milk market) - the historical part of Istanbul; the capital city of Galatia - the main city of the Gauls (Celts).
Galatia is a historical region in Asia Minor, inhabited by Gauls (Celts) who converted to Christianity in the 3rd-4th centuries.
Gallipoli is a city in Italy.
The Gallipoli Peninsula is located in the European part of Turkey, between the strait. Dardanelles and Saros Gulf of the Aegean Sea.
Galilee is a historical region in the north of Palestine near the Mediterranean Sea, inhabited by pagans. From here - all the apostles, comrades of I. Christ. After the fall of Jerusalem, the Jews moved here and made the Tiberias Academy their center. Many residents then moved to the Balkans.
Galicia is the ancient Chervonaya (Chervlenaya - Red) Rus' or Chervlensk cities, in the upper reaches of the Dniester and Vistula, along the northern slope of the Carpathians.
Gull is the ancient name of the city of Hull in England, a port on the North Sea, in the estuary of the river. Humber.
Gaul (lat. Gallia from the Roman name for the Celts) - historical regions that were not part of the Roman Republic until the 2nd century. BC.; the territory of modern Spain, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and parts of other territories.
Garama is the capital city of the mysterious white population of Garamans who lived in Libya; in 21 BC they were conquered by Rome and disappeared into the local population, especially among the Tuaregs. Below they were assimilated by the Arabs.
Gargan is a mountainous area in Italy facing the Adriatic Sea, famous for its monasteries.
Gardarika - (country of cities) is the former European name of Northern Rus' with its capital Staraya Ladoga - the predecessor of Novgorod.
Garia (Harrien) is an ancient Estonian maakond (land) in the north of modern Estonia from the city of Varbola. In the 13th century captured by Denmark, including the land of Rävala from the city of Revel (modern Tallinn). In 1347 it was ceded to the Livonian Order, and from 1561 - in Sweden. In Russia since 1710 - Revel district of the Estland province.
Heidelberg is an ancient city in the Federal Republic of Germany, known as the oldest (600,000 years old) Chalcolithic site of ancient (Heidelberg) man. In the 5th century BC. The Celts built a fortified refuge and religious buildings on the Holy Mountain. OK. 80 AD captured by the Romans (held until 260), and then in the hands of the local population. In 1196 it was first mentioned under its modern name.
Gelonia (Geolan) is a historical region, a forested country located north of Scythia.
Helvetia - Celtic land between the Main and the Alps; later between Lake Constance and Lake Geneva; Currently, Helvetia is the Latinized name for Switzerland.
The land of Genisaret is the later name of Tiberias in Palestine.
Geonic water - (muddy water), another name for the Nile.
Heraclea is an ancient city in Asia Minor on the Black Sea coast, modern city Ergeli in Turkey. According to legend, people from Heraclea founded Chersonesos in Crimea.
Hesperia is one of the ancient names of the Apennine Peninsula (Ausonia, Oenotria, Italica).
Hyrcania (Iranian Varcana - country of wolves) - an area southeast of the Caspian (Hircanian) Sea; It is separated from the rest of Iran by mountains with the Caspian Gate pass.
The Hyrcanian Sea is the Iranian name for the Caspian (Khvalynsky, Khvalissky) Sea.
Gniezno is an ancient Slavic city in western Poland; in the 10th century it was the capital of Mazovia (an early Polish state).
Holland is the former name of the Netherlands or Northern Gaul; modern - a province in the Netherlands.
Gotha is a historical city in Germany.
Gotland is an island and historical region in the Baltic Sea.
Gotthia is a historical region on the territory of modern Crimea (received this name after its conquest by the Turks), formerly Tavria.
Grado is a historical Slavic city and island 15 km from Aquileia, in the Adriatic Sea. The seat of the metropolitan (or patriarch) was moved here after the attack by Attila's troops in 452.
Gran is the later name of the city of Ostrog in Hungary.
Greece - an ancient village in Attica (now Orop, Skala-Orop). Mythical and mythological country, traces of which are found throughout the territory of human settlement
Grimbergen - ancient Zelenograd - a city in Belgium near Brussels.
Dacia is a historical region that included present-day Romania, Transylvania and Bessarabia. It was originally inhabited by Gauls, Dacians and Getae. After being conquered by the Romans in 107 AD. was inhabited by pagan Jews and Jatts (gypsies) who received Roman citizenship (Roma). In the 3rd century it was occupied by the Goths, then the Alans, Avars, Hungarians and Slavs.
Dalmatia - (Dalmatia - country of sheep) is a historical region in Yugoslavia, along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, the western part of ancient Illyricum, inhabited by Serbs and Croats with a center in Delminium.
Denmark is a historical Slavic region, then a state that adopted Catholicism in 826.
Dvinsk was the former name of Borisoglebov (Daugavpils) until 1917.
Mesopotamia is the same as Mesopotomia (mixed offspring) or Mesopotamia.
Develt is the former name of the city of Zagora, located on Zagorje or Zagora (mountainside).
Devin - (Velegrad), capital of Rostislav, Prince. Moravsky.
Devon is a county in the south of Great Britain, near the English Channel.
Dedyakov is an Alan medieval city of the 10th-15th centuries. at the village Elkhotovo in North Ossetia. Christian churches, mosques, public and residential buildings, burial grounds.
Deira (Dur) - a field near Babylon, a place of worship of the golden idol of the Sun god (dei Ra).
The Dzhurdzhani Sea is one of the names of the Caspian Sea.
Dinaburg is the German name for Daugavpils (Dvinsk).
Diocletia - (Dioklia, Cetinje), the birthplace of Emperor Diocletian, at the confluence of the Zeta River and the Morava. Later names - Duklja or Dukla, inhabited by Serbian tribes of Duklyans (Dulebs, Slavs). At the beginning of the 11th century. conquered by Byzantium and renamed Zeta (named after a tributary of the Moraca River). After it became part of the Serbian state of Nemanjic, then conquered by Venice, after falling under Turkish rule, the name Zeta was supplanted by Montenegro.
Dioskouriada - (in Greek - Dioscuria and Sebastos), antique city on Black Sea coast(now at the bottom of Sukhumi Bay); during the Roman period it was renamed Sebastopolis.
Dobresol is the former name of the city of Halle (Saxony, Germany).
Dodona - sanctuary of Zeus (Dodona) in Ancient Greece, located in Epirus near Mount Tomara (then ma Ra), now Olichka.
Dorilea is an ancient city in Phrygia Healthy, with palaces and healing springs. In the 10th-8th centuries. - a state in the vast territories of Asia Minor with the capital Gordion.
Doros (Mangup, Doro, Feodoro) - main city Gotthia, in Crimea, ruins 20 km from Sevastopol.
Dorosad is the name of an ancient city in the south of England-England (modern Dorset).
Dorostol - (Durostorum, Dristr, Dorostol, Silistria), ancient city, Roman fortress Durostorum in the NE. modern Bulgaria, which changed its name under Turkish rule to Silistria (Silistra), a port on the Danube.
Dregovichi is a historical locality in Dalmatia.
Drepan - (Elenopol) in Bithynia - historical region. Asia Minor; received its name from the Thracian tribes of the Bithynians.
Drogichin is an ancient Russian town in the Brest region, Belarus. Deployed a regiment to participate in the Battle of Grunwal.
Drozdyany is the former Slavic name of Dresden.
Oak is a village near Chalcedon in Bithynia with a royal palace surrounded by groves. Here, at the Council of Chalcedon in 403, John Chrysostom was condemned.
Dublania - (Dublin - known since the 3rd century) Slavic fortress built on the territory of Ireland in 836; the modern city of Bale Aha Cliach, the capital of Ireland.
Dubovik is the former name of the town of Dobin.
Dubossary - (Dubasari) is an ancient city on the territory of Moldova.
Dubrovitsa is an ancient Russian city (until 1940 - Dombrovitsa) in the Rivne region. Ukraine on the Goryn River.
Dubrovnik - (Latin name - Ragusa), an ancient Slavic city in Croatia on the shores of the Adriatic Sea; known since the 7th century; for a long time it was the center of the aristocratic Dubrovnik Republic.
Dover is an ancient city in England; shipbuilding center of pre-Roman Britannica.
Dullan (Dullan) is a city in Picardy (France).
Dura Europos is a city on the Middle Euphrates, founded at the end of the 4th century. BC. Seleucom Nicator as a military colony. It became the center of caravan routes connecting the Roman Empire. with the East. Repeatedly passed from hand to hand of the Parthians and the New Persian kingdom of the Sassanids. Destroyed in the 4th century.
Dymin is the former Slavic name of the city of Demmin.
Zagreb is the modern name of the city of Agram.
Zagros - (Zagorskaya Rus) mountain system from parallel ridges in modern Iran, in the southwest of the Iranian Plateau. Length - 1600 km, width - 200-300 km. Mountain deserts, shrubs, copses.
Zadar is the oldest city in Croatia, a port on the Adriatic Sea. Remains of the Roman forum and triumphal arches; church-rotunda of St. Donatus (early 9th century); Romanesque basilicas (St. Stosie, 11th-12th centuries; St. Krševan, 12th century); fortress gate "Porta Terraferma" (16th century).
Zara is an ancient Slavic city on the shores of the Adriatic Sea that adopted Christianity in the 8th century.
Zverin is the former name of the Russian city; now Schwerin, the administrative center of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Germany.
Zvyagel is the name of an ancient city on the Sluch River until 1793; modern Novograd-Volynsky in Ukraine.
Zeta (Cetinja, ancient Dioklea, then Duklja) is the main city of Montenegro on the Zeta River.
Golden Sands (Zlatni Pyasytsi) is a climatic resort in Bulgaria, known since the 3rd century.
Solothurn is a historical region and canton in Switzerland.
Jabbok is a river, a left tributary of the Jordan River. The modern name is Ez-Zarqa.
Iberia is the ancient name of the Iberian Peninsula along the Iber River (Hiber, Ber), now the Ebro. It began to be called Spain after its conquest by Rome.
Ida is a mountain in Greece on the island of Crete.
Jebus - the area in which Jebus was located (Ie the message, renamed Jerusalem - “the throne of the god of the Rus” by David) before its capture by David. The former name was named after Jebus, the son of Canaan. The cunning invaders try not to call these lands by real names, so that it would be unclear to the modern reader what kind of people lived here before.
Yemen - (happy or God's chosen people); the name of a state in Africa after the adoption of Judaism.
Hierakon (Ie Ra Kon-Hierakonpolis, Jericho) is the name of the political center of Southern Egypt during the first dynasty.
Iliopolis (Heliopolis) - the city of the Sun, Beth-shemesh, He (the sun), Baal-bek (Bel God), the city of Baal; the most unique object ancient world with temple complexes made of incredibly large parts, weighing over a thousand tons.
Ilmen is the old name of the Laba (Elbe) tributary, the modern one is Ilmenau.
Imereti is a historical region in Georgia once inhabited by pagan Jews from Samaria. Its last king, Solomon, left for Turkey in 1783 and Imereti became part of Russia.
Irinople was the name of the city of Baghdad before the restoration of the old name in 762.
Ireland - (Iriland, Hyberia, “Island of Saints”), the Celtic population began to accept Christianity in the 5th century. through monasteries, submitted to Rome in the 12th century.
Istria is a peninsula in the northern Adriatic Sea, inhabited by Slavs since ancient times. At first it was part of the Roman Empire, then it belonged to Venice, and from the end of the 18th century it belonged to Austria.
Itil (Atel) - the ancient capital of Kozaria, was located near Astrakhan. According to it, it is customary to call the lower part of the Volga - Itil.
Iturea (Tyria, Turia) is a historical region in northern Palestine.
Colotis (Callatida) is a Dorian colony on the western shore of the Black Sea. According to legend, Heraclea was founded.
Camara is a city and fortress in Italy.
Campania is a historical region in southern Italy on Tyrrhenian coast, which has long preserved Slavic traditions.
Candia is one of the old names (after the capture by the Arabs) of the island of Crete (formerly Lurker).
Canossos - Tuscan (Etruscan) castle. Here, in 1077, Henry 4th humbly asked for forgiveness from Pope Gregory 7th with the participation of the Tuscan margravess Matilda.
Canton is the former name of the city of Guangzhou in southern China.
Capernaum is an ancient city in Galilee, on the northwestern shore of Lake Tiberias. Glorified by frequent visits to Christ.
Cappadocia is a historical region in Asia Minor, on the border of Armenia and Cilicia. Adopted Christianity in the 3rd-4th centuries.
Karaman is a historical region and state in Asia Minor.
Karanovo is the remains of a Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement (6-3 thousand BC).
Carantania is a historical region, a state of Slovenes in the 7th-11th centuries in the Mura River basin and the upper reaches of the Drava River. Later names - Carinthia, Carniola, Carinthian Mark (Styria).
Karasev is the Old Russian name of the city of Belogorsk in Crimea; under Turkish rule - Karasubazar, Karasuvbazar.
Karenica is the former name of the city of Harz.
Karin (Kari) is the ancient name of the city, which became Theodosipolis or Theodosipolis (Divine City) under the Byzantines, and Kalikala under the Arabs, the modern Turkish city of Erzurum.
Karin (Erzurum, Feodosipol) is a city in Armenia, near the Euphrates.
Caria is a historical region in the southwestern part of Asia Minor.
Carmel (Carmel) is a mountain in Palestine (Israel) on the Mediterranean coast. Known for ancient pagan temples, from the 4th-5th centuries. became a place of solitude for Jewish hermits. In the Skhul and Tabun caves along with Mousterian stones. tools discovered the remains of fossil people of the Neanderthal European type, who had many similarities with modern humans. Antiquity - 45-40 thousand years.
Catalonia (Catalan) is a historical region in Spain with the capital Barcelona.
Kafa (Kaffa) - the name of the city of Feodosia in Crimea since the 13th century; renamed in 1783. Founded in the 6th century. BC. unknown people, sometimes they write that they were Greeks.
Kakheti is a historical region of Georgia, conquered by King Bagrat in the 11th century. On old maps it is simply Khetia, part of Koloheti, which became Colchidon and Colchis.
Kezlev (Kozlov) is the Slavic name of the city of Evpatoria.
Cologne is the later name of an ancient Slavic city (Appian Colonia-Colonia-Cologne).
Celtiberia is a historical region in the territory of modern Spain; was inhabited by Celtiberians (Celts and Iberians).
Kemeri - (until 1917 - Kemmern, formerly - Kem Meri) balneological and mud resort in Latvia (city of Jurmala).
Kemi is an ancient city in Finland at the confluence of the river. Kemi-Joki to the Gulf of Bothnia; the time of its founding is unknown.
Kem - (Ta Kemi, Kemi) the ancient name of a state in northern Africa; in the 7th century renamed Misr; modern name Gumkhurdiyya Misr al-Arabi; In our country, the Jewish name has taken root - Egypt.
Kem is an ancient city of Northern Pomerania on the river. Kem at its confluence with the White Sea; founding time unknown; It has been known in Novgorod since the 12th century, and in Moscow since the 15th century.
Kerkinitida is one of the ancient ports of western Crimea, on the site of modern Evpatoria.
Cimmeric is an ancient city of the 5th century. BC - 3rd century AD on the southern coast of the Kerch Peninsula in Crimea, which gave the name to the people - the Cimmerians.
Cyrenaica (Kyrenia) is a historical region in western Egypt, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
Clusium is an ancient Etruscan city in the territory of modern Italy (now Chiusi).
Kobrin is a city in the Brest region. Belarus; founded by Russian princes in the 11th century; known from chronicles from the 13th century.
Kovno is the former name of the ancient Russian city (since 1917 - Kaunas); founded at the beginning of the 11th century.
Kozlov is the Slavic name of the city of Evpatoria in Crimea before Turkish rule.
Kola (Kolo) is a medieval city on the shore of the Kola Bay, at the confluence of the Kolo and Tuloma rivers. Known since the 13th century; who founded it and when is unknown.
Kolgon is a modern Golgong, a city in India on the Ganges River.
Kolobreg is the former name of the city of Kolberg.
Colony - (Kolo), the ancient name of the city of Cologne.
Colossi (Khona, Gona) is an ancient city in Phrygia on the Lykos River.
Kolokhetia (Kolkhida - in Greek) is a historical region in Western Georgia. In the 13th-7th centuries. BC. a union of tribes of “blond beasts”, defined by archaeologists as the Colchis culture of agricultural tribes, accompanied by images of animals and swastika ornaments, analogues of the Northern Black Sea region. Currently inhabited by Mingrelians, Georgian Jews.
Kolyvan is the former name of the ancient Slavic city (in Lithuanian - Lindanis). In 1219-1917 the official name was Revel, then from 1917 - Tallinn.
Constantinople was the name in the Middle Ages of Perun-grad, Tsar-grad, Byzant, modern Istanbul (Turkey).
Konstanz is a city at the exit of the Rhine from Lake Constance.
Horse-stone (Horse Island) - ancient sanctuary Korelov on Konevsky (Konevsky) Island.
Kopai Basin - Kopai Basin, an intermountain depression in Central Greece, along the Kefis River. In the past it was filled by Lake Kopaiskoe, now drained.
Koporye is an ancient Russian city and fortress that defended the Novgorod land from the Swedes; now a village in the Leningrad region. with the remains of the fortress walls.
Corbeil is a city in Ile-de-France.
Korela is the name of the city of Priozersk, Leningrad region until 1611. Under Peter 1 - Kekzholmts.
Corinth is an ancient city in Greece near the Isthmus of Corinth, connecting Central Greece and the Peloponnese Peninsula. Founded by the Dorians (Daarians) in the 10th century. BC. as the main city of Achaia; ruins near modern Corinth (Greece).
Korsun is the Old Russian name for Chersonese, an ancient polis founded in the 5th century. BC. Ruins near Sevastopol.
Kortsira is an ancient Slavic name for the modern Greek island Kerkyra (Corfu - in Italian).
Korchev - a Slavic city in Crimea during the Middle Ages; now - Kerch.
Kosovo Polje - (Kosovo Polje), an area in Dalmatia (Serbia), where in 1389 the Turks defeated the Serbs and Bulgarians (according to the modern version, Serbian-Bosnian troops under the command of Prince Lazar).
Red is the name of a former Slavic city on the territory of Germany; modern - Rothenburg.
Krevo is an ancient city with a fortress and a castle on the territory of Belarus; known for the Union of Krevo - an agreement on a dynastic union between the Grand Duchy of Russia and Lithuania and Poland.
Kremenets is an ancient city on the territory of modern. Ukraine; known from chronicles since 1226.
Khreshchatyk is the main street of Kyiv, located on the site of the stream in which the sons of Vladimir and noble Kyivians were baptized.
Crete is the modern name of the Slavic island Skryten (Kryt), under Muslims - Candia from the capital city of Kandax.
Krichev is an ancient Russian city on the Sozh River, territory of Belarus, known from chronicles from the 12th century.
Croatia is the old name of Croatia.
Cruachan is a county in Scotland.
Kruszewice is an ancient Polish capital (8th-9th centuries).
Crimea is the modern name of the island and state with the former name of Taurida, Tauride Chersonese, Greater Chersonese, Gotthia, Ostrogothia.
Courland is the historical region of Kurzeme in the western part of Latvia (Latgale; gal in Roman - rooster, chicken. Turkic-Slavic kuren and vezha - house, dwelling.). In the 13th century it was captured by the Crusaders; from 1561 - the Duchy of Courland and the Pilten region, in 1695-1917 - the Courland province as part of Russia.
Laba is the old Slavic name for the Elbe River; used in Czechoslovakia; Laba is a river in Russia in the North Caucasus, a left tributary of the Kuban.
Ladoga is an ancient Russian city in the Slovenian land (Novgorod); mentioned in chronicles from the 8th century; now s. Staraya Ladoga in the Leningrad region.
Ladon is a river in Greece on the Peloponnese Peninsula.
Laconia is a historical region in Greece on the Peloponnese Peninsula.
Lan (Doe) is a land and a city in France.
Languedoc is a province in France.
Langton is a bay of the Arctic Ocean in northern Canada.
Landes is a region in southwestern France.
Lagny is a land and city in Ile-de-France.
Lapland is a historical region, the territory of Finland, Sweden, Norway; The population is Lapps.
Latgale is a historical region in the Baltic states on the territory of modern Latvia.
Lebedia is a historical region on the territory of modern Ukraine, which was occupied or destroyed by the Magyars (Huns) during their movement to the west. The location was determined by historians - the area of ​​​​the city of Lebedyan ( Lipetsk region) or Lebedin (Sumy region).
Lebed is a river in Altai, a tributary of the Biya, Ob basin.
Lenchin is the modern name Lenzen.
Livonia - Baltic lands captured by the German Livonian Order.
Lipsk is the old name of a Slavic city on the territory of Germany; now Leipzig in Saxony.
Lithuania - White Rus', population - Lithuania, Litvins; in later documents - the state (principality) - Lithuania.
Lausanne is a city in Savoy, from the 16th century. - in Switzerland, on the shores of Lake Geneva.
Longobardia is a historical region in northern Italy, founded in the 3rd century. from R.H. Longobards (long-bearded), immigrants from the territory of modern Germany; capital Mediolan (middle land, now Milan). Modern Lombardy in Italy.
Ltava - (Litava) the name of the city of Poltava until 1430.
Lugdunum - (Lugdon) the ancient name of a Gallic city at the confluence of the Rhone and Saone rivers; modern Lyon in France.
Lusatia is a historical region on the territory of modern Germany (named after the modern region of Lusatia), known since the 13th century. BC. Main population: Lusatians, Lusatian Sorbs (Serbs), Vends (Vends). They were conquered by the Arabian Germans under Otto 1, but retained their language, which belongs to the West Slavic languages.
Lusitania (Lusitania, Rusitania) - the name of the Iberian Peninsula before the conquest by Rome and renaming to Spain.
Lubeck is a city in the north of Germany, a port on the Baltic Sea.
Lyubech is an ancient Russian city on the left bank of the Dnieper. It was first mentioned in chronicles in 882. In 1097, a congress of Russian princes took place in Lyubech.
Lubich is the former name of a Slavic city (modern Lübeck in Germany).
Lublin is a city in eastern Poland, known since the 10th century; The Union of Lublin between Lithuania and Poland was concluded here.
Lutetia is the ancient city of the Parisians and Luticians on the island of Sich (Site) at the confluence of the rivers; in the 3rd century after being captured by the Romans, it was renamed Parisii; modern name - Paris.
Lucerne is a city in Switzerland, on Lake Firwaldstät.
Lucin is the official name of the city of Ludza in Latvia until 1917.
Magdeburg is an ancient Slavic city of Velehrad in Prussian Saxony; center of Saxony-Anhalt in modern times. Deutschland. Known since 805, since 968 - the center of the archbishopric.
Mazovia is a historical region of Poland, in the middle reaches of the Vistula and the lower reaches of the Narev and Bug; from the 9th century - principality; from the 13th century it was divided into appanage principalities and gradually began to fall under the authority of the Polish kings; finally in Poland from 1526.
Macedonia is a historical region on the Balkan Peninsula in the adjacent regions of Yugoslavia, Greece and Bulgaria.
Malin - 1. The ancient name of a Slavic city in Belgium (modern Mechelen), famous for its bell (“raspberry”) ringing. 2. City in Ukraine.
Marakanda is the ancient capital of Sogdiana; modern - Samarkand.
Mariupol is a city on the Sea of ​​Azov; in 1778, the tsarist government settled here the brought Greeks, whom the Tatars did not want to let into Crimea.
Marcomanni are border residents, the same as Ukrainians.
Mglin - (Meglin, Moglena), a mountain fortress and city in W. Macedonia, northwest of Vodena (Edessa. Edessa).
Megara is the center of the Megarid region in Ancient Greece, on the Isthmus of Corinth.
Medina is the modern name of the ancient city of Yathrib on the Arabian Peninsula.
Bear Lake - (Great Bear Lake), in northwestern Canada, in the Mackenzie River basin.
Mediolan - (middle land), the former Slavic name of Milan and surrounding lands.
Medniki is the former name of the Russian city, modern. Medininkai, Lithuania.
Melite is the ancient name of Malta.
Memel (Memelburg) is the official name of Klaipeda (Lithuania) until 1923.
Menescus - old name Belarusian city Minsk; known from chronicles since 1067.
Maeotis - (Maeotida - land of the Maeotians) Roman name for the coast Sea of ​​Azov(Meotian lake or Meotian swamp); They also called the inhabitants of the coast Meotians, and thus a new nationality appeared.
Merv is an ancient city, the center of the Merv oasis (modern Mary in Turkmenistan).
Merv oasis is a historical region in the south of modern. Turkmenistan; from the 3rd century it was part of Khorasan.
Meridovo Lake - it was dug in the 15th century. BC King Merid to collect water supplies from the Nile.
Meroe is an ancient country west of the Arabian Gulf. According to legend, it was ruled by queens (Sheba, Kandakia).
Dead Sea - (Salt, Asphalt, Lotovo) closed salt Lake in the Middle East. Located 395 m below Mediterranean Sea level. The most low point peace.
MESOPOTAMIA - (correctly - Senaar, Mesopotamia, Mesopotamia, mixed offspring) - a historical region in the Middle East, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, one of the centers ancient civilization, now in Iraq.
Messinia is a historical region of Ancient Greece, in the southwest of the Peloponnese peninsula, inhabited in ancient times by the Lelegi tribe, which had its capital at Pylos; later it was settled by immigrants from Palestine Messenia; considered the first Jewish (Greek) colony in the Balkans.
Messina is the ancient city of Zancle (before the 3rd-4th centuries) in Sicily, the first Greek colonists came here after the defeat of the state of Northern Israel (Samaria) by Assyria or the Scythians around 730 BC.
Mechelen (Mechelan, Malin) is the ancient city of Malin in Belgium on the Dyle River, famous for its ringing bells(raspberry ringing).
Mechlin is the former name of Mecklenburg.
Media is a historical region in the northwestern part of the Iranian Plateau. 13th-7th centuries BC. - union of tribes; in the 7th-6th centuries. - kingdom, flourished under Cyaxares (King Kiak) on the territory of Iran and Southern Azerbaijan.
Moisia is a historical region in the northwest of Asia Minor, on the site of Troy. Also an area occupied by Serbs and Croats in the 19th century.
Miquiline is the former name of Mecklenburg.
Mytilene - (Mytilene) an ancient city on the island. Lesvos.
Mishnah is the former name of the city of Meissen.
Morava - (blue) right tributary of the Danube, consisting of the Serbian and Bulgarian Morava.
Moravia is a historical region along the Oder and Morava.
Morea is a historical area within the territory modern Greece.
Mosul is a historical region founded by the Ghuz (Torks - worshipers of Thor) of Central Asia, who converted to Islam as interpreted by the commander and emir of Mosul - Islam on the territory of modern Iraq. After this, the Guz began to be called Mosulmans (modern Muslims) or Torkmens (due to the fact that part of the people continued to worship the Thor).
Mstislavl is an ancient city in Belarus on the Vihra River; known from chronicles from 1156.
Murmansk - the same as the Norman coast, that is north shore Russia, adjacent to Norway.
Murom is an ancient Russian city, the capital of the Murom - Finno-Ugric tribes who lived in the upper reaches of the Oka River from the 1st millennium BC; known from Christian chronicles since 862; since 1097 the center of the Murom-Ryazan principality; from the middle of the 12th century. until 15 - the center of the Murom principality.
Mutyanskaya land is the old name of Moldova.
Nazareth is a mythological city in lower Galilee (there was no such city, but there was Nazarene land), here Jesus lived until he was 30 years old; the city is known as the center of the Nazarene heresy, which Jesus also preached.
Narva is a city and fortress in Estonia on the Narva River; known in Russian chronicles since 1171 under the name Rugodiv (Rusodiv).
Naples - Palestine Naples, the same as Nabluz (Nablus) near ancient Shechem; Italian Naples - ancient Parthenon; Naples in Macedonia became part of Philippi, founded by Philip 11; Scythian Naples (Simferopol) 3rd century. BC - 3rd century from R.H. - the capital of the Scythian state in Crimea.
The German Sea is the name of the Baltic Sea found in foreign literature at the time of the seizure of lands by Catholic orders.
Nesvizh is an ancient city on the territory of Belarus; known from chronicles from the 13th century and the Radziwill Castle.
Nicaea is a city in Bithynia, on the shores of Lake Ascan, the capital of the Nicaean Empire and the first capital of the Ottomans before they captured Constantinople.
Nicomedia is a city in Bithynia, near the Sea of ​​Marmara, the capital of the Eastern Empire to Constantinople.
Nikopol - (Nikup), Roman city 2-7 centuries AD. in the province of Lower Moesia to the east of the modern city of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria).
Neil is the most long river Africa, formed by the confluence of the White and Blue Nile rivers. Actually, the Nile is Blue; It has had this name since time immemorial; it got its name from an unknown fair-haired and white-skinned people who lived here several thousand years ago.
Nilgiris - mountain range Blue Mountains in southern India; got their name from an unknown tall, fair-haired people who lived here several thousand years ago.
Nineveh is an ancient city in the Middle East, the capital of Assyria (in the territory of modern Iraq, near Mosul).
Novgorod is an ancient Russian city on the Volkhov River, 6 km from Lake Ilmen. According to church chronicles, it has been known since 859; from the Book of Vles: “In the summer of 3113 (2395 BC), the Grand Duke of Sloven built a city and named it after his name Slovensk, which is now called Veliky Novgorod, from the mouth of the great lake Ilmer along the Volkhov river half a third mile.”
Novgorodok is the name of a Russian fortress on the territory of modern Estonia before it was renamed Vastselina.
Novgorod-Seversky is an ancient Russian city on the Desna River, in the Chernigov region. Ukraine, known since the 10th century.
Novgorod land is a historical region in the northwest and north of Rus' in the 9th-15th centuries; included, in addition to the Novgorod Republic and its possessions up to the White Sea and the North. Trans-Urals (Karelia, Tersky Coast, Zavolochye, Pechora, Yugra), from the end of the 15th century - only the lands adjacent to Novgorod.
The Novgorod Republic is a rooted name in Russian literature states in NW and N. Rus' in 1136-1478. with the capital - Novgorod. Annexed to Muscovy as a result of Ivan's campaigns 111.
Novogrudok is an ancient city in Belarus, known since 1116.
Novosil is an ancient city in the Oryol region. on the river Zusha; known since 1155; at the beginning of the 14th century. - the center of the Novosilsk principality.
Novotroitsk settlement - the remains of a fortified Slavic city of the 8th-9th centuries. at the village Novotroitskoye, Sumy region. Ukraine.
Novocherkassk is a city in the Rostov region; the former capital (since 1805) of the Land of the Don Army; the capital of the world Cossacks.
Noricum is a historical region, a mountainous country bordering Italy and Pannonia; The main population were Celts. In 16-13 years. BC. was conquered by Rome and became an imperial province.
Normandy is a historical region and duchy in northwestern France.
Oxus is the ancient name of the Amu Darya river; before the Arab conquest.
Oldenburg is the modern name of the Slavic city of Stargrad before its capture by the Germans.
Olbia is the economic capital of the Scythians, located on the right bank of the Dnieper-Bug estuary.
Orany is the former name (until 1917) of the city of Varena in Lithuania.
Oreshek - the name of the Russian fortress and city in 1323-1611; in 1611-1702 after the capture by the Swedes - Noteburg; since 1702, Shlisselburg has been part of Russia.
Or-Kapu (Perekop) is a Turkish fortress on the Perekop Isthmus.
Ostia (Ustie) - (in Latin - river mouth) an ancient city in Italy at the mouth of the Tiber, not far from Rome.
Ostrogom is the former name of the city of Gran in Hungary.
Pavia is a city in Lombardy (Italy) on the river. Ticino; since 568 - the capital of Longobardia.
Palestine is a historical region in the Middle East, east of the Mediterranean Sea, one of ancient centers Russian civilization. Before colonization by Jews under the leadership of Solomon, it had one of the names of Palena Stan (hot place).
Palmyra - (Fadmor, City of Palms), an ancient city in Syria, greatest prosperity in the 1st-3rd centuries. AD; temples of Baal, sanctuaries of Bel, so-called. Diocletian's camp.
Pamphylia is a historical region in the south of Asia Minor; first - a union of tribes, from the 6th century. BC. in the kingdom of the Achaemenids, Alexander the Great, Ptolemies, Seleucids, Pergamon, together with which after 133 BC. became a possession of Rome; in 43 AD Lycia and Pamphylia made up Rome. province.
Pannonia - historical region (ancient Paeonia), Roman province; occupied part of the territory of modern Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Austria.
The Roman Pantheon is a pagan temple depicting all the gods of the Roman Empire; in 607, Pope Boniface IV converted it into the Church of All Saints.
Panticapaeum (Panticapaeum) - an ancient city in Crimea (modern Kerch) in the 6th century BC - 4th century. AD; then the Slavic city of Korchev.
The Papal States was a theocratic state that existed from 756 to 1870. on the Apennine Peninsula with its capital in Rome. Led by the Pope.
Parthia is a historical region southeast of the Caspian Sea. Known since 1 thousand BC; in 250 BC-224 AD - Parthian kingdom (from Mesopotamia to the Indus). In 224 it became part of the Sassanid state.
Passau is a city in Bavaria, the center of Catholic expansion into Slavic lands.
Patus is an ancient city on the site of modern Gelendzhik.
Paphlagonia is a historical region in the center of Asia Minor.
Pella is an ancient city in Perea (Palestine), opposite Scythopolis; Jews left here in 66 AD. who did not want to participate in the war with Rome.
The First Bulgarian Kingdom was a Slavic-Bulgarian state in 681-1018. on the northern Balkan Peninsula.
Mother See - an honorary title for Moscow after the capital was moved to St. Petersburg.
Pergamum is a city and state in Asia Minor, in Mysia. Founded in the 12th century. BC. Lost his independence due to his will in 133 BC. King Attalus III. In its place, the Romans established the province of Asia. The city gave its name to parchment, where it was first invented; famous for its library, honey school, the Pergamon altar of Zeus.
Peresechen - the ancient capital of the streets (Uglichs, Budzhaks) on the Dniester (modern village of Peresechina in Moldova). The city was taken and destroyed by the Kyiv governor Sveneld in 939-940. Then, after the expulsion of the Uglich and Tivertsi people, the Pechenegs who converted to Christianity were invited here.
Perea is the Greek name for a part of Palestine, east of Irdan.
Pereyaslavl the Great (Preslava, Markianopol, Megalopolis) is an ancient Slavic city, located in the Balkan Mountains near Shumla.
Pereyaslavl small - (Preslav) an ancient Slavic city, the former capital (893-971) of the First Bulgarian and Western. Bulgarian Kingdom; for some time it was owned by the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav. Ruins near the modern city of Preslav.
Pereyaslavl Russky (Pereslav) is an ancient Russian city, known since 906; capital of the Pereyaslav Principality in the 11th-13th centuries; modern city of Pereyaslavl-Khmelnitsky.
Pereyaslavl Ryazan is an ancient Russian city, founded in 1095 by Prince. Yaroslav Svyatoslavich. From the middle of the 13th century. - the capital of the Ryazan principality; in 1778 it was renamed Ryazan.
Pereyaslavl - until the 15th century. Pereslavl, then - Pereyaslavl-Zalessky; in 1175-1302 - the center of the appanage Pereyaslav principality of the great Vladimir-Suzdal principality; from the 14th century as part of the Moscow Principality.
Perm - (ancient Biarmia), the ancient Russian name of the historical region from Ural mountains up to rr. Pechora, Kama and Volga; inhabited by the Komi (Kama) people. This territory was annexed to the Moscow State in 1478. Perm the Great is the territory of modern times. Komi-Permyak region; Perm Malaya (Old, Vychegda) - ter. modern rep. Komi.
Persida - (Pars, Parsia, Barsia) - a historical region on the territory of modern Iran; modern - Farce.
Persia is a state in Asia (modern name Iran).
Perusia (Perusia) is an ancient Etruscan city on the territory of modern Italy (now Perugia is the former city of the Rugs; in Russia it sounds like Perugia).
Petra is an ancient city in Jordan.
Petra Arabia is the territory adjacent to the city of Petra.
Pitiunt is an ancient city; modern Pitsunda in Abkhazia.
Pleskov is the old name of the city of Pskov.
Pleskov (Pliskov) is the ancient name of the Bulgarian capital from 640 - Pliski.
Polabian Rus' is a state that existed on the territory of modern Germany and western Poland until the end of the 11th century.
Polotsk - (Polota) is the oldest Russian city on the Polota River, known from chronicles since 864 (currently in the Vitebsk region of White Rus').
Pomerania is the modern name of the historical Slavic region of Pomerania on the Baltic Sea coast with the center of Szczecin.
Pomerania is a historical region on the northern Baltic coast of Poland. Consists of two parts: Western and Eastern (Gdańsk). The western part, captured by the Mediterranean Germans, became a duchy and became part of the German Confederation in 1170.
Northern Pomorie received its historical name in the 15th-17th centuries. (White Sea coast from the city of Kem to the city of Onega - Pomeranian coast) or a wider area from Obonezhye to the North. The Urals, including Korelia, Dvina, Vazhskaya, Sysolskaya, Vyatka, Perm lands, Posukhonye, ​​Belozersky and Pechersky territories (Pomeranian cities). Until the 12th century - possession of the Novgorod Republic; by the beginning of the 16th century. - in the Moscow state.
The Kingdom of Pontus is a state on the southeastern shore (Ponte) of the Black Sea. Existed from 301 to 64. BC.
Pont Euxine - ancient Greek name south coast The Black Sea in Asia Minor, on the territory of which the Pontic Kingdom was created in 301 BC.
The Ponto-Aral Sea is a hypothetical water basin that in the past united the Black, Caspian and Aral seas.
Portugal is an ancient historical region (Coastal Gaul).
Portusallia is the old name of Portugal.
Beautiful Port is the former Slavic name of the Chersonesos port on the western coast of Crimea, on the site of the modern city of Chernomorsk (under the Turks, Ak-Mosque).
Pressburg is the German name for Bratislava (Pizon, Pizon).
Prilivets is the former name of the city of Prillwitz in Germany.
Propontis is the ancient Greek name for the Sea of ​​Marmara (lying between the Pontic shores - Pontus Euxine and Helios Pontus).
Ra is the ancient name of the river, which over time began to be called Great Road(Bol Ga), and then turned into Volga.
Ravenna (Plain) - Gallic city in Northern Italy in a low, swampy plain. From the 5th century it was the residence of Western Roman emperors, then Ostrogothic kings.
Ragusa is the former name of present-day Dubrovnik on the Adriatic Sea.
Ragi is the capital of Great Media, south of the Caspian Sea.
Razgrad is an ancient and modern city in Bulgaria; formerly the Roman city of Abritus.
Hrazdan is the modern name of the river in Armenia; the former - Zanga.
Raipur is a city in India, in the north of the Deccan Plateau.
Rakobor - (Rakovor) the former name of the Russian city from the 13th century. (modern Rakvere in Estonia, until 1917 - Wesenberg).
Ras (Rasa) is an ancient city in Serbia on the banks of the Raska (Raska) river, a tributary of the Ibra. Stefan Nemanja was baptized here in 1143.
Ratibor is the former Slavic name of the city of Ratzenburg.
Revel is the former name of the capital of the state of Rävala in northern Estonia. In the 13th century it was captured by the Danish crusaders.
Riphean Mountains - presumably the Urals.
Rod as - (Rod Asov) the old name of the island of Rhodes; in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Asia Minor.
Roden is an ancient Russian city of blacksmiths, located at the confluence of the river. Ros in Dnepr-Slavutich.
Rhombites - Bolshoy and Maly - now the Beisug and Yeisk estuaries of the Azov Sea.
Rossiena was the official name from 1253 to 1917 of the modern Lithuanian city of Raseiniai.
Rossano is the main city of Calabria, in southern Italy.
Rostock is a former Slavic city in Germany.
Rothenburg is a city in the south of Germany, the former Slavic city of Red.
Rugodiv is an old Russian city captured by the Crusaders and renamed Narva.
Rusafa is the residence of the Baghdad caliphs.
Ruse is a city in Bulgaria, near which there are the remains of the city of Cherven with rock churches.
Rusne is a city in Lithuania on the river. Nemunas.
Ruspe is an ancient city founded by the Vandals (Goths) in northwest Africa.
Russik is a monastery founded by Russians on Mount Athos.
Roussillon - 1. Historical region in southern France. 2. Historical region in the Pyrenees.
Rävala is a historical region in the north of modern Estonia with the capital Revel.
Sals (Salsk) is a city in Roussillon.
Samaria - (Sebastia - after restoration by Herod) an ancient city in Palestine, which for many years was the capital of the pagan Jewish state. The modern name is Sebastia.
Samarra - the capital of the Caliphate after the capital was transferred from Baghdad in 836, is located 110 km from Baghdad up the Tigris.
Samkerts is the name of Taman during the Khazar Kaganate period.
Samothrace - on modern maps Samothrace, an island in the northern Aegean Sea in Greece.
Barn - ( royal palace), the capital of the Mongol khans on the banks of the Akhtuba River; founded by Batu in the 13th century.
Sardika - (Sredets, Sofia, Ulpia, Triaditsa) are the former names of the Bulgarian capital Sofia.
Sardinia - big Island Mediterranean Sea. The first cities were built here by the Phoenicians (presumably).
Sardis - (Sardim) - the ancient capital of Lydia under Croesus.
Sarkel - (Royal Shield) is the second name of the border city of the Don Rus, Belaya Vezha.
Sebastia (Sebastia) is the name of the restored capital of the pagan Jews of Samaria under Herod the Great. From here - Sevastipol (Sevastopol).
Sebastia in Armenia is a city built by settlers from Samaria-Sebastia, in which 40 Christians were executed in 320 AD.
Sevastopol is the modern name of the Turkish city of Akhtiar, renamed in honor of the Jewish city of Sebastia by “Greek” settlers.
Semigallia is a historical region between Poland and Courland, which was captured and converted to Christianity in 1218 by the Bearers of the Sword.
Semikarakory is a city in the Rostov region, ancient Karakorum (founded by Khan Karakorum in 808) in the European part of the Golden Horde.
New Serbia is a territory inhabited by Serbs along the river. Bugu, immigrants from Austria in 1749.
Cerdagne (Cerdan) is a historical region in the Eastern Pyrenees.
Sephoris - (Diokesarea, Kitron) - the main city of Galilee during the time of I. Christ.
Sekheriy - the Black Sea channel of the Kuban.
Silesia is a historical region in Europe, in the upper part of the Odra River basin (modern territory of Poland and the Czech Republic).
Silistria - (Dorostol, Derstre) ancient Bulgarian fortress on the Danube.
Singidon - (Upper Misia), the ancient name of the capital of Serbia, Belgrade.
Sindskaya harbor is one of the former names of Anapa.
Syracuse is an ancient city and capital founded in 734 BC. in Sicily.
Shechem (Sikem, Sikar, Flavia-Naples) - the former capital of the main mass of Jews that broke away from Judea before being transferred to Samaria; now - the city of Nabluz (Navluz).
Scythopolis (Bethsan) is an ancient city in Palestine.
Sklavnia is one of the Slavic states of the Baltic Sea coast of the 8th century. on the territory of modern Deutschland; neighboring - Wiltse.
Scrivia is a winding river in Italy.
Slavonia is a historical region in northern Yugoslavia, between the Sava and Drava rivers, part of ancient Pannonia.
Slavutich is the Slavic name of the Dnieper.
Smyrna - the ancient city of Lydia in Asia Minor; founded in the 2nd millennium BC
Sogdiana is a historical region of Asia in the northeast. from Persian Gulf, in the basin of the Zeravshan and Kashkadarya rivers, one of the most ancient centers of civilization. Main city from 329 BC - Marakanda (now Samarkand).
Thessaloniki - (Thessalonica), ancient city and capital of Thessaly; now - Thessaloniki.
Sparta is an ancient Greek state with a center of the same name in the south of the Peloponnese peninsula.
La Spezia is an ancient and modern city and port in Italy, famous for the herb (spices) trade.
Splet (Spalatro) - Ancient city of Dalmatia; modern - Split.
Sredets - (Sardica, Ulpia, Triaditsa) is the ancient Slavic name of the Bulgarian capital Sofia.
Srem - (Sirmium), a city in Pannonia on the Sava River, the capital of the Gepids; in the 3rd-5th centuries. - the capital of the Roman Caesar.
Stargrad is the former name of a Slavic city; now - Oldenburg in Germany.
Stargrad is the former name of the city of Altenburg (modern Stralsund).
Starodub is a city from the 11th century on the territory of the Bryansk region, on the Babinets River; the center of the appanage principality, sent a regiment to participate in the Battle of Grunwal.
Starodubye is a settlement founded in 1690 in the Chernigov region. fugitive Old Believers from Moscow fleeing executions.
Walls - port on the west bank ancient Crimea. The exact location has not been established.
The Stodar State is the name of the Lutich principality in the 8th century. in the "Great Chronicle".
Stradonitsa is an ancient Celtic settlement dating back to 1 thousand BC. near the village of the same name in the Czech Republic.
Strasbourg is a city in eastern France on the Ile River at its confluence with the Rhine (German name Strasbourg). The name comes from "guard" and "city" - a border town.
Stridon is an ancient city in Dalmatia at the confluence of three rivers.
Strymon is the Greek name for the Struma River, which flows mainly in Bulgaria and flows into the Aegean Sea.
Suva - (Owl, Soval Syria, Kelesyria), the area between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon.
Sugdey (Sugdeya, Surozh) - an ancient Slavic city in Crimea, the center of Surozh Rus'; modern Sudak.
Sudzhuk-Kale is the former name of Novorossiysk.
The Sea of ​​Surozh is the name of the Sea of ​​Azov from Surozh Rus and the city of Surozh (Sudak).
Taurus (Toros) - mountains in southern Turkey.
Tavrida - (Gotfia) Crimea.
Tavrika - in ancient times (9th century BC - 4th century AD) was called South part Crimea, inhabited by Tauris, Tauro-Scythians.
Tavria - name Crimean peninsula and the south of Ukraine (Northern T.) in the 19th - early. 20th centuries
Tauromen is an ancient city in Sicily.
Taman - Tmutorokan, Tamatarkha, Matarkha, Matrika, Matrakha, Maritandis, Tom, Tom Tarkhan, Samkerts, Sharukan. As the administrative territory of the entire peninsula: Belaya Kumania, Taman.
Tana is an ancient city on the left bank of the Don River near the city of Azov and the Don River itself.
Tanais is an ancient city (3rd century BC - 5th century AD) at the mouth of the river. Don and the river itself.
Tarquinii - an ancient Etruscan city famous for the royal family of the Taquinii (Tarkh Veneev); now Tarquinia in Italy.
Tarsus - (Afar), the main city in Cilicia.
Tver is a city in Russia; founded in 1209 by Slavs who came from southern Europe.
Ternov (Tarnov) - the ancient Bulgarian capital on the Yantra River; modern Veliko Tarnovo.
Tiberias is a historical province and ancient city southwest coast Lake Tiberias (Genisaret) in Palestine, the main city of the lower Galilee (Palestine Gaul); the population was called “Tivevertsy”, then “Nazarenes”; Jesus and all his apostles came from here.
Tiberiopolis is an ancient Slavic city in Western Macedonia (later names - Wieliczka, Strumnica); founded by refugees from Palestine.
Tire is a coastal city-state in Phenicia; founded in 4 thousand BC; modern Sur in Lebanon.
Tyre (Thira, Santorini) is a group of volcanic islands in the Aegean Sea with the port of Thira.
Tire (Tira, Tiras) is an ancient city (6th century BC - 3rd century AD) on the banks of the Dniester estuary, near the city of Belgorod-Dniester.
Tiryns is one of the oldest centers of Mycenaean culture in Argolid, in the Peloponnese. The first settlement dates back to the Neolithic period. Heyday - by the 14th-13th centuries. BC. During excavations, tablets with Linear writing were found.
Tyrol is a historical region in Europe, in the Alps.
The Tyrrhenian Sea is the part of the Mediterranean Sea between the Apennine Peninsula and the islands of Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. Named in time immemorial from the Tyrrhenian people (who came from Tire and founded all the cities with similar names).
Tirza (Tiverza, Ferza, Fersa) is the capital of the Kingdom of Israel to Samaria.
Tomi (Tom, Tomy, Ovidiopol) - a city at the mouth of the Danube, first a Dorian colony; later the episcopal city of Scythia Minor in the 2nd-5th centuries. AD; modern city of Constanta.
Tom is one of the former names of Taman.
Tor is the former name of the city of Slavyansk in Ukraine (renamed under Catherine 11) in honor of the 9th Slavic Regiment, which guarded A.V. Suvorov.
Torquay is the former name of the Russian city (modern since 1917 - Trakai).
Transylvania - (Semigradye) historical region in Romania; formerly part of Hungary.
Transoxiana - (the land beyond the Oxus - the early name of the Amu Darya), a historical region in Central Asia.
Troas is a historical region in Mysia, in Asia Minor.
Tours is a city in France, the main city of the historical region of Touraine.
Tura - 1. River in the West. Siberia; 2. Capital of Evenki Autonomous Okrug.
The Turanian Lowland is a plain in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
Turdetania is a historical region in the territory of modern Andalusia.
Touraine (Touraine) is a historical region in France in the Loire basin; includes dep. Indre and Loire.
Touraine is the former name of Turin (Italy).
Turinsk is a city in Sverdlovsk region(until 1600 - Epanchin).
Tysmenitsa is an ancient Russian city in Ukraine, not far from Ivano-Frankivsk; known from chronicles from 1143.
Ubii is the capital city of the German tribe of Ubii (from 50 BC - Agrippa's colony, then Colonia, the modern city of Cologne).
Ugarit - city-state 2 thousand BC. in the territory of Phenicia.
Ugric Rus' (Hungarian Rus') is a historical region that received its name even before the arrival of the Hungarians.
Ugrovesk is an ancient Slavic city at the confluence of the Uger and the Western Bug, one of the most ancient Russian cities.
Umbria is a historical region in Italy; its borders were in the north of the river. Rubicon, in the west - the river. Tiber, in the northeast - the coast of the Adriatic Sea, and in the south and east - the river. Nar. During the era of Etruscan colonization, many cities were built on the lands of Umbria.
Ungvar has been the name of the city of Uzhgorod since the 11th century. before 1918; known since the 8th century.
Ur, Ur of the Chaldeans, is an ancient city-state in Mesopotamia, in the territory of modern Iraq.
Wales (in the old days Veles), a peninsula in the west of Great Britain.
Fanagora is the former local name of the ancient city (between Taman and Sennaya), in which there was a lighthouse (lantern on the mountain) on the mountain.
Fars is a historical region in the south of Iran. Before the Arab conquest (7th century) called. Pars, Parsa, Parsia, Persida. In the Middle Ages - the core of the states of the Buyids, Mozafferids, Zends, etc.
Philippopolis is an ancient city in Thrace on the southeast bank of the Hebra; modern Plovdiv in Bulgaria.
Philippi is the ancient capital of Macedonia.
Hadzhibey - the name of Odessa under the Turks and Tatars.
Hayastan is the name of Armenia among the Armenians.
Hainash is the official name of the city of Ainaži in Latvia until 1917.
Halan (Khalne, Halonitis) is a historical region in Mesopotamia, near Ctesiphon.
Chaldea - (Babylonia, Shinar), a historical region in Mesopotamia since the arrival of the Chaldeans (626-538 BC).
Chalcedon is a city in Bithynia, at the entrance to the Thracian Bosphorus.
Charax - Roman fortress in the 1st century. BC. - sir. 3rd century AD at Cape Ai-Todor in Crimea.
Harappa is the ruins of one of the oldest centers of civilization in India and Pakistan. Known from 3-1 thousand BC.
Kharukhain-Belgas is a medieval city (10-13 centuries) on the territory of modern Mongolia, on the river. Haruh. Fortifications, suburban irrigated arable lands, residential areas, water supply.
Hattusas is an ancient city in Anatolia; in the 17th-13th centuries. BC. was the capital of the Het state.
Khvalynsk is a city in Saratov region, pier on the Volga; founded by immigrants from the Caspian Sea (Khvalyn Sea).
Khvalynskoe Sea - (Khvalisskoe Sea), the Old Slavic name of the Caspian (Hirkanian in Iranian) Sea.
Hedeby (Haithabu; Hedeby, Haithabu) - medieval center in Denmark (9th-mid-11th centuries), was destroyed as a result of an attack by Christians.
Kherson is the most important of the cities of the Greek colony of Chersonese Tauride; in the Middle Ages - Korsun; since 1778 - again Kherson.
Chersonesus (from Greek - peninsula, cape) Thracian - on the Sea of ​​​​Marmara; Chersonese Tauride in Crimea; Chersonese Cretan or Akritian.
Khlynov was the former name of the ancient city before it was renamed Vyatka (Vyatko or Vyachko, and in Christian terms, Prince Vyacheslav died.
Khorasan is a historical region in NE Iran; center of the Parthian kingdom in 250 BC. - 224 AD. In the 3rd-18th centuries. X. included C Iran, the Merv oasis in the south of modern. Turkmenistan, part of Herat and Balkh.
Khorezm is the former name of Khiva.
The Khorezm Sea is one of the names of the Aral Sea.
Horeb is the former name of the Sinai mountains.
Khorsabad is an ancient fortress founded by the Assyrian king Sargon (King Gon, King Gun) in 717 BC. near the city of Mosul.
Horutania is the Slavic name for Carinthia; from the ancient name of the Slovenes - Horutane.
Khotyn is an ancient Russian city on the Dniester, which was re-conquered from the Turks in 1769.
Hromkla (Rumkale, Romkla) is a medieval city near Tarsus in Cilicia.
Tsera - (tse Ra) the name of the ancient Etruscan city (modern Chetveteri).
Red Rus' is a historical region, part of Galicia, which had this name before baptism.
Chernigov is an ancient Russian city in Ukraine; known from chronicles from 907.
Montenegro is a former historical region, a state on the Balkan Peninsula.
The Black Mountains are volcanic mountains in Crimea (Karadag). These mountains and the neighboring Black Sea steppes gave the name to the local lands Black Rus'.
Black Earth is the former name in Rus' of Black or Volga Bulgaria.
Black Rus' - the name in the 13-14th centuries. NW Belarusian lands in bass. upper Neman since Gorodno, Novogorodok, Volkovysk, Slonim, Zditov, Lida, Nesvizh. From the 10th century - in Dr. Russian state; from 13 - in the Grand Duchy of Russian and Litvinsky.
The Black Sea is the modern name of the sea, which ancient and later authors called: the Russian Sea, the Rumian Sea, the Pontus Euxine, Pontos, Bontus, the Nitas Sea, the An-Nitasi Sea (among Idrisi in the 12th century).
Shavly is the former Slavic name of Shauliai.
Sharukan is the name of Taman during the reign of the Muslim Sharukanids.
Shash is the name of Tashkent before the Arab conquest in 712.
Swabia is a historical region in Western Europe, now in the southeast of Germany.
Shetland Islands - a group of islands in the northwestern part Atlantic Ocean, part of Great Britain.
Egippius - (Egypt, Egypt) one of the ancient names of Kuban.
Epirus is a historical region, present-day Albania and Montenegro.
Yuryev is the former name of the Russian city; after the capture by the Germans - Dorpat; modern - Tallinn.
Jutland is a peninsula in Europe, between North and Baltic seas, part of Denmark and Germany.
Jutta (from Heb. Mountain country) - a city near Hebron in Palestine.
Yaik is the former name of the Ural River.
Yaksart - (Axart) the ancient name of the Syr Darya branch before the Arab conquest at the beginning of the 8th century.
Janovo was the official name of the city of Jonava until 1917.
Yarov - the name of a fortified city in the north-east of England-England in the 8th century; modern - Jarrow.
Yaroslavl is an ancient Russian city in Galicia. Yaroslavl is the regional center of Russia; founded in 1010.
Yathrib (Yatreb) is the former name of the city of Medina.

Ancient Hellas... No country in the world, either before or after it, had such a huge impact on the entire world civilization and on the formation and development of Western culture. It is to the ancient Hellenes that we owe, in a certain sense, the unified origin of our ideas about politics and science, philosophy and literature, architecture and art. And even more so, it seems surprising that the combined population of all ancient Greek cities was just over a million people.


The city of Argos is one of the most ancient cities in the world. The age of this city is no less than seven thousand years! Argos, thanks to its extremely profitable geographical location, was always a very strategically important settlement throughout the Mycenaean period. During the classical period, the city of Argos opposed Sparta and fought for political influence in the Peloponnese. During the famous Greco-Persian Wars, the city maintained neutrality, not supporting any of the parties to this conflict, and therefore remained isolated for some time.

The greatest flowering of Argos occurred in the seventh century BC during the reign of the famous king Phidon, who managed to conquer all the cities of Argolid, after which he again entered into confrontation with Sparta for the Peloponnese peninsula, and almost for the first time in history, Argos could confront on equal terms “ city ​​of warriors." Before the Roman conquest, Argos was a member of the Achaean League and maintained friendly relations with Athens.


Athens, a city that received its name from the goddess of wisdom and knowledge, is one of the oldest cities in the world, and is now the capital of modern Greece. This city can rightfully be considered the cradle of democracy, freedom and art. This city was supposedly founded by the Pelasgians - an ancient, pre-Indo-European people who inhabited Balkan Peninsula. There is an opinion that in the Pelasgian language “Athena” meant “hill” or “hill,” but with the arrival of the Hellenes, they began to associate the name with Athena.

In 1600-1200 BC, during the Mycenaean era, Athens was already quite famous city, but the city reached the full flowering of its shining glory during the period that historians call the “golden age” of ancient Greek culture - in the 6-5 centuries. BC. It was during this period that Athens became one of the most important cultural and political centers.

Athens was famous throughout the world, first of all, for its philosophical schools. It is to Athens that the whole world owes the brilliant thought of Aristotle and. Even after the conquest by the Romans in 146 BC, the city did not lose its power and colossal significance. Athens became a province only in the sixth century AD, during the reign of the Byzantine Empire, under Emperor Justinian the First.


In the first half of the 2nd millennium BC, Delphi already had cult significance for Ancient Hellas. Unfortunately, scientists have been unable to answer exactly when exactly this city was founded. But it is known that even in ancient times it was in Delphi that the cult of veneration of the deity of the Mother Earth developed. In the second half of the second millennium BC, the city was in decline, however, already in the middle of the first millennium BC. became significant again.

The rise of this city is directly related to the First Holy War of Delphi against the city of Chris, which ended in its destruction. Already in the seventh-sixth centuries BC, Delphi became something of a common sanctuary for all Hellenes. The oracle, that is, the local, Delphic oracle, exercised enormous influence throughout ancient Greece in religious and political affairs. Well, and, of course, we should not forget about the famous Pythian Games, which began to be held in Delphi from the beginning of the sixth century.

After Olympic Games this event was perhaps the second most important religious, sporting and cultural event throughout Ancient Greece. Also, last but not least, the authority of Delphi was also connected with the fact that it was there that the omphalos, the sacred stone, was kept. In the first century BC, the Thracians literally devastated Delphi. Emperor Theodosius the First in 394 AD, along with the ban on the Olympic Games, also vetoed appeals to the Oracle.


The city of Patras was founded in the sixth century BC by the Achaeans of Laconia, who were pressed by the Darians on the Peloponnese peninsula. Prevgenis, the leader of the Achaeans, united three settlements: Mesati, Aroi and Anthia, thereby founding Patras. Prevgenis named the city after his son Patreos. In the 14th century BC, this city became almost the largest economic and political center in all of Attica. In the 10th century BC. there was a change in the political system. Instead of the already traditional tsarist rule, power passed to the civilian majority.

During the Persian invasion in 480, Patras was burned to the ground, but the surviving inhabitants of the city, united with other Hellenes, defeated the Persians and literally rebuilt their city from ruins and ashes. The Romans also appreciated the advantageous location of the city and, already during their reign, built a huge port in Patras. The Romans also granted Patras the privilege of minting their own coins. At the same time, a water supply system, an amphitheater and an Odeon were built in Patras.


The ancient Greek city of Thessaloniki was founded back in 315 by the Macedonian king Cassander, uniting twenty-six settlements. The city was created according to all Greek traditions, which were able to survive in it until the fifteenth century. When Thessaloniki was captured by the Romans in 146 BC, the city did not yet represent any strategically important center. But already during the Byzantine Empire its importance increased significantly. Thessaloniki found itself at the intersection of two important routes simultaneously: from Athens to the Black Sea region and from Constantinople to Rome. Thessaloniki became the second largest and most important city in the entire Byzantine Empire after the Arabs captured Antioch and Alexandria.

The system of statehood in Ancient Greece was unique and uncharacteristic for the ancient world. Let's look at why the Greeks are the inventors of democracy.

Polis system of Ancient Greece

Despite the fact that the entire territory of Ancient Greece was united by a common language, cultural values, religion, traditions, art, being and much more, which includes the social, cultural and spiritual spheres of society, politically Ancient Greece was a fragmented state. Every Big City, called a polis, had a territory under its control, laws in force on it, and its own management system. It is in the Greek city policies that democracy practically reached its ideals, when the people determined the power and political course for the coming time, is reflected.

Rice. 1. Map of Greek poleis.

Not all cities in Greece had elected authorities. For example, in Sparta, power belonged to two kings at once, who governed the city.

The classical city-state in Ancient Greece included not only locality, but also surrounding arable lands, pastures, as well as smaller settlements. In each city-state there lived citizens of the polis who had the right to vote, free foreigners and slaves. The polis in Ancient Greece was a center of crafts and trade, a center for the concentration of resources and the formation of political and social institutions.

In some policies, the number of free citizens was fewer than foreigners or slaves.

The sizes of the policies varied. The largest area was occupied by Sparta (8400 sq. km), which had Laconia historical region, and later Messinia was annexed. Attica, with its capital in Athens, owning the islands of Salamis and Oropus, had 2650 square meters. km. The size of other areas usually did not exceed 1000 square meters. km.

Rice. 2. Spartan warrior.

In the policy system, some rudiments of district specialization are noticeable. Some policies lacked livestock, others lacked wheat. The largest grain harvest was collected on the Athenian, Eleusinian and Marathon plains. In Boeotia, cattle breeding and fishing were successful.

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In total, in Ancient Greece there were several large city-states that played a significant role in the political games of the Greek archon-rulers. These are, first of all, Athens and Sparta. But Thebes and Mycenae, Corinth and Delphi played a significant role in the life of the Greeks.

Colonization activities of policies

The colonizing activities of the Greeks in ancient times are known. Having fast and strong ships, they sailed the expanses of the Mediterranean Sea. Greek colonies were founded in the Crimea and the Caucasus, on the coast of Cyrenaica and Southern Italy, in Spain and Asia Minor. On the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, the colony-city of Byzantium was founded, on the site of which, thousands of years later, Constantinople (Istanbul) will still stand.

The first wave of colonization was caused by rising birth rates. The Greeks in Greece simply did not have enough space on the peninsula. People were looking for better life in other, undeveloped lands.

Rice. 3. Map of Greek colonies.

The second wave occurred due to the invasion of Greece by the Dorian tribes, who displaced part of the indigenous population.

What have we learned?

In ancient times, Greek city-states turned out to be an island of democracy in the monarchical states surrounding the Balkans. The first experience of people's power, which has gained wide popularity today, took place in the city policies thousands of years ago.

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- (Δωρις) 1) small (about 200 km) mountainous region in the center central Greece, between Eta and Parnassus, bordering Aetolia, Phocis and both Locrids and watered by the upper course of Cephisus (now Mavroneri) and its tributary Pindus. Initially... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


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Ancient Greece is the mother of modern European culture. In this top, author Alexandra Mikhailidi has collected her most important children - cities that were first among equals

Miletus is the richest ancient Greek city. It was located in Cariya on west coast Asia Minor. Herodotus especially singled out Miletus, calling it “the pearl of Ionia (region of Asia Minor).”

The first settlements on the territory appeared in the second half of the 4th millennium BC. e. The city received its name in honor of the hero Miletus, who, according to legend, founded it after moving from Crete.

Miletus earned his wealth thanks to the tyrant rulers Thrasybulus, Thoas and Damasenor. The city had 80-90 colonies along the banks of the Pontus, among which were Cyzicus, Sinop, A bidos, Tomi and Olivia. Even in Ancient Egypt There was a Milesian colony - Navkartis. Miletus defended its independence more than once, fighting the Lydian kings and Persian rulers.

Now the ruins of Miletus are located on the territory of modern Turkey. Archaeologists found fragments of Minoan-style frescoes and Linear writing texts in it.

Herodotus called Miletus "the pearl of Ionia"

During the classical period, Corinth rivaled Athens and Thebes in trade and control of transport across the isthmus. Also until the middle of the 6th century BC. e. he was the largest supplier of black-figure ceramics to other cities in the whole Greek world. However, leadership later passed to Athens.

On the city's acropolis was main temple, which is dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite. From the memories of eyewitnesses, the temple was the center of priestesses (putanas), of whom more than a thousand accumulated there. They always wore long hair and the longer the hair, the higher the demand for it. Local men believed that the hair of the priestesses of the temple of Aphrodite had magical properties: it helped its owners not to get tired and restore internal balance.

By the way, ordinary women wore long dresses that covered them from head to toe. Priestesses never wore scarves, veils or anything else that would cover their hair.

In addition, the Isthmian Games, ancient Greek games in honor of the god Poseidon, were held in Corinth: there were gymnastic, equestrian, poetic and musical competitions.

Corinth was the largest supplier of black-figure ceramics

Athens, a city named after the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, is considered to be the cradle of European civilization. Athens is the birthplace of theater, philosophy and democracy.

In general, the tradition of theater in Athens was different from modern ones. Firstly, only men could become actors who did not use facial expressions during the performance, but conveyed emotions only with the help of masks and plasticity. Also, tragedies were valued more than comedies, which were generally considered entertainment for the plebeians.

In ancient Greece, Athens had the status of a city-state; it was governed by a popular assembly, which included citizens of the polis. Executive power was vested in the Council of Five Hundred, which included representatives of the phyla (socio-professional groups) - they were selected by lot. Judicial and supervisory power was in the hands of the grand jury, also elected by lot. Thus, any citizen could become the ruler of Athens or the chief judge.

Now Athens is the economic, cultural and administrative center of Greece. In the 30s of the 20th century, the study of Athens by archaeologists began, but the systematic nature of excavations was acquired only thanks to the formation of English, French and German archaeological schools in Athens in the 70s and 80s.

In ancient Greece, Athens had the status of a city-state

Thebes is the city of seven gates. It was surrounded by a wall on all sides, and a stream flowed near the city, which may have been used instead of a moat. This stream, by the way, was sung by Virgil in his works.

Many ancient Greek myths are associated with Thebes, since the history of Thebes dates back to the heroic periods. Mention of the city can be found in the tales of Cadmus (the founder of Cadmeia), Zeta and Amphion, who are the founders of Thebes, Dionysus, the Labdacids and, of course, Hercules.

There are also known myths about Oedipus, about the origin of the seven kings against Thebes, about the campaign of the epigones. Many philologists and historians find real historical memories in the texts of ancient legends, although, of course, much of them is fiction. However, in the myths there are memories of the struggle of Sikyon and Argos with Thebes, in the legends of Hercules there are memories of the prehistoric struggle of the two rival cities of Boeotia, Thebes and Orchomenus of Minius

In addition, it was Thebes that gave the world two widespread complexes - Oedipus and Electra.


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